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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27164989 No.27164989 [Reply] [Original]

>guys trap is a harmful slur :'(
>makes fun of HIV patients
What's wrong with this fish?

>> No.27165039

Why do non-holos have horrible voices

>> No.27165074

brapfish brain please understand

>> No.27165093


>> No.27165104
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>> No.27165180

Hilarious joke
Your oshi has an amazing sense of humor Ryuguards

>> No.27165307

last time you made this thread it got deleted for being terrible.

>> No.27165697

>Stealing South Park jokes

>> No.27166764


>> No.27166878

the woke crowd doesn't really care about being consistent with their beliefs or helping others, they just care about scoring moral victory points within their crowd

>> No.27167409

Canadian education

>> No.27168206

Holos set the standard for terrible voices anon

>> No.27168215

Holy shit bro she would be so cancelled if this were still the 90’s and anybody gave a shit about HIV, damn she lucked out yo

>> No.27168298

she’s hmong actually so it means her lineage betrayed vietnam for the feds of the glorious u s of a where her family has resided since
she’s american retard

>> No.27170141

>HIV affects disproportionately the alphabet community
She didn't think this through huh?

>> No.27174094


>> No.27174154

>>guys trap is a harmful slur :'(
Did she really say that?

>> No.27174324

I just wish people would be retarded with consistency

>> No.27174432

I swear to god, NijiEN went to shit ever since Uki. Finana and the others never gave a fuck about LGBT nor tweeted any poitic shit before he joined. No one was bitching about muh evil parasocial before nocty either.

>> No.27175181

Anon... Finana and many of the others are literally LGBT themselves. And Nina has been very open about her political stances long before Noctyx debuted.

>> No.27175249

>Lazuwhore can't stop being retarded
>It's the male's fault

>> No.27175284

Don't forget Yugo, it's her fault too.

>> No.27175940

Didn't she said that she was talking with Uki about this?

>> No.27176038

That's pretty homophobic of her

>> No.27177209


>> No.27177518

The recent drama with her is because of that. She was crying and explaining how she must be more vocal about this stuff and equating trap with trannies. She's also banning the word futa because of this, she's an uninformed and unintelligent retard.

>> No.27178026
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>fina and many of the others are literally lgbt
Finana is straighter than a ruler, what the fuck are you talking about? Uki, who is gay, is the only lgbt in nijien, mysta is bi which isn't a real thing and if you really wanna push it then Yugo, who's playing a character
Do your reps before posting, you dumb tranny

>> No.27178302

damn you ENmf watch this, at firts i was baffled people liked this but now i'm just sad for you

>> No.27178465

Riiiiiight, just like Nyatasha "I only date Chads" Nyanners.

>> No.27178685

It's not a race anon, you can spell check before posting

>> No.27180397
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>> No.27180415

shes based

>> No.27180434

anon please delete your twitter account for your own sanity

>> No.27180524

nah its too fun to find retards, its even more funny here as they are unironically mentally ill, unlike on 4chan where its more faked

>> No.27180584

Is twitter moderation active? I get the urge to create a shitposting account and go on a rampage from time to time like I do in this site but I heard mods are especially active when it comes to these topics over there.

>> No.27180599

Virgin "u-uhm it makes me uncomfy, please educate yourselves" Finana
Chad "I love trap characters!!!" IRyS

>> No.27180715

right now they are more likly to shadowban, but even then it take sometime for them to notice
it often require you to be reported by a woke idiot
last time i was suspended was because i said to someone that if he believed a woman should have been aborted, he should say that to her face that she deserved to die
7 day suspention

>> No.27180740

You need an active phone number to have a twitter account.
I tried a bunch of those free web ones years ago but they didn't work.

>> No.27180895

What? I never gave twitter my phone number. There is a field in my account settings to add one, but it's blank.

>> No.27180995
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>censoring futa
is this nigger serious

>> No.27181005

Did they change it? Or is it country based?
I'm in central Europe, not some third world shithole.
Sometimes it let me make an account without a number but it gets blocked automatically after a few hours, even if I don't tweet anything.
I wasn't even trying to troll, I just wanted to use the media page.

>> No.27181659
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>> No.27182073

You did see this coming and made sure to do your reps in the past few years, right, anons?

>> No.27182167

I don't think it makes much sense for it to be country based.
Are you accessing twitter on your phone? I do it on my PC. Maybe it demands your phone number if it detects you're on your phone already.
Also my account is about four years old.

