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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28514526 No.28514526 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>28406557

Our Queen edition

Today's streams

Misora drawing Emikukis:

Himea free chat:

Upcoming streams

Palcha next streams:
Reading horror stories: https://youtu.be/sxo4nfDECLA
20k subs celebration: https://youtu.be/XljCLM0k_as

Ito next streams:
Ito-ojou birthday: https://youtu.be/tB36mn6TKqI

Himea next streams:
Playing "Deep Inside": https://youtu.be/UmxA6t12JA8
Discord memes: https://youtu.be/t35qWVufpLQ
Playing Fran Bow: https://youtu.be/8uy4LIyEDE4
Playing Muse Dash: https://youtu.be/ZmRN65o-6ew
More memes: https://youtu.be/koq6SOjgFwg
Fran Bow part 2: https://youtu.be/swpEYiGQk_g
Deep Inside part 2: https://youtu.be/mzqBdVC0kIU
Playing GTA:SA part 5: https://youtu.be/0pJITQR1kV8
Himea will read 3 horror stories: https://youtu.be/Uz6qaOVy5eg
Memes again: https://youtu.be/bLVgLMo_rgc

Pixel grids

More info about Wactor:

>> No.28514593

>>WE ARE 14%

>> No.28514643

What happened, was the retard who wanted to shit other places the one who made the preivous thread? Would be funny if he got banned and took the thread with him

>> No.28514647

Oh finally, the official /WACTOR/ thread, a lot of bootleg threads lately

>> No.28514716

It was a tourist from the subhuman place.

>> No.28514779

No, I'm still /here/, I still want to shit the other places

>> No.28514815


Do your fucking job well

>> No.28515245

Charo is already active on twittah, she might be the OG fantasmita after all, we will know for sure when she starts interacting with the girls.

>> No.28515772


>> No.28515804


>> No.28515848

For a minute i though we were free, anyway Wactor boys when?

>> No.28515904

When they debut you will finally be free, don't worry

>> No.28515988

Well the bilibili auditions were announced already so, soon

>> No.28516321

for the record
bootleg thread

>> No.28516341

The New girl is lunita 2.0 but with korean ?

>> No.28516553

What are your expectations on Charo anons?, Apex every single day?

>> No.28516565

it was the op text, noticed by jannies
there are new jannies btw, reports work better for now...

>> No.28516676

Charo is the lovechild from Mimi and fantasmita anon...

>> No.28516757

I'm still here, and always will be, so I'll remind you that falsely reporting a thread is a bannable offense.

>> No.28516831

Akira is hoping the girls will win some major tournament to attract attention and as a form of publicity, but he's such an idiot that he'll surely make them stream in latam time.

>> No.28516872 [DELETED] 

dont act so uppity nigger, calling for a raid is also a bannable offense you stupid retard

>> No.28516892

slowly but surely as I realize the girls only see you as a wallet, and favor those who superchat them the most. I always knew deep down, but at some point you know know.

>> No.28516949

Reminder to join the matrix at #wactor:matrix.org

>> No.28516972

what in god's fuck are you talking about anon
did someone drop you as a baby?

>> No.28517036

What is this?

>> No.28517128

When hina saw you guys shitposted with akira's audios, her face probably turned red red. I can imagine her looking so cute.

>> No.28517142

Bootleg discord that doesn't need cell phone number. Iceberg anon, taka thread op, stinky and supposedly proud anon and miutomo op are in there.

>> No.28517351

I have this exact same problem, although I see it as paying for a service, it's still annoying when some get special treatment beyond a "thanks for your supa". I guess my way of dealing with it is to stay close to the smaller panderers.

>> No.28517374

Who cares, I love my anonymity if they want to attach themselves to a namefag is because they need friends so they aren’t different from discord, facebook. /wactor/ isn’t going to die.

>> No.28517572

Just go watch Natamo. You will get addressed even if you are not a paypig.

>> No.28517646

Because nobody watches them kek

>> No.28517651

I know but it's also nice to have a comfy place to discuss the girls when the thread gets too shitty. The matrix will become a bunker when wboys debut.

>> No.28517682

Yeah because there are 4 more viewers.

>> No.28517755

A bunker filled with faggots

>> No.28517916

Kek, this.

