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28497374 No.28497374 [Reply] [Original]

Tempus day 1 vs Noctyx the day before their debut

>> No.28497390

so this is the power of hololive

>> No.28497530

i love homos

>> No.28497607

How did Fungus not get hit back then

>> No.28497621

If only they had invested more in the design of the models

>> No.28497633

Fucking hell, and people are shitting on Tempus like they're the biggest flop ever

>> No.28497718

Also don't forget, Tempus gotten this many subs with ugly models

>> No.28497724

Imagine If they had the same model quality.

>> No.28497822

A more relevant comparison would be luxiem after 1 day!

>> No.28497859
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>> No.28497903

>The guy with blue hair is the most subscribed
Damn Kiara is correct

>> No.28497914

minority protection

>> No.28497921

>Begging for subs
Do niji really?

>> No.28497938

Comparisons like these are fundamentally meaningless when we don't know how their personalities will be and that's the only thing that can redeem them at this point. Them getting 20K because Hololive buff is irrelevant if it doesn't translate into viewers and money.

>> No.28497971

Now you know who are those people, mostly just salty nijifan

>> No.28498015

They're not the biggest flop, but they're a flop due to being male.
And that's fine.
There's no appeal for male vtubers. If you want to support a male streamer, then go support your local 2view.

>> No.28498067

Blah blah blah nijicope

>> No.28498077

Something is off about this.

Oh right, wave 1 vs. wave 2.

>> No.28498133

>it's cope because I don't like your reasoning

>> No.28498199

Nice botsubs, holokike.

>> No.28498259
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Their designs aren't as big a filter as people thought, the most annoying fujos are the ones put off

>> No.28498292

i'll wait youtube to nuke some of the subs just like what happened to council

>> No.28498295

Anon Luxiem got even worse debut subs than Noctyx. They had 11k or some shit

>> No.28498303

I may be laughing my ass off at the designs but I have nothing personal against the dudes

>> No.28498340

The real Vox killer.

>> No.28498363

But noct is the one that got culled???

>> No.28498395

ignore the bait

>> No.28498396

Dead subs are bad measure, ccv are far better.

On a different note. Tribalfags are different with numberfags, I think. Tribalfags know very few about numbers, while numberfags generally don't care about picking sides. If an anon looks like a tribalfag, don't bother explain number stuff to him.

>> No.28498404

That's nice but you're delusional if you think Tempus debut CCV will top Noctyx debut CCV which is 60k.

>> No.28498405

>Begging for subs
I don't think you know what that means.

>> No.28498456

I seriously believe the only reason people watch hololive is because of numbers. I've seen such an absurd number of numberfagging threads from hololive fanbase. They even create charts and graphs and shit to track the numbers. In fact they even have a full time general thread to obsess over the numbers.

I think these people have social anxiety and just want to be part of the popular thing. So now that holomales are being shilled on the board, the best method is to engage your inner numberfag.

>> No.28498490

>ccv are far better
no it's not.

Sana can have a very high CCV, while only streaming once per month.
While someone who streams 40 hours a week will have a lower ccv. Yet more people overall watch them, by a huge margin.

>> No.28498564

Lets be honest though, even if someone streams 40 hours a week, you faggots are going to scream and cry that they are "not streaming"

>> No.28498596

if we are about to compare with luxiem.. it's even more horrible they only got 10k-ish something

>> No.28498619

Kaela and Koyori exist

>> No.28498642

nah this is just comparing the power of holobox and the new fanbase that luxiem bought in, proven that by box itself, noting that tempus has far more uglier design, still won over nijien's new chinese fanbase

>> No.28498680

Anon, most of the nijis are streaming between 20 and 40 hours a week. It's not a theory, it's real.

>> No.28498689

To me ccv is far more meaningful than dead subs.
Looking at matsuri subs alone is super misleading, looking at her ccv you will have better grasps.

Of course there are many factors that affect CCV (as you stated), and there are other measures too.

>> No.28498722

It's also real that people complain about people not streaming when its obvious that they do stream. Though i'm not talking about niji's im talking about holos.

