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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 580 KB, 710x710, 1609986419079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
259874 No.259874 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.260017

She didn't make my dinner fast enough. She learned real quick to not slack off as a wife.

>> No.260042

there is a severe lack of gura guro

>> No.260132

You’re sick in the head.

>> No.260158

>cultured in the everything

>> No.260197

>"Don't worry about it, I... just fell over."

>> No.260238

this is true

>> No.260380

she likes it rough

>> No.260418

What makes gore cultured? You fucking psycho! I would rather be cuckfag then a gorefag.

>> No.260443

Sharks are violet creatures. This is just Karma for Gura.

>> No.260456

gawr guro

>> No.260464

Sometimes hunters get hunted

>> No.260564

I love guro but only with randos, I just want Gura to be happy. I need to get off this website, we're all losers lol.

>> No.263404

not so tough when the fish fights back eh?

>> No.263894

why would you ever be a cuckfag
honestly NTR is worse then SCAT in my opinion

>> No.264069
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>both are so counter to anything that should be considered pleasing that I can't actually decide which is worse

>> No.264215

Imagine not watching porn where you can self insert as the guy stealing a hot house wife from some retard and fucking her till she begs for your cock and stops loving her husband.

Hating NTR is probably the most beta-bitch homosexual onionboy move you can make

>> No.264256
File: 1.83 MB, 275x154, utterdisgust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically self-inserting in porn

>> No.264265

Or better, you could cut her limbs off and fuck a hole you drill in her navel.

>> No.264307
File: 8 KB, 217x109, temp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being retarded. The only way anyone enjoys porn is through the empathetic response to seeing people fuck. Your body is literally preparing you to be in the situation you are seeing ITS LITERALLY SELF INSERTING WITHOUT YOU EVEN HAVING TO BE CONSCIOUS OF IT.

You people are sooooo fucking smug about "LAWEL SELF INSERTIN CX" but literally do it every time you jerk off to whatever fucking furry scat porn you enjoy while your mom cries in the kitchen.

>> No.264352


>> No.264367

Pictured: mental gymnastics of mentally ill NTRfag trying to justify a fetish so shit tier is it literally comparable with scat

>> No.264382


see : >>264215

>> No.264394

>tfw i read loli bestiality and self insert as the loli

>> No.264399
File: 352 KB, 1571x1786, 1D3IBUM4SxXhFNJru4u--43gUWZRuybdzmlpV7Q3rwM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can tell who the plebbitors are.

>> No.264420
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jannies please delete this thread if you deleted the management one

>> No.264423
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>> No.264484 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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hey gura

>> No.264530
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Being dismembered is a vtuber's primary function.

>> No.264602
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as it should be

>> No.264620

What is it about Hatoba Tsugu that makes so many anons want to give into their most primal, animalistic desires?

>> No.264688
File: 402 KB, 1418x2008, Eju1I5PU8AMTqup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps in the time of the early homo Tsugus were a good source of food or a common predator.

>> No.264744

Now THIS is cultured

>> No.264766
File: 199 KB, 502x717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's the eeriness
plays into mild horror and gives you the feeling that she's not where she's supposed to be
naturally she's cute also, so you instinctively feel the urge to manhandle and strangle her with her own, dismembered tongue

>> No.264911

NTR is mostly read by women.
So you will get cucked by it without even reading it.

>> No.265096

I like how a Gura thread turned into discussion about the worst fetishes.
It really shows how bland and talentless she is.

>> No.265211

Always a bigger fish.

>> No.265354
File: 1.11 MB, 1295x729, colonizedgura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.266349

Gura is now a slavic house wife.

>> No.266440

Based. Gura’s cunny is for pure Aryan childbirths only.

>> No.266470

Gura’s cunny is for three ways

>> No.266553


>> No.266690

I liked when I saw one on pixiv and the artist had to change the description to "TURN OFF R-18G IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE IT TAGS EXIST FOR A REASON" because people are fucking stupid and were leaving death threats over the funny shark getting hurt

>> No.266710

Does she even wear any pants?

