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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28493215 No.28493215 [Reply] [Original]

>VShojo is more than just a bunch of whores with internet access!
>So give them a cha-

>> No.28493386
File: 129 KB, 480x480, 1638726594099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop using my Oshi for your shit post retard

>> No.28493389

show me "more than just a bunch of whores" part

>> No.28493511
File: 978 KB, 1920x804, cqqs1y7fr8a21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts a literal who bottomfeeder
Hololive, does this chattering animal speaks for you?

>> No.28493591

>mcu fan
>vshojo fan
checks out

>> No.28493617

nothing wrong with being a whore

>> No.28493711

Yeah, I love listening about how Veibae was boned by her ex (who committed suicide after) and felt like she was a plumbing pipe. That or about her shitting out chunks of her vagina.
Talent freedom, fuck yeah!

>> No.28493775
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What are you even trying to point out?

>> No.28493817

If you had actual close female friends you wouldn't mind too much. not that difficult to comprehend imo

>> No.28493888

I do have female friends and none of them talk about how they're being boned while high. You know they do that since they think you're either gay and don't mind, or a major cuck?

>> No.28493995

always funny when the word "cuck" is brought out in vtubing. my nigga you're literally just watching streamers. nobody is cucking anybody lmao. not that difficult to understand desu

>> No.28494079

nothing wrong but they are boring and have no real talent and what's worse they are not even put effort at making coomer bait content, probably just melody putting some effort tho i would rather watch real porn or just hire some prostitute

>> No.28494140

>literal who bottomfeeder
hope you get testicular cancer soon

>> No.28494251

Denial stage, i see.

>> No.28494313

I'm pretty sure even people who like slutty girls hate Vei, so I'm not sure what you're trying to prove.

>> No.28494422

But aren't whores supposed to be A-OK?

>> No.28495388

Whores are treasures to coomers, but trash to normal people.

>> No.28495524

As some one who likes whores, I like the ones who are just happy being sluts, Vei is a bitch, even with out all the whorishness, she makes fun of people, manipulates and is genuinely just a piece of shit.

>> No.28495562
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I'm about to morb

>> No.28495848

I mean what's the value in watching them when I can just watch porn?

>> No.28496205

Some like real porn, some like cartoon, some like animals. People have many fetishes.

>> No.28496337

My female friends don't say stuff like that, and we are friends for about 10 years.

>> No.28496381

You're not really their friend.

>> No.28497044

I'd just go outside at that point.

>> No.28497056

>not being a keyfag
>in the year 2000 + 22

>> No.28497136

real porn as in real porn content, and i only know melody doing her own hentai at chartbate or something
the rest of them are just talking how they masturbate etc

>> No.28497140
File: 300 KB, 1389x1492, 9F596D95-D603-468E-B32B-98E376D2E074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs hololive
Also rent free, its been 3 weeks ans holofags are still seething lmfao

>> No.28497259

>t. retard

>> No.28497285

Stop using my oshi's picture for baitposting

>> No.28497318


>> No.28497496

The problem I have is that the humor is ALWAYS about sex. It's fun for a moment, but pretty boring at some point, like Amy Schumer always talking about sex and her vagina.

>> No.28497555

Amy Schumer's stuff is about how disgusting her vagina and she is though.

>> No.28497615

Alright alright alright
Enjoyed her at first but being nothing but sex humor got old fast. Now she's bitter and boring
Robo voice is cringe, the whole gimmick is chat sending TTS. Actual garbage stream. Dude pretending to be a girl
Kind of chill, nice voice, but menhera and never streams
Annoying fake voice
Liked her ever since the old 4chan shitpost days, but now her channel is a couples channel and thats annoying. Not in a KEKED BY MY OSHI way but in a going to get food and having to wait behind a couple sucking face way. Extreme PDA is annoying
Literally just look at my boobs guys haha I have titties

>> No.28497847

And Froot is a scammer.

