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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28211866 No.28211866 [Reply] [Original]

Well the day is finally here

>> No.28212030

It was fun while it lasted. Now that two of my favorite hobbies are ruined I guess it's time to go back to fishkeeping. Or something.

>> No.28212216

Anon, you've been in a coma for 2 years

>> No.28212231

You still have time to put Gura into a fish tank

>> No.28212282

>i posted a png
>that means i'm right
gatekeeping is for faggots too insecure to cope with the fact that it's possible for two people who don't like each other to like the same thing. genuinely the only way to not share a hobby with someone you don't like to kill yourself. so either do it, or stop complaining nigger.

>> No.28212334

That was a thing ever since women started posting on this board, so basically since the board's inception.

>> No.28212399

it sucks to be right doesn't it

>> No.28212434

>not just game ending the other group

>> No.28212459

Two hobbies? Which one besides vtubers?

>> No.28212485

ENfags have no place to talk. You guys are the infiltrators. Anyone who started watching chubbas after 2019 is an infiltrator, it was over a long time ago.

>> No.28212501

Please explain to me how vtubing began as a hobby? It started as a commercial production with Kizuna AI.

>> No.28212562

You mean...there's g-girls on veetee?!

>> No.28212587

I unironically love to see you faggots complain and post about shit like this.

>> No.28212681

Magic: the Gathering

>> No.28212820
File: 155 KB, 898x931, 1645631015535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We warned you guys and you didn't listen

>> No.28212889

I feel you, I'm into ttrps and it hurts watching something you care deeply about become warped and corrupted. All a single person can do is stay and watch what they once cherished change to much that it doesn't even resembled the original charm, or walk away and abandon a passion. It really is a curse.

Part of why I liked vtubers is because it didn't pander to that type of shit, but it seems the wheels of time and unforgiving and nothing can remain the same forever.

>> No.28212906

ENStars1 are going to be on their best behavior . Its ENStars 2 and every ENStar gen after thats going to destroy things

>> No.28212963

/asp/ or /#/ for seething 2views or /NijiEN/ for SEA fujos

>> No.28213014

Posts like these are living proof that gatekeeping IS mandatory.

>> No.28213029

Normalfag get out
You are just an sad individual that can't accept things the way they are and have the need to simplify everything pandering to your low standards
Can't invent anything and will just live to spread and destroy others creations.
Virus fuck of a being
Why won't you go lick toilet sits and eat tide pods with your kind and be happy overthere?

>> No.28213035

What is this referencing to? I genuinely don't know.

>> No.28213076

I was hoping someone would post this. Truly the end times. Now that Niji and Holo have fallen, and the space is filled with whores, what's even left to salvage? As everyone knows, even if you support a chuba, that just elevates her to live a better life than you and fuck guys who aren't you. What's even the point anymore?

>> No.28213128

Nah, shitting up your hobbies is a lot more fun. Less reasons for you to live.

>> No.28213171

The day has arrived since vtubing kickstared in EN.

>> No.28213194

It's the Shoujo Ramune trio

>> No.28213202

What's wrong the art though?

>> No.28213255

Take it. All yours, bro.

>> No.28213328
File: 89 KB, 853x480, 1643357824087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing's wrong with it but apparently people from Hololive are buttblasted against some innocent fanart.

>> No.28213330

So I'm your whole entertainment?
That's low, what a sick person.
Go make something and try to at least pretend to be sentient

>> No.28213351

Simple as that.
I'm more concerned about the fact that a fucking mod on what seems to be the reddit for hololive """didn't get the reference""". Truly shows what kind of people got into the hobby.

>> No.28213354

but /vt/ is the brown stickman, maaaybe green, definetly not the black stickman

>> No.28213481

R*dditors are not people, anon. This still applies to officials working for Cover.

>> No.28213585

it's r/Hololive, they're subhumans

i think they might have been the biggest reason why gura didn't get her dakimakura

>> No.28213783

But they are wearing clothes like normal children. What the fuck is wrong with that?

>> No.28213933
File: 14 KB, 281x328, 1594456047852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the day was /here/ when this fucking board was made

>> No.28213937

I fucking hate Reddit. How do people stand posting on there?

>> No.28213952

ask the sjw trannies in hololive

everything has been downhill since Coco left, she was the one responsible for scouting them too

>> No.28214120

nah. advocating for gatekeeping makes you a niggerfaggot. just accept that """your""" hobby isn't owned by you and cannot be invaded. it doesn't owe it to you to remain emtirely static forever. it's going to change and that change is almost always for the better.

>> No.28214234

>beta testers salty about beta testing
This image has always been a cope for weak men, and time has not made it any better.

