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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28038738 No.28038738 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the ねこふぁみ and ふぁんでっど

Previous Thread: >>27889438

>> No.28038762
File: 217 KB, 1860x1491, FXeZte_aQAA4tRH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>> No.28038828

Love your wife, don't bite bait, etc etc

>> No.28038894
File: 204 KB, 850x1202, 0CC803E0-E76D-4449-8057-5E59B43A86CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is looking at (you)r twitter account right now.

>> No.28038922
File: 655 KB, 2480x3508, 1657647936012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28039208

Only faggots and women have twitter accounts.

>> No.28039441

When will she debut in vshoujo?

>> No.28040540

I mostly tweet about her, and like art, hope she doesn't mind the lewd stuff I like...

>> No.28040629


>> No.28043554

It's getting harder to find the Mike thread in this board for some reason

>> No.28045453

Enjoy the peace while it lasts

>> No.28046106
File: 240 KB, 1335x2047, FXenUNPVQAEGwbM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good thing. Now enjoy wife.

>> No.28046129

Are we expecting the thread to become unusual once Nazuna debuts?

>> No.28046383


>> No.28046409

chinks are gonna troll

>> No.28046500

it'll probably be filled with more tourists than usual for a few days
honestly, the harder the thread is to find for the average catalog shitposter the better

>> No.28046534

Did she really join vshojo or do we really think a 2 second voice clip is enough to figure that out

>> No.28046678

It’s quite a bit more than the voice clip at this point

>> No.28046795

Debut is going to get this thread hit with trolling. There's no way around that. It could be the kindest nicest most innocent thing in the world and it will get shit on because this is /vt/. But I doubt it'll last long unless a yab happens in that stream lol.

>> No.28046819
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>> No.28048188

Do you not recognize your wife's voice, anon?

>> No.28048190

What cryptography is this?

>> No.28051972
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>> No.28054413
File: 219 KB, 963x700, 20220113_222658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed this

>> No.28054956

I miss her so much it hurts

>> No.28055000
File: 433 KB, 531x575, 1657321757359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for the Nazuna version

>> No.28058164

Guys I've been thinking, but it would be kino if instead of telling us she's joining Vshojo she just doesn't acknowledge it on her alt and instead larp and accuse us of cheating with Nazuna while trying to win our affection back. What do you think?

>> No.28061353
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>> No.28061444
File: 253 KB, 713x740, 1657405537282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazuna is my wife and i will not cheat on her with mike

>> No.28061748 [DELETED] 

Old models
>full body dress
>innocent look
New model
>unbuttoned skinny jeans shorts so she can pull down her pants for any male faster
>shows 80% of her skin like a whore
>lewd pedobait face
Truly a vwhorejo girl. Next she is gonna be talking about swallowing cum and start interacting with m*les on stream. It’s over she is gonna get corrupted. I don’t want to see my life wither away and turn into a disgusting creature of her former self, so i will use all my money on drugs and have a last tulpa LSD gfe trip until i won’t wake up again

>> No.28061817
File: 235 KB, 800x800, FTssuScacAAF4w6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28061948

Getting stabbed by her for choosing her over herself.

>> No.28062193

I like the thing she talked about in the FUN more, her and us not knowing each other but the red string of fate bringing us together because we're bound together

>> No.28062249

>any male
I'm the male

>> No.28062278

>looks at time
Selamat Pagi SEAfriend, I hope you had a good day in the rice fields, remember plant them with your back not your legs.

>> No.28062561

No (you) for you either then
I am not going to work anymore. I have spent all of my money on drugs. I will take them on the 16th

>> No.28062680

>shows 80% of her skin like a whore
go back to your prayers abdullah

>> No.28062831
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 20220709_145856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you livestream it okay SEAfriend, though I'm not sure what 1 tablet of aspirin will do to you...I assume that's the only thing you could afford with 1 months of your pay.

>> No.28063854

how do I know which version of her is that correct choice? I guess I'm about to find out how many stabs I can take

>> No.28064368

The only choice would be which way to go out, knife or keyblade.

>> No.28064406

I take LSD you faggot. I have done it many time to enhance my tulpa experiences. LSD is literally like sword art online except that it’s singleplayer

>> No.28064495

If i saw anyone dress like her on the street i would rape her because it’s like she wants me to do it if she dresses like that and i am not even muslim

>> No.28064629
File: 339 KB, 1240x700, FUfh0BqVUAYmKYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28064945

Out of everything I've just insulted you about you choose to be offended because I told you that you can only take aspirin because you're poor, and even then you only get offended because I said aspirin and not because I said you where poor? SEA are on another level of retardation.

>> No.28065210

I am european, faggot my dad is german

>> No.28065281

Really unfortunate to hear your dad is named faggot, seems like an uncommon German name

>> No.28066087

mikeneko casts knock the anxiety out of me better than benzos, I have actually compared the two before
the post-stream bliss is so powerful

>> No.28068288


>> No.28068407


>> No.28069844


>> No.28070198
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>> No.28071804
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>> No.28073144

I know that feel

>> No.28074257
File: 98 KB, 483x720, 585296CB-AE35-4945-A3B1-DC3381A14F05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(´。• ω •。`)

>> No.28074537
File: 229 KB, 850x1202, 490413EA-E2B8-4B72-85DC-DD91DC07E166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink [Unspecified] good

>> No.28076105
File: 3.02 MB, 2048x1543, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28078320

Singing wife

>> No.28078746

her voice is the most beautiful sound in the world

>> No.28079554

I miss her singing

>> No.28080988

maybe she'll sing a bit during the debut? She did for her mikeneko live2d debut but I feel like this one will be a bit more kayfabey and "scripted" since she probably wants to give a high effort impression. We'll see though

>> No.28081728

My guess is some kind of opening trailer, introduction, a lore dump, a song or two, and end it with another trailer teasing some other new member.

>> No.28081856

yeah I'd bet on the opening trailer too, the kson one cut off at a very obvious cliffhanger
actually, maybe we'll get the resolution to that cliffhanger during ksons debut and then something from nazunas pov during hers

>> No.28081891 [DELETED] 

Keychan WILL collab with males after her vshojo debut and theres nothing you can do about it.

>> No.28083070

Assuming Kson's debut doesn't overlap, are we assuming her debut will only past for an hour?

>> No.28083623

yes, I think so

>> No.28084983

Most likely yes, just a standard debut thing

>> No.28085787

>SEAniggers find out Mike is moving for the first time
that thread is going to hit the bump limit based on incormation they could've grabbed weeks ago
the catalog is a circus

>> No.28085879

Anon-chama, don't read catalog bait threads...

