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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27950300 No.27950300 [Reply] [Original]

>most subbed vtuber in hololive is Gawr Gura with 4.05 million subs
>second most subbed vtuber in hololive is Mori Calliope with 2.09 million subs
Why exactly is this? are there just 2 million people who dont even know/care what hololive is and just watch gura?

>> No.27950366

Tits too big

>> No.27950407

First post too gay.

>> No.27950474

Bots. Or cumpedos not giving a fuck about anything but the reclining shark.

>> No.27950495

people that subscribed to her did it because she had big subs, it's a snowball effect. Barely any people gives a fuck about her anymore and she's not even top 10 of most popular holos nowadays

>> No.27950508

That's what happens to any genre of content, the most popular person/ brand has the most normal fags. These normal fags don't venture out and watch other streamers they just stick to the 1 popular thing until they eventually drop it.

>> No.27950511

Literal babies watch her. She is a child herself, after all.

>> No.27950690

>are there just 2 million people who dont even know/care what hololive is and just watch gura?
Yes, literally. Collabs are a literal debuff for her because that crowd just doesn't tune in if she's not solo.
Kobo has a similar thing going with attracting tons of indo normalfags who've never heard of hololive until her.

>> No.27950703


>> No.27950774


>> No.27951312
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literally who

>> No.27951498

>2 million people who dont even know/care what hololive is and just watch gura?
>you don't know/care what hololive is if you're not subbed to Adam Sandler Shrek Sheriff Lean Pinpon Nippon Wigger

>> No.27951660
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>2 million children and normies subbed to Gura

>> No.27951692


She's in the middle of the pack of the Myth gen when it comes to super chats and the like.

By money brought in from viewers that can be tracked it goes...

Mori, Kiara, Gura, Ame, Ina.

So Gura does well for herself, and I would count that as a more accurate representation of their popularity.

>> No.27951702

2 million dead subs. No joke.

>> No.27951732

The rest of HoloEN are just Gura's entourage

>> No.27951794

I hate that being more normie makes chuubas more popular. Same for Kobo.

>> No.27951900

>that can be tracked
Nice qualifier retard. Just completely disregard how they make most of their money. You're a real genius.

>> No.27952250

nta but they arent using the qualifier to see how much shes making, theyre using it to show the interactions since theyre assuming more people donating means more popular, which you can argue against but they arent arguing about what ever youre thinking they are.

>> No.27952304

Imagine you're subbed to Gura, why would you sub to Mori instead of any of the other holo lolis?

>> No.27952336

facts and yes.

>> No.27952567

Can someone explain why someone would Sub Mori? I'm not bullshiting or trolling with this question. She has the worst personality, the least funny. I mean what is there to enjoy? Mori ruins every collab she's part of.

>> No.27952587

a bunch of normies subbed to her because she was the face of EN vtubers when they debuted and it was the peak of vtubing on termns of popularity, but they probably don't even watch vtubers anymore

>> No.27952627

>what's membership

>> No.27952640

she has some pretty good 3D tits but you'd need some handcuffs, a ballgag, and a paper bag to really get any enjoyment out of her

>> No.27952706

JP viewers believe on the calliope kakkoi meme

>> No.27952803

japanese guys who don't speak english but think she is cool, desu I can't blame them because we are probably the same with some JP girls

>> No.27952843

Those 2 million people don't even watch gura don't worry

>> No.27953020

To falseflag as a cuck with proof?

>> No.27953065

She is still getting 3 times more subs than her peers on average, she definitely attracts people who don't watch other vtubers.

>> No.27953110

Still the fastest growing vtuber in hololive besides Kobo. The reason her SCs are lower than Calli and Kiara's is because she didn't bait for them hard in the beginning or even read them for that matter. Even now she hardly reads them and turns them off when she does. Pretty sure her average SC per stream is higher than Kiara's though.

>> No.27953170

Giving goob tits is a crime.

>> No.27953266

The cope in these gura threads is strong, ganbare anon-chan

>> No.27953351

Nope, Kiara has huge SC numbers, she only loses to Mori on EN.