>> No.28518062


Agree, those faggots are just snowflakes

>> No.28518686

There are only like 9 fags in that place, is it really an active place and worth joining?, I remember when someone from /here/ tried to do a Telegram group and failed miserably, only like 8 fags joined on nobody talked

>> No.28519474

It's pretty much the same. Come on the telegram was alright.

>> No.28519978


>> No.28520135

>You'll never make me love you, you impostor.

>> No.28520233

fuck off, she's a victim

>> No.28520275

fuck off autist

>> No.28520277

Remember, Lea is just a victim of Akira retardness

>> No.28520292

>Our Queen edition
Fuck you Akira

>> No.28520427

You're wrong cause I'm el hermano and we are playing "tickle fight" right now.

>> No.28520843

hot, me la prestas?

>> No.28521158

Sure bro, just cause you are a man of fine tastes who likes sexy flacas, have you ever heard of Himea?

>> No.28522179

Prostitute edition

>> No.28522382


>> No.28522510

Cry more

>> No.28522732

random anon passing by to say, if this is how your oshi looks like, she looks great.
im going back to shitpost on startsEN, have fun with whatever this thread is for.

>> No.28522814

fuck off tourist

>> No.28523135

Need Paru wife

>> No.28523139

Graduation when?

>> No.28523172 [DELETED] 
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>*smacks lips profusely*
>*sucks on Akira's microcock like a pacifier*
>*seethes at idolshit and her past as a Vsinger*
>*shits on Miu by proxy, knowing she won't retaliate like the professional she is*
>*jokes about Hana sleeping her way up, knowing her past with that groomer*
>*bullies and insults Rose on stream """as a joke"""*
>*mutes and deletes Rose fans on chat and stalks them on Twitter*
>*shits on GFE and her gachis while doing it herself*
>*asks Akira to buy her shit with her co-workers' salaries*
>*then baits pity from her cuck fans*
>*pretends that Akira didn't actually propose to her and it's just a schizo rrat*
>*helps Akira take adventage of Misora to get her sign her contract again*
>*goes menhera on her alt everytime Merun achieves anything*
>*contacts fans on Discord and DM to get them on her side by saying she dindu nuffin*
>*posts her real body to bait fans and get an ego boost*
>*after being told not to, doxxes herself intentionally just to shit on everybody once again*
>*constantly tries to excuse all this behavior*

>> No.28523186

Shut up Ofeb, you fucking mald

>> No.28523318

>random anon passing by to say
fuck off liatard

>> No.28523319

I'm the one who take that picture btw (not larping)

>> No.28523494

im just a dude passing by, no wonder i don't know wtf this thread is about, if you guys are this toxic with a random dude throwing a complement then i don't want to see how you guys are in general.

>> No.28523762

Well, you are not wrong about the toxicity of this thread kek.

Welcome to wactor, the japanese black company who panders to spic market and It's famous for doxxing one of its girls kek

>> No.28523770

Fuck off liatard you have never been out of /here/

>> No.28523975

Free neko queen, I KNEEL

>> No.28524147

What do you believe about exposing the truth?

>> No.28524206

The truth about what?

>> No.28525083

That failed because they tried to do it after the Serena's honey pot of a discord. if you make another call me in

>> No.28525145

>The New girl is lunita 2.0
Are you ready to another parasocial experience, anon?

>> No.28525151

I'm not joining anything that requires a phone, even if ut doesn't show up.

>> No.28525227

Do you think Hana would have saved WACTOR if Akira had been smart enough to hire her

>> No.28525274

That matrix thing doesn't require phone number, but I don't see any activity there...

>> No.28525374

Have you seen her content?
also she wanted nothing to do with companies after her firing, she probably wouldn't signed in if she considered entering

>> No.28525417

It's active at nights, more than /here/

>> No.28525526

I've seen the numbers she pulls

>> No.28525585

Have your seen her chat?

>> No.28525605

get friends faggot

>> No.28525616

No one wants to enter your faggy chatroom, retard.

>> No.28525656

Hana Sakura's gfe was top tier gfe

>> No.28525760

What about it? Does Akira's company run on money or clean chat messages?

>> No.28525853

No but Hina makes more money that Hana and Luna isn't very short either

>> No.28526213

Just join the matrix, it's the same shit but doesn't require phone. Hell most of us use Element as client which has both a desktop and mobile app.

>> No.28526262

Poli used to be cool, I remember her first streams when she translated to various languages herself, now she's just Puti.

