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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28114620 No.28114620 [Reply] [Original]

How did Nijisanji make this bad of a hire? I'm honestly baffled.

>> No.28114769

>Ugly, retarded bitches
>Okay-ish normalfag trilingual girl who has a boyfriend
You tell me, why isn't she interested with nerdy stuff.

>> No.28114893

There isn't a single man willing to put up with Petra as their girlfriend.

>> No.28114906

She's pretty cute though. Only Pomu is cuter. The others are too crass.

>> No.28114938

________ deflection thread

>> No.28114986

Isn't Petra a non-NEET though? I mean if she is working in the day on her career then who can blame her

>> No.28114996

I am

>> No.28115040

But she cute

>> No.28115078

To be fair, Rosemi and Pomu managed to do more as wagies than Petra ever has.

>> No.28115091

Council deflection thread!

>> No.28115180

aNya pEtRa gLobAl

>> No.28115246

If she was blue sbe would get at least twice the CCV.

>> No.28115312

>he doesn't know
>he lacks the knowledge
>he doesn't possess the necessary information

>> No.28115322

>does not watch her colleagues' stream, never comments, and never knows what they've been streaming
based, fake unity and family shit is cringe

>> No.28115381

Yea, she always set off my bitch alarm. Also has bad internet and streams off a laptop.

>> No.28115422
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Huff more copium, 2view

>> No.28115544

Don't know if you want to mock 2views with a Petra webm

>> No.28115553


>> No.28115638
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>> No.28115640

Doesn't Petra need consistent raids to prevent herself from being a 2view?

>> No.28115682

She plays piano so she's cool in my book

>> No.28115766

>reachable at all times
Do they not sleep?

>> No.28115816

Petra is still the only time I've ever seen someone with a massive design buff somehow end up a flop. Usually the flops were dead last from the very start. But Petra had a fuckload of people sub just because she was a loli, I think she actually overtook Pomu in subs at some point shortly after her debut. And yet, she couldn't do anything with that buff because her streams were THAT shitty and she became a 3view at record speeds.

>> No.28115854

NijiEN? Nope.

>> No.28115893
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Sewen doesn't sleep true but she mostly ghost everyone unless she needs something from them

>> No.28115931

Why do people have a problem with Petra? she’s neither bad or good, she just exists.

>> No.28116023

What does 2view even mean any more? Did I miss a memo?

>> No.28116237

What about baelz

>> No.28116418
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>I think she actually overtook Pomu in subs at some point shortly after her debut.
No. Came close at a point but never overtook her

>> No.28116532

IIRC baelz was one of the highest subbed at the start and then fell off the map but regained it once the BaeRyS shit started. She wasn't popular but never a flop, especially considering Sana was in her gen.

>> No.28116745

Damn Petra's subgrowth fucking stalled didn't it

>> No.28117105

It's almost like people don't want to sub to someone whose streams are insubstantial garbage..

>> No.28117158

If you got a spot in Niji or Hololive, you better do better than just fucking exist. And yes that goes for some Holo girls too. The name has value for a reason, standards should be high.

>> No.28117190
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Petra should get graduated. Waste of a spot just like the brown bitch in council

>> No.28117323
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Penguins are cute though and it's insane that nobody had done this before Petra's model.

But yeah I've never found her interesting as a streamer enough to bother knowing whether this is a totally schizo thread or not.

Why don't people here just act rationally and stop caring about or following people they don't like? I think you're more into rage baiting than the anime girls.

>> No.28117536

She just might get forced out, actually. Contracts are coming up, and everybody in the branch has started being more vocal numberfags than before.
Nijisanji going public probably changed some internal philosophies, and if Petra can't get her shit together, they'll probably refuse to allow her to renew her contract.
For the record on how well she's doing, she now has the least sold merchandise of the girls, losing out to even Reimu.

>> No.28117815

>last stream was 5 days ago
Does she just hate streaming or something?

>> No.28118643

Looks like a comparison between people who live to work and someone who works to live. In reality, there's no such thing as work life balance. One must sometimes choose between their calling or their personal life, and only see their significant other after they come home from a hard day's work expecting takeout to be ready on the table when they get back.

>> No.28118734

Being a student instead of working a 9-5 makes it harder to balance streaming to be honest

>> No.28118899

Not gonna happen, if for no other reason than so that they can keep taking advantage of having an in-house graphic designer and video editor for the other livers who they almost certainly don't pay full contractor rates to.

>> No.28119056

so is millie

>> No.28119076

Petra hangs out more with the JP/KR girls

>> No.28119224

That last moron thinks 2view means double digit chuuba, not literal two view.

>> No.28119299

>just because she was a loli
She has a cute voice, speaks fluent Japanese, talented at singing and piano, but boring as shit. Also prime bully bait so she gets clipped in collabos.

>> No.28119400
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Da Wose is very cute

>> No.28119694

A niji liver that hasn't streamed in a year and a half got birthday merch.
Please stop parroting retarded # rrats.

>> No.28119938
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>streams for about two hours, skips chatting
>only streams shovelware
>only available for a short span of time
>hates streaming
To become the Gura Killer, you must first become Gura.

