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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26817809 No.26817809 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Wactor Auditions have opened up for males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>26729370

>> No.26817913

first for I want to breed Prim

>> No.26818682

You will never be a real Vtuber

>> No.26818832

Second for I wanna breed ragdoll.

>> No.26818861

Please selfpost more. There's no reason why it should be this much pain in the ass trying to find /asp/ies to watch. No I won't join the networking discord. I'm a fucking viewer.

>> No.26818938

just follow them on twitch?

>> No.26819041

Alright. So who's ragdoll? Who's Prim? How are people supposed to know their links aside from archive dumping for old lists filled with dead streamers or joining a discord meant for vtubers?

>> No.26819129

People don't post much anymore because a couple of creeps keep saying weird shit and making up rrats. Not worth it for the 2 views they'll get from shilling here

>> No.26819180

That was Visage's plan all along

>> No.26819236

Honestly don't get the visage hate. He hasn't really done anything here nor in the discord, other than sharing some resources and giving tech tips

>> No.26819261

Former Kaneko Lumi mod so there is nothing alright about him

>> No.26819297

Where should I shill myself to get 2view now?

>> No.26819301

maybe you can summon list anon to make a new list with all the active ones, but aside from that i believe some /asp/ies went to post on /wvt/.

That being said the discord isn't limited to anyone in particular, you can just mute the server and look in the shill channel whenever you want to watch someone. I stopped self-posting my streams here because p much everyone here just wants to watch females, but i can't speak for others.

>> No.26819381

You could try /wvt/

>> No.26819579

Ragdoll is Juniper
Prim is Evening Primrose

>> No.26819700

>He hasn't really done anything here nor in the discord

that's exactly the concern.

why the fuck is he running a discord for aspiring chuubs from 4chan?

he's not a streamer himself, so it's not like the normal cloutchasing discords that exist to boost the creator.

>> No.26819865
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thoughts on this creature?

>> No.26819924
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Reminder that there is absolutely no reason to learn or sing in an East Asian language, or work with an East Asian company.

>> No.26820093

Kawaii yo

>> No.26820116

but I have a penis

>> No.26820223

Don't care + didn't ask + ratio + quote retweet + skill issue + stay malding + you're white

>> No.26820405

I want mashi to draw me as a kemono

>> No.26820411

Don't sing in Japanese: >>26785817

>> No.26820657

So does all of /asp/

>> No.26821107

I hope Kaiser is having a good day today

>> No.26821292


>> No.26821365
File: 168 KB, 788x1200, FWEFSG2XgAEcgPn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want fanart and fanfiction of /asp/ies together! More things like this!

>> No.26821368

Not me, but I wish.

>> No.26821484

space cat looks fat.
and the colors for him are strange.

>> No.26821507

Tits or GTFO

>> No.26821572

It doesnt work like that in /asp/ anon
At least half of us are girls

>> No.26821836

xia deliberately kept their sizes the same so azu is in undersized clothing

>> No.26821870

Thinking about that muppet tearing into a chunk of meat has me feeling some type of way

>> No.26821916

Xia not so subtly trying to make the babis look bad

>> No.26822252

Why would you give up the female buff?

>> No.26822319
File: 257 KB, 946x2048, A5F7B837-2849-4F84-A724-C221E8BFC2B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bodysuit is also a little loose
Also have you seen Azu’s model? It’s thicc af.

>> No.26822934

Azu... you just want more free art

>> No.26823077

I just want to see aspies getting along
Asp unity!

>> No.26823179

Alright, varmint

>> No.26823557

What would happen if you pressed the button on his tail? Would he die?

>> No.26823658

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.26823668

He would cum

>> No.26823742

Sucking on azu's tail and pressing the button when you're ready to accept his load!

>> No.26823799

azu has lots of fans for being a 1view

>> No.26823916

Azu's like the charity case everyone supports because it makes them look better, comfortable knowing they aren't supporting real competition

>> No.26823938

its the babi circlejerk. guarantee you that half of those posts were made by either cordy or azu himself

>> No.26823979

I'm just a big fan of his design. But he's alright as a streamer. Just average compared to his design.

>> No.26824010

He’s a big cat

>> No.26824086

Anon sure is horny today.

>> No.26824119

aftercare with miru!

>> No.26824163


>> No.26824273
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>> No.26824406
File: 5 KB, 264x64, 1231231214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Azu tempting me!

