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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.09 MB, 1140x739, Hololive Story Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27790339 No.27790339 [Reply] [Original]

I made a chart which dictates the amount of significance each character should hold, should there ever be an official lore to HoloLive.

Kind of weird how very little antagonist there can be in Hololive's arsenal of characters.
Thoughts? opinions? do you agree? disagree? and why?

I believe that the more cracked a character is the less they should appear in the story, so as to elevate the conflict, not fix it in an instant

>> No.27790481

You are fucking retarded

>> No.27790514

pekora is a deuter wdym? marine would fit as a center piece in the story because she's just a pirate adventuring

>> No.27790663

Porka = Polka you dumb retard.
Marine and Porka are fucking antagonists. They are fucking unlikeable bitches.

>> No.27790750

whether you like them or not is none of the concern of their significance in a story, plus the character which will be portrayed if there ever such a story to be officially made will likely be different from the original person.

>> No.27790920

There's a lot of characters that you could fit into being an antagonist, if you're worried about not having enough. Coco is the boss of a crime family, the preview of the manga had Ayame as an antagonist, Rushia is a necromancer, Aloe is a succubus, Towa is a demon, and those are just the really obvious ones.

>> No.27791117


>> No.27791190

idk, they all have the "power of friendship" vibe with them, I can't realistically see them as an antagonist at the end game, at best they can have conflicting ideals but not necessarily motivated by evil

>noooooooooooooooooooooooooo not XY chromosomes

neck yourself

>> No.27791518


>> No.27791536
File: 168 KB, 1140x739, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed image

>> No.27791631

You only need one final boss. The others can have the power of friendship thing happen, that's fine.

>> No.27791659

You forgot one anon

>> No.27791744
File: 28 KB, 957x573, 1620863109261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, Watson (as a concept) is a very interesting character. The point of her capabilities is limited only by her will and imagination.

She can beat anyone in the tier list, but the question is: does she have the will and mental fortitude to do so? To suffer for a billion tries just to get a 1% chance of making a difference- all to do it over again?

I think that's the beauty of her character, she's so weak, yet she struggles against the abyss and insurmountable power. Her chances against beating an eldritch being like Ina is nigh impossible, but it becomes feasible so long as she doesn't give up.

A story where she keeps breaking, and breaking, and suffering would be kino. To try again and again but to fail all the same.

Don't you think that's pretty interesting? because I certainly do.

>> No.27791781
File: 473 KB, 1500x1500, 1641536864049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lump all of gen 4 into Tritagonist
C'mon. Watame should be easy Protagonist and Coco Antagonist.

>> No.27791871
File: 2.03 MB, 1191x842, 1621267254334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too soft, the audience would hate her for being too pure in a world full of chaos. She's too comfortable, seeing her everytime would be so impactful to the genre of a high stakes story that it would turn into a slice of life.

Her being a point of comfort every now and then would be her point as a tritagonist, maybe a spin off would work yeah sure. But being the main lens, i would have to break some of her character traits to realistically overcome the hurdles in the story for her.

>> No.27793112 [DELETED] 

Marine seems more like a secondary character. (albeit that's better than the protagonist.)

>> No.27793255

Marine seems more like a secondary character. (albeit one that's better than the protagonist.)

>> No.27793437
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>protagonist of Hololive
>not in first tier
one job

>> No.27793536

she's a deuter at best, a who at a good day

>> No.27793651
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>> No.27796064

teamates live and breathe on this copium

>> No.27796336


>> No.27799635

>basing everything on popularity and /vt/
kys enshart

>> No.27799737

had op been consistent, a vtweeter would be on top of the chart, running the multiverse
which shows nobody gives a shit about lore

>> No.27800045

Why isn't A-Chan on the list and why isn't she in Protagonist-Tier?

>> No.27800382

Marine fits way better as an antagonist but the type that tries hard to be menacing but fucks up at every other step of the way

>> No.27802685

By that logic Gura should be at first, you're very retarded in your criticism there anon

>> No.27802737

It's not a slice of life, I'm an edgy boy. If I'm gonna make a story there will be suffering and loss everywhere.

>> No.27802953

>background character
She's literally the Zombieland Saga main girl

>> No.27803239

how is subaru a protagonist?

