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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27117322 No.27117322 [Reply] [Original]

vtuber pickme girls
do you like pickme girls?

>> No.27117359

I don't know what a pickme girl is and I don't care
but I don't like Pippa and she should kill herself

>> No.27118250

I only ever see women and troons unironically use the term pickme but Shylily comes to mind

>> No.27118303

This vtuber is probably one of the most annoying vtuber there is.

>> No.27118785
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I like Pikamee girls

>> No.27118996

>name is shylily
>isn't actually shy

>> No.27119117

What's a pickme girl?

>> No.27119125
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>Female lolicon
Total pickme behavior.

>> No.27119297

A girl that tries way too hard to impress a guy and show him that she's not like the rest of the girls.

>> No.27119362

Otaku women are degenerate as fuck. being a raving lolicon like Pika is honestly pretty tame

>> No.27119369

isn't a lily as well

>> No.27119452

This. "Pick me girl" is a word women use against other women they want to ostracize and shame for being different. It usually stems from jealousy and bitterness, both of the attention the other women get from men, but also the balls to have your own style in the first place.
It's funny how anti-feminist it is, despite it mostly being used by self-professed modern feminists. They're essentially accusing the other women of not having agency over their own actions. The hypocrisy is astounding.
In other words, anyone using the word isn't worth listening to.

>> No.27119662

Okay pippa

>> No.27119772

I don't think she's a pick me girl she's just like that from being terminally online for years. Her collab begging is pretty fucking annoying though reminds me of Mori.

>> No.27119889

It’s literally just pandering to /here/ and Kiwifarms

>> No.27120152

The female equivalent of "coon", a nonconformist.
Used exclusively by feminazis

>> No.27120281

>pickme girl
A pc way to say attention whore, and every vtuber/eceleb is an attention whore.

>> No.27120288

Usually but it sucks knowing they don't buy what they tell us.

>> No.27120297

Pipkin girl

>> No.27120349

Damn you just described Phase Connect

>> No.27120352

Any girl that uses "yeah, I go on 4chan, isn't that so quirky?" as a personality trait because she wants men to praise her. Brain dead subhumans have been misusing it to insult conservative women or women with differing opinions because of twitter brain rot, when it really just means women that are vocal about hating other women because they want men to give them attention instead. Literally "pick me, not her!" type of female and they get annoying quick. They don't actually have their own opinions and will change them when they don't get enough male attention.

>> No.27120369

Pippa slandering faggots will burn in the Lake of Fire, come Judgement Day.

>> No.27120428

Isn’t pippa an MMO e girl also?

>> No.27120508

>They don't actually have their own opinions and will change them when they don't get enough male attention.
Sounds like every woman

>> No.27121042

This. Only the cattiest feminists unironically use this word.

>> No.27121089

>They don't actually have their own opinions and will change them when they don't get enough male attention.
This describes like 99% of women. Are you retarded? (and for the remaining 1%, change male attention to female attention)

>> No.27121300

Basically like an uncle tom but for women. Trying to pander to men with misogyny so they look "not like those other whores"
Pippa's desperate "I'M LE /HERE/" gimmick is a prime example of that.

>> No.27121324

Define "pick me" girl.

>> No.27121380

Oh those are the fucking worst. The more you try to be different the more you end up being the same as the rest. Except shondo and half of phase connect. They're built different...

>> No.27121644

I mean so is Ina

>> No.27121699

Pippa isn't even /here/ newfags, she's from kiwifarms and she acts like a redditor. Stop calling her a /here/tuber.

>> No.27122058

Pick mes are the best type of girl.

>> No.27122265

So the female equivalent of a white knight? or "not like other girls" sorta deal?

>> No.27122424

A woman that makes other women seethe.

>> No.27122457

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.27122576

It's like women's version of calling someone a male feminist.

>> No.27122620

Pippa acts like a 2016 refugee, I'd bet she doesn't even browse any boards other than /v/ and /vt/

>> No.27122654

why is that a bad thing if it's who they truly are?

>> No.27122755

Pickme hands wrote this

>> No.27122770

because it's not who they truly are. Women are incapable of having opinions, they're a hivemind.

>> No.27123095

How the hell is she a "pickme" girl?

>> No.27123150

There is no judgement day and we're already in hell.

