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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27730753 No.27730753 [Reply] [Original]

Real talk. A vtuber will get way more money if they join Hololive instead of Niji/Vshojo or just going indie, but will they be more happy?

>> No.27730796

I'd be more happy if I'm not surrounded by Americanized E-celeb whores no matter how much money I'm making.

>> No.27730954

You sure about that? I was taken aback when Kiara said that she doesn't even have 6 figures in her bank account. Poor ass bitch

>> No.27730988

Welcome to European taxes.

>> No.27730995

The issue with this kind of discussion is that there's no way you can tell how happy the talent are.

For example, I'm sure if you asked most VShojobros whether Matsuri would be more happy in Holo or in VShojo's jp branch, they'd say the latter. But, literally, how do we know that she isn't completely satisfied where she is? We don't know her.

>> No.27731048

Don't know about JP but judging HoloEN... Yes as long as you're not Mori.

>> No.27731074

idk you tell me rrat breeder

>> No.27731089

I won't be happy in Vshojo's toxic culture but I won't even be happy in Hololive either. The corpo owns me and if I graduate everything I've poured my heart and soul into for is gone.

>> No.27731106

My one/two view JP indie sound a lot more happy than any corpo chuba when she streams.

>> No.27731191

Well, it's something you should understand going into it. That's the trade-off for being able to debut and have 300K subscribers before you even say a single word on stream.

It doesn't make sense to me how people think it's unreasonable that Cover owns the characters. They came up with them, and they could have given them to anyone else who auditioned. Why should the talent be entitled to a character they were gifted?

>> No.27731201

will they be happy if they stay 2view

>> No.27731216

Kekson apologist deflection thread.

>> No.27731234

Unless you soft-doxx yourself to bring your current fanbase when you graduate. You can see this pattern on every chuuba that's planning to leave soon.

>> No.27731244

Holos seem to burnout after a couple of years. Though that is still better than the graduation rate of indies.

>> No.27731287

Give me 3 examples that actually graduated

>> No.27731320

Not necessarily. I can think of a few indies that clean up better than, say, Anya Melfissa.

>> No.27731342

>You can see this pattern on every chuuba that's planning to leave soon.

Who? Because, Kanata was one of those chuubas "who are planning to leave" up until this morning lol

>> No.27731361

1) income tax in austria is 40+% at just 30k euros a year (which would explain why shes thinking about leaving the country)

2) typical woman cant stop shelling out on useless crap

>> No.27731383

>will they be more happy?
No, that's why Coco quit.

>> No.27731422

>Real talk.

>> No.27731428

Coco, Rushia, Ruru
Can't say more to avoid a ban, do your reps.

>> No.27731439

>or just going indie
I have no idea what planet you holobronies live on but going indie is peanuts compared to joining a corpo. even Millie who had 100k subs makes more money in Niji than she did back then

>> No.27731450

it's true for most recent nijis, including the latest

>> No.27731471

You don't actually watch Vtubers do you? They put their actuasl real personalities on the character, acting as the soul. If it's all scripted I'd just watch anime.
The fact that if everything I've created and poured myself into will be memoryholed on my graduation, I'd just do the bare minimum and be an Ayame.

>> No.27731521

>Uses the departure of one talent to deliver a verdict on the entire company as a whole.

So, what about all of the ones who are happy? They don't matter?

Rushia didn't "graduate" she got fired. She would have 100% stayed with Cover forever if she didn't, you know, literally get fired.

>> No.27731548


>> No.27731559


>> No.27731564

The entire Chinese branch.

And, like, four holostars, if they count.

