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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 72 KB, 1280x576, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28370789 No.28370789 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /warkop/ about?
A place to talk about Indonesian VTubers in general, but not just about their streams. We also talk about the Indonesian VTuber scene, whether it be rumors, numbers, market analysis, debuts, graduations, etc.

>Any rules in /warkop/?
I'm not a janny/meido, but:
>We do not talk about /warkop/
>Jaga budi pekerti. Don't be a dumbfuck, a cunt, or both
>No excessive politics and SARA talks. This is a thread for VTubers, not /pol/. We don't want jannies to prune (aka. delete) our threads
>Avoid using Indonesian for your own safety. Jannies might give you warnings or even bans for posting in Indonesian
>Have fun!

>So, /#/ but ID?
You can talk about numbers here, but don't be excessive.

>Is this an Indonesian containment general?
This general aims to be a place where Indonesians could talk about Indonesian VTubers freely and (hopefully) politely.

Recent happenings:
>Shit happened.
>ID VTuber scene continues to incline (for months already!)
>Indonesian viewers is now using Super Chat and Super Stickers! Minerva Rosaline and Mythia Batford reached top daily superchatted channel recently!
>Yume Reality seems to be teasing a new cover/orisong to celebrate Yume Reality's birthday. Meanwhile, Nekoyama Sena got a new Twitter account after her previous Twitter account got suspended
>AOI ID, an agency known for mass graduation of their second generation and sacking of their CEO opens an audition for their new gen from 1 until 17 July
>Kobo Kanaeru reached 1 million subscribers!

ID VTuber List: vtuber.asia

Previous Thread: >>28284323

>> No.28371243

Please don't make a /warkop/ thread if the regular one is dead, because a second /warkop/ thread is always cursed. We only one thread for Wednesday and Saturday. But eh, it is what it is.
Also, who the hell is in the OP image and why is her tits so big?

>> No.28376439


Ooooooo 4chan gods, i pray to thou. Please let this thread be free from any schizos.


>> No.28376495


>> No.28376669

Don't worry Simpthia OP, i'm here this time with a proper prayer to protect it from the curse. Meanwhile you can post the Siska lewd again to bless the thread.

>> No.28378019
File: 72 KB, 1024x576, cecilkoikatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a Cecil Koikatsu art instead.

>> No.28378048

Do you big tits enthusiasts even enjoy the kind used in OP? That looks uncomfortably too much.

>> No.28378263

Yes I do, actually, those look wonderful

>> No.28378443

I like em but not drawn like that, dude has clearly never seen tits that size in real life, they don't work like that and they sure as fuck don't keep that firmness or shape at that size or position

>> No.28378562

I second this, we need her name for research purposes.

>> No.28378575

They're comically large kek this is like furry futa dick levels of disproportionate

>> No.28378884

but who is that in the OP tho? is that ID chuuba?

>> No.28378894

Ugly as fuck

>> No.28381339

Ngl tho, it's hard too keep the regular one alive without latenight bump squad, I swear I usually did that bump job but we got bumped out in the last 2 threads

>> No.28383131

Is she even a chuuba? Mind you that oot could threaten future threads

>> No.28383789
File: 331 KB, 871x607, 1656621513410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this board condition makes me proud as an Indochad. Do (you) feel the same?

>> No.28385133


>> No.28385381

What happened last night?

>> No.28385935

/vt/ being /vt/ basically, there's a lot of happenings especially with tempus and vshojo

>> No.28386178

She's not
It's from chink gacha game fanart

Also just keep the thread dead if you got no news to discuss.

How about Ollie saying ID2 3D is "soon"? Someone said that it's from a member stream but no proof yet. Maybe it's just corporate speech and the soon is actually at holofes next year

>> No.28386594

It means ID2 3D is already completed but can't do debut because of border thing just like ID1 before

>> No.28387407

I think it's Keen3Ds that were spoilered some time ago

>> No.28387442


>> No.28388057
File: 114 KB, 460x600, 1648219777998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole scene is basically drama-free. Drama only exists in low tier agencies that shouldn't exist in the first place, and in indies scene with no management support.
The big agencies have top notch drama management, every drama can't last for more than a few days.
Idol culture is almost non existent.
ID Unity is exists and endorsed by almost every vtubers.

I'm proud.
Let's toast our Kopi Luwak for this blessings that we have.

>> No.28388307

This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G2ZMbHBTfE

>> No.28388522
File: 893 KB, 770x1088, 1636527810646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, /meat/ here
We would like to purchase the cow in your OP and cut her tits off

>> No.28388607

The OP image reminds me of /asean/
Stop being too horny indochama

>> No.28388659

Jesus christ what is wrong with her chest?

>> No.28388707

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, baby.
Even in the 1views and 2views scene, there's not much "drama" and again, it won't last long. The recent one I remembered is a new VTuber who revealed her model, but turns out the artist plagiarized the pose and design from an anime character. Someone then called her out for it. If it's real, it's sad that she got screwed over by her artist.

