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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28559769 No.28559769 [Reply] [Original]

Newfag here, who is she and why do people hate her?

>> No.28559875

>why do people hate her?
Omega has not improved and was never productive.

>> No.28559924

everyone hates omega because hes too cute and his bussy is too poundable

>> No.28559998

Sana Tsukumo alt account

>> No.28560093

Stop assuming their gender, bigot

>> No.28560130

It's xe/xir, chud

>> No.28560150

dude who forced chuuni lore on council and fucked over myth by doing literally nothing. The long and short of it is
>Do nothing, try and take credit for employees work, self insert as a vtweeter
If you find the rrat that he was ina's old mod true, then it gets worse since he was an absolutely dick to chat.

>> No.28560156

I can’t even find clips or anything like that. Does she even stream?

>> No.28560163


>> No.28560230

no, but he sure wanted to be seen as EN's A-Chan without doing jack shit.

>> No.28560585

So if he doesn’t do jack shit, what is he supposed to be doing? What is his job? He seems important so I just assumed he was a streamer like the rest of the holos.

>> No.28560783

she has a channel but no stream as of now

>> No.28560824

he's allegedly their producer. His job is to get them resources for streams, organize collabs, coordinate concerts, and manage permissions. Based on what EN has said about their management and omega in general (they've mentioned him), he doesn't do those things. That's why Ame handles pretty much everything for EN. There is also some lingering resentment because he "debuted" by having council announce his existence during their first collab. He then just sort of managed a twitter.

>> No.28560857

He is my onahole

>> No.28560880

back to your shithole, phoneposting newfag

>> No.28560947

>What is his job?
Attention whoring.

>> No.28562073

Basically, after Omega responded to a tweet saying their pronouns do not matter, western retards put them on a platform as the first non-binary holomem, and it rightly pissed a bunch of people off, which hurt Omega's image.
Omega is actually genderless being, but western people can't just leave it at that for whatever reason.

>> No.28562177

See >>28359489

>> No.28562307

We, yes >we, like them now. StarsEN is based.

>> No.28562639
File: 787 KB, 2499x1988, 1633817323490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're pinning Omega's petite form to the floor
>their mortal body is too overworked and undernourished to fight you off, despite their divinity
>"M-mortal, off of me this instant!"
>pressing your chest against theirs as your hands roam their body
>they're blushing now
>"I-I'll destroy you! Smite you!"
>pay them no mind, kissing their neck as you rip off their suit's top
>tiny tits on their chest, it's almost pecs basically
>they scream in fear and surprise at the sudden exposure
>suddenly, with your thigh against their groin, you feel something harden
>they look at you with an ashamed, hateful stare
>curious, one of your hands reaches down
>"Are you satisfied now...?"
>you smile


>"Ah~! Ahn~!"
>they're moaning like a slut underneath you as you pound into their (literally) divine ass
>each time you bottom out, your cockhead smashes against their prostate
>they've stained their own abdomen and chest with their repeated orgasms
>their dick won't stop leaking more and more cum unto themself with your every thrust
>you tell them that whatever they are, you think they look cute like this
>"You're! Horrible! Shut! Up~!"
>hold their hands above their head and kiss them roughly as you force them to climax with their ass once again
>tell they they cum like a girl
>they can't even register your words as all their senses are wracked with forbidden pleasure
>unload your own thick seed into that godly hole
>pull out, your cum leaking out of their butt
>suit is ruined
>they're laying, gasping for air
>bring your cock to their mouth
>tell them to clean it like a good girl
>they pause, looking at you defiantly, before obliging
>over time, you'll make a proper lady out of this god

>> No.28567824

>Omega interrupted the Council girls' debut with an overly chuuni lore video and backstory.
>This took away attention from the girls and got everyone waiting for him to debut like some kind of EN-A chan. But the debut never came.
>He tried to pass himself off as being there from the very start, which didn't sit well, because we followed HoloEN for one year already and it came across as him taking credit for Ame and the girls' hard work.
>A lot of the Council lore was ridiculous. All those countdowns to cube lore videos that didn't go anywhere. Giving Mumei the role of civilization, but she can't stream anything relating to it because controversy. Bae, one of the quietest, chillest streamers, was give the role of Chaos? Seriously?
>Omega also produced Irys' albums and is presumably the reason why she's often overlooked and why her MVs never come out on time. Also probably the reason she still has no new outfit.

>> No.28568210

this nigga is either Irys or Sana

>> No.28568689

dont forget that kiara and gura have both heavily implied that permission problems stem from him.

>> No.28569669


>> No.28569878

Those are her actual pronouns don't pile on the poor OP

>> No.28570449

seems a bit schizo for every single thing to go wrong in EN to be his fault


>> No.28570500

She's based

>> No.28570592

she just cum and go

>> No.28570593

But it's a male staff member.

>> No.28571066

incompetent and lazy employee with superiority complex, cover should fire her.

>> No.28571424
File: 338 KB, 1199x848, UrotaRe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28571942

And? It's a cartoon you freak.

>> No.28572079


>> No.28572443

In charge of the godawful designs that came after Myth and climaxed with the recent homos. Really, really shitty ass chuuni lore that none of the members can play off of. One of the dudes is already cracking out deez nuts jokes and just acts nothing like his lore from what little we've seen. If they just gave them something simple like what Myth or the Jps have, they'd be able to bounce off of it a lot more smoothly. An all-around obnoxious, narcissistic faggot that is making the worst possible decisions for the branch at every turn.

