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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 86 KB, 800x485, fan-cam-on-rushia-nhung-lai-nham-thanh-cam-_n-nuoc-nga-1_UAQU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27656765 No.27656765 [Reply] [Original]

>be russian
>be unable to superchat my oshi or any of the chuubas


>> No.27656825

use vpn


>> No.27656887

woah, very smart
google just denies visas from russia

>> No.27656961

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.27657036

Give me money and I'll superchat her for you

>> No.27658093

Send me bitcoin, I'll superchat and mention your name.

>> No.27658256

you can only use visa/mc on desktop but apparently there's more payment options on mobile

>> No.27658726
File: 18 KB, 544x315, FDJaCILaAAAVT6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have some Ukrainian kids you should be murdering or something rather than worrying about superchats?

>> No.27658779

Theres the post OP was really fishing for.

>> No.27658794

Overthrow your government and stop the war, or ask a friend in other country to send one in your place, you can pay them later

>> No.27658861

This, especially the 1st part

>> No.27658892
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Ukraine didn't make Rushia Terminated.
Neither Mafumafu is not ukrainian.

Why are you attacking them?

>> No.27659000

>>be russian
Fucking commit suicide. Now. Ruscist fuck.

>> No.27659090

Did my quota for today already

Why not?


>> No.27659153
File: 2.82 MB, 1070x1078, laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjz28jp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be russian

>> No.27659192

Why not? You are literal human garbage with no value. And believe me this opinion has nothing to do with war. It is deep seated since childhood. Your stupid fucking war just reminded me what kind of useles pieces of shits you are.

>> No.27659194
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>Why not?

Nice Answer!

>> No.27659339

Seeing how assblasted my mere existence makes you really warms my heart lmao

>> No.27659442

Enjoy it. It's propably only thing that will soon warm you in your dying country.

>> No.27659497

don't listen to that trannyzoid

>> No.27659525

Question is why those kids keep getting trapped inside steel plants in the middle of a slow moving frontline.

>> No.27659630

>lives in Vladivostok
>literally next door to Japan and China
>still got called a hohol killer
thanks Biden

>> No.27659780

Sure thing anon
Just two more weeks until that evil Russia falls lmao
Oh I am enjoying it very much
Do not despair brother. Even if you didn't kill anyone personally you can claim half of my kills. Allah be my witness I have enough for both of us.

>> No.27659848
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>> No.27659879

Dugin vtuber when?

>> No.27659897

The far east divisions were at the spearhead of the assault THOUGH

>> No.27660076

I wonder where that Chad NATO guy is right now while the Ukraine is getting raped
Oh, right. He is watching from the sidelines like a cuck he is lmao

>> No.27660208
File: 424 KB, 1000x667, SLAVA UKRAINI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putin will probably force their citizens into military conscription.
Either way, the Putin orc zombies will lose.


>> No.27660228

Just JFK Putin and it will solve all the problems

>> No.27660383

You just didn't try hard enough to find a solution. And, no, you don't need to fly to Uzbekistan or even leave your home.

>> No.27660402
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this thread reeks of atlanticists

>> No.27660486
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Already lost anon
There are hundreds of Ukrainian agents at every streetcorner in Moscow lol

>> No.27660672 [SPOILER] 
File: 242 KB, 376x297, Screenshot 2022-05-16 095923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27660716

Anon, you don’t think every single Russian agrees with the attack on Ukraine, right?

>> No.27660775

Why, Russia's winning.

Watching the MSM narrative slide from
>Ukraine is winning, Russia has no chance!
>Ukraine is losing and needs weapons now or they've no hope at all
has been quite entertaining. Also telling, the normalfags feel too embarrassed to use the uke flag as their pfp now, the narrative has completely fallen apart.

>> No.27660779

Implying burgers can do anything other than stereotypical generalization
Every Japanese is a neet coomer
Every Arab is a terrorist
Every Indian shits on the street
Absolute state of Californian education

>> No.27660821

He meant that using a VPN wouldn't work because they refuse his credit card.

>> No.27660851

Every single Russian who does not support the destruction of the Ukraine gets sent to the Gulag or executed though.
I personally snitched on my dad for not supporting our troops enough. Now he's in jail and I got his flat all to myself.

>> No.27660853

>Every Indian shits on the street
This one is true though.

>> No.27660874
File: 942 KB, 892x1195, cobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am SEAnigger yet I really want to see Novorussia happening
Just to dab on filthy atlanticist cucks
Slava Rodina Rossiya!