>> No.28526272

That's what I'm trying to do, dumbass.

>> No.28526347

I'll join when this general die without reaching bump limit.

>> No.28526383

At least sent a message there, I see no activity, I want to see if it's not a scam or something before join that group

>> No.28526460

No point in translating into a language no one in chat understands. Like 99% of her audience is made up of Latin Americans.

>> No.28526488


>> No.28526565

Yeah but she herself drove away her EN/BR fans.

>> No.28526674

Just wait for wboys

>> No.28526714
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Dead place

>> No.28526754
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>Liafags be like:
>Damn bois this girl kinda hot yo

>> No.28526772

> having a name online
Fuck off

>> No.28526843

What part of "mensajes cifrados" you don't understand, dumbass? You have to join.

>> No.28526858

I was thinking about trying luck as a PNGtuber, then I realized from my tastes that I am a complete nerd and no one would watch me lol.

>> No.28526873

Maybe, since i can't post with clover anymore, how i use that shit?

>> No.28526981


>> No.28527005

"No puedes ver mensajes anteriores",

what about before then?, There's nothing else after that fag who changed his name

>> No.28527031

Is that really true? I thought it was her fans saying "no hablo taka taka" what forced her to bend the knee to normalfags. Maybe her nip nature being submissive or she's a numberfag

>> No.28527057

you can only see history from the point you join

>> No.28527059


>> No.28527105

A mix of everything you said, you can still see a BR fan dropping memes on her discord.

>> No.28527168 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28527251

Just come back from time to time and drop the link, people will get bored of this place eventually and will need someone to talk about vtubers.

>> No.28527293


>> No.28527341

lmao that english, i know what kind of poster is there now

>> No.28527356

Why are you still talking in english there fucking retards?

>> No.28527402

You faggots are not better than discordfags

>> No.28527415 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28527426

Geoblocking mexicans doko?

>> No.28527700

to not further doxx myself

>> No.28527957


GFE chads

>> No.28528107

Keep up with the compliments via marshmallow.

>> No.28528166


>> No.28528212

Ahhhh can't live without her

>> No.28528221

It must be a mod or fan who refuses to give up so that the day comes when she looks at the BR public again

>> No.28528242


>> No.28528319

You made her boring and her laugh sounds so forced now
She is doomed

>> No.28528409

>t. underage

>> No.28528444

Seethe, she's our little sweet girl now.

>> No.28528511

Now we must teach her to be coquettish or flirty but in a subtle way.

>> No.28528600

Nah, she just stopped moaning

>> No.28528609

>Ahhh must impregnate

>> No.28528611

Don't even dare, it will ruin it

>> No.28528819

You guys manipuating Himea are bot better than discuck sopita groomers.

Don't let Ofeb win

>> No.28528910

We only want Jp style vtubing with some spanish and maybe some gfe

>> No.28528936

I have never been attracted to Himea, I see her more as an awkward Bro, but I see her potential and I want her to reach Miu's level with her "Panty Aliens".

>> No.28529075

As I see it, we only made recommendations about the quality of the service in her content. We owe the rest to her mom and maybe Luna.

>> No.28529184

He already won and you didn't even realize it.

You did it son of bitch KEK

>> No.28529516

You must be 18 years or older to post on this website.

>> No.28529536

But it's funnier to say that "we fixed her" o "she's our little project".

>> No.28529596

You didn't do shit

>> No.28529598

Nah he only likes chinese wifes

>> No.28529706

>only likes chinese wifes
Me btw

>> No.28529843

Are you laughing now?

>> No.28529889
File: 45 KB, 599x315, explicaretards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these cancer on earth are actually connected with this Nana fag then?

>> No.28529937

Then why are you crying?

>> No.28530052

It's Nico

>> No.28530063

He plays the victim with all the panderers (even the small indies) trying to gain some attention but he's just pitiful.

>> No.28530099

I think when she stopped moaning like a bitch, she began to show how is personally and put herself in the role of a princess

>> No.28530126


Is that Raulwolfake some discuck or youtube mod?, or is he only the CM of that explicador account?

>> No.28530227

just a irelevant twitter tranny

>> No.28530229

Ito-ojou groomed me and now I'm developing feelings for her, why do I always like unattainable women and hopeless cases?

