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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28124536 No.28124536 [Reply] [Original]

everyone liked her reaction, and now she says that she was not crying, but laughing muted.

>> No.28124635

Because she doesn't want anyone to misunderstand and think she actually gave a duck about Sana.

>> No.28124665

>clippers immediately make a clip of Ina complaining about clippers

>> No.28124679

Why would she cry, she'll talk to sana every day regardless of if shes in hololive or not.

>> No.28124763

Ninomae Nepotanis

>> No.28124797

She mentioned there was tons of crying offstream, but by that time she had already knew and accepted it

>> No.28124812

Clipniggers are trully worthless bag of shit

>> No.28124815

>shuts down the back art
>snaps at both Amelia and Kiara during the offcollab
She's gonna be the next one to yab for sure

>> No.28124852

The vtuber thread is not about liking or talking about vtubers. It's about hating them and each other,

>> No.28124869

she wasn't crying OR laughing. she was ripping a huge fart and then - while gargling her own spit lustily - she started pulling long steaming ropes of glistening brown feces out of her butthole and then the seven nasty goblin-men she keeps as sex slaves scurried over and ate it right off the floor. then she unmuted and carried on. what a bitch

>> No.28124885

They all hate their fans. They probably roast the shit out of their fans whenever they offcollab together. To be fair, I would too.

>> No.28124947

Ina unironically hates Hololive and its pathetic fanbase, and she's seeing how long she can ride the grift for while shitting on them.

>> No.28125008

Can confirm.
t. goblin-man number 5

>> No.28125134

Ina's sick of nerds who watch anime girls play video games

>> No.28125386

imagine being this ashamed of acknowledging your own emotions

>> No.28125477


>> No.28125745

Elaborate. I'm interested in hearing why you think she hates being showered with money.

>> No.28126021

laughing? why would she need to mute laughing?

>> No.28126125

>Didn't cry when Sana graduated
>Cried when Youtube added gifted memberships

>> No.28126164

Money doesn't mean shit if you hate what you do

>> No.28126619

So what you're saying is, they're all ungrateful women who hate the job they wanted in the first place, are only in it for the money, and are outright contemptuous of the people who support them. I can believe that. Chuba fans who don't use the power of their wallets to hold theirs to strict expectations will inevitably wind up disrespected. Such is the tragedy of large chubas. The money comes at the cost of a fanbase worthy of their respect.

>> No.28126767

It was obvious she wasn't crying. Delusional idiots were just looking for drama where it didn't exist and got btfo when she called them out on it.

>> No.28126937

Are the goblins single

>> No.28127001


>> No.28127076

Why would she mute herself for laughing?

>> No.28127193

Where did I say she hates money? Just because she's getting money from pathetic degenerates doesn't mean she has to respect them. And they're willing to oblige her disdain, so she has no reason to stop it.

>> No.28127286

What did she snap at Ame and Kiara for?

>> No.28127296


>> No.28127354

>New York Times: Scientist sexually assaults reporter

>> No.28127510

shes aiming to be #1 bitch in holoEN

>> No.28127539

Do people unironically think she got super pissed? The same woman who can't even raise her voice without inadvertantly spawning a meme with her voice crack?

>> No.28127753

Canon rrat.

>> No.28127760

yes. vt_kek, this one right here

>> No.28128203

>Not equivalent
I couldn't scream as a child due to weak lungs, but was one angry little shit who would rage silently with a death stare or get physical really quick

>> No.28128325

Nobody concretelys said she snapped it's just dramafags like to misinterpret clips of the girls saying Ina was getting frustrated during the recording process of Kiara's 3D concert. It's mostly people that don't even watch the streams and only watch what the clippers put out regardless of its context. Also she didn't shut down the Ina's back thing she just didn't want the takodachis to overdo it and be a nuisance to other streamers which isn't too irrational. I do feel for Ina however because she's been getting highlighted a lot by lowlifes trying to get her to yab

>> No.28128693

She got angry at kiara’s 3d concert because she’s fat and dancing is hard for her.

