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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26925624 No.26925624 [Reply] [Original]

All the people saying that Gura is an adult and that she'll be fine don't seem to understand that just because you're older doesn't mean that you don't have anxieties. This was a blatant and clear act of disrespect whether intentional or not. We all know the reaper is the least considerate person in the scene and how self absorbed and self obsessed she is. Gura not only is a meek person but is the type to back down from awkward situations. Just because she says it's fine doesn't mean that she's actually fine, and it is extremely inconsiderate to her well being. That isn't even taking into account that she is clearly uncomfortable with drinking now. Cuckbeats will defend this

>> No.26925710
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very insightful, thank you

>> No.26925961
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Mori raped Gura

>> No.26925977

Jesus christ... She's an adult and it is expected that they can handle these situations... Especially in her line of work.
If Gura was actually paranoid like rrats says she would never have agreed to meet Calli.

>> No.26926214

It’s still a shitty thing to do regardless if one is mature and able to handle the situation.

>> No.26926546

>If Gura was actually paranoid like rrats says she would never have agreed to meet Calli.
I'm paranoid as her but go out with my friends. They're considerate enough and they don't throw me to shit parties, we go in chill locals where nobody disturbs us.

>> No.26926677

Bunch of retarded deadbeats don't know this though

>> No.26927025

Have you never met an introvert before? Just becuase they can and are probably used to handling these situations doesn't diminish the fact that it's still inconsiderate. Imagine wanting to meet one on one with a friend for some quality time then when you get there " OH HEY ANON MY SISTER IS THROWING A PARTY RIGHT NOW MY BAD, COME IN AND HAVE FUN THO" then you'll have to just play along with the situation to not make things awkward even though you don't like it. And when later asked you'll just say that its all fine because you don't wanna stir up shit

>> No.26927164

I sweat through all my clothes whenever i go out in public.

>> No.26927179

t. extroverted normalfag

>> No.26927215
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Hottest take
Gura was legitimately and alcoholic when she was ES ELLA
Now she's been clean for so long and her going out with the LEAN MACHINE MORI drinking with her friends caused her to panic thinking she'll relapse

>> No.26927247

Even though Goob has been on the internet in one form or another for like 8 years roomate pics have never amounted to more than a few fuzzy profile pics of questionable provenance.

Why is that?

>> No.26927279

Because she's paranoid

>> No.26927321

This is a molehill you're making into a mountain. Adults can handle a single stressful night. If you can't that honestly means you are mentally unwell.
Are you calling Gura crazy?

>> No.26927356

>Are you calling (INSERT VTUBER HERE) crazy?
Always yes

>> No.26927371

I don't particularly care about either, but this shit sounds schizophrenic enough to pique my interest.
I would dearly appreciate if someone would be kind enough to explain.

>> No.26927393

Either a small circle of friends or she's like a modern hermit.

>> No.26927437

An adult would have proper job and family, not pretending to be a cartoon character on the internet

>> No.26927513

Well... If Gura goes that far for opsec she's definitely crazy.

>> No.26927521

Vtuber is arguably an advanced form of crazy.

>> No.26927555

The issue isn't that she can't handle it, the issue is that it's inconsiderate and rude to think that it's ok to put her in that situation in the first place

>> No.26927743

stop being such a concern faggot

you dont know if gura was fine with it, not fine with it or didn't give a shit because she went straight to bed. you dont know shit about shit.

>> No.26927906

Consideration is not about knowing, it about thinking that if there is a slight chance that the other parties not going to like it, then they should have refrain from doing it. You mannerless American fucks.

>> No.26928197

Why do you faggots keep talking about Gure like she had autism or something. She's a literal normalfag, she has friends and go out with them and she's also a woman, shitheads like you make me even more mad than this whole fiasco

>> No.26928272

qrd on whatever stupid shit you're talking about

>> No.26928562

Quite the contrary, I think Mori is the autist; Gura probably just went Oh classic Cali and brace for impact

>> No.26928828

Women can't be autists they're all fucking normalfags, they don't deserve your compassion they deserve a fucking beating for not behaving and failing to be entertaining, that's literally the only job of these two

>> No.26928964


>> No.26929094

she's friends with bella Delphine and retards still think she isn't a complete normalfag

>> No.26929293

It's not your place to get angry on her behalf.

>> No.26929580

meme disorder, try getting laid

>> No.26929698

this, she's probably getting ganganged right now

>> No.26929831


>it's not my place to care about a vtuber that I like to watch

Fuck off cuckbeat

>> No.26929883 [DELETED] 

Don't worry pal she's an uggo irl

>> No.26930149

She's literally the kind of weird girl who played with toys still in high school.

