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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 841 KB, 1280x720, 【Site Building】Working on my Neocities Page!【Tsunderia】 2-1-34 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27878797 No.27878797 [Reply] [Original]

Can your oshi code?

>> No.27878875


>> No.27878918
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>> No.27878923

HTML is code dipshit

>> No.27879002
File: 9 KB, 480x360, 0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically using <table> in 2022

>> No.27879048

In the spiders defense. It is supposed to be meme page from old internet

>> No.27879104

I miss the days when Amiya threads ruled this board...

>> No.27879182

t. retail workers

You can tell the people who don't program for a living when they do this shit lmao

>> No.27879356

Probably not, but I can so why would I need her too?

>> No.27879467

Does rigging require coding?

>> No.27879637

No, not for anything standard at least. Still quite a headache of a process though. But no coding.

>> No.27879697
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Yes actually.

>> No.27879785

No woman can actually code, anon.
No, that's not entirely fair. Out of every woman who "codes", only like 0.00001% can actually code. Mary K. Hawes and Corrinne Yu, as examples.


HTML is not code retards. It's markup. Defining a tree is not programming. It's just making a list.

>> No.27879856

Any monkey can code.

Any girls into digital hardware design?

>> No.27879913
File: 530 KB, 564x720, ascsuii.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to watch Suisei desperately try not to core dump

>> No.27880090
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Multi-talented spidermomwife.

>> No.27880113

Anon, I'm sad to say <table>, with all the garbage it represents, is still in heavy use throughout the industry for one reason: spreadsheet integration. You can easily copypaste <table> trees so they perfectly paste in spreadsheets, while nicely ordered <div>s can't do that.

I sadly use them a lot, because part of my job is creating json sniffers that reorder the page for ease of use for analysts. And <table> is used in at least 90% of the serious and expensive corporate web applications I sniff from, as well as in my output because analysts use excel and google sheets.

And no, HTML is not coding.

>> No.27880382

Markup IS code you actual retard. Code isn't limited to programming, it can mean writing any sort of text executed by a computer and doesn't have to contain logic or do anything really.

>> No.27880424

Yeah I'm a coder as I write shit in word

>> No.27880457
File: 468 KB, 1920x1080, watch?v=LaDUy8ka8lY_00:00:10.050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your web developer, Sir

>> No.27880548

>writing any sort of text executed by a computer and doesn't have to contain logic or do anything really
so elementary school kids who are starting to learn office are coders. Gotcha. Jesus fuck.

>Markup IS code
So any retard editing a wikipedia page using markdown is coding. Gotcha. Jesus fuck.

>> No.27880553

If the shit that you write in word can be compiled or run in a program, then yes, that is code.

>> No.27880626

But html can be neither compiled or "ran"

>> No.27880652

>So any retard editing a wikipedia page using markdown is coding

>> No.27880767
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yes she even made her own language

>> No.27880806

So if I write "you're a faggot" in word and upload it to google docs so it's "compiled and ran" there, I'm coding? You're an idiot.

Markup languages were created so programmers wouldn't have to code while defining a tree. Markdown was created to make this fact clear.

I worked with Aaron in one of his foss projects, so don't talk to me about Markdown.

>> No.27880816

ofc not but fubuki is really smart with mikumiku dance and live2d

>> No.27880822

Holy shit why do you feel the need to gatekeep such a meaningless term.

Ran, viewed, displayed, whatever the fuck that you may choose.

>> No.27880830

code my nuts retard lmao

>> No.27880880 [DELETED] 

>I worked with Aaron in one of his foss projects, so don't talk to me about Markdown.

lol, lmao even

>> No.27880927
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Ok, just place your nuts in the designated slot.

>> No.27880981
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>> No.27880992

HTML is not turing complete. It's not a code.

>> No.27881044

But as I type in a letter right now on this website, i'm writing something that displays on the pc. Am I coding right now?

Words have meaning retard, especailly technical terms.

>> No.27881068 [DELETED] 

Where did the argument that a language has to be turing complete come from?

>> No.27881089

From it's definition.