>> No.28128743

>Takodachis post Ina art on Ina's tag
>Being a nuisance to other streamers
The copium. More like others streamers jumped on the bandwagon and Ina got pissed illogically or for some other lame reason

>> No.28128830

but why say it, nobody was being mean or anything
Ina is kind of a bitch desu

>> No.28129108

Actually Kiara did use the words "snapped".

>> No.28129125

>I was not crying
english please

>> No.28129135

Would not to give the impression she has feelings and emotions.

>> No.28129196

Clippers who were trying to get views based around Ina being sad over Sana news should most likely get the rope. You're just bad people, stop making videos.

>> No.28130258

What a bitch

>> No.28130426

at what time? the link doesnt work for me. thanks

>> No.28130572

Ina doesn't want to show weakness that she backed the wrong space horse that's graduating in less than years time.

>> No.28130715
File: 16 KB, 389x389, kiara sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the 03 hours with 50 mins aprox, Kiara is so based.

>> No.28131499

Dunkey was right, goblins are real

>> No.28131671
File: 92 KB, 432x410, 1636272599439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was sniffing and her voice was trembling. Ina was obviously crying and now she's covering it up.

>> No.28131942

She won.
Sure, Mori's a bitch but that's just shit alcoholics do. Ina's fully sober.

>> No.28132221


>> No.28132281

She don't want to be seen as a slut, because her whole family is watching her streams

>> No.28132419

i bet she kicked them and everything

>> No.28132842

Can confirm I'm her butthole

>> No.28133500

>It was obvious she wasn't crying.

Bullshit, she obviously was. Fucking sniffing and voice cracking. I've heard her laugh before and it was nothing like that. The clippers are familar with her mannerisms as well and I doubt they read her wrong.

>> No.28133529

Its a bit more than that, Ina loves to draw, by her own words she's been doing it since she was a child, but now what she loves is her job.
She doens't want to admit but she's probably starting to hate what used to be her passion, but she can't stop because it pays the bills.

>> No.28133648

im reporting this to cover, this can't be exposed to the public

>> No.28133702

she's westernized Korean

>> No.28134016
File: 1.15 MB, 1910x1077, 1644693087238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is so far up her own ass its a wonder she can breathe.
>Stop with the memes in others chat
>I dont like the back art because Im so sexless that my pussy doesnt actually exist
>I was not crying!

Either that or she's upset that her nepotism hire failed and her reputation takes a hit.

>> No.28134298

kek this, certainly within the company her reputation has taken a hit.

>> No.28134535

She's butthur that her nepotism hire was a failure and made her lose face in the company

>> No.28134558

Why would she mute herself laughing? That doesn't make any sense

>> No.28134616

I didnt even see the "clip" from a clip I saw it from the fucking vod. now what??
Plus she was pretty clearly choked up and crying. Its just her being too controlling of her image like with ina's back and soon to be the new anger issues rrat

>> No.28134656

She doesn't like it when Takos act on their own. She wants to rule with an iron fist. ni hao

>> No.28134819 [DELETED] 

>unironically butthurt that her nepotism hire gave up

>> No.28134828

Ina would get mad as fuck if people started making nazi edits of her. Antis you know what to do

>> No.28134857

Lunaito here. Don't do that

>> No.28134864

Finana, please stop posting

>> No.28134942

Not the japchinks. And some of the ENs like their fans like...Bae? Irys? um... kiwawa?
It really do be feeling like an all out war in here sometimes.

>> No.28134951 [DELETED] 

>i liked her crying so she has to play along even if it's not true
Why are seaniggers like this

>> No.28135046

Can you blame her though? Look at this board, look at meets and greets, Holobronies are at the bottom of the genetic barrel.

>> No.28135060
File: 598 KB, 1006x982, 1656673811705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch streams

>> No.28135136

It's baseless speculation.