>> No.28530266

>Himari 28K
>Himea 27.3K
>Yue 27.3
>Pal 20K
>Ito 17.7K
>Babu 9.8K

It's just a matter of time until Himea reaches Himari, Takabros..., it's over

>> No.28530324

The marshmallow messages she received for her collab made her realize that this was not the kind of fans she wanted.

>> No.28530390

>hire staff for feedback in spanish to stop the bad image of the company
>backfires creating more rumours
ayyy lmao, Akira you dumbass hire proffesional people not your fans that do it for free, you retard.

>> No.28530529

so eigo is really hated by spics, huh?

>> No.28530711

>backfires creating more rumours
/here/ isn't relevant, facebook fags actually like the new staff

>> No.28530772


>> No.28530836

Can't you faggots post URLs without tracking ids?

>> No.28530988

FBfags are literally asking Serena to doxx this new meido

>> No.28531057

I'm kill

>> No.28531125

/here/ faggots are doing the same

>> No.28531323

Himari 80k in Bili Bili

>> No.28531394

Just look at the Nana's post
The faggot is trying to larp as his spanish is not that good

>> No.28531443

I don't care about bilichinks

>> No.28531492

We are te most relevant place in wactoru
>made luna delete all her rm accounts
>made misora seethe about idols
>made misora create new sp
>made lia understand she was being shipped with maido
>made misora delete all sp contents
>probably Luna went here

>> No.28531583

I need more Paru images

>> No.28531615

Shut up Ofeb

>> No.28531793

No one remember this because you are newfag but the first scold maido gave misora was probably our fault.

>> No.28531819

If you are saviorfag enough, come to watch Yume


>> No.28531876

How many had suzu?

>> No.28531956


>> No.28532010

The real queen, redebut when?

>> No.28532009

It's over then...

>> No.28532019

>groomed himea
>did the pixel canvas

>> No.28532105

>groomed himea
My dream

>> No.28532162

One would think she would've redebutted by now given her level of popularity and all that.
Maybe she was serious about her job

>> No.28532173
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Voicechat arc, primeros enfrentamientos con el discord

>> No.28532295

She pretty much confirmed it in a later stream.

>> No.28532348

Yeah, some anons made memes and sent dm to maid using deepl.

>> No.28532663

I can only dream for the day when our beloved chuubas will reach the production level of Holos.
Akira fix your shit.

>> No.28532766

you mean that they even have the avatar moving like a robot like nijisanji does?

>> No.28532861

Well new CN and SP staff and getting Himarin and Paru in an idol event are good steps

>> No.28532897

I'm more for the idol experience so I meant 3d karaokes and concerts.
>inb4 vtubers are not idols

>> No.28533029

>tubers are not idols
Himarin is one and we almost convinced Paru that she one

>> No.28533050

Just wait /here/ always wins

>> No.28533229

stop using anons Ofeb

>> No.28533303

You know, some faggots get triggered by that idea, thats why we call it "experience".
We will fix Wboys in no time and then Akira himself.

>> No.28533934

Akira wants (you) to interact with Wboys and make (you) addicted to it.

>> No.28534022

>Sopa moved her stream fro tomorrow
Stupid bitch keeps shilling her whore friends and twitting in runes.

>> No.28534036

I’m going to interact with them only if they are popular enough because they will be tons of chinks girls and they can’t handle all that stuff so I will take some of them.

>> No.28534219

I was thinking in a way to try to fight this Wboys issue.
If we can't prevent it from happening, at least we can convince the girls to be more reluctant about collabing with them.
Just search for every girl that use the marshmallow service, and send them a message telling them about your discontent.
Hopefully the noice will also reach Akira and he will take more strict mesures about collabing and interacions.

>> No.28534236

So no streams today other than Himea?
>Himeabros we are winning

>> No.28534282

>The wboys are cool, they don't flirt or collab with your oshi, and /Wactor/ ends up liking them.
How possible is that scenario?

>> No.28534299

Holy based

>> No.28534459

Akira will force the girls to promote the boys, that's a fact, but all the girls know that 98% of their audience are men and we don't want that kind of interaction, so they will just do the mandatory collabs.
Somewhat likely, obviously we are not their target audience, so it doesn't make sense to do collabs with the girls in latam time.

>> No.28534590

>all the girls know that 98% of their audience are men and we don't want that kind of interaction, so they will just do the mandatory collabs.
Anon... girls are fucking stupid. Just look at NijiEN.

