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27858435 No.27858435 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Marine is the straightest Holo and loves muscular men

>> No.27858491

you're mentally ill

>> No.27858519

Cope c/u/ck
Marine is based and straight

>> No.27858644

Marine is bi curious, retard. The whole thing with Shion wouldn't have happened otherwise

>> No.27858662

>Marine is the straightest Holo
I believe they're all straight until proven otherwise.

>> No.27858673

That whole thing with Shion is hilarious, Marine is still salty about that

>> No.27858680

No she is straight and hates the gays

>> No.27858682

There's nothing based about women being straight. It's a good thing that Marine is gay and just putting on a show for you pitiable moids.

>> No.27858833

Marine is 100% straight in accordance with her strong Christian faith

>> No.27858904

Pekora is straighter.

>> No.27858913

She loves kaigainiki dick

>> No.27858962

Pekora likes feminine men like Messi though. So yes she is straight but not as straight as Marine.

>> No.27858988
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She already fuck a girl in her Christian middle school tho

>> No.27858991

Lesbians are halal under the Christian faith.
t. Christian

>> No.27859095

Unlike Marine, however, Pekora only likes men.

>> No.27859142

pekora has internalised homophobia

>> No.27859150

She is just joking around there. Marine is one of the funniest Holos

No they aren't and Marine wants a husband and kids anyway. She is straight.

>> No.27859170

based rabbit

>> No.27859196

Marine only likes men as well

>> No.27859198

>She is straight.
I'm sorry you believe this. It's a shame for you that it isn't true. None of the hologirls are straight, or ever have been.

>> No.27859202

Then why did she like the rape?

>> No.27859219

How is Messi feminine

>> No.27859240

Pekora is absolutely 100% straight and hates fags.

>> No.27859263

Short skinny manlet soccer player compare him to rugby players.

>> No.27859312

Marine as well

>> No.27859461

>woman likes feminine men
>man like masculine women
>n-nothing gay about that s-stfu
hypocritical faggots

>> No.27859491

>Raised in Catholic school for girls
>Only option by admission was other girls
>Comes out constantly horny
>Loves Overseas sexy muscular guys
>Loves BL Fujo shit
>Certainly wasent shy about her schoolgirl days
>Constantly wants Dojins where she is raped
>Nay DEMANDS rape

Ok lets comprimise on this boyos. Marine is a trysexual that is constantly horny. She'll Try anything at this point and unlike Matsuri who crumbles the second someone fights back Marine would be into "Insert weird thing here"

>> No.27859500

Marine used to fuck girls. No way she hates 'em.

>> No.27859515

Their gen is just weird. Flare is straight, Noel hates men, Marine is gay and Pekora is the most normal of all of them

>> No.27859518

The face of mental illness

>> No.27859535

Based pirate gays are going to burn in hell

>> No.27859583

>Noel hates men
Big doubt. She makes enough money that she could easily stop whoring herself on her roommate account but she doesn't. She clearly enjoys it.

>> No.27859610

Marine is only interested in men

>> No.27859651

Nothing happened with Shion. Marine bringing it up on stream to make fun of her is a typical woman tactic of making sure it's never tried again by not only Shion, but anyone else in the company.

>> No.27859671

or she enjoys making money. You could also quit your job for one that pays less but will enjoy more but you don't because you enjoy the money.

>> No.27859779


>> No.27859826

We all know that isn't true. Why pretend?

>> No.27859844

It is true though.

>> No.27859880

if she's the straightest than Hololive can officially label themselves as LGBT+ friendly.

>> No.27859890

>marine bullied and beat the shit out of shion in public
Good to know. I'll be sure to stay away from that one. After all, if that's how she treats her coworkers, I don't imagine Ila fan would fare any better. /vt/ can always be counted on as a healthy reality check against idealism.