>> No.28135667

she said "kinda snapped at me ina relatively nice Ina way"

>> No.28135719

holy based

>> No.28135725

>Kiara asks Ina to do a few basic dance moves
>Ina gets pissed
Kek what a bitch

>> No.28135803

Literally none of this is true nor believable because it's all documented lmfao

>> No.28136256

I always suspected it but this whole arc confirmed my suspicions. Ina is one of those spoiled and coddled chinese/korean/japanese girls who pretends to be soft spoken and cute but deep down she's constantly seething about the dumbest most petty bullshit and just waiting to lash out on the nearest low value males. In this case that's her fans, she has absolutely no respect or affection for them other than seeing them as easily gaslit losers who will hang on her every word even in the face of an obvious lie. Yellow women were a fucking mistake, but her parents are probably glad she's throwing tantrums at her viewers instead of them.

>> No.28136963

you have never spoken to a woman in your life.

>> No.28137560

I genuinely can't picture Ina getting angry. She doesn't really do the whole emotions thing, at least not to the extent someone like Ame or Kiara does. She definitely was at least getting choked up about Sana though, she's let herself break down and cry during that Christmas collab so I know how it sounds.

>> No.28137696

Because people that get information from clips deserve the rope

>> No.28137753

Ina had the same silent laugh when Ame gave her the badunkadunk takodachi Christmas present.

>> No.28137780

Nah hes right. Westernized gooks are real soul suckers

>> No.28137994

Hard to imagine she died of laughter over a minecraft cake. Maybe it's an inside joke.

>> No.28138243

What a bitch indeed. Thanks anon

>> No.28138509

Clippers see what they want to see. And an opportunity to push some narrative about Sana's irl friend crying on stream over her graduation is too juicy to pass up. But Ina didn't give them that, so they made one up out of desperation.

>> No.28138822

i fucking hate clipperniggers its fucking unreal

>> No.28139658

>this whole arc confirmed my suspicions
It was confirmed a while ago when she told... sorry, I mean when she made a """joke""" by telling her viewers that they were losers for watching anime girls on a weekend.
For one thing, that's not something you'd say out of the blue, and second there was a huge damage control by the takofagchis after it. The Mighty n.9 trailer got a huge backlash for making a similar joke, I don't understand why people were even trying to defend Ina for it.

>> No.28139695

Why? Please give me a pol-tier explanation of why westernized asians are so different from real asians.

>> No.28139868

>I don't understand why people were even trying to defend Ina for it.
Because a large chunk of Hololive's viewers are "ironic" weebs who thought it was hilarious that an anime girl was making fun of her fans for watching anime girls.
They're the same types who dismissively insist any anime besides Bebop and DBZ is cringe. Normalfags are subhuman filth who are incapable of sincerely enjoying something without needing to constantly beg for the approval of others.

>> No.28139918

It sounds like you just can't take a joke. Pretty sure most of the EN girls have made joking remarks about chat, "watching the silly anime streamer girl" or something to that effect.

>> No.28139984

Because I taught her that whenever someone or group is fucking or throwing shit at her. She need to stream and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.28140078

>Pretty sure most of the EN girls have made joking remarks about chat, "watching the silly anime streamer girl" or something to that effect.
This is why Pomu will always be my oshi, the only EN vtuber who is 100% sincere in her love of anime and weeb shit and doesn't insult her viewers for owning dakis or dumping thousands of dollars on their hobby.

>> No.28140255

I'm frankly amazed that someone posting on 4chan can be so thin-skinned. It's just a bit of harmless riffing devoid of malicious intent. Are you that sensitive to take such a thing as a hurtful insult or think it reflects on their actual feelings? Some of the girls are full-on weebs but they don't mind joking about it both at their own and at chat's expense.

>> No.28140319

They are right though. Anime and vtubers are inferior forms of entertainment compared to something like literature, classical music or art films.
You have to feel a bit embarrassed to admit you like it and hence the mask of irony.

