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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26870571 No.26870571 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Wactor Auditions have opened up for males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>26817809

>> No.26870672
File: 51 KB, 800x450, vivian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you post a Vivian James pic?

>> No.26870695

where do you think we are?
i googled 'anime girl with pc' and hadn't used this one previously

>> No.26870814

>where do you think we are?
Definitely not 8chán, newfag.

>> No.26870849

Discord is gay

>> No.26870904

Posters like this really tilt me. If your idea of "creativity" is "sits down and plays sorta old game" or "sits down and plays sorta old game but a specific way" then either your bar is extremely low, or you just like the smaller sizes creators for some weird "hipster" style merit. They're all perfectly good streamers as far as I've seen but you're overstating the fuck out of how good they are simply because they do something you like.

>partner chuubas
>tried to watch some of them but my brain always forced me to close the tab after a while
the fact you say this is enough to make me think you're just a hipster that just wants someone to do some obscure bullshit to entertain you or you just don't like them because they're TOO big.

>> No.26870959

>posting Vivian makes you a newfag
not only was she made at least 8 years ago but she was designed partially by /vt/ and even has the purple/green combo, which originated here as well years prior.

>> No.26870964

I finally figured out what to do for youtube content beyond clips and vods but I'm contemplating putting it on a different channel so its not randomly mixed in with stream related uploads in sub feeds, in case there are people who are only interested in the content and not stream clips/shorts

>> No.26871143

Is visage a top or a bottom

>> No.26871368

Mega bottom

>> No.26871783

Sometimes I think about Konrad just humping Cordy. Doggy style, Konrad normal cat sized, just going at it.

>> No.26871839

/asp/cord singing tier list?

>> No.26872060

(You) are top tier in my heart anon

>> No.26872135

I'm watching my oshi's old VODs to fall asleep
I am past the point of gosling there's no turning back now

>> No.26872166

S tier: xia
F tier: everyone else

>> No.26872453


>> No.26874084

What sort of things would you like to see as a creative stream, anon?
I follow a tarot streamer, who does lectures on crystal magic, mythology, plants and birds, and it's interesting... But they're languishing on 6 viewers.

>> No.26874473

You will never be a real Vtuber

>> No.26874606

bottom IQ for sure

>> No.26874844

holy fuck last thread? i'm flattered, really, but ??
anyways i'm sorry i had to leave karaoke so early but i was there for 45 minutes or so! flight wore me out. you are all lovely and i had a great time!!

>> No.26875000

Stop putting the fake e-girl act on already, you got your simps.

>> No.26875199

hey wanna makeout with me?

>> No.26875262

yes please. why do you not have an r18+ tag?

>> No.26875300

told you it works wonders xia! surprise gfe never fails

>> No.26875325

im not even the first anon i just want tender kisses from xia

>> No.26875408

miru you are my white knight

>> No.26875449

anything for you, m'lady

>> No.26875487

i want to see miru and xia have hot sweaty lesbian sex

>> No.26875663

I will marry ragdoll.

>> No.26875735

Back off and get in line, she's my oshi

>> No.26875789

Make me BITCH

>> No.26877870

Sei can dominate me any day of the week.

>> No.26877939


>> No.26878003

too old

>> No.26878046

but i get just as bored with small female streamers too

>> No.26878096


>> No.26878330

Why yes I want.

>> No.26878333

I'm not gonna drop any names because I'm unsure and I don't wanna accuse anyone but one of our /asp/ie femchuubas sounds eerily like a thot I met in the cosplay community. She is notorious for treating people badly and being manipulative

>> No.26878420

what even are the odds that you and her would overlap into the same communities twice? especially if she's a cosplayer, vtubing doesn't really line up.

>> No.26878422

you're probably imagining things because weeb girls all sound the same

>> No.26878510

Nta but vtubing and cosplaying overlap a fair bit

>> No.26878625

Nigga you are on an anonymous website.
Name them, even if you are right, which you most likely won't be, no one is gonna believe it.

>> No.26878766

vtubing has huge overlap with cosplay, do your research

>> No.26879113

the ones confident enough to cosplay will have no problem vtubing even if they are boring and basic as fuck they still got the confidence to not give a fuck about pressing the go live button

>> No.26879751

Luckily I'm too ugly for cosplay so it's not me!

>> No.26880051

fandom wise, sure. but any cosplayer who wants to further their career in cosplaying has to know that having a vtuber model while showing your face in cosplay photos will probably just confuse new people. any cosplayers would be better off cosplaying in all of their streams as to create a more seemless audience.

>> No.26880301
File: 551 KB, 746x592, pondering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tarot stream + finally reach affiliate. come join me? xx

>> No.26880466

I miss that place, it had sound in files.

>> No.26880681

Anybody want advice or feedback on vtuber stuff? I got some free time, lazy Sunday

>> No.26880825

what makes ya qualified?