>> No.26824436

Nice edit

>> No.26824900 [DELETED] 

The cybervat isn’t fat, they just have big cybernetics.

>> No.26825037

The cybercat isn’t fat, they just have big cybernetics.

>> No.26825655


>> No.26825733

Tis a cherubim

>> No.26826131


>> No.26826257
File: 564 KB, 1500x2000, 984F7513-2478-4554-BDC7-FBFA91CDBDF1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I’ll shill myself but only cause I got another lewd and it’s tame enough to post here

>> No.26826292

L-L-L-L-L-LIIISSTTTT????????? OHHH NYOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26826409

Spats are olev

>> No.26826637

Please don't be another babi we already have too many.

>> No.26826658
File: 180 KB, 2048x1152, D58BEBF1-15A5-4589-B815-57934F68683B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of underwear does Azu wear?
I can’t imagine that bodysuit really having much room for normal undergarments.

>> No.26826801

If this is some sort of psyop to make people hate azu and the thread as a whole you're doing a good job.

>> No.26826975

t. Seething femchuuba

>> No.26827048

Actually retarded logic

>> No.26827186

Ok retard

>> No.26827351

Nonsense. My only request is that the model is SEX

>> No.26827492
File: 287 KB, 2048x1935, 20220626_003837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and look at cute sloth instead

>> No.26827519


>> No.26827577

this sloth is a dumb bitch and boring streamer

>> No.26827648

What's the best program for Live2D models?

>> No.26827684

T. Sour babi that can't reach affiliate

>> No.26827816

Rigging? Live2D Cubism duh
Actually using models? VTube Studio is the premiere choice especially if you have an iPhone, you can use VTS on iPhone for tracking in other programs like VSeeFace for 3D.

>> No.26827870

Whoever is trying to put the babis against the femchuubas is sick in the head man babis are chill and femchuubas are higher CCV they have nothing to fear

>> No.26827886


>> No.26828157

do femboys count as babis?

>> No.26828173

No but I wanna fuck one.

>> No.26828258

yayy im not a babi
also hi o//o

>> No.26828493


>> No.26828541

Is she a psyop or something I don't even know what she looks like and she's not in the threads so I'm completely lost

>> No.26828641
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>> No.26828750

is there a definitive list of all the female /asp/ies eraxs has creeped on yet?

>> No.26829259
File: 75 KB, 932x1080, 20220515_111646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maplemothvtuber on twitter and twitch

>> No.26829654
File: 217 KB, 707x470, 40872D53-D9E3-44DD-B813-772232A06F2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to punch it...

>> No.26829823

so desperate

>> No.26830077

i got asked :p
but yeah i'm desparate
desparate for a bf xd

>> No.26830194

I post links when I go live. Show up to them.

>> No.26830261

I wanna fuck the desperation out of you.

>> No.26830542

yes pls O///O

>> No.26830551

Somebody has to take over the yellow cat hate

>> No.26830740

You share the same mama/artist with one of the /asp/ies.

>> No.26831024

wait i have a sibling here? poggg

>> No.26831138

A whole two people clicked onto my stream from here when I self posted yesterday.

>> No.26831976

male debuff bro, be a woman next time

>> No.26832064
File: 575 KB, 944x751, Mesu1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but what if I only want to pull her out for special occasions?

>> No.26832732
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1628102070632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but my voice is too deep

>> No.26832744

In my headcanon you're a femanon pretending to type like man, bro.

>> No.26832850

There are no femanons

>> No.26833065

Well... I shouldn't complain. Likely one of the two watched and chatted for a bit and left after following. That really makes my day. I don't think I would cherish my small amount of followers as much if I were a woman. I might have more of them as a female, but would any of them like me for who I was outside of the slightly creepy sexual aspect of it?

>> No.26833121

i have the male equivalent of valley girl accent unfortunately

>> No.26833161

are you the blue slime guy?

>> No.26833338

I guess I already narrowed down who it could have been since almost nobody selfposted yesterday. So no use denying it. I am said slime.

>> No.26833422

i do wonder if many of the females here go in feeling like every guy is a groomer and preemptively put up a wall mentally. but at the same time they talk about crying and being sad when they find viewers in another chat so im not even sure

>> No.26834083

>preemptively put up a wall mentally
Most of the girls here are not mentally well enough to do anything of that nature.

>> No.26834246

I see a few familiar names of /asp/ bros in my chat from time to time and they've always been super chill. I'm not very groomable though so maybe it's that

>> No.26834657

I had a dream about Kaiser... my menhera feelings are through the roof!