>> No.27859930

Not really. Marine has no interest in women or even feminine men

>> No.27859942

>Marine is gay
>Noel hates men
>Rushia is a whore
>Pekora will grow old as a virgin
>Flare is the most normalfag of them all (she has a bf)
fixed that for you

>> No.27860018

Unfortunately thats not refuting any of the claims I made which I may remind you are a healthy comprimise between both parties excusing her past indiscrations while also pointing out she will bearing your overseas sexy genes in her dusty womb. i highly advise you follow your atournies advice and accept this deal rather than dying on this hill

>> No.27860041

More like Flare is straight but a weird otaku
Noel is a man hating feminist dyke
Marine is straight but a weird otaku
Pekora is straight but a woman child

>> No.27860158
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>>Pekora will grow old as a virgin
Why is she pure and perfect?

>> No.27860178


>> No.27860205

No that would be pekora. Marine is bi and definitely ate some pussy in her life before.

>> No.27860254

Its due to her being a woman child. She really is the hero of the children

>> No.27860270
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>all that straightnigger cope
>Marine visibly flirts with other holomems
>CLEARLY farther than just fanservice
You're all pathetic. She's bi at best. Given that she's been to a christian school it only reinforces my claim. Christian schools are lesbian factories.

>> No.27860308

No she hasn't you delusional c/u/ck

>> No.27860373

it's Marineschizo, next He'll be claiming that she personally told Abe's assassin to kill him if it helps him in his retarded goal to get rid of her for whatever stupid reasons he's cooked up in his schizophrenia-rotted brain.

>> No.27860424

Nice try Marineschizo. Marine is straight and you shouldn't slander her by calling her gay.

>> No.27860502
File: 2.78 MB, 960x646, 1634085531650.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine likes men, and she likes women. Especially of the Overseas variety.

>> No.27860504

>CLEARLY farther than just fanservice
clearly how?

>> No.27860808

Why is Marine so perfect?

>> No.27860871

well it was a good ride marine enjoy the graduation

>> No.27861211

>Noel is a man hating feminist dyke
I am glad Marine wants nothing to do with that crazy dyke

>> No.27861503

I keep this in mind every time I work out.

>> No.27862010

Actually, Marine jokes about liking dudes, but she is repulsed by penises.

>> No.27862025

Same. Its motivation

>> No.27862089

No she isn't. She loves dick

>> No.27862121

Watch streams. Even Shion now just admits something happened. https://youtu.be/mmtnGiRJWI8

>> No.27862184

Yeah, they definitely fucked.

>> No.27862224

Is this Marineschizo?
Why did Marineschizo went from constantly shitting on her to insisting she's straight?

>> No.27862241

>clip watcher

>> No.27862275

Delusional c/u/cks

>> No.27862319

Only delusional cuck here is you.

>> No.27862320

No I am not Marineschizo, I am praising Marine for being straight.

>> No.27862426

>Guy defending woman he'll never get to fuck who he gives money to calling anybody a cuck fucking irony. Cucks definitely know other cucks when they see them.

>> No.27862439

Nah. Marine is too much of a pussy for that. She talked about it in details.
Shion gropped her, Marine wanted it but didn't know how to react. Then for some reason Marine talked about it publicly on stream and fucked up her relationship with Shion for a while.
Marine won't get laid unless another member rapes her.

>> No.27862444

Go back

>> No.27862456
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Sora is the same. Though it was like drawing blood from stone to get even that tidbit out of her.

>> No.27862505

>Take time to go get the timestamp
>EOPs find an excuse to say that doesn't count or just spam "translate weebs"
Fuck off

>> No.27862524

Why are you so desperate for Marine to be a lesbian?

>> No.27862564

>The two people involved says something happened
>"Y-you're delusional"
Are you ok faggot?

>> No.27862757

Where did they say they had sex? Its just skinship

>> No.27862807

Nobody is deseperate about anything. I sure don't care if Marine is straight. But you can't deny the facts. Denying that Marine is at least bi is just like saying Pekora is 100% lesbian. It doesn't make sense

>> No.27862822

If you tug my cock is that just skinship?

