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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27020111 No.27020111 [Reply] [Original]

ASMR stream in 20 minutes!


Nadeshiko is a witch princess who likes ASMR, chatting, TCGs and you! She's a sweet multilingual Japanese girl, with talents ranging from ladylike to edgelord. Generally seiso, a little introverted, and very committed to opsec and idol culture.

>[ New Event: Awakened Briar ] - Redebut on July 9th, 13:00 UTC (teaser below)

>Recent roleplay scenarios
Onee-san Comforts You: https://youtu.be/ZkjBL-nk4fE
Waking Up Your Bratty Girlfriend: https://youtu.be/Sb2iJERN0Cw
Yandere Maid: https://youtu.be/Q0YKJDwzlBM

>Design reference, wishlist, etc.

>> No.27020877

Based oilbaron

>> No.27021080

Thanks for making Nade happy, gifter darklings!

>> No.27021283

Get in there

>> No.27021348

i want nade to thank me directly like that

>> No.27021386
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I always forget how long shes been on twitch

>> No.27021787
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>Nade right now

>> No.27022063

Is she still a PNGtuber?

>> No.27022088

does she lick ears yet?

>> No.27022098

Her commissioned model will be shown july 9th

>> No.27022335

I just noticed the learderboard on throne. That could be a little yabai (to me at least)

>> No.27022627

When did someone buy the cat ears?

>> No.27022689

I bought them about 3 hours ago

>> No.27022744

Does she have stream alerts set up?

>> No.27022803

You can toggle stream alert when buying stuff if this is about throne, but it didn't work last time if I remember correctly

>> No.27022815

Why are you giving her gifts and not attaching your name, darkling?

>> No.27022934

I'm just a humble lurker, I guess I can come up with some name next time

>> No.27023019

Am I the only one who feels discouraged of using the chat during ASMR?
it feels like interrupting her or something

>> No.27023199

she needs a quieter space
how close is that microwave from her lol

>> No.27023457

This is more of a whisper zatsudan rather than an ASMR stream with props, so you aren't really interrupting things I think.

>> No.27023504

It's the 3Dio's "fault" I think. They weren't that loud with her normal mic

>> No.27023627

The real question is which Oil Baron is buying the Rinko cosplay?

>> No.27023727

Can't you do fundraisers in throne or is that not available in japan yet? It would be easier if all of us can throw our money together for the more expensive stuff

>> No.27023878

I bet even if nobody said anything Nade would intuitively find stories to tell. The zatsu queen. Can you imagine Nade doing purely sound asmr without saying a word?

>> No.27023964

She didin't really talk that much during that sponge ASMR.

>> No.27024403

Nade I'll be your boyfriend so you don't get jealous

>> No.27025923

Darkling got more than he bargained for, me jelly

>> No.27025968


>> No.27026224

The "can't buy love with nadeshicoin" comment got her saying "you already have it"

>> No.27026358
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She's so nice with us..

>> No.27026408


>> No.27027304

>Nade has a beach skeb coming in for something exciting in the near future
Another beach date confirmed?

>> No.27027383


>> No.27027574

Pretty comfy. She seemed happy and content somehow. When she talked about taking care of the kids she grew up right in front of me even more. Imagining her wrangling little children and wrestling with thwir logic, amagah! my heart!

>> No.27027771

fell asleep to her voice/10
she's real comfy

>> No.27028231

nades asmr SUCKS cause she doesn’t whisper she just speaks normally

>> No.27028364
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dropped your image

>> No.27029697

I didn't like a lot of the discussion that happened early on and towards the middle. She says she wants to understand people better but then she proudly talked about how condescending she is. Her teacher voice and the way she stared at someone trying to talk to her are the primary examples from this stream. She's really immature and it gets downright grating sometimes now that she's trying to leave behind her bratty image that would have disguised these traits as endearing. The way she talked about the problems that young kids have was a perfect demonstration of her hypocrisy. She made a show of how kind she acts to kids and their problems even though they aren't so serious from an adult's perspective. Meanwhile she was crying over a dress last night. Compare that to a child who thinks they're going to lose their friends and end up socially isolated. If anyone would be able to empathize with that, you would think it would be a girl who struggled all her life to make friends.

The problem is that there's no way to bring this up on stream without looking like an asshole, especially when the title is something about comfy healing or whatever. The only reason I'm not blaming the chat for not standing up to her is that they're not in a position to do so without ruining today's stream, even if it would make future streams better. She needs a dressing down for her lack of self awareness. Maybe then she'll finally start to understand what real maturity is.

>> No.27030125
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>> No.27030159

Anon... she's a woman let's be reasonable here she will literally never learn.