>> No.28119941

hada still lives

>> No.28120354

it's hyperbole for a chuuba that gets low view counts, mostly used as an insult against shitposters, implying that the reason they're complaining is because they're jealous of whatever chuuba they're complaining about's view count.

>> No.28120578

I don't even like Gura, but at least she's entertaining

>> No.28120635

You know nothing of nijisanji if you think this is remotely true when the agency has more than 200 vtubers

>> No.28120699

she doesn't hate stream, she interacts with others all the time.
She had a member stream and shes taking more break days this week to work on projects for the 1 year anniversary

>> No.28120737

It doesn't apply to NijiJP yes, but it does for their other branches. NijiEN is much closer to HoloEN than to Niji. Niji have closed branches in other languages before too for having a small audience.

>> No.28120767

They can take advantage? faggot, its the own livers that call her, and she worked on 3 things by her own choice.
You dont have any idea how niji works

>> No.28120850

It doesn't apply to their other branches either. There's vtubers that don't stream even half of Petra do in JP, KR, ID and VR.
>Niji have closed branches in other languages before too for having a small audience.
Good thing EN is successful so like JP, they can survive. Not that Petra is in any risk because her numbrs aren't bad.

>> No.28120940

>For the record on how well she's doing, she now has the least sold merchandise of the girls, losing out to even Reimu.
Which is a ridiculous metric when you don't know the numbers of unit sold, retard

>> No.28121203

That's why i like her.

>> No.28121241

Niji Anya is pretty cute, not gonna lie.

>> No.28121404

She will probably be the first NijiEN to graduate. None of the others look anywhere near to graduating except maybe Yugo for menhera reasons.

>> No.28122689

You don't know Petra at all if you think this is the case. If anything Petra is the most likely to be the last to graduate because she loves being in nijisanji and nijisanji itself.
I can totally see her graduating from university but still streaming while working, even if less days than her average 5 day streams

>> No.28123160

If she loves Nijisanji so much, why does she stream like a Holo? Why does she refuse to stream anything remotely good?
Why is she half assing her entire career if she's supposedly in the company "she loves"?

>> No.28123304

how is she gurin? she's gurey

>> No.28123364

1. She most certainly is in a LTR and streams like someone that spends a lot of time in the real world
2. She has a standoffish attitude and a poor sense of humor. As you say she always has people collab on her channel but doesn't do the reverse and then complains about Millie or Enna saying lewd shit ("do you really have to do this on MY channel")
3. She wanted to be in JP really badly and doesn't like EN vtubing culture.

>> No.28123439

>why does she stream like a Holo
Because she loves doing her own thing instead of looking at the other company for validation

>> No.28123731

>my oshi has to share a wave with this bitch
I can understand why she hates Petra. I'd hate her too

>> No.28123850

Yugo exists though. Imagine thinking a woman voicing a man would go over well in western culture. Imagine hiring someone that had no idea how to even stream. IMAGINE HIRING SOMEONE FOR EN THAT BARELY EVEN SPEAKS ENGLISH.

>> No.28124311
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>> No.28124329

I'd still take Petra over Nina

>> No.28126123

Just let me in, goddamn it. I can save her. I'll give her a reverse trap model with a suit that can come off and reveal her bombshell tits and ass, and then a couple months from now we can do a reveal for her princess outfit.

>> No.28126679

>talented at singing and piano
It never gets clipped so I never knew. I know Mille and Enna are good singers, Enna in particular, but I never heard anything about Petra having musical talent. But I should've guessed since she's Chinese it was drilled into her at 3 years old.

>> No.28127175

She's fine at the piano, but she's a bottom tier singer.

>> No.28127188

Streams like a holo? What? She streams like 5-6 times per week, faggot.
>Why does she refuse to stream anything remotely good?
>Why is she half assing her entire career if she's supposedly in the company "she loves"?
Just because she's not for you doesn't mean shes half assing anything. This girl is literally doing overlays for all of her streams, doing projects behind the scens for her public, streaming and doing everything for her channel. Everyone outside of here recognizes it, the other livers recognize it as well.

>> No.28127340

> As you say she always has people collab on her channel but doesn't do the reverse and then complains about Millie or Enna saying lewd shit ("do you really have to do this on MY channel")
Tell me you don't watch Petra without telling me. Petra is on other channels all the time, even more in NijiUK streams.
>She wanted to be in JP really badly and doesn't like EN vtubing culture.
There's no such thing as "EN culture". All of this reasoning done in this thread is extremely retarded. Thats not how nijisanji works. Those are individuals with different niches and Petra has her own that likes her. The problem here isn't her but you and other faggots here obsessed with her to this day instead of just watching who you like.

>> No.28127412

Bottom tier? lmao Shes above half of the branch

>> No.28127487

You have no idea what nijisanji is if you think there's some rule on what or how they should do anything as livers.

>> No.28127667

You see this is a terrible board when a girl like petra has haters in here. someone who is pretty much harmless
honestly amazing, schizos.