>> No.27123185

Hi Pippa

>> No.27123190

Because they aren't. They form their entire identity on the idea that no woman is as unique and special as they are. If they meet another girl who likes video games like they do, instead of seeing a potential friend they see someone who challenges their worldview and they will relentlessly pick on them until they go away.

>> No.27123228

she deserves all the shit she gets
t. knower

>> No.27123399

Pretty much.

God I wish. They're cute.

>> No.27123562
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Pic related is what I think about pickmes

>> No.27123709

A woman who does not subscribe to the idea of being a fat ugly retard who antagonizes men or a thot who gets pooped on for onlyfans bucks.

>> No.27123748

>is a whore
>but not for you

>> No.27123797

Didn't Pippa got literally picked up by someone on stream?

>> No.27123837

>Because they aren't.
How do you know? What tells you that the vtuber in the OP only talks about her plushies, pets and old MMOs to appeal to men?

>> No.27123886

A. "Pickme girls" don't exist, it's a term made up by bitter bitches mad that their man doesn't give a fuck about their stupid interests.
B. Not this one.

>> No.27123954

>If they meet another girl who likes video games like they do, instead of seeing a potential friend they see someone who challenges their worldview and they will relentlessly pick on them until they go away.
As opposed to the "normal" non-pickme girls who definitely don't do that, right? What a joke.

>> No.27124107

Because it hurts feminism, woman should put the movement before themselves as feminism benefits all woman not just an individual

>> No.27124140

Why do I get the feeling this therm is gonna lose all meaning and just be used to shit on people who arent 100% normalfags?

>> No.27124184

>pickme girls
I wish a girl would just pick me instead, at this point I don't even care about looks, personality or hobbies, I'll learn to like her eventually, just needs to be female, being alone hurts too much bros

>> No.27124374

That one is starting to get an ego, so not her.

>> No.27124401

A pick me girl is a woman who does things that seem to pander to men for attention. Same applies to lesbians but it’s predominantly straight women looking for dick or attention desu.

>> No.27124431

What's the drawback of dating a pickme, really?

>> No.27124432

That's the only thing it ever meant.

>> No.27124468

>>27124140Most buzzwords like these are already used against people who don’t agree with others tho

>> No.27124494

It never had a real meaning in the first place, women just can't resist the urge to punch at other women for the most asinine reasons.

>> No.27124512

They're even more mentally ill than the average woman.

>> No.27124570


>> No.27124574

Am I supposed to dislike bitches who try to pander to me? Why the fuck would I do that? How is this even a term? Women are so fucking stupid, thinking men are going to dislike other women who try and get men to like them.

>> No.27124716

Because they're women who would let pretty much anyone do whatever they want to them just for the attention.

>> No.27124782

If a woman shows any interest in men other than me, she’s a whore. If a woman shows no interest in men and doesn’t listen to them, she’s a dumb bitch. If a woman doesn’t like a woman who I like, she’s a hypocrite, because a woman has to love all women and also me. If a woman shows no interest in other man, listens to everything they say, and hates any women who do otherwise, she’s based and respelled but I bet she’s also secretly a whore and I’ll have to keep an eye on her. It goes without saying that a woman who doesn’t show interest in men besides me doesn’t exist.

>> No.27124933

Attention from you or from other men too?
Sounds like it's just a slut then.

>> No.27125224
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>Attention from you or from other men too?
From anyone willing to give it to them. They're the type of women who get into weird BDSM relationships with older men, or who act like dogs in public because it gives their boyfriend a boner.
>Sounds like it's just a slut then.
Pretty much

>> No.27125330

A pickme woman is a woman who shapes her appearance, behavior, and interests around pleasing men. Often because such a personality is really off putting for socially well adjusted people, the pickme woman gravitates around groups of men who aren’t socially well adjusted, don’t get much attention from women, and therefore are desperate for what attention they can get and don’t mind her shallowness. Such men are usually misogynistic and misanthropic, so the pickme woman conforms to those biases, further alienating her from normal people, especially women. It should be pretty obvious that any romantic relationships of the pickme woman and the men she surrounds herself with don’t usually go well, with either her ending up a doormat or asserting herself and being ostracized for acting like a normal woman. The same situation also happens with pickme men though due to power dynamics the pickme men also typical rule their relationship.