>> No.26880936

this girl(?) needs to get her jittery model fixed first

>> No.26880969

Hmm... Should I do a dickwaving numbers post? I cannot reveal my actual handles for opsec reasons. I did a similar advice post a week ago and it was decently received, I do my best to give actionable advice.

>> No.26881166

holy schizo

>> No.26881236

show numbers then

>> No.26881353

you could help buy her a new pc and it would run heaps better!

>> No.26881398

i mean sure why not :p
maplemothvtuber on twitch
my recent streams i've struggled to talk enough when collabing, i think that's like, an anxiety thing? but yeah figuring out the right amount to talk in a collab where you feel weird just rambling bc you're with someone else and don't want to like, verbally crowd them out or anything

>> No.26881402
File: 7 KB, 433x157, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's about my comfort limit for what I'm willing to reveal

>> No.26881470

Arg my weakness is collabs, I hate doing them lol. Best advice I can give is to avoid doing "blind" collabs, only take collabs where you've spent at least 4 or 5 hours voice chatting with them off stream and know that you have some chemistry.

>> No.26881496

why is everyone doing tarot now?

>> No.26881527

Didn't this dumb bitch just steal tarot anons gimmick?

>> No.26881578

well I believe you. what general advice would you give to someone looking to take this kind of thing seriously? what things should you work for and what should you avoid?

>> No.26881601

tbf I don't think deku had done any tarot streams yet
tarot reading is neat

>> No.26881624

easy low cost hobby with talking involved

>> No.26881649

Spoiler alert.
She was tarot-anon all along

>> No.26881652


>> No.26881779

Same, Anon. I'd still be there if it hadn't gotten fedfucked into being unusable.

>> No.26881877

General advice... No matter what stage you're at as a streamer NICHE DOWN. Variety streaming is only for people who have made it and are already >1000ccv. People look at their role models and try to mimic what they're doing as superstars, that's a stupid mindset. Look at what they did to incline at around your current numbers and copy that. Ludwig was a Smash Melee andy, Jerma made shitty TF2 videos on youtube and didnt even start streaming until half a decade into his content creator career. For examples closer to home, Kyou the clam vtuber was languishing in the low 30s until he niched hard into dick sucking ASMR, now he regularly pulls 800ish without raids. Whenever he tries a gaming stream its >100ccv. Find something that you can do forever, ideally that has an underserved audience, and spam it. Second piece of advice that I repeated over and over again that last thread, make short video content and cross post it on all platforms(tiktok, youtube, twitter.)

>> No.26882023

How long are you supposed to try your niche unsuccessful until you should stop doing it?

>> No.26882049

how do you find a niche? Im scared if i really commit to one i will find myself unhappy with the content im making

>> No.26882125
File: 281 KB, 573x769, Dubious Creature Transperant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elliot was already doing tarot streams before me If I recall correctly, and like the other anon said I haven't even done a tarot stream yet. I'm a bit of a poser desu
Besides she does a better job at it than me anyway
Kinda makes me sad the rare times I actually bother to come here, the only time people mention me is to shit on other content creators that are arguably better than me

>> No.26882163

Ideally, you improve gradually at making content in your niche until you become one of the top notables in the space, at which point you incline without even trying. Nobody starts off making good content, it takes time and energy and a lot of practice. I would advise against targeting bigger niches as a true 2view, the competition is too high. Go for smaller, really underserved niches and build your first 20-50 regulars from there. You can worry about the 100, 200, 500, 1,000 viewer milestones later.

>> No.26882248

that happens when you come to 4chan but don't know anything about the site

>> No.26882273

>Choppy fiver model
>DOVA bgm
>doesn’t even show cards on stream
>this is better somehow

What anime pussy does to mf

>> No.26882287

Unfortunately there's no advice for this one, you just have to sack up and jump into a niche. Don't feel bad if you're unhappy with it and have to switch up. General life advice for success is to be bold and try new things, and always be humble and ready to admit you were wrong, and change up. If you follow those two principles success is only a matter of time(and you not dying from a freak accident kek)

>> No.26882434

makes sense, i honestly can't see the things i'm doing attracting anyone, but i guess we'll see. I definitely dropped gaming streams off my schedules for good, they are boring and uninteresting. It's hard to make an enticing niche stream, when you have almost no skills that helps you crave one, but hey people made more from less so.

>> No.26882493

>knocking dova bgm like it isn't what 80% of hololive and niji girls use
you really are grasping at straws here aren't you anon. youre never getting out of the bucket at this rate

>> No.26882588

What's your niche? I can try to give more specific advice as well. Gaming can work but it usually requires phenomenal, top 1% skill at your game of choice as a baseline. If you have the requisite skill, I think the missing piece then is short video content like iitztimmy

>> No.26882601

Did she sing last night?