>> No.28498741

anon, you are saying as if holo fans is the most numberfags ever when pomu herself admits that nijisanji push their livers to numberfags too hence why they are doing those raidings, celebration buff, and vox seems depressed for his number that only got lower and lower these days

>> No.28498747

ccv average tells you nothing. Because people are constantly coming in and out of the stream. So a longer stream has more total viewers. Also, if someone streams once a month, they can have a very impressive ccv average. But if someone streams 10 times a week, their views will be stretched more thin. So their ccv average is lower, but they're reaching more people, and making more money.

>> No.28498841

??? i'm comparing to anon that say tempus first day sub numbers should be compared with luxiem's first day sub number rather than noctyx? and my argument is that it will be not fair to luxiem since even few days before they debuted they only had like 10k ish subs

>> No.28498843

High CCV across a tracked period means people are coming back instead of watching a streamer for five minutes once and forgetting about them forever afterwards.

>> No.28498882

Yeah, it makes sense for the talents to be numberfags. But for the fans? How does numbers benefit you? You should watch whatever the hell you want.
If you care about numbers, you have about 10 vtubers you can watch. If you stop caring about numbers, you have 1000's you can watch. I've watched vtubers large and small, from every corporation. I sometimes see an indie stream and check it out. I have more options at my disposal, and never have dead hours.

I really think the primary reason anyone watches hololive is just the numberfagging. I see the numberfagging constantly all over the hololive thread. I was in the Niji thread for their anniversary stream yesterday, and NOBODY was numberfagging! Despite the fact they got the biggest numbers in their history. Nobody was talking about it, everyone was talking about the stream.

In the smaller corporations, nobody really cares about numbers. Talents freely collab with each other, regardless of numbers. Nobody cares. The talents care, but the fans don't care.

>> No.28498982
File: 59 KB, 1137x697, TRUE CCV JUNE 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just as people enjoy horseracing, numberfagging is simply for fun, looking at numbers in general is fun, that's basically what kpopies do to every single day, even worse

>> No.28498984

>High CCV across a tracked period
yeah that's the proper metric, called "hours watched", which is what youtube and twitch use to calculate your revenue. That's the metric everyone uses. Nobody uses ccv, except the mentally ill people who watch the viewcounter all the time.

>> No.28499044

to say haha idiot the person i like (they themselves dont even have to win) is in the company that won the useless numberfag battle also u think that everyone is the same

>> No.28499101

>Despite the fact they got the biggest numbers in their history. Nobody was talking about it, everyone was talking about the stream.

because their numbers is not as impressive as hololive, anon. Yesterday the new male batch of niji debuted with only 60k CCV, compared to holox who get 100k CCV for their debut stream, you'll get laughed if any of the niji fans try to shill the numbers. For hololive fans, we simply appreciate our members, their numbers is an achievements too you know, being the big boss of vtubing.

>> No.28499207

>because their numbers is not as impressive as hololive
No it's because the fans are watching them because they like them, not because of the numberfagging aspect. I'm strongly convinced this is the primary reason many people are bandwagoning hololive, it's because of the numberfagging.

>For hololive fans, we simply appreciate our members
I don't think hololive fans even care about the talents at all. I think it's just numberfagging and tribalfagging. The environment in Niji is so much more comfy. Phase has a bit of toxicity too, and that's because many of their viewers are ex-hololive fans. It's those fans who bring the toxicity with them.

>> No.28499211

if chuuba A and B have same "hours watched", but A has far higher CCV, are AB chuubas of same calibre?

>> No.28499235
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>Looking at matsuri subs alone is super misleading
And looking at CCV alone can be misleading too. This guy consistently get 30-35k for months but he sure as shit isn't well known compared to any Holomem

>> No.28499261

The reason twitch and youtube use that is because they're getting at something different than what numberfags want to know. All attention is equal to youtube or twitch as long as they can keep showing you ads. No difference between 1 person watching for 10hrs and 10 people watching for 1. The numberfags are more interested in who can hoarde the most attention at any point in time because they're focus isn't on how to maximize the number of ads being shown but rather who has the largest audience.

>> No.28499262

No. Because one is a lazy shit that streams less.