This was a good deal of text but would be pretty obvious to anyone that isn’t terminally reactionary and needing to twist any insult normal people use to place the blame back on women. Hope this cleared things up.

>> No.27125436

now i really want to meet a woman like this, sounds awesome

>> No.27125454

Well needless to say I won't be picking you

>> No.27126133

why do vtubers attract so much vicious autistic antis? you don't see these kind of things in any other hobby!
honest inquire btw

>> No.27126136

>The same situation also happens with pickme men
I don't believe those types of men exist, you mean those male feminists who talk about polyamory on the twitter? They never have girlfriends, they're like Anthony Burch

>> No.27126151

Why do idiots like you throw the textbook definition around like anybody actually uses the term this way? It's exclusively used by women who are mad that another women is getting more attention than they are.

>> No.27127028

Anthony Burch had a wife and they definitely exist.

Except it’s not used like that, they’d just say she was a bitch. Besides what term they’d use, it’s obvious you don’t talk to many women if your default assumption for conflict between them is that there’s jealousy for attention. It certainly happens but it’s like saying that men call another man a fag because women like him more than them.

>> No.27127095

Using something that boils down to"Men actually like you" as an insult is so strange.

>> No.27128799

It stinks of Luxiem sister in this thread

>> No.27129128

>and they definitely exist.
What are some examples of pickme men?

>> No.27129189

>implying feminist retards don't use the term against anyone not being part of the hivemind
Also funny how you went from "le pick me up girl bad" to "basically A SLUT". You type like a femoid seething.

>> No.27129295

Male feminists and far-left weirdo men are pickmes.

>> No.27129332

>muh soggy kneeeees
Feminist leftist hands typed this post.

>> No.27129426

Because the community has a higher than average density of terminally online people and because the industry could be the next in line for culture war bullshit (courtesy of totalitarian leftoids and faceless corpos).

>> No.27129497

it really does

honest inquire an-non, this is the first time your post is not hot garbage, i'm proud of you

>> No.27129594
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>> No.27129629

>you don't see these kind of things in any other hobby!
Yeah there's never been anyone that's attempted to assassinate a sitting president of the United States because he wanted to fuck an underage starlet or anything. There's also never been a weirdo that tried to send an acid bomb to an Icelandic coal burner. If you genuinely believe vtubing is unique in this regard you need to get the fuck off this site because it's intended for people 18 years or older.

>> No.27129667

>people who arent well-adjusted are le evil

You are on the virtual youtuber board on 4chan. Maybe some self-reflection is necessary

>> No.27129738
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Simps trying to defend their pick me girls of choice while being in denial they're gross white knights is the funniest consequence of vtubing

>> No.27129802

A woman who men find tolerable to be around.

>> No.27129975

Really? I thought the funniest consequence was thots being unable to thrive in the industry with vulgar sex appeal alone, making them seethe at women with actually interesting personalities. Weird.

>> No.27130063

Sorry to hear you're a stick in the mud, roastie.
Maybe next life people will like you.

>> No.27130067

This. Women are pure evil.

>> No.27130110

go back to twitter, tranny

>> No.27130109

>The female equivalent of "coon"
A niggerese?

>> No.27130239

It's almost as if foids are NPCs or something.

>> No.27130361

This reminds me of that "having a daughter makes you the ultimate cuck" copypasta

>> No.27130395

When did this board start using pickme? I swear a few months ago it was only used in /NijiEN/ to shit on Finana but now I see it everywhere. Did something happen?

>> No.27130510

The industry grows, and so does the fanbase. Growing pains. Will it re cancer or will we emerge stronger than ever, we can only do our part.

>> No.27130536

What happened to the rrats I was promised? I thought big drama was supposed to happen now that her dog died.

>> No.27130538

This board has a high ratio of women

>> No.27130576

>any conversation involving women instantly degrades into misogyny and incel angst

I’d recommend the same to you.

>> No.27130583
File: 381 KB, 483x469, 1656373347335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijitwittertrannies are behind the anti pippa threads
I am not surprised. Adding to my filter list then

>> No.27130595

More like the female equivalent of Uncle Tom or the House Nigger.

>> No.27130622

Kiwifarms bitch

>> No.27130633

Why? She is just taking a break (unrelated to the dead dog btw, it was announced before the dog died). No rrats except for maybe the fact that it confirmed that she is no longer living with zax (who is potentially her bf or cousin or furry friend, depending on how schizo you wanna go).

