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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27578095 No.27578095 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Indonesia got Nijisanji and Hololive branches before EN. I'm not salty i genuinely curious, because i would imagine there are more people in the world and on the internet that speak english and they probably have more money as well

>> No.27578237 [DELETED] 


>> No.27578263

Japan has a lot of prior business experience with them

>> No.27578511 [DELETED] 

Indonesia is a Japanese cultural dumping ground and economic prostitute post-WW2. Sometimes indogs would even be delusional to believe they're the "correct" kind of asian.

>> No.27578539

>fourth largest population in the world
>developing country
>lots of weebs
>strong cultural ties during WW2 (japan "liberated" indonesia from western colonialism) evolved into strong business relationship later after independence
>most indogs love japan because of that ^
>in general large untapped market with potential
Other than that, I'd like to think Indonesia is a better future investment for them compared to with China (mortal enemy) or the west (japan still harboring hatred towards waito piggu is well known).

>> No.27578591 [DELETED] 


>> No.27579279

It's a growing country with good ties to Japan. Kinda like US and Canada without the developing part.

Phillipines is a hell hole but they could have done what Niji did, hire Flip Canadians.
Vietnam has too much commie influence thanks to China and Russia's vacation spot.

>> No.27579504

The EN market is big but ID's not small. It's a lot more populous than Japan and easy for the Japanese to break into. A lot of the ID streamers use English heavily anyway, so it ended up being a trial run for full-on EN streaming

>> No.27579850
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holo ph when ?

>> No.27579951 [DELETED] 

The statistics, anon
They found that Indogs watch JP vtubers the most (until Myth brought new audience)

>> No.27580009

TL: According to my connection within the vtubers and marketing industry, the reason why Indonesia is a favorite is because of the similarity in many fields, including the anime culture and the jokes.

>> No.27580226

Oh how I missed this kind of thread. Threads like this used to be a weekly (sometimes daily) thing.
But since Kobo debuted, this kind of thread has becoming rare.

>> No.27580235
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Indochads was one of the biggest vtuber audience before EN knows wtf vtuber is. Maya Putri who reincarnated as a Maha5 chuba btw even already collabs with Fubuki before.

>> No.27580327

>strong cultural ties during WW2 (japan "liberated" indonesia from western colonialism) evolved into strong business relationship later after independence
>most indogs love japan because of that ^
History reps please, most Indonesians hate the Japs and prefer the Dutch because 3.5 years under them is somehow much worse than hundreds of years under the Dutch. The relation only getting better recently.

>> No.27580544

>most Indonesians hate the Japs
>tons of weebs

>> No.27580688

The way it was explained to me is that Indonesia is a common test bed for Japanese companies that want to expand overseas but don't want to overextend.

>> No.27580871

reading comprehension reps please

>> No.27580930

Nta, but he was talking about history anon, aka the age of your sexslave grandmother.

>> No.27581034

LMAO which year your history curriculum comes from?

Pretty sure given the choice, alot of Indonesian wants to be under British instead of Dutch. The reason because people look to Singapore and Malaysia, which was under British and they (think they) become successful because they have leftover infrastructure from British-era.

>> No.27581190

is it normal for indogs to spend time thinking about such things as who they want to be "under"? holy fuck the colonial mindset is real

>> No.27581229

>people look to Singapore and Malaysia
Not hololive nor nijisanji though?

>> No.27581242 [DELETED] 

>most indogs love japan because of that

Liking modern japan is recent thing because of their media and pop culture

they hated imperial japan

>> No.27581303

Also if you look at the top 3,

First is China, but the government is pain-in-the-ass. They also need to navigate the minefield of politics too.

Second is India which barely have any penetration of Japanese culture. Most indians don't even know about Japanese foods, let alone Japan subculture, within subculture

Third is USA, and the fundamental culture difference between western and eastern is still there. Alot of westerns still look at Japan in the lens of "funny Asian culture" and cannot even differentiate between China and Japan.

That left with Indonesia. Similar Asian culture, close economic ties, emerging markets, good perception of Japan, etc.... The only problem is that it have pretty low purchase power but they can manage that. Also with penetration to Indonesia, they can also slowly penetrate the entire SEA which have Singapore that can offset the purchase power of Indonesian

>> No.27581317

Reading comprehension reps anon, please for fucks sake, why brings the British all of a sudden? Indonesia darurat membaca.

Also that retarded mindset only exist nowadays because self-hating retarded indogs like you exist.