>> No.27881100


>> No.27881104

>Holy shit why do you feel the need to gatekeep such a meaningless term
Because that's my fucking job.
I retired from college, so I don't pretend I'm an engineer. Just a code monkey, even if I've climbed the ladder. A highschool kid writing a plain HTML+CSS page is not coding. He's defining a tree. Making a glorified shopping list.

You can use HTML as way to define a tree in your code, and it is a requirement when it comes to web development (unless we count obsolete technologies like Flash and Flex). But you need to compliment it with a programming language (javascript being the standard frontend programming language, php being the most popular backend language) for it to actually be coding.

>> No.27881110

Why is html excluded from coding? Shit feels like apple pretentiousness on putting special labels to differentiate from other similar things. And a quick search shows multiple “why X is not Y and this is why” tier articles, that’s bullshit.

>> No.27881178

So do you call them HTML and CSS docs or code? Because if you ever used the phrase "HTML code", you're a hypocrite.

Yes you fucking retard and the original definition of the word "code" implies that the input and the output of something is different, but I guess a negative IQ ESL such as yourself wouldn't understand.

>> No.27881235

>Shit feels like apple pretentiousness
pissing your pants that html is programming is the definition of applel """pretentiousness"""

>> No.27881237

Because you can't program in HTML. HTML is just a way to list some elements of some kind inside other elements of some kind, and that's it really.
You need to mix it with a programming language in order for it to actually be coding.

>So do you call them HTML and CSS docs or code
I call HTML trees, and CSS stylesheets. Like anyone else in the industry.

>> No.27881297

jesus christ
worse than league players or someone from twitter
literally "you use word bad. me mad >:("

>> No.27881378

>word "code" implies that the input and the output of something is different
By that definition, taking a shit can be called coding.

>> No.27881384

You are either larping or an elitist programmer which doesn't matter since both suck dick. Programming and Coding are different in the way that coding is typing the code that which can be run by the computer while programming is making the computer do something that will fetch results. It is like the general term writing, it can be done for academic, diplomatic, artistic, scientific, poetic and so on yet when we are doing one such task we call it "writing".

QED: the girl is in fact, writing code in the most technical sense.

>> No.27881432

All I know is that Amiya giggling and snorting like a big dork warms my cold heart

>> No.27881441

So you're just offended that you're as qualified as a high-school kid in the yes of the masses? That it?

As I said, programming ≠ coding, you don't need any sort of functionality or instructions to run in order to write code

>> No.27881457

fuck thats hot

>> No.27881480

Bait thread for nerds.

>> No.27881507

>I call them cascading stylesheets stylesheets
Oh yeah baby, it's real retard hours.

>> No.27881549

I don't care much about the discussion about whether or not html is coding or not, what I do care about is that the entirety of the web standard is absolute garbage.

js is garbage
css is garbage
and html is extra garbage.

I generally like stuff that tries to be declarative and html definitely qualifies for that, but it's just absolute shit.

html is so fucking weird in that it has pre-made solutions for extremely specific stuff but is completely lacking in otherwise fundamentally necessary stuff.
The whole thing is a hack on top of a hack on top of a hack on top of a hack. That any website works at all is a monument to human mental anguish and suffering.
And we will never be able to replace it, only try to make further hacks on top of it to make it a little less painful to deal with.

Before any of you fucks come at me with wasm, yeah the possibilities are big, but websites that don't use html to render their content are inherently less interoperable with all of the existing web technology.

>> No.27881578

Coding and programming are synonyms you mongoloid.

The girl is writing a list of elements. She isn't coding. What's worse - she's hardcoding her style, not even using a stylesheet.

>So you're just offended that you're as qualified as a high-school kid in the yes of the masses?
I'm not offended. Just correcting you.

I don't say "hey, have you completed the css code for X project?", as I'd be laughed out of a job in no time. I say "hey, have you completed the stylesheet for X project?" instead.

>> No.27881618

>an be run by the computer
>making the computer do something that will fetch results
is exactly the same. Algorithm has to be "run" to produce "a result", regardless what programming language you use. Markup is just an input to parsing and rendering algorithm.