>> No.27130634

Is this real?

>> No.27130635
File: 58 KB, 513x371, 1627840483741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you on about you retarded nigger? I'm not the one who equated them to sluts first, I just agreed with that anon that pickmes are sluts.

>> No.27130686

They are desperate now than Phase Connect is reaching low tier person of any color (nijinigger) numbers.

>> No.27130710

I'm fairly certain if he were not the boyfriend she would have been more straightforward about it.

>> No.27130775

Yeah, its possible, although she had a "assume every chuuba has a pchan" stance from the start. I also think he is her bf, but I just wanted to give a neutral report without voicing my opinion on the issue.

>> No.27130788

No one cares about your annoying heretubers. An entire corpo full of pickmes, brats, and containment breakers.

>> No.27131143
File: 129 KB, 658x712, 1656033512461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares about your twitter/tumblrbait preferences either. Seethe, dilate, and commit 41% you fucking faggot

>> No.27131155

Sounds like the ideal gf/wife then.

Tell me more about where I can find pickme girls

>> No.27131230

Nah, pick me girls are absolute trash. You'll learn one day. Hopefully the lesson won't sting much. There is a reason there are separate terms for being a tomboy and a pick me girl.

>> No.27131327

Lots of femcels in this thread
Luxiem was a mistake

>> No.27131399

No it didn’t, she still lives with Zax

>> No.27131527

Yeah no shit. A tomboy exhibits masculine traits, and from what I learnt in this thread, a pickme exhibits the feminine traits that men find likable. Nothing wrong with either, but I much prefer a pickme girl.

>> No.27131683

No it exhibits what a loser girl trying to suck up to men thinks men like.

Not what actual attractive feminine girls exhibit they live their life being naturally attractive.

>> No.27131691

the problem with the concept of a pickme girl is that it implies that not all women are deceptive shapeshifters that lie and fight each other for social capital (i.e. attention)

>> No.27131790

It did. She said another dog, not the one you sometimes hear during streams, died while she was streaming. She said someone else was babysitting the dog, somewhere else. Then Zax said that his dog died in !Pippa discord. So yeah, it confirms they are no longer living together or at least they were not living together while this happened.

>> No.27131821

Not true, all women are extremely basic and everything they do is for attention.
Those who pose as "based and redpilled" specially on the internet, only do this because they're not getting the attention they want from guys otherwise.

>> No.27131848

How much more straightforward do you get than announcing your virginity on stream?

>> No.27131881

A strong part of the pick me girl stereotype is pretending to have tomboy qualities, because men like that.

>> No.27131883

You realize Pippa has a bf, right? She is not attention starved at all.

>> No.27131968

I take that as talking as Pippa the character. Or at least so I would like to believe. Otherwise I would feel too bad for Zax (that furry faggot).

>> No.27132035

She only pegs Zax, he practically broadcasts it
Whether that counts is up to you

>> No.27132051

The one thing I'm noticing is that ITT a lot of people are unwittingly saying that pick me girls are garbage, but framing it instead as all women are essentially attention whoring pick me girls. That's all you need to know of the subject.

>> No.27132066

I want a loser girl trying to suck up to me. End of discussion.

>> No.27132145

If she's making an effort to make me like her, that's a great indicator for being good future partner.

>> No.27132235

Mutually assured construction.

>> No.27132260

So it's just her pandering to /here/ like everything else she does, got it.

>> No.27132264

imagine not understanding the difference between pretending to be someone else and trying to become someone else

>> No.27132272

All women are the same and want the same things, but from I'm seeing, pickme girls at least go about it in a better way.

>> No.27132302

Its okay to hate women and also support them

>> No.27132321

imagine being a roastie.

>> No.27132363

you are who you pretend to be

>> No.27132398

Eventually and if you have at least a bit of the wood for it.

>> No.27132418

Pretty much this, double-digit IQs can't understand it

>> No.27132422


>> No.27132426

Imagine thinking that people ITT are roasties instead of more experienced men trying to save your life.

>> No.27132497

You are who you choose to be. You aren't who you pretend to be. That's exactly the difference between being and pretending to be.

