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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28141003 No.28141003 [Reply] [Original]

Who's next? No, it probably won't be Mori.

>> No.28141081


>> No.28141123


>> No.28141149


>> No.28141198

hopefully yagoo

>> No.28141227


>> No.28141235

Your mom

>> No.28141555

Kronii once she fails to meet the new streaming quota from the second year contract

>> No.28141719

That's incredibly sad, but I can't argue with those trips. At least one other anon...must understand why.

>> No.28141807

I don't think we're gonna have a graduation any time soon, Maybe a yab-induced termination but no graduation.

Nah, her gacha safety net isn't nearly as big as Sana's.

You do know the "yearly contract" thing is a /vt/ rrat that has zero evidence from the talent or social media admin, right? You're not so dumb as to read a rrat on /vt/ and think its true, right?

Trips haven't meant anything since m00t sold this place to the nips.

>> No.28141871

Anon, you don't understand the strength of 555.

>> No.28141921

It once held great power, but the old magic is dead.

>> No.28142442

Fauna leaves to start a cat cafe and eventually suffers a vitamin deficiency that causes her body to break down, she is discovered by her customers as her cats discover a taste for human flesh.

Ina leaves due to being sad about Sana and realizing she, too, does not particularly enjoy the continuous streaming and that a career in drawing jpgs for chinese games would be more lucrative in the long run, also her mother begs her to stop with her fake job so that she will no longer be shamed before relatives in the home country

Bae 'leaves' next as she wants to be one of the cool kids and ends up killing her kidneys during a drinking binge with Mori and Miori, dying somewhere in New York Shitty

Mumei rediscovers her love of dogs and becomes the pet of a wealthy older man with a fetish for feeding women dog treats made of his cum.

Gura leaves next because she feels depressed so many people are leaving and she couldn't be the first, as her audience slowly declines due to newer and younger girls emerging. She tries to go indie again but her audience is too retarded to follow and she is forced to sell her things and move back in with her parents where she becomes morbidly obese due to eating to quell the raging emptiness inside.

IRyS, becomes increasingly pathetic and erratic in streams due to her inability to even really feed herself and her desire to have a husband being unmet due to only losers trying to date her and the massive japanese stigma against women who are adult but unmarried works heavily against her. She eventually marries a fat guy from somewhere in america named 'doug' and lives in their plywood mcmansion in the suburbs raising a weird kid who goes on to become either the next supreme gentleman or the next keanu reeves. She is constantly compared to her doctor sister, which kills her inside.

Amelia takes the gosling jokes too far and Ryan Gosling decides to sue her for damaging his reputation as he becomes aware of it. Similarly to fauna, her tendency to keep weird animals like snakes becomes her undoing as she falls into a celiac coma and is bitten by a poisonous creature and dies.

Kronii is the last of council to leave despite having the least enthusiasm for it, perhaps realizing she has no other way to be a VA besides this. She begins taking on male roles in cartoons and quietly changes her legal name to Krono, becoming a man (female).

Mori does not leave and is not fired but is promoted to become Cover's head of PR for north america as they expand away from vtubing into the new world of vr for sad neets, where she is free to have a captive audience of losers listen to her terrible songs forever.

>> No.28142885


>> No.28142976

canon ending

>> No.28143022

Cover will sell the company to Mori's fat UMG bux and otherwise shut down. She'll be the last one standing. Even as you're crying in pain in a retirement home neglected and abused, Mori will still be streaming. Victorious and flourishing.

>> No.28145240

>a captive audience of losers listen to her terrible songs forever.
I don't want to bully the deadbeats but yeah

>> No.28145476

>What's 2+2
>and don't say 4

>> No.28145718

Gura's next but not for awhile. Vtubing is Kiara's life, Mori needs it for her career, Ame doesn't know how to do anything else, and Ina does it simply because she loves it. Gura on the other hand has been distancing herself from streaming and going on unexplained breaks which suggests to me her heart isn't really in it and she's done the moment she makes enough money to retire on.

>> No.28145882

brb gotta go get my name changed to doug

>> No.28146052

Most likely ones:
Hinting on it, lost her friend and has the least idol like behaviour of all.
Once she finishes university and pursues another job.
Not by choice, probably will be Rushia'd since she's taking a lot of risks acting like the good management EN never got.
Tired of being screwed by Cover and her known depression.

>> No.28146122

>You're not so dumb as to read a rrat on /vt/ and think its true, right?
a 1year contract is the most logical thing for any agency to do with new hires
She most likely wanted the fuck out even sooner

>> No.28146145

People keep saying Ina panders to chinks and is afraid of pissing them and this is the reason she doesn't acknowledge Coco's existence.
But she has multiple times talked about how Aqua was her oshi and was the first Vtuber she watched and collaborated with Fubuki multiple times

>> No.28146205

anon the record label deal guarantee Mori can't get the fuck out even if she wanted

>> No.28146211

>the least idol like behaviour of all.
Not true

The reason she is depressed is because she feels lonely

>> No.28146223

>Mori wasn't the first EN to graduate
So much for that rrat. /vt/ was fucking wrong as always.

>> No.28146277

Anon, Aqua is the most zhang-friendly holo.