>> No.28497860

And a virtue signaler.

>> No.28497902

I don't dig into past life stuff or stuff outside of streams really, what's she scamming?

>> No.28497951

Rent free holy shit

>> No.28498047

It's a thread about vshojo so I gave my opinion on each streamer. I actually watch someone before just saying they are shit
The only thing rent free is Vox's dick up your tranny ass

>> No.28498122

That has remained to be seen.

>> No.28498218

Long story short and from memory, she was with a guy in the military, she did for soem fans (way before her debut) some pins to buy, but never send it and keep the money. Or soemthing like this.

>> No.28498275

Also she cheated on the guy.

>> No.28498285

why don't you post some of their appeal instead of just typing some buzz word

>> No.28498350
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Understandable position, watch Vtubers who you know you like, you dont have to watch others. It is OK to stay in the comfort zone as long as you are content.

>> No.28498352

Anya is japanese and is much more entertaining than any Westerner whore. Seethe about that

>> No.28498574

Yeah, but for the public point and for someone that would maybe sell thing for the public in the futur, I found the scamming part more important (not saying she was not a bitch to cheat).
It's like, for hire someone for your shop, you would prefer take an ex-dealer than an ex-shoplifter.

>> No.28498728

Whore's rights!
Whore's rights!
If a whore wants to be pumped with 30 different flavors of semen, who am I to judge? Knife that baby out and pump in another one.
No rights, no love, no respect, only semen.

>> No.28498868

Whore^2, pathological liar and manipulator.
Male whore
La puta
Whore who shoves her relationship into every second of her stream
ACTUAL whore

>> No.28499805
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ironically /vt/ has a bigger problem with vshojo than anyone else, so you could say, the the "normies" being the average vtuber audience outside of 4chan in the instance do not mind the "whores."
Actually honestly as far as I know people generally don't give a shit if you're a whore in normalized society thinking about it. Even across the rest of 4chan, people love coombait. Only people that don't like it are like, angry feminists and twitter police who want to remove sexy shit from videos games or movies and stuff. Normies don't give a damn if you're a whore, weebs also jerk off to whores. It's basically entirely localized to an extreme subset of idolfags right here.

>> No.28499851

holy kringe
this fucking post

>> No.28499875

>VShojo is more than just a bunch of whores with internet access!
I disagree!

>> No.28499887

>VShojo is more than just a bunch of whores with internet access
No they aren't.

>> No.28499930

>the rest of them
Name the streams of the times all the members have talked about masturbating.

>> No.28499964

>t. never watched

>> No.28499986


>> No.28500039
File: 286 KB, 1280x720, superlative laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Annoying fake voice
lol never met a short hispanic woman in your life

>> No.28500119

cheating whore
mhu loli bad pon pon kimochi hypocrite

>> No.28500139
File: 525 KB, 3950x2633, handshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession.

>> No.28500231

kys retarded vtranny I hope you fucking choke on Veibaes dead boyfriends cock

>> No.28500465

are retarded ? the point is only melody putting effort doing real porn not just talking about sex jokes low effort coomer bait

>> No.28500516


>> No.28500559

Wouldn't it be funny if we digged out Veibae dead bf and catapulted him onto gaybees house lol
>boo i came back for my vengeance
>y u do dis to me boooo

>> No.28500591

rent free

>> No.28500701

I like how vshojo makes so many of you seethe this hard
It's cute

>> No.28500783
File: 3.91 MB, 3950x2633, handshake .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your concession.

>> No.28500930

At least we're cute, unlike the vshojos.

>> No.28500967
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>> No.28501191
File: 180 KB, 649x600, FWz1-XQaUAA4P_Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they cute too

>> No.28501320

>>VShojo is more than just a bunch of whores with internet access!
no, they are worse, they are backstabbing entitled whores with internet access

>> No.28501610

Nobody cares about you Nux, move on.