>> No.27030161

lol, lmao even

>> No.27030349

Ewwww, entitled faggot detected
>Captcha: STD2H

>> No.27030496

Of all the dismissive comments here, you're by far the worst. You could at least have the courtesy to call me an incel directly.

>> No.27030815

Nade has mind of teenager, but let's be real her fans are not much better
You sound even more condescending and entitled than she is in some situations

>> No.27031207

Theres nothing to bring up. Thats just your personal opinion. Ill give you the courtesy of letting you off with weak bait charge.

>> No.27031222

>You sound even more condescending and entitled than she is
I'm aware. Except that I wouldn't call her entitled so I win against her here by default. I'll remind you that this is an anonymous post, so attacking my character doesn't address any of my grievances because there's nobody to take responsibility for this criticism. No matter what you read into it, this is about her, not me.

>> No.27031388

And for what it's worth her fans are fine. I can even cite outside opinion on this.

>> No.27031398

It's nice hearing Nade but for me personally these whisper zatsus make it a little hard to listen to unless I'm fully invested. If I was a rratmonger I'd be saying that the whispering is because she got noise complaints but she's got other stuff planned so it's not that. I hope things look brighter for her so she can feel brighter.

>> No.27031703

Oh I read that too, I thought it was about some other Nadeshiko. But yeah this is one of the nicest, chillest fanbase even with occasional arguments and grumpy posts.

>> No.27031759

Simply don't watch her then.

>> No.27032081

>Can I not like her and still have criticism?
I hate how this has to be my next line because this was used to justify the dumbest rrats and timeloops and paint the thread as nothing but yes men. However this is the situation. I like watching her. I have criticism.

>> No.27032132

>When the dress buying situation came up and us unable to see her wear it, when she said in the teasing 'is that so?..'


>> No.27032408

she's gonna reveal her idol/model identity to us in a year
screenshot this

>> No.27032410

>I thought it was about some other Nadeshiko
That's possible since the post didn't say Nadechama, but I can't think of anyone else it could be. The only other Nadeshiko I've ever seen mentioned is Komae Nadeshiko in the ASMR threads.

Handcam streams.

>> No.27033074

Probably handcam or a censored picture of her in the dress

>> No.27033289

Anonimised nade in a dress was what i was imagining...

>> No.27033423

Or a skeb of Nade in said dress..

>> No.27033498

Nade please lick ears already
only then will I Gosling

>> No.27033857 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.27033952
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If her canon art is anything to go by, you're the one who will be doing the licking. Now kneel.

>> No.27034583
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>> No.27034765


>> No.27035004

I kinda felt the same way but about her relaying her dad's advice to not apologize to people if you did something wrong but they don't have proof. It doesn't help that some people in the chat like to encourage her to express her negative traits as if they are something cool.

>> No.27035177

what her dad said was more 'don't let authorities trap you into confessing'
anyway if she's so bad then just leave lmao

>> No.27035623

Did you feel called out?

>> No.27035885

NadePapa is right though. Never apologize unless you are clearly in the wrong.

>> No.27035947

t. glownigger

>> No.27035974

The consensus for that seemed to land at saving your apologies for the people who care about you, which makes sense. There was more nuance about interpersonal issues and bad actors coercing apologies but as actionable advice, it's wisdom to live by.

>don't let authorities trap you into confessing
This is extremely important practical in a practical sense. All law enforcement agencies used this to secure guilty verdicts and the tactic is notorious for false confessions. In all likelihood, if they're doing this, they don't have the evidence to convict whether you did it or not.

>anyway if she's so bad then just leave lmao
Your other point was good. Cut that out.

>> No.27036019

>practical in a practical sense.
advice in a practical sense.

>> No.27036105
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>the only apologies I accept

>> No.27036115

cute, Cute!, CUTE!

..Yandere though..... Nade?!

>> No.27036390

why yandere? it's just nekonade

>> No.27036430
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I usually enjoy reading your autistically detailed rate posts even if I don't agree with them but this one felt a little mean. Harsh cirticism is fine I guess, at least you aren't posting in a bad faith
Sorry for asking but aren't you the guy who I shilled Nade in wvt 2 weeks ago? I'm glad you checked her out if that's you and I hope you enjoy her.

>> No.27036509

Looks like someone is attempting to revive the /ccu/.

>> No.27036528

Wish I had a Nadepapa when I was younger.

>> No.27036638

Look at the eyes! She has the rushia glare!

>> No.27036648

Nade is always a little bit yandere as a treat.
It's the pinch of spice that keeps things exciting.

>> No.27036920

I checked that part of the VOD again. I didn't catch the part about it being someone trying to pressure an apology out of you the first time. It makes more sense in that context.