>> No.27182277

yes and she told her followers they need to educate themselves better and not belittle trans people lmao
her most recent stream after mentioning the trap shit has been one of her worst received and she disabled comments on it too, so hope she feels good about appealing to the 5 people who gave a shit about people calling trap characters traps while pushing away even more of her audience

>> No.27183558

NTA, but I've been banned from Twitter for 4 years. I'm in Australia, and was forced to give them my phone number even back then. Every time I've tried to make a new account, after some time of being active and following some people, it locks me out and wants my phone number.
I wonder if I should just buy a cheap prepaid SIM.

>> No.27183598

These retards unironically think that futa is a slur for tranny, or if not a slur, an "objectifying" word for them.

>> No.27183997

I can create infinite twitter accounts by just salting a single throwaway gmail, never given them my phone number
Though it has been a few months since I last created a new account

>> No.27184005

What's hilarious about this is it pisses off the autist porn addicts on /d/ who don't mind gayshit and spend all their time arguing about the differentiation between trans, futa, trap, cuteboy, twink, bishounen, genderbent etc.
This is literally only meant to appeal to the mentally ill sort of tranny, and we all know that they can never truly be appeased

>> No.27184697

>This is literally only meant to appeal to the mentally ill sort of tranny
who on top of this are all complete newfags too and have zero idea what these terms even mean.

>> No.27184908

When will we move on from everyone catering to these insufferable fucks

>> No.27185052
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>her most recent stream after mentioning the trap shit has been one of her worst received
The dislike extension should probably be taken with a grain of salt, but it looks pretty brutal nonetheless.

>> No.27185116


Watch the first clip again and say that Finana is as straight as a ruler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbbOQmjKKQI

Unless you've been living under a rock it's obvious that Fulgur is also bisexual, but I'll spoonfeed you some evidence, but if you watch any of his streams it's blatantly obvious:

Vox is also bisexual. So is Elira, Pomu and even your oshi Selen, but I'm not going to spoonfeed you anymore so do your archive reps you fucking retard.

>> No.27185130

When they stop having influence in the vtubing scene, so pretty much never

>> No.27185163

That's why they aren't in hololive.

>> No.27185313

>obviously bisexual
>panders to an audience with bait

you can only pick one

>> No.27185337

Holy shit her fanbase had gone down the toilet

>> No.27185336

Bisexuality isn't real

>> No.27185523

Female bisexuals are straight.
Male bisexuals are fags.

>> No.27185771

I knew she was garbage when she lied to her parents during the pomufeesh collab

>> No.27186999

You faggot. Vox literally said he was Bisexual. Do your PL reps.

>> No.27187057

People say that they're "heterosexual", and I have to believe them because so many people wouldn't just be bullshitting me, but it makes absolutely no sense to me, like how?

>> No.27187100
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sure. i'm the prime minister of japan.

>> No.27187173


really makes you think

>> No.27187349

bisexual on a females usually means she likes another females or femboys, in other words she is just lesbian.

>> No.27187632

Vtwitter was a mistake.

>> No.27187744

1.3K now from what I'm seeing. Nearly tripled from when I first saw it.

>> No.27188401

Wow, all the guys are bisexuals? What a coincidence! It's totally not something they say to pander to both genders at once instead of alienating a huge chunk of their potential fanbase. Nope! Imagine being this fucking stupid and easily manipulated. I genuinely feel bad for you.

>> No.27188594

lol you're a tool

>> No.27188799


>> No.27189872

Kinda hilarious, but also enraging.

>> No.27189937

Oh god, don't let /d/ know, they'll have a nuclear meltdown.

>> No.27190305

this chink is still shook after all this time

>> No.27190383

I am glad they are refusing to offer areas for faggots.
en vtubers are exactly what the people who warned about them said.

>> No.27190513

I mentioned two guys, retardchama. The rest are straight, or gay (Uki). None of the other guys are pandering to all their potential audience by saying they’re bisexual, and are presently alienating a large proportion.

>> No.27192141

>cuteboy, bishounen
These two are the same thing in the literal sense. What's the difference?

>> No.27193742

Yikes dude

>> No.27195159

Has anyone pointed this out to her? It'd be really funny to see it if so

>> No.27195446

Agreed, and I love Lazulight.