>> No.27731588

Most of the time, yes?
I meant, it's not even a matter of whether a chuuba is satisfied in Hololive or not, it's simply that the alternatives are even worse.
You get as little - if not even fewer - support from the management. You earn less money. There are fewer people who watch and support you. What do you gain? Unless you want to stream rather controversial or risky stuffs (i.e: pussy / dick / sex / suicide / etc.), chances are you'd be able to do the same in Hololive anyway.
Thus, ask yourself - if you lose a lot but doesn't gain much, will you be more happy?
(Of course, this might change if you indeed want to stream more controversial / risky stuffs, but you'll be part of a very small minority, I presume)

>> No.27731681 [DELETED] 
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Stop posting this image or the mods will ban you for racism

>> No.27731700

Nobody actually believed she was gonna leave, she literally tweeted "I'm not leaving" a day after Kson's announcement, presumably after seeing all the schizoposting online.

>> No.27731727

>A vtuber will get way more money if they join Hololive instead
Cover sucks their talents money dry and give them zero support.

>> No.27731779

they also seems to control even their private lives

>> No.27731825 [DELETED] 
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>Can't post this image portraying kson as what she is anymore
And faggots say the deadbeats are the bad guys in this board.

>> No.27731864

Personally I can live with less if it meant I got to stream what I enjoy.
Let me know when a hololiver is able to stream games like civ like Mumei wanted to. Or any Holo chuuba streaming yugioh, fire emblem, heck even Genshin Impact like Kiara initially wanted to.
I can stream all of those in other corpos with no backlash. As long as my pay isn't literally 1/4th then what would it matter?

>> No.27731873

she broke an NDA

>> No.27731881 [DELETED] 
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i think the mental illness is also a problem

>> No.27731891

They don't. Maybe, maybe Kanata's manager, suggestes her to move from a place where soon will full of menheras that wanted to ruin everyone...

>> No.27731947

I'd say something about the portion of the world this poster comes from but mods don't like that so I'll just say: what a faggot.

>> No.27731998

>he become fragile at the sight of an image
Whorejocucks are worse than ledditors

>> No.27732004

You would think most of them would have left already being that the case.
What stops menheras with an easily findable roomate account like Matsuri from leaving?

>> No.27732073

I don't care if my chuuba is happy as long as I am happy

>> No.27732092

don't blame them, posting it is against the rules of this Mongolian basket weaving forum, you can freely post it on /b/ though

>> No.27732095
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are janies really doing that?

>> No.27732101

she bought a house anon. all her income goes to mortgage.

>> No.27732184

define happiness.
Will you be happy if you can't pay your bills?
Will you be happy if you can't achieve your dream?
Will you be happy if you are in a corporate environement but can't fucking follow simple rules?
Some people will be way happier being in hololive/niji
Some will be happier in Vshojo
Some will prefer staying indie
And some will fell miserable in one of those, or in all of thems.

>> No.27732209 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27732325

She spends too much money traveling and on her shitty songs.

>> No.27732327

Not working for Cover=happiness
You can't even try to refute this.

>> No.27732340

Explain Mori, Mel, Ina, Noel, Marine, Ayame, Choco? One of those is doing concerts on her RM acct and another is doing sololives?

>> No.27732397

>30% to cover
>30% to youtube
>30% to pets(monkey, seal, cats, rabbit, giraffe, roommate)
>9% to rent
>1% for personal spending

>> No.27732403

Happy in holobro not hololive

>> No.27732424

>All the Holowhores have roomates
I'm glad my oishi is pure.

>> No.27732445

Cover taxes*

>> No.27732489

What about Gura?

>> No.27732562

>will they be more happy?
Generally yes, if the following is true:
- They're in the main branch, aka being in a JP gen
- They're not a whore

>> No.27732589

her input cant keep up with her output.
even if you earn a billion/ year, its still worth shit if you spent 1 billion and 1 dollar a year.

>> No.27732779


>> No.27732803

Even EN, with all the justified complaints, are still happy enough. It's simply a matter of the good outweighing the bad (i.e: Gura, IRyS)

>> No.27732828

>Not working for Cover=happiness
Why, though?