>> No.28140553

The jews. There's your /pol/ answer. Koren's in the usa at least tend to spoil their kids. Idk what the fuck that other dude was talking about though.

>> No.28140559

>can't take a joke
It's funny how just pointing someone's bullshit immediately makes us mad according to fags like you. Thanks for proving the point I was making, literally.

>> No.28140568

Anybody who watched the stream could tell she was crying, muting to laugh for that long over a joke that barely made anyone crack a smile is just a lie Ina is a lying bitch

>> No.28140567

Most of the people into those "higher" forms of entertainment are just pretentious pseudo-intellectuals. Or rather, there aren't as many people genuinely into them, with a lot just acting like they are, in contrast to anime fans who will act like they aren't into their hobby.

>> No.28140647

That's literally all it is though. A harmless joke. Are you incapable of reading conversational cues or something? How do you hear that and get something spiteful out of it?

>> No.28140695

I'm not "sensitive", I just don't find it entertaining. If a streamer has to rely on that kind of humor they're not what I'm looking for and not worth my time.
As annoying as Kiara can be at times I respect that she's genuinely enthusiastic to be there in Hololive. She's probably the only girl that isn't just riding the "anime girl" thing as a fad and genuinely wouldn't wanna give it up because she loves her fans.

The line between vtubers who are genuine and sincere in their love of vtubers and anime and the ones who just see it as a way to milk paypigs is usually what decides who I choose to watch. I don't care if you think that's being overly sensitive or schizo or whatever, I don't have enough time or patience to tolerate women who have to hide behind a mask of irony in everything they do. God knows there's already enough of those annoying bitches in real life.

>> No.28141132

It's called keeping people at a healthy arms' length anon. I also appreciate Kiara's openness, but it comes with its own slew of problems. She's borderline codependent with her chat at times, letting them have a say in things they really have no business commenting on. You act like Ina's some lying snake who despises her fans and resents her job. But really she's just trying to make things work her own way. Is she the most invested in Hololive? No. Does she have no appreciation for the fun times and opportunities it's brought her? Also no.

>> No.28141157

Ina is the biggest bitch of Myth. Gura is reasonably scared of her fans, Mori likes her fans, Kiara LOVES her fans and Ame plays around with her fans but Ina outright HATES her Takos whenever they seem to have fun and she's doing her best to make sure they're bored at all costs.

>I wasnt crying!!

What a bitch.

>> No.28141212

She was crying. Anyone who's not an autistic retard can read those emotions.

>> No.28141274

peak /vt/sisters

>> No.28141351

I prefer to believe the holos themselves than retards on a mongolian basket weaving website

>> No.28141482

Why do clippers want to make her seem like she's constantly scolding her fans?

>> No.28141595

All she wants is for chat to stop spamming the meme in other people's chats at every opportunity because that's awkward as fuck. They were doing the same thing with the bathroom cucumbers, confusing other streamers.
she said the art was fine, what are you on? All she did was try to clarify that her 3d model isn't actually that thicc, something everyone already knew.
>I wasnt crying!!
She literally was not. And clipfags trying to capitalize on drama deserves to be called out.

>> No.28141609

So what is the alternative? To openly admit that you are a pleb?

>> No.28141715

Dude, women feel awkward when people start praising their butt and talking about how big their ass is. Ina's behaviousr is completely normal.

>> No.28141728

Because the only thing that's clippable from ina is when she shows an emotion other than her default state, what else are you gonna clip, her "bad on purpose to hide my lack of sense of humor" puns?

>> No.28141886

>All she wants is for chat to stop spamming the meme in other people's chats at every opportunity
Feel free to post one (1)(uno) message in another holo chat mentioning ina's back. Fucking hell, the other members themselves have mentioned ina's back meme first
>All she did was try to clarify that her 3d model isn't actually that thicc
But why? What reason did she have to state something that was obvious anyways to everyone that saw the original clip?