>> No.27953373

>shark milk to feed our children

>> No.27953508

It's children and bots

>> No.27953636

Her total SC is higher, but Gura averages more per stream, even despite not reading them and turning them off. Gura averaged more SC revenue than Kiara did in her last 10 sreams.

>> No.27953673

Algorithm RNG luck, Mori benefits from it for getting recommended or in collabs in the sea of her videos.
The same applied before hololive

>> No.27953700

Bots and ironically normies who are either dead subs or don't care to look into whatever hololive as a whole is.

>> No.27953725

Tits too small

>> No.27953847

Unironically this. I think gura is a better spot than majority honestly, however I wish she put some more drive into her streaming again.

Ever since council came she took council’s example and just started giving the I’m busy excuse constantly. Under normal circumstances I’d believe it but mori has WAY more on her plate with the amount of projects she pushes out and still manages to stream semi regularly. Not expecting everyone to have the same work ethic but she’s definitely gotten too comfy.

This is a competitive work environment, and she doesn’t realize she’s sitting on a mountain of opportunity. She’s my oshi but I’d be in a delusional self cope if I said I wasn’t annoyed at her lack of consistency lately.

2021 and 2020 gura was honestly great, not sure how I feel about supporting someone who claims they have big dreams, and things they want to happen but makes no effort to pursue those goals.

>> No.27953854

I like how retards constantly bring out dead sub as if Gura is the only one with them. All big YouTuber have like 70% dead sub, the bigger total sub counts the bigger percentage that gets.

>> No.27953993

It’s the way /vt/ copes, leave them be

>> No.27954060

>subbing to Mori
I'd rather sub to Artemis, at least he stay in his own fag bubble and away from people who matter

>> No.27954136

why do you expect them to care? was there something in the rule book that said you had to watch vtuber in the company?

>> No.27954224

Gura is the cancerous tumor of the vtubing community.

>> No.27954264


>> No.27954285

>we are probably the same with some JP girls
Mori to JOPs is Towa to EOPs.
What the JP Holos still don't get is EOPs don't need them to speak English.

>> No.27954411

I like her voice, she feels like a kindergarten teacher of sorts. Watching some her videos actually felt kinda relaxing...

>> No.27954467

She has the most because she was hyped the most Gura CCV isn't much better than Ame and Kiara's usually and lower than Mori some streams. Gura was the 'A' shark girl that all of youtube tried to leech off of with thumbnail and namedropping so she got a lot more bandwagon subs early on that never stuck around to watch.
I wish YT would implement a system to drop your sub to anyone whose channel you haven't visited after 6 months. If you watch any stream or even visit their channel once, it resets.

>> No.27954498

>worst personality
She isn't that bad when she is in her upswing mood. But just like Ame said she easily changes moods.
>the least funny
Not when she isn't being funny on purpose.

>> No.27954589

all those bot spamming accounts also sub to popular large channels to try look less sus

>> No.27954655

Gura isnt a large channel in the eyes of youtube 4 million is nothing

>> No.27954658

That doesn't explain why she's still the fastest growing outside of Kobo. Also, what the fuck are you on? Her CCV is better than the entirety of EN by at least 1.5x

>> No.27954771

How to tell who doesn’t watch streams

>example A

>> No.27954798

I wish she realized if she put in a solid year of numberfagging she could get her Miku concert on demand.

>> No.27954806

Is the same on all social media bots, it doesn't have to be the top 100 channels, hell even my account with no videos got like 10 bots subscribing to me

>> No.27954891

Not as money hungry either. When was the last time she had a pure Superchat reading stream?

>> No.27954932
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It's all nijicope and one salty nousagi Gura still has the best long term performance for streams.

>> No.27954955

The "big dreams" thing feels extremely fake when she puts no effort into anything, like she's just told to say that cause it's the image hololive wants to put out there.
I can't stand watching it anymore it's just far too fake and have moved on

>> No.27954965

Same guy, and I agree. That’s why it’s honestly annoying, she’s got the biggest opportunity potential out of any member but doesn’t take advantage of it and still acts like she’s scared of management. She’s in a position to put her foot down but doesn’t and I think this is partially what kills her drive but she’s doing it to herself.