>> No.266737

Good the people who draw the shit deserve far worse

>> No.266782

>we hate authority
>omfg how dare you draw that
>if you don't censor yourself we're going to break your knee caps

>> No.266817

It’s art because I can coom to it

>> No.266820

holy fucking shit anon i don't even hate NTR and I'm not this assblasted over it. I can't imagine caring this much unless you can't stop self inserting as the fucking and you're too much of a bitch to own it too.

Anyway, NTR can be good for the same reason guro is good: people getting hurt is erotic. Someone crying while their woman (or man) gets mindbroken gives the same kind of joy as them crying when they get a limb cut off.

>> No.266973

Who are you quoting?

>> No.267035

No one in particular. I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of people who usually call for censorship like this..

>> No.267072

Perhaps those who dislike guro should be executed, then there will be more guro and they won't have to see it.

>> No.267089

Oh I am honest enough to just admit I want the authority so I can ban things I don't like

>> No.267157

At least you're honest shit bag. More than y can say about most.

>> No.267187


>> No.267192
File: 26 KB, 224x320, 1610319356459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I do what I can

>> No.267220

Why does she have bottom teeth?

>> No.268283

Fuck off pedo.

>> No.268308
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>> No.268719

I see you orangefags

>> No.268952

I'll do you one better: self-inserting as the Doujin Artist.

>> No.269006
File: 186 KB, 680x763, 1600679379836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self inserting as the sad teenage cashier that sold thee Doujin to you.

>> No.269023

She fucking infested /bant/ for a week or two

>> No.269072 [DELETED] 

so is she an ACTUAL women? or just a guy on hrt?

>> No.269195 [DELETED] 

She's a whore that did a collab with the biggest onlyfans whore in previous "life".

>> No.269196

>KNIFEing Gura
Perhaps we have more common ground with them than we thought.

>> No.269562

Im telling you that you faggots that go ''LMAO IMAGINE SELF INSERTING XD" do literally the same thing. You better thank me for dumbing the comment down for you.

>> No.269749
File: 1.92 MB, 640x360, 1598331850717.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop being retarded. The only way anyone enjoys porn is through the empathetic response to seeing people fuck. Your body is literally preparing you to be in the situation you are seeing ITS LITERALLY SELF INSERTING WITHOUT YOU EVEN HAVING TO BE CONSCIOUS OF IT.
So when your dad would fap to Sports Illustrated swimsuit issues, he was self-inserting as a bikini-clad thot?

>> No.270024

Insecure hands made that edit.

>> No.270078

No he was putting himself as the spectator. If you actually activated all 5 of your neurons you would see that its quite simple to understand my (correct) position.

>> No.270107

no, not wanting to get banned made it you retard

>> No.270358

Trolling hands made that edit. What it was designed to do was a success.

>> No.270404

Why are you describing my post?

>> No.271763

If you had a Gura sex doll, would you like it to have thick thighs and perky butt? or just smol sticks with no shape?

>> No.272045

I self-insert as the cheating housewife

>> No.272051

based me too.

>> No.272091

I dislike gura

>> No.273434

Ange the fuck you doing?

>> No.273471


>> No.273544

she's very boring and only appeals to pedophiles

>> No.273926

opinion discarded

>> No.274123
File: 950 KB, 1370x716, 1611802213665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal sex has been explored to death. NTR is just sex with another dude instead of (You). Meanwhile, guro can get a lot more creative; more holes, more flexible positions, no cringey cliche dialogue. Vanilla just feels like some generic ecchi manga in comparison.

>> No.274177

I dislike her for non reddit reasons. Get that "yous a pedofail" faggatory out of here.

>> No.275246

Moar Gura/HololiveEN ryona pl0x

>> No.276241

go back to streaming ange

>> No.276462

I want to beat the fuck out of Gawr Gura. I want to push her down and straddle her, punching her cute face over and over again until I see black and yellow bruises rise on her porcelain skin. I want to break her nose and feel her hot blood and tears cover my fists as she screams and tries to push me off, her weak scrawny little arms doing absolutely nothing. I want to her dainty neck between my hands and throttle her until her face goes blue and she foams at the mouth, dropping her just before she falls unconscious. I want to look into her beautiful blue eyes when they're bloodshot and full of fear as she weakly asks me why I'm doing this, only for me to stomp on her flat tummy and start beating her again. I love Gura, she's so beautiful!