>> No.27195598

/pkg/'s problem chuuba graduated for far less shit so maybe you'll get lucky

>> No.27195636

Faggots are deranged sex addicted parasites. They always invade a popular community and attack everyone who doesn't comply to their demands until either the community is destroyed or it becomes a "safe space". Their "safe spaces" are nothing more than a place in which they have beaten everyone into submission and get to behave like the abhorrent degenerates they are without any consequence. See GDQ for reference.

>> No.27195666

> Say trap is harmful because it hurts people's mental health and they may kill themselves
> Makes fun of people who have an incurable virus who will die
What did she mean by this?

>> No.27196938

it's up at 1.7

>> No.27197078

this thread is further proof that identity politics was a mistake

>> No.27197403

It is just her being american

>> No.27197450

A chink American.

>> No.27197709

I wonder if she also slammed Rowling for not having more chinks in Harry Potter like that one cunt who got an acting career out of it did.

>> No.27197866

didn’t Vox say that he’s straight but bicurious? He’s obviously more straight

>> No.27197881

I always assumed that having HIV is synonym of being a gay/tranny

>> No.27198454

You mean breaking her contract with not having another vtuber account while employed with her current company? This isn't the same scenario.

>> No.27199045

holy based feesh

>> No.27199517

Fine, I'll switch my Finana membership to iRyS.

>> No.27199708

how will she see it then

>> No.27199862

fucking traps are dangerous, you get free aids

>> No.27199959

They call it monkeypox now.

>> No.27200049

That's what was pushed by conservatives in the 80s because they needed a punishment from god for gay sex, so they completely ignored the situation until it became rampant.

>> No.27200405
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no idea who this bitch is but that clip was so fucking nothing i can't believe you're all pretending to be mad about this go draw some art of your oshi or something damn

>> No.27200418

you're thinking of mysta

>> No.27200920

Anyone can catch HIV but having anal sex increases your chances.

>> No.27201807

even if she's a hypocrite, that video is still very awkward as hell, what a weird sentence to make. Is the joke just supposed to be that she said HIV?

>> No.27202570

No, Vox also said that in a recent stream. Probably when he was drunk iirc.

>> No.27204424

Imagine taking things the fish says seriously.

>> No.27204740
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>> No.27204967

Fulgur is also bi anon.

>> No.27205356
File: 94 KB, 706x727, FELIVVsVEAc54fE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I was an artist I would draw Finana with the biggest and veiniest futacock possible

>> No.27206237

nigga it's the internet

>> No.27207662

someone should ask zkky

>> No.27208097

>tfw there's an artist named zhang
>he draws futa

>> No.27208252

Nina surprisingly has been pretty quiet about this stuff though. I didn’t expect Finana to be the black sheep of the EN

>> No.27208537

Do you mean Zheng?

>> No.27208553
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This can go two ways
>doesn't apologize, admits she was overreacting about trap, says she'll try to be less dramatic, etc
A few fags blow their tampons, at least some Ryuguards give her another chance
>gives crocodile tear apology about the hiv slur and goes full groveling wokeshit
Sane fans leave, twatter troons smell blood in the water and devour her

I think we all know which is more likely unfortunately. Just hope she doesn't drag any good nijis down the toilet with her.

>> No.27208861

i think it was zheng

>> No.27209455

>They're all bisexual/gay
You've been played by their characters. Guess that means they're good. Not like Mori (oh no deflection), who never made an effort to play into Takamori or IRyS, who did try with BaeRyS, but everyone knows she's straighter than a ruler.

>> No.27209468

>not tweeting this at her directly

>> No.27209523

Done already, go check the QRTs.

>> No.27209621
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guys stop sending her mean comments :(

>> No.27209623

Can't wait. Might as well get some popcorn ready.

>> No.27209667


this is why they're 41ers

>> No.27209680

>guys make sure you don't accidentally end up seeing the truth
>just keep believing my revisionism and don't actually look this stuff up
I hate these people so much it's unreal.

>> No.27209684

Based, this faggot deserves every hateful comment they get.

>> No.27210001

why does finana's fanbase reek of soi and onions?
>t. dragoon

>> No.27211012
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>> No.27211179

>respects transwomen
>hates fags

>> No.27211277


>> No.27211320

What a fucking bitch.

>> No.27211343
File: 1.37 MB, 891x1000, 1650681005265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys trap is a harmful slur :'(
>makes fun of shrine maidens
What's wrong with this fish?