>> No.26834902

honestly the dudes here are more orbiters than groomers. none of us are socially skilled enough to fucking seduce a woman. they hang around waiting for pity e-sex one day

>> No.26835239

Los quiero aspies <3 tengan un lindo día

>> No.26835342

Better than my 0 people

>> No.26835408

Bonito dia añon.

>> No.26835410

Is Xia groomable?

>> No.26835454

I'm already in her DMS so no.

>> No.26835470

After this long she shouldn't count as an /asp/ie. She's an established vtuber. Having no viewers doesn't make her /asp/iring.>>26827186

>> No.26835507

If they are groomable enough they count

>> No.26835561

Muchas gracias Alto, igualmente

>> No.26835606

How sad... reverting back to /asp/ for views
I don't trust her and I don't trust Odette

>> No.26835860

she has 0 sloth in her designn please why is she so simpleee such a good concept bad execution

>> No.26835873

sorry about that, i hope you are ok.

>> No.26835963

3 fingers. Strange that that was what was chosen to change in her to look like a sloth. Besides the clothing and accessories.

>> No.26836138

Holy shit that's horrifying

>> No.26836175
File: 21 KB, 425x492, Cursed Serval plushie that eats all of your Japari snacks and says %22sugoi%22 and %22tanoshii%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know why people can’t just use kemono friends as a basic template on what to do for specific animal-themed chuubas

>> No.26836195


>> No.26836315
File: 129 KB, 700x1000, 5xzwb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont lump me in with you

>> No.26836642

holy fuck thats actually such a weird anatomy detail to use, the onesie/jacket shoulve had sleeves with the claws on it that hides the hands although i guess sloth is a pretty plain animal to get a motiff from. i think she needed a short hair cut and sleepy eyes to really sell sloth

>> No.26836688

Hey guys, I was the Linguistics PhD anon that wanted to be a shota/PhD Vtuber. A lot has happened since. So how do you guys grow a fanbase?

>> No.26836781

By posting here or joining the networking discord for an easy boost
Alternatively churn shit out on tiktok/twitter and hope other chuubas take pity on you and give you a boost

>> No.26836879
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Karaoke night tonight in about 2 and a half hours!

>> No.26837074

I won't get to see Kaiser until Monday
I miss him already

>> No.26837211

You realize that's a ton of aspies right? Half the people here has e hundreds of hours streamed at this point and aren't even remotely new.

>> No.26837747
File: 2.99 MB, 994x560, penguin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a look at Petra Gurin from Nijisanji EN.
She is fluent in English and Japanese, plus she can speak Cantonese, and IIRC Mandarin also. She is a graphic designer and can draw. Her voice acting skills let her do a convincing cute voice, as well as a shota voice whenever she wants. She can sing. She has an adorable character design. She knows a lot of vtuber lore. She can and will consume large quantities of Japanese media in the original language.
Petra is second to last in popularity in NijiEN after a Reimu who is just about as multi-talented and can even do operatic singing.

/asp/ is wasting their time pursuing the development of any the above skills.

The skills worth developing are, in no particular order: streaming, networking, marketing, the making of new internet memes*, comedy, sensuality, gaming.

*not to be confused with the history of memes, i.e.: the memorization of extant or extinct memes

>> No.26838015

I might play it up a bit sometimes but Kaiser really inspires me. It's comforting seeing someone so open with their struggles, yet also have the drive and determination to push themselves to new heights and not just constantly wallow in it. He was the first /asp/ chuuba I watched and the one who inspired me to try and to keep trying every day. I wish we could be friends

>> No.26839193

Making entertaining content and showing it to as many people as you can

>> No.26839291

I want to run lots of general knowledge streams. I'm not sure if that would be interesting.

>> No.26839374

what's stopping you from being his friend

>> No.26839481

You can make any content interesting, in streams where you can learn stuff you wanna not make it feel like a school class. If I had to plan one I would do trivia games and involve chat as I could

>> No.26839521

My own menhera, please understand

>> No.26839535

So nice of Ain to give Elliot some views, so sad that Elliot needs to crawl back to asp for a boost. Every aspie should look to Elliot as an example of how not to conduct yourself.

>> No.26840114

What are some good games to play on stream that will actually attract viewers?

>> No.26840244

I hope you think hard about what made you write something like this.