>> No.28086309

it's so disconnected from reality though, they're writing literal fanfiction, I kinda want to see how retarded they get

>> No.28086466
File: 191 KB, 900x900, FVdU0ACakAAF1ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that tweet was an amazing thing to wake up to
I really hope she sings during the debut

>> No.28087088

The days where the catalog was mostly content to ignore her will never come back. I wonder if this board will continue its decline

>> No.28088850
File: 271 KB, 2048x2048, FXifS-sUsAINJlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute wife

>> No.28089483

Debut times are kinda weird.
It's middle of the day JP/SEA, early morning Euro, midnight US East, and only primetime in California.

>> No.28089572

But it’s on a Saturday at least so the times don’t matter as much

>> No.28089618

What times have holoJPs usually debuted at?

>> No.28090676

It seems weird to prioritize Americans but I guess they don't want to compete during prime JP times. It doesn't really matter to me as long as her own schedule makes sense.

>> No.28090735

It's probably just because they're doing some kinda "relay" thing with it, I doubt her regular stream schedule will be that early

>> No.28090859

That makes sense since they want to maximize viewership

>> No.28091228

That day is Pekora's anniversary so I guess they don't want what she is going to do to coincide with the debuts

>> No.28092665
File: 250 KB, 1601x2129, FWHlAE2VsAAmw3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28092781

Isn't midday on a saturday better for JP than it is for most Americans?
It's far more common to pander to EST than the west coast, at least from what I've seen

>> No.28093882

>Isn't midday on a saturday better for JP than it is for most Americans?
I don't have numbers to back this up but I'm pretty sure the prime time for Japanese speaking vtubers is 18-00 JST on weekends too. No idea what's the usual for time slot to Americans but I think this >>28090735 is the likely answer.
Again I don't care as long as her eventual schedule lines up with my

>> No.28095116
File: 171 KB, 1558x1159, 1644731253090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28095144

The best time for jp would be between 8/10 pm, because even if it is Sunday, there are many Japanese people who work

>> No.28095946
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>> No.28096582
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>> No.28098121
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>> No.28098677
File: 982 KB, 600x600, 1657213145488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my wife Mike to be happy with me everyday.

>> No.28100294
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>> No.28101987

tell your wife you love her

>> No.28102088

I know this isn't cheating, but why does it feel like cheating. Fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.28102095
File: 216 KB, 1431x2048, FQfHwYraAAAWYw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love her

>> No.28102628

do you think that's her model? it looks like a live2d to me for some reason, if it is i like it

>> No.28102772

I wasn't 100% sure either. Also, I just noticed that she has little angel wings in her eyes. They're a bit hard to see.

>> No.28102794

it might be
It looks really cute, also doesn't look like ciro's work

>> No.28102926

i'm 99% sure i've seen that artstyle before but i cant pinpoint who the artist is

>> No.28102951

It looks more like a chibi drawing to me

>> No.28103210

Having to watch her reply to the fucking shitmouse, yuck

>> No.28103604
File: 96 KB, 1350x594, FXkIvAPaIAA4v57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god she's adorable
I can't wait for the 16th, so excited!

>> No.28103668

Rushia was cuter

>> No.28103729
File: 140 KB, 1280x1280, FWt-Y16aMAAlKpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is indeed cute
glad you agree!

>> No.28103740

Rushia was designed by committee. Nazuna was designed by Mike.

>> No.28103904

I'm getting that hunch too, It's definitely the same as her twitter pfp. It looks more moe/chibi kinda like pikamee, which I wouldn't mind.
All the promotional art suggests a more conventional model though, so if that is what it turns out to be, it would be pretty jarring at first.

>> No.28103948

I guess the committee did a better job in that case, cause nothing will ever surpass Rushia

>> No.28104020

she could have two forms

>> No.28104092

Then why don’t you write a strongly worded letter to Cover corp and ask them to bring her back.

>> No.28105908
File: 89 KB, 1100x1100, 20220625_170423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28107028

The more I see people like Ironmouse in her replies the more i dread her debut day/week because of collabs. Fuck man, i know she did this because she thought we would like it but fuck

>> No.28107466

Let's get through the debut week anon, once that wears off we are golden since none of them sans Kson can actually speak Japanese. I'm not including Nyanners because her Jap is shit.

>> No.28107534

She's asking us to court her all over again

>> No.28107594

to me it seems that the vsj girls are mostly harmeless and they will not interract much on stream anyway, the thing that is making me fucking go insane is fefe in her replies, that untalented whore that got big only by sucking N*x dick and streaming music on twitch with no licence is trying to get to her and the scary part is that she just managed to get to pikamee, i hope she would die already

>> No.28107609

this desu
it looks like promo material or an artistic interpretation or something

>> No.28107661

language barrier stronk

>> No.28107717

She would have to do alot more than that considering she can't understand mike and doesn't have vshojo brand in her name so Mike most likely won't care

>> No.28107805

It looks like the same style as the first picture she posted

>> No.28107845

thats what i was thinking too but just the thought of it is driving me insane, i would unironically prefer nazuna on chaturbate than fefe getting to her

>> No.28107857

Meant to reply to >>28107609

>> No.28107935

I know, but the first one has those triple emotion stripe things which makes me feel like both are drawings. Maybe artistic stills from her lore video. Or again just promo art. Anyway, we'll see

>> No.28108043

relax anon, even among unlikely speculative hypotheticals this is a reach
she hasn't even debuted yet, please have some faith in wife not falling and hitting every tree branch on the way down

>> No.28108287

I have faith in my wife and everything she does is for us. I don't have faith that the vshojo girls will leave her be and stop trying to force her into collabs with random twitch streamer events or even with people they know

>> No.28108339

you faggots need to stop worrying about every little thing, jesus christ

>> No.28108366

Have faith in the fact that out of all the other girls only Kson can actually speak Jap and Ksons been around her long enough to not try and force her to do anything.

>> No.28108367

It looks like the art of her profile picture. Would be surprised if she goes with a chibi model.

>> No.28108547

Even Mike just said recently that she's easily manipulated.
Fuck man

>> No.28108768

You're right. I guess part of me was worried that Kson was also being naive and it was influencing mknk. But I trust my wife and I trust that she'll never change who she is even if she doee end up interacting with these people on occasion

>> No.28109083

I would have a problem with her collabing with some of the other girls but bubble girl is not one of them.