>> No.28141962

the joke was that there was cake (literal) inside the cake (slang for ass)
i didn't really expect sana to make a joke like that either, maybe she was caught off guard

>> No.28142071

because women don't actually enjoy being told:
>hey babe, those are some bootylicious asscheeks you are carrying.

>> No.28142154

>t. virgin

>> No.28142163

Take a look at the dozens of TOMORROW comments anytime a member starts talking about their schedule and it's easy to see why she'd be worried about her fans being seen as an annoyance. That's honestly the root of all this. Ina doesn't want to rock the boat, stand out, or cause trouble for others.

>> No.28142282

I can find a hundred of multiple holos talking about each other's asses and some of them talking about their asses with their chat, because they know how to fucking talk and actually banter with their chat.

>> No.28142359

OP is a clipnigger that doesn't watch streams. She said her mic didn't pick up her wheezing laughter.

>> No.28142410

Any time she doesn't immediately jump into a game she scolds her takos over things she's feeling stressed about. Many of them are masochists and feel that this is the closest they'll be to a woman so it's fine for them. It doesn't make it normal behavior.

>> No.28142475

>What reason did she have to state something that was obvious anyways to everyone that saw the original clip?
Because it wasn't obvious to them? If anything, this thread literally shows you people that create their own realities despite the actual facts.

>> No.28142549

This Mongolian basket weaving website is where you learn the truth my friend, sure there is a bucket load of bullshit but you will find every person on twitter, reddit, discord and even the corpo's themselves all come here for the rrat's and then do investigations

>> No.28142604

ina is wierd about some things, a reminder you're not supposed to tell her you missed her after she came back from a break

>> No.28142646

This sentiment of "nooo let us believe you were crying, it was more fun that way, don't be such a wet blanket!" is extremely strange and totally incomprehensible to me. Are you fucking aliens or something?

>> No.28142705

>she's crying in the clip!
>Ina: I wasn't actually crying
>she's lying!
S-sugoi, I can't believe we found out the truth. Nice investigation

>> No.28142779

>>Cried when Youtube added gifted memberships
As in bitching about them or happy about them?

>> No.28142801

>I have never talked with a woman

>> No.28143193

upset because she believed memberships should be for the paying fans

>> No.28143273

For making her do the robot.

>> No.28143320

>multiple posts seething everywhere
>not mad

>> No.28143350

Unless you only talk with people that find you gross or straight up prudes, there is no way that you actually believe that. Women love sexualizing themselves. And they specially love showing off their asses

>> No.28143387

I like how this nigger sed ina saw those clips yet this clip fag made a video about her "crying because of sana" fuck clippers they all need to suck a fucking dick every one of them are drama leeches looking for clicks and E-fame.

>> No.28143478

Well, aren't other fans paying for them anyways? Where's the loss in there?

>> No.28143540

It's common procedure to clip a chuuba response to a clip of yours, and that is why he made that the title

>> No.28143886


>> No.28143938

I don't remember Ina saying something about 5% deadbeatchama...

>> No.28144140
File: 603 KB, 1418x1242, 123098472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it appears a nerve has been struck.

>> No.28144852

they don't enjoy you mentioning it though. You are suppose to pretend you don't notice.

>> No.28145896

Because nobody with a functioning brain cell wants shitty greynames getting into streams where the chuba gets more open because only the big fans are there.

>> No.28146516

The dramapigs went after that only after she apologized, because they smelled an opening. No one was offended by the joke at the time of making it, and even during the apology most reactions were like "wtf is she talking about".

>> No.28147729

Fuck off dickhead some people really want to support her as true fans but cant pay for membership and just send in a supachat when they have some cash to spare, alot of people live paycheck to paycheck and can barley afford to keep the lights on unlike you liven off your parents money.

>> No.28147988

sophisticated rrat

>> No.28148311

This gave me an idea for my own clip channel where I clip clippers that make clips of clippers clipping clippers.