>> No.28499317

Are you new?

>> No.28499329

Nijifags went full numberfag when Salome debuted. Numberfagging and tribalfagging go hand to hand, so when you perform worse than other tribe, you generally don't numberfag.

>> No.28499331

There's no point in trying to make sense out of people who are obsessed with numbers. They're like those retards on /v/ who are obsessed with console warring and hating on the console that is performing the best.

>> No.28499337

>what numberfags want to know
These are mentally ill people. They are crazy tribalfags and toxic numberfags who spend more time watching the viewcounter than the stream.

> The numberfags are more interested in who can hoarde the most attention
The numberfags are toxic and mentally ill people. Many of them are just hololive tribalfags trying to promote the hololive corporation by advertising their high numbers. Appealing to your herd instinct.

>> No.28499385

>Nijifags went full numberfag when Salome debuted
no they didn't. In fact nobody in the NijiEN thread watches the JP talents. Nobody cares about Salome at all. Salome got popular because she became a meme. She made hololive numberfags asshurt, which is probably the reason you brought her up. I've never watched her once, never posted about her, don't think about her at all.

>> No.28499391

>not well known
I guess not if you live in a bubble

>> No.28499450


Wait source? Lowkey kind of cute. I’m also coping from the horrid models.

>> No.28499459

How bout one is a better chuuba that streams less due to temporary sickness, while the other is a worse chuuba that streams a lot?

"hours watched" alone doesn't reflect how good a chuuba is . Also, the chuuba with high average CCV also means she has a larger fanbase

>> No.28499463

Not that anyone cares about Holostars numbers and people will compare them to NijiEN the most, but here's the numbers they have to compare to with the JP Stars once their numbers settle after debut.
>Temma 120k
>Miyabi 124k
>Oga 161k
>Aruran 162k
>Izuru 185k
>Shien 198k
>Astel 203k
>Rikka 211k
>Roberu 261k
Temma and Miyabi are clearly lagging and Roberu is the one ahead, but unlike the girls it's just a difference of 140k rather than 3.7 million between top and bottom. So 150k-250k is probably the initial goal to mark as a success, while below 100k would be a bomb.

For comparison, the lowest Hololive girl is currently Kaela at 354,000. If any hit that number, Cover will be extremely happy and you should expect more ENStars to follow next year.

>> No.28499510

Dead Leddit subs
People will tune in for the debuts and then remember they watch Hololive for cute anime girls and not m*les

>> No.28499521

So even in stars they get loads of pity subs for being part of hololive from people that had no intention of ever watching them?

>> No.28499604

Imagine how much better it would be if their models actually hold up
Cover is fucking retarded

>> No.28499655

fanartists carrying this shit

>> No.28499756

Remember that reddit will always talk the talk, but wont walk the walk.
When it comes to the numbers game, its different for the males. They are fucked no matter what. To the point where even comparing numbers between males is pointless due to how pitiful they are.

>> No.28499823


>> No.28500012

This is a more narrow spread than Council or HoloX had one day after reveal.

>> No.28500095

What are you trying to say? If you ask average vtuber fans if they know him or Kaela/Zeta, more people would answer that they know about the latter but not the former, that'sjust how it is, CCV doesn't mean shit

>> No.28500129
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lol I don't hate it

>> No.28500136

Redditors saviorfagging Holostars is literally how we ended up here looking at these teenager OCs, and it's Redditor saviorfags rushing to subscribe to them.

Fujos are shitting on them on Twitter, and Noctyx got their subs Susan'd three times before debut (Alban dropping from like 50K down to below 20K). Noctyx still have the boon of being in Niji with successful male V-Tubers whereas the long game for Tempus is to hemorrhage those saviorfags as slowly as possible and hope they can collab with NijiEN to stay relevant.

>> No.28500180

you realize male vtubers are the ones carrying NijiEN right now.

>> No.28500306

>tampax are a flop already

>> No.28500448

That doesn't prove anything retardchama

>> No.28500506

I dunno, kenmochi is kinda famous for a very specific reason

>> No.28500603

>Now you know who are those people, mostly just salty nijifan
I think some of the fujos from NijiEN are hoping that Hololive and Holostars get very little interaction, so they don't have to deal with the girls ruining shit for them.