>> No.27037062

It's common advice for dealing with twitter mobs. Like in the case of law enforcement they just want your guilt, and don't care if you grow from acknowledging your mistakes.

>> No.27037406

>a little mean
My criticism has always been mean. It's why it's here and not in a marshmallow and only now that I'm sure she doesn't frequent the threads. The feedback helps me refine the points. It didn't get much this time and I think it's because not enough has happened for most people to see what I'm talking about yet so I'm going to shelve it. But if these issues boil over before I want her chat and twitter reply guys to be ready to help. I care about her but there's only so much I can do.

>> No.27037620

Especially in Japan and Asian countries.

>> No.27037760

I support twitter mobs
they keep people in check

>> No.27037837

We're just time looping because it has been a while since you have laid down heavy criticism.

>> No.27038548

Yeah, Twitter treats your apology as content - something to be shared as far as possible, not just to the people affected by it. So you can end up getting yelled at by people completely removed from the issue who had no idea who you even were, just because they were introduced to you as a wrongdoer.

Well sure, Nade isn't perfect. But I'm not sure if a group of dozens of internet strangers with different opinions is qualified to give anyone the kind of heart-to-heart you're looking for.

>> No.27039267

Before this we were on the vacation arc which was an excellent change of pace from the usual. Stethoscope ASMR, loud karaoke, surprise twitter spaces, a beach photoshoot to imagine, Nade dokos popping up from twitter darklings. I have no complaints except that she didn't save the spaces for anyone who couldn't catch her odd hours. I can give positive criticism too. I haven't forgotten why I like to watch her.

Contrast this with the dress arc so far. We've had two streams of her showcasing her cynicism despite her winning her dream job and a hobby that lets her become the center of attention whenever she wants. Maybe she really is unlucky everywhere else in life but alluding to it and then cutting things off isn't exactly supportive of a back and forth conversation. What kills me is that dress up on the throne wishlist. If she misses that one, are we going to get a repeat of the last few days? She must have missed dozens of dresses before so what's the problem this time? Is it because she was expecting people to shower her with gifts? More than they already have, I mean.

>> No.27039324

Dream dress =/= regular dresses

>> No.27039355

>Is it because she was expecting people to shower her with gifts?
Now you are just trying to create rrats in your head so you can get upset..

>> No.27039364

Wait, did she say that it was her dream dress? Is the one up on throne also a dream dress?

>> No.27039370

Nade is still a girl
Not long ago we had her full down mental breakdown space everyone seems to memoryholed
It's just how things go

>> No.27039409

Old one- 'literally my dream dress <3'

>> No.27039574 [DELETED] 

ITT Anons found out that Women will act like little kids because that what Women are

>> No.27039766

Well, the dream dress defeats this handily.

That's what I get for not paying attention. The truth is, I didn't look closely at her throne since I can't afford anything at the moment. I still sent a few suggestions her way for the heck of it.

I haven't forgotten. But the only point it reinforces is that she needs to talk to us more for us to give any meaningful comfort or help and that criticism was a few thread ago.

Call me an incel to my face instead of trying to falseflag my posts as such.

>> No.27039974

Anon chama... it was THE dress

>> No.27040023
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>> No.27040191
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>That's what I get for not paying attention.
We dorklings are the 50 shades of autism.

>> No.27040246

3rd section was for >>27039370

Thank you. It's a good thing I have Nade.

>> No.27040756

>nade breathes

>> No.27040914

>Redeemed Stretch

>> No.27041119

>redeem water

>> No.27041198

I feel kinda like this but from the rare mouth sounds. Her breathing is more relaxing than lewd for me

>> No.27041575

>I tutor kids, I don't know if I mentioned that before. I guide them in English.

>> No.27041808

I found a clip of THAT combo

>> No.27043978


>I wanted to get some white-colored fake eyelashes

>> No.27044309

>Nade cosplaying as Nade amd showing it off to us
I don't think my heart and dick could handle that

>> No.27044341

>Not normally for pay
>But tutoring the daughter of her mother's rich friend this month; she pays good
>Dress time

>> No.27044735

>Yoisaki Nadeshiko the Witch tutoring a young aristocratic witch-to-be. Like those lady-in-waiting european noblewomen.
>camera pans down to the young witch-to-be from the back, with shoulder length hair and a flower in her hair..

>> No.27045492

So, Nade wants ideas (by Marshmallow) on
>what kind of videos to do
>what kind of art to skeb

>> No.27046368

I want her to do more asmr and roleplay vids but I think that is given and not really a suggestion she's looking for

>> No.27047377
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Exodia's head