>> No.27862870

I personally never said they had sex, see >>27862439.
But Marine said herself she wanted more. Fucking watch streams or shut the fuck up

>> No.27862904

where is the part where she admits something happened?

>> No.27862922

Thats just Marine's usual lewd joking

>> No.27863044

Are you retarded?
Marine:"I didn't assault you this time"
Shion:"It's me then" etc

>> No.27863047

>Then for some reason Marine talked about it publicly on stream and fucked up her relationship with Shion for a while.
It's a common shaming tactic by women to reject someone without having to go through the trouble of rejection.

>> No.27863170

Stop with that rrat. Marine is just retarded about what is socially acceptable when it comes to sexuality.
Like that time she admited grooming her coworkers' kid. Even the JP Ichimis were telling her that's too much

>> No.27863181

you have to be fucking retarded to think this supports your narrative

they're talking about their first sleepover where shion tried to fuck her and marine very unsubtly told her to fuck off

>> No.27863204

Retard she does it because she makes a ton of money off dumb men

>> No.27863227

Marine is one of the most socially adept people in the company. You're fucking delusional.

>> No.27863239

Extremely delusional coping. This is only one(1) lesbian episode of more than a dozen Marine has told on stream. Even if you don't find that one to be real it doesn't matter.

>> No.27863261

Her co-workers male kid. You left that part out c/u/ck

>> No.27863307

Holy shit this thread is hell

>> No.27863365

You can be socially skilled like Marine and still have fucking points were you're dumb as fuck

>> No.27863384

When you can't no longer accept defeat. Maybe you should go back. Gather your thoughts and try again another day.

>> No.27863429

You are autistic Marine is straight and she would laugh at you for believing any of those stories

>> No.27863508

She will laugh at you too for being a normal fag in /vt/.

>> No.27863510

They literally say on that stream that it's from a mutual agreement, you fucking nigger. Why would she agree then tell Shion to fuck off?
The majority of that happened of stream. It's not for content, it's not for entertainement . There was nothing to gain for Marine from accepting aside from her own enjoyement

>> No.27863511

>can't no longer accept defeat
Learn English c/u/ck

>> No.27863587

Marine's taste in porn exclusively involves men.

>> No.27863624

i wonder how many mails were sent to marine's inbox with serious marriage proposals of guys going "i'm a corporate worker, i make 100k a year, i will be your sugar daddy, please bear my children" all for them to slapped down by A-chan.
i feel bad for marine's eggs. shame on your A-chan.

>> No.27863636

Tell me one straight episode she told on stream aside from delusions/her fantasies?
If you're really an ichimi you will be able to

>> No.27863698

She would literally lose half her fanbase if she started talking about that, retard.

>> No.27863805

Wrong. She talked about it at least once. Tell me what she said, falseflagger chama

>> No.27863826

You dumb retard if she talked about doing sexual shit with guys her career would be over

>> No.27863899

I'm sure that happened in your delusional little head.

>> No.27863913

Imagine being a grammar faggot for 4 chan because your oshi likes clams.

>> No.27863966

Ironically Marine like dandy latinos so if you aren't a latin chad you're fucking a cuck as well faggot lmao

>> No.27864015
File: 750 KB, 2000x984, __murasaki_shion_hololive_drawn_by_asanagi__aa80bf0554b40a6d07180bdf42000013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let this discussion distract you from the fact that Shion is confirmed 100% gay after trying to fuck Marine.

>> No.27864031

If Marine is gay then every Holo is gay

>> No.27864129

It was not directly sexual you braindead moron.

You would know if you watched streams. Which you don't because you're a falseflagger.

Inb4 "It's not true I'm a Ichimi" show membership, both of you. You can't dumb niggers

>> No.27864299

>evidence? you're supposed to just know

>> No.27864314

No I am not going to post anything for you schizo

>> No.27864413

Based Senchou gaslighting Shion into believing she wasn't raped.