>> No.28146288
File: 567 KB, 1106x539, 1657590410406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's using mario party black magic to swap positions. Can't blame us

>> No.28146331

But weren't they the ones who were attacking her during the time she was on hiatus for not choosing China over Coco

>> No.28146397

It's hard to keep streaming mineshit and other braindead "games" like prop hunt. You can only do so much it has a shelf life and cover isn't helping by fighting them on playing other games.

>> No.28146430

She was.
Not anymore. The Chinese were the ones who were attacking her during the apex drama>>28146331

>> No.28146470

The next one to graduate will be because their roommate up and died.

>> No.28146570

But wouldn't it be nice if it was Mori

>> No.28146645

Nobody, which will cause a large portion of /vt/ to powerlessly seethe forever.

>> No.28146670

>Once she finishes university and pursues another job.
That would be fucking hilarious honestly.
>graduates to go become an HR whore
>realizes she is making a whole 40k a year 5 years out of college when she was making 200k a year just doodling and making memes as an anime girl
She'd do it, too.

>> No.28146726

She'll be the last one standing by contractual obligations alone.

>> No.28148196

Although she loves Hololive, she has always treated it as something secondary in her life, so she may probably end up graduating when she finishes college and get a new job.

Perhaps at some point she may become unmotivated to keep streaming because of her depression and she'll move on to take care of herself and her mental health.

She may quit because she is too tired and is already unmotivated to stream because of her problems with the management cancelling her projects and the fact the she gets too much pressure for being the biggest vtuber of all time and her fanbase. And maybe she will got indie again and return to her old vtuber persona. But I don't think she wouldn't graduate as long as she have her Hololive friends and her life would be directionless without Hololive.

>> No.28148273

It's really hard to solo and the difficulty and value having a good ensemble to bounce off of is underestimated.

>> No.28148340

By who's logic? Former members of AKB 47 and Morning Musume have said their groups use 9 month contracts. If Cover uses timed contracts as opposed to "at will at the talent's discretion" (which is the standard in most Japanese corporate jobs), wouldn't cover copy the model set by Yagoo's favorite idol group and one of the biggest idol groups in the world?

>> No.28148375

>You do know the "yearly contract" thing is a /vt/ rrat that has zero evidence from the talent or social media admin, right? You're not so dumb as to read a rrat on /vt/ and think its true, right?
It literally says it in the application info you stupid fuck

>> No.28148415

No, it doesn't you fucking liar.

>> No.28148478

>You must be able to deliver content continuously for at least one year.
First bullet point you stupid fucking retard

>> No.28148535

Mori needs to go back and massage her.

>> No.28148712

>Hinting on it, lost her friend and has the least idol like behaviour of all.
t. doesn't even watch clips of Ina

>> No.28148748

this is the ogey prophecy...

>> No.28148770


>> No.28148779

Hype me up bro, how's Ina status.

>> No.28148803

>Although she loves Hololive
she doesn't

>> No.28148854

>Graduate not cause their roommate died, but because their roommate killed them
>Three years later they hold a guerilla stream where they re-debut
>They survived the attempt and had to lay low during the court proceedings to ensure there were no other collaborators
>Now streaming from witness protection full time

>> No.28149025

Gura doesn’t know how to do anything else either, hell I’d argue Ame is better positioned to pivot to another role than Gura is.

>> No.28149085

kiara doko?

>> No.28149177

If it's not Mori, i'm not interested

>> No.28149230


>> No.28149246

Kiara continues to be an idol, but after a failed attempt to break into a full singing career and the full weight of age now bearing down on her she becomes pregnant during one of her vacations to Italy, never revealing the father's name. She and her mother raise her child, like a black family but German, and her daughter is at first loved and Kiara is a very stylish mommy. But over time she becomes overbearing about her love of Japanese things, leading her daughter to K-Pop instead. Eventually her daughter will write a book called "Kiara", comparing her mother to star Joan Crawford both in aspirations and in terms of shitty parenting. It will only be published after Kiara's death at 53 while on vacation in Dalmatia with her much younger boyfriend. Her boyfriend will subsequently marry her daughter.

>> No.28149284

Yeah but if Gura had a million bucks saved she'd prefer to just be a neet.

>> No.28149314

>No, it probably won't be Mori.
Oh um idk I guess I'll say Ina like everyone else

>> No.28150180

Kiara moves back to Japan and falls in love with and marries a Japanese guy. Only after the wedding does she find out he's Yakuza. After several years of strained marriage caused partially by her personality and partially her failing looks, she's pressed by her husband into pornography, before finally disappearing. Her body is found years later by a SCUBA diver in Tokyo Bay in a barrel full of concrete.

>> No.28150265

Only if you're chronically lazy. Imagine being paid a thousand bucks just to play minecraft for two hours every few days and still being too lazy to do that.
She was horrendous at sticking with games before the minecraft push from management anyway. Same reason. Chronic laziness.

>> No.28151019

>Mumei rediscovers her love of dogs and becomes the pet of a wealthy older man with a fetish for feeding women dog treats made of his cum.
Im the wealthy older man

>> No.28151257


>> No.28151711

> Mori needs it for her career
Cuckbeats will try and convince you anyone actually gives a fuck about Satan Cube.

>> No.28151905

But it should be

>> No.28154921

if she dont have at lest that she suck at managing money

>> No.28154998


>> No.28159043

