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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27994668 No.27994668 [Reply] [Original]

>Vtubers most blatantly from /here/ and even willing to pander to us have boyfriends

What does this say about the taste of this board? Have we transcended gfe tastes? Most posters are asexual? Or a surprising amount of /vt/ is into netorase and/or NTR.

>> No.27994776

As long as they don’t bring it up in their streams, most people here won’t give a fuck.

>> No.27994785

no one cares if she has a boyfriend all the girls in the company have a boyfriend, Pippa lives with a furry, we are cuckolds by nature and we like that, that's why the company is known as Phase Cuck

>> No.27994834

Shadow is blatantly not /here/ though. Watch streams.

>> No.27994865


>> No.27994873

>As long as they don’t bring it up in their streams
Pippa's a significantly popular /here/tuber too though and she has the clip of her boyfriend coming into the room, giving her a big hug, and Pippa squealing in delight over him.It goes deeper

>> No.27995036

Yes she just knows most of the culture but denies using the place. Btw WWE is fake.

>> No.27995087

shondo don't even know about 4chan.
lumi is a whore tho.

>> No.27995165

shondo have bf?

>> No.27995234

yeah me

>> No.27995236

>still pushing the shadow bf thing

>> No.27995241

/vt/ has gone mainstream and being /here/ or not literally doesn't prove a thing. Even facebookfags visit this place. Local idiots constantly breaking containment don't help it either.

>> No.27995283

Lumi and Shadow have boyfriends?

>> No.27995292
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>are all /vt/ posters asexual
They're streamers that play video games and will never know who you are

>> No.27995295

shondo posted in /uoh/

>> No.27995352

Lumi - Sei/Melancholic/Niflheim/however that nigger calls himself right now
Shondo - bullshit, she's literally too autistic to have a bf

>> No.27995370

Yes which leads to funny situations since Shadow's fans use /vt/ and lumicord link threads on /vt/ to raid. You get some VERY emotional and upset posters.

>> No.27995411

>not /here/
ok you are retarded.
She fucking talk about the shithole from time to time and also said she doesn't want to be know as the menhera from here.
Lumi howevr is a full pandering bitch

>> No.27995473


>> No.27995523
File: 60 KB, 653x640, Ri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's literally too autistic to have a bf
You and the majority of people that know about Shondo would kill people to date her yet somehow delude yourself she's too autistic uwu for simps in real life.

>> No.27995546

How I see it there are two options:
1. View the streamer as a character and not a real person. This would be positive in that real life does not get involved, but negative in that you don't treat the streamer as a human being.

2. Treat the streamer as though they are a human being behind an avatar. The positive of this is that the person behind the avatar is respected more (in theory) but the negative is that it will bring all the negatives of human relations (i.e. jealously over having a boyfriend).

>> No.27995560

cba to find the exact post she posted something about cunny unity the image is what gave her away because she posted a commission only she could have at the time

>> No.27995563

Hi! Hololive fan here just recently got into Lumi, it's interesting to see a thread about her specifically!

>> No.27995630

Shadow is just a chuuba that happens to appeal to /vt/'s taste by acting like an imouto wife and pandering a lot to her fans
>It was revealed to me in a dream

>> No.27995647

She had a bf. Like an online one for a while and then they break up.

>> No.27995648

>Shondo would kill people to date her
that's literally why she's too autistic to actually get people to date her.
Believe or not just having a pussy can not be enough when you're LITERALLY, UNIRONICALLY mentally ill.

>> No.27995660

>What does this say about the taste of this board?
>this board
You mean discord shill tourists?

>> No.27995785

>discord shill tourists
True desu. Lumi gets worshiped on here more than NijiEN girls yet if you ever pop into her stream despite being a consistent streamer for years she can't reach 300 plus viewers.

>> No.27995921

>lumi is a whore tho.
>Lumi howevr is a full pandering bitch

Still that HL fan here, can you show me clips of Lumi pandering to /here/? And why do you say it like it's a bad thing? Don't you want to be pandered to? I know I do. I'm so confused

>> No.27995933

You misread you braindead ESL. YOU and lots of simps would kill to date her, the same happens in real life with simps. You're utterly deluded if you think mentally ill people don't hook up, fuck and have short relationships with people due to their bad decisions.

>> No.27995961

>shondo is not here
I mean, everyone watching Shondo knew already of she is involved here but damn niggas

>> No.27995995

Phase Connect is literally a /here/company, their headmod used to run threads for Lumi and all of her either past or current staff is confirmed to be /here/ aswell. Including her boyfriend.
They're perfect at damage control.

