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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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274998 No.274998 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since Uto died, and I finally realized that she's not coming back, I felt all my passion for V-tubers in general die with her. I can still watch the streams and find fun in them, of course, but I can't bring myself to invest in a girl like I did with her. Not when I know how suddenly they can leave you without any warning.

>> No.275053

Life be like that senpai, only you can move on.

>> No.275168
File: 23 KB, 501x443, Korone_sad_withdrawal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Korone disappears, it would add to my sizeable stack of bad memories that slowly break down my psyche until I become mentally crippled, because nothing can replace her.

>> No.275211

I don't know what I'd do, but god I feel bad for the Aloebros

>> No.275226
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I still cope every single day telling myself it's only a matter of time before she comes back...

>> No.275253

>Aloe dead
>Uto dead
>Roa dead
>Meiro dead
Everyone I like dies.

>> No.275262

Korone graduating would put the nail in the coffin for me, and the thing is considering her age, I wouldn't be surprised if it comes sooner than later

>> No.275303

ollie's previous life when she literally cried on retirement stream while singing shelter got me good, i feel bad for other anon that doesn't have the luxury of their oshi being reincarnated to a better life tho

>> No.275341
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>> No.275349

If your oshi has no personality then she is replaceable.
Please keep Aloe away from this thread. At least I can remember her as "Sex"
Maybe trying harder next time?

>> No.275419
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I dont particularly see her as my oshi nor I'd call her a baacharu pre-2018 but my interest to baacharus died down after she got fucked over by youtube and her former parent company. I know she still does strimms and all but it isn't just the same. God I fucking hate modern youtube

>> No.275522

sign up for her fanbox

>> No.275625

what's an oshi?

>> No.275713

>liking whores
stop being a pleb anon, get a better taste

>> No.275751

go back

>> No.275750

>retires your oshi
nothing personnel, kid.

>> No.275839

Please be trolling

>> No.275870

Your favorite.

>> No.275966
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It would be devastating. I can deal with a decrease in streaming time (even to Ayame levels) but it'd be really fucked if she were gone entirely. She's had such a long history and seems to live and breathe this stuff though.

>> No.275978

Please don't mind. Uto fanbase is 90% EOP

>> No.275979

oshi, shortened form of oshitemairu
is a warcry similar to LETS GOOOO

>> No.276056


>> No.276077

Most Aloe fans became fans after she was already dead. I think she only did like 2 actual streams?

>> No.276106

Can you start liking Gura and Ayame please?

>> No.276206

>Uto fanbase is 90% EOP
fuck off chink falseflagger

>> No.276269

Civia and Aloe.
I still miss them.

>> No.276283

it's ironic that coming from utofags and chinkshills

>> No.276350
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go away, zhang

>> No.276558
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Zhang leaves the room and Uto following him.

>> No.276615

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.276685

oshi means delicious in Japonés

>> No.276717

Seething harder Zhang

>> No.276736

no that's oshii
推し means favorite, or "fan of"
>no u

>> No.276784
File: 289 KB, 800x814, 1612508980773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PLEASE keep away from my oshi

>> No.276794

Your oshi is a Zhang's puppet. KEK

>> No.276833
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>is supposed to come back
>disappears again
How does she do it?

>> No.276844
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>> No.277021

Don't think so
Oshi means delicouas

>> No.277472

A certain person called delutaya on YouTube might sound familiar

>> No.277494

doubt she would bother with english if it wasn't a longterm play

>> No.277504

Is Uto really ded bros? :(

>> No.277533

>uto died

>> No.277592

So what really happend to Uto?
last thing I knew was that the thumbnail thing is already solved.

>> No.277632
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She had one of the best designs :(

>> No.277651

I always have 2 back ups just in case.

>> No.277703

nobody really knows
the whole artwork shit happened and she hasn't streamed since
anyone who offers a reason for the hiatus should be taken with a grain of salt.
We don't know anything and there's a lot of misinformation going around.

>> No.278338
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>> No.278447

enlighten me anon

>> No.278574

I know anon, but it's not the same. She belongs with her genmates.

>> No.279155

there's a fuck ton of other content to watch, if you really feel like a singular vtuber is something to feel indignation towards then like, that's kinda sad bruh

>> No.279254

Stop liking Vtubers than... maybe noone will die anymore

>> No.279268

To be fair, this also isn't /jp/. There's no need to use weeb terminology here

>> No.279402

most wouldn't actually disappear without any notice like uto did. Its actually a very shit move, and the ultimate disrespect to her fans.

You'll usually get a least a twitter announcement of some sort so you can have closure, Most people respect their fans at least that much.

All I can say is pick your oshis better. Uto turned out to be shit wrapped in tinsel.

>> No.279543

She didn't quit

>> No.280089

Her age gives her much more reason to stay. What else is she going to do?

>> No.280172

>Sio died.

No more reason to watch Towa play Apex if she's on board.
no more Great Mahjong.