>> No.28148384

You mean the ironic weebs who form the bulk of Inas fanbase have the same opinion

>> No.28148696

If you live paycheck to paycheck and then waste money on a supa, you will never not live paycheck to paycheck: You are poor because you are stupid. True fandom is in the heart, not your wallet.

>> No.28148876

That's a pretty dumb reason, anon. But I guess you're telling me Ina is such a shallow person that she would rather not get more members, even earning the same amount of money, if they are gifted the membership? Or are you telling me she's grooming takos behind the paywall and doesn't wanna lose time grooming people that won't keep the cash steadily flowing? I really don't see the reason she could be against a feature that can make her channel grow even more.

>> No.28149069

Dont superchat your "saved" money keep it and join member instead.

>> No.28149114
File: 715 KB, 3062x4096, 1655454112795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To understand that art isn't a collection of highly segregated social strata - it's just art. You can enjoy Martha Argerich playing Beethoven in the evening and work out to your IRyS playlist in the morning, just like enjoying Spanish ham and sheep milk cheese doesn't magically make you incapable of enjoying a good hamburger with a side of fries.

>> No.28149151

Don’t superchat your saved money. Buy membership using ARs. That’s what this greedy streamer who cries about gifted subs deserves

>> No.28149257

this whole thread feels like it's made by a butthurt clipper lmao, get btfo learn to read the mood idiot

>> No.28149522

Or gift memberships using ARS

>> No.28149968

>takos do something retarded
>ina : hey you shouldn't do that
This board sometimes lmao

>> No.28149995

https://youtu.be/niJDkgLMkwk 3:51:24

>> No.28150478

>Hard working chimken just wants the fans to see their oshi dance
>Ina seethes about having to do physical exercise and snaps at chimkin


>> No.28150771

As someone who has several close friends who are streamers or vtubers, 99% of the time when someone says "I came from a clip" this person is not going to be liked at all. It's a massive redflag. It's like saying "My ex accused me of rape, that fucking bitch" to your new gf. Clippers give streamers only the trash viewers that don't donate and shit up the chat. They are even worse than reaction channels. At least reaction channel shows most of your content which gives an idea of what content you make. Clippers just make shit up.

>> No.28151164

Go find the nurse and ask them if they forgot to give you your meds brother.

>> No.28151166

And thats why there 2viewer nobody's.

you have some retarted friends

>> No.28151221

It is amazing isnt it and her impression of ina was spot on.

>> No.28151439

Nah. Ina is a massive hololive fangirl.
The issue is that she cares a lot more about her jp senpais than she does about her fans.

>> No.28151469

Hiring an ESL was a mistake.

>> No.28151536

you really have never worked in the real world have you

>> No.28152198

t. clippernigger

>> No.28152969

Ina was responsible for 9/11. I found her passport in the rubble.

>> No.28153040

The real answer is that second gen immigrants are rootless and don't feel like they belong to anywhere. This is why they always go fucking overboard about dumb shit like westerners wearing cheongsams or someone making dumplings the "wrong" way, despite often barely even knowing mandarin themselves and never having lived there themselves. It's overcompensation and desperate need for an identity.

>> No.28153156

Ironic since Ina herself is a fucking clipfaggot.

>> No.28153634

You're just a seething 2view femoid; begone.

>> No.28154319
File: 1.31 MB, 1162x648, 1636382119167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. I am in my mid 40s. I don't make the most money, but I also live within my means. I have enough money in savings to live for about six months if I lose my job for some reason, not counting unemployment benefits. I do have some debt at the moment due to a dental procedure, but that's it, my credit card was fully paid off until that. I have loved anime most of my life, even in the 90s when that was hard to do. I occasionally send small supas, like $5 here and there. I guess what I'm trying to say with all of this is, don't be a dumb fucking nigger and throw your life away. I am awarding myself with the mucho texto award, may god have mercy upon my soul.

>> No.28154675

>barley afford to keep the lights on unlike you liven off
Honestly if you're bartering your shitty barley you don't have time to be watching vtubers anyway.
Get back to the fields faggot and toil and one day you'll be able to afford the less than 5 bucks membership fee.
Lay off them lattes and snacks fag.