>> No.27996025

Ok Phase shill

>> No.27996071

uoh is mainstream, for the love of God please find other sites to browse.

>> No.27996073

Post it then faggot

>> No.27996092

You people need to accept that being /here/ means nothing if your criteria for being /here/ includes the people who create the culture /here/ and the people who pushback against the culture /here/

The amount of people who post on this website generally that fucking hate this place grows every day

>> No.27996135

>Shondo would kill people to date her
>YOU and lots of simps would kill to date her

>> No.27996136

Link or fake and gay

>> No.27996158

Most of Lumi's original audience from here has evaporated.

>> No.27996162

Not a phase shill, I got into vtubers pretty recently. Watched HoloEN, then HoloJP, then I came here because I browse /pol/, /fit/, and /k/ regularly for years now. I've seen people say that Pippa and Lumi were the 4chan vtubers, so I checked them out. I like what I see so far, what's wrong with them?

>> No.27996180

Lumi joined PC barely half year ago. Why would you use her as an example?

She was containment breaker even before CL went up in flames.

>> No.27996211

Nobody gives a fucking shit about Pippa here except for her underage fans.

>> No.27996228

Anon uoh is everywhere for months now, get out of your bubble

>> No.27996233

This literally proves the point. You also have Pippa or Lia or Shiina if you know her PL. The ratio is just insane.

>> No.27996296

> girls with plenty of experience being a good GF make the best GFE
Did you seriously expect a wallflower with zero experience to be good at pampering (and taming) boys?

>> No.27996355

lol Now tell me that she's a virgin, come on, I want to see you drown the last bit of common sense that you have in order to protect that idealistic and ridiculous image of her planted in your head.

>> No.27996370

This place get 70k avg. daily posts, like /b/. /pcg/ alone has more daily posts that hololive reddit. People are delusional if they think this is some secret club.

>> No.27996385

Apart from the boyfriend all of that sounds pretty based. I want to be pandered too

>> No.27996498

So did people just memoryhole the stream where Shondo directly broke containment and namedropped the board in front of Fauna?

>> No.27996514


>> No.27996517

The ratio of those who admitted it or slipped up is insane. I'm under no delusion this is the first place EN chuubas go to to egosearch.

>> No.27996518


Back to the discord channel and try to think about explaining these cucks, you've never brainstormed a good answer for her boyfriend doing this shit on stream. Atleast Lumi's nice enough to only flirt with her bf on lumicord so the casuals don't see it.

>> No.27996550
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>> No.27996574
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Uwaaaah, Is this really another bait thread?

>> No.27996575
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>> No.27996591

Real talk here. It's all about the kayfabe. I'm here to watch cute anime girls do entertaining things. I just don't give a fuck what the woman behind the curtain does in her spare time anymore than I do about the celebrities in movies I watch. As long as she doesn't bring it up in a way that connects to her character(i.e: on stream, social media tied to the character, etc) then she can do what she wants because it doesn't interfere with kayfabe. I'm not so mentally ill as to form a parasocial relationship with an entertainer. Nobody here realistically has a chance with any of the women doing this vtubing thing and sane people don't even bother trying. The people who DO try are creepy discord groomers that are openly mocked.

In fact, I would argue that calling people cucks just for liking a character played by a woman with a boyfriend says more about your mental state than it does theirs. Because you clearly cannot separate the reality of a woman playing an anime character from the entertainment they provide by their performance.

The only exception is if she's doing GFE. I don't partake. But if she does that crap while having a boyfriend then she's manipulating lonely men into forming a parasocial relationship with her in order to pad her bank account while also being dishonest with them about her relationship status. In other words, she intentionally makes people think they have a chance with her, when they never will, just to get more money. This makes her an evil manipulative bitch who deserves whatever wrath the angry fans throw at her when she gets caught in the lie. If you play with fire you deserve to get burned.

>> No.27996624

Anon-kun, let the virgin dream.

>> No.27996644

I don't understand. Why do people here treat this place as some unmentionable trash dump? Be proud of yourselves! Stop hating yourselves!

>> No.27996727

I’m not proud of OP, who is an enormous faggot in my eyes. I’m not incentivized to enjoy a single living anon’s existence, actually.