>> No.27864522

Here it is.
>"I can't take 10s of my time to take a screenshot. I rather waste my schizo time arguing with you for 1h"
Sure falseflagger chama I'm sure that's the real reason. I fucking hate SEA hours

>> No.27864550

Marine says she likes muscular men
>n-no she is a lesbian you guys
Yuriniggers are mentally retarded

>> No.27864617

Good i dont care if they're gay. Not sure why you needed to tell me this.

>> No.27864624

everyone would love to fuck Marine, though, no matter the gender.

>> No.27864732

I'm not so sure. All the other holomem keep talking about her big ass but none talk about her having massive tits.
I'd rather get Noel in bed if she didn't hate men. ||Actually still would even though she does||

>> No.27864782
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>> No.27864821
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>> No.27864920

>then every Holo is gay
I've been saying this from the start.

>> No.27866140

marine is fucking bi

why you retards can't understand that?

>> No.27866175

>100% Straight

you wish

>> No.27866250

Fuck off Marineschizo

>> No.27866493

Schizodan /u/ brainrot thread.

>> No.27866548

remember when Marine said that men were not allowed in her house because they were disgusting?
fun times

>> No.27866686

How does knowing something as basic as that girls who go to religious schools are anything but straight make me a schizo?

>> No.27866838

Shion is for faceless old men!

>> No.27866878

marine's laugh is like a ray of sunshine

>> No.27866968

This is an anti-/u/ thread

>> No.27866984
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God, I fucking love Senchou.

>> No.27867099

Based you are in the right thread friend

>> No.27867394

No it's pro-/u/ falseflag thread. Everyone knows who you are.

>> No.27867454


>> No.27867575

>Flare (and everyone else in gen 3) hates Marine
>Reminder that Marine likes muscular black guys
>Reminder that Marine is a fake otaku. All the anime she likes are normalfag shounen shit, same goes for the manga she reads. She barely streams games because she hates them. She calls herself a Sakura Taisen fan but she shilled that mobage that killed the franchise which proves he didn't care about it.
>She is a riajuu bitch, watching Marine is no different to watching ironic weeb twitch streamers.
Take your meds schizopdan and stop falseflagging already. Everyone knows it's you and you hate Marine.
You're a literal cuck.

>> No.27867696


>> No.27867745

Salome is straight and fucks black guys.
t. Salomate

>> No.27867753

Seek help

>> No.27867791

Why do you think being straight is an insult? Why are you so obsessed with blacks?

>> No.27867809

Black salomate here. I can confirm. Ojou is only for black cocks

>> No.27867840

I don't and no one was talking about blacks until you came here burger

>> No.27867896

>new IP
Thanks you confirming your identity.
>I don't
You do based on your post history. You think everyone hates Marine for being straight.

>> No.27867964

I am on my phone you get a new IP when your phone connects to a different tower.
I like Marine and I think its great that she is straight

>> No.27868092

>I like Marine
>>20877272 (Dead)
>Flare (and everyone else in gen 3) hates Marine
>>18672133 (Dead)
>Reminder that Marine likes muscular black guys
>>13307588 (Dead)
>Reminder that Marine is a fake otaku. All the anime she likes are normalfag shounen shit, same goes for the manga she reads. She barely streams games because she hates them. She calls herself a Sakura Taisen fan but she shilled that mobage that killed the franchise which proves he didn't care about it.
>She is a riajuu bitch, watching Marine is no different to watching ironic weeb twitch streamers.
Someone that likes Marine wouldn't post any of these things.
When will you stop lying?
Also if you like Marine that means you hate Noel and want to kill her according to you. Why are you such a horrible person?

>> No.27868536

Meds. I never posted any of that I do hate Noel though she is a feminist man hating lesbian

>> No.27868567

You posted all of those threads. The proof is in the filename.

>> No.27868622

Its hardly a unique filename

>> No.27868676

Yet the only person using the filename hates Marine and always refreshes his IP when posting just like you are doing right now.
Why is that?

>> No.27868752

I downloaded that picture from here

>> No.27868796

That gives it a new filename, schizo.

>> No.27868890

What is 4chanX?