>> No.28109659
File: 480 KB, 1205x800, FVdUzN_acAAvaIB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28110238

Fefe is just an attention whore. I've seen her in the replies of tweets for multiple vshojo members and usually they just ignore her. I wouldn't about Fefe interacting with her

>> No.28110420

I think that there are 3 factors here which are crucial. 1 is Kson knows the kind of audience she has, 2 is that Kson genuinely does want to help her, and 3 is that she knows that if something upsets her fans it'll hurt her a lot
When I add those two up I can't see a situation where Kson would do anything to jeapardize her relationship withbus. Even if she is naive about Vshojo, there are some lines that are crystal clear here

>> No.28110575

>I don't have faith that the vshojo girls will leave her be and stop trying to force her into collabs with random twitch streamer events or even with people they know
Most of the vshojos don't even go out of their way to collab with each other that often. I highly doubt they'll try to force her into collabs with people she doesn't know, especially given the language barrier. Plus she can always say no if she doesn't want to do something.

>> No.28110879

she used to be friends with some of the vsj girls way back, before vshojo like 3 years ago or something but they woke up and exiled her from the community

>> No.28110954
File: 297 KB, 1100x1367, EMyispjUEAAhHpN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant pinpoint who the artist is

>> No.28111175

cute art i like it but NFTfag...

>> No.28111185

that looks nice, I wouldn't mind if the actual model was in that style

>> No.28112903
File: 284 KB, 1622x2048, FS5d3pdUYAAkGAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glub glub

>> No.28115305
File: 1.40 MB, 4096x4096, 1647836672847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28116780
File: 413 KB, 1653x1262, 20220623_103118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28118756

Man the board is fast today

>> No.28120754

I know you guys are worried about collabs , but you shouldn't worry too much , most of the vshojo girls
barely collab with eachother , best example is vei, she only collabs with soda and the last time she collabed with the other girls was in new year's stream

>> No.28121068

>the last time she collabed with the other girls was in new year's stream
This isn't true but you are right that they aren't forced or go out of their way to collab that much. They only collab whenever they want to.

>> No.28121174

Vei did a collab watch party with the other girls during AX. But nice try

>> No.28121413

Ok , i forgot about that , but my point still stands it was a special event like the new year's stream

>> No.28122183

>you guys are worried
Literally falseflaggers shitposting while having lunch

>> No.28122326

I bet she mostly collabs with kson or not at all, probably once though with the other girls but after that

>> No.28124408

I love her so much

>> No.28126367
File: 654 KB, 1000x782, FR1NxjYVkAMkMCI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28129664

i just realized this picture is her profile picture cropped differntly, you can see her lollipop under the blue eye

>> No.28131546

The pictures she has been posting may be a close up of her chat emojis. This are both usually chibi style and high definition.

>> No.28134900
File: 450 KB, 3840x2160, 20220611_214435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28135128
File: 44 KB, 1154x303, 1653296184604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I can not believe I didn't think to check her channel for emotes until I saw this. There's a few uploaded already. I imagine most if not all of the starting batch will be posted before she goes live so you'll get a preview there. https://twitchemotes.com/channels/803456874

>> No.28135356


>> No.28136252
File: 193 KB, 768x1204, 1651803149840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28136510

does she have the evil eye ninja power?

>> No.28137682

God I hate whoever did this

>> No.28138184

If anything it will be like that vshojo collab with ai-chan et al. just a bunch of broken english and japanese "communication" followed by a few "はい"s and "yes"s as they pretend to understand eachother.

>> No.28140623
File: 26 KB, 112x112, amemiy4Sadge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28142068
File: 393 KB, 4096x4096, FOCpyClVIAQ9YuT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28142419

Cute, the shy one looks like she's sneezing.

>> No.28144530
File: 784 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28145656

>sab is never coming back
I guess this was a cleanup op for corpo debut

>> No.28146360


At least it isn't some shitty poor-quality photoshop of the meme frog

>> No.28146905

Is it because you're madge that someone made her sadge? FeelsBadMan... smoge.

>> No.28149366
File: 323 KB, 1280x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28151234
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>> No.28151442


>> No.28152821
File: 1.07 MB, 3792x4096, FXnpPIPWQAAYgow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot art of Nazu

>> No.28152928

very nice

>> No.28153512

Art is nice but I don't really see the appeal of high leg string panties. Rushia even roasted Hoshikawa for having them... Lewd panties should be implied but not seen but that's just my opinion

>> No.28153545

Was this said anywhere?

>> No.28154328

Fast speed neko

>> No.28154363
File: 26 KB, 716x312, 1630992572068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(`・v・´) ドヤッ

>> No.28154369

Speedy wife

>> No.28154917

She I guess she wanted to have a slightly lewd model, showing the panties and the unbuttoned trouser button

>> No.28155076

Well we don't know how lewd the actual model is yet or how much input she had in the design. But yes I can see her wanting to try out something different than before. It's not a huge deal but I don't see it as appealing personally.

>> No.28155301

Me neither, it looks like Nazuna is ready to jump on a dick at any moment dressed like this

>> No.28155413

If you don't like the model then you have your own hornyness to blame, one of the first questions she asked was if we would have wanted a lewdwr model and if she should go more echi, I think you can see where I'm going with this.

>> No.28155633

But knowing her she will likely have many outfits and hairstyles very quickly. Hell she might even debut with chibi and "adult" -versions of the current outfit
I didn't say I dislike the model

>> No.28155676

It's Vshojo, anon. Being lewd is part of the territory.

>> No.28155692

offline hype train at level 5 on twitch

>> No.28155826

If she's not there I don't care that much

>> No.28155903
File: 73 KB, 598x339, 飴宮なずな🍭VSHOJO on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was watching from the shadows

>> No.28155940

Jesus christ ironmouse gifted 50 subs. Many weird things I have to get used to now

>> No.28156123
File: 7 KB, 318x70, 7845789580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28156151

some messages from mouse on nazuna offline chat after the 50 bomb

>We all love her dearly already and we will protect her forever
>She deserves happiness and nothing but the best
> I am happy that she has had you guys to stay by her side. i have been a quiet supporter but im happy I can be very vocal now
>she deserves happiness. all the girls do and I am happy that we can all do that together now

pretty based if you ask me

>> No.28156463

based and cute

>> No.28156466

Twitter broken?