>> No.28534787

promoting them to a completely different audience, sasuga akira

>> No.28534815

In the best case scenario they will be bros fooling around with each other in games and shit, and acting like cherry boys if they have to interact with a female member.
In the worst case scenario we get three Vox clones

>> No.28534913

Miu: is professional enough.
Lia: would eat them alive if they try anything.
Sopa: poor Sopa.
Luna: she already said only mandatory collabs.
Himari: risk of karaoke duets </3
Yue: she's so submissive that she's at risk, we must save her.
Pal: drinking and gambling.
Ito: dominant, imposing, an unattainable Ojou-sama.
Himea: high risk if she returns to her old self.
Mireille: she just wants to have fun and she's a fuchsia so she's at risk.

>> No.28534955

Just for numbers to trick the algorythm.

>> No.28535001


>> No.28535062

For me it would be cool if one of the guys is a retro or classic gamer, a complete nerd, who likes D&D, AOS, 40k, SCP or that kind of stuff, but if they are BFE and try something on the girls I'll be a big anti.

>> No.28535211

If social pressure worked with Himea it will work with anyone, the most popular ones are more at risk because normies only know to say "yes" to everything.

>> No.28535432

>Miu: is professional enough.
>Lia: would eat them alive if they try anything.
Or she will tease them into vegetables
>Sopa: poor Sopa.
She already madure enough
>Luna: she already said only mandatory collabs.
>Himari: risk of karaoke duets </3
Imagine Himari going full mommy
>Yue: she's so submissive
>Pal: drinking and gambling.
I love my wife but she is over flirty stuff
>Ito: dominant, imposing, an unattainable Ojou-sama.
>Himea: high risk if she returns to her old self.
Compliment her more
>Mireille: she just wants to have fun and she's a fuchsia so she's at risk.
Imagine they try something with that model

>> No.28535572

who's that im lazy

>> No.28535597

Why akira is so cool anons I wish I was him…..

>> No.28535602

my wife

>> No.28535622

At least a wboy should be the equivalent of sopita, you know, a taka with TRUE spanish reps, so maybe we could shitpost alongside with him (with quality shitpost of course), also, since he is a man, we don't give a shit if he is being groomed unless you are a faggot

>> No.28535665

my cucking hotwife

>> No.28535669

You liked Himari's last karaoke? she was so happy and cheerful, wasn't she? Now imagine her so happy with one of the Wboys.

>> No.28535671

Mitsurugi Lia
She is a good singer and good entertainer

>> No.28535716

She is an idol, she actually professional about it

>> No.28535734

I would have watched if my waifu Hana wasn't streaming

>> No.28535772

nicei understand spanish

>> No.28535779

A menhera with a great singing voice, hot body and beatiful face.
I hope so.

>> No.28535823

Lia is fucking based

>> No.28535880

Don't waste time with this whore, dude. You can hear men sleeping on the background of her streams.

>> No.28535914

Expect anything from her

>> No.28535977

Keep crying incel

>> No.28536042


>> No.28536052


>> No.28536075

don't get too cocky, it'll backfire

>> No.28536118

for real? ok i will unsubscribe thanks for the heads up i'll trust u on this 1

>> No.28536150

I want a bro like spudgun

>> No.28536176
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>> No.28536242


>> No.28536269

Nah, he is a newfag
she does it to tease people, she actually did a wedding stream
You blow up if she doesn't like your confession tho

>> No.28536279

Vtubers aren’t your gf fucking incels

>> No.28536313

if that's true then it better be gorilla sleeping noises asmr

>> No.28536337


I'm Netto btw

>> No.28536347

Lia does gfe sometimes, but dudes believe shit that was made up /here/

>> No.28536406

>s-she fucks men, lets them cum inside, and has her fans hear their snores just to tease them!!

>> No.28536524

She is a contrarian, she wants you to come for her not she for you, she actually teases you if you get cocky to see now far can get to you Only once she was defeated in her own game
about her menheranes, is true but she over it now

>> No.28536582

>t. newfag
Anon, we already talked about it do your reps, she started doing it after coming back

>> No.28536624

Akira kun made her happy it can’t be helped

>> No.28536671

>t. newfag

>> No.28536684

Can't believe you Familiacucks are defending her when she hates every single of you. She is not playing tsundere, she genuinely dislikes you, stupid retards. Life isn't an anime.

