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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 73 KB, 545x549, FR1aZK8UYAI1DJy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28413238 No.28413238 [Reply] [Original]

>Holofags were actually serious about their parasocial relationship and it wasn't just ironic shitposting

every day i gain a new reason to hate you faggots

>> No.28413310

Zoom zoom can't phantasm someone could possibly do or enjoy something unironically.

>> No.28413361

Are you actually surprised about /vt/ being one of the worst boards when it comes to post quality?

>> No.28413375

you dont enjoy vtubers i have seen nothing to prove this
most of you just want to LARP as talent producers

>> No.28413379

Why create a shitpost thread instead of replying a existing thread ?

>> No.28413400

All streamers are parasocial to some level. Male streamers with predominantly male audiences feast off the friendship vibe. Thats why react content is king since its like watching videos with friends.

>> No.28413530

All females streamers are there for parasocial feelings only.
You think people watch Pokimane for her streams? No, they want her as their girlfriend.

>> No.28413541

Hah, you Lizefags are a bunch of unicorns too. Why would you pick a fight with Holofags when you should be comforting eachother instead

>> No.28413595
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They saw what happened to NijiEN and don't want history to repeat itself.

>> No.28413650
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>serious about their parasocial relationship
>lize helesta picture

>> No.28413669

Are you actually retarded? Where do you think you are newfag?

>> No.28413805

Heck the term parasocial was coined to describe the relationship between fan and radio star

>> No.28413981

dumb eop

>> No.28414053

Most of this board is just clip watchers flasflagging as actual fans.

>> No.28414223
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there's an old 4chan saying "If you pretend to be retarded, soon you'll find yourself surrounded by retarded people who think they are in good company"

The same happened here. In the /jp/hlgg/ era, anons used to make fun of unicorns. There were gosling and such, but unicorns (omg she's interacting with a male, dropped) were openly mocked. But all the dramafagging and ironic shitposting ended up attracting what is most likely SEA underage muslim seething incels or similar kinds of abominations.

>> No.28414424

Never use Lize-sama in your shitposting again OP

>> No.28414583

Only holofags /here/ are actually serious about that. If you go to the q&a video where Ame said that whole "grow yourself" thing, it literally only has like 100 - 200 dislikes or something, and 7K likes. Her audience (her actual audience) didn't give a fuck about that comment.

>> No.28414704
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>old 4chan saying

>> No.28414724

>Dislikes in 2022

>> No.28414763

Descartes is an honored oldfag

>> No.28414889

I enjoy them unironically though? I'm just not a schizo.

>> No.28414947

I know he went mainstream, but everyone knows Descartes got his start /here/.

>> No.28415158
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Were you saying something?
I was watching CGDCT

>> No.28415206

Lize is unironically my wife

>> No.28415231

We don't deserve to represent 4chin on any matter and you know that pretty well you dumb fuck, every anon outside of this board makes fun of us and with good reason.

>> No.28415320

>every anon outside of this board makes fun of us and with good reason.
Yeah, they have low T.

>> No.28415381

havent seen the "give her the D" meme in a while

>> No.28415405

>/vt/ is all about bait, nothing is real hahahahahhaha

>> No.28415406

This is probably why we should be berate and insult them constantly now. Look its a simple problem people have where they hyper-focus on the rare negative comment and ignore all the good ones. So folks tend to look at the 100 retards instead of the 10 thousand people going "Yeah I dont care about this because im not that mentally ill". You also have asshole faggots used to their tranny hugboxes where they were immune to all criticism and many of them think they are perfectly reasonable and its Cover making a huge mistake and keeping them from getting their Japanese citizenship by having an insufficiently pure Oshii. Normally I wouldnt give a shit about this sort of thing but if their mental illness starts stepping on my toes and forces content I watch to change for their sakes im going to get annoyed and am perfectly willing to do what their absentee bitch ass ffather never did after falling on their mom pumping three times and falling off and im willing to call them a fucking pathetic loser and telling them to grow the fuck up and stop being a such pussy bitch

>> No.28415481

>some virgin without a father

>> No.28415594

yeah you are
using an OP pic that works against you is tradition at this point

>> No.28415632

based rant

>> No.28415694

>Tranny using based wrong

>> No.28415789

Why is the idea of some men wanting GFE chuubas so abhorrent for you?