>> No.27881695

A brief summary of this thread:
>I don't know anything about programing but HTML is real code because a said so.
It's like looking a those fat people who say they are 100% wealthy.

>> No.27881740

>I find it bizarre that people use the term "coding" to mean programming. For decades, we used the word "coding" for the work of low-level staff in a business programming team. The designer would write a detailed flow chart, then the "coders" would write code to implement the flow chart. This is quite different from what we did and do in the hacker community -- with us, one person designs the program and writes its code as a single activity. When I developed GNU programs, that was programming, but it was definitely not coding.

don't speak when your mouth is full of shit.

>> No.27881777

The problem here is how we're defining "code", do you mean code as in the action of programming or code as in a set of computer instructions.
HTML is code in the latter sense but it's certainly not "coding" in the colloquial sense

>> No.27881804

/vt/ truly is 99% underaged
its so tiresome

>> No.27881806

she's a retro vtuber doing a retro web 1.0 website, retard

>> No.27881863

What family is it from -is it compiled or interpreted? Better yet,
Implement me a sorting algorithm using html? Any would do

>> No.27881919

Json is the best option really. But what's the solution? On the app space you can have Kotlin parse your json into elements, and when it comes to the backend, you could also parse neatly written json into neatly displayed HTML. But it's a big waste of cycles.

I do love him for reasons, but if anyone's pretentious beyond belief it's him.

>> No.27881946

ITT: People debate on the definition of coding without success

>> No.27881957


>> No.27882154

Absolutely no one in the software development industry considers writing html coding.

>> No.27882215

Yeah, I bet everyone at your office calls them CSS stylesheets lmao.

>> No.27882349

Only the people that doesn't know what programing is.

>> No.27882397

I don't work for the industry, the post.
Most companies use a framework and abstract out raw CSS
In my company we use tailwind, so we call it tailwind configs

>> No.27882455

basedheit und hai-pille

>> No.27882462
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>> No.27882549

Plenty of Pajeetas if you ever have to work with outsourced devs. Similarly (in)competent compared to their male counterparts.

>> No.27882624

Sure thing. Go apply to coding job offerings with a portfolio of nothing but HTML and CSS, and see how you get at best a phonecall letting you know you're not qualified for the position. At worst a blacklisting.

I mean, they don't even need to be poos. Plenty of danger haired cunts from the west coast too. Similarly (in)competent compared to their female poo in the loo counterparts.

>> No.27882638

thats cause all the smart ones get shipped out into the U.S. to make 1000x what those pajeets in their home countries make

>> No.27882711

So what would you call SCSS then? Still configs? What about bootstrap? Do you not understand that different people and different companies will use different terms for the exact same tools, because at the end of the day, it's all completely meaningless and doesn't impact your work one bit?

>> No.27882811

>So what would you call SCSS then? Still configs? What about bootstrap?
He already fucking told you. Frameworks.

>> No.27882833
File: 269 KB, 672x734, teacher Amiya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody linked the stream


>> No.27882866

why does she speak like a retard? I cant listen to this

>> No.27882883

>watching streams
fuck off back to >>>/jp/

>> No.27882891

>coding job offerings

>> No.27882900

HTML is not Turing complete. You can't create arbitrary programs in HTML.

>> No.27882910

no. my oshi is a retard and i like it that way, thank you very much.

>> No.27882924

somehow the thread with the most virgins on this board

>> No.27882939

So they would be calling an individual .scss a framework and an individual .css a stylesheet. Do you guys shit in the street or something?

>> No.27882956

she cute

>> No.27883125

Both the .scss file and the .css file are stylesheets.

What would you call them? Code files? Would you call a .xlsx a code file too? How about a .osd that is as much of an xml tree as a .html file? What about a .csv? What if you wrote the .csv in notepad, as it's just a list separated by commas and enters? I'd call every single one of those, spreadsheets. What about you?

>> No.27883137

If you knew how many men I had to tutor and they are like some brainless children. goddamit some people seem like they choose to be developers only because It seems an easy job. go back to your workspace with 0 women in it I'm sad for you

>> No.27883151

HTML is declarative programming, just like SQL

>> No.27883156

She's an actual hag pretending to be a loli.