>> No.280183

What happened to Uto? I haven't seen her since her Getting Over It stream

>> No.280184

Eilene is constantly teetering on the verge of death. It's normal around these parts, i miss her /jp/ shitposts

>> No.280273

here >>192975

>> No.280404
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, Ugoku-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone graduating would put the nail in the coffin for me.
If you think this is bad, imagine her literally dead. Because this happened last month:
Cherish the time you have with your oshi an don't cry when she retires. Be happy it happened.

>> No.280771

If Botan debuted at that age, Korone will be fine.

>> No.280935

/jp/ culture separates us from the trash, crossboarders and tourists we share this board with. It stays .

>> No.281056

>There's no need to use weeb terminology here
You know you're still on 4chan, right?
the site that changes t-b-h to desu?
the same one that changes f-a-m to senpai?

>> No.281396

Wait, what happened to Uto?

>> No.281452

A certain devilish vtuber who graduated 4 monts ago

>> No.281708

she's stopped streaming for reasons unknown.
It's been like a month since her last stream.
Shortly before leaving there was an incident that happened where she hadn't paid an artist on time and he blew up on Twitter before apologizing for overreacting.
She paid him late because there was a contract with the artist that pre-paid for the artwork (handled by her management) but it didn't go through so Uto paid for it out of herself and let the artist name his price
the artist settled on $15.

>> No.281787

you can just write out her name you know? it's not related to irl stuff so you wont get bonked

>> No.281850

Don't do what he said anon. there is a reason I stop doing her compilation

>> No.284606

Continue life as usual really, seen plenty of oshi candidates survive a few months before vanishing off the face of the planet. still will continue doodling them even if they aren't there anymore to appreciate it and you never know, maybe someday ill bump into them, living life under a new skin and the cycle continues.

>> No.284607
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Mine does once a week for 2-4 days.

>> No.284630

My oshi got her channel deleted by youtube and I was really sad
It came back after tho

>> No.284684

>The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
Is that supposed to make me not like China? Its kind of hard to hate them for cracking down on a riot while every major city in my country was looted and burned to ground over the summer

>> No.284739


>> No.284885
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We're waiting but we understand Aloebro.

As for me it has been 5 days since Delta started her month long streaming break. We only have 1 confirmed stream on the 14th...

I've fallen into a deep depression. If she were to just disappear...

>> No.285028
File: 25 KB, 400x266, Jean Luc Picard [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvq75xx.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tis better to have loved and lost. Then never to have loved at all.

>> No.285472

She planned it didnt she?

>> No.285636

If your oshi stopped streaming maybe she wasn't that good after all

>> No.285762

Imagine if she makes a 3D debut at HoloFest 3.

>> No.286086

All porn and vulgar language is illegal in china

>> No.286592
File: 8 KB, 670x147, Shounen Manga Nene and Delta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As pic related says my knees would evaporate and I would no longer require them for I would have evolved beyond the need for knees.

>Delta keeps being real cryptic about a 2D and 3D debut almost like they are forgone conclusions
>Nene just scheduled a Free Talk for 9/12/21


Also there would be a Grudge Post of extincion level proportions if it happened.

This messes me up especially because my oshi started talking about Ugoku and how she reminded her of herself. Then she started going into a negativity spiral on stream before catching herself. I guess the one bright spot is it made her actively start taking walks and stuff to improve herself instead of just dealing with it and hoping it goes away.

It did hit me hard though. How many VTubers will be around in 5? 10? years from now.

>> No.286708

i didnt care for her, but the fact that she caved made me super fucking cynical at the vtubing industry and corporate japan in general. i wanted cover to suffer, in my mind i wanted to doxx coco and hit cover where it hurts and i guess that was a monkey paw wish cuz all the chink shit happened.

>> No.286967
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Anon she caved because of personal reasons. Covers mistake was not openly supporting her when it happened but a lot of the reason behind her graduation was her own personal menhara and shitty home life. personally the thing that pisses me off most is the survivors guilt her Gen Mates have to deal with... at least she is doing better I don't want to know how the rest of Gen 5 would have coped with her successfully an heroing. We wish that it had never happened but..

So do all who live to see such times; but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Anon, besides the will of evil. Aloe was meant to graduate. In which case, Delta was meant to redebut having learned to accept the kindness of strangers. And that is an encouraging thought.

I firmly believe that because of her graduation there is a greater good that will come from it which we can't even grasp yet.

>> No.288482

it just hurts me so bad that she said "this industry is very black, im very afraid of these dox attacks, its like a nightmare" and her saying that triggered scum bags to actually do it because she criticized the industry. its good that shes recovered, but theres some absolute despicable human trash in this community bootlicking cover/niji/ccp like their life depended on it

>> No.288757

Oh don't worry I know. EN fans have been a fucking blessing on the JP VTubers specifically because of what you said. It must be some cultural thing though.

>> No.288775

>How many VTubers will be around in 5? 10? years from now.

Very few. Most Youtube channels don't stay active for that long. This isn't to say that they will all completely fall off the face of the earth but most of them probably will stop streaming and maybe occasionally check in on their social media like current old youtube channels do.

>> No.288805

Nothing, death is a natural thing.