>> No.26882622

she still won’t fuck you, anon

>> No.26882626

the only reason I don't self-post at this point is so i can be honest about my feelings with things here
another anon already pointed out that you can do better, but of course now you can't really acknowledge the idea openly without a zero amount of friction
personally i feel like Xia is just lucky at the moment for finding a group of people enamored by her so quickly thanks to her singing, i dont find her very interesting beyond that

>> No.26882733

Ain.. Do you hate not being the center of attention for once?

>> No.26882823

That's fine really. I committed it to doing it so i'll stick to it until the ship goes down. Thanks anyways. I'm not really good at games so that kinda is not an option anyways. The short video seems especially impossible with what my content is about, i think in general i can't capitalize on being funny, due to ESL stuff and being generally way too serious with everything. Tiktok and youtube shorts are just totally out of questions, so i'll try to make longer videos i guess.

>> No.26882855

this is why we should've never had a discord
visage HATE

>> No.26882877

This is PRECISELY why a discord server was needed.
Crabs hate.

>> No.26883112

Binkov's Battlegrounds is one of my favorite youtube channels, and he's a deadpan serious ESL content creator. Keep at it and keep finding ways to improve at your craft and you'll incline.

>> No.26883718

You think Ain cares about something so petty? Get a life guy.

>> No.26883906

I think we can all agree that a femanon typed this. I'm narrowing it down to 2 main subjects because they have the most reason to.
1: Sloth.
It's a well known fact that Sloth is extremely desperate and menhera. She is also the least successful female /asp/ie despite constant shilling and sending nudes. Xia is the new girl and is already more successful than Sloth who has been around for ages. She must be extremely jealous and enraged.
2: Ain.
The last plaything feels threatened by the new plaything. She also wanted to be the best /asp/ singer but got mogged hard last Karaoke. Going from being everyone's favorite to being an afterthought must hurt so she took it out on Xia.
There is also a chance that it's not a femanon. I think this is unlikely but if we include male chuubas in the equation there are a few more possible subjects.
3: Azu.
He is the male Sloth. A charity case. He is universally hated so he crabs on anyone who is well received. But it is also well known that he cant go one sentence without mentioning himself or attaching his png so it might not be him!
4: Maple.
Desperate for male attention and jealous of Xia for getting so much. Femboys are known for being dramatic and backstabbing. There is a good chance most schizo posts targeting females are him.

>> No.26884093

i don't even care, why do you?

>> No.26884211

ah its schizo hours again. try to find at least one thing that would prove any of that crap right

>> No.26884293

one of those is on point

>> No.26884357

how do i get sloth to hate me like this? it feels like the ability to hate something was disabled in her

>> No.26884365
File: 148 KB, 666x445, cool time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you dont want rrats just be nice

>> No.26884401

Hey I think we should kiss

>> No.26884440

I don't think Ain was even at karaoke last night to know she got mogged
I feel like comparing the two is weird through I'm pretty sure they have very different vocal ranges
It's usually the nice ones that get rrats

>> No.26884502

>It's usually the nice ones that get rrats
at this current point all it looks like is just interacting with the discord a lot

>> No.26884988

Deku likes receiving anal
Alto has a secret bastard son
Hes uses anti-aging cream
Auxilia has eaten surströmming and enjoyed it
Nue's dad is actually a big farm equipment producer CEO
Azu is secretly an actual female
DrBilljoe has terminal cancer

>> No.26884999

thank you for writing this, i'm so glad i read that.

>> No.26885099

I dont agree with all of them but some of them make sense

>> No.26885359

At what point is someone no longer considered an /asp/ie

>> No.26885407

you're always an /asp/ie when you commit to posting here

>> No.26885432

It's definitely Ain. She even had that embarrassing arc where she proclaimed her goal of being the best singer in /asp/
And only a short while later she got mogged that hard? A perfect storm for crabbing

>> No.26885485

nooo i've been marked for life ;-;

>> No.26885499

Personally, I highly doubt that it's Ain, it's just so incredibly unlikely. The other three are veeeeery likely though, especially sloth. Maybe you should stop obsessing over this stupid shit like a freak though.

>> No.26885508

I don't know if >>26878333 is talking about the same femchuuba but I get really weird vibes from one that came out of nowhere and started heavy pandering to /asp/. She sounds like a thot irl and menhera as fuck, but not in the cute way.

>> No.26885509

you'll always be considered one

>> No.26885526

she was probably too focused writing that asmr script to care

>> No.26885585

just name her

>> No.26885590

why? she should just take that as inspiration for improvement

>> No.26885628

i want to view that chuuba

>> No.26885630

The /cgl/ crabs are leaking oh no
Girl spill the tea if you're going to do it, we all know that's what you really want.