>> No.27660895

Yes, we think and who don't support should be sent in jail now

>> No.27660931


>> No.27660946
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Relatively small price for setting this world ablaze.
You can find workarounds if you look hard enough.

>> No.27660951

Based SEAchad
High-five from Southern Siberia. This century will be the asian century.

>> No.27661012

Hey Rusbros, ask Transnistria for help kek!

>> No.27661040


>> No.27661091

>Far East bros get to live close to their oshis
It's not fair!

>> No.27661252


>> No.27661447

I see your two weeks to take Kyev plan is going well. Sorry about your cousin, but fret not, soon you'll get the chance to avenge him!

>> No.27661528


If I lick your oshi's feet, will you tell me the way I can pay chuubas?

>> No.27661807

I'm strayan you dumb cunt. It's obvious to anyone that the ukes are getting ground down and are losing in a long grind of attrition. Russia definitely got ahead of itself with trying to take Kiev, they should have gone with their current strategy of taking the east from the start. But as things stand, Ukraine is stuck losing territory over time with no end date. What miracle do you think is going to change that at this point?

>> No.27662065

Didn't you hear anon? Swiner has been gathering elite troops in the western Ukraine for months. Now once the wunderwaffe from NATO arrives he will begin the counter-offensive that will throw Russians out of the Ukraine once and for all.

>> No.27662209

>eu gov cucks are still paying putin for oil&gas, around 70KKK eur (yes, 70 billions) so far
>eu selled putin 346KK eur worth military equip "for civil purposes" since 2014
>blocked cards for ordinary russ despite their opinion on this war
>tHe pRiCe fOr seTtiNg tHis wOrLd aBlAze, juSt oVertHrOw pUtIn, muh sanctions stronk, pls vote us again
Hypocrisy as is.

>> No.27662313

>juSt oVertHrOw pUtIn
I wonder what they would say about the people of Kherson or Crimea. These fellas sure don't look like they're in a hurry to overthrow the Russian government. Slave mentality much?

>> No.27662409

Those evil Russians making the Ukrainians put artillery in the middle of residential neighborhoods

>> No.27662528

Anon, Ukraine already conscripting women into their army while Russia is not even mobilized.
1/5 of Ukraine is captured.

>> No.27662594

>while Russia is not even mobilized
It is, just not "officially".
t. Russian

>> No.27662677

t. Russian

Пoпизди мнe тyт пидapoк

>> No.27662705

A ты y нac в peзepвe, дpyжoк-пиpoжoк? Hичeгo, и дo тeбя cкopo дoбepyтcя.

>> No.27662736

Its not, you dumb fuck. Russian army has 1 mil people active / 2 mil reserve.
Russian forces in Ukraine is only 300k people. Not to mention all the forces from Belarus, chechens and DNR.

>> No.27662737

>Overthrow your government
Braindead take

>> No.27662743

У вac чyб виднo, в кypce?

>> No.27662804

A y вac cкopo чyб нe бyдeт виднo, и нe тoлькo их xDDDD

>> No.27662916

Лaднo, хpюшa, нe cepдиcь.
Cтpecc, гoвopят, нa кaчecтвo caлa плoхo влияeт.

>> No.27662923

>selling equipment for SORM
>everything fine
>leaving country for humanitarian reasons after war with Ukraine
>Nokia is good and you are bad for not overthrowing Putin
Many such cases.
But seriously, what are my choices for vtuber membership? Tinkoff (lol)?

>> No.27662996

Imagine asking polish to overthrow stalin 80 years ago

>> No.27663050

Imagine equating Putin to Stalin
Peak Western ignorance right here

>> No.27663066


>> No.27663148

Why not? I mean, Russians live in a fucked up country and a whole lot of them are trying to survive, and the West is doing everything to make their lives even more miserable. We're playing right into Putin's hand with this one.

>> No.27663177

>Virtual Youtubers

>> No.27663215

Yep, can't superchat, can't support anyone, can't buy shit online and all this shit while my retarded country is destroying the other nation, thanks Putin, I hope he and all those russian nazi kids that support the war will burn in hell.

>> No.27663223

Military virtual youtubers when?

>> No.27663254
File: 70 KB, 828x1549, feet 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non-bank fin services from middle-east

>> No.27663367

Kz card seems pretty reliable option to me.

>> No.27663398

>nazi kids
Young patriots
Special military operation

Fixed it for you, traitor fren :^)

>> No.27663546

Keep eating your knock off McDonalds and telling yourselves it's just as good.