>> No.26840249

Networking reps. Video game choice has little to do with viewership unless you’re ahead of the curve on a fotm game or very skilled at one particular game and have some kind of accolades (high rank, tournament wins, world record)

>> No.26840256

There's no easy recipe for that. It depends on you, but games you have a genuine passion/interest in with a low number of streamers but a healthy community is always a good bet. That way the no life people who watch that content will check you out, and your knowledge will keep them chatting.
There was the 2view a few threads ago that got a raid of 100 people playing go last week.

>> No.26840286

I hope you blow me fag lol

>> No.26840352




>> No.26840493


>> No.26840525

It's ok anon, it's ok to be gay in current year.

>> No.26840548

Some of the dudes in VC are powerful nd manipulative don't underestimate them

>> No.26840582
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I understand, well for the most part i'm open to meeting and talking to new people. Even if you decide to just enjoy me from a distance, i'm glad that you are interested regardless.

I'm making good progress this weekend, with the help of very generous people /here/. I hope i can make this monday stream special.

>> No.26840653
File: 1.65 MB, 3840x2160, 1628285078193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i think it's hilarious

>> No.26840690

answer my dms teachu

>> No.26840824

a dude played go and got a 100 viewer raid a few days ago. if you go for niches you can see better growth than most people, but also more prominent stagnation. but by and large stagnating at 50-100 ccv on a niche game is still better growth than most people here

>> No.26840973

Of course you do you little attention starved bottom

>> No.26841102

Put your money where your mouth is.
Name and shame.

>> No.26841476

I'll be your biggest admirer Admiral!
Life has just burned me to the point that I get panic attacks if I even think about interacting with people outside of a public environment. To that end, streaming has been great for me. But in another life, you could have been a great friend I think.

>> No.26841683

in how many hours is the karaoke? says 3 for me but thats in 20 min

>> No.26841809

The best games in my experience are games that don't have many 0 view streamers and that there is a relatively large community. You have to realize that as a 0 view you are primarily competing with other 0 views, not with people that have 50+ people watching at a time. The value in watching you is that you can provide intimate interaction with anybody watching and chatting and if you can corner that market on a popular game you can sometimes get lucky and get viewers and followers. Note that this will still mean you will mostly be streaming to nobody but it does get you a chance to get new viewers and followers from twitch directly.

One interesting angle you can go for is trying to play a very highly skilled game. You can do this at almost any skill level ironically. If you are good at the game you can go for a teaching angle and pick up viewers that are impressed by your skill. If you are not good at the game you can sometimes get people trying to teach you how to play in chat, sounds weird but it has worked for me before, just be really humble and at least look like you really value their input and they will love the experience you give them.

In my experience some of the worst games are highly story dependent. These type of games really discourage new people joining because they either already know the story or will be very confused unless they watched your whole playthrough (they didnt). This kind of means that during story exposition/dialog your stream is basically are dead air to the viewer.

Debuff and buff games are very different for a 2 view than for a mid viewer or high viewer streamer. You have to realize what people who specifically seek out low viewer streamers are looking for and try to cater to those people specifically.

Also, this advice is only for people looking to get viewers directly from twitch browsing. If you are advertising yourself the best games to choose are probably much different. For example streaming league of legends is an absolutely horrible game to stream to get viewers off of twitch (you will be competing with way too many 0 views), but you will get a lot more engagement off of a shill post here or on a discord playing LoL than you would playing most games that follow my other advice.

>> No.26842276

I can't wait for karaoke schizo to sing!

>> No.26842350

hi rin

>> No.26842981

When has cordy even interacted with Azu?

>> No.26843180
File: 15 KB, 226x250, 1648546903796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a waste of time to network with non-bro girls, as in girls that dont collab with males. Seems like it'll just be a one-sided thing where you're tossing attention/effort/time into a black hole.
Something to consider for any of the males that can't help but turn into orbiters for every cute girl.

>> No.26843339

I can't wait for them to bring their fucking drama into the thread again

>> No.26843394

bf obsessed guy has a cute voice.
I now wanna fuck him.

>> No.26843442


>> No.26843462

Which chuubas are you waiting for?

>> No.26843654

wait me???? really????

>> No.26844106

Too bad I have conflicting feelings about my sexuality.

>> No.26844151

is 3 views avg ok for a new streamer on League? i'm not very good at league lol

>> No.26844242

i mean fair ;-;
i just never thought of my voice as cute so thank you!!!! (^▽^)

>> No.26844396

Seems pretty good if you aren't advertising yourself. If you are shilling yourself its ok but you probably need to either do more or make your stream better.