>> No.276491
File: 133 KB, 600x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sounds like a tsugupost

>> No.276541

I don't know who that is but if she likes ryona then I definitely want to.

>> No.276642
File: 430 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why every other hololive, aside from Ame and possibly Ina, hate Gura?
Are they just jealous of her success? It seems like no one wants to do any collabs with her. She hasn't had any collabs with HoloJP, even with those who speak english. Not even HoloID want to do collabs with her.

>> No.276712

It seems a lot of them are often not willing to take initiative with a lot of things like collabs in general, also I assume not wanting to appear as if they are trying to leach from her success plays a part.

>> No.276773

...Fuck, you're right. Shit, the only non-EN face on her entire channel is Moona. Has Ollie even hit on her yet? This is kinda sad.

>> No.276779


Gura collabed with Moona and Ame in her Minecraft tour.

Shion wanted to collab with Gura, but the language barrier probably was too high. She did receive a happy birthday clip from Gura.

>> No.276829


>> No.276842

A lot of Hololive members showed up in her chat.
Marine had a animation clip featuring Gura that she made a meme contest of.

>> No.276900
File: 312 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but the Moona collab was just a one-time thing.
That's also a thing. Shion has received a happy birthday clip from Gura, but we never see Gura getting any interactions with anyone else from outside of HoloEn. The Shion thing was more of a Japanese courtesy talk "ah, the other employee is also a great person, etc."
Ame had collabs with Haachama, Reine, Mel and Roboco and her Japanese is way worse than Gura's.
Ina collabed with many people, and I'm not even starting on Kiara and Mori.
In the Among US holoEN, holoJP collab, everyone notoriously bullied Gura, by killing her first throughout the entire game. I understand it happens in this kind of game, but it was just too much on the nose.
On a side note, it might just be my hunch, but I think Gura and Kiara dislike each other.

I'm just trying to find a reason for why it's a thing.

Still, zero actual interaction between Gura and Marine.
As for the members appearing in chat, that's just a common courtesy.

>> No.276901

It's simple really, they're all lolicons. They all want to get with her but they're told by their managers that they cannot because they will start hitting on her and furiously masturbating in the middle of the stream. Only Ami -and most of HoloEN- and Moona are immune. Ami because of her extreme hentai addiction, Moona because she wants Pekora so bad her lust is discomforting, Mori and Kiara because they're already an item, and Ina because Gura isn't near enough of a dom to even pique her interest.

>> No.277132

>Still, zero actual interaction between Gura and Marine.
They've mentioned dming behind the scenes.

>> No.277233

>I'm just trying to find a reason for why it's a thing.
Some people are confident enough to try and communicate with someone that doesn't share their language. Some aren't.
>On a side note, it might just be my hunch, but I think Gura and Kiara dislike each other.
Did you even watch their Japanese colab, or the Shopping Cart game? They get along really well, it's just a case of extrovert vs introvert.

>> No.277248

>Behind the scenes
That's the key word.
>Some people are confident enough to try and communicate with someone that doesn't share their language. Some aren't.
There's the HoloID folk, who talk fluent english. There's Haato, Coco, and a few others who speak English.

>> No.277292

Haachama's English is atrocious. As for the rest it's a matter of them reaching out to Gura, Reine was the one who asked Ame for a colab.

>> No.277318

>Haachama's English is atrocious
False. In her Holostars collab, her English was very good. She's just playing that "my awful English pepeloni" shtick.
>Reine was the one who asked Ame for a colab.
And we go back to the original question, why no one wants to collab with Gura?

>> No.277424

Fucking daggerfags man...

>> No.277437

At the end of the day its the same difference, Haachama shoots herself in the foot with the whole bwan broke no english.
As for Gura's colabs most streamers are complacent to stick to their fans and stream solo. IDs and Kiara are obvious outliers, that's why people love Holotalk (and yes, Coco's reddit meme reviews) so much. Not wanting to be a meiwaku and reach out probably also comes into it.

>> No.278066
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 299FFD06-F566-43B6-B1CC-9F4CA65BF801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out about the whole senzawa-gura thing. Kinda bums me out that the old persona had to stop for the new one to flourish, but I love them both the same.