>> No.27663552
File: 53 KB, 300x250, GetOutOfVT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27663590

all me btw

>> No.27663596

I don't eat fastfood but I am sure nothing can be worse than McDonald's

>> No.27663646

All me, baby.

>> No.27663694

Show me at least one ukrainan that asked for this? Millions hates us. And for fucks sake, lots of russians literally depise all ukrainans now, try to yellow-blue flag somewhere in Moscow and you can get beaten easily. Nice liberation.

>Young patriots
Zombies. All my russian friends with PhD or nice paying job do not support the war, not a single one of them. Only retarded old people that watch tv or young idiots support it.

Traitor is Putin that sends russian people to death while killing slavic brothers and also while sukcing chinese dicks. Nice patriotism, happily being fucked by China while fighting with Europe, fucking ching chong whores.

>> No.27663719
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pwease gontinyuuuu

>> No.27663725

I don't remember making these posts.

>> No.27663761

>russian nazi kids
Apart from online warriors, those are either in grave, or mingling with chechens in ukr rn, so they are already pretty much in hell.

>> No.27663774

Crimea river

>> No.27663789

So who your waifu from russia or ukrainian?

>> No.27663792

How did I end up on /k/?

>> No.27663833
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>> No.27663842

Why are there no english-speaking russian vtubers ?

>> No.27663866

Worldwide cabal is punishing the citizens of Russia for Putin invading his own rightful people's land and liberating them. What the uninformed don't know is Ukraine is losing badly and can't win. They have lost so much of the east of the country that you could fit West Virginia inside the territory UA has lost. At least your economy is doing better than mine.

>> No.27663897
File: 241 KB, 1689x2000, 1650654248590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buhanka-chan of course

>> No.27663896

>russian nazi kids
He wrote this when Holols literally had schools with unironic Nazis, training those kids... lets not forget the SS on some Ukrainian uniforms

>> No.27663922

there is one in nijien, i think

>> No.27663967

Nah, Nina is not russian despite knowing russian pretty well.

>> No.27663995

>Imagine asking polish to overthrow stalin 80 years ago
The Nazi collaborators were the ones doin that sis.

>> No.27664014

Americans calling Russians Nazis, meanwhile Ukraine has literal Neo Nazi military battalions with insignia and all. Mofo doing actual Roman salutes and everything. That's peak Jew propaganda to believe Russians support Nazis.

>> No.27664032

It's literally the same franchises with the same employees and the same ingredients tho.

>> No.27664039

>but CNN told me...

>> No.27664077

Nina and Nyanners.

>> No.27664079
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>> No.27664118

It's not your fault this shit is happening anon it's the corrupt politicians and their own interests.

>> No.27664157
File: 54 KB, 529x599, 1645926683614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27664162

Come back to 2022 there Ivanchik. Your brain is a bit lagging.

>> No.27664210

holy shit, what a based picture

t. Haruhiist

>> No.27664439

>Show me at least one ukrainan that asked for this?
How about tens of thousands of Ukranians in Donbass who were waiting for years for the Ukraine to stop shelling them? Or are eastern Ukranians not Ukranians enough for you?
>Millions hates us
I don't care. Besides millions hated us even before this whole mess has sarted.
>lots of russians literally depise all ukrainans now
When you build your whole national identity on the slogan "Mocкaлeй нa нoжи" you will inevitably pick up a few haters along the way I am afraid.
>All my russian friends with PhD or nice paying job do not support the war
Cool. All my russian friends with PhD or nice paying job do support the war. What now?
>slavic brothers
What brothers lmao. Your Slavic brothers hate you to the bone. Tatars and adygs are more of a brothers to me than some hohols from Lvov.
>China bad
Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union our reations with the West were getting worse and worse while our relations with China were getting better and better. I wonder why that is. Maybe because China never tried to intervene into our internal affairs and never put any sanctions onto us?
Nah, Putin is just a traitor. No need to look for any actual reasons.

>> No.27664482

Here japanese speaking russian vtuber

>> No.27664605

Believe or not, there are nazis in every single country / society. Still, its no excuse to start a war. On top of that, now these "nazis" let former soviet kgbist use themselves to satisfy his crazy ambitions *again*. I won't mention what happened with russian nazis two decades ago, apparently they have memory of dead goldfish.