>> No.28500608

Don't get fooled. If it wasn't for the magical hololive debuff those numbers would never be that high.

>> No.28500747

I genuinely had no idea who these people are before looking it up. I'd say being massively popular in Japan is generally better than being massively (?) popular in Indonesia, though

>> No.28500925

This is debatable at best. I'd say even Kobo is on the same level of recognisability as a popular Niji

>> No.28501313

Seems their a little scared

>> No.28501363

Meanwhile niji streamers, oh sorry their LIVERS, make guides for fans to stream songs to maximize their views lmao

>> No.28501630

Kek. Let me remind you that Niji was the biggest vtuber company and Niji was popular as fuck in 2019. After Fubuki's Scatman, Hololive got relatively known but it still was not close. Fast forward now and Holodomination is a thing. People watch Holo because they like what the streamers are doing. Numbers are just a side effect of good streaming.

>> No.28501670

Surprised the boys get more or less even amount of subs. I thought the alchemist guy would pull a Sana.

>> No.28501678

CCV is just 2views favourite method to cope with their shitty views lmao. No company and no sponsor cares about it. Subs and hours watched are the only relevant metrics and that's what makes you money, gives you reach and ultimately makes you grow your channel.

>> No.28501781

Somehow the collective bashing of Tempus transformed into another Holo vs Mini shitfest.

>> No.28502001

>CCV is just 2views favourite method to cope with their shitty views lmao.
But 2views have the poorest ccv....

>> No.28502054

Sponsors care about dead subs? They are paying Gura according to 4m subs instead of her vod views?????

>> No.28502237

Dead subs is another meme no one but coping retards care about. Yes sponsors and investors look at big numbers and as I already said, subs and hours watched are the only relevant metrics for that.

>> No.28502279

>35k ccv
>400-500k views
>no sponsorship
Yes, the so called 'dead subs' is actually the only thing the sponsors are looking for, otherwise Kenmochi would get a shitton of sponsorships since his views and ccv are as high as some Holo

>> No.28502377

>sure as shit isn't well known compared to any Holomem
Holy fucking EOP. Kenmochi being one of the oldest male Vtuber in the industry had even appeared on NHK for TWICE yet you still claimed that he isn't well known. The absolute state of a retarded holofags living in his bubble.

>> No.28502430

People did go numberfag, whether it was nijifans or just some trolls doesn't change for like a week we had 5 threads at least at all times talking about how much niji was stomping hololive and people trying (and failing) to bait the number thread to care. Then she fell off and people blamed the numbers thread for it for some reason when they were the ones being trolled.

>> No.28502445

What is the logic behind it? Dead subs has function at all.
Imagine high dead subs and low views, meaning not many people watching.

>Kenmochi would get a shitton of sponsorships since his views and ccv are as high as some Holo
I think sponsporship needs connection too.

>> No.28502607


>> No.28502643

>no sponsorship
For you pathetic EOP. That's because he literally refused to do sponsorship which he needs to shill shit Chinese mobile game and only accept those he would interested in.

>> No.28502652


>> No.28502816

>people blamed the numbers thread for it for some reason when they were the ones being trolled
>w-we dindu nuffin
Then who were the one shitted up the catolog with constant cope of botting?

>> No.28503296

To add on to what this anon is saying, which thread was it who botted multiple streamers to make a point that turned out to be BS anyways and pissed off their respective fanbases?

>> No.28504104


>> No.28505054
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No one cares about the numbers themselves.
What numberfags care about is the story that numbers tell.
By studying the numbers, how they grow or how their sink, you can pierce the inner mechanics of not only the streaming companies but also the effectiveness of their talents and marketing teams.