>> No.27732891

You're telling me she couldn't even pay for the whole thing in one lump sum? Impoverished harlot

>> No.27732896

She wasn't planning to leave

>> No.27732901


You know, i remember when Botan making 100k subs back when she debuted was a big deal. Times really have changed haven't they?
>I remember 'vtubing has peaked the fad will go away' was a thing back then too

>> No.27732905

They don't have freedom

>> No.27732928

I'm absolutly refutin this, if you have a big dream, you are gona be miserable evevrywhere outside hololive.
Or you will cope like you are doing here.

>> No.27732934

Vwhorejocucks think that talking politics and showing your tits on Twitter is the definition of happiness

>> No.27732967

Freedom to do what? Freedom is not an absolute, it's a relative.

>> No.27732966

They may get more money but in turn cover takes more money which will result in the vtuber breaking even with an indie who makes and keeps a lesser amount.

>> No.27732977

>muh furridom
Only important freedom they don't have is streaming games without permissions

>> No.27733015

"Talent freedom"=stream on Chaturbate and announce your boyfriend to your audience

>> No.27733082 [DELETED] 

I didn't auditioned for them, you are the one coping here schizo, go back.

>> No.27733115
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holodrones have the audacity to tell anyone about freedom

>> No.27733180

Songs without permission, ASMR triggers without permission, mention countries without permission, speak about any number of topics without permission not just political, and yes, a list of approved games. Every collab requires approval, questions are vetted. Undisclosed amount of money taken away by company. The highest personal earners could be millionaires if they were free, but their money goes into the pockets of old men.

>> No.27733205

Talk to me about freedom when a VCucks' stream stops being 99% just react content and dick jokes. It isn't creative freedom you guys have, it's the freedom to not be creative.

>> No.27733243

So, the freedom of risking getting copyright strikes and hoping you don't? That's the freedom?

>> No.27733249

You're forgetting the most important one. The freedom to do glorious react content.

>> No.27733279

So, to summarize, not being able to colaborate with chubbas outside of Hololive will make the talents who signed with them unhappy?

>> No.27733291
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the conversation was about freedom, not creativity, but if you want to go there then ok, too bad hololive has neither.

>> No.27733305

So when Gura was told live by a manager she couldn't sing Ahoy it was a copyright issue? Cover needed permission from Cover?

>> No.27733310

>everything I've created and poured myself into will be memoryholed on my graduation
If you leave on good terms it's up to you if your content stays up or not. Hell even Coco's channel still has all her videos. You're not the type to self destruct and burn all your bridges if you want to move on to another stage in your life, are you now?

>> No.27733361

Subaru doesn't seem happy in that clip

>> No.27733385

>announce your boyfriend to your audience

As opposed to holothots who have to pretend they don't have a boyfriend.

>protip: 95% of them do

>> No.27733393

>Undisclosed amount of money taken away by company.

Undisclosed to us, not to them. This is not a limitation of their freedom.

>> No.27733420

Why do you type like this?

>> No.27733432

>heavily reduced income is not a limitation of freedom
actual company bootlickers, yikes

>> No.27733438

I'd always prefer professionals who can keep their private lives away from public to keep the illusions alive. Thank you very much.

>> No.27733508


>> No.27733547

>holothots who have to pretend they don't have a boyfriend.
They don't *have* to. It's a strategic choice.

>> No.27733552

Money only has a significant impact on happiness if the subject in question struggles to pay the bills and is financially poor.
If a person who is not in dire need of money gets a pay raise, they will feel happy for a week or so but their happiness levels will eventually return to those before the pay increase.
Our brain just tends to keep our happiness relatively stable, fortunate or unfortunate events just disrupt our standard level of happiness for a while (except for serious diseases, loss of loved ones etc.)

>> No.27733569

Looking at the mental state of most of HoloEN, no.

>> No.27733600

I'm glad no one in Holo meets up at a publically advertised AirBnB rager with drugs and alcohol.