>> No.28573422

None of the girls had something positive to say about him, and that's all I need to know how much of a shithead this egomaniac actaully is.

>> No.28573769

No one gives a shit about "prefered pronouns" here, faggot. You're the freak, you tranny shit.

>> No.28573841

Cope. It's a cartoon.

>> No.28573928

This is hot

>> No.28573999

It's an avatar for the streamer/person behind it. He's not a babiniku or a reverse babiniku. He's literally trying to convince others that he's a female. Fuck that shit and fuck you.

>> No.28574153

Proof next thread?

>> No.28574291

Everyone knows it's AO.
I bet you didn't know that he used to produce interracial cuck porn.

>> No.28574835

I honestly don't think that he's the main responsible of all the things that went wrong, that would be ridiculous. But still, having a middle manager portray himself as a superhuman entity and stealing the spotlight from the actual talent is so hilariously narcissistic that the constant mockery that he gets was the only natural outcome, you'd have to be completely deulded to expect any different outcome. A-chan, Shinove or even Yagoo have a down-to-earth, generally likeable vibe, they're not chuuni cringelords who try way too hard to seem cool.

>> No.28575875

Omega tweeted that any pronouns are fine, so I don't see how he's trying to convince people that she's female. They are trying to avoid coming out as a male directly.

>> No.28575880

how long until they put jenma in charge?

>> No.28579825


>> No.28579936

Sorry Anon, Jenma is too busy with her spousal responsibilities to me as it is.

>> No.28580033

S/he tried to smuggle pronoun madness into an environment that was refreshingly free of that sort of thing.

>> No.28581298
File: 182 KB, 1901x475, Reasons to hate Omegatranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28583683


>> No.28583875


>> No.28584083


>> No.28584264

management for hololive has seemed to have been aight
>2 & 10
cover thinks he needs to be part of the lore as they are attempting to improve upon a-chan but they really cant
>3 & 4
they understand that this is quite popular in the western world oddly more so than in japan
management, not a real streamer
>6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14 & 15
cover is responsible for these more so than anyone else, even if you want cover to be blameless
we rarely fucking hear from them
hologirls dont talk about him at all
>15 addendum
SE and FFXIV have been trying to force there way into the vtuber scene with very little success including paying for multiple EN vtubers (i.e. vshoujo and numerous indies) to play/promote their game


Its not that complicated and its not some conspiracy, whenever you faggots mention them I'm like "literally fucking WHO?" then I remember they exist

>> No.28584766
File: 88 KB, 529x733, 1657164109992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a strong economy, everyone is a genius. In a weak economy, those kinds of people go broke.

Omega got lucky to get hired as a manager because he has a university degree from burgerland and spoke fluent Japanese at a time when Hololive was desperate for a kaigai nikki to help manage their upcoming english branch. Omega got lucky because Coco paved the way by being retarded and appealing to redditors and 4channers to make EN vtubing popular outside the little /jp/ thread. Omega got lucky with covid, got lucky with the government cheese handed out to neets and zoomers, got lucky with essentially no competition for the english market from the West itself and got lucky getting first pick of big western streamers/vtubers that already existed on a smaller scale and most likely got lucky enough to hire friends (possibly ina) into hololive as well. All of this luck made this fucking idiot think he was a genius, that everything he touches turns to gold. It turns out now that EN has competition that poor scouting choices for EN2 lead to a weak generation, having IRyS debut a month before instead of 3 months before hurt her own growth and ability to stand out as a vsinger (Council.... AND IRyS!), poor management of said talents (Kronii and Mumei being confused for several months after debut and not streaming for long periods, people who did stream like Sana suddenly being allowed to go total radio silence for a month while using her other account freely, Bae being retarded) and the stupid fucking lore he apparently had a direct hand in writing did not thematically mesh with the 'myth' of the first generation and put the talents into a weird place where they were expected to play to their lore but also banned from doing it. Like how Mumei was le heckin civilization but couldn't play any games with real world civilizations and couldn't talk about about even mundane topics like "how irish people are retarded and can't into potato" because otherwise some people would be upset (irish aren't people). And of course inserting himself as a god and wasting company resources on paying for concept art for a model that will never exist when he doesn't really do anything to warrant it (ID and JP branch managers didn't need it, A-chan is special like the Ritsuko character from classic IM@S). And now that there is massive competition he wants to pivot away from what set holoen apart to chase chinese fujo bucks with homoen which appears to be a clone of Luxiem, but Luxiem worked because of first mover advantage- if Cover was going to do stuff with the Stars they should have done it in 2020. They are late to the game. They can't even figure out if they want to make HoloKR or launch an EN3. There's no direction here and it shows. Just thinking "stuff worked out before, so it must work out again!" with no thought or plan.

>> No.28584830

The fact Amelia literally had to build her own studio is just damning for his dumb ass. Can't do a single thing. But Amelia is also retarded kek clearly she's never worked a corporate job before. Never spend your own money on stuff to 'help the company'. Fuck em if they want the job done they can pony the cash up instead of making the employee do it for them. They're good for it and they know it.

>> No.28584891

I didn't but now I do.