>> No.27883171


>> No.27883192

She has that midwestern accent. She says "-uh" after everything, it's cute

>> No.27883358

I would call the individual "files" and the entirety of the CSS codebase "code". I don't even understand how you would use "stylesheets" in order to define all the CSS that the project is using but maybe you have a word for that in hindi or something.

>> No.27883375

Fucking front end "dev" cope ruined this thread.

>> No.27883463

I'm at devops lmao.

>> No.27883484

So you'd call a .xlsx file "code". Gotcha. Brilliant. Hopefully Reddit hires you so it dies via sheer incompetence.

>> No.27883535

Don't try coping with an excel "coder"

>> No.27883586

.scss has programming built-in my guy so your comparison is moot

>> No.27883770

Nice thread lol.
Cyan Nyan i guess.

>> No.27883948
File: 171 KB, 674x483, 1648873834292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you all talking about nerd shit when you could be talking about impregnating the spider.

>> No.27884004

kek enjoy having spider lices in your dick which they will own as a breeding ground for future generations near to your "future generations"

>> No.27884089
File: 6 KB, 96x96, bucko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buckos gotta live somewhere. If that's the price to pay to impregnate Ami, so be it.

>> No.27884261
File: 516 KB, 2250x3500, 20210316_002340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she is a genius after all

>> No.27884340
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I wouldn't mind getting my dick punchholed by that

>> No.27884577
File: 46 KB, 600x335, LewdMouf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hottest part is Amiya is the one that drew the mouth.

>> No.27884806

>the entirety of the CSS codebase "code"
>The CSS codebase
kek, good job proving you have no idea wtf you're talking about

>> No.27885135

Amiya is a miracle of the universe. Too bad her agency is doomed to die within a year.

>> No.27885201

im still mad that the guy who made this never posted it to her lewd tag on twitter

>> No.27885283
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she took programming courses in college so she can, but she's more of a project manager type, so she's probably not very good at it.

>> No.27885312

What would you call it then?

>> No.27885439
File: 757 KB, 931x931, 693853268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot kill Tsunderia. You cannot incline Tsunderia. Millennia after this world has become a dead husk, Tsunderia will still be holding auditions for a new generation and getting 50-150 viewers every stream

>> No.27885591

Why are devs like this.

>> No.27885641
File: 59 KB, 636x740, C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related could have been a world class programmer with the proper training

>> No.27885693

Is it better to learn Python or Ruby.

>> No.27885717

>he/she/apachehelicopter doesn't know

>> No.27885805

She would definitely copy-paste 80% of her code from Stack Overflow.

>> No.27885823

>baking IS cooking!
yeah, in some pedantic philosophy land where we can define our terms in a vacuum, but in the real world nobody refers to HTML as coding. I could also argue that knitting patterns are a type of markup language and be correct, but that doesn't mean anyone will agree with me when I say "I can code" and whip out my knitting needles

>> No.27885835

Python has way more positions.

>> No.27885868

sounds like a good dev

>> No.27885905

html is to coding as what building a sandcastle on the beach with a toy bucket is to civil engineering. Both are technically "construction".

>> No.27885915

>No woman can actually code
women invented coding you niggerfaggot

>> No.27885920

It's really hard to keep the loli act and say that you know fucking COBOL at the same time.

>> No.27886021

If you mean Hawes, I mentioned her. If you mean Lovelace, fuck off, she was just riding Babbage's coattails. And as I already mentioned, like 0.00001% of female "coders" can actually code, so there ARE a very select few.

>> No.27886058

>women invented coding
Lovelace was the first coder, but she did not invent "coding". It was technically invented by Babbage, and then used by Lovelace.

>> No.27886138

Isn’t luto a cs student?

>> No.27886144

That's HTML4
How old is this video?

>> No.27886148
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my oshi knows COBOL
Your move

>> No.27886202

imagine developing a superiority complex over graduating with a normie degree in a massively oversaturated market kek

surprised your retard ass didn't get filtered in intro courses like most pseud virgin nerds who get into STEM so they can feel smart

>> No.27886220

The stream just ended. She's a complete noob at this but the point is to make a geocities-like homepage.