>> No.26885666

women should have never been allowed but of course visage is a simp

>> No.26885687

i wish that the cute cosplay girls would become cam streamers instead of vtubers

>> No.26885703

Sliding into the DMs of the women is the only reason the server was created. It's extremely obvious that was visage's goal.

>> No.26885758

I meant the /asp/cord. I don't think I've ever seen her posting /here/.

>> No.26885767

why do people call it sliding? i feel the cringe of that sentence physically

>> No.26885777

grandpa spotted

>> No.26885805

Let's slide into DM's shall we bby doll ?

>> No.26885826

i know im too old for most of this community but its hard to get rid of this addiction

>> No.26885871

People used to call a lot of what went on in /wvt/ highschool drama tier, but you fuckers are on a whole nother level with this shit

>> No.26886010

i think its just this new gen of /asp/ies being very young; the previous gens were mostly older people

>> No.26886023

Heading into day 3 with no daily logs from the Admiral

>> No.26886152

I'm not doing them on the weekend, doing 7/7 days would be too much

>> No.26886260

Tragic... looking forward to menhera monday!

>> No.26886643

even if no one's mentioned your name for months now?

>> No.26886655


>> No.26886682

bodega, callie, bloom, toma and all the others started in /asp/ and forever /asp/ies they shall be

>> No.26886714

Dumb rrats

>> No.26886860

She should aim higher than being the queen of the cesspool.

Can you imagine putting on that much makeup before every stream? I can barely conjure the motivation to do a mic test and vocal warm-ups.

>> No.26886910

do they really need that much? and its not like you have to stream every day...

>> No.26886989

who are the /asp/ singers anyway

>> No.26886988

>goal to be the best singer in /asp/
it shouldn't be a place you aspire to be, but even among chuubas who started from /asp/ there are literal professionals, so good luck to her lol

>> No.26887033


>> No.26887059

Ain is going to incline once she gets a live2d. She should already start networking with non /asp/ies though.

>> No.26887167

bloom, cain, lumi, xia

>> No.26887364

That's not like Ain at all.

>> No.26887527

You have no idea. They'd better have paypigs early on or they'd lose money from streaming.

>> No.26887728
File: 687 KB, 400x300, SoySauceDrinker.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just a little bird. If anything she's too nice.

>> No.26887916

>I'm the one who said I wanted to be the best singer
>People think it was Ain
shit i really am easily forgotten lol

>> No.26888195

Nice deflection but she posted a vocaroo and it was definitely Ain.
Unless we have two girls with identical voices. Post another vocaroo Ain doppleganger

>> No.26888486

It obviously wasn't Ain. Keep coping. It's probably Miyu trying to get back at her or something. Fuck off.

>> No.26888661

second opinion. sounded like her to me.

>> No.26888865

Faced with evidence of Ain crabbing, her fans desperately lash out at the easiest target to defend their lady's honor
Poor sloth deserves better than to be Ain's punching bag

>> No.26888875


>> No.26889080

do i need to become a chuuba to feel her hate? i won't believe that she can do it before i see it myself

>> No.26889155

i don't know why everyone's hating on ain, she said she wanted to get better at singing and then... posted herself singing. it's not a crime.
trying to deflect, on the other hand, is kinda cringe.

>> No.26889290

She didn't say she wanted to get better, she said she wanted to be "the best" singer /here/. She literally set out with the intention of mogging and then got mogged and now she's crabbing

>> No.26889301

Ain has GMI written all over her and it pisses a couple crabs off. Ironically, it's also the reason why her acting like a crab would make no sense, what would she even be insecure about?

>> No.26889377

Wanting to be is not the same as claiming to be. Let her do her reps in peace, this is not a competition ffs

>> No.26889526

She could have done her reps in peace but she made a public spectacle saying she deserved to be considered the best. She made it the competition and came out a loser

>> No.26889599

and then 4chan tried to turn it into drama

>> No.26889762

>Ain's punching bag
ain/sloth ryona art?

>> No.26889763

Ain is the winner of my heart.

>> No.26889792

>I want to be the best
>"It isn't a competition"
These two things don't line up

>> No.26890051

If you retards are going to crab, at least do it with something sensible. I'm tired of Vtubers posting their shitty cosplay pictures or selfies and getting followers and clout off of it. It defeats the whole purpose of Vtubing. There's my crab take.

>> No.26890142

Not a crab take that's a based take. It's just women invading a space where they don't get to use their looks to succeed for once and then doing so anyway.

>> No.26890242

i want to see more cute cosplay photos. fuck that delusional holo shit as long as there are real people behind the models. once they are purely virtual we can look into this again

>> No.26890505
File: 672 KB, 400x300, 66FB421A-2A57-4334-A2B9-CA6A6B549979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog love. The best chuuba cosplayer combo ever.