>> No.28214307
File: 2.34 MB, 1800x1800, cover_itemimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look at this picture from a /jp/ perspective, the entirety of vtubers represent the collapse/casualization
if you look at it from a kizuna ai/4 god fan's perspective, hololive and nijisanji represent the collapse
if you look at it from a newfag jp vtuber perspective, holomyth represents the collapse
basically you're a total scrub and i'm an elite with a huge dick, no matter how you slice it.

>> No.28214426

I love the lesbian scene but not much else. Sorta like Hololive itself lol

>> No.28214499

males are non-hobbyists now, apparently? And to imply your precious walled garden of cartoon "virgins" founded the subcategory is absurd

>> No.28214513

>I'm more concerned about the fact that a fucking mod on what seems to be the reddit for hololive """didn't get the reference"""
which makes the whole thing even more retarded, the post wasn't removed for referencing hentai but simply because to these people lolis are le bad

>> No.28214524
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>> No.28214525

epic /jp/ oldfag here
you're all newfags

>> No.28214593
File: 304 KB, 1500x1835, FK5BwE1aMAIAx9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the point where 2019/2020tourists pretend that they didn't already ruin everything?

>> No.28214608

That day already happened when Coco joined JP and opened the floodgates lmao
Where were you?

>> No.28214723

>almost always for the better
More like the changes occurring favor your interest. 40k turning into a cesspool of pozzed shit was not “for the better”. NijiEN gaining Luxiem did not change them “for the better”. It’s always the corruptor that speaks like this. The list goes on and on.

>> No.28214754

/vt/ is all of them. It's just that black unicorns and green gachis are here for the hobby, while pink chubas and femanons bring sexual dynamics into the mix. There's obviously going to be a conflict between pink's interests and the interests of both black and green. Pink also attracts brown normalfags, who want to get with pink, and red chads, who do get with pink.

At this point, is it any surprise that black and green aren't too happy? And if pink's not also getting with them to keep them around, why would they continue to care about or invest in the hobby? At that point it's just a matter of enjoying the decline.

>> No.28214863

You get too complacent and this happens. Always gatekeep your hobbies niggerfaggots.

>> No.28214894

>that change is always for the better.
>Videogame doesn't have character with more than one skin color? That's racist, cancel them.
>Is that a tanned girl in a japanese cartoon? NO! It must be a black people representation.
>Calling Orc evil is racist, they must change the lore to suit our political views.
>There's not much gay people in this movie/anime/tv show. There HAVE to be at least one gay people or we will cancel you!

Never give them an inch.
People like you is the reasons why all entertainment must conform to this kind of pc bullshit all those twitter westoid sperg out of their ass.

>> No.28214919

If this hobby was gatekept correctly, you wouldn't be here. shine kudasai

>> No.28215024

yeah speaking/reading japanese and watching streams should be the bare minimum like the niji thread in /jp/ demands it to be. No shitty memes or reaction shit

>> No.28215028

Fuck you. YOU were the hobby invaders. You all are new fags that morphed this hobby into some autistic GFE abomination when it started out with some autismos doing entertaining variety sketches.

Fuck off, I hate your ilk with a burning passion for ruining my hobby, and now you act like you're the ones being slighted when at most this might bring in some less autistic fans to cleanse the hobby and drive you invaders out. It's a pipe dream but I take great pleasure in seeing you get driven out of the hobby you ruined.

>> No.28215044

Gatekeeping doesn't stop tourists but it limits them to a minimum, which is what it should be.

>> No.28215046


>> No.28215081

technically the day EN debuted was the moment

>> No.28215111

you should honestly rethink your life. it's not too late, but you're getting a bit too obsessed. read through this thread and realise you're getting far too close to the flame.

40k was better as a heavy criticism of conservative politics, I'll agree with you on that. female space marines should've been added ages ago. never watched nijien so i can't comment on the other nonsense

>> No.28215304

>We warned you guys and you didn't listen
What did you warn?

>> No.28215331

Sorry, pink, I can't understand a word you're saying with all those dicks in your mouth.

>> No.28215465

>he spends his time bemoaning about the degradation of his glorified tv shows on a Nigerian well digging forum
(You) will never be happy and certainly die alone.

>> No.28215563

If you're so happy, why do you sound so sad and bitter?

>> No.28215570

No, we totally did. It's why I stick to my 2views on Twitch for the most part.

>> No.28215697

Technically the gatekeeping on /jp/ was fine for a while it's just that the newfags formed their own ghettos after forcing a thread split, and then eventually became enough of the majority to make their own mega gateway board that can't be gatekept by definition.

>> No.28215764

>gatekeep your hobbies
Gatekeep into what? Back to All JP one-hour videos with barely any substance with their audience down to maybe a few hundred at best?

>> No.28215860

you mean 4-10 minute videos and when vtubing was good? Yes

>> No.28215966

So was the leak correct?