>> No.26844586

uhh i don't really use hashtags on twitter so it's been pretty organic i think???? it's a mix of moots from twitter and people who found the stream organically
and the people who found my stream i played with as well and it was really fun!!!

>> No.26844798

Ah good. If you are getting viewers organically while playing LoL I really commend you. That seems like one of the harder games to stream with no audience since there is so many others with no audience to compete with.

>> No.26844899

accidental self dox let's gooo
acc stressed abt that fml

>> No.26844968

I got a ss and will save it for the right moment

>> No.26845033

wait have you actually or are you like, messing w me ;-;

>> No.26845084

i mean i'm uggo af so who cares

>> No.26845106

Just did a check on how many 0-2 view streamers are playing League in english right now. 600. Fucking 600 English speaking 0-2 views are playing lol right now. Thats fucking insane. I don't know how anyone new could expect to even get 1 click from twitch while playing LoL. Maybe people might filter to just vtubers playing and that might help a tiny bit. I don't know.

>> No.26845377

Yeah it doesnt help, whatever game you pick you wanna be at the top of the list or at least within the first few scrolls in order to grow. Games like Valorant or like League is way too big unless you're like a pro

>> No.26845886

Still more than coqui's "tail"

>> No.26845989

i dont understand why hes is in charge but i LIKE it

>> No.26846049

visage had to leave for a bit and i guess she took it upon herself to take charge which is fine since no one else did

>> No.26846153

wait who is in charge now?

>> No.26846255

hes is just calling people up for karaoke since visage stepped away

>> No.26846340

Holy shit I didn't notice and I wish you hadn't told me.

>> No.26846473

Even so, they still started here and never left. Sloth has never posted here until recently pretending to be a shillposter (she literally gets 2 viewers and they're thread schizos, you really think she has a gosling?). Being a failed /wvt/ doesn't make you an /asp/.

>> No.26846668

>they still started here and never left
>dog before leaving

and plenty of others who just came here to shill and have dozens if not hundreds of hours streamed before coming to /asp/.

>> No.26846830
File: 175 KB, 468x468, 1647490000525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vtuber asks for advise on retaining viewers
>they have 30+ seconds of dead air multiple times throughout stream

Not going to name names, but Brother, dead air is a complete killer for anyone new entering your stream. you need to keep that shit to a minimum even if you just ramble on about something. I know it can be hard when hardly anyone in your chat is talking, but you need to come up with subjects before hand that you can just talk about by yourself.

>> No.26847237

I had less than 20 hours and I just wanted to iron out the worst of the scuff before sharing myself anywhere. /asp/ was the first and only place I wound up posting in for a long while.
I was also asking for advice anonymously as far back as August of last year, well before even my soft pre-shilling debut. Please don't make assumptions

>> No.26847685

oh come on, 60 hours is just a month, maybe hundreds of hours is a bit much but dozens? that's still as fresh as it gets without being a vtweeter

>> No.26848003

I sing along to people during the chorus and pray that I’m still muted.

Also I hope it wasn’t anyone in the VC who accidentally got doxxed

>> No.26848089

It was maple

>> No.26848203

you're correct, but shockingly, I've seen people like Konrad retain viewers through constant dead air for some reason

>> No.26848279

i'm doing this too lol :') i even do it during other chuubas karaoke streams on twitch or whatev

>> No.26848428

the autism is strong in this vc

>> No.26848457

Learn to have fun faggot

>> No.26848908

Hand hype!

>> No.26848949

EU-friendly karaoke when?

>> No.26848962

elliott is my oshi.........

>> No.26849138

How the hell did you notice?

>> No.26849139

let's agree to kick out any ESLs before the next karaoke, my poor ears. They seem to be having fun though so good for them

>> No.26849163

alto should stream in spanish, his voice sounds so much better

>> No.26849337


>> No.26849389

poor choice

>> No.26849491
File: 147 KB, 553x227, admiral-old-hands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but it's got slight outlines and it has a fluidity that the old hands don't have.

>> No.26849556

I actually watch Kaiser’s vlogs also, >>26849491

>> No.26849562

admiral fingers...

>> No.26849601

elliott is cute though!

>> No.26849619

i noticed too. you've been talking about it so i was looking for it.