>> No.26930328

Still a woman, still a normalfag, she's literally a streamer, was a fucking twitch meme streamer for fucks sake. No one is saying don't enjoy your Gura or don't get mad with the brapper, but do it for the right reasons, ruining the fucking collab. I swear some of you motherfuckers are too fucking gullible, NEVER TRUST WHAT A WOMAN SAYS, it's that fucking simple

>> No.26930455

No. You haven't even heard what Gura thinks of the situation. You just assume she's a retarded baby who can't wipe her ass by herself.

>> No.26930623


>> No.26930658

Introvert here and I can tell you now that that isn't what most introverts would do. We have enough capacity to say "No, I'm not okay with that, let me know when the party is over and people have left" BECAUSE we would be uncomfortable showing up otherwise or being forced to.

>> No.26930686

Americans think that just because you are over 21 now, you deserve to be shot on the streets for not being careful enough.

>> No.26930691

>You just assume she's a retarded baby who can't wipe her ass by herself.
To be fair, that's the image that Gura projects of herself with her appearance.

>> No.26930728

>kind of weird girl who played with toys still in high school.
Yeah I'm sure she played with the Harry Potter Broom a lot in her room

>> No.26930913

unironically this, it's all an act

>> No.26931110

Fuck you, anxious introvert here and I can say with absolute certainty if I was in a house with a friend I trusted and suddenly people show up and start a damn party and my friend was like "hey you good with this?" I'd 100% say "haha no yeah it's fine I'll just uh go to sleep" while secretly hating everything JUST to avoid any sort of confrontation with my friend, because as much as I hate what's going on the idea of inconveniencing everyone around me and my friend stresses me out more than just dealing with it and riding it out
As soon as I could I'd get to my room, lock the door, and try and drown out as much of the music and noises as I could with absolutely anything
Which, from the sounds of it, is exactly what Gura did

>> No.26931147
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It's time to take your meds, anon!

>> No.26931226

your a pussy and so is Gura. grow some balls asap

>> No.26931274

I'm an adult and I watch cartoons

>> No.26931343

eat shit normalfag

>> No.26931361

It sounds like it would inconvenience you but you wouldn't care because it's not that bad because you know fighting with your friend over such thing would leave a bigger mark.

>> No.26931364

Tell that to Mori for not speaking up about the party and stopping it.

>> No.26931409

Sorry anon but are you just incapable of saying no? Don't mistake that and being introverted as the same thing, because as I said, we're perfectly capable of saying no in the moment if it's something we know will be extremely uncomfortable, a party of all fucking things being one.

>> No.26931415

>anxious introvert
nta but a normal introvert here, i pity you that you dont have real friends that know you and care for you enough to actually know what situation you are comfortable with. real friends will take your no as a no.

>> No.26931434

>still a woman
not all women are roastoid like your mom incel
>still a normalfag
>she's literally a streamer,
are you retarded?

>> No.26931537

>ywn be the boyfriend that gura calls to pick her up when she's uncomfortable at a party she doesn't want to be at

>> No.26931559

Same, I've been in those awkward situations before, even when it's family members that are visiting you'd have a hard time finding me out of my room. It sucks that it happened but it does happen every now and then and you just gotta deal with it... Gura is still an adult and she can just do things to distract herself, maybe pill up her phone and talk to one of her genmates like Ame to keep her company or just watch some weird TikTok videos. Calli already said that she didn't play nor she wanted that to happen but depending on her relationship with her sister it's not easy to just tell your own family member "nah get everyone out of here" if it runs the risk of making her sister look bad in front of her friends.
This isn't a big yab or something, it's just people being overprotective over something that is probably gonna end with just Gura locking herself in her room until everyone leaves and that's it, no doxxing crap or getting raided or whatever.

>> No.26931565

That was a pure hypothetical, none of my friends would actually pull any shit like that
But all that means is I don't have a Mori in my life, thank fuck

>> No.26931635

Agree, same here. All I can hope is that things calm down and they can relax and hang out again.

Gura and Calli are obviously good friends who care about each other, it's Calli's sister that's the jerk disrespecting boundaries here.

>> No.26931753

good and happy for you. friends should make you happy; else fuck em and leave them. I just want to say that being an introvert doesn't mean you don't have the capability to socialize and stand up for yourself, you just dont like people THAT much and appreciate solitude.

>> No.26931811

>they don't deserve your compassion they deserve a fucking beating
Why are muslims like this?