>> No.28536713

Why do you care, faggot. Homosexual.

>> No.28536770

Imagine caring what wactor girls do anymore, kek.

>> No.28536772

You are /here/ idiot

>> No.28536801

Can't wait for Merun's live2d debut just to see Lia menherating on twittah, then she'll go to bed angry and I will comfort her with my cock, I'm el hermano btw.

>> No.28536811

Who cares? I like lia x akira and i ship them until lia denies or confirm their relationship.

>> No.28536821

>being this mad over a girl larping as an anime girl who doesnt even know who you are

>> No.28536865

It's sad seeing my cute anons stuck in a toxic relationship.

>> No.28536936

Don’t worry, lia will be full filling one of ñoñoño dreams, singing in front of one crowd.

>> No.28537000

Imagining the hot sticc getting manhandled by muscular Chadkira is hot af.

>> No.28537027

that sucks but also very cool, I like it. would probably enjoy her streams if I don't hate them.

>> No.28537107

Friendly reminder that akira kun had to paid for himari 3d super fast thank to oño ñe iñeroñ ñullyng because vark 3d first day originally was Suzu x rose.

>> No.28537324

Best decision because himari is 100x times better than merun and the vark stream was the best content wactor ever produced.

>> No.28537345

Just ignore the underages fags that got angry that Lia don't takes shit from anyone, she literally hates relationships her parents were pressuring her to marry, that why she went menhera

>> No.28537401

Merun fucked up, she joined a depressive alcoholic and a thai with a bitch attitude and the only thing she has gotten is a cover that has been done thousands of times

>> No.28537422

Do your subrugi reps anon, she literally made fun of /here/

>> No.28537457

Stop the shitpost. Did Japan already let foreign visit the country?

>> No.28537498

>she has gotten is a cover
worst thing is that quality is actually fuck up

>> No.28537620

No one is talking about Sopa, everyone is talking about Lia out of the blue. She truly is our Queen.

>> No.28537732
File: 349 KB, 1920x1080, 2B08EC27-F622-43DC-829D-DECFADC51E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to merun fags this was rose position. She lose the opportunity to be in the only high quality content wactor have ever produced.

>> No.28537764

>No one is talking about Sopa
She is actually behaving, faggots just don't do their Subrugi reps because they aren't old enough to own a twitter account

>> No.28537784

Hana is the real Queen™

>> No.28537854

Daily reminder this is all Laila's fault, fucking bitch

>> No.28538058

Imagine being a japanese "businessman", investing money to create the first japanese panderer only to be outdone by an indie

>> No.28538064

Himari better merun can’t even sing well and she lacks other skill that himari is pro like dancing and mc.

>> No.28538088
File: 422 KB, 853x480, 1646689367625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia doesn't hate her fans but she did say that she hates men and prefers girls, that's why she did the tranny stream.


>> No.28538089

Niña rata free chat

>> No.28538140

ratita bonita

>> No.28538270

Given her experience as an escort that a given, but she may acting up because she hears Corpse husband

>> No.28538292
File: 20 KB, 340x152, 1633372841341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus, she doesn't see you as a man

>> No.28538334

I really enjoyed that event but I don’t download it. I just watched the bilibili piracy archive. Now is a precious memory. If someone have the vark event please share it.

>> No.28538527

>"Wow, japanese, english, spanish and chinese, that amazing"
Yesterday there were some japanese and taiwanese people asking about Ito in her chat, they got surprised about the languages in chat

>> No.28538628
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, 1643175182511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28538759

"Sister who is overly addicted to horror games
Now classmate experience
are you ready anon for a new parasocial experience?

>> No.28538926

It was hard, but Luna have been finally growing on me lately

But maybe is just to late now...

>> No.28539006

Did the niña rata confirmed her trip to Japan?

>> No.28539091

that means i still have a chance

>> No.28539171

That's based, are you an insecure fag who can't handle a little of banter?

>> No.28539199

I’m fucking waittttting that info

>> No.28539242

No but faggots can't make they own rrats

>> No.28539363

look at her tits pressuring each other

>> No.28539427

-"Te veo en Japón en mi próximo viaje el próximo año"
-"Jaja no lo creo, no espera ¡si!

>> No.28539852

Nice. Misora hugging Luna my dream will come true.

