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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27866573 No.27866573 [Reply] [Original]

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Sanrio collab merch now on sale

Nendroid preorder now open

Marine Shukkou
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Sankisei's first original song, Interact Fantasia

Marine Artbook on sale now

SKDW Hibiki Radio

Clips and other stuff

>> No.27867136
File: 119 KB, 467x825, houshou_marine_-_full_illustration_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Houshou Marine and im going to marry her

>> No.27867162

Me too, but I will marry her

>> No.27867270

Marine would be the perfect wife thats why she is so good at gfe

>> No.27868650
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>> No.27868797
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>> No.27868828


>> No.27869564


>> No.27870123


>> No.27871779
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>> No.27871904
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Keep posting pirate booty please

>> No.27872264

I love Marine but her sis is fine too

>> No.27877744

Yeah Marine is probably the top GFE in Hololive these threads are testament to that

>> No.27877746
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>> No.27877843

But nobody ehre even knows what's she's saying.

>> No.27881829

>"Marine and Mori are friends"

>> No.27882874

That's actually me.

>> No.27884415
File: 499 KB, 1200x1774, IMG_8589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27885132

She really is the best GFE there is. Doesn't get enough credit for it, but at the same time I don't like when they pander too blatantly, so the fact that a lot of people don't even recognize her as GFE is a good sign.

>> No.27885918

Rushia was better at GFE desu.

>> No.27886123

I pray for her happiness everyday

>> No.27886307

Rushia falls into too overbearing for me. I enjoyed the ASMR streams a lot, but could never get actually personally invested.
I guess I just can't suspend my disbelief enough to go along when they start actually pretending to be my girlfriends. I prefer the painful awareness that it's fully one sided and it will never be real that a simple watchalong gives me. The Pirates watchalong arc was probably my favorite thing so far, aside from concerts and bigger events.

>> No.27887368
File: 1.08 MB, 220x124, imb_20220710041956_v0oo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine gifs are the best

>> No.27888127

Why use a gif instead of a webm? that gif is trash

I suppose but maybe I just like that whole yandere angle more. Not that Rushia was ever my oshi or anything, but it made for funny streams, to me. Anyone actually believing theyre getting into an actual relationship with vtubers needs help.

>> No.27892359
File: 212 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_8654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27895220

we need to do more gifs like that.

>> No.27896904

It's exactly the gif she posted, are you calling trash what Marine did?

>> No.27896979

I will marry Marine and have not many kids because she's clearly over 40.

>> No.27897871

Anon do your reps

>> No.27898209

Why do you faggots want to fuck Marine now? Yesterday you were insisting that she is a lesbian

>> No.27898483

Its nice how everyone in sankisei has their own niche that they excell at
Marine is gfe
Noel is zatsudans
Pekora is all her gameplay antics
Flare has her minecraft autism

>> No.27898842

You're dissapointing Abe with that talk

>> No.27898993

The shiraken stuff is always so good, Flare did a really good job with that group. Usaken is always kino as well, but it rarely crosses over to other stuff than Minecraft. Shiraken is already a real unit, in a way umisea for example failed to be even with corporate pushing.

>> No.27899301

You were the one doing that.

>> No.27899345

>muh GFE
She literally said she will never marry any of you.
No, it's not playing "hard to get", it's being real about it.

>> No.27899756

What Marine really excels in is her artistic skills and singing, she is easily the best singer of the 3rd generation.
The fact that she is a very good GFE is partially accidental, Marine herself is a woman who pretends to be seductive and self-confident when in reality she is an awkward, sometimes shy and retarded otaku and that makes her incredibly adorable, cute and attractive and why we all love her.

>> No.27899923

Marine's main skill is GFE and it makes up majority of her content and the reason why people watch her.

>> No.27900244

If you believe Kiara and Marine slept together and you call Marine GFE, your opinion is wrong.

>> No.27900725

that's a weird way to say that she's going to marry me

>> No.27900916

I would have believed that last year but these last few months I'm not so sure, Friday's stream was full of fan service that she wouldn't have done in other times, I mean in 2020 she was embarrassed to make kissing sounds and now she lets us "kiss" her and pat her head.
I don't know what made her change her mind? Whether it was the fact that we missed her so much this past year or the fact that she is about to become a hag.
But whatever it was I'm glad she's been so cute lately.

