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27665536 No.27665536 [Reply] [Original]

She won. What do we do now anti bros? Everyone is laughing at our small pee pees

>> No.27665629 [DELETED] 

Won a whore makeover from Kson and the rest of vshojo? Yeah she definitely won, and now everyone is going to laugh at her.
Can't wait till Kson pulls her Hololive antics and tries to make her say she likes BBC, just like she made Marine and Sora say vulgar things.
Best part? She's retarded and will think it's exactly what foreigners want to hear so she'll say it and be proud of it.
>"Hey, say you like BBC, it's what your overseas viewers wants!"
>She does it
>She's now proud and thinks this is a good thing and wants to learn more from her senpais like Veibae

>> No.27665661

Gigacope. You lost bro, it's over.

>> No.27665692 [DELETED] 

Don't use Rushia as a scapegoat to secretly wish the things you want to say yourself.

>> No.27665734

No need to use her to vicariously live your fantasies. You can just admit you love BBC yourself

>> No.27665771

Mutt's law

>> No.27665789 [DELETED] 

You have till July 16th to seethe. Enjoy the last days till she graces us with her return.

>> No.27665807

What's wrong with liking BBC?

>> No.27665808 [DELETED] 

Incredibly based. Just knowing how Coco was in the past and her tweets now, it's inevitable.
Its a good genre, watching your frail white and japanese women get taken by BBC.
t. Nigger

>> No.27665819

your threads suck dick and so do you

>> No.27665863


>laughing at our small pee pees


>> No.27665885


>> No.27665975
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>> No.27665995 [DELETED] 

What is it with Americans and their obsession with niggers?

>> No.27666047 [DELETED] 

Absolutely nothing.
Dunno, they want us dead at all costs, have you seen their cops? Wouldn't happen in any other part of the world. Must be jealousy for what we can do to their women.

>> No.27666056
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Meds, anon.

>> No.27666102


>> No.27666117


Took the bait OMEGALUL

Even though I'm not an Kekson Apologist, I still laugh at you so hard may balls pops off.

>> No.27666120
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He ain't wrong.

>> No.27666150

>Using twitch emotes on 4ch
Go back to your discord, tranny.

>> No.27666194

how is this not a permanent ban?
this place sucks

>> No.27666243

I don't get it. Kson grabbing boobs at a con means Nazuna will talk about cocks? What kind of mental gymnastics is that. Kson was always like this, even as Coco. She had buttplug-tail memes. She didn't corrupt Rushia while they were in hololive, why would it be different this time? The EN girls won't interact much with Nazuna due to the language barrier.

>> No.27666302

Who ask

>> No.27666327

She had other people to do those things to anon.
Who do you think she has now? Especially if you're right and the others wont interact due to language barrier. She'll only have Nazuna.
Guess what kind of content she does best in? Collabs. Guess what her collabs consisted of back in Hololive? Making them say vulgar shit.

>> No.27666405

I dunno anon, seems like nothing to me.

>> No.27666510

Sure you can cherry pick em as much as you want.
Only time will tell and one side of the argument will be here to laugh at the other once we find out what happens. 3 months tops till Rushia's trying to learn from Veibae or Nyanners on "things that foreigners want to hear"

>> No.27666639

Nyanners isn't actually that lewd. She does make perverted jokes too but she's more of a chaotic gremlin. There's a big difference to the likes of Veibae.

>> No.27667033

thanks for beta-testing our talents for us, we'll be treating them properly over at vshojo the way they deserve ;)

>> No.27667069 [DELETED] 

Because they are genuinely scared (eve of the coming retribution) and also jealous of our athleticism. No matter how much they oppress us we still excel in almost everything. Look how hard they are not letting us in hockey for example while we have added salt to much of all sports.

However, things like their pseudo-science IQ test is used as tools for their propaganda when they blatantly don't tell you the real reason why many of us don't draw in good numbers. For example vocabulary portion is where many of us fail at but everything else is high. You can look this up yourself and by deliberately choosing this they they go on the paint a narrative for white supremacy that blacks even latino's are fucking stupid when we actually are not.

Many more examples. They will always hate us. Never trust these people.

>> No.27667178 [DELETED] 

>The EN girls won't interact much with Nazuna due to the language barrier.

I'm glad for this to be honest. Except maybe to Ironmouse. However, I am excited that maybe Nazuna will do some collabs with Nijisanji JP members. I wonder if she'll do collabs with Ui and Tamaki again.