>> No.27581376

welp...escalated into history talk as quickly as expected. kek

>> No.27581410

These kind of thread always spirals out toward pol at certain replies

>> No.27581482

nah, only the most retarded one think like that. they also usually said things like "i want to change nationality" despite only trash country like some African shit wants to accept trash like them. you can kill people like them and nobody would notice

>> No.27581545

/vt/ was always /pol/ lite. just look at monday's /#/ where the yuropigs are talking about history and politics kek

>> No.27581552

Singapore only have 6-7 millions of people. That's lower than the entire population of just Jakarta. They have high purchase power, but lower number of customers. If MNC want to make headquarter over entire SEA region, they will make it in Singapore due to low corruption, friendly environment, and stable politics, but the main customer will definitely target Indonesia

Malaysia is more religious than Indonesia due to their policy. Race struggle is also more prominent there which also intertwined with the religion too. Malaysia and Singapore is pretty intertwined too so putting office in Singapore is basically same as putting office in Malaysia.

>> No.27581669

mucho texto
show me holoSG/holoMY or nijiSG/nijiMY please

>> No.27581681

bcs of all the western retards that get triggerd if anyone does anything they dont like

>> No.27581770


>> No.27582177

>Most Indonesians hate japs
This is history revisionism by suharto regime who is a western lapdog at the time. Japan basically sparks indonesian nationalism and made modern Indonesia. Without Imperial Japan intervention there will be no modern Indonesia.

>b-but muh romusha, sex slaves, famines, 3.5 years is worst than 350 years etc.
Westoid lies just like the 6 gorillions.

Indonesians love Japs and vice versa.

>> No.27582371

If there is one thing that asians hate more than other asians, it's non-asians.

>> No.27582392

I hate arab-asians more

>> No.27582516

this kind of true. at the very least, the japs made PETA (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenders_of_the_Homeland)), and guess who's famous person graduated from PETA? General of the Army Raden Sudirman (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudirman))

>> No.27583308

>history revisionism
kek, just ask your fucking grandparents. there's a reason why so many people hates Soekarno with his Japs relation

>> No.27583357

wrong, they hate china more

>> No.27583635

right, my granpa even lied about his age to join that, was already taller than the average japs so they bought it

>> No.27585065

Let me guess, you also support Russia because they "support Moslem and Palestine"

>> No.27585454

Who doesn't hate china?

>> No.27585777

Me. I love them.

>> No.27585855
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Yes, I support Russia because their cause is objectively right and justifiable. I don't care about moslem or palestine.

>> No.27585944

yeah china cant china otherwise rip social credit kek

>> No.27586029

Literally also Philippines.

>> No.27586137

Japan loves Indogland.

>> No.27586176

Lmao what is this reversed no true scotsman cope? Anyway china is obviously superior to most other asian countries whether in the past, present and future so there's nothing wrong with admiring them.

>> No.27586349

I dislike the way the maps are drawn there. Lee Kwan Yew should have seceded all those chinese areas of south malaysia instead of just the one district, Singapore's city-state aesthetic sucks.

>> No.27586352

Personally I think it was wrong and short sighted of cover to just jump at "Indonesia" when basically every country in that region can be collectively included in a blanket term like "SEA" and be more inclusive to an even larger market. Because let's face it, there probably wont be any holo PH or MY or TH or VN despite having fairly large weeb audience.

>> No.27586353

Something like that, yes.

>> No.27586480

He didn't have a choice in that as he didn't secede, he was kicked out of the federation because of muh bumiputera retardation.

>> No.27586550

Lmao this thread stinks of midwits

>> No.27586568

The problem with SEA blanket is that most of them dont even speak the same language. Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei might understand each other, and so is Thailand with Laos and cambodia(?). Trying to group them under the same blanket is stupid.

>> No.27586579 [DELETED] 

you think you are smarter than the business analyst that made researches on the market with also fubuki collab with indonesian vtubers way before hololive was a thing, when all you do was browsing /vt/ while sitting on your mommy paycheck .

the absolute state of eops and pagpag eaters.

>> No.27586612

Yeah. Indonesia is a known case to japs businessman

>> No.27586618

yo watch the heat

>> No.27586722 [DELETED] 

brunei , malay , singapore , indonesia and some part of thailand share the same language .

pagpag land , ricefield , and other SEA is different.

300 m speaker .

every JP company know this and they use it for a "trial run" before going full EN

>> No.27586725

AKB has an ID branch. It has alot of weebs compared to the other SEA countries.

>> No.27586757

The Philippines is also a good candidate. Both have relatively good relationship post-war period and the country is basically their junkyard (Japanese surplus stores are everywhere) but conducting a business in the region is currently a bureaucratic nightmare. Thailand is also another good choice. Bangkok literally has a whole 50 storey complex dedicated for otaku hobbies but the population is too small to warrant for expansion. That leaves Indonesia as a better testing ground for business experimentation with lesser risks

>> No.27586788

At least disprove my point you dumb fuck.
All you're doing is shouting assumptions when all I'm saying is be more inclusive by simply using a different term.