>> No.27664715
File: 201 KB, 1080x802, тресни себе.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be russian
>go to /vt/ for chill times and fun bants
>see this shit
i hope you get conscripted and blow your brains out, faggot

>> No.27664855
File: 104 KB, 640x852, UE-UVxJin-E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27664925

-15rub, you are not allowed to mention this word. Also, you seem to discredit putin's army, so if you like putin this much, you must deliberately go to jail now.
>China never tried to intervene into our internal affairs
Hahahahaha. Now say this to any siberian.
Also all this whataboutism you said still does not look like an excuse to kill people.

>> No.27665053
File: 51 KB, 681x388, 1644608007151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are my choices for vtuber membership
Paid trip to Kazakhstan/Uzbekistan/any neighbor and creating bank account there. Then repeat every 3 years
Also find a better oshi anon.

>> No.27665071

Я и тaк cибиpяк, гoвнoeд ты тyпoй.
Bы к зaпaдy oт Уpaлa eбaнyтыe нa этy тeмy. Чeм дaльшe вы oт Cибиpи нaхoдитecь тeм бoльшe вaм тyт китaйцeв видитcя.
Дaвaй, paccкaжи мнe, вcю жизнь в Cибиpи пpoжившeмy, кaк Китaй к нaм лeзeт. Пpo cкyпкy лeca ocoбeннo нe зaбyдь, выблядoк, a я пocлyшaю.
>Also all this whataboutism you said still does not look like an excuse to kill people.
Looks like a good enough excuse to me. What now? Gonna cry some more?

>> No.27665203

fucking vatniks

>> No.27665257

Я caм из цeнтpaльный Cибиpи, жил пo вceй Poccии, нecкoлькo лeт в Якyтии и Пpибaйкaльe, Cибиpь люблю, нo здeшниe люди - 80% быдлo и кpиминaл, вce eщe дo хyя тюpeмcкoгo блaтнoгo мeнтaлитeтa. Taк чтo нaдaвaл бы хyйцoв в poт тeбe, твoим фaшиcтким кpoвoжaдным дpyжкaм и твoeмy пыни, paдyйтecь дaльшe чтo yжe пoгибли 10к+ pyccких peбят. Укpaинцeм cлaвa, нopмaльным pyccким жeлaю cвaлить или дoжить дo нopмaльных вpeмeн.

>> No.27665339

Why are still at large, yet you mentioned the forbidden word? You wanna say, you love putin not enough, you brave internet warrior?

>> No.27665428

Aгa-aгa, гepaкл-кopзинoчкa. Bce вoкpyг быдлo, a ты - Д'Apтaньян. Haдaвaл бы вceм хyйцoв, тoлькo хyйцoв-тo нeтy. Maмкa нe зapyгaeт, чтo в интepнeтe плoхиe cлoвa гoвopишь?
Чeгo тoлькo 10 тыш-тo? Чeгo нe миллиoн? лoл
Лaднo, cлив зacчитaн. Пиздyй oтcюдa кpиптo-хoхoл.

>> No.27665480

It's almost like nobody gives a shit about that outside of your western media world lmao

>> No.27665542

>Lahta browses /vt/ out of all places
Absolute state.

>> No.27665603

What are you trying to say, russians do not obey putun's law?

>> No.27665643

shame i can't delete my own thread

>> No.27665683

what were you expecting?

>> No.27665699

What law? lmao
You wana show it to me? It's number maybe?
You seem to believe yourself to be better informed about Russian judiciary than actual Russians.

Did you check under your bed for Lahta today yet?

>> No.27665855

vodka vodka suka govno natasha pizda

>> No.27665901

Why would they deny your card when the ruble is doing way better than the collapsing dollar? They need all the money they can get. Idiot Americans.

>> No.27665983

Only morons like you anon would buy into western propaganda. Go suit up and help your Neo Nazi brethren while threatening to kill your own citizens if they refuse to fight the Russians who are destroying them left and right.

>> No.27666063

retard alert! retard alert!

Says nothing about how evil the U.S. empire is and NATO who have continually broken treaties including those made with Russia not to expand east towards their borders. I guess for morons like you it's easier to just obey what you're told like a good little doggy.

>> No.27666065

>ruble is doing way better than the collapsing dollar

>> No.27666078

Shame on you, not learning putin's toilet paper he calls law. It's fresh new 207.3 УК PФ.

>> No.27666177

strong delusions you got there dude. Ukraine is getting man handled by Russia and they're not even going full out unlike Ukraine soldiers who are NATO trained.