>> No.27733643

>heavily reduced income is not a limitation of freedom
No, it's not. And they get a lot of advantages in return anyway.

>> No.27733670

Yeah, they were such shining examples of stability before.

>> No.27733688

the stream you're talking about was a sponsored stream, so of course, she can't sing whatever she wants in that.

>> No.27733691


>> No.27733715

The money in merch alone from Hololive's talents surpasses all the Vwhorejos

>> No.27733730

>I didn't auditioned for them
Who mentioned auditioning?

>> No.27733737

This holy shit. Moderately wealthy person living in a civilized country today eats better food, has better health and enjoys better entertainment than fucking kings 200 years ago. You don't need millions to have a good life. Mental health is far more important. Movie stars and billionaires kill themselves too.

>> No.27733776

What about her? She was fired for breaking NDA, not for talking to her boyfriend on stream.

>> No.27733781

At least they were streaming before. Entire branch puts absolutely minimal effort. It's obvious they hate this job.

>> No.27733782

>our girls are better off making less money because it keeps them in line and they wouldn't even really be happy with more
actual incel takes itt

>> No.27733856

Pekora alone outweighs all Vwhorejo members in financial terms

>> No.27733858

>Believing corpo lies

>> No.27733872

>Cover literally said they don't care about what their talents do in their private lives
Rushia got fired because Rushia is retarded, before they found out how much they fucked up they literally released a statement defending her and telling people to fuck off

>> No.27733874

Compare HoloEN schedules to NijiEN or vshojo. Then compare hours streamed. Now guess who has fun streaming and who only does it for the money.

>> No.27733895

Let me put it in wrestling terms.
Hololive is WWE, Niji/Vshojo is AEW, and indies are indies.
Yes wrestlers are paid enough and satisfied in the small leagues-indies. But they are flat-out lying if they don't want WWE's big money and prestige.
WWE always wins in the end.

>> No.27733946

Pekor was below Coco and Rushia. And now they are both in vshojo. Also Salome is on par with Pekora.

>> No.27733955

>Believing corpo lies
Are you saying she didn't actually break NDA?

>> No.27733963

Here's the thing, Cover owns the model but not the personality of the character, if for example you decide to leave or get fired you can get a new model with your money and stream as an indie, they will never tell you ''yo stop acting like yourself''.

>> No.27733964

Coco was able to reclaim her fanbase because she soft doxxes and leaks IRLs of herself. But what about if I'm anonymous and prefer to be known as an anonymous vtuber? If I leave, everything I've put in my vtuber persona doesn't follow me. I'll have to start from the bottom again. To think about it, it feels like a hostage situation.
And the way you sound stinks of corporate shill.

>> No.27733971

So Hololive is fake, got it.

>> No.27733992

Who wouldnt be happy with the kinda money holomem get from streaming? The only one who complaints are seething 2views tryana coping their irrelevant ass. Money always bring happiness. Only coping poorfag and dumb people who dont know how to spend their money said otherwise

>> No.27734018

Girls from other companies have to stream more in order not to starve. That's why HoloEN don't stream as much, they are not beggars like the competition

>> No.27734058

>If I intentionally avoid letting people know who I am they won't know who I am!
No shit retard, what is even your point here
Multiple hololive members have second channels everyone knows about, some of them even make more money on those than they do at hololive

>> No.27734077

No one cares vtweeter, and everyone knew kson was Coco as soon as she debuted.

>> No.27734119

They made more money at Hololive, now they will have to prostitute themselves at Vwhorejo to pay their bills

>> No.27734173

And your achievements don't follow you, unless you dox yourself like Coco. What if I don't want to do that. Then your achievements are gone. They don't belong to you. Start from the fucking bottom. Hostage situation.
Corporate shill, in a system like that I'd just do the bare minimum. Wait, that's just a fucking salaryman.

Well guess NDAs don't matter in the end then. Everyone knows people's IRLs anyway.

