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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 114 KB, 900x900, DACADF1B-567C-439A-906C-D3388C36C670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28010052 No.28010052 [Reply] [Original]

>check covers graduation announcement post
>thousands of people crying for Sana
How and why? How did this lazy, nepotism-hired, non-streaming bitch still have any fans left?

>> No.28010168

The fucking power of Hololive. That's why a lot of people dying to get in.

>> No.28010214

Also, being an artist who doesn't wanna do drawing stream. Sana has no way to get in without Ina nepo.

>> No.28010231

Normalfags don't care, they barely even watch streams to begin with so of course they wouldn't have a problem with a bitch who refuses to stream.

>> No.28010241

I don't get it either. It's not like she's going to be streaming any less often than she does now.

>> No.28010397

You know what's baffling? Plenty of HoloJP, HoloID, indies and even VShojo posted their best wishes to her too. I meant, it's great that people do so, but that makes me wonder - did Sana really have so much connections and made so many friends behind the scene? Or are VTubers just that nice?

>> No.28010494

jesus fuck you fucking autist, have you ever have any interaction with other people ever?

its called being considerate, that's what normal human do

>> No.28010496

Hololive thrives off of the "they're like a family" feel and box pushing. They have to maintain the illusion of caring.
>other vtubers
As much as it pisses /vt/ off, hololivers are still royalty. Yes, even Sana.

>> No.28010532

It's the Holo hugbox. Everyone has to pretend to care. It's not every day that a Holomem graduates, which means it would be kind of a yab not to mention it.

>> No.28010564

>hololivers are still royalty
>Yes, even Sana.
A lot of Holobros hate Sana. Also they hate Mori like crazy.

>> No.28010635

>tfw we could have had someone better than Sana
EN3 soon please.

>> No.28010747

You do know they are risking to get flame if they dont?
Some of those probably dont care much at all, some might never even have spoken to her but some feel the need to post it (holomem especially).

>> No.28010803

Sana gave me PTSD, not sure if I want EN3. I'm feeling complicated now.

>> No.28010810

Sure, but we're talking about in public here, not on 4chan. The antis will not say anything on official channels, which is why you only see supportive messages.

>> No.28010872

>check catalog
>all those people complaining about "nepotism"
How are all those NijiEN fags STILL so mad? Even though given everything they do on twitter and whatnot they would have graduated much faster than Sana if they had gotten in?

>> No.28010876

>The antis will not say
What they've said were deleted instantly.

>> No.28010996

Sure, that too. The point is that that's why the support seems so unanimous.

>> No.28011102

I'm a hololive tourist what's up with this?

>> No.28013185

Quality > Quantity

>> No.28013224

Then did she quit lol

>> No.28013232
File: 304 KB, 766x1740, meanwhile in nijisanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check niji graduation announcement posts
>there are none
>nobody even noticed they graduated

>> No.28013313

It's all played up for the likes. Most of those people have probably never even watched one full Sana stream

>> No.28013365

i mean, it barely takes any effort to make one tweet saying something like "best wishes"

it's one of those things you do because it costs nothing and is polite, but isn't really meaningful

>> No.28013451

>People are so retarded for a brand they'll cry about someone they never gave a fuck leaving

>> No.28013535


>> No.28013554

I'm not seeing any EN members on that image, but I saw enough people crying about people like gibara and lulu despite they most probably not even understanding japanese

>> No.28013582
File: 185 KB, 1200x675, nijien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are 3 of them on that image

>> No.28013605

Man they lost some all time great vtubers, imagine a new gen with that level of talent

>> No.28013641

>Any amount of clout in a Japanese company
You're an idiot.

>> No.28013651

Connor was actually right…
She did nothing for a year and people are actually upset she’s leaving.

>> No.28013655

The amount of people whining on their termination tweet was probably higher than all their views combined

>> No.28013657

>basic kindness is "baffling"
what a cesspit of autists this place is

>> No.28013685

/vt/ is not now nor as it ever been representative of the majority, even if you fags break containment.

>> No.28013731

So how did Sana get in? She has two selling points, drawing and australian accent. She doesn't draw and Bae has australian accent too. Totally no reason for Cover to pick Sana if not for nepotism.

>> No.28013769


>> No.28013811

They do it for clout.

>> No.28013950
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to stream a lot at the start, she wasn't as absent as she became after the death of the dog arc, I know because I was at /nasa/ since the start. She had fans waiting for her to come back, and right when she started being more active again she's gone. Plenty of people gave a shit and cared about her.

The irony, you fags got what you wanted and are commemorating it, aren't you? Lots of people in this shitty board are sooo happy that someone they "never gave a shit about" is graduating, so I don't get the point of these threads even.