>> No.278110

You're slow. If you watch some of her old streams, you'll know being Gura is better for her. She used to be very depressed back in the day. She still isn't all well yet, she sometimes lets her guard down and you can hear she's still struggling with herself, but I hope she gets better soon.

>> No.278211

>senzawa-gura thing
what? Im out of the loop

>> No.278227
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1611930929942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing scat as an acronym

>> No.278251
File: 66 KB, 230x230, 1612251813192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be ugly bastard
>get mad when people insult the only porn you can realistically self insert into
NTRetards are laughable

>> No.278266

I self insert as the girl

>> No.278743

NTR isn't the same only hentai we can self insert into. I hate NTR and there's tons of porn I self insert into.

>> No.278960

wait WTF IT JUST CLICKED i knew i heard her before FUCK

>> No.279720

So many newfags

>> No.280668

Because jp girls have a standard to uphold, they don't want to be associated with a talentless, lazy bitch that did you know what with you know who in the past.

>> No.280981
File: 909 KB, 1414x2048, 1589116789013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bully the holos

>> No.282456


>> No.284368

Yet they collab with Kiara, who's literally a softcore porn actress and a borderline prostitute.

>> No.284436
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>> No.284495

>jp girls have a standard to uphold
>Mori and Kiara have standards

>borderline prostitute
Actual prostitute

>> No.284508

>Korone can't even talk japanese normally, let alone english

>> No.284516

Oh yes, I hate this. It is revolting!
More, please.

>> No.284518
File: 39 KB, 500x500, artworks-8NdCogN0n30T8q3M-O1sGQw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one idiot

>> No.284528

Dumb tomboy bitch. I told her to start wearing cuter dresses and she didn't fucking lesson. This is what she deserves.

>> No.284533


>> No.284532


>> No.284548

I was being kind

>> No.284593
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1594702227848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu its kinda intimidating to ask the #1 hololive member for a collab. I know Kiara admitted she avoided collabs with Gura because she didn't want to seem like she was attempting to leech. I'm sure some of the JPs have the same mindset. On top of that Gura has basically zero Jap knowledge. Unless they're on a conversational level in English it would be extremely tough to make interesting content with two people that don't understand each other at all.

>> No.284596
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senzawa senzawa senzawa

>> No.284688 [DELETED] 
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based trekposter

>> No.285025
File: 510 KB, 720x720, 1609797817921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of makes you think, maybe the most beautiful and sweetest girl in the world is all alone because everyone thinks she's taken.

>> No.285324

damn, that's ruff

>> No.285360
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>> No.285364
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sorry anon, all i can post without getting BTFO by jantimators

>> No.285381
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>> No.285390
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Gura + Mori drinking stream when

>> No.285405
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i do have these but they have been post b4

>> No.285422
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>> No.285454

how would I go about looking for this type of pics? just making them scared/cry doesn't count for ryona, does it have some name?

>> No.285459
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>> No.285475

This sounds awesome

>> No.285548

honestly no clue
most of these are by @tanakataroukami, but they don't really tag anything

>> No.285558 [DELETED] 


>> No.285597

whats she holding in her mouth

>> No.285621

>it's mostly just normal porn
damn, what a shame

>> No.285637

Nothing shes just having her face squeezed

>> No.285638

hopefully my semen

>> No.285679

her own blood probably

>> No.285877

Gura will never be as good as Pekora.

>> No.285939

She mentioned in her recent Skyrim stream that she's lonely and wants to find a hobby to take her mind off it

>> No.286026

Name of the artist?

>> No.286219

It's from an imageset called "Boku no Reverse Image Search" by the artist "Googel Itt".

>> No.286540


>> No.286796


>> No.287518

Yeah, she mentioned it again during her Luigi Mansion stream. She's been heavily depressed before. I hope she finds joy soon.

>> No.287580
File: 3.38 MB, 2629x2048, f840066c44e1b15037c2f569eb5a9860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want bloody anime girls, be it nosebleeds, cuts, biting a guy, blood from biting a guy, etc.

And all Japan will give me is fucking Guro.
insult to injury is when i find an image with blood it's rarely sexualized instead drawn for edge.

>> No.287594
File: 58 KB, 640x480, 1591896761289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.287763

It's half assed, but I was requested to write this. I hope you like it too.