>> No.28415809

lmao catalog threads are bait for retards like (you)

>> No.28416155

nigga you ant shit your keyboard has a bigger dick then you in reality you probably look like some weak ass urkel mother fucker with a try hard complex

>> No.28417751


>> No.28417861
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>hurdur parasocial bad

>> No.28417881


>> No.28417981

Oozora Subaru is unironically my GF and lives in my house.

>> No.28417988

"parasocial relationship" is itself a term imported from normalfag Twitch streamers. You do not belong here.

>> No.28418067

>Wait, is that a MALE in my heckin' VTuber collab? *THROWS MONITOR* God I fucking hate MALES! Fuck MALES, fuck BFE, heil GFE, and heil Yuribait!
> Wait, mentioning a MALE on my heckin GFE KINO COMFY Minecraft stream?!! *PUNCHES monitor* who these WHORES think i am?!! i just donated FUCKING 100$ this YEAR!
> Wait, this WHORE didn't stream today... *smashes keyboard* DOESN'T she have ANY FEELINGS? SHE'S my VIRTUAL GIRLFRIEND! NOW I'M FUCKING LONELY

>> No.28418102

Maybe you finally understand that your normalfag redditor ass isn't welcome here

>> No.28418177

You forgot your pic schizo

>> No.28418546
File: 57 KB, 222x222, 1655903478205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based me

>> No.28419453

forgot your wojak?

>> No.28419584

esl-kun probably meant fathom

>> No.28419893

Not really.
I expected nothing and somehow got even less.

>> No.28420121

Isn't it tiring if your concept of enjoying is limited to not seeing them with anyone of the opposite sex.
I find it amusing how most people here hate KPop but their behaviour is literally what the KPop Fandom is but with the genders reversed.
It's a fickle, petty thing, and while some people just get into KPop/Vtubing causally as they like the content, it's largely supported by crazed fans who perpetuate this stigma.

>> No.28420246

To be honest I am just LARPing as a unicorn and don't actually care either way about males or who interacts with them at any level of closeness. I think it is funny to take extreme positions and try to justify them with the most mentally ill logic I can.

>> No.28420329

The hatred is mutual so at least we got that in common.

>> No.28421417

>Enjoying vtubers unironically means I think random grown stranger woman pretending to be anime characters are in a relationship with me

So this is what being a mentally-ill virgin is like...

>> No.28423101
File: 2.02 MB, 2132x3013, lhst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fuck all nijien females and start with Lize
>fuck her till she can't stand up or walk straight anymore
>make her call for Ange "to help her with something"
>Ange's pussy gets absolutely oblterated in the process
>make her call for Rosemi "Rosemi sama tasketeeee"
>Rosemi comes over
>you know the drill by know
The important part is to finish EN chubas on Elira or Selen because they get along with many KR/ID females. Or Nina, she likes Mika. Then I can continue fucking through ID/Kr branches in one big chuba fuck fiesta.
Also I will make Sebas watch all of it.

>> No.28423105
File: 1.95 MB, 1337x752, lizepost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time i see someone lizeposting /here/ outside of generals

>> No.28423161

look one post above you, dude has been sharing his plan for last 2 weeks or so. I approve

>> No.28423247
File: 500 KB, 967x967, 81455199_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support your endeavors

>> No.28423673

That is me in the pic, idiot. I never left.

>> No.28425186

Not caring about males doesn't mean you aren't parasocial too, you know

>> No.28425500

Sorry but I dont watch WHORES or give any money to them. If they want to lose all their money to talk to males then all the power to them. I'm just gonna call them whores and move on.