>> No.288845

Sephira Su dropped out a while ago but that was something we knew was coming. I almost wish people didn't speculate a reincarnation because I have no clue how I would ever find her again.q

>> No.289644

that thread looks refreshingly level-headed after the last few dumpster fires i saw on /jp/

>> No.289827

Mods actually delete the egregious bs here, so the resident schizo had to dial it back a bit.

>> No.290367
File: 145 KB, 692x1100, 1606630397895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only imagine the state of this board if Nene and Delta did a collab.

>> No.290501
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I'm not sure if the Collab itself or the grudge post would cause the bigger melt down.

>> No.293424

I did what I shouldn't have and went dumpster diving. Fucking heartbreaking.
Pretty soon this shit is gonna be happening to EN indies when Gen2 auditions start and finish.

>> No.294807

Found the pink girl.

>> No.297920

she is dead move on

>> No.298908
File: 93 KB, 225x223, 1604208113732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I am not THAT attached to any vtuber, but I would most definitely feel the loss of my favorites if they were ever to disappear.
Mainly Rushia and Marine. Strongly depends on the circumstance though.
Like, they officially leave the vtuber life? I would miss the streams but try to follow their roommates.
Suddenly disappearing? Would worry, and if they come back doing well then I would hate them forever for not letting people know they are fine.
Death? Now THAT would might me cry even for the vtubers I rarely watch.

>> No.299827

Blue Amelia was based. I want her to do a stream with her big sis Amelia.

>> No.301364
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>> No.303238

Anon they all disappear or graduate in some way. You just have to cherish the time you have together and push her as much as you can while you can so that you won't have regrets when the time comes.

>> No.305305
File: 91 KB, 488x405, 1611959599247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realizing Korone is both younger and more fit than I am is both a curse and a blessing.

>> No.305327

Find a new one.

>> No.306288

So she just stop making content and nobody knows why?

>> No.306511

>look up that guy's channel
>he makes some pretty cool Jojo animations with hundreds of thousands of views
I wasn't expecting that. Ironic that he likes Jojo and his dog died too.

>> No.306707

Yep, Also Utofags and Chinkchills trying to spin a narrative about Uto did nothing wrong. Even after it has been proven to be her fault, they still believe she shouldn't be sorry and isn't wrong. They refuse to acknowledge that she has committed a mistake.

>> No.306864

which one? I'm not following every little drama

>> No.306880

>Uto did nothing wrong
Did what wrong? Fall off the Earth with no warning or explanation?

>> No.307115

Claiming she is Amelia's sister despite being a stranger
Amelia's response

Impersonating of Hololive members



Uto used all of these tags to game the algorithm
>"keywords":["VTuber","バーチャルメイド","バーチャルYoutuber","ホロライブ","白上フブキ","赤井はあと","ときのそら","ロボ子さん","大神ミオ","夜空メル","大空スバル","夏色まつり","さくらみこ","百鬼あやめ","紫咲シオン","アキ・ローゼンタール","アキロゼ","戌神ころね","猫又おかゆ","がおう","兎田ぺこら","白銀ノエル","不知火フレア","潤羽るしあ","宝鐘マリン","桐生ココ","姫森ルーナ","天音かなた","角巻わため","常闇トワ","Gawr Gura","Mori Calliope","Watson Amelia","Ninomae Ina'nis","Takanashi Kiara","雪花ラミィ","尾丸ポルカ","桃鈴ねね","獅白ぼたん","癒月ちょこ","湊あくあ"]
And it is against youtube TOS >>186649 >>185010

Source: https://note.com/jdowua817hdo98/n/nd3e1b5009274

Abandoning her fans is the new one.

>> No.307232
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This archive is dead too?

Misleading Metadata or Thumbnails: Using the title, thumbnails, description, or tags to trick users into believing the content is something it is not.
This policy applies to videos, video descriptions, comments, live streams, and any other YouTube product or feature.

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If your content violates this policy, we’ll remove the content and send you an email to let you know. If this is your first time violating our Community Guidelines, you’ll get a warning with no penalty to your channel. If it’s not, we’ll issue a strike against your channel. If you get 3 strikes, your channel will be terminated. You can learn more about our strikes system here.


When she removed the Hololive metatags from her videos the algorithm stopped recommending her alongside Hololive, her daily subscribers went from 35k down to 5k. Uto didn't suddenly change, she was still getting clipped, she was still doing English only streams and she was still talking about / impersonating Hololive members.

>> No.307264

I see
>Sister thing
Acceptable since it's a common saying for people who share mama, could have been more subtle about it tho
>Impersonating hololive voices
Can't see the issue with that, it's classic content, 0 problem
Scummy, def gives a terrible impression

>> No.307642

About her previous artist is the biggest one. The last 10 Uto threads have 3 dedicated to that issue. I need time a find those archives but you can see Narukami quick run down it for you.

[Eng] Narukami Sabaki features a recent event about Amatsuka Uto

>> No.308236

what's wrong with Ayame?

>> No.308486

The rest are in /jp/ and I don't know where to find it.

>> No.309289

Found her, damn that was fucking sad to watch, i like her current content so much her goodbye killed me.

>> No.310038

>Amelia's response
>chinese subs
every time

>> No.312431
File: 3.69 MB, 618x6041, DeepL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DeepL Translation.