>> No.27734236

99.99% of vtubers will never get any success. 99.99% of hololive vtubers will be succesful.
keep this in mind when you cry about corporations.

>> No.27734259
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>This level of delusion
I think you're thinking about the indies who get algorithm'd to sucess, then yes you won't be making as much joining Cover.... and then there's pic related who has been trying for YEARS. You have to be absolutely retarded to think you'll be in that top 0.9% of vtubers who can get batshit famous, you can even find 4 year celebrations with like 9 viewers.

>> No.27734272

>will they be more happy?
hell no. you really think hololive members have more fun than nijisanji members? You must be delusional if you actually believe this.

>> No.27734291

The NDAs cover disclosing information about what hololive is doing/planning, they're not relevant to this
If they make a second channel someone will notice, and if they don't they can just hop on 5ch and post "hey doesn't this sound like <hololive member>" and it will end up everywhere while they retain plausible deniability

>> No.27734292

No, they don't, they are unhappy at Hololive so if they made nore money working at any other place they wouldn't have to deal with them, dont lie bootlicker.

>> No.27734310

delete this photo, it's too painful

>> No.27734313

>unless you dox yourself like Coco
Kson doxxed Kson, but did she dox her real self? Kson is not her real self, it's still a character.

>> No.27734319

She quit because she went full retard regarding taiwan and the zhangs. Thats not something a normal holo will have to face in their day to day.

>> No.27734419

It's a fucking job. Of course they will be happy working for the company that pays the most for easy work and low hours.

>> No.27734428

>unless you dox yourself like Coco
You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.27734465

Many of the niji girls don't seem very happy right now. I don't blame them.

>> No.27734474 [DELETED] 

wrong thread chink

>> No.27734499

>calls anyone who disagrees with his opinions a corporate bootlicker
>keeps licking the boot of Vwhorejo and Kekson

>> No.27734509

Nigga you'll be doxxed the first day of your debut, you literally have to do nothing.

>> No.27734511

is that why they seethe on Discord all day?

>> No.27734556

yeah, just look at Ayame
women pretend its hard work to sit on your ass all day and play vidya games and chat

>> No.27734601

Why do you think she was unhappy enough to leave then faggot?

>> No.27734654

Uh bro? You're going to trigger the 2views.

>> No.27734706

if you're a male chuba then you'd probably do better financially in NIJI

>> No.27734775

None of what you said addresses my point. You put forward that after you graduate all of the content you made will be erased and forgotten. I said that it comes down to your choice if you leave on good terms. What you're talking about here is (not) being able to retain your audience upon leaving.

>> No.27734809

Hololive requires a comparatively high amount of non-stream effort nowadays, at least for JP. Voice training, choreo practice, recording, PR, merch and project planning, etc
If someone just wants to be a streamer and do their own thing it hasn't really been a good fit since early 2021

>> No.27734807

Fuck Hololive.

>> No.27735033

Cover only cares about jp. EN and ID are just extra income. When all the girls had to go to amelia to do 3d stuff because cover won't do shit for them while jp have their own 3d studio tells you where the side of anything that isn't jp stands. You faggots and your oshis are being bled for money by your precious hololive corporation. And don't say shit about it.

But coco and mike neko decides to go somewhere else despite not being employees of hololive anymore and suddenly all line been crossed lmao fuck you faggots.

>> No.27735151

reddit spacing

>> No.27735286

Yeah why didn't they simply illegally smuggle Kiara into Japan in a shipping container to record her birthday live in the studio
Or spend all of the money they've ever earned from EN and more building a studio in the US that's only easily accessible to 6 people, 3 of which do not have 3D yet

>> No.27735333

Sure thing this is why they sound like miserable wrecks and have to be forced to stream. Seriously the difference between holoEN and nijiEN collabs is insane.