She needs to get her shit together. If she took this seriously and was a koyori or pekora level numberfag she could’ve accomplished way more before 2022 even began.

>> No.27954971


I think humor and entertainment value are pretty subjective. So if somebody is subbed to X Vtuber, whoever that may be, I assume they are subbed to them because they find them entertaining.

>> No.27955017

Who says they dont know about the others?
Mori is a wannabe wigger sperg, Ame is either boring or bitching, Kiara sucks at anything that isn't a zatsu which is already boring, Ina is vocal ambien, and the entirety of Council is only good during Gura collabs as her henchmen. Things would be as they should only if Mori had LESS subs.

>> No.27955042


If you can point out where the pay membership numbers are I'd be happy to use those. I'm using the numbers we have that we can track.

>> No.27955080

>That doesn't explain why she's still the fastest growing
Youtube algorithm buff.

>> No.27955103

have you considered that maybe Gura doesn't want to put a shit ton of effort in when she's already effectively won?

>> No.27955113

I don’t think it’s necessarily fake, I feel like it’s a situation that most Americans suffer from. They want a lot of shit but don’t do anything about it hoping it just falls on their lap.

>> No.27955129

Carrot Top had an audience so I guess you're right

>> No.27955173

Then that’s just unfortunate if true

>> No.27955177

Sure but she is coasting and just hoping her dreams pan out. I think her and Suisei will get a miku concert sometime down the line, its not like Miku is some untouchable brand these days but if she put out more discography or numbered her streams harder she could have things she only dares to think of.

>> No.27955299


Drive Vs Talent. It's normally better to have 100% drive on 80% vs 80% Drive on 100% Talent.

>> No.27955314

sometimes having a dream is better than having completed a dream

>> No.27955386

No disagreement, but once your dreams are in reach its better to then try to push the space that you are in, in general rather then personal goals. I at least think that would be an exciting challenge rather than just collabing with childhood heroes.

>> No.27955492


I know somebody who could be the top of his field and make way more than what he makes now if he did more than half assing his work.

Even half assing he's got a good career and the fact is that he's happy with the results he's getting for the effort he's doing.

You can't make people want something they don't really want. There is also nothing wrong with being comfortable and not challenged.

>> No.27955566

I feel like when you reach a height of comfortability in anything is when you should actually push harder. She has the potential to go beyond what hololive is and engrave herself in anime history similar to how hatsune miku is but with the effort she shows recently nobody is going to look at as anything but “another streamer”. She can sing, has shown herself to be a natural comedian with a lot of personality and has shown she can be humble, but she doesn’t take advantage of any of her best qualities. She’s borderline kronii levels of low effort recently.

>> No.27955684

So deadbeats have shit taste, got it king

>> No.27955767

That’s fair, I’m just pointing out that she’s just another case of wasted potential. Very sad to see considering most don’t get these opportunities.

>> No.27955811

Who doesn't on this website?

>> No.27955997

the #1 secret is that gura is an extremely good voice actress, so much so that everything she says can be used for high-quality fanmade stuff https://youtu.be/DGCIz5_0Jhw?list=LL

she is also a talented singer, a memelord, a variety streamer and an idol

>> No.27956072
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>> No.27956181

Ah yes, this is the place I come to see the most refined tastes.

>> No.27956255

>>you don't know/care what hololive is if you're not subbed to Adam Sandler Shrek Sheriff Lean Pinpon Nippon Wigger
Proving OP right by implying that Mori is the only other hololive member.

>> No.27956621

>variety streamer and an idol
like everyone else in holo indonesia
>tweets A

>> No.27956691


Everybody has heard of somebody who doesn't like that thing they like. As long as they are enjoying something I couldn't care less if I think it's shitty or not.

>> No.27957265

Gura would be easier to hate if she had fat tits

>> No.27957423

Why you indogs are seething? You should happy about kobo instead making this ID vs EN now. You are acting like Salamifags with the same stupid crap: "My oshi gonna beat yours best subscriber." Gura isn't competing to noone. She doesn't care and never will, she just want friends. Thats why she is n°1, because she is humble and not a fucking greedy showing the subscriber count on stream.