>> No.28014119

hey anon I’m going to miss sana too. please don’t read or reply to catalogue threads.

>> No.28014142

It's called being polite. Even if you don't really mean it it's nice to say things like that. For example imagine going to a distant relatives birthday You may have never really spoken to them but you still wish them a happy birthday and shake their hand and all even if you don't really care about them.
Pretending to care is the glue that holds society together.

>> No.28014193

>Bubbly and energetic
>Fast friends with everyone
>Got "buff game" numbers on random crap in the beginning
>Had the most consistent streaming schedule in the entire branch until her "dog died"
She got in on her own merit, you just don't have a memory.

>> No.28014205

Sana isn't lazy. She's a very prolific and top shelf artist

>> No.28014228

So the reality is that she just didn't cared

>> No.28014237

wtf is this? like EN before EN?

>> No.28014259

Cover is still not letting you in, retard.

>> No.28014278

who was the biggest EN to graduate before sana?

>> No.28014303

Who do you think is going demolish that hideous incomplete sana tower in minecraft now that she is finally gone?

>> No.28014306

someone post that one apple image again

>> No.28014343

There are thousands of small time v-tubers who would kill to get into Holo-live. Yet she some how got in despite having no talent, no charm and no ambition. She barley streamed and always barely gave any effort.
It's like being hired for a cushy fortune 500 office job then being fired or leaving because you can't even be assed to even pretend to work or do the minimal effort. People like that are annoying and shows they have lived an easy life with no struggle.

>> No.28014357

Rebrand done wrong

>> No.28014411

I get the impression that depression and injury made her question if she was going to stick around as far back as January, but the Valentines Day stream happened (the one where she was a potato) and she took the fan support as motivation to keep trying. Came back, put more fan focus time on things (bread dogs became far more prevalent after that), did the song singing about not feeling alone any more. But by the time she was back to streaming more regularly and collabing again it was too little too late to catch up to contractual obligations.
The fact her birthday merch has been put back on sale means it didn't sell out, which makes me wonder if the final test was to see how that stuff sold. Didn't hit the target, so management sat down to discuss her future options and Sana couldn't meet their ultimatum requests.

>> No.28014459

Does Noor still stream under a new identity? She was the biggest loss there I think.

>> No.28014483

She is a manager for NijiEN
If you ever wondered why its so shit, now you know.

>> No.28014499

She didn't and you know she didn't. They know she didn't. This is the way they recoup some of their losses with superchat spam by retards that haven't watched a Sana stream since before her dog died.

>> No.28014516
File: 96 KB, 1090x926, 1510615885606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really get it either. I liked her quite a bit when she first debuted, but after seeing how much she obviously didn't want to stream I started to forget she even existed. I think people just really like the whole "family" feel and they want to give their best wishes. Or maybe there really were that many genuine Sana fans who crawled out of the shadows to cry about her graduation.

Oh well, who gives a fuck. Stream more next time.

>> No.28014581

>all of JP3 are good

>> No.28014604

I'm baffled they're able to sell any merch, it's expensive tat which takes months to receive

>> No.28014681
File: 1.36 MB, 1536x1571, 35lqnh5xrfb51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because pic rel is every Twitfaggot's mindset right now

>> No.28014874

people pretend to be sad because they think thats what theyre supossed to do.
She didnt stream and didnt collab, obviously NO ONE is gonna miss her even a little, but it would be apathetic to show that.

>> No.28015266

Its probably a mix of clout and the fact that vTubing is still relatively small scale as an entertainment form where anyone actually involved in it will feel empathy and sympathy for the others

>> No.28017664

dude stop! you're offending all the 4 dozens of sanalites and the 3 simps who kept showering her bread money.
where are your manners?

>> No.28018064

Conner was right.

>> No.28018148

I hope you're not using twitter replies as a metric. While sana does have fans all the shitters on twitter just virtue signal and farm likes.

>> No.28018311

Part of the reason people get into hololive is because they're sick of negativity. They just want to tune it all out. I don't blame them, but in places where negative comments can be buried by dislikes they generally will be. No need for jannies.

>> No.28018325

Nothing new uploaded by her since graduation.

>> No.28018432


>> No.28018680

the fuck is a hololiver

>> No.28020664

You didn't answer his question. The closest thing to an answer is "bubbly and energetic", you know that nonsense isn't enough to get in.

What gets you in are tangible experiences and skills: knowing japanese, work in content creation, etc. Her experience as an artist probably contributed, but since you never see her use it, I can see why you wouldn't bring it up.