>> No.28217143

>>i posted a png
>>that means i'm right
who the fuck thinks like this? are you an actual retard?

>> No.28219515

yeah sure

>> No.28219596

Bruh, 4-10 minutes is barely anything. You may as well just shill out raid shadow legends with that amount of time.

>> No.28219632
File: 79 KB, 643x820, 686F5F45-CF10-4D85-B63F-AF783BC2728E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28219674

>nah. advocating for gatekeeping makes you a niggerfaggot. just accept that """your""" hobby isn't owned by you and cannot be invaded.
This guy >>28213128 begs to differ

>> No.28219801

This is like the 3rd or 4th cycle of this happening already you absolute newfag

>> No.28219890

I blame Moemihater for this

>> No.28219979
File: 78 KB, 598x611, 1656816190551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this

>> No.28220173

you have to realize, not everyone is a faggot like you are

>> No.28220309

the right cant read

>> No.28220667

??? How the fuck is this relevant?

>> No.28220779

This image doesn't even really apply to the current situation, as most of the people on /vt/ haven't been watching Vtubers since the beginning. Most of the posters here are EOPs who only started watching in mid 2020.

>> No.28222062

yes. i get my enjoyment from people suffering, especially insecure faggots like you

>> No.28222749

You type like your oshi is shadow the hedgehog

>> No.28222781

jesus fucking christ where did all these new faggots come from?

>> No.28222845

it still applies, just not in the way OP thinks

>> No.28223107

should have started out with Eilene and Beno-chan

>> No.28223136

It was already fucked at /jp/ also, ywnbj

>> No.28223548
File: 107 KB, 270x370, 1647287156661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm shadow himself

>> No.28224388

Greens = People who started watching with Myth/Gura
Browns and pinks = people who started watching post-/vt/

>> No.28225303

>Greens = People who started watching with Myth/Gura
if only

>> No.28225451

>Greens = People who started watching with Myth/Gura
Fuck off. you're one of the pinks

>> No.28226136

LMAO ENshart spotted

>> No.28226329

myth/gura watchers don't like vtubers and only watch holo so no they're not, quit flattering yourself. The trend started dying when tourists from the holo azurlane collab invaded /jp/ and acted un/jp/-like with shitty memes and spam

>> No.28226405

what the fuck are you talking about? I was calling them the pinks. But now that I think about it more, I take that back. the introduction of american vtubers are the maroons

>> No.28226481

He's a normalfag, please understand

>> No.28226510

Thats around when I started following hololive but I dont give a shit about azurlane

>> No.28226627

ironic coming from an ENfag

>> No.28227882

I miss old vtubing, live streaming was a mistake

>> No.28228022

this. Kizuna AI please come bacj

>> No.28228042
File: 449 KB, 1079x1500, yande.re 467351 sample a.i._channel animal_ears cleavage crossover fuuen kaguya_luna kizuna_ai mirai_akari mirai_akari_project skirt_lift tam-u the_moon_studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. the golden age was in 2017. A short, but brilliant year

>> No.28228190

this post proves the OP

>> No.28228386

is this some anime?
what's wrong with it?

>> No.28228474

Based as fuck hololive was the biggest mistake in the vtuber community all it did was bring in retards from the west and the worst japan has to offer that's why hololive was still a no name till 2019

>> No.28228478

>started watching 2018

>> No.28229181

>infiltrators calling others infiltrators

>> No.28229360

The OP pic is a time tested reality, you need to be gatekept out of the industry with as much lolicon pandering as possible because you would destroy it all for nothing

>> No.28229656

Explain >>28213128 >>28222062,
This is your side buddy, they actively come into our hobbies and then seek to gatekeep the original fans.

>> No.28229957

it was already starting to go down the drain when Americans began to worship Ai-chan as a meme online. when something from Japan gains a large overseas following, you just have to know it's almost over

>> No.28230226

/vt/ was created to contain reddit and twitter refugees anon

>> No.28231073

The “time” has long since came, yet you guys had your heads so far up your asses to notice. The “magic” ended too long ago.
There are flaws in gatekeeping, but you go and prove them right with a post like that. Don’t follow your own advice Anon.

>> No.28231650

Most correct opinion in this thread. Shoot every nigger who thinks vtubing is about streaming.

>> No.28231731

Back when all the “lore” and “character” actually meant something.
And by that I mean they actually stuck too it.
What’s even the point of all this “lore” shit anymore? They can’t just say “I told the artist to make what I thought was pretty cool lol, here I am now as a cartoon” and continue on from there?

>> No.28231746

unironically opened the door for vrchat streamers and they appropriated the term so yeah streaming is shit

>> No.28231898

Funny enough the vrchat stuff was still mostly videos at one point in time.
Fucking shit it went down fast.