>> No.27803882

>They are fucking unlikeable bitches
Bruh, One is just a clown and Marine? Well just outrun her and she is easy pickings.

>> No.27803994

Does Roboco even have lore other than being a robot? I doubt it unless there are vids out there. Otherwise, just switch her with the shark or Nene.

>> No.27804065

How does that describe Marine at all?

>> No.27804719

Mafia boss that is searching for his friend, isn't in an antagonist role?
Alien that wants to take over the world, not an antagonist?
Barmaster that has fucked all of Animarie even the new girls, Only a BG character?
Knight Isekai'd to a new world is only a BG character?
Succubus that is wants to become a full-fledge one ins't in an antagonist role

>> No.27804876

She's human, that's it. She's a human tomboy girl.

>> No.27804948

Idk OP is pretty based making every dude a background character
Lmao, lol even

>> No.27805297

You clearly didn't even bother to check their character settings. How the f*ck was this made?

>> No.27805615

Why does this only go up to ID2?

>> No.27805997

I think it's interesting to consider an anime about the actual Hololive company, as in a seasonal show about being vtubers.
For instance, I think someone could have made a HoloMyth show. Season 1 viewpoint character would be Gura with her meteoric rise, season 2 viewpoint character would be Ame with her arc of becoming the true producer of EN. Season 3 viewpoint character would be Mori with all her trials and tribulations but also big successes this year

>> No.27806120


>> No.27806554
File: 209 KB, 850x1214, oggey lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My headcanon is simple, Ina wants to acquire Apotheosis to prevent azathoth from waking up, but this will unleash great evil upon the world, but she's willing to do it for the hope that it she can save at least a portion of reality from disappearing. Oga having fought for 5000 years and so on, losing so much loved one's, and people he cared about see's this as reasonable. He's willing to sacrificed trillions for the odds the some people will be saved.

Oga will be the face of the antagonist for every season until the final reveal that he was working for Ina the entire time. Ina who they assumed was the kind girl who would always comfort them, and be with them is their greatest enemy. But to Ina, she's not an enemy, everything they had together was genuine, she really was her friends. It is exactly why she needs to succeed, so that even if two of her friends survive, its better than nothing.

>> No.27806790

anon if anything she’s a background character

>> No.27807128

marine is arousingmypenisgonist

>> No.27807258

There's only one bitch in Hololive, and she's very lik- fuckable. I mean fuckable. Sorry I mean fuckable. Fuckable. Fuck

>> No.27808758

if this is inside lore and not actual journey... well, Miko would still be the protagonist. In fact, she is a protagonist according to word of Yagoo (Miko no tsutome).


So you better move her into that catgory, she's canon. Now both Marine and Aqua can't be protagonists either, you can only choose one, they're too connected to each other's story. Subaru likewise is no protagonist in lore, she's a fucking duck, that's no higher than deuteragonist. Polka is tritagonist midboss that does a heel face turn, roboco is an antagonist with a tragic past (not sure how you didn't get this from the first holoalt pv).
Sora could be a protagonist in a prequel to Hololive lore, but in a modern Hololive story, she'd be a tritagonist, a very powerful goddess/dimension traveler who is seldom seen aside from helping the protagonist and fighting the big bad (Roboco becomes deuteragonist companion midway through her prequel story after fighting her, but by the time of modern holo lore she is an antagonist).
Ame as protag is undisputed, its pretty much by word of Yagoo too, by design.

>> No.27808839

word of yagoo, get btfo


>> No.27808865

She's just a mary sue like batman.

>> No.27808907

The miko is STILL clearly a protagonist. Just linen to Kagetsu no Yume's lyrics, she has protagonist written all over her, and confirmed by Yagod himself.

>> No.27808964

Yes, in Hololive lore they are mere background characters. You are probably looking for Holostar lore 2 blocks down jabroni.

>> No.27809209

marine is 100% protagonist
anyone who says otherwise is just disillusioned or gay.

>> No.27809228

wait a minute someone on /vt/ actually watches hololive?!

>> No.27809565

>Ame as protag is undisputed
Yeah Ame's entire design and character concept is literally "protagonist/viewpoint character of Myth". It's funny that sort-of matched how it worked out in reality as well.

>> No.27810510
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Holostars are from a different series, but sometimes appear in cameos.