>> No.28156529

broken for me too

>> No.28156621

Broken from her cuteness no doubt

>> No.28156851

fuck off twitter
I wanna tell her I love her

>> No.28157007

if you still dont think she's wife you are a failure as an husband, go support her and tell her you love her

>> No.28157081

She really does deserve to be happy

>> No.28157140

that can't be real, did they think nobody was looking?

>> No.28157174

Sounds like they're setting up filters for what will be the most spammed thing in chat on debut day

>> No.28157226

idk, but looking at it again it might be auto translation taken from nazuna offline chat since it has "chat:" before the sentence but we cant be sure because we dont really know what they are testing

>> No.28157256

Yeah, I was about to ask why that one line has chat before it

>> No.28157266

no, they are testing some new tech and it looks like a translator thing

>> No.28158530
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>> No.28159671
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>> No.28159692
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>> No.28159704

This isnt nazuna's chat anon, it's the chat of Loutlot (jp branch ceo)
He was testing and importing stuff with mowtendoo (vshojo cto) for the bots that vshojo members usually use. He was also importing words to be banned, hence the pic, u can get the idea.

some vsj anons were just stalking/having loutlot highlighted whenever he chats, hence why that pic exists.

>> No.28159711


This is why I've been telling you guys that having Ironmouse around is a good thing. Regardless of your personal opinion on her, Ironmouse sincerely supports the people she cares about. There's no hidden agenda or anything, we can trust her to legitimately help Nazuna while respecting how JP talents operate

>> No.28159760

oh yeah and they are also testing some translation software

>> No.28159866

Kson mentioned a few days ago she told staff she wanted real-time translation software and they said they would work on it

>> No.28160170


>> No.28160306

She does know you can see the top sub gifter right?

>some vsj anons were just stalking/having loutlot highlighted whenever he chats
How are they doing this and can we set up something similar for nazuna?

>> No.28160489

>How are they doing this and can we set up something similar for nazuna?
I give it 10 minutes after the debut before the discord servers set up something similar.

>> No.28162263

love wife

>> No.28162301
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>> No.28163469
File: 168 KB, 1216x1366, 20220603_103039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to hoping she provides us one more twitcast before because this is seriously killing me. I want to hear my wife's cute voice again.

>> No.28163594

i mean as long as she keeps the mike account to members only, why not. anyone willing to shit on a vtuber for $5 only to have it ignored deserves the chance to try it, i guess

>> No.28164099

>some JP gachikois trying to learn English to talk to her
I never thought this would happen. It's so strange but oddly wholesome

>> No.28164843

What a weird quirk of this timeline for us kaigai

>> No.28164925

Same here
tomorrow maybe? To help with the jitters she must undoubtedly have. Although ever since もう朝だよ we could even still have one "today"

>> No.28166132

It's like the guys that try to learn French to impress girls that also don't speak it.

>> No.28166415


>> No.28166885

Fuck off IM, stay away from my wife with your shitty Connor guy

>> No.28167186
File: 166 KB, 720x720, FPMI2w5akAAfcAw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mouse seems nice

>> No.28167305

I still don't see why people use Connor to threaten us, the only reason it worked with Mori was because they where essentially the same age but Connor just turned 25 I believe while Mike is already in her 30's.

>> No.28167464

easy low effort bait, many people on /vt/ dislike him so just mentioning him is enough to get people seething

>> No.28167604

What's your argument? I didn't say he's going to fuck her, I don't even want him to utter her name or appear in the background of anything she's involved in.
Hell ideally no other vshojo would even acknowledge her existence but that's asking for too much of course.

>> No.28167843

Anon, everyone /here/ wants minimal activity between Mike and every other Vshojo member, sans Kson. I'm talking about bait in general on /vt/. Wasn't making an argument btw I don't want him getting within a chat room with my wife.

>> No.28167915

> everyone /here/ wants minimal activity between Mike and every other Vshojo member, sans Kson.
Including kson for me. Trash Taste appearance, chaturbate, Nuxtaku collab etc. - no thanks

>> No.28168065
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Fair, sorry for bringing up the question btw. Now enjoy wife.

>> No.28168130
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>> No.28169082

2 days
Soon I will be able to say dawn of the final day

>> No.28170891
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>> No.28171452

god I hate the implications of everything about this...
please just let her be with her fans...

>> No.28171727

Seems pretty reasonable to me

>> No.28171861

If she's going to be in VShojo at all this is probably the best we're going to get with it

>> No.28171897

The "has you to stay with her" line seems pretty supportive of our relationship

>> No.28171911

Honestly I'm expecting a twitcast after the debut. I can almost guarantee it will happen

>> No.28172145
File: 114 KB, 1273x805, 1633712715855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FrankerFaceZ addon. https://www.frankerfacez.com/ It has a feature to highlight specific chatters. I use it all the time. You can set specific colors for specific chatters too. It has like a million other useful features but chat highlighting is definitely the one I use most.

>> No.28172581

I hate ironmouse so much...

>> No.28172969
File: 352 KB, 1448x2048, FXn9cnKaUAEvfSn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28173416

Do i need to let the chat open to this work?

>> No.28173709

Yeah it only highlights their messages when they pop up so it's only useful for looking at VODs or when live. I know that this is something some people use https://github.com/gempir/justlog to log entire chats at barebones sites like https://logs.ivr.fi/ but I have no idea how to do that but I'm sure someone else can figure it out.

>> No.28174752

if you want to do proper 24/7 stalking just connect to twitch chat via irc, join all channels where you might expect to see her, enable logging and grep mentions of nazuna

>> No.28175915
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>> No.28176427

she said hello in the twitch chat

>> No.28176842

I came

>> No.28176924

Saviorfagged by a girl so sick she can never leave her room and can barely even walk...

>> No.28177596

She’s just one of us frfr

>> No.28177693

I wonder if she's watching her new colleagues

>> No.28177877

It's weird seeing some people seemingly talking to each other in the chat rather than her. I guess that's the usual reddit or youtube comment crowd

>> No.28178121

Funny how vtubers who weeks ago would have mocked someone like her and everything she did as well as her fans are now going all "I love you! <3 Welcome to the family~"

>> No.28178307

that happened even back during the Rushia days

>> No.28178327

as in who?

>> No.28178569

I know that humans have this way of wanting to form a community around pretty much everything and anything. I just find it weird because my full effort is always aimed at my relationship with her

>> No.28178604

Vei is acting like the biggest hypocrite for example when it comes to being cute towards nazuna

>> No.28178610

She would want her husbands to get along with each other

>> No.28178622

Every vshojo

>> No.28178677

You WILL court her, no matter how many times she changes personalities

>> No.28178700

Do you not realize Vei, despite being a spicy meatball, is (or at least was) borderline GFE? She still doesn't stream with soda on her channel out of respect for her gachis.