>> No.26891318

show respect or ban

>> No.26891493

with twitter png marketting threads, is there a prime time for activity? like i assume the thread kinda dies and no one checks it anymore after a while or it gets muted but the algo shows them to me after like 18 hours so i dont know if its worth engaging with threads that are nearly a day old

>> No.26891559

At least pick someone better looking if youre going to play favorites off of irl pictures

>> No.26891607

A week maximum probs

>> No.26891762

ideally be the first on one that gets big

>> No.26892578

What is the best time to tweet PNG drop threads?

>> No.26892661

middle of the day or like prime time

>> No.26892717

I'm not even a dog fan but this is simply incorrect

>> No.26892874

anyone who was at the karaoke, how was my singing? be rude idm i just want to know what i need to work on

>> No.26893118

It was mid, not the worst, but quite forgettable

>> No.26893294

oh fair
was there anything glaringly bad i should work on except for the whole range stuff? or just continue practising as usual

>> No.26893365

People wonder why others dont self post anymore and then post shit like this

>> No.26893489

PNG drop threads are only useful if you already have a following that will retweet your shit or you are already in the algorithm.

>> No.26894747

>post shit like this
He literally asked for it. Am I supposed to give him a cope dose? I can't give professional advice because I'm not qualified to, but I can say if I liked it or not.

>> No.26894799

i think i liked it? there was only really two that i actively disliked. you werent either. but i dont remember thinking you were amazing either.

>> No.26895151

yeah idm at all! thank you for the feedback!!

>> No.26895373

I think it’s not that sort of content that >>26893365 means. More the crab-posting and crab-hunting posts that cause people to not want to be associated with this thread. Shoving strange words that aren’t yours into your arms and saying they must have come from you.

>> No.26895448

Im talking about the schizoposting before that not the feedback thing.

>> No.26895621

My bad then. The topic shifted so I just assumed things.

>> No.26895751

more chuubas should play broforce

>> No.26896015

is metal slug fine

>> No.26896118

I don't care about creative streams personally. Creative content is a fucking meme and doesn't automatically mean your content is good. I want an entertaining streamers that's it. Their content could be cracking walnuts for 3 hours as long as they're entertaining while they do it then it doesn't matter what they're doing.

>> No.26896213

Finally got my self-made model to a state I can start using it. I'm not really sold on doing a whole big debut though, so I was thinking of just having a quick just chatting next stream to introduce my new face then diving into a game. Am I debuffing potential growth by not making it a big event?

>> No.26896241

Women invading a space popularized by women?

>> No.26896264

looks nice too. i think i could watch it

>> No.26896319


Post yourself in the discord when you start streaming!

>> No.26896392

fuck off
post in the thread so people can actually find you

>> No.26896488

You don't just "find" a niche, it's usually something you're already interested in otherwise you're not going to know what you're doing to begin with.

>> No.26896524

Debuts can get you a lot of hype! I would recommend doing what and getting a bunch of people to see you. If you don't wanna do one you don't have to tho!

>> No.26896590

Will do. I actually already stream albeit not a lot recently. I did post my initial design here a while ago, wonder if anyone remembers it

>> No.26896621

Debuts need to be planned out way in advance to get any hypez they're really not for everybody especially if you're totally new and have no plans on how to grow predebu.

>> No.26896715

i think its kind of a "might as well do one" deal but a lot of people go menhera when they debut and get less viewers than they want. if you can handle no one coming then do it, if not then just start streaming

>> No.26896862

this reply made me feel old

>> No.26896884

you may also have the debut buff but have less viewers on the next stream. not sure which would be worse to menhera people

>> No.26896911

reformed gyaru chuuba, is this you?

>> No.26896985

im pretty old but not a big gamer

>> No.26897170

Sorry anon, not me. I'll give you a hint I'm on list anon's list but I've only self posted like twice

>> No.26897366

Hey you, you're cute and an inspiration

>> No.26897440

ATTENTION ALL CHUUBAS! aingstalt is in trouble!! she doesn't know what's real anymore! but you can help her - all she needs is your credit card number and the three little digits on the back. hurry or she'll disappear!

>> No.26897522

xia clapping back at ain's crabbing by spreading rrats about ain money grubbing

>> No.26897551

i think i came to the wrong thread

>> No.26897575

this was for a meme redeem on her stream why does everyone try to pit us against each other ffs

>> No.26897947

You need to understand how women work to know why this was shady, this is a play straight out of the /cgl/ handbook
Keep an eye on those two.

>> No.26897983

Stop trying to push the girls to hate each other you fucking lifeless crabs.

>> No.26898038

At least mashi is unresponsive to the grooming, since she already has her husb- I mean, her >>>brother

>> No.26898075

these people should go stream or watch streams instead of shitposting. they have time for it but are instead choosing to waste it here

>> No.26898126

Ain is cute

>> No.26898314


>> No.26898426

Stacys invading a space popularized by Beckys*

>> No.26898437

while I agree the thought of them fighting is not bad either...

