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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28432788 No.28432788 [Reply] [Original]

>/vt/ is schizos, antis, and bait
>reddit is an unfunny positivity circlejerk
>twitter is a hugbox where they blindly support talents no matter what

So what's the good place for reasonable discussion of vtubers?

>> No.28432889

In your head.

>> No.28432895
File: 460 KB, 888x1111, Selen Tzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch streams, stop discussing vtubers.

>> No.28432957

unironically youtube vod comments

>> No.28433012

Don't discuss them, it's that simple.

>> No.28433057
File: 175 KB, 234x481, 1657415751950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the fruit farms vtuber thread.

>> No.28433086

Oozora Subaru is unironically my wife.

>> No.28433098

Fuck off Pippa

>> No.28433119

Just don’t. Interacting with a fanbase of any kind is cancer.

>> No.28433163

estrogen central? no thanks

>> No.28433307
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Nobody said you had to post in the other threads to access the vtuber thread.

>> No.28433705

Use filters, faggot.

>> No.28433869

Watch streams, it's that simple
There are no streams? Then don't talk about them

>> No.28434075

what kind of idiot listens to a dragoon? (be btw, this dragoon is right)

>> No.28434216

They're all the same when you think about it. This place allows no Kson and Mikeneko slander at all. Twitter allows no slander of fujos despite them being demented.

>> No.28434448

Normal people don't feel the need to have discourse on something they find entertaining.
All those places you go that you hate, its place and people you choose to be around.

>> No.28434601

Nice armpits, must sniff and lick

>> No.28434996

What you are seeking is a closed group discussion. The choiceof platform is all but irrelevant. Find a small group of friends to talk about streams. It does not matter whether you meet in person or talk on an imageboard, use Discord, Revolt, a Bulletin board, or physical letters.

>> No.28435030

/vt/, as long as you never ever leave your oshi's general (and you ignore any shitposting tourist that shows up from time to time).

>> No.28435067

fetish generals

>> No.28435143

What a baffling take. Normal people talk about the moves they watch, the games they play, the sports they do and the places they see. Wanting to talk about your pasttimes is as bormal as it gets, and if you know anything about rehabilitation programs in CBT or psychiatries, this is one part they are working out with patients.

>> No.28435193

VT anyways.

>> No.28435215
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>/vt/ is schizos, antis, and bait

>> No.28435295

And yet you come here to ask this question thus adding to the bait. Go back and stay there. If you want "reasonable discussion" then reddit is definitely where you belong. Never darken my doorway again faggot. Begone.

>> No.28435441

Stop browsing the catalog
Stick to your oshi's general

>> No.28435516

/vt/ is not reasonable. You have to skillfully filter out cringe, bait, and trolls, but you'll find unfiltered critique, which is why vtubers keep coming here despite the toll it takes on their mental. Most obviously people like Kiara will seek out negative comments just to see if anyone actually shares the critiques against themselves that they make up in their heads.

>> No.28435645

>Anything related to vtubing

>> No.28435665

Either learn to ignore the schizos and other shitposters, or start watching vtubers who are too irrelevant to have any antis.

>> No.28435848

I'd rather not spend any time with those sour dullards.

>> No.28437778

>>/vt/ is schizos, antis, and bait
Why is this a bad thing?

>> No.28440888

its called watching streams

>> No.28441663
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>he complains as if he actually has to put up with all of it
Anon the entire community is saturated and fucked to hell. You're most NEVER going to find another pristine, decent public place for discussion free from corruption. Just follow picrel and watch streams

>> No.28442372

>reasonable discussion of vtubers

>> No.28442913


>> No.28444092

/vt/ is literally unicorns, shills, cucks and whores all cohabitation on the same board. It's hilariously dysfunctional.

>> No.28444361

>Normal people don't feel the need to have discourse on something they find entertaining.
What the hell do you think normal people talk about

>> No.28444402

As is the case with everything in life, you have to pick your poison and make the best out of it. This place is aids, but at least it's not an echo chamber

>> No.28445871

god i want to breed the duck

>> No.28446110

Any unrestricted public discussion of vtubers is going to turn out like /vt/ because the fanbase is full of mentally ill schizos. Just make individual friends and talk to them in a more private venue.

>> No.28448446

We've practically reached the point where an unironic private discord or another form of organized, semi-permeable group chat on other media platforms would be subjectively better without the brain-rotting trauma
too bad the mere mention of other sites alone makes pride rotten, /vt/ards seethe to no end and many would rather be terminally ill brainlets engaging in the same problems they keep crying about. Revolving door epidemic

>> No.28448698

>this place allows no Kson slander
what kind of rock have you been living under retardchama