I don’t understand the appeal of Hololive girls, I simply don’t. I mean, just look at them, they all look ridiculous in those spazzing avatars. Specially that bitch, Korone I think, Jesus that one is the worst. Every time I see that idiotic 3 shaped grin I want to wipe it off in a single slap and she better not yelp like a “dog”, because that would prompt another smack; well, not a smack, a black eye right there and there making her blind in one eye. If she dares to cry and mutter any word I would ask her why she is breaking character and then grab her by the hair and toss her on the floor on all fours. If she is going to cry, she better do it like the bitch she is, right? I would remind her to make those pathetic noises dogs make when whimpering while I kick her in the ribs, or else she would go blind in the other eye. Dogs don’t need clothing, so I would rip them to see how well I’m kicking, because I’m not stopping until she collapses and pukes, and I would love to see her lick the floor clean after that. Once done, I would put her on a leash, take her outside and tie the leash on a tree before telling Korone her dog training continues tomorrow and it will go on until all dumb bitch traces are gone becoming a respectable dog in the process.

>> No.287948
File: 4 KB, 183x185, 1611784671418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr get fucked

>> No.288118

I "like" guro or abuse because it makes me feel bad for the victim and drives me to save them.
I never imagine myself abusing the girl, but saving them from abuse.
Anyone else does this?
Or does everyone here actually like the abuse only?

>> No.288190

unironically deserved for forgetting to take the trip off. My bad.

>> No.288243

For me is pummeling them in order to take care of them right after with hugs

>> No.292657

good at what? crying on stream to milk superchats?

>> No.292711

>this retard who gets his rrats from 5ch
dude you're not fooling anyone

>> No.293086


>> No.293249

nah, chads and tinder exist

>> No.293327

holy based

>> No.293405

>I "like" guro or abuse because it makes me feel bad for the victim and drives me to save them.
>I never imagine myself abusing the girl, but saving them from abuse.
partly. It does make me feel bad for them and make me want to protect them, but at the same time I do imagine myself doing the abuse as well. I guess bully so that you can comfort her later.

>> No.294521

She's a great singer, actually good at games, really supportive of others, capable of overcoming her shyness, and sexy.

>> No.294534

burn coal....

>> No.294583

Who's behind of this?

>> No.294943

Bruised Gura is canon, she said she has terrible peripheral vision and bumps into things constantly.

>> No.295373

traanny shark do do da do do do

>> No.295524

This is the type of bitch who dies in childbirth

>> No.295934


>> No.296145


>> No.296162

cunt BITCH deserved it

>> No.296265

I wish to see Gura take a dump on a dead kitten.

>> No.296520

Thanks, I needed that

>> No.296596

kek i saw that too. it made me laugh even though i hated the picture.

>> No.296618

kek this is based

>> No.296874


>> No.296923

This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

>> No.298340


>> No.300842

And that's a good thing!

>> No.301079


>> No.301092
File: 64 KB, 970x545, 1611349003484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn marry gura
brb killing myself

>> No.301130

You can marry her if you have some rope and a basement.

>> No.301143
File: 320 KB, 2220x1440, 1611344214454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another great addition to my collect of "kind words about Pekora on the internet"

>> No.301212
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1611926379988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha if only someone knew where her house was, in minecraft

>> No.301218

i'd say "work-ethics" is more appropriate

>> No.301251

source on "actual prostitute" all i knew was the wrestling ring footage and a (supposedly) shopped brochure of sort

>> No.301328

Next time contribute something informative to the thread, not just facts

>> No.301523
File: 338 KB, 624x780, 1581997086256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's still struggling with herself, but I hope she gets better soon.
I don't have high hopes. The last time she did any collabs outside of EN was THAT Among Us game, where she either died first, was completely ignored, wasn't understood at all, and just generally had a bad time. She got hit HARD by the language barrier, which probably killed whatever confidence she had. Combine that with her autistic fans going after the others for 'targeting her', and you have somebody who doesn't want to collab with others, and somebody that others don't want to collab with. And that's BEFORE you stick her on that huge 2M pedestal, which just adds ANOTHER reason to not collab with her, because you'll be seen as a leech.

Definitely not a good thing when your problem is loneliness and self-doubts.

>> No.301631

I have a cool idea, anons! How about we invite Gura to a basement party with all of us? We can play plenty of games with her!