>> No.28154975

ok that actually is pretty based

>> No.28155043

Easy , its all been a ruse as mask she has been wearing that cracked

>> No.28155105

>mid 40's
>still posting on 4chan

>> No.28155150

She said it's awkward, you wouldn't know that feel because you have no friend

>> No.28155333

Too late

>> No.28155396

No, they actually haven't. It's literally just Ina.
For fucks sake, even social autist Mori realized how mean Ina's comments were and IMMEDIATELY tried to protect them.

>> No.28155480

That's how you know Ina is a nerd. She prefers being truthful to going along with a beautiful lie.

>> No.28155566

Claiming she did not cry when she obviously did is the lie, retard.

>> No.28155565

Is Ina a control freak?

>> No.28155598

Sure, child.

>> No.28155655

Are you serious nigger ? You cant be that retarded

>> No.28155869
File: 69 KB, 512x407, HABEEB_IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped posting on the 4chins like ten years ago, now I'm back because of vt. What can I say, I'm a sister, and I'm super not into the enforced hivemind positivity on plebbit.

>> No.28156219

This hivemind mentality is the death of any free speech and criticism its why i am still in this retarded hellhole of a board i understand you

>> No.28156538


>> No.28156691

it's pretty funny seeing someone unemployed telling someone to get back to work

>> No.28156723

Does this mean Watame never cried either?

>> No.28156913

Because she doesn't want people worrying about her and thinking she breaking down crying when she isn't you retard.

It doesn't fucking matter if you liked her reaction if it wasn't her reaction. No one thought she was breaking down sobbing until the fucking clippers took shit out of context after the Sana news came out the next day, to everyone else that actually watched the stream she was obviously laughing a fucking bread dogs gaping asshole bedroom. Because it was an bedroom built into them gaping ass hole of a bread dog.

You're actually bitching that she's not being fake about this shit.

>> No.28157180

No hes actually bitching about her not being truthful get your facts straight retard

>> No.28157414

The fact is she laughed at a bread dogs gaping asshole. You faggots think that of all things was the emotional last straw that made her break down sobbing? The gaping asshole of a dog made here think about her friend quitting her job? Stop being a reactionary clipper faggot

>> No.28157647

Ina: It's okay guys, don't worry about me. I've already dealt with Sana's leaving because we all found out weeks ago. I was just laughing at the funny dog butt

>> No.28157736

second this. Sanigger was a useless hire. Ina fucked up

>> No.28157743


>> No.28157855

Yeah, Kiara never means to be abrasive, but she makes it SO easy to take her out of context. It's clear that learning japanese has hampered her english a bit. (Which is understandable.)

>> No.28158174
File: 85 KB, 768x768, 1645028241491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys beat kayfabe Ina in combat?

>> No.28158649

I can beat you like your parents should have.

>> No.28158702

Don't get so defensive

>> No.28159420
File: 242 KB, 463x454, 1647942472574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm waiting.

>> No.28159551

You know 40 year olds made this site and run it, right? You’re the outsider here. The site aged with us, belongs to us forever, summerfag.

>> No.28159603

Retard. Absolute fucking retard.

>> No.28159690

The opposite of reactionary is passive and victimized, btw.

>> No.28159986

as a former takodachi, it's pretty weird seeing ina spammed in the catalog for nothingburgers. i guess with sana gone, and mori doing nothing, ina is the next target?
ina's built a respectabe reputation, so i don't think any yab will actually take her down and desu all this spam is ridiculously reaching. it's like the schizos are circle jerking with each other thinking they have legit dirt.

>> No.28160212

you don't run it though do you.

>> No.28160366
File: 174 KB, 463x453, 1653050904056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only believable rrat and I refuse to believe anything else.