>> No.27586822

Nah, my grandma hated the japanese with burning passion. Maybe talk to actual people than reading shit on the internet next time yea?

>> No.27586892

Reading comprehension hello

>> No.27586973

>share the same language

>> No.27587002

Theres no "SEA" Language anon

>> No.27587046

There's a lot of 'weebs' there so they figured it would be a good investment but most of the popular ones just became pseudo EN's and the indo viewers barely donated. Reminder that Nijisanji India was a thing.

>> No.27587150

This actually. Am indon btw.
A lot of business people before the 90s already got connections with Japan. The earliest post Indonesian independence would be Adam Malik (Soeharto's 2nd vice president, national hero, fought against the Dutch etc) actually used wartime Japanese connection to contact the CIA, through this guy Shigetada Nishijima (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shigetada_Nishijima).).

Post 1990s though, Japanese culture exploded (there are some outliers, like my Mom had been reading shoujo manga since 1980s), exploded because western cartoons are too expensive to purchase the license and the TV stations chose Japanimation.

Now imagine yourself growing up in the 90s and 2000s, your dad definitely use Japanese cars, every Sunday morning you watch Conan, Doraemon, Ninja Hattori, Dragon Ball, etc, and on weekdays you learn about the process by which Indonesia got it's independence and the nuance topic of Soekarno having to minimize Japanese role in the Indonesian independence to avoid the Allies judging Indonesia as Japanese puppet.

Oh yeah that part about "Japan 'liberating' (with huge quotes, mind you) Indonesia, that was extensively taught in history class, especially this guy Admiral Tadashi Maeda (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tadashi_Maeda_(admiral))

Ask any Indonesians about Tadashi Maeda and they will know it, it is mandatory curriculum in school.

>> No.27587250

Thailand is too small, yes.

For Philippines, I always think that the Western cultural influence is so much to the point that Philippines "lost" its Asian-ness. But idk am ID bros, what do you think PH bros?

>> No.27587604

It's more of a Pacific Island state than Asian but Japanese shit is big here still. Fucking Micronesia have more similarities to the Philippines than the rest of Indonesia. We should be our own continent tbqh famalam

>> No.27587633

Indian here. It’s easy business in India once you connect with the audience here. Millions of subs in days, it’s possible. The catch is that you have to find the right audience, which is your language. We have 22 official languages. Even the top 5th language has more speakers than korean.

And anime culture is growing in India. It has a lot of potential. We definitely have better ties with Japan, like the major automobile, infrastructure and entertainment companies are from Japan.

>> No.27587675

Filipinos literally had an obscure anime (Voltes V) be the symbol of resistance against the first Marcios dictatorship.

>> No.27587686
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Your grandma does, and I sincerely hope she will got resolution for that one way or another.

But most Indonesians don't hate Japan, in fact Indonesia is the most pro Japanese country in the world.

>> No.27587890

Yeah I heard about that, I heard Filipinos are not sure whether they're Asians, Pacific Islanders, or even Latinos.

Really? Never knew about that. Us Indonesians have our 1st president simping for a Japanese woman, she's still alive and was interviewed by Maya Putri, ID first vtuber.(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewi_Sukarno))
(The interview https://youtu.be/XRZEs8L0LFA))

>> No.27587975


>> No.27588093

Probably he meant that most of the silent gen and boomer are the ones who still hate japan, while millennials and zoomers are more open to japan.

>> No.27588609

why are you so retard anon? we're talking about our granparents generation. of course the newer generation doesn't hate them anymore, we're full of weebs now

>> No.27589664

No, we are talking about current generation. Does your grandparents watch anime and Vtubers?
Hatred by those generations are irrelevant when considering the feasibility of expanding vtuber industry to Indonesia.
Who's the retard here anon?

>> No.27589752

Imagine looking at the world black and white like that.
I don't support Russia, in fact I hate them. But I still think Israelis are asshole because of what they done to the Palestinians. Still, I support the West for the conflicts in East and South China Sea though.

>> No.27590250
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This is your brain on reddit

>> No.27591272

read the original discussion retard >>27580327

>> No.27591295

i'm sorry commie, you must be a zhang huh?

>> No.27591319

it's a sarcasm retard

>> No.27591376

read the original discussion retard >>27578095

>> No.27591420

>Can't make a retort
Happens many times

>> No.27591507

whatever anon, you believe this shit too? >>27582177
not worth my time then

>> No.27591563

kek, imagine being that retard. RIP reading comprehension, can't even follow a discussion

>> No.27591576

No, I'm pointing out the idiocy of this >>27585065

>> No.27591596

You guys talking too deep.
Meanwhile in Cover office.
>Hey look this youtube chart! Looks like we got so many views from Indonesia

>> No.27591645

And there it is, the "do your reps" comes out.
We literally are in a thread talking why Vtubers expand into Indonesia. If you wanna talk about hatred of Japan by older Indonesian generations, go to /pol/ or something, better yet kikebook.