>> No.301716

why doesn't she just do jap reps, nothing too advance just casual to intermediate speaking n listening

>> No.301763
File: 28 KB, 90x144, chrome_EjQLbqYu6d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ stop projecting your insecurities on them.. it's fucking depressing reading your fantasies.. kys

>> No.302062

Maybe next gen of Holo-En will bring her someone she could collab with.

>> No.302084
File: 193 KB, 394x513, Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 8.58.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if these were about Peckers they would sound believable, for all ik Senzawa is in no way a vulnerable character

>> No.302138

>next gen of Holo-En

>> No.302260
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>> No.307571 [DELETED] 

What do you even know?

>> No.311126

You don't think HololiveEN will get a gen 2? Metrics say that they have all done pretty well, so there's obviously a market in English speaking countries.

>> No.312404
File: 1.06 MB, 1041x1080, FREN5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really liked that image uh

>> No.312590

Oh my~

>> No.312678

>She got hit HARD by the language barrier
The proper response to this is to overcome it. I hope she's studying.

>> No.312924

these two >>295934

>> No.313000

>SEAniggers get two generations, only popular one out of all of them is the wacky horny zombie
>EN breaks worldwide records and loads the top 10 of the company in just one, but they wont get a second

>> No.313043

Why do i enjoy looking at abused anime girls


>> No.313070
File: 84 KB, 723x1024, c1e3a5aa-5e0c-417c-a620-9180a399eeb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace it bro.

>> No.313132
File: 638 KB, 724x852, WATAME5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.313155

By me

>> No.313171

>but they wont get a second
Good, don't dilute this shit. It's hasn't even been half a year from their debut.

>> No.313451

this is great

can you do nyanners?

>> No.313494

If you think they care about diluting shit they would have stopped when Korone was a smash fucking hit.
And nobody's saying to do it right now idiot, each generation has been about 6-8 months after the last one, so the timing is right for either EN or JP or both to pop up next month. Maybe just one combined gen for both?

>> No.313506

What do you guys use to clip streams? Obs or do you manually download the video and edit it in a video editing program?

>> No.313529


>> No.313775

Ew, no. I wanna see chicks that I like get beat up. It doesn't hit right if I don't like em.

>> No.313830

She whored herself for money while in Japan.

>> No.313849
File: 145 KB, 492x492, 1608952765695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hit right

>> No.313996

Ok, so like it's only the first four inches that's loose. Not bad.

>> No.314279

I remember donating a red superchat to my oshi and she never read it but she did read someone else’s normal chat. That night while jacking off to her, I was imagining her having sex with the person who sent her the normal chat while I was forced to watch. I never came harder in my life. From that day forward I get a shiver whenever she doesn’t read my SC.

>> No.314333

Not memeing, seek help, take a couple weeks off from the internet

>> No.314502

Don't worry, anon. She's having sex with all of us, except for you.

>> No.314942
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>> No.315149

not ogey

>> No.315263
File: 476 KB, 451x699, Meru2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I don't have a pic of nyanners to work with.

>> No.315929

do Ame

>> No.316167

That's beautiful!

>> No.317976
File: 431 KB, 1200x1731, 1605310960131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping a lovely thread

>> No.318430

That entire manga is 100% pure bonerfuel, cover to cover.

>> No.318489

If you hit my wife Ame ill kill you.

>> No.318874

Her kids will eat each other in her womb.

>> No.318910

I want to see her hurt, crying, and vulnerable. Broken down to raw emotions.

>> No.318992

They probably prolapsed her with an eggplant

>> No.321836

I like this thread.

>> No.322222

I hate guro/abuse. Esp Animal/Child abuse, but I want to abuse the abuser in crueler ways myself
I don't get the attraction for abuse, is it domination of the weak?

>> No.322334

More like seeing a cute thing defiled, or a mesugaki put in her place. For some, the sensation of absolute controle.
I don't like guro but abuse can still be hot to me.

>> No.322927

I can see the aspect of control being attractive. I used to create "gladiator" fights for bugs and see them duke it out as a kid
Although absolute control seems rather boring. It's like playing a game where you can't lose. Wouldn't fighting lions be more thrilling than abusing kittens? Is it because of safety?