>> No.26899235

honestly i feel like talking about the quality of singing between two people in different vocal ranges is really strange i think a duet between ain and xia would be really cute actually

>> No.26899882

What part made you come?

>> No.26899942


>> No.26900028

How hard is it nowadays to start off and make it for somebody new? (especially while being male)

>> No.26900059

Depends on what your definition of make it is

>> No.26900076

Not being 2 views chuuba.

>> No.26900107

Define 2 views, what is your cut off

>> No.26900113

pretty hard for most people

>> No.26900211

Obviously having plenty of viewers and not streaming to nobody.

>> No.26900242

So 10 views? What is your minimum wanted?

>> No.26900285

Make it 11

>> No.26900447

before this goes any further with both sides being confused not knowing what they mean:
Reminder the number in "# view" means number of digit viewers.
1 view 0-9 viewers
2 views are 10-99
3 views 100-999
so your idea of 'making it' would still be considered a 2view

>> No.26900485

this is not universal

>> No.26900496

Okay, thanks for informing about that.

>> No.26900563

the term 2view was coined back in the day because twitch vtubers would generally have 2 viewers; themselves and a friend/pity viewer, since Twitch counted the streamer as a viewer most of the time before. 1view wasn't even coined then, i've only ever seen it in the last few months

>> No.26900663

this isnt at all definitive, generally the higher the general audience for the thread topic is, the higher threshhold for 2view. Most people just use 2view as an insult in general but there's people in the /lig/ thread that will call people with low hudnreds of viewers 2views while here it generally just means "very low views". There's no set definition no matter how much people try and force one

>> No.26900806
File: 82 KB, 1920x1080, 1633226647795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see the new fingers!

>> No.26900825

can i pull your arm off

>> No.26901026

they are only temporary for today's stream, so you can have them

>> No.26901114

Are you the 3D model anon? I'm really curious

>> No.26901161

is that a cute catgirl?

>> No.26901513

I want one of your arms so I can hold your hand forever

>> No.26901580

I like to do BFE baiting (if that's a thing) in small bits, like slip in some moaning noises or making a few lewd remarks. I try not to make it too obvious but it's not my main form of content either.

>> No.26902166

yeah thats a thing but it may also be considered gaybaiting if it's too lewd

>> No.26902251

Nope, though a 3d model wouldn't have taken me nearly as long as my 2d one did since I actually have some blender/Maya experience. Maybe I'll make one in the future for VR streams, but that's a lot of work

>> No.26902490
File: 3.50 MB, 3840x2160, 20220627-004346-1-VSeeFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 European Dollars, you can have them pat your head and call you a good boy/girl.
But as you've heard, they're only temporary, I wouldn't invest in them.

>> No.26902528

what is gaybaiting but bfe for dudes

>> No.26903074

how to not gaybait and just be gay
also too shy to moan and stuff on stream

>> No.26903343
File: 23 KB, 1100x550, close to one month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A week from now it will have been a month since I started streaming each day. In some ways my progress has been quite good in bursts. In many ways it has been discouraging.

I seem to have been able to get a few regulars, that show up or don't show up mainly based on what time of the day I stream and sometimes which game. Basically making friends of some sort. This was my main goal, along with having at least a few conversations each time I stream which is getting more and more consistent.

Im definitely not succeeding by any metric that people would use here. It makes me sad to compare myself with others despite getting close to succeeding based on my own standards I set before I even started. Yet I do it anyways. Hopefully I will have a more clear view of whether or not I should continue streaming after this month is over. Anyways, I guess I just wanted to share my experiences as a male without any particular skills and probably a depressing lack of effort in shilling myself.

>> No.26903458

Oh, who are you? I might check you out if you don't have that much of a viewership. Don't pay much attention to the crabs in here.

>> No.26903706

A few times I have been called slime bro here. Or freeofme on twitch.

>> No.26903800

You're not doing as badly as I did on my first month.

>> No.26906227

? Anon this is just a meme copy but of me. I very highly doubt Xia would do that.

>> No.26906337

i'm so moody can someone slap the shit out of me

>> No.26906435
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>> No.26906467

I find myself only clicking follow on fem/asp/ies

>> No.26906523

The trans ones too?

>> No.26906562

they are so hard to find that i rarely do

>> No.26906563

You and most others it seems.