>> No.28178755

>borderline GFE
>literally publically gets into a relationship
Not to mention how often she shat on people who would have such feelings for a vtuber or streamer in general, as well as the ones doing that for the fans

>> No.28178781

Silver and Melody actively embrace most aspects of GFE while Ironmouse and Froot embrace some of them. Nyanners & Zen, don't have any real evidence of mocking streamers who do GFE. Only Vei has evidence in that.

>> No.28178983

I can get along with others just fine but it's pretty much limited to low effort stuff like mutual follow on twitter and occasional liked tweet. More than that would feel weird to me

>> No.28179026

She is busy preparing for us. We have to keep each other company in the meantime

>> No.28179064

>Every vshojo
Vei isn't every member and she talks a lot of shit, she even went on a rant against subathons even though Mouse's was the biggest recent one. Silver basically does light GFE stuff herself. And I'm pretty sure Mel talks as if the viewer is fucking her at times during CB streams. Stop spreading weak rrats.

>> No.28179119

I like how you think Melody is similar to Rushia because she is an unironic camwhore who dildoes her pussy on chaturbate
Please return

>> No.28179148
File: 345 KB, 1983x1886, 1649775852182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will humor them and you guys, but know that when the time comes I will win the position of first husband!

>> No.28179322

reminder to the ones of you who are too socially retarded to know that you can support your friends even if you dont agree with what they do and even if some of the vsj gils criticize other vtubers they never tried to change their content and never put eachother in awkward situations over that on stream

touch grass and take meds

>> No.28179344

>touch grass
Go back twitch tard

>> No.28179564
File: 1.06 MB, 720x878, dsfgsafgsdfgv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'll go back to fuck my wife, you can stay /here/ seething about problems made up by (you) to seethe about something

>> No.28179575

The question was if they mock GFE. None of them but Vei have.

>> No.28179607

You're not a fandead and never were you pathetic twitch kid

>> No.28179663
File: 52 KB, 650x500, FW50-9WaIAAOoZg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care, rushia is dead anyway and i love my wife nazuna

>> No.28179704

That's what I thought. God this thread is such garbage.

>> No.28179808

This was phrased weirdly but I get your point
I wonder what she's up to. She did just say good morning but it's like 4AM and I have a feeling that good morning actually means good night

>> No.28179870

Stop fucking arguing retards, her debut is the day after tomorrow
If you want to waste your time with text, go tell her you love her instead because her nerves are probably more fucked than yours right now. Fucking morons.

>> No.28179899

I just want Ironmouse to fuck off mostly. Why does she act like she runs vshojo

>> No.28179966

doomposters deserve the rope, dont care what you think of her new colleagues until they do something wrong to her you are just a faggot that doesnt respect wife decisions

>> No.28179985

I think she and Nyanners basically do, at least in the sense that their opinions on things have the most weight

>> No.28180002
File: 2 KB, 28x28, 1644287081203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

small small angel wife

>> No.28180053

>Why does she act like she runs vshojo
what are you smoking?

>> No.28180059

Both doomposters and proselytizers need to wait and see. Us actually seeing her will fix both of their issues

>> No.28180075

A Nazuna for ants?

>> No.28180113

I hope Mike dethrones everyone there... nothing would be more satisfying than seeing Mike as the top vtuber there even drowning out the numbers of IM and Nyanners.

>> No.28180158

u can also just get chatterino for Twitch that's a standalone app, u login with twitch.
chatterino is used by majoritiy on twitch as it have built-in bttv, ffz (frankerfaceZ) and 7tv if u enable it/download them with it on chatterino's site.

with it u can add channels, it's also how u can see grey users as default twitch chat won't let u see who is grey named, as twitch just gives a random color and u first stop being grey named on chatterino when u choose a color for your name manualy.

u can also highlight names for all channels u have added + other stuff
generally most also use chatterino as it loads faster than default twitch chat, many streamers also use it to make the delay between them and chat even smaller.

>> No.28180178

I read that in the voice

>> No.28180267

absolute mental insanity to think that the girls who invited her out of dozens or hundreds of candidates to join, and are gushing about how happy they are to have her, actually hate her

>> No.28180357

it's amazing how fast this place went from unconditioned corpo love to unconditioned corpo hate

>> No.28180431

i dont care about corpo in general
i only care about how it is for my wife

>> No.28180440

I don't think people here think they hate her, I think it's more that they're worried that they don't/won't understand or respect our relationship with her
(I'm not doomposter anon so my perspective as somebody who doesn't know them is that actions will speak louder than words here, and that I choose to trust her and kson)

>> No.28180441

this is the most mentally ill thread outside of the holo sphere

>> No.28180498

we were the most mentally ill thread in the holo sphere too tyvm

>> No.28180567

seems like its going pretty nice for her right now compared to how bad this thread is treating the situation

>> No.28180590

I'm pretty sure they'd be happy to see one of their new orgmates be very successful anon. Most chuubas would generally be supportive of seeing fellow people in their org/company succeed.

>> No.28180662

We will see when debut comes. For now everything is happy happy but I want to listen to her in new role and see how she is doing it, it's a big change. But I believe in her, believe in wife

>> No.28180700

nyanners was known to hate being the most popular at the start of vshojo and mouse is the least nuberfag of the group, she just grows because she's unironically addicted to streaming

>> No.28180765

I don't trust Kson anymore but you're right. Alot of us including myself are fucking worried about us being replaced with normal fans or that the vshojo girls don't respect our relationship with her even though we've been with her through hell and back. I've been trying to stay positive and help others stay positive since the announcement but I think the date approaching is making me panic. I don't want to lose my wife that's all but I trust her. I just want vshojo girls to at least acknowledge that her fans mean everything to her.

>> No.28180769


>> No.28180788

>this thread
The people who are alright are just staying quiet or doing other things/posting elsewhere while people venting are at least trying to contain their negativity here. Menhera fanbase please understand. I'm confident the tone here will shift after debut when people realize there's no looming disaster

>> No.28180826

I just hate Vshojo. They are the antithesis to my wife in every way. It's ridiculous that she's going to be part of a group that houses human trash like Vei, Nyanners, Hime and others.
I want to believe there is a way this can happen without it meaning she'll interact with them at all but that's not gonna happen, they already started it on Twitter.