>> No.27901239

>Marine being cute and moving her body back and forth on her chair

>> No.27901309

What is Marine's niche then?

>> No.27901340

Lewd art

>> No.27901346

She's not good at much else.

>> No.27901423

Kanatan is also more lovely with her heimins lately. I think they're just happy and grateful of everything they've achieved alongside their fans and want to give back. They know a lot of their fans will be happy with that and at the same time I think having a bunch of people who're actively supporting you even when you are a train wreck has to have some effect; at some point you lower your guard and become more caring.

>> No.27901485

Drawing streams happen once or twice a month

>> No.27901516

I know what you are trying to do Marineschizo, No, Marine is not 100% straight, she fucked Flare yesterday end of discussion.

>> No.27901644

Marine is one of the best if not the best Holo at GFE. I don't get why this is so offensive.

>> No.27901719

her very unique voice

>> No.27901788

She is undoubtedly the top GFE holo and it's basically all of her content.

>> No.27901953

Because you are a schizophrenic retard who tries to make his autistic yuri fantasies of Flare with Noel come true by trying to deceive the others that Marine is 100% straight.

>> No.27902000

This has nothing to do with Marine being straight or not.

>> No.27902136

What does Marine being good at GFE have to do with that?

>> No.27902158

Pekora is also GFE if you like to think that way.

>> No.27902210

Maybe but she isn't very good at it

>> No.27902213

It's not her main content though. She mostly does gameplay streams while Marine just does GFE.

>> No.27902401

Yes, unironically. Watching a movie with her and her being cute and mentioning how well the scenes fit with her recently released song is peak GFE. And she even plays into it with the "don't tell me to start the movie already, think of it as having me over to watch a movie, you wouldn't just rush it".
She's not doing cringeworthy date roleplay shit, her GFE is more intimate and subtle. It's why she has so many gachikoi. Probably won't appeal to the underage audience as much, but I love it.
Your problem with people saying she's good at GFE comes from your own bias against the term and what you feel like it implies about the chuuba in question. No one is accusing her of being manipulative or whatever you fear we're doing. Except for the schizo who is doing it just because it clearly bothers you in particular.

>> No.27902472

Fuck off Marineschizo go pester someone else in /jp/

>> No.27902622

>marine schizo found a new way to talk shit on the thread

>> No.27902631

No the problem with the term is that you throw aside any actual qualities your "oshi" (who you don't even understand) has.

>> No.27902761

A nice comment about Marine and her genmates leads to this...

>> No.27902877

That's you projecting your bias against it, as I said. I do no such thing. I love her singing and music the most out of all her activities. I also think she's fantastic at GFE and it's why watchalongs are my second favorite kind of content from her.
Why the hell do you think people enjoy watchalongs at all? The deep, introspective experience of having someone talking over the movie you're trying to watch? That's only endearing if you love them, it's extremely annoying otherwise, even if it's a talented entertainer you enjoy doing it.

>> No.27902947

But as I said, that's entirely accidental, Marine isn't actively looking to pretend to be someone's girlfriend let alone trying to sell you a retarded fake engagement ring, it's just her being herself as I explained above, her way of being in and of itself is adorable.
The annoying thing is that the homosexual of Marinechizo is trying to push this bullshit that she is pure GFE is to deny her multiple talents and make her look like a manipulator who preys on lonely pathetic men like a certain green girl used to do.
Please don't fall for the schizo game, Marine is so much more than that.

>> No.27903135

Finally someone with sense in the thread

>> No.27903148

I'm not falling for shit, you're the one giving him attention and letting him dictate the topics the thread is or isn't allowed to talk about so we won't trigger him or whatever. Ignore the clear schizo posts, engage with the ones posting in good faith. It's not hard.
The fact she's not actively pretending to be my girlfriend is precisely why it's good. I don't like it when they do. It ironically feels less real. A real girlfriend wouldn't be reminding you that she's your girlfriend every 5 seconds, she would instead just share her life with you. Or at least I think so, never had one.

>> No.27903385

Zatsudan, drawing, singing, and sometimes showing off her bullet hell skills. IIRC some Japanese fans call her the Zatsudan Queen because she's so good at keeping a conversation going, whether it's just between her and chat or her and other collab members. For example I found her the most lively and entertaining of the bunch when she was on Mori's english teaching stream. Her drawing streams, while not exactly the same, often involve her talking back and forth with chat or a guest.