>> No.27591750

/close thread

>> No.27591762

ok, because you're a fucking retard, let me spoonfeed you. that anon was a spouting some retarded nonsense. that's why i post that as a sarcasm "you must believe this stupid shit too" to mock him.

understand? no? well, as expected from a retard.

>> No.27591811

Ohhh I was wondering where she went... She collabed with the first president's literal IRL waifu lol

>> No.27591853

>We literally are in a thread talking why Vtubers expand into Indonesia
And i was just pointing out some bullshit that this >>27578539 anon said.
Still don't understand?

>> No.27592102

Yeah, altho there was a couple of weird videos from Maya Putri that suggest she might come back, but so far nothing substantial happens
Anon please stop exposing our own countrymen retardation. Not only it makes us look bad, it's off topic too

>> No.27592345

You guys don't fucking get it do you fucking retard. Telling "Indons hate Japan cos my grandma hate Japan" doesn't work today. It's irrelevant to talk about old people in vtubing.

And you want to keep pushing these ideas that bcos your Grandma hates Japan that it's relevant to the main point of discussion on why Vtubers expand to Indonesia?

I don't even agree with the guy saying that "Bcos Japan helped Indonesian independence" that's somehow relevant to the vtubers expanding to Indonesia.

But I also don't agree with your idiotic point that because my grandma hate Japan and therefore Indonesians now don't like Japan as well.

Understand now? Did you fail your Bahasa Indonesia and English class because you can't finish your reading tasks? You must be right?

>> No.27592438

this thread is smell like an esl indog hole, good work for contamining these retard

>> No.27592436

Alright, fair enough.

>> No.27592464


Wrong reply, should be these:

>> No.27592490

kek, sorry anon. i just hate retard people sometimes. atleast one already get my point. i will stop replying to the other stubborn one.

>> No.27592593

Tell /ggg/ we'll be there in a jiffy

>> No.27592610

Ok, i already promised to not responding again but this is just ultimate retardation kek. Indonesia darurat membaca.
>But I also don't agree with your idiotic point that because my grandma hate Japan and therefore Indonesians now don't like Japan as well.
maybe learn how to read next time >>27580327
>The relation only getting better recently.
nobody said we hate Japan rn anon.

>> No.27592766

pak, itu anon yang lu reply setuju kalau Indonesia sekarang hubungannya baik dengan Jepang. Dia itu bawa zaman nenek gara gara ada anon yang klaim kalau orang Indonesia dari jaman 1945 udah suka sama Jepang gara gara mereka "membebaskan" kita. Padahal masih lumayan baru persepsi positif kita ke Jepang itu terbentuk.

tolong pak, stop, malu saya baca postingan lu. apalagi itu anon gak mau berhenti mengekspos lu. ketahuan rendahnya reading comprehension orang Indonesia

>> No.27592795

english faggot

>> No.27592837

i'm replying to someone who doesn't understand English

>> No.27593229

me no understand english but watch gura

>> No.27593293

>[EN]Sir, the anon that replied to you agreed that Indonesia has a good relation with Japan nowadays. He brought up his grandma's experience back then because there's an anon claiming that Indonesians already loved the Japanese in 1945 for "liberating" us when only recently did the positive perception towards Japan formed.

>Please sir, stop, it's embarrassing/cringe to read your post. More so since that anon won't stop exposing you. It's a clear view of how low Indonesian's reading comprehension is.

>> No.27593445

I wouldn't exactly call part 2 of the Nagahama Romance Trilogy "obscure"

>> No.27595017

No, I'll still keep at it.
>most Indonesians hate the Japs and prefer the Dutch because 3.5 years under them is somehow much worse than hundreds of years under the Dutch

You use present tense here, "hate" therefore causing ambiguity in the meaning. If you can speak English properly, this wouldn't happen. My first take of that is that "Indonesians currently hate the Japanese" because of the WW2 stuffs.

Nevermind you said:
>The relation only getting better recently
This could be the last 6 months instead of the last 50 years.

Thanks for translating anon.

>> No.27596490

During the Japanese invasion, there was so much fucking going around that it put the general population into submission and changed their ancestry forever. Indonesians kinda developed Stockholm syndrome from it and it carried on till the present day. Now, they see them as liberators. Real life is really strange.
See also "Indonesian comfort women."