>> No.27666212

/vt/ is vatnik tupoi now

>> No.27666249

Uh what? Do you even know wtf you're talking about? The US is the most evil country in the entire world who has multiple military bases around the world but you think Russia is the one setting the world ablaze? Serious delusional. You have no clue about the situation about Ukraine do you?

>> No.27666337

Cool story anon. I wonder how I am not in jail right now and neither are any of other people who have called the operation "war" over the last few months.
It's almost like there are such things as context and circumstance and intent.
But of course you can go complain about my post to the Russian police if you want. See where that gets you. lol

>> No.27666362

Uh yes brotha, they evil, they many military base have, they nazis, lets blow up that russian-speaking mariupol and call it victory, uraaaa!

>> No.27666400

Russia was forced their hand to start a war. If you knew any better you wouldn't post low brain comments as you did. You'd know who is the real cause of the war with Ukraine and that is no other than the USA and NATO.

Just like much of the horrors on the planet Earth you will find that these two are the culprits in much if not in everything. This includes the fake Jews as well who are committing assassinations on another sovereign nation with impunity because they're backed by the USA.

>> No.27666457

Why wasn't Russian-speaking Kherson blown to pieces? Could it be cause there were no azov putting heavy weaponry in the streets and in civilian houses?

>> No.27666549

Get the rope and change servers

>> No.27666581

Why are you russkies shitposting on /vt/ instead joining your smelly comrades on front lines?

>> No.27666584

why are you laughing? The ruble had gained over 45% since the sanctions where Putin forced other countries to buy in rubles and not in dollars while idiots in the USA get his with lying propaganda that the Russians are the cause of the inflation when it's actually the US government that is the root cause of it all. The US during covid shutdown gave a ton of money when Wall Street crashed. Did you even know that? Do you even know what this means? The dollar became even more devauled. Remember, the dollar is backed by absolutely nothing.

You realize the US is begging Venezuela a country they try to overthrow under a coup for oil? The Saudi's agreed to accept the Russian ruble for trade too?

>> No.27666650

I'll just take your comment as having no fucking clue about the situation about Ukraine. This was predicted to happen for decades. Idiots like you just take the propaganda bait instead of informing yourselves. I live in the USA just to let you know nor am I a Russian.

>> No.27666746

>forced other countries to buy in rubles
>The Saudi's agreed to accept the Russian ruble for trade too
You are wrong. They are buying it for dollar/euro, it's just getting converted to rubles same day via bank exchange. It is made for 2 reasons:
1) Ruble was in free fall(150rub=1$ did happened)
2) USD/Euro is practically useless for government operations.
Because of that, Ruble was too strong to the point government budget was in risk of high deficit(and even removing previous restrictions like forcing to sell 80% of any foreign currency income to rubles). Now it's being artificially weaken to 70/80.
Meanwhile, prices are all over the place. It's just Russians more used to 10%+ inflation every year unlike first-worlders.

>> No.27666780

In the words of a woke girl named Finana. Educate yourself.

In all seriousness, know wtf a shit post means. Much of everything posted here that isn't western propaganda bs can be validated. You should also tell these retards who are delusional and pro-west to stop twisting the topic.

>> No.27666885

Officer's daughter here, it's not that obvious at all...

>> No.27666919

HIMARS stream when?

>> No.27666923

Just google "pyбль" and you understand he not feel good rn

>> No.27666985

why did no one just take their Lada and drive to the middle of nowhere and set up camp and live off the grid to avoid conscription

>> No.27667001

bros when will Putin stream again? fucking lazy whore.

>> No.27667047

My Lada has been stolen by some gopnik

>> No.27667081

What are you talking about?
He was in the BRICS collab just last week.

>> No.27667112

>heavy weaponry in the streets and in civilian houses
is current excuse to ruin whole city? Man, it's hard to keep up with putin's agenda.

>> No.27667136

ah, cyкa...
maybe you can find him passed out on vodka and get it back

>> No.27667194
File: 1.98 MB, 1080x1080, fumo route.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>russian gov approved mass searches for spies among russian population, making people who talk to foreigners criminals
you`ll be unable to do many more things soon, anon

>> No.27667208

>drive to the middle of nowhere and set up camp
Yeah, like that one anon that tried to do that during winter, to be found way later as dead body
Also you can't hunt wild animals even for survival

>> No.27667257

>keep up
Mariupol has been taken months ago. You are one hell of a slowpoke.
I literally go hunting every year lmao
What are you on about?

>> No.27667615

I've found a couple of 1-2-views on twitch without even trying
The question, really, is why the fuck all of them are so bad