>> No.28231966

>believes the post-wokization "critique of conservatism" lie
The universe of 40k physically doesn't allow for libtardism you troon, it's a fight for survival by humanity. It it's a critique of conservatism, it's one from the right, not from the left.

>> No.28232156

Everyone on this English-language board by nature are after the tipping point so them complaining about later stages is disingenuous.

>> No.28232773
File: 106 KB, 935x960, FHPov0JXMAgX_mi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The types of "fans" this post describes are not content to just like the thing (in fact they usually don't, they just like the aesthetic). They demand it must change to cater them
I used to be one of those people who would mock "Gaters" like you did, and believe that they were making too much of a fuss over a small amount of fans, many underage. Well now I look at what's left of "nerd culture" and see that they were completely fucking right. It's been taken over by people who hate it, and brand the actual nerds as hateful
Sorry for the literal Reddit-tier picrel, but it does explain the phenomenom well

>> No.28232796

I was looking for this pic, thank you OP

>> No.28233345

great bait. fuck you.

>> No.28233589

and which one are you?

>> No.28233625

I started watching with kizuna ai, nekomiya Hinata and Jashin-chanin 2018 but I only started browsing /jp/ around June. What does that make me?

>> No.28233723

I really liked the short video format. The edits were really fun and very often the videos would get translated, instead of translated clips of long streams which cut context. The skits were fun too, Elaine and Nekomiya made some great stuff.

>> No.28234158

cope globalsharts lol

>> No.28234341

good post

>> No.28234508

this happened a long time ago, Anonchama.

>> No.28235358
File: 1.62 MB, 1000x563, Rob gatekeeping [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flkwq1i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28235529

Aogiri High School is growing fast because there is still an audience like you who misses the old style of vtubing.

>> No.28235647 [DELETED] 

Cope and seethe. Your /vt hugbox is now raided by normies.ttvtrj

>> No.28235705

Heh. Nice captcha retard

>> No.28235761

This happened to /niji-en/ and it will happen to you

>> No.28235796

The only thing you guy are ruining is this website. HoloEN and NijiEN were trash from the start.

>> No.28235998

yeah all the holofags bandwagoning instantly got vaporized when males showed up, it was great

>> No.28236497

its funny because this whole board was last panel almost from the start, with all the SEA, facebook, reddit, discord newfags. It's like current /b/, it has no relationship nor history with the rest of 4chan other than being edgy.

>> No.28236914

It's like some kind of thermodynamics/entropy effect. The normalfag population invades whatever niche until it gets diluted enough to become indistinguishible with the normalfag environment, achieving equilibrium in death.

>> No.28237009

nice chemistry reference????

>> No.28237526

so true sister.hadddp

>> No.28237604

The day was like 2 fucking years ago when Melody attracted sea of people to EN Vtubing and between that and Coco's machinations we got Hololive EN.

>> No.28237845

I thought Melody was 3-4 years ago. I'm not a fan of her personally, but I feel like I started seeing her around during that time.

>> No.28237942

She debuted in February 2020 but her Twitter and hyping up started I think in August 2019?

>> No.28238049

I still can't find a hentai hotter than when the oji-san makes the idol bitch's pussy and ass bleed all in one session.
I want genuine reactions and genuine friendships.
I don't want reactions that took multiple takes and scripted friendships.
>inb4 your chuubas are fake friends too
They like each other enough to cross company collab 4 days out of a week and regularly drop in unannounced just because they were bored.

Spontaneity and being genuine is a different, equally enjoyable appeal of vtubing.

>> No.28238063

That day came as soon as EN debuted, Anon. It's just been getting worse.

>> No.28238245

>tempus video got only 60k views, as opposed to millions for all the other debuts
kek i dont think so

>> No.28238907

This OP image has literally nothing to do with what has happening, I don't even think anyone has read it.
Reminder that it was HoloEN fans who degraded vtubing and made it accessible to normalfags.

>> No.28239397
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>> No.28240318

Step 4 happened in 2020 btw, all been downhill from there

>> No.28240609

we've been in stage 6 for awhile. few people care about vtubing as a medium and they creativity it allows, few care for the old trailblazers like oyabun or Eileen. the vtuber scene is awash with greedy e-girls pretending to be BOYFRIEND-FREE ANIME GIRLS and "idols" in order to milk their paypigs and oil barons for all they're worth. the fact that drama exploded in the vtuber scene recently about whether it's okay to hate and shit talk anime but still use an anime avatar...

>> No.28240621
File: 58 KB, 248x344, Not like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28240662

Stage 8

>> No.28240690

That's just vshojo

>> No.28240859

HoloEn soon

>> No.28241660

Why are they pissing together?