>> No.323017

Lurk a little more, newfag.

>> No.323053


>> No.323102

They haven't really tapped into the European market as much either. The amount of variety they could have with just English accents and dialects alone is stupid high.

>> No.323111

inb4 janny faggot comes

>> No.323130


>> No.323156


The virgin childbirth vs the CHAD-ZAK.

>> No.323206

this is like seeing the before and after of a recovering alcoholic

>> No.323280

That's netori and NTR fags get unironically upset about people posting it because they self-insert as the cuck, who is the entire focus of the popular kind of netroare RPGM games they play.

>> No.323384

Kayfabe that she probably hated doing. https://youtu.be/K6P9kaXPrqQ?t=1174

>> No.323430

fuck you

>> No.323467

Far as I can tell Gura, Ame etc don't get much collabs because they're in a different timezone.
Most Holos have already stopped streaming by the time they start up.

>> No.323535

I heard she used to do drunk streams, don't know if it's true

>> No.323653

She sounded like a genderswapped version of Mike Matei's shitty Inspector Gadget voice for the entire stream lmao.

>> No.323659
File: 75 KB, 678x623, 1611409254073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gurofags are now getting comfortable on 4chan
I remember when we used to bully you fags so hard you had to go and start your own shitterchan because even the porn boards didn't want to deal with you fags.

>> No.323852

ooh a piece a' candy

>> No.324174
File: 392 KB, 1848x1224, 1607196299470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice room.

>> No.328838

Guro shall come back, anon. Since technology appropiated our letter /g/, /gu/ will belong to gurofags now.

>> No.328883
File: 108 KB, 800x450, 1529351627219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys im crying how do we help gura?

>> No.328941

We had our own board before m00t sold out to the FBI, newfag.

>> No.328996
File: 257 KB, 1500x1500, Etd14UpUUAESFlm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since sharks' teeth grow back you could keep pulling them out with pliers forever.

>> No.329353

I remember you being very unwelcome by around 05 to the point you had to go and make your own sickening chan and being very assmad that lolifags weren't getting the same treatment whenever someone told you to fuck off back to it.

>> No.329424

Come on it's been 16 years already can't you stop with the grudge

>> No.329432


>> No.329506

As long as you stop posting your annoying fucking content on boards where it doesn't belong.

>> No.329508

Assmad? Not at all. More along the lines of disdainful and disappointed that there are plebians that cannot see the beauty of ryona and guro. Such is the way of the fetish of patricians, though. Not everyone is cultured enough to understand and partake.

>> No.329546

Your fetish patricians in the same way coprophiliacs are.
>ah yes this pile of shit is better than that pile of shit, I can tell by the pieces of undigested corn stuck in it

>> No.329605

I can see that you're dead set on proving me correct. Much appreciated. Keep up the good work!

>> No.329647
File: 508 KB, 761x1080, Boone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be a spiritual bugman* somewhere else.

*Apologies to any genuine bugmen rumaos here trying to destroy everything good in the world for comparing you to gurofaggots.

>> No.329724

See, this is why you can't get rid of us, anon. The more angry and helpless you feel the harder my cock gets.

>> No.329794

I'm sure your micropenis is the menace of particularly minute rodents the world over anon.

>> No.329828
File: 65 KB, 548x882, 1612646427233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mabe u send nood necks time bix haha karaboga
we wuz eleet n shiet

>> No.330005

But /vt/ is the guro board.

>> No.330105

none of this is guro you retard

>> No.330172
File: 125 KB, 463x453, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this is all ryona, anon-kun

>> No.330197

Sad that the only two things he has done since then were so vanilla.

>> No.330271


>> No.330308

Like half the thread is you retards going on about your beloved guro.
Of course you're not posting the stuff you want to post because that can lead to permabans.

>> No.330548
File: 128 KB, 1450x2048, EsqHc1_UUAEvsLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But are any of the guro/ryona themed vtubers any good?

>> No.330933
File: 184 KB, 963x1453, ErRxpRWUUAI-NOr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it masochism to draw yourself getting abused?

>> No.331165


>> No.331447
File: 137 KB, 316x533, 1610833337755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tooth fairies hate her!
>Tiny shark makes UNLIMITED MONEY using this one WEIRD trick!