>> No.27996746

Fauna is an active poster too.
Desktop leak with shitposting image and webms folders included lmao
Either Shondo or Fauna herself is a I MISS FAUNA poster

>> No.27996767

NTA but let me write his sentence out for you:
>You, and the majority of people that know about Shondo, would kill people to date her, yet somehow delude yourself she's too autistic uwu for simps in real life

>> No.27996785

She admitted to having a boyfriend at some point, which means that 100% still has a boyfriend.

>> No.27996850

>>In fact, I would argue that calling people cucks just for liking a character played by a woman with a boyfriend says more about your mental state than it does theirs.
Massive cope. The vast majority don't own it like you, they keep insisting their heretuber waifu is single and loves their chat the most.

>> No.27996876

Pippa's a whore?

>> No.27996952

That's pretty sad but I guess if it makes them happy then that's what matters.

>> No.27996957
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What happened? You were so aggressive for proof but when it's posted you just seethe by yourself.

>> No.27996992

Fauna hasn't been on 4chan since the heyday of /b/ under the name Boxxy

>> No.27997040

Its over pippa bros, time to spread this and expose her as a whore

>> No.27997119
File: 362 KB, 800x780, 1639534291257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they have a boyfriend, I don't wanna know unless it's an official marriage announcement, for then I'd know she's fulfilling her womanly duties for our civilization.

>> No.27997130

> Im not usning Pants
This is the origin of no pipants no pipantis!?

>> No.27997128

You're 9 months too late.

>> No.27997149

Are you telling me Fauna might have seen my horny writefag posts about her fingerblasting her coworkers at the offcollabs and building a harem of saplings consisting entirely of chumbudbait, twinks, and beefcakes? Oh god.

>> No.27997178

God damn she's intolerable even without a boyfriend. But yes I retract my words calling you a faggot now that you have posted the clips.

>> No.27997220

Hey I knew Fauna's my favorite Council member for a reason!

>> No.27997227

>9 months

>> No.27997367

Thats Bomu

>> No.27997368

I always thought she was to disgusting to have a bf. You know with the fleas and mold and such.

>> No.27997427

What did you think those pet rabbits are? Real rabbits?

>> No.27997457

Try to convince the shondo cuck since he's got the same mindset senpai.

>> No.27997480

this is another level of menhera

>> No.27997677

Everybody already knows about this. The fruits know it. Pcg knows it. They still watch her streams because they're not needy retards who expect streamers to act like their girlfriends

>> No.27997724
File: 55 KB, 600x720, Cenation feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That delight in her voice when he just ignores her request and plays with Pippa like a toy
God I need a short gf

>> No.27997860

A woman getting a boyfriend is as simple as having no standards and being willing to spread your legs. There will always be a man desperate enough.

>> No.27997923

>The threads whining about slutshaming and people not wanting to watch vtubers that have boyfriends are all made by vtubers that have boyfriends
OP accidentally cracked the code. Slut lovers exposed as sluts themselves.

>> No.27997955

Why would it matter? Watching a chuuba isn't a romantic or sexual thing. Unless you're into either orgies or literal 1views.

>> No.27998046

Thanks man, you really saved me.

>> No.27998072

The only people that'd be willing to pander to 4chan are inevitably manipulative people willing to sink to any depth for what they want.
Even if someone is /here/, a decent anon knows that 4chan should stay on 4chan.

>> No.27998166

It would make a lot of sense. I’m mere steps from abandoning the board forever, it’s become even more mine filled than /cgl/ or /soc/.

>> No.27998288

If they aren't gfe then why would you care? As long as they aren't being parasitical bitches that are feeding from the emotional loneliness of pathetic fucks there's no issue. You don't actually give money to female attention whore "entertainers" on the internet and form parasocial relationships because of it, do you?

>> No.27998342

This thread is another example of why holofags need to stay in their bubble and stop dictating how other vtubers should act.

>> No.27998400

Why else would you watch beautiful anime girl avatars do cutesy stuff on screen? Honestly you faggots confuse me, how about just be normal and not watch anime girls huh? If you want to gatekeep like little fuckfaces and scream incel at everything, go touch grass and watch something that wont get you labeled as an ugly autistic creep

>> No.27998551

Lumi has date streams so your point is irrelevant faggot.

>> No.27998686

Okay, then she's a whore. That still doesn't invalidate the last part of my post, you double faggot.

>> No.27998835

Wrong. You hate yourself and you have no strength in your convictions. You'd crack under any peer pressure and try (and fail) to become a normalfag.

>> No.27998920

Maybe you should that post again bro