>> No.28389753

VshojoJP debut

>> No.28390072

Who made this thread? There's literally no hot issue to talk right now in ID scene. Don't tell me burger use warkop to bump down some Vshojo thread kek

>> No.28390510

The board is moving fast, ameschizo and vshojo are having feast

>> No.28390551

more like ID JOP unicorn who never watch holoid or other id vtuber, just look at op picture

>> No.28390736

That is the typical indo OP pic from /asean/

>> No.28390895

I'm posting here simply because of fat tits. Thank you OP

>> No.28392656

>It's from chink gacha game fanart
I'm not a gaymer here so who tf is she again?

>> No.28394306

Unironically, /meat/ is one of the best thread in /vt/.

>> No.28395884

I guess this is something we need to prepared for in upcoming months

>> No.28396331

pengen ngentot

>> No.28396988

stop browsing /vt/ and go outside

>> No.28397701

This is a horrible idea unless you want to publically appear as a criminal at IDnews

>> No.28398171

Try to get a friend first anon

>> No.28399634
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x1280, gambar_2022-07-17_171826758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has any chuuba speak up about being monkeys again?

>> No.28400224
File: 29 KB, 951x301, airiishere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from Airi Cordelia's stream rules:
>Don't promote yourself here lol go shill yourself on some imageboard or an FB group or something. NOT HERE.

>> No.28400478

kek good job

>> No.28401184
File: 221 KB, 853x1000, 1658028165805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree my brothers. With the general incline of all ID chuuba, we could make our own self sustaining ecosystem without pandering to EOP, just like the Nips did.
Truly, we have no path except inclining.

>> No.28401378

What I love about ID VTubers is that they don't have to always follow "normie" trends, yet they are not too detached to Indonesian viewers. I watched ID VTubers because they have superior content than most ID fleshtubers and I hope ID VTubers will improve the Indonesian content-creating scene.

>> No.28401405

Did something happen to her recently? Why she make it sound kinda aggressive

>> No.28401595

Nothing, actually. She's probably here and the Indonesian version doesn't mention the imageboard and Facebook group. In other words, she wants your (You)s.

>> No.28402039


>> No.28403137

Oh fuck, hi Airi, I have no ill intentions on you, you are a good VTuber. Keep up the good work and we are a totally-peaceful-general, haha.
t. usual OP

>> No.28403265

don't lie OP, i know you have her lewd pic saved

>> No.28403405

NTA but Airi has lewds?

>> No.28403642
File: 143 KB, 385x516, Screenshot_2022-07-17-19-46-03-751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28403751

Menkominfo will ban google and youtube in 5 days

>> No.28403980

Nah they should be good

>> No.28404141

idk, i'm not that horny to look into it

>> No.28404272

she has an nsfw hashtag, but no one draws a lewd of her yet, except for that latex art

>> No.28407222

When will /warkop/ does our own proyekan?

>> No.28407885

We're to split for project and I doubt you lazy fucks bother. I rarely seen /wacana/ progress nowadays.

>> No.28408116

I see tits i click, i dont even know this woman

>> No.28409159
File: 2.09 MB, 3000x3400, airicordelialatex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the closest thing to an Airi lewd.

>> No.28409532

Who is this titty monster? I need to fap

>> No.28410972

I'm in as long as I can do it.
If we are seriously going to do it, start simple and do it for a chuuba that really cares about every tribute that they received. Start from a chuuba from big agencies or big indies to spark some interest here.

>> No.28413141

What's the date for the /vt/ Cup?

>> No.28413646

September is still like 1,5 months from now, expect some last moment progress in true Indonesian dedliner spirit

>> No.28414157

what else do we need?

>> No.28414942

>Tempus doomposting
>Upcoming notrushia debut
>Sana's graduation doomposting's leftover
Yeah last night bwas not the best time to keep a slow thread alive and it will last for at least 2-3 days I reckon I also have the same exact problem to keeping /mhm/ alive

>> No.28415309

you forgot homoEN

>> No.28415453

lmao the memes are real

>> No.28415759

Idk, just ask wacanaposter next thread

>> No.28415853

homoEN is Tempus awan...

>> No.28415926

i mean, i feel like we don't need much more so it's natural if the progress is getting slower. unless wacanaposter is opening model suggestion, that could be fun

>> No.28415991

Interesting interesting. I’m doing my art reps. Anyone want an Ari lewd? If you have a specific request I can try to fill it

>> No.28416047

loooottsss of booobaassss

>> No.28416091

here's a challenge for you, draw her pissing

>> No.28416157

Look at those BOOBS

>> No.28416315

Airi i know you read this, this is your chance, you can request your own lewd!!

>> No.28416387

lmao someone pls ss and send it to her

>> No.28416393

Upskirt with good ass

>> No.28416714

isn't that containment breaching, or is Airi our patron saint now

>> No.28416769

I've seen him everywhere, even /#/ makes a joke about him being one of Tempus. Is he actually membered to any chuuba?