>> No.27132498

>he really beliebs

>> No.27132501

Sorry, excessively "experienced" (rumao) born again femcels

>> No.27132527

Yep, fake it till you make it

>> No.27132726

No. You cannot choose to be anything you want, retard-chama. You can, however, pretend and in pretending you actually practice and eventually become. Unlike what you can actually practice as, you have to at least somewhat do it, unlike just "choosing" what you want to be. The scope of what you can decide to fake till you make it is narrower than mere choice.

>> No.27132756
File: 71 KB, 400x400, peepo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golly gee, this thread is still going? And nary a whore to been seen besides the one in the mirror. Pathetic; gone are the days of fem anon's perky tits. This thread would've been perfect for her. I miss her more with each passing day. Where has she gone, my far right beauty? She almost makes me forget that women aren't people. Yet this thread reminds me of why I became homosexual by choice so no matter how much I love her, it can never be.
Also Pippa is fine I guess.

>> No.27132760

Why would I not pick a pick me up girl over you other crabs in the bucket? If you're not my oshi its because you dont appeal to me. Imagine people having tastes, be it catering to /vt/ or reddit, rocket launches, RTS, Apex, CS or whatever the fuck. Now go back to streaming to your audience of 2.

>> No.27132885

>You are who you choose to be.
>I choose to be a girl who appeals to men.

>> No.27133047

Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke.

>> No.27133176

Choosing to pretend is a choice.

>> No.27133262

>You are who you choose to be.
spoken like a true tranny

>> No.27133393

>You are who you choose to be

>> No.27133586

Retards still misunderstand what this means.
If you want to be a doctor, it means, act like a doctor. Not to pretend that you went to medical school.

>> No.27133678

>retard who can't differentiate between something rare and something that happens a lot
>oh both happen so they must be the same

>> No.27133706

Pretending in this context is just highly focused high stakes practice.
Irrelevant for the point at hand. Also religion has a deeper meaning than bronze age fairy tales as fedora atheist point out (and I say so as an agnostic athesit/pantheist). Free will, even under physicalist determinism (or even stochastic inevitability), is possible if you do not try to pigeon hole the definition of free will into supernatural territory. Plenty of compatibilist positions do not require an appeal to supernatural or even beyond physics explanations (example: a nervous system decision making processes subset based definition of free will that considers freedom in the mathematical sense of degrees of freedom, specially given how our brains are pretty fucking complex systems).

>> No.27133719

>they are pretty much like sluts
>I never said this
do you need help?

>> No.27133757

Ok retard, but when you are no doctor and act like a doctor, you are pretending or faking it. Maybe you failed to understand the phrase? No, everyone else is wrong but me lmao.

>> No.27133788

>reee stop liking what I don't like

>> No.27133815

Practice is a choice.
High focus is a choice.

>> No.27133867

dont know what a pickme girl is supposed to be but pippa does seem like a fake attention whore

>> No.27133962

The difference is in what you're faking, retard.
You're faking confidence. Not your interests.
Certainly not faking your hobbies.

>> No.27133987

She is a vtuber. Ofc she is at least a bit of an attention whore. She does not give any more fake vibes than most vtubers tho

>> No.27134332

>If they meet another girl who likes [thing] like they do, instead of seeing a potential friend they see someone who challenges their worldview and they will relentlessly pick on them until they go away
thats women in general

>> No.27134355

She can't be any worse than what happened with koopa

>> No.27134469

Men fake their hobbies to appeal to women, why shouldn't women return that favor?

>> No.27134683
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>Women showing active interest in men
disgusting, women should bottle their interest and expect the man they like to figure it out based on vague, often counter intuitive signals and only come clean about 10 years down the line during a meeting

>> No.27134872

>shitty quality stops being shitty because other people do it too
Damn, I never thought of that. If I take an eye for an eye, I get to take an eye.

>> No.27135034

No, it is a GOOD quality that encourages common ground between males and females, even if it takes practice and effort to get there. Not like you would get the notion of putting effort in.

>> No.27135727

Imagine writing all that to a shitty MGR shitpost. And how is it irrelevant to the point at hand? If Pippa wants to appeal to /vt/ schizos then let her. Free will and all.

>> No.27135841

Yeah, I am on your side in this one. Also I think half of the perceived pandering is just her being a regular imageboard shitposter.