>> No.27735338

I agree, but it's all just hypothetical anyway. Which company do you think you would be more happy in, if you were a female vtuber?
Personally I'd go with Hololive for the job security. I get the impression that a lot of (probably young) people on /vt/ just want a dream job where they're having fun all day at work, while the reality is that most adults just want a paycheck and to feel secure about their future, not try to be a rockstar.

>> No.27735523

Still looked better than kekson's 3D with "Vshojo's advanced NASA level tech"

>> No.27735797
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depends about what the chuuba is going fo., those that want to be idols will surely get the most bang for your buck on Hololive but more catty chuubas might be better off being independent, or trying to keep the kayfabe as much as possible.

>> No.27735861

>japanese company with a primarily japanese audience with all their physical assets and offices in japan focus on their japanese talents
it really is a mystery

>> No.27735953

anon let me tell you something.

It seems you are new here.

This is reddit spacing.

You dumb newfaggot nigger.

dividing your replies in paragraphs is not reddit spacing.

>> No.27737070

Depends on the goals and circumstances of each person.
Just like everywhere else, there are jobs that pay you $8-10k+ / month but you hate doing what you do and hate every single day going there, and then there are job that pay you $1-2k / month but you actually enjoy what you do. There's no ideal scenario where you earn a ton of money and have complete creative freedom over your actions.
If you want strong collab environment, potential for huge popularity and money income while accepting huge list of restrictions that grows bigger (and one day something you really like to do / to stream might be added to it because situation has changed) and getting permissions at snail's pace, then Hololive works (as long as you actually manage to pass audition). Then again, some of the members either do minimum work or busy with non-streaming content (or they're not JP and have to deal with a ton of additional issues), which is why such generalization doesn't work well. Point is, Hololive is not ideal, but neither are alternatives (every vtuber company horribly handles dramatic situations, so you'll be thrown under the bus and not the management), and it's up to vtuber to decide which path to choose (big corpo / small corpo / indie) based on their goals.
Personally I agree with >>27733552 and would rather not focus just on money aspect.

>> No.27738096


>> No.27738149

If you asked if anybody will be happier, nobody will know. I mean you can earn hundreds and thousands working as Management Consultant or similar jobs, but will you be happy actually doing taking 15-20 hours a day job?

Also if you want to use Aloe, she cannot take the heat. Rushia self-destruct herself as she will definitely will try to cling to her job if she can.

>> No.27738311

Well, your presence is probably 1/4th. Those Holo money does go somewhere. Super Expo do not fund for themselves, nor did Summer Fest, Holo Choco, promotional poster, 3D upgrade, RL marketing, etc. Your streaming face are now absolutely everywhere, and you can probably be the character as long as you want since they do not care if you aged, as long as you can still do the job.

>> No.27738429

ok this is a cope, unless you are a total degenerate whore who'd rather show her body instead of streaming games and chatting with the audience

>> No.27738482

>Talent cant lie
retarded faggot

>> No.27738587

You can almost say that nothing in life is ideal. Its really up to you to find your own "ideal life" and inner peace. Even for the girls that people say "do not work", you can almost say that they might be living their ideal life since they are part of Hololive and therefore can get away with it. I saw Ayame's original are always in the Top 40 played song for example.

>> No.27738609
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Lol, this is what it always comes down too in the end; what they mean by 'freedom' is 'freedom to be a basic bitch'.
But then they get upset by basic bitch numbers, and they want madonna nubmbers. But then they are too lazy to put in the effort to maintain a suspension of disbelief. So all they can do in the end is seethe and snipe spitefully at both fans and girls more popular than them. They simply lack the mental capacity to not be basic bitches.

Any girl over the age of 14 has likely fucked one or more times. That's just the way it is. But the only thing people will know about you is what you put out there for them. Viewers are willing to patronize a streamer if the streamer is likewise willing and able to put in the effort to not undermine themselves with unfortunate implications. The product is themselves, and the customer will judge if they like the product. That's what most of these people don't get; it's not about things that are lewd or not lewd per se, it's about what is implied by things. You will notice that Melody herself has never had any males on her chaturbate streams. She streams fucking herself with fan suggested sex toys, and people like it because your waifu being lewd is good. It is those things that imply your oshi is already 'taken', or that she doesn't need you or care about you or whatever, that kill the crab.