>> No.27957448

Eh, Cover straight up terminated their top earner without batting an eye. Someone who made considerably more money than Gura does each month. She has the most subs and views, but she does not earn that much compared to even other EN members. Her fear of management is probably well founded.

>> No.27957697

SC are miniscule compared to membership and merch numbers gura pulls, SC are only big for certain types of streamers.

>> No.27957700
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Step aside

>> No.27957814

>I wish Gura was a dumbass bitch like Mori or Kiara
Fuck you, go back

>> No.27957872

Sorry, using a model a few times doesn't count. You actually have to commit to being a Vtuber.

>> No.27957909

if she wasnt competing she wouldnt be a hololive member in the first place
>Thats why she is n°1
only n1 deadsubs in vtuber media

>> No.27958091

cuckswirl cope

>> No.27958094

This is your brain on SEA

>> No.27959393
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totally natural growth btw

>> No.27959447

Personally I find her to be really quick-witted, which is a must for a streamer, and her voice is funny to listen to. She's a good tsukkomi.

>> No.27959471

I would actually watch Gura if she had a pair of fat tits.

>> No.27959608

Normalfags run off the hypetrain and that's it. They move on to the new thing that's trending on twitter and then forget about the old thing.

>> No.27959906

Clout chaser, didn't build her identity as vtuber, ergo not a vtuber

>> No.27960123

Music mainly and a lot of people think she's cool and caring. And your taste doesn't mean shit, it's entirely subjective and there's clearly a huge audience for whatever she does.

>> No.27960324

She never put any effort even back in the debut era.

>> No.27960342

I fail to see the problem

>> No.27960795

naw she is the average twitch stacy

>> No.27961802

If Gura didnt destroy her brain with alcohol she'd be the smartest holo

>> No.27961942

You can see even crazier growth from Kobo in the bottom right.

>> No.27962371

The vast majority of those 4 million and 2 million are people that dont even watch Gura and Mori you know. Their average VOD gets maybe 10% of those subscribers actually watch it and the average stream probably only gets 0.5% or so watching it live if that.

>> No.27963614

I watch only gura

>> No.27963804

Won what exactly? Her general profile is just "funny shark girl with most subscribers from hololive"; it's not like she's anywhere at the same level as the giants and legends of the VTuber industry.

>> No.27966218

How many times does it take to count? Does kson count as a vtuber anymore?

>> No.27966629

she won on the sence that she is rich and after she graduates whe won't even need to work a single day for the rest of her life

>> No.27969678
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The power of cunny

>> No.27970298
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Yeah yeah that's great yeah keep talking yeah

>> No.27974390

what does giants and legends even mean? she brings the cash, stable growth, managment couldnt be happier probably. Shes not out there to please fags like you. she brings the numbers thats all what matter in a business not some cuck level recognition you create in your own ecochamber

>> No.27974823

>reached two of the biggest milestones a vtuber has ever reached first
>was a big cause of the current Vtuber boom in the west

Yeah… sure buddy.

>> No.27975200

Were I to start giving a shit about your drunk wigger crackwhore, it'll be as an anti.

>> No.27977802

You’re talking about mori right?

>> No.27978105

She's a leech, a normie streamer that became a fake vtuber leeeech

>> No.27978296


Maybe they could channel that and make a youtube show called "Shit Taste".

>> No.27979482


>> No.27979580


>> No.27980458

A bunch of pissy Twitterinas cried about how she's pedobait and Gura rode that wave like the gnarliest surfer.

>> No.27982343

Yet she is the only one with a 1 to 1 size statue.
Maybe she is more legendary than them?

>> No.27982569


Watching Mori being cringe is funny.

>> No.27984083

I find her really cute and sweet, her music is good and the dumbness is endearing just like with Gura

>> No.27988855

>Mori to JOPs is Towa to EOPs.
I never understood why english speakers love Towa so much.
She's so fucking boring with her apex shit, and her voice sounds like a tranny who is also a heavy smoker.