>> No.27868940

All the proof points to you being the same person that spams anti-Marine hate rather than someone that happened to download the schizo's image with the same filename.

>> No.27868979

I have only said nice things about Marine in this thread

>> No.27869034

You think being straight is bad so you have actually been doing nothing but insulting her all thread.

>> No.27869122

I don't think being straight is bad, I think being gay is bad

>> No.27869201

Marine likes BL and you hate her for it.

>> No.27869281

I don't hate her for it. You are inventing enemies now.

>> No.27869321

You literally just said you hate gays and Marine hates gays. You're a falseflagging /u/ schizodan.

>> No.27869358

Manga gays are not the same as real gays.

>> No.27869404

Nah, she is omnisexual.

>> No.27869422


>> No.27869474

You're a noelfag that thinks being straight is an insult.
You just spent 100 posts in the previous Noel thread sperging out about people not calling Noel a lesbian.
You're mentally ill like all other Noelfaggots and /u/tards.

>> No.27869570

The most ironic thing about this thread is that, the same people holding a sword and shield defending marine for being straight are the same fuckers who would have a menhera mental breakdown if marine pulled a yab where a man ia heard during a stream. Prove me wrong.

>> No.27869666

Not me but he is right she is a feminist man hating dyke. Also the rest of them all seemed to be disagreeing with him.

>> No.27869684

>Not me
It is you proven by the fact that you made this thread.

>> No.27869731

No it isn't. I don't like Noel because she is a lesbian.
Also how do you reconcile the fact that the rest of them seemed to disagree with him?

>> No.27869791

>No it isn't.
Yes it is.
>I don't like Noel because she is a lesbian.
You're saying that because you're currently LARPing as ichimi who you claim hate Noel.
Do Marinefags hate Noel?
>rest of them seemed to disagree with him
You being in that thread proves that you're him.

>> No.27869913

>Do Marinefags hate Noel?
Most of them don't.

>You being in that thread proves that you're him.
I just looked at the archive.

>> No.27870187

She literally could not take her eyes off the penises of the naked dudes from that horror game which´s name I forgot.
You could argue she was only joking, but even if she doesn´t like dick she is clearly not "repulsed" by it.

>> No.27870244

>Most of them don't.
But you claim they do when you go to spam the Marine thread.

>> No.27870322

Stop replying to him. For fucks sake, he is trying to create a fanbase war and you are helping him.

>> No.27870366

How am I helping him when I just made him admit that he's alone?

>> No.27870545

>go to tokyo
>find the one woman who's legs quiver in excitement rather than fear at your size
>marine found

>> No.27870557

You said that Noel's fans are all schizos earlier and you are indulging his nonsense claim that Marine's fans hate Noel.
Its pretty obvious that its just one unhinged schizo and you should stick to that assertion instead of indulging him.

>> No.27870606

She is pretty big, the problem is Noel exists.

>> No.27870793

If any two Holos have actually fucked its actually most likely to be Marine and Noel. They are way more comfortable around each other's bodies than anyone else.

>> No.27871287

What's this about Noel hating men?
t. clipnigger.

>> No.27871499

She's had giant tits since she was like 9 or 10. she's grown up with old japanese men leering at her constantly and has no doubt had dozens of train molestations

>> No.27871661

I dont think. Pekora, Azki and Sora exists, they don't even joke about being gay, Marine does, and fucks a girl in her past life, she can't be the "straighter"

>> No.27872121

But has she said anything about hating men or is it just speculation?

>> No.27872164

She avoids them at all costs, she went to an all women's college for example

>> No.27872431

Noel confirmed being bi in roommate btw, she said straightforward "I'm not a lesbian I like both"

>> No.27872472
File: 27 KB, 516x434, angry senchou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All holos will marry a man at some point retards

>> No.27872553

I can´t imagine Matsuri marrying anyone.

>> No.27873178

There are things she talks about as noel and things she talks about as large weapon.

>> No.27874595

yeah, me.

>> No.27876839

Reminder that you hate Marine.