TL:DR horses want the privilege of being a horse while getting madonna numbers at the same time. Sasuga.

>> No.27738645

>Why does the headquarter focus on their region first?
get a real job faggot

>> No.27738745

They still able to perform at Holofest. No matter what, the logistics are probably pretty complicated with everything need to be done remotely, especially for Kiara. Others in US and Indonesia can be spread over 2 or 3 people, but everything Cover spend for her to be able to perform 3D is only for her alone.

>> No.27739872

Ah yes because Kiara doesn't have enough money while Ina has too much

>> No.27740347










>> No.27740461

>What if I don't want to do that.
Then don't join Hololive? Nobody is being tricked.

>> No.27740539

Yes, if said vtuber is an introvert she'll be happier in Hololive 100%

>> No.27740623

all western streamers are whores
they jumped on a bandwagon and tried to subvert it like the kikes they are, but nip vtubers don't give a shit about retarded vshitjo whores or some 2view fat ugly goblin crying about there not being enough vtubers of color

>> No.27741162

>I'd be more happy if I'm not surrounded by Americanized E-celeb whores no matter how much money I'm making.
Well, you can always just be a face cammer and just be on your lonesome.

>> No.27741468

Hololive makes more money just based on merch sales, sponsors, and the sheer amount of viewers watching ads on VODs. Hololive basically has the opposite of Vshojo's profit slip where Hololive chuubas get a 30% cut from superchats and another 35% cut due to YouTube however they receive 100% of merchandise earnings while Vshojo does the reverse.

Theirs more risk since you could be selling merch at a loss compared to superchats but because Hololive merch, especially custom birthday merch always sells out immediately Holos tend to make big bucks as a result (Azki and Flare made $200k+ off Birthday merch and Pekora made $1.1million in 1 month).

>> No.27742585

Doesn't Cover take a pretty hefty cut?

>> No.27742800

Yes? Because she's earning a livable income?

>> No.27742835

I guess you must be the happiest person in the universe since I don't see someone like you ever interacting with a woman haha

>> No.27744745

If you're an indie on Twitch you get 50% of subs and on-platform donations
Holos get ~42% of memberships and superchats, so it's not that much of a difference
Their split on merch is also far better
Nobody's talked about the details of other revenue streams (ads, premium, sponsorships) but if it was bad they probably wouldn't take sponsors, since they're all done on a voluntary basis

>> No.27745150

naaah, that's nijisanji for you, they control everything their talent put out while sucking shit tons of their talents money

>> No.27745209

that's actually nijisanji not hololive, given so many big hitters of nijis leaving in span of 6 months only

>> No.27745357

if i'm a women, i'll go hor hololive for sure, you'll get 300k subs without doing anything, all i have to do is to keep my shit up and not to mess my career, since they offer security and some legal shits that i dont understand, it's a perfect heaven job for me i guess

>> No.27745407

Anon, you can shill Holo in other way.

Holo definitely still gets some cuts out of merch but presumably its way smaller due to talent's involvement. I mean, Holo is still the one doing the legworks of negotiating with individual suppliers, getting samples, ordering to the factory, etc, based on the design from the talents. Basically, the more involved the talents are, the more the profits will be sent to them. Although, I think its safe to say though that the talents got basically almost the entire cut, like 90% or more, especially when they no longer need to pay the BOOTH tax.

Also, the cut going for Cover, also goes back to investing on the models (3D, costumes, etc), Marketing, PR, Real-Life event, etc. Vshojo never need to invest in any individual talent so they have less stake on each individual success. I presume that whoever need new L2D like veibae, will probably get loaned some money which then they will need to payback but the model become theirs.