>> No.26931868

>I am incapable of understanding that there are different kind of introverts with varying levels and degree of social capability

>> No.26931899

>just be a walking doormat for people bro
No wonder you white knight this hard for someone who barely streams. and clearly dosen't care about her fans

>> No.26931981

kill yourself

>> No.26931985

I have never herd of a non-menhera vtuber. Have you?

>> No.26931993

Seems like the thing isn't just if Gura's an introvert, but more if she's got some more problems going on
Which, given her history of dealing with people she's unfamiliar with(generally shying away from collabs with people she's unfamiliar with, nearly crying from stress over among us of all things), I wouldn't be surprised if she's got some kind of social anxiety going on

>> No.26932011

Honestly based on how she couldn't stop the party, I bet Mori is non-confrontational too. This happens to introverts easier than you'd think. A few years back I was at a convention, decided to hang out with 2 or 3 people afterwards, but one of them texted and inviting like 10 more people to MY HOTEL ROOM bringing drinks and music to party until like 4am. I didn't have the balls to kick them out and they were too drunk to take hints, so I just tried to separate myself from the group and wait it out.

In this situation, as the host I was the Mori, and the friend who started a party was the Mori's sister

>> No.26932147

>gura said she was okay in a situation where many have anxiety
Is this one of those believe all women but not this one scenario except in the reverse?

>> No.26932190

Understandable. I dont know gura enough to judge, if she got social anxiety and currently she is bery uncomfortable with her situation then by god i hope gura learns her lesson on ever associating with mori ever again. maybe it will innded affect her future interactions with mori you know.

>> No.26932222

Why would I whiteknight for someone I don't even watch? Gura being a doormat is her choice, I still think Mori could've done something to stop the party other than put her into a room for the night.

>> No.26932309
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It takes a certain amount of fuckery and sickness going on in your head to become a vtuber, yes.

>> No.26932413

See, this explains it better than just "introverted".
I don't watch Gura enough to know these things about her so when other anons say introverted, I question if that's really the case or if there's more to it, because being introverted is typically not enough of an explanation to being incapable of saying no.

>> No.26932570

"Talent Freedom"

>> No.26933162

I wish he was actually scared. He's never felt fear, but needs to. Or any emotion not just copypasted from the media, really.

>> No.26933286

Fuck extroverts
Fuck normalfags
Fuck deadcucks
Fuck mori calliope
Fuck whatever retarded shit is her real name

I hope Gura is actually a normalfag or a very resilient introvert so she can get through this in the best way possible

>> No.26933304
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When are they graduating this bitch

>> No.26933494

I feel bad for Gura and Calli, from what Calli said she turned up and the music was already obnoxiously loud, bear in mind it's very unlikely that her sister is paying for the air bnb (or would be in the firing line if anything got damaged/a noise complaint came in) so Calli was probably pissed but doesn't want to start shit with family so went along with it while trying to tone shit down. Calli was retarded for inviting family to an online friend meet up though but I doubt that was malicious.

>> No.26933858

>Apologizing for Mori
You need to go back

>> No.26934068


>> No.26934487

Is this why Gura hasn't been streaming?

>> No.26934619

Not even a deadbrap, it just seems like her autism came to bite her and she doesn't know how to fix it.

>> No.26934713

gura alcoholism stream when?

>> No.26935554

>no one will be coming to save the shark
>she's definitely on her own
Pretty sad when you think about it.

>> No.26936992

Found the bluepilled incel.

>> No.26939486

ITT anons don't understand that introversion and social anxiety are different
(it's even possible for an extrovert to have social anxiety)

>> No.26939551

>Jesus christ... She's an adult
t. cuckbeat that has called shrimp "chumpedos" at least four times in the last week

>> No.26939595

>"there are people outside and on the curb chillin with them alcohols"
>"there was a rager going on, like full on edm like blasting out the windows"
>"I was like yo... we're gonna kicked out... it was bad"
>"[repeating friend's words]'anyways I'm tripping balls right now', and I'm like alright that's great"
>"I think she's fine right now, she's in a room close to me, away from where the speakers do be bumpin"
>"So I think she's fine, she's just like, 'nononono that's cool, I'm just gonna sleep', so she's sleepin"
>"but i dunno, she could be up to some other... shenanigans, who could say?"
>"I dunno I broke away so I could do this"

So Mori left her asleep alone at an out-of-control rager and has no idea what happened to her

>> No.26939684

>has no idea what happened to her
She pretty much has one
>she could be up to some other... shenanigans
Having sex

>> No.26939772
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>In the sweltering summer if 2022, I, the Great Garbonzo, was brutally raped

>> No.26940551

>The mistake I made was...was giving them the code