>> No.27667532 [DELETED] 

I don't see any cotton getting picked, get to work boy

>> No.27668296 [DELETED] 

oh boy bucks be uppity around these parts

>> No.27668587 [DELETED] 

we don't. it's literally just a bunch of nigs falseflagging. They can only understand the world in terms of sex, drugs, and murder. anything that falls outside of this is completely alien to them. hence why they bring up their cocks all the time. everyone else on the planet has an actual culture that they can take pride in whilst sub saharans literally have nothing except for their sexual organs

>> No.27668679


>> No.27669337 [DELETED] 

Yet caucasians much like their ancestors continue to invade multiple lands of people of color (which is everybody but them) with threats, sets up coups with puppets for their economic interest while they rape the land and have its people live in perpetual poverty working for cheap even as debt slaves. They murder and overthrow whole sovereign countries and lie profusely that its ran by dictators or they are potentially a threat to neighboring countries exalting evil capitalism.

Let's not forget how they use NATO to help rape the women even children boys and girls while pretending to bring order when in reality it's there to steal anything it can get their hands into.

Let's also not forget how they create oppression of black and latino residents. They also bring in drugs as let's not play games on what they were doing in Afghanistan with the poppy seeds while those Afghanis would have pedo sex with children with no impunity.

But all takes a step back and is no match for the learned behavior of blacks even latino's of sex, drugs, and murder though right? I guess we also brought in loads of weapons that are left unintended in trains and also bring in kilo's of drugs because we own all the planes and boats to bring them in though right? Fucking retard.

Sorry to break the news to you Caucasian man. Your people have no culture of your own. Your so delusional in your pathetic attempt that we have no culture yet we created rock, hip hop, blues, gospel, etc and many more. Do you know anything about Western African nations of the past? The Mali Empire? TImbuktu? etc? Seriously you're one uneducated dumb fuck.

>> No.27669381 [DELETED] 

Lol. Look at the U.S. interracial couples rate. Everyone's getting mayo'd, inc. Jews.

>> No.27669446 [DELETED] 

Holy shit this is just taking Human aggression and applying it to one race. What is this self-refuting garbage. White men both overthrow nation after nation but they're also small-penis sissy-boys? Make your mind up cope-ianus.

>> No.27669464 [DELETED] 

Reminder caucasians raped and killed the native americans move them to settlement and also broke treaties and still breaking treaties whenever they think there's profit to be made from their lands.

Why you think they love trump so much? They're a breed of con artists

>> No.27669555

I wonder what VShojo's bottom line is? Forget about the NDA, Rushia was being suicidal on her tweets.

>> No.27669588

>She won
Not yet.
VShojo will be the new GFE Queen. That's the win.

>> No.27669589 [DELETED] 

...right because we all know white folks can get any women not because they're ruling much of the planet and have power and money though, right?

I mean it's not like they don't need help such as artificial inseminations to get women pregnant right? Ignore how blacks and latino's get made fun of for having many children which only means one thing. Let's ignore that because the white man has such a sex drive, right? I mean it's not like they also have to fly thousands of miles to buy pussy neither.

>> No.27669590

I liked her as Mikeneko, the underdog, the scapegoat, the one who was sacrificed, blamed and shunned. She should have succeeded as an indie and would have if she had gone through with it instead of not streaming for months. Instead, she allowed herself to be dragged down by an even worse corpo than Cover. This is a loss for her and I hope she comes to her senses about it before too long.

>> No.27669607

Joining vshojo is a win? Lol. Lmao.

>> No.27669613

/pol/fags get out

>> No.27669723 [DELETED] 

I haven't forgotten.

It doesn't matter if their for Trump or not. Look at their current fossil in office. They're letting Jim Crow Joe Biden get them closer to World War 3 with Russia all for the Bidens to cash in on natural gas sales in European markets. They got those retards in Germany to stop the pipeline to Russia they were building now Germans are going to pay more money so Biden and co will profit off them.

Where's that 1776 spirit they like to remind people of color about every fucking July 4th?

>> No.27669730

>She won

>> No.27669747

Everyone involved in this conversation is a retard

>> No.27669780

I prefer Uruha Rushia, the updog

>> No.27669784 [DELETED] 

Tell the white supremacist racists to stop going off topic then. We know they can't stop seething and being jealous over us blacks and brown but damn.

>> No.27669958
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>> No.27670010 [DELETED] 

That's what you're so focused on? And you select me to reply back to instead of the white supremacist that changed the topic in the first place? Shows who your priority was which would of been easy to track back but you didn't do that. Or maybe you got triggered by what I wrote.

You think they'll get to mouth off without being challenged back? This ain't the 1960's anymore. We can read now.

>> No.27670060
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Ok dude

>> No.27670181
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>> No.27670206

this is now a nigger thread because a random anon said bbc