Of course a lot of other Hololive members sing, or do karaoke streams, but for me something that I appreciate about Marine is her range. She can do anime openings like Bloody Stream, normally sung by a man, and get the pitch right. She can also switch on the fly, like that loli Marine stream where she sang A Cruel Angel's Thesis with her "mom". I swear she was going 3 octaves in either direction during the choir segments, no wonder she threw her voice out.

I don't really get the GFE thing though. Marine is definitely making an effort to be charming but most of her content is supposed to be funny or entertaining rather than anything heartwarming. Sometimes she does cutesy stuff with her MMD model but it's just as often comedic or outlandish. If the scale goes from Rushia on one end to Fubuki or Korone on the other, then she's somewhere in the middle.

>> No.27903531

Zatsudan is more Noel's niche.
You have a point with the singing and the art though, but I still think she is also really good at GFE.

>> No.27903623
File: 678 KB, 2480x3508, FW_F3JYVEAAeZ81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this general is the best

>> No.27903713

She's also pretty GFE, maybe you aren't getting the signs and most likely aren't a member. FBK also does GFE but it's pretty different and situational; comes off as weird to me.

>> No.27903782

Fubuki ends every ASMR stream with a kiss and acting embarrassed about it. Korone dabbled with ear playing/kissing/almost licking as well, but I don't know if she still does it because I'm not a member anymore. If they're the biggest examples of the other end of the scale, you actually consider Marine to lean more heavily into GFE than I do, and I'm the anon above you.
Anyway, as for her other strengths, one thing that first made me like her was seeing how caring she was as an MC in collabs, she would often take the lead specifically to make sure everyone got time to speak and pushed the more quiet ones to talk more, but without making it too obvious. "Kind" is kind of a generic compliment you give when you have nothing else to say, but it really stood out to me, because she was actively trying to "hide" it. She wasn't doing it so people would see how considerate she was, she just wanted to make things comfortable for everyone. A natural leader.

>> No.27903878

>Korone dabbled with ear playing/kissing/almost licking as well, but I don't know if she still does it because I'm not a member anymore.
She still does.

>> No.27904005

Great to know, does she keep the archives?

>> No.27904032

The problem is that if you act like you agree with what he says, he starts his autistic spergings in other threads claiming that even we accept what he says, so it's always good to say the opposite of what he posts because it makes him so angry and do something so stupid that he gets the jannies to make him fuck off for at least a few hours.

>> No.27904108

Why do you like this schizo infested thread so much, Luifriend?

>> No.27904185

Man, that seems overcomplicating things for the sake of an already shitty catalog. I'd rather just ignore him.

>> No.27904316

I think so. Haven't checked out though but I don't think she's deleting them.

>> No.27904454

I ignore him too, the thing is the retards falling for his falseflagging bait like this bullshit that Marine is supposedly GFE only are the ones who shit the thread.

>> No.27904929

why is this general much worse than fauna's and pekora's

>> No.27905469

Don't know, don't read those.

>> No.27905555 [DELETED] 

Because retards can't control themselves and keep falling for the ezquizo bullshit.

>> No.27905629

Our schizo is the most powerful
Ineffective moderation and the inability of newfags to ignore him has sent all senchou discussion underground (we talk about her when she streams on /jp/)

>> No.27905771

Because retards can't control themselves and keep falling for the schizo bullshit.

>> No.27905772

That sounds gay, when she streams I just watch the streams and post in chat.

>> No.27906251

Stream today maybe

>> No.27906551

Oh nononono, doombros, she can't keep getting away with it. She's doing what she said she would do, how could that be, I'M GOING INSAAAAAAANE

>> No.27907503

Other holos talk over movies much more often than Marine and you would deny them being this GFE you love so much.

>> No.27907933

Marine's zatsudan is GFE. Noel is the one that has actual contentful zatsudan without GFE.

>> No.27908397

I wouldn't know, I genuinely don't see the appeal of watchalongs if you're not gachikoi. I actually enjoy movies, they're not just reaction fodder for my favorite streamers. I only watch Marine's.

>> No.27909234

>Japanese fans call her the Zatsudan Queen because she's so good at keeping a conversation going
Since when do >we care about what the nips think?

>> No.27912288
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>> No.27914199
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Why is MariFlare so hot?

>> No.27919023
File: 176 KB, 911x2048, MariNoel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when this picture triggered Reddit?