>> No.28540020

She will either make fun of you or get you top tier gfe

>> No.28540419

nobody cares about soup

>> No.28540682

did anyone already bought those audio packs?

>> No.28540866

Sopa said that it was selling better that expected
i will buy Paru one

>> No.28540897
File: 352 KB, 852x557, 1653063160037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She edited the video herself, so she probably did it on purpose, horny cat.

>> No.28540934


>> No.28541198

Yeah i think she is using the same guys who helped her before wactor (amateurs)

>> No.28541309

She threw everything for a collab with a dude

>> No.28541641

Can't Luna stop being adorable

>> No.28542199
File: 19 KB, 707x145, 1645354502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nips in 5ch like to laugh of Akira because he can't reach Nimu in the spanish speaking market.

>> No.28542221

Luna confused "Feliz navidad"

>> No.28542303

Yeah, but Wactor is abone most Jp business

>> No.28542460

nimu is fucking trash, wactor delivers the true golden japanese experience....well... kind of...

>> No.28542480

imagine playing D&D with the chuubas.
Lunita running around being a murderhobo, bratty girl. needs That Guy GM correction.

>> No.28542568

ignorant japs

>> No.28542727

Luna is ending her stream early agaiin, It's fucking over.....

>> No.28542831

why do 5ch nips even know about Nimu?
I think its more likely that the chinga tu madre nimu poster knows taka taka and its shitposting over there.

>> No.28542837

the queen of the meme, yes

>> No.28542891

This girl used to stream +3 hours, sometimes +5 hours at a time. What the hell happened?

>> No.28542913


Luna sounded kinda annoyed, i wasn't paying attention so idk what stupid shit chat said

>> No.28542987

she said "vamos a leer los superchats antes de que regrese... avance mas el stream" . it's over over

>> No.28543034

>Yome, drinking beer

>> No.28543138

I think she got mad at that fag who said
>No puedo comprar los audios, no onions Bill Gates


>> No.28543147

Nimu is one of the biggest vtuber on twitch, she even surpasses vshoujo

>> No.28543174

What the hell happen in Luna stream spics being tards as usual?

>> No.28543293


>> No.28543305

Putiglota's and Mizorra's followers (fucking 12 yo pendejos) infested Luna's chat, that happened.

>> No.28543347

poorfag complaying about prices of the voicepacks, a lot of puvertos, some trolls, and putifags.

>> No.28543459

Please understand anon, she is moving to japan soon, so she is quite busy fucking her boyfriend like bunnies before splitting up, he's moving with her in a couple months tho.

>> No.28543512
File: 41 KB, 1003x328, 1599343512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nimu's catchphrase
They even know about her drama

>> No.28543556

>sopa is a slut
>luna is a slut
wtf, himea was our girl all along.

>> No.28543579

I know she pulls big numbers but I still didn't think nips would give a shit about numberfagging for gaijin chuubas. I guess that poster could also be Pekora if that's the case kek.

>> No.28543591

>he doesnt know about el amigo

>> No.28543621

Cant read runes nigger

>> No.28543745

now I'm in a suicide watch

>> No.28543800

It seems luna found the biggest problem with gfe, doesnt matter how long you can stand your audience for money, at some point all that shit becomes too much

>> No.28543808

Reminder that Familia and Misopitas are the worst fandoms in Wactor

>> No.28543852

Luna using merol's euros for xl condoms kek.

>> No.28543893

Akira if it is true that luna is going to Japan and you find a way to stop her from graduating I promise not to say Akira hate again.

>> No.28543907

What is this shit?


>> No.28543947

I wasn't paying attention to Luna's stream but I see a lot of new names in the chat, that's because of the gift memberships, they are an incentive for the curious to come back again and again.

>> No.28543966

>manolo is malding again

>> No.28544001

I told you guys, her last stream i told you she was acting different, making her streams shorter and not reading sc
There was a lomito here trying to justify her behaviour but he was wrong, luna is feeling forced to read all those sc, she didnt want to it in their respective streams and now forcing herself to make a stream just to read sc was too much

>> No.28544037

>Familia and Misopitas
Familia is by far more annoying

>> No.28544052

>What is this shit?

>> No.28544088 [DELETED] 

Akira wants luna in japan to fuck her
If the things she talks in stream about sex being something disgusting then she will be fired
If not, then she is a fucking liar and a slut who fucked akira

>> No.28544158

So what's your best guess? She got scared by the 2-way parasocial relationship?