>> No.26906625

thank you daddy o//o

>> No.26906808

I try not to

>> No.26906998

its honestly not too bad for first month, a lot of people hype up "stream as much as possible" but you should honestly use your time to brand yourself and think of ways to improve your stream assuming you care about that kind of growth. an issue i see with some of you guys is that you tell yourself you dont want to shill or brand or market, but then you get discouraged when the numbers reflect stagnation. like atleast be consistent, either completely embrace NGMI and enjoy whatever interaction you get and just be happy hitting go live, or actually do something to grow

>> No.26907107 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 600x669, 1428537934018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too

>> No.26907281

I only like one. I've stopped by all the others, but they're just either boring or straight-up annoying. Let's just say I don't come to female streams to have some coomer whore sperging out in my ears

>> No.26907499

I was inspired by the crab posters

>> No.26907525

i can probably agree with the boring part but none of them play up the sex stuff i dont think and very few have overtly attractive designs outside of like 2

>> No.26907639

Most of gen 3 fem asp if not all are very tame with the sex stuff. They don't even mention it or entertain the idea.

>> No.26907751

do you ban the lurking bots on twitch?

>> No.26908141
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x1440, thanks for watching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the menhera. I need to squash this obsession with numbers while its still small. I need to just embrace the ngmi mindset and try to make my streams as good as possible. Be happy for each follow, be happy for each viewer, and most of all be happy for each chat message.

Pic is the new starting screen I made the other day. I guess it looks ok despite my lack of artistic talent or experience. It has character at least.

>> No.26908276

no why would i

>> No.26909111

why are so many people set on making their own stuff if they dont have any artistic talent? if fine it you just want to, but theres tons of premade assets you can buy these days. etsy alone has more than enough to completely set up a channel to stream

>> No.26909323

Etsy and Booth can pretty much set you up to have an extremely high quality account you can just focus on streaming but most people here are too cheap or poor to put any money in.

>> No.26909584

because artist prices are ridiculous. not everyone can afford to pay those greedy fucks thousands when it wont even pay itself back ever

>> No.26909707

Xia, it's time to stop posting about Ain.
We love you more than her, there's no need to feel threatened.

>> No.26909715

I hope I'm one of the annoying ones

>> No.26909854

there's also tons of free assets that probably look better than anything (You) can make

>> No.26909967

if i ever decide to become a streamer i will make my own art. i will be using a mouse and gimp to do it. all the worst possible tools but if i can make someone butthurt with it its worth it

>> No.26910010

I try to save the lewdness for outside of my stream.

>> No.26910140

no one is or ever will be as butthurt about that except you

>> No.26910385

For me it's an opportunity to get better and try new things. It's not like I'm going to suddenly become popular if I had "good" assets.

>> No.26910533


>> No.26910910

Nah, I'll keep doing my shit.

>> No.26911124

Sorry but nobody cares about your fancy outro that never gets seen. Because you're a twitch streamer.

>> No.26911963

Where are you paying thousands for simple things like a starting/ending screen overlay, some emotes, and maybe a background? At worst if you commission them it's in the low hundreds, but I also specifically said PREMADE ASSETS which tend to be extremely cheap because they aren't customized to a character, rather a theme.

>it wont even pay itself back ever
Not even remotely true if you're a decent streamer that does commission assets. I've sunk maybe a few hundred in total and made it all back and more.

>It's not like I'm going to suddenly become popular if I had "good" assets.
While you're completely right on that, it does help your channel appear less "cobbled together" and there are viewers that like a concise theme. It won't make you popular but for me I've always preferred to look at something nice as opposed to what a lot of more amateurish artists scribble down to fill space on the screen.

>> No.26912115

>simple stream assets
>thousands of dollars
/asp/ies love to over-exaggerate

>> No.26912459

Why is the bird spoiling her eye reveal

>> No.26912738

Is the TTS femchuuba a hag?

>> No.26912839

If they're using TTS they are not a femchuuba my dude.

>> No.26912855

It's not a spoiler, there's still a part you haven't seen yet :^)

>> No.26912891

I want to see kyou do a game stream during regular hours, the last time he did one was back when he was 200ccv.

>> No.26912892

Is it a dick?

>> No.26913001


>> No.26913068

TTRPG is what he meant aka primrose, and yes

>> No.26913199

Yes, you need to. They are often seen as a sign someone has no idea how twitch works which makes a lot of people insta-leave. I know that sounds weird, but you could have nice quality, good branding, all that and people will jump your channel because of just seeing the bots.

>> No.26913202

Ain would make a hot dick girl ngl

>> No.26913319

>If I ever
You won't. We all know it.

>> No.26913423
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>> No.26913483

Because I'd rather make my own stuff

>> No.26913638 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 222x328, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26914438

ditch the slime model, get a generic ikemen model. stop streaming every day. stream 4 times max and spend the rest of the time networking and doing your market reps.

>> No.26914594

>ditch the slime model, get a generic ikemen model
Every fucking time.

>> No.26914834

Idk if you mean me, people say I sound older but what's the minimum age requirement to qualify as hag?