For example, If you have 5 /asp/ indies that start at the same time and one blows up, you will check that indie out, cause there must be something special about her. One viewer, one thousand viewers, it doesn't matter. The important part is how numbers behave relative to each other in equal conditions.
People check out anything Hololive throws because they stand out above the other similar companies' numbers. There must be something going on and people want to know what.
Fear of numbers is nothing but fear of knowledge. Some people don't want to know how the vtuber sausages are made, and that's fine. For some understanding how easy it is to manipulate people into clicking a stream, into watching boring content, into falling in love, would ruin the ability to watch vtubers.
Not me. I want to know, I must know. Hence, I numberfag.

>> No.28505200

Honestly didn't expect even that amount of subs with how small holostars are

>> No.28505257

nijiniggers are called nijiniggers for a reason anon

>> No.28505380

You niggers need to stop posting your blogpost here

>> No.28505732

What are the chances they are the Trash Taste guys and are gang banging Cali

>> No.28505891

There is no “Hololive buff”, these guys are Holostars. These guys are going to be putting in the legwork for the branch to grow in the west, and they likely have to deal with angry unicorns/gachikoi on top of that.
Compare that with NijiEN where there is a male buff thanks to Luxiem and appealing to Asian fujoshi/yumejoshi.

>> No.28506412

There is absolutely a Hololive buff for EN Holostars. Look at their growth and twitter engagement compared to Uproar and it's night and day. Not as much as if they were female, but it's still there.

Sponsors definitely care about CCV, but that's because streams are usually limited by a certain hour. Noel even complained/cried once because she couldn't hit the CCV goal due to Youtube changing their spam detection.

nta. By average vtuber fan I would definitely say so too. But that's unironically because Hololive made it so that the average vtuber sub is barely even Japanese anymore. In Japan, it isn't even a competition in favor of Chinman.

>> No.28509938

“After Fubuki’s scatman” you forgot the leeching that they did to Nijisanji before that lets not pretend Fubuki just got Lucky with a funny video.

>> No.28510406

What about vs day1 looxiM

>> No.28510598

I hate /sci/ so much it's unreal.

>> No.28510892

It's not really that bad. Their designs are unique but not overdesigned imo. Anon shitposters and crazy fujos are blowing it out of proportion.
Magni's face and real hand could use some work though.

>> No.28511032

>By studying the numbers, how they grow or how their sink, you can pierce the inner mechanics of not only the streaming companies but also the effectiveness of their talents and marketing teams.
I've only ever seen numbers being used by holofags to justify their worship of hololive. I have literally NEVER seen numbers being used to study companies, or their marketing strategies, or anything of that sort. In fact if you even discuss a company that is not hololive in the numbers thread, you generally get flamed into oblivion. 100% of the numberfagging is about hololive tribalism. "Watch this company because it's the popular company", that's the purpose of numberfagging.

>> No.28511081

fuck off conner

>> No.28511255


>> No.28511740

That could literally be said for any new vtuber.

>> No.28511823
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You weren't saying this when Salome was getting 100k a stream

>> No.28511866

It's meaningless until we see their numbers after a month. They can be a hit they can be a complete flop.

>> No.28512025

He's not that far away from Angle-ucard to be fair.

>> No.28512157


>> No.28512177


>> No.28512566

While I mostly agree with what you are saying, I think you are missing the main reason why some people hate numberfagging. They don't want people telling them that their oshi is ""objectively"" worse than someone else. Even if you don't mean it that way, that's the way it gets taken. They just don't want to hear it. I think that's a totally fair stance to take too. You don't have to be actively shitposting and calling them a loser. By posting numbers and showing people that their oshi is underperforming compared to someone else, it is taken as a slight against them. In their eyes, those numbers show an injustice of the world that you are parading around. It also doesn't help that other people WILL latch onto those numbers and shitpost even if that wasn't your intention. I'm fine with people using numbers to study how things are working. I do it sometimes too. But I also agree that keeping it separate from general discussion is for the best. If only because some people can't be trusted to use that information properly. Like chumbuds.

>> No.28513041

>not well known
EOPs are a pitiful bunch sometimes.

>> No.28513194

anon, you are doing it wrong, should have said it to the first guy

>> No.28513229

I am the first guy, nijiseethe

>> No.28513332

>ken mochi
Is that nip food?

>> No.28513715

"Loyalty to muh favorite corporation" is a powerful thing among zoomers