>> No.28180837

Is she aware of the full story, at least? I don't know her, so not implying anything, but too often a western person showing support for her would still be trying to push the "stick it to the man" narrative that she ruined her life trying to disprove.

>> No.28180868

>tribalfagging in 2022
my brother in christ you've got to get a grip

>> No.28180872

>I just want vshojo girls to at least acknowledge that her fans mean everything to her.
having watched vshojo for a while i would assume whats going to happen is they will not even talk about her relationship with her fans and just call her cute

>> No.28180918

It's difficult for them to do that while still trying to loosely prevent ironclad confirmations. Hell Mouse maybhave went too far with her "I'm glad you she has you by her side" comments but I'm glad she did because they sound 90% of the way to what you're asking for.

>> No.28180928 [DELETED] 

Go die in a ditch you retard, your garbage dump will never be accepted.

>> No.28180938

I feel the same way, but then my anxiety has been going nuts since the debut day is approaching. I just try not to say anything rather than venting because I'll probably say something I might regret.

>> No.28180972

you're gonna have to suck it up or leave
they're not gonna alienate Mike and they will keep interacting with even if it's just twitter or chat messages

>> No.28181011

People need to realize that "stay by her side" is a more emotionally loaded term than anybody ITT is giving credit for. Read niggers. That is not a line usually dropped on a "normal" fan.

>> No.28181013

you realize that calling vshojo a garbage dump means you are calling wife garbage too?
you should consider a rope, hating for no reason so much you shit on wife, fucking faggot

>> No.28181040 [DELETED] 

Nope, she is not vshojo. She only got roped into this by kson.
Your vshojo whores can go die along with you, fucking useless sluts who are everything wrong with vtubing.

>> No.28181107

cope, seethe, dilate >>28046819

>> No.28181132

I'm still more worried about the cultural shock she may got through than anything regarding her relationship with her fans.
What terrifies me about the idea of someone saying something that would be NG for her in a collab isn't about them corrupting Mike, it's just her being put in that situation in the first place. I don't want that to happen.
It's similar to the whole "we stand with Rushia against toxic idol culture!" shit. Thankfully she just interpreted that as haha kaigainiki so kind I love you, but she probably wouldn't be very happy about the implication of the specific kind of support she was getting.

>> No.28181272

>she probably wouldn't be very happy about the implication of the specific kind of support she was getting.
she also probably wouldn't be vary happy about her loyal fans hating on her new colleagues that are also the only big vtuber company that would take /in/ someone with cover drama so soon

>> No.28181293
File: 476 KB, 1448x2048, 1657027314835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to accept the truth

>> No.28181301

Anon do you care more about the girl or do you care more about what she's seen to "represent"
I don't care about representation, this isn't a religion, whe's my girlfriend and if I can have my girlfriend and I love her and she loves me why the fuck does anything, and I do mean literally fucking ANYTHING else matter

>> No.28181332

She doesn't know anything about them so it's a moot point.
If she knew about Nyanners and Vei having public BFs and some other things she might not even have agreed to follow kson into this.

>> No.28181430


>> No.28181456

Better public BF than hidden BF. And you shouldn't assume she doesn't know, this has been planned for months

>> No.28181480

Tamaki literally went public with her marriage. Not the same exact thing but those two were literally shipped together

>> No.28181492

i get that she's retarded but i'm 99% sure she talked to nyanners public boyfriend to make music for her, she already know about boyfriends you are just coping

>> No.28181495

Vshojo is a state of mind.
It means you love talking about cocks, cum and sex on stream. It means you love collabing with men. It means you welcome Connor calling into your streams. It means you cringe at anything having to do with idols.
She will never be vshojo.

>> No.28181508

Yeah, I bet. Anyone bothering her directly with this kind of shit is a retard. But this is a discussion board, there's nothing wrong with talking about it here.
Just like I'm not complaining about said hypothetical NG statement being made in their own streams. Or the people who believed she was fired for having a boyfriend believing whatever they want. I'm not thought police, I just don't want her to be uncomfortable and regret following kson. Because let's face it, that's what really happened. There was no objective assessment and research going on. She's there because it's kson.

>> No.28181554

What this anon said. The ideaa that she wouldn't be at least a little familiar with them is silly, and if she's getting a lore video like the others which is pretty fucking likely then she's probably had at least one conversation with Nyan's BF since he composes the music for all of them and he's fluent in Japanese

>> No.28181564
File: 820 KB, 983x651, AAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It means you cringe at anything having to do with idols.
weak bait

>> No.28181577

>respect for her gachis.
that would be not being with other men like my wife. This other girl is a whore

>> No.28181610

go back to your thread faggot

>> No.28181631

She could barely write their names right, you're nuts if you think she knows anything about them. She has no clue Zen is a tts man who talks about politics. Or how often Vei talked about cum and condoms. Or Froot's problems, etc.
At most she knew of Melody being on chaturbate due to kson.

>> No.28181678

And you don't think Kson, or Loutlot, or any of the other Japanese staff would have filled her in on any of that info?

>> No.28181693

A semen drinking whore doesn't become an idol just because she puts on a costume.

>> No.28181752

kson didn't even speak the truth in her own "vshojo is not bad guys, this will be great" stream she had some days ago. It was full of bs misrepresenting things.
ZERO chance she told her such details. It was nothing but "we're gonna have freedom here, you and me, let's start a JP branch cmon"

>> No.28181791

I really doubt she has an issue with chuubas having boyfriends or whatever, it's none of her business. As long as they don't try to push that kind of shit and talk on her streams, or pressure her into male collabs or whatever, it'll be fine.
And she's always been open about male oshis and shit as her roommate, but never brought that kind of talk to her chuuba activities either. There are very clear guidelines she follows, it's not even just what she personally believes in or whatever. If those are respected, everything will be fine.

>> No.28181803

You've got to get info from places other than the catalog sometime anon.

>> No.28181844
File: 241 KB, 872x826, FT60AWJaMAAjm0G.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 days away from debut
>retards still coping about dumb shit
you're gonna have to get over it soon, or else you're just gonna keep seething constantly and that won't be healthy

>> No.28181926

I will seethe myself to death if any of the fears I have about this whole thing come true be sure of it

>> No.28181946

i cant wait until the doomcopeposters kill themself after debut to finally have a nice thread

>> No.28181992

>she also probably wouldn't be vary happy about her loyal fans hating on her new colleague
it is done out of love. It is done for her betterment!