>> No.338620
File: 236 KB, 532x653, +_e0cebd82f409d2b2d7f0d13e84f32881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.342095
File: 317 KB, 540x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cock is hard

>> No.343215

Are they not in Japan?

>> No.343290

ame is squarely PST, not sure about the others

>> No.343384

Ame, Ina, Mori, and Kiara are all PST. Gura is CST, she's out of DFW.

>> No.343601

How the fuck are Mori and Kiara PST, they live in Japan.

>> No.343743

They use a VPN out of to stream, and keep PST time.

>> No.343784

*Out of LA/SanFran (respectively)

>> No.344176

Enlighten me

>> No.344298

That reminds me of the meat shits gorenography

>> No.344362

Lurk moar, newfag. Of fuck off to plebbit if you want to get spoonfed.

>> No.344404

Everyone knows she's Senzawa I'm asking who she supposedly fucked

>> No.344506 [DELETED] 

Oh, she fucked Charlie. y'know Critical/Penguin0.

>> No.344554


why would they even do that?

>> No.344724

It's complicated, and they both do it for different reasons. Calli does it because when she moved from the US to Japan she was in real hot water with the mafia and was involved in a shooting. Kiara does it because of a stalker group.

>> No.344771

>camwhores and gravure sluts
>standard to uphold

>> No.344813
File: 288 KB, 478x468, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this new information to me, but thank you anon for elaboration

>> No.344867

At least they're not Americans.

>> No.344922

Man, so would I if I could; that's a really lame thing to be so cloak and dagger about.

>> No.345012
File: 468 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not something you'd want to be so cavalier about anon if you're a vtuber whose income comes from literal simps

>> No.345033

kek I need to see the real faces of all these whores

>> No.345066

Source? I wonder if Calli is jealous as fuck.

>> No.345097

Most of them would probably also fuck Charlie, that is something that you can’t really hold against someone.

>> No.345274

If it would have happened under better circumstances I'm sure they would have been fine, but they were both VERY drunk. Gura pissed in his bed, they both had a hangover and they and had a fight. It didn't end on good terms and neither one of them want to remember.

>> No.345333

Oh I'm just pulling all this out of my ass, nothing that I've said in this thread is true. But I have you all going, so, you know fuck it, may as well right?

>> No.345526

Cr1tikal is like 5'2. A lot of the best voice actresses are hideous.

>> No.346549

>Calli does it because when she moved from the US to Japan she was in real hot water with the mafia and was involved in a shooting.
literally what the fuck

>> No.346577

theres no way thats real anon

>> No.346679 [DELETED] 

If she fucked anyone, you would have more than one schizo talking about it.

>> No.346816

It's a shitpost. If she fucked anyone and it got out, you probably would've heard about it already.

>> No.347200

IIRC someone raped one of her female family members (mom or sister) and she ended up finding out who it was. The person was actually a mid-level mob member and the cops wouldn't touch him because he was an informant. Calli said fuck all that, hunted him to his home, broke in, and shot him to death.

>> No.348098


>> No.348312

See my other post here

>> No.348679

callie is a huge wigger so i'd believe that she tried to do some dumb gang shit in her youth and got in the wrong side of something bigger than her

>> No.349245

>it's real
holy fuck

>> No.349535

>gura after cleaning herself up from a fan meetup
needs to learn how to use makeup to hide the bruises

>> No.349579
File: 211 KB, 443x501, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is after makeup

>> No.349708

Would explain alot if real.

>> No.349753

I think the extent of Mori's 'thug life' was probably shoplifting something from Macy's.

>> No.349790

They already did a round of auditions for 2nd gen eng


>> No.349938

Thats for the EN equivalent of AZKi.

>> No.350361

>headcanons devolving this wildly
do you always craft elaborate backstories for celebs you take an interest in?

>> No.350528

No, I just make up shit on the fly. See

>> No.350545

Didn't know Anya had those kinds of cheeks too.

>> No.350846

I would read your fanfics

>> No.352629

how did you come to this conclusion

>> No.353517

I wanna know that too

>> No.355309


>> No.356601

>A lot of the best voice actresses are hideous.
Probably because you only develop a personality if you find yourself with the need to do so.
A natural beauty can just coast on her looks.