>> No.27886260

You're such a nigger, you can't even read. I dropped out, so I don't call myself an engineer.

>> No.27886269

butthurt liberal arts fag detected

>> No.27886279

Not gonna lie, hot. Brains and likely hag status.

>> No.27886305

Is writing hardware description languages like VHDL or (System)Verilog coding?

>> No.27886351

Luna needs to drop the retard act.

>> No.27886386
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Lots of vtuber related discussion in here, love it!

>> No.27886387

Building a fpga is as much coding as putting chips on a protoboard is coding.

>> No.27886414

what's the difference between coding and scripting?

>> No.27886435

try scaling DIV tags without resorting to FLEX

>> No.27886445

Why the fuck would people put potato chips on a protoboard

>> No.27886581

>oversaturated market
Tell me you're a subpar dev who can't find a job without telling me you're a subpar dev who can't find a job

>> No.27886633

but that's what flex/grid is for

>> No.27886870

this is the most embarrassing cock-measuring contest ive ever seen

>> No.27886950

but anon
she became a retard because she learnt to code

>> No.27887049

writing html is coding but not is not programming

>> No.27887384
File: 74 KB, 290x318, EDCDC299-8D30-4EE4-A92A-3B0AAFBD2D43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi can’t even read.

>> No.27887749
File: 20 KB, 242x191, FB_IMG_1650084210469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Kobo is pretty good at coding

>> No.27887825

That is, like, not even in the top hundred biggest challenges to suspension of disbelief in Hololive lore.

>> No.27887914

Every single technical anon should be my tech support

>> No.27888072

Go ask /g/ if HTML is code bro

>> No.27888089

no, it's a miracle she remembers how to breath

>> No.27888187

this thread is /g/, just camouflaged by waifus

>> No.27889025

Imagine having trouble finding a job as a dev

>> No.27892641

I love hags bros... Every time I branch out I end up landing on a hag.

>> No.27892830

Reddit please.

>> No.27892947

Dude why the fuck is she using tables for the whole site? She should be using a CSS.

>> No.27900790

>HTML 3.2 includes a widely deployed subset of the specification given in RFC 1942 and can be used to markup tabular material or for layout purposes.
>or for layout purposes.

>> No.27902730

Ami is so cute. I enjoyed today's stream alot. You can even go on her website now

>> No.27903376

Html and Css aren't particularly hard. Your IQ could be below 80 and you'd still be able to learn that shit. Database is pretty easy too and it pays a lot. Way easier than actual programming on C# or something yet it pays a lot more since you're usually directly dealing with sensitive data.

>> No.27905197

gay ass thread

TC: 159k

>> No.27905490
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>> No.27909960

>HTML 3.2

>> No.27914931
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she knows how dark and deep is that world

>> No.27920805
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Yeah my wife is Durgasoft certified!

>> No.27922232
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>> No.27923801
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No, it makes sense. Tables formally appeared in HTML 3.x (technically before that as addenda RFCs to HTML 2.0 but those don't count) and were designed to facilitate layouting from the beginning, albeit with a warning about accessibility. The revisionism about their use appeared much later from the crowds obsessed about separation of content from layout.

>> No.27923940

>HTML code
I don't think I ever have heard that before and I write HTML for a living.

>> No.27924040

no my oshi is female

>> No.27924558
File: 954 KB, 1281x663, 8923465289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Oshi isn't a NERD like (You)!

>> No.27926631

Waiafucking minute. That's Orla's mouth, not Amiya's.

>> No.27927425
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>> No.27928821
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It's Ami's mouth but I wish it was Orla's.

>> No.27929435
File: 76 KB, 680x673, i&#039;m drawing you as a soyjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, because she is not an insufferable troglodyte like all the fa/g/s in this thread

>> No.27929716

the stupid shit web devs say

>> No.27935055

>people who don't program for a living
Anon, I have some bad news...

>> No.27935080


>> No.27935914

Hags are naturally advantaged in this hobby