>> No.28181996

You guys know there's Holos with boyfriends, right. There's married ones even.

>> No.28182034

We ended up in this current situation because of the dumbest shit in the world. If she knew how to use OBS or used a different account for non work stuff, we'd be happily enjoying regular streams.
How can you not worry about dumb shit?

>> No.28182113

Zero public ones

>> No.28182157

Anon, who in the world is expecting everything to go to shit in the debut stream? Even the worst doomposter isn't expecting the final yab this soon.

>> No.28182225

I'm giving it 2 months max until the first yab in the form of a male collab indirectly being forced on her out of the blue or something like that

>> No.28182242

>zero public ones that didnt give the fans absolute shit cope excuse that fans deepthroated without any doubt
fixed it for you

>> No.28182305

i was hoping they kill themself for doubting her after it all goes fine, bad wording by me

>> No.28182357

I understood, but nobody is really worried about debut.

>> No.28182366

People don't doubt her, they worry about what the environment will do. As in other vshojos / their fans / their circle.

>> No.28182410
File: 242 KB, 900x900, FNZ1YgJUcAAXs7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't worry about dumb shit because there's no point.
Why would I worry about the VShojo girls or their fans trying to convince her to drop the relationship she has with us? Nobody has given me proof to believe they would.
Why would I worry about male collabs? She already said months ago she would ask us if something like that ever came up.
Why would I worry about constant VShojo collabs? Every time an actual VShojo fan comes here they say they rarely collab as it is.
Why would I worry about anything changing? I trust my wife.

>> No.28182514

Yeah, they are lying instead. I don't want fake gfe, only real

>> No.28182610

Because despite being given every opportunity to betray us and get away with it, whether by signing away her soul to Cover in exchange for their not firing her, or by leaning away from us and pandering to her "it's okay to have a boyfriend" saviorfag armada, she instead chose to stay loyal to us each and every single line. She may be dumb but she loves us and is faithful to us and I just want anons here to remember that. If she saw how much pain you felt over thinking that she's basically already betrayed you she'd be beating the shit out of herself mentally. Remember how she saw that one streamer that was being mean to their audience and it made her cry?
Please for fucks sake please just 信じる
If for nothing else, for her sake. Because she loves you.

>> No.28182655
File: 356 KB, 842x800, FP-wXayaUAIF-3-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28182661

I'm not too worried either. Honestly the only time they apparently collab is qhen it's a forced event for some other streamers event. That would be my only concern. The last thing I want is a vshojo(nazuna) collab with OTK of all fucking people like they've done before. God no I hate those people

>> No.28182785

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.28182864

I don't doubt her for a second. I worry about her, not about me or how she sees me.
Not every concernfag is the same.

>> No.28183153

She wouldn't be able to anyway with the language barrier. If there's some JP OTK equivalent they might approach her because she's a big name that's easier to get a hold of but she could just say no.

>> No.28183162

Fair point. But if you psych yourself out too much, you hurt yourself for no good reason. She did this for us and our relationship. She wants to get back on her feet and be with us without the paranoia and pain and hurt that antis bring around poisoning everything. It would be the saddest fucking thing in the world if we were the ones that took this away from her by fucking it up with negativity over literally nothing

>> No.28183340

I think it's very fucking disrespectful of that loutlet faggot or whatever his name is to be calling her Rushia on open coms(not even Mikeneko).
This is the second time a vshojo staffer tried to inadvertently doxx her(gunrun)
I don't care about the vshojo drama but these faggots just made my shitlist

>> No.28183368

>it's a forced event
As far as I could tell, there are no forced events

>> No.28183408

I think it was just testing filters or something. That's my cope, at least.

>> No.28183454

I assume that guy was testing filters. I agree that he should have been smarter though. I'm not sure if there's another way to test it though

>> No.28183561

Only other way would have been to do it before AX when nobody was looking at the account. Maybe it just slipped their mind until now or maybe it was something else but testing filters makes perfect sense.

>> No.28183646

if you look at the screen it says
>[EN]chat: hey yo your rushia
it looks like a translation program (probably the thing kson asked for) and it very well might be it was translating nazuna chat or as you said the might be working on having filters on the translator, they didnt confirm anything officially and it's all over twitter/youtube anyway so people will ask

>> No.28183660

Stop falling for the forced collab bait. It would be beyond stupid of vshojo to publicly say they are for talent freedom and then force their talent to do anything they don't want to do. That goes for all their members influence too. I expect them to at least have that rule

>> No.28183735

>Only other way would have been to do it before AX when nobody was looking at the account.
nope, we knew loutout was head of jp a while before AX and people were already stalking and watching his backpack testing streams

>> No.28183854

This I completely agree with. My schizo shit begins and ends here, during the stream itself I'll just go with her flow. I'd rather drop her than rain on her parade, unless she's specifically asking for feedback.

>> No.28183939

It would also seem stupid (to me) for them to bring on board somebody who does the kind of content she has a reputation for doing and not keep that in mind. I get that that clearly that hasn't stopped them before but at the same time none of the other Vshojos were anything like her.

>> No.28183982

It's mostly people willfully misinterpreting things to doompost. Look how fucking prevalent the "Kson lied" narrative is all this time later.

>> No.28184159

Kson is a liar
Has noone use twitch in this thread ever? The translations bot is common and rather self-explanatory

>> No.28184283

I don't like kson. Mike loves her, so I would never be an anti or anything, but I have zero trust in her.

>> No.28184317

>Has noone use twitch in this thread ever? The translations bot is common and rather self-explanatory
they are working on their own stuff, not just chat translation, probably also live translating the streamer but i'm not sure what exactly they are doing, the usual translator bot on twitch doesnt type from the streamer account

>> No.28184428
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28184440

stop having connor rent free on your mind you fucking cuckold. he has not done anything wrong to any of your whores. You can shit on the vshojos for being whores because you don't like their liberal mindset but don't rope fucking connor into it you little faggot. he just lives his best life and hangs out with his friends who happen to be vtubers. He is not gonna fuck nazuna on stream because he is good friends with ironmouse you whore nigger

>> No.28184557
File: 23 KB, 112x112, shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28184594

This emote is really cute

>> No.28184747

At the next Zoom conference with all of vshojo and their staff Veibae will put a gun png in front of Nazuna and tell her that she has 3 days to collab with men or she will get fired. Confused, Nazuna will ask why and kson will interject laughing maniacally saying they roped her into the company just so she could collab with men, the final objective of that being ???? .Her laughter then proceeds to intensify before she starts yelling "TAIWAAAAAAAAAAAN" at the top of her lungs. Every single vshojo girl joins in laughing while Nazuna looks dejected into the floor and bursts into treats.