>> No.26915315

he has the voice buff and is shooting himself in the foot by not having a visually appealing model

>> No.26915432

I like the slime

>> No.26915469

enjoy being a ngmi 2view

>> No.26915586

I want to fuck the slime

>> No.26915594

30 is the absolute minimum age for hags. Some people say 35, or even higher.

If TTS is tabletop simulator, I plead the 5th.

>> No.26915743

Reminder that this is the bar set for /asp/
Stay grounded, stay hopeful, and keep practicing my brothers and sisters!

>> No.26915945

Ain digging into ancient history to discredit Xia now that best /asp/ singer is out of her reach

>> No.26915962

>30 is the absolute minimum age for hags
If that's the case, then no, I'm still a bit behind. I thought >>26912738 meant text-to-speech which I use sometimes for keks

>> No.26916485

Man, fuck you.

>> No.26916628
File: 85 KB, 800x716, 1656218518718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and post cute aspie art

>> No.26916701

Im not gonna post here any more. Good luck in making it. Thanks for the good advice. Bye.

>> No.26917012

slime bro nooo

>> No.26917039
File: 429 KB, 1031x1880, 1655880648911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss him...

>> No.26917294

Is he the first aspie to graduate?

>> No.26917445

Did they get bigger again?

>> No.26917595

slimebrah... you'll finally be free of us

>> No.26917890

huh... i think he is actually? i can't remember anyone else that quit
at the very least, i'm glad that he quit because he found more enjoyment in life from what i could tell

>> No.26922116

he didn’t say he’d graduate. just not post here.

>> No.26922245

anon he literally went on a hiatus in march and then graduated in may...

>> No.26922554

oshit, I thought y’all meant >>26916701

I apologize for my dumbass

>> No.26923650

crazy how one schizo changed the thread culture this much, and for the worse
These threads are basically unusable now

>> No.26923829

I'm new. What happened?

>> No.26923922

nothing. most of the thread was always outsiders so they would be comfortable with discords

>> No.26923959

Kek, I know which one you’re talking about

>> No.26923990

nta but /asp/ used to be about getting technical advice and the motivation to start streaming then leaving. either outside of 4chan or to /wvt/. the thread's culture has changed to become it's own main thread on /vt/ complete with viewers, schizos, inside jokes and even its own discord.

any aspie getting started here now would end up falling into the ngmi trap of what is effectively just /asp-soc/ now.

>> No.26924242

not true, the /asp/cord is very useful in gathering all the orbiters for the femchuubas in one place

>> No.26924359

another reason to the list of reasons to not join these discords

>> No.26924745

you say that as if the thread didn't didn't pretty much start with an /asp/cord in its early months anyways
though you're right that this time around the discord happenings are much more talked about in comparison
pretty sure the original /asp/cord was talked about more in /wvt/ than here

>> No.26924865


and im still here checking in every other week to laugh at you retards living in the ruins
hope you are all enjoying

>> No.26925003

This is something that zero people whatsoever have ever thought besides you. Viewers don't give a fuck about bots and rarely realize they even exist. Why do you people make up the stupidest shit?

>> No.26925435

>a sign someone has no idea how twitch works
at least you're self aware

>> No.26925460

I wish that people would selfpost more. Why don't /asp/ chuubas selfpost anymore? I can't find any new people.

>> No.26925548

thats vsoc for you

>> No.26925761

seriously retard just shut the fuck up. if people can make it using avatars like papi or a fucking trex or plenty of other non-human monsters he'll be fine

>> No.26925966

>using avatars like papi or a fucking trex
>names 2 people who had a huge social network group supporting them from before they were vtubers

>> No.26926246

some moved to /wvt/. check there.

>> No.26926445

>ditch the slime model
Not really needed. It could help, but there's no issue with him just being a slime. Maybe get a better slime model or something down the line when he's got more of an audience/

>stop streaming every day
He doesn't stream every day, so far you're just making things up and I'm unsure why. You don't need 3 whole days a week to spent "networking" and "marketing" even if you are right about not streaming every day. You act as if he needs to spend 4 hours on those off days marketing or networking.

all in all, shit advice.

>> No.26926859

papi literally had about a dozen or so viewers before becoming a vtuber, and that's at best. i don't like the guy's personality or content but he's just good at what he does. Redclaw's (who I'm assuming the T-Rex is) early networking and pre-debut shilling is what got him the support network. Please, try to understand what you're talking about. Papi streamed for ages to basically nobody and admittedly he was far more experienced, but he was still a nobody doing charity streams until he picked up the Vtuber model and found an audience through that. Papi isn't the best example, but the fact he's grown despite the model along with plenty of other "non-standard" Vtubers like hampwned, kabhaal, etc or is proof enough he'll be fine if he just focuses on his content, networking, and just basic shit. The model is the least of his issues.