>> No.28544203

Luna will read all of this, be nice to her.

>> No.28544242

Equal cucked by the same manlet. Misora and lia the milk sisters.

>> No.28544309

I’m being nice, I want her to hug misora.

>> No.28544313

everytime is you who are the ones always attacking them, what are you whining about?

>> No.28544372

Hina and misocucks good
Lia and liatards cringe and shit

>> No.28544538

I swear to god that if Luna graduates I'll stop watching vtubers.

Luna I love you btw

>> No.28544704

Luna don’t graduate, Akira is doing his best just ask him for more thing I don’t know why you don’t ask him about covers or og song.

>> No.28544789

>Autists and schizos shitting on Luna and they didn't even watch the stream

Fucking haters, pathetic life form. I hope your depression hits hard to the point to KYS and so (You) make this place a little better, faggot.

>> No.28544870

They were saying that Luna treats them badly, some were "Pegame mas Lunita", some other faggots were complaining about the packs

>> No.28544873

go back to your crirclejerk faggot

>> No.28544874

Hi, Lunita!!!

>> No.28544915

Friendly reminder Lunita comes /here/ from time to time and she actually posts. Be nice, anons.

>> No.28544950

Literally typing through tears LMAO

>> No.28545057

I’m a girl and I want to hear akira’s voice.

>> No.28545060

A few gray names were spamming sex jokes.
>We saved Himea from this ill fate.

>> No.28545122

Lunita just tell us what is wrong

>> No.28545166


>> No.28545186

>A few gray names were spamming sex jokes.

>> No.28545193

Pre- or post- ?

>> No.28545202

This, the stupid faggot in this thread is making up shit again
also https://twitter.com/josevilla911/status/1549196621082251264

Of course it was a fucking misopita

>> No.28545293 [DELETED] 

Tits or GTFO

>> No.28545361

I hate all those 12 yo fags, we could have lunita more time but they started with those stupid jokes

Luna I love you btw

>> No.28545446

A transalator larping as a japanese who knows spanish
The faggots he follows are just for distraction and he has probably thrown shit at them /here/ a few times

>> No.28545477

Luna seeeee we aren’t the worst kind of fan seeeee we actually have good shitpost skills.

>> No.28545575

OP Master race here, you guys sure are chatty today, I don't think a new thread will survive the night but there is still a Himea stream so do you want a temporary thread?

>> No.28545591

Lunita anger management therapy when?

>> No.28545660

Do it, we need to shitpost about luna and himea.

>> No.28545681


>> No.28545702

Hina in about a hour

>> No.28545759

Yes pwease

>> No.28545780

I like you better than cucktomo op

>> No.28545829

Make the next thread "Lomito holocaust edition"

>> No.28545837

it was inevitable, when you collab with people like Rakkun, tards will be attracted.
and since Misora is going that way, expect a lot more of this shit Luna.
but i also noticed some stealth hate comments mixed on the chat too, not just pubertos.

>> No.28545854


>> No.28545937


>> No.28545977

What were the jokes tho? I'm too lazy to check. Like bananero tier sex jokes? Can't believe the ratita would get angry at something so silly.

>> No.28546095

Time for gay ops

>> No.28546163

>Can't believe the ratita would get angry at something so silly

>> No.28546384

Freshly baked bread, get in here faggits

>> No.28546520

No, she has to smile and act cute for her paypigs doesnt matter how awful her chat is, but today she couldnt stand it anymore
The funniest thing is how she disowned her own fandom saying, you guys act like this with your other vtubers, when that fucking fandom has been there every single stream

>> No.28546561

I've seen many fags making the typical masochistic comments, but lomitos do that all the time, so I think she just took it as an excuse to close the stream early

>> No.28546563

I haven't checked on Luna for a while and I was surprised that she hit 100k so quickly after struggling for so long to get to 90k. Now I know why.

>> No.28546740

she was mad a the faggot complying about the VPs and all a lot of fags were spaming retarded jokes she told to please stop and fags didn't listened,keeping spaming, again told that plese stop, nothing, proceed to ignore fags, and fags telling that she cold for ignoring their 12 y/o "humour", she tied to continue the stream Villa-kek tolled her, and then she decided to just read the SC and end the stream.

>> No.28547953

DeepL doesn't writes with so fucking many random punctuation marks
