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File: 566 KB, 2048x1536, FTdKDN2WQAcAdaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26974590 No.26974590 [Reply] [Original]

no wonder these fat pedo incel fucks are seething

>> No.26974659
File: 307 KB, 477x397, 1643273632243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekus maximus

>> No.26974687
File: 246 KB, 559x508, indochads3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of these mutts...too many burger king there , kek.

those baggy shirts help to hide your xxxxl flabby tummy

>> No.26974692
File: 122 KB, 883x748, 462FB376-F71E-429D-AEC1-6FDF859FA1C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974740
File: 83 KB, 299x237, gura average chumbud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes im a chumbud, how could you tell

>> No.26974761

there is nothing respectable about being a pedo
at least deadbeats have class

>> No.26975665

>at least deadbeats have class
i'm going to frame this quote and put it on my wall

>> No.26975828

>I hate women
Kill yourself before you shoot something up, incel

>> No.26975891

It's more respectable than being a crazy person that gets upset at people liking drawings, at least.

>> No.26975920
File: 400 KB, 600x600, fauexcited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>at least deadbeats have class

>> No.26976061

cuckbeat deflection thread

>> No.26976089

Chubbud in the middle looks cute.

>> No.26976146

They are cringe but they are free. Not like me. Caught up in a state of always hiding and denying myself. Always trying to blend in. Never really being anyone. I am nothing but a shadow. They, with all their simpleminded childishness are closer to real men than I am. I am nothing but a worm, rotting away in obscurity.

>> No.26976207

>another kekbeat deflection thread

>> No.26976238

Have you tried not caring what normies think?
Making friends with people that aren't retarded worked pretty well for me.

>> No.26976242
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1644851747076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976270

If you're 28 or younger, there's definitely still time to change. If you're older, there might still be time.

>> No.26976321

Everyone is retarded

>> No.26976393

Is that thing holding the pillow an adult? Fucking IMAGINE.

>> No.26976420

If you think everyone is retarded you're the problem.
Stop being unbearable to be around for people that aren't retarded and you might meet some.

>> No.26976456

>At least deadbeats have class

>> No.26976475

I'm not unbearable, I'm just boring and am not going to act like a jester to keep your attention

Great job showing your true colors Mr. "don't care what other people think"

>> No.26976545


>> No.26976635

I am a shadow, the true self.

>> No.26976661

You make it sound easy.

>> No.26976663

>dude riding the shrimp

>> No.26976703

Good one anon, thanks for the laugh

>> No.26976800

You had me until you said that deadbeats have class, unless you meant Class B drug felonies of course.

>> No.26976841

Being around boring people is unbearable, how do you expect to be friends with people that aren't retarded if you provide no stimulation?
Not caring what normies think doesn't mean you're a boring person with no personality, in fact, you do that not because you don't care to get people's attention but because you're scared of what they will think.
It's not easy, but it's achievable with effort and practice.

>> No.26976889

Didn't ask, don't care, also you're a normalfag

>> No.26976975

that chubby asian girl looking good though frfr desu

>> No.26977838

Some things are not merely obstacles to be overcome but life sentences. Not a bad attitude to have though. Albeit a naive one.

>> No.26978188

>Always trying to blend in
You don't need a group of people who enjoy everything you do(I can understand wanting that to be the case). These guys are united by their fandom, I doubt they're also "fully on display".

>> No.26978325

That is true, but unless you have some serious mental disabilities this isn't one of those.
It's just as naive if not even more naive to think that you can't overcome those problems than it is to think that everything can be overcome.

>> No.26978356

Hate to tell you this buddy but the deadbeats in Dallas were nothing special either.

>> No.26978363

I'm severely schizoidal. Stop preaching on 4chan retard

>> No.26978396

Holy kek, the Asian girl on the left isn’t terrible looking tho

>> No.26978460

They look like any other burger weebs desu.

>> No.26978474
File: 77 KB, 410x482, retard love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at least deadbeats have class
Only cute girls can get away with being retarded anon and you aren't a cute girl.

>> No.26978556

me at the right

>> No.26978568

That doesn't make it any harder to not care what normies think and not be tied in by their expectations.
It doesn't make it impossible to find people that you can be free around, either.
But if you just want to feel sorry for yourself, be my guest.

>> No.26978735

This is an anime imageboard. The moment you use incel as an insult unironically, you lose any kind of credibility you might have had

>> No.26981017

t. Incel.

>> No.26981069

pedo chumbud incel cope

>> No.26981283

lol u sure owned them xD

>> No.26981426

So this is the power of the cuckbeats?

>> No.26983427

That girl on the left it's like "god I wish I was young and cute to be idolized"

>> No.26986681

>at least deadbeats have class
poo calling the kettle a nigger

>> No.26986908

Okay, now your bait is obvious. Why are copebeats like this?

>> No.26987195

based but cringe

>> No.26987261

cringe but based

>> No.26987309

binge the taste

>> No.26987332

based and cringe

>> No.26987397

little bit cringe but mainly based tbqhwyfamalam

>> No.26987464

somewhat cringe but mainly based

>> No.26989533

>at least deadbeats have class
yeah due in 15 minutes
now quick back to classroom.

>> No.26989653
File: 263 KB, 700x525, ++++++++++++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think you are?
9/10 good bait got me to reply

>> No.26990794
File: 1.30 MB, 154x182, 1655600885506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those (you)'s...good job Sir!

>> No.26990915

Post hand, Jeremy

>> No.26995461

Thanks for the giggle

>> No.26995511

Have another (You) you've earned it

>> No.26995608


>> No.26995926

Oh no...oh god no...

>> No.27002530

Most People don’t have energy to give a shit about thing that’s don’t directly affect them. Yes, they might judged you, but why do you care? It’s just opinion. They aren’t gonna do anything. Just be yourself. be happy.

>> No.27002814
File: 254 KB, 1755x2048, 93844862_149962016518405_6675851024621633536_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ywnbaw or pass