>> No.28127854

>Petra has her own that likes her.
But she doesn't. Time and time again it's shown that the EN audience prefer literally everyone in the branch, and Mika even, to Petra.
Her "style," which is just filler games and her trying to reach the bare minimum requirement for streams, doesn't fucking work.

>> No.28128213
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Reimu, her supposed best friend, is flying to Canada and UK soon. Pomu lives literally a 2 hours drive away from her. Noone likes Petra, neither the NijiEN vtubers nor the /nijien/ thread.

>> No.28128560

Obsydia is scaled via work effort and stream quality in a descending order.
Selen, high effort, high stream quality
Rosemi, basic effort, average stream quality
Petra, low effort, low stream quality
It's simple math.

>> No.28128974

did the petra anti get bullied out of /nijiEN/ again? lmao
get back in there so we can doxx your ass again faggot

>> No.28129095

I feel like I can walk into /nijien/ and find comments shitting on petra at any time of the week during burger hours

>> No.28129190

I bet holofags are confused over this thread.

>> No.28129429

I'm still confused as to why there were Rosemi anti threads hitting bump limit every day for a month or more.

>> No.28129748

Petra has never had a good reception /here/, so I can understand threads like this happening. But yeah the Rosemi stuff came out of nowhere.

>> No.28130018

I agree, hiring NijiEN was a bafflingly bad decision

>> No.28130397

yeah because petra would make you the girlfriend

>> No.28130631

She's a conservative leaning normie so she doesn't vibe with sjwsanjiEN

>> No.28130752

No, it doesn't show at all. That's also not how anything works.
Just because she's not one of the most popular don't mean she doesn't have a fanbase or anything. She has an average of about over 1k viewers and thats already more than the normal for vtubers.
Normal individuals outside of here who like her will watch her, those who oshi her will prioritize her, those who dont like her content wont. Schizos arent a thing outside of this shithole and no matter how much you talk about this, its not a reality outside of this board if you frequent any place.
>Her "style," which is just filler games and her trying to reach the bare minimum requirement for streams, doesn't fucking work.
It literally works, which is how she's more popular than more than 40 nijisanji members and has a health fanbase that likes her.
I'm sorry you have a problem to accept this but that's how streaming and vtubing works.

>> No.28131013

Anon, im sorry but.. you are literally a schizo.
normal anons just dont watch the livers they dont like the content but you, who i do recognize the style pattern, insists on it instead of just ignoring their existence. its just antiposting for no reason
That's funny considering Pomu, Reimu, Millie, Enna, Elira alone have said they love her.
Your shitpost dont make any sense because reimu said she wont do offcollabs on her vacation

>> No.28131197

>That's funny considering Pomu, Reimu, Millie, Enna, Elira alone have said they love her.
Clearly not enough to offcollab with her. Also since you mentioned Elira, reminder that Elira spent 2 weeks in Florida and invited Pomu to be with her, but not Petra.

>> No.28131384

>That's funny considering Pomu, Reimu, Millie, Enna, Elira alone have said they love her.
I can believe the NijiUK and Elira part, but Pomu? Really? You honestly think she meant it? About the person she never talks to and never interacts with?
Do you really believe she meant it?

>> No.28131429
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>> No.28131550

>conservative leaning normie
She's a chink female zoomer living in the West. This is impossible.

>> No.28131608

Petra is the number one hated girl among the taiwanese fujos. They are probably the one who make this thread.

.t holofag trying to destroy their own chink schizos

>> No.28131823

Have you ever considered the possibility of Petra being the one who don't want to do it or can't do it due to her university? or her fear to being doxxed, anon?
I only mentioned a few that have said it but i agree, they arent close. that said, its retarded to think others hate her just beacuse they arent close to her

>> No.28132372

>She has a standoffish attitude
That's why I like her, people-pleasers and streamers desperate to fit in and stay relevant by screeching like monkeys are annoying
>and a poor sense of humor
Nah she has a good sense of humor and is laughing all the time at dumb shit, plus her laugh is top tier
>She wanted to be in JP really badly and doesn't like EN vtubing culture.
incredibly based

>> No.28132442

>How did Nijisanji make this bad of a hire?
shut the fuck up

You Nijiniggas are fucking spoiled, always exaggerating the tiniest shit.
If you guys don't have a talent graduating in month DUE TO bad hire, please keep the word "bad hire" out of your fucking mouth please

>> No.28132648

>Have you ever considered the possibility of Petra being the one who don't want to do it
Well yeah, it's a known fact that Petra is a huge bitch to everyone not from nijijp.

>> No.28133564

>or her fear to being doxxed
Boo fucking hoo? People know what country you're in? Which you could mask by saying you flew in?
She's a retard if that's the hold up.

>> No.28133732

She already got doxxed anyway, she should stop having a stick up her ass about it.

>> No.28134134

actually, be bad at streaming + low hours would make her a better IRL GF than other.
she's mentally stable and have common sense also, good sign overall.

>> No.28134692

Suck her cock, won't you.

>> No.28134873

Doesn't change the fact that she's still like this.
Petra is a bitch to everyone not from nijijp? you are a fucking schizo anon. She's sweet as fuck to everyone.