>> No.28416885

I think not? I read that people actually offered paying memberships for him, but he refused.

>> No.28417051

>Is he actually membered to any chuuba?
Nope. People even used to offer him money, so that he could finally member the HoloID girls, but he refused every time. I guess he's content with being just a regular viewer.

>> No.28417154

>wacanaposter is opening model suggestion, that could be fun
You could always suggest models to him I believe, just try it

>> No.28417260

>Airi tweeted this two days after Tsuyu Hortenshia's Graduation Edition

>> No.28417264

Kek I misread it as "tempik" the first time I read it I don't know why

>> No.28417314

as someone with experience with wacana stuff, that usually won't work. you need something a little more "forcing". if he show the list of current model (whether it's just a concept or the actual model) i'm sure there will be a lot more suggestions.

>> No.28417554

well, we have wacanaposter posting the jersey design and the player lists. if we can't design 3D models, we should at least post PNGs for the roster

>> No.28417556

Kek, i can relate. People are too lazy and just assume everything is good, and then complaining when it doesn't meet their expectation. You really can't rely on "inisiatif", harus jemput bola.

>> No.28417587

Ah yeah, sorry.
I didn't know they are named Tempus.

>> No.28417729

yeah, i think the jersey, logo, and player list is good already. i want to know if he already has a model or concept for each player tho, since some of them are more unique

>> No.28417778

Can't you indogs not break containment?

>> No.28417924

We need to add Airi to the roster now, we can kick Dolphino since Si Otan is better.

>> No.28417942

they get enjoyment from catalogshitposting and getting their shipost uploaded to /vt/ twitter/facebook screenshot account. it's useless to reply to those kind of people.

>> No.28417957

Are you the Lord of the Chuuba Board?

>> No.28418090

I assure you, most /warkop/ denizens aren't that retarded. Ignore them.

>> No.28418112

only if she promises to stream /warkop/ match

>> No.28418316

Whoa good idea, however that means, her fanbase will mostly consist of ID /vt/ dweller

>> No.28418440
File: 131 KB, 450x500, bvll5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very proud and enthusiast, insecure bunker fag can get the rope.

>> No.28418515

kek dont tell me she is the usual warkop femanon

>> No.28418513

Imagine the state of the thread after she livestreams the match.

>> No.28418639

>Lord SMP being one of Tempus
I'll watch him if true. His autism towards holoID is crazy kek.

>> No.28418686
File: 80 KB, 246x205, 1655315611959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come to /lig/ as well to promote your twitch-partnered girls.
The place is still suffering from dead hours six months in and Australians can only get us so far.

>> No.28418749

That's a good new pic of Ade Rai. Thanks anon i'll add it to my collection.

>> No.28418833

There's not much ID Twitch VTubers. Even if there are, I don't think they qualify to be in /lig/. If you want the YouTube-based VTubers, we have Mythia Batford, Minerva Rosaline, Selia Aisnith, and Airi Cordelia (she reached >100 CCV lately)

>> No.28418863

Based Airi grooming male indie chubas.

>> No.28419103

fuck me

>> No.28419299

>Please come to /lig/ as well to promote your twitch-partnered girls.
hmmm the only big indie IDvtubers on twitch i know are xeapher, nyaadia, spleandie ferachie, usually its only 2 digits viewers. if 2digits is allowed i think i know a lot

>> No.28419691
File: 943 KB, 800x564, 1638286932064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as they are partnered it is fine.
You can talk about numbers here, but don't be excessive.
> but don't be excessive.
In /lig/, power limiters are off. It is all about numbers. Take this into consideration.

>> No.28419922
File: 3.45 MB, 538x422, 76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking disgusting, youre saying there is a high chance ID chuuba read my shitpost in here? fuck that, its been a ride become a schizo and farming (you) in here anon, have a nice night

>> No.28420257

ok thankyou sir

>> No.28420648


>> No.28420851

I hope she could broadcast /warkop/ match in the future

>> No.28420914

i'm just gonna sit back and watch y'all thanks for the nighttime content

>> No.28421601
File: 994 KB, 1822x1306, 1633613606691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi airi

>> No.28423586

they've been here from the start.

>> No.28425243

>He never shitposting and falseflagging with his oshi in her general
Could never be me

>> No.28426615


>> No.28429164

Sundul lagi

>> No.28431471

Kek, but honestly being an Indonesian means that she'd be safer just to represent us in live match commentary instead of reacting to it on separate stream because
>dyrbt most of her fans knows us?

>> No.28432611

Nope. It looks like someone over-filled a couple of water balloons and has to drag them across the floor because they can't even pick them up

>> No.28435198

Beeg if true

>> No.28437102

I miss seeing them in /vt/ catalog

>> No.28437955

I worried about iofi

>> No.28438650

Tempik = tempus(sy)

Same thing

>> No.28439185

Elaborate anon