>> No.28160465

Depends on your definition of people

>> No.28160756

that goblin? me

>> No.28160845

>As someone who has several close friends
Larp harder retard

>> No.28161129

This bitch is so retarded, who does she think she's fooling. The more I hear about her the more I realized what a weird bitch she is

>> No.28161217


>> No.28161253

To Ina, honesty is more important than attention and popularity.

>> No.28161320

The only good thing about Ina was the fanart she drew of other Holos and she doesn't even do that anymore.

>> No.28161342

It isn't harmless nor a joke

>> No.28161365

I'm waiting for the doxx kek

>> No.28161388

>she said it SO IT MUST BE TRUE

>> No.28161454

I never liked Ina because her personality is terrible. If it wasn't for her art she would have zero redeeming qualities.

>> No.28161461

Why does she lie to and gaslight her fans then ?

>> No.28161488

No you are the alien because you can't tell how high on her own farts Ina is when saying she wasn't crying

>> No.28161497

>ina's built a respectabe reputation
She's built a facade that's slowly cracking away. That's why these threads are being made in all honesty.

>> No.28161502

The only two sane anons ITT

>> No.28161513

I belieb this...

>> No.28161528

This to be desu

>> No.28161546

Explain marine

>> No.28161559

This but unironically.

>> No.28161660

How is anime "inferior"?

>> No.28161678

That's what you're trying to do right now.

>> No.28161850

Am i ? i was not even aware i had fans

>> No.28161925

>laughing at sana graduating

>> No.28161970

why is she such a bitch ?

>> No.28162010

Ina literally said this herself, BEFORE Kiara's stream, in reference to Ame mentioning it first.

>> No.28162046

Anon you cant do this Takos are allergic to proof

>> No.28162072

tacuckdachis on suicide watch

>> No.28162139

>takos are allergic to proof
Jist like sanalites, gee I wonder what they have in common

>> No.28162210


>> No.28162378

Happens to spics aswell, hence the word "chicano"

>> No.28162470

honestly, yeah she is looking more like a huge bitch with every day that passes, imagine having your birthday ending with "btw guys I'm tired and burnt out on you so I'm fucking of for a month"

>> No.28163461

Based grandpa

>> No.28163931

i can respect an oldfag

>> No.28164232
File: 34 KB, 600x530, 1654393429320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28164238

You're in a hivemind.

>> No.28164508

True that, complete anonymity creates its own updoots

>> No.28164583

I don't understand how Ina manages to be aggressively boring.
>She was laughing really hard
Why would you mute that? Laughter makes people happy and your fans will find it cute.
>She was crying
Why deny that? People are satisfied in the fact that after their sleuthing they discovered that you are sensitive and empathetic for your friend.
(Though if Ina and Sana roommates are still old besties, there's not really much for Ina to be sad about...)

>> No.28166900

This isn't true.

>> No.28167469

This is True

>> No.28167674

she is heading for more and more trouble lately. total meltdown when?

>> No.28167822

she's a femcel full of rage and resentment who lives like a hermit. Hanging around with party girls like gura and mori probably awoken a few old wounds. #PRAY4INA

>> No.28170575

It’s the opposite.

>> No.28171259

Just keeping the thread bumped so that more people can learn the truth.

>> No.28172856

wagie get back in your cagie lmao

>> No.28173265
File: 146 KB, 1188x1080, 1641392516139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ is not a hivemind
lmao even

>> No.28174905


>> No.28175197

>total meltdown when?
When things get even more hectic in the winter. I suspect she'll cry even more on screen by then.

>> No.28176347

that's one of the main reasons I stopped watching her. her art streams were actually decent

>> No.28176513

how does crying make you slut?

>> No.28179869


>> No.28182178

that was her only decent content

>> No.28182338

> I remember when i was young and full of energy, i dedicated most of my time trying to get people to write angry messages at each other because i never found out how to deal with puberty

>> No.28182344

If I were to guess. Staff told her to say that so it doesn't look like everyone knew beforehand and "kept it a secret"