>> No.28184793

Connor ain’t gonna fuck you dude.

>> No.28184946

i just get really upset when people just dirty his name when he literally has done nothing to anyone yet they still hate on him because he is a male when there are tons of other people to critizise like vei who called hololive a black company and talks about how much she hates idol culture and how toxic it is. She is probably gonna seethe at nazu-tan at some point. i want to rape that polish attentionwhore so bad

>> No.28185186

>the final objecting of that being ????
I shouldn't have laughed but fuck you I did

>> No.28185312

>This is the second time a vshojo staffer tried to inadvertently doxx her(gunrun)

>> No.28185415

I'm not even saying to not give feedback IF something goes wrong, or to not be upset IF something goes wrong. It's just that, right now, she is still here with us and loves us. I just want her and us to be happy in the (IMO overwhelmingly likely) scenario that our relationship isn't threatened, us ending up jeopardizing it over literally baseless paranoia would be すぎてつらい

>> No.28185537

Imo that's kind of why I agree with getting all the schizo out on an Anonymous message board on a dying anime forum, it's makes it so that all of that is out of our system and we don't do or say anything we regret somewhere she would see it.

>> No.28185622

Well maybe he shouldn't show up univited to streams without consideration for the other person ironmouse is collabing with.

>> No.28185736

he is not nuxtaku you fucking retard. what do you know? if you are talking about the kson shit him and mouse were collabing first and then kson and mel invited them to join the call. Seriously, he is not gonna show up in nazunas debut and chill his channel. That's not what being in vshojo means

>> No.28185828

Agreed. Most of have used this place to vent at one point or another and I'm glad we do
It's basically the menhera fanbase equivalent of the menhera oshi using a sub account

>> No.28185867

Didn't he kickstart that interaction though?

>> No.28185888

>I trust my wife
I don't. Why should you? Trusting her at this point is just self disrespect.

>> No.28186032

Fuck off, tourist

>> No.28186132

not sure. probably not, because he is a brit who forces interactions, but everyone seemed comfortable with them being in a group. just stop targetting him for no reason. i feel bad shitting up your thread but just stop spreading false information that will make everyone blindly hate connor and vshojo too for letting their girls "get cucked by males on stream" especially idolfags who are not used to male collabs

>> No.28186198

who doesn't force interactions*

>> No.28186203
File: 2.01 MB, 1488x1181, 1626887845052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that anon's talking about the time he collabed with Kson in Minecraft then that was because it was supposed to be a Meldoy collab but Mel is notorious for not planning things ahead of time. She had literally no ideas what to do for their collab, and she wound up asking Mouse if she could join her plans since she was streaming that same night. Mouse said yes, and her own plans involved collabing with Connor, Nyan, and Silver in doing some PvE stuff. It wasn't a great collab since a lot of Kson's viewers wanted to see the Minecraft world that the VShojo server had built up, but it wasn't something that he forced himself into in any way.

>> No.28186580

That's exactly how I use this place and why I don't understand people who whine about dead threads during streams. Why the fuck would I post here during a stream? This place is for schizo shit during dead hours.

>> No.28186702

>Fuck off, tourist
Everyone who disagrees with me is a tourist

>> No.28187237

Fuck off tourist, if any of your ilk even ruin the relationship we have with our wife then expect scorched earth

>> No.28187420

the only reason i'm still here is because you faggots keep seething at innocent people. No one is gonna ruin your relationship with your wife or critize you for having being goslings, but you better not being seething faggots toward our girls and their friends except for whore veiwhore

>> No.28187484

i know that post looks stupid as fuck but i'm phoneposting and i think you understand it so no need to correct it

>> No.28187847

Only deadbeats give a fuck about Connor, I never even watched a second of the dude, or even know what he sounds like. It's just that not caring means not talking about him at all. I don't think the bulk of Mike's fans are in the know about anyone from vshojo or their circle. At least I'm not. Of course people will only shitpost about him, only those trying to get (You)s would even bring him up at all. Now stop talking about unrelated shit and replying to bait.

>> No.28187948

i am going to reply to bait if it makes me mad and feel the need to correct someone. I'm not going to ignore it just because big brother says so. I'll reply to bait if i want you little shit. Now get his name out of your fucking mouth

>> No.28188036

Then at least we're in agreement that Vei is a problem. As long as you admit that than we can truce temporarily until Vei is gone. Stay out of our way with our wife and we'll fucking stay out of yours. Keep your shitty fandom in check with the "YOU GO GIRL" supportfags and we'll keep our schizos in check

>> No.28188101

The only person I can say I actually know personally (or at least used to is Hime) but that's because of her past as a shitty voice actor

>> No.28188233

Man sometimes I wish I was as positive as Orca is all the time. He seems like a really lax dude from his tweets.

>> No.28188307

If I was as rich as that fucker I'd be pretty relaxed too.

>> No.28188484

>, but you better not being seething faggots toward our girls and their friends except for whore veiwhore
Then convince your Vshojo girls to kick Mikeneko out of Vshojo. I'll never complain a word again. I even defended your group in threads before this. However I can't support her interacting with them.

>> No.28188725

They are good people, who love VTubing. Also Nazuna also wants to improve her english by joining a western organization so she can communicate better with (you). If you are against VShojo, you are against Nazu-tan too. If you support Hololive, you support the people that made her suicidal. Trust her decision and stay with us. I agree that Vei is a whore who deserves to be raped until paralyzed. But the other girls are people with good hearts

>> No.28188764

I don't want to think about connor or any m*le at all and that goes for 99% of the posters here. I just don't want him, or aethel, or anybody with a penis to interact with her. I don't intend to anti anybody or post retarded narratives, in fact I want the opposite. Thank you for coming here and explaining that he didn't barge his way into collabing with Kson uninvited, that helps ease my worries slightly. But you do realize how many dramaniggers are lurking our thread ready to throw bait in front of people reacting to it like you, right? These people are literally waiting for an overreaction. Don't give it to them. And don't give regulars here a reason to lash out. People here are already tense.
Also don't use gosling itt, /vt/ fucked that term up beyond recognition. Gachikoi
>get his name out of your fucking mouth

>> No.28188823

Not nyanners. But I digress