>> No.26849752
File: 215 KB, 452x805, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cobbling png avatar together
>can't draw, getting by with photoshop and anime screencaps
>have open and closed eyes and mouths
>start making changes to the base sprite, removing iconic details to render it into a generic base I can customize
>going well, start playing with the hair
>fail, suffer, give up
Why is hair so hard?

>> No.26849791

The only girls left are Xia and plum…

>> No.26849919

i wish you all luck in your journey of a self inflicted lobotomization, baby vtubers.

>> No.26850130

looks like you were to late to /vsoc/ the others... too slow...

>> No.26850225
File: 5 KB, 299x121, angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i imagine if people like your personality, they tend to overlook your flaws more.

>> No.26850576

Or half of them got pulled away bc of prior commitments…

>> No.26850977

Xia just shamed every single /asp/ie and left right after. I kneel.

>> No.26851081

she has a nice singing voice

>> No.26851271

Create hair with clumps rather than having a general shape

>> No.26853132

with all due respect to him, they're /asp/ viewers, they're not "real" viewers they're just here to "support" him. If he was sitting on 40 viewers or something with massive clumps of dead air I'd get it, but a majority of people here that are sub-10 viewers just have other /asp/ies watching them.

>> No.26854088

Why is /asp/ so dead on karaoke night? Last one it was fairly active

>> No.26854136

it was more active after the singing concluded i'm pretty sure

>> No.26854192

Dog schizo is gone and vc is a sausage fest.

>> No.26854637

Why I'm never doing karaoke night

>> No.26854681

karaoke is really fun tho! i bet you'd enjoy doing it

>> No.26855582

I'd be mogged and people would shit on me 100%
Especially because I'm a female who has crabs

>> No.26855764

karaoke isn't about winning dude
you aren't an idol on stage, you're a drunk retard standing in front of a bunch of other drunk retards belting out the same 1980's pop hits (or I guess in vtuber spheres 2010's vocaloid hits) everyone sings every night
just enjoy yourself

>> No.26855843

yeah exactly! we're not being recorded or anything (I think lmao) so just go wild and don't stress it :p

>> No.26855955

>there's people in here who haven't participated, just lurked quietly
this is 100% being archived by one of the schizo fun-haters
i don't give a shit personally but just saying

>> No.26856108


>> No.26856147

what did she sing? i am too retarded to figure out how to unmute discord

>> No.26856199

da song from nier

>> No.26856221

There’s list with all the songs, just search for her name.

>> No.26856224

she sang hit me baby one more time, song of the ancients, and everything stays

>> No.26856813
File: 251 KB, 1000x1546, kronii17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these tits get bigger every time i work on them

>> No.26857082

I want to lurk during karaoke because I can't see but I wanna listen to everyone else....

>> No.26857114

R8ing the aspcord karaoke:
>One person with sincere skill who showed up to flex on everyone
>Two or so people who are in solid "a bit of vocal coaching will make them decent" terroritory
>3-4 people who aren't tone deaf, but whose voices are far too nasally or have some other quality making them unpleasant to listen to
>A couple people who are as described above, but are also super enthusiastic and shout/scream with enough energy to make people clap cuz le SOVL
>everyone else can not find pitch to save their lives or have horribly atonal voices
literally wasn't even there, I just know how this shit always goes, same formula as "___ sings" projects across the site

>> No.26857120

you can! lots of lurkers so dw

>> No.26857229

aww i was gonna ask where i fell

>> No.26857302

list schizo (visage) posting a list of all people who sang and all the songs they sang for the gazillionth time

>> No.26857345

That was the entry list retard, everyone put their name/song(s) on it as it went

>> No.26857376

it's one thing to hate singing in general, but if you're afraid of sounding bad for people then good news for you. quite literally no one cares how bad you are. it's a fun event.

>> No.26857417

oh yeah im sure thats all it was for thats why he keeps posting it again and again and again get a clue retard

>> No.26857482

SOVL reporting (at least I think I was...)

>> No.26857591

>literally wasn't even there
Based. It was literally that. Xia blew everyone out right at the top and left immediately.
I've personally seen this same formula happen consistently as well, that's just how it goes with karaoke and karaoke projects.
Just waiting for whichever muted retards file uploads first.

>> No.26857601

Adding one for the history books
>troon facedoxxes
That was a new one but a welcome twist

>> No.26857660

>Left immediately
She showed up late, and there was like at least 30, 45 minutes between her songs. LARP harder, schizo

>> No.26857708

What happened?

>> No.26857786

Yeah, and she was obviously working on her next song in that intervening time, or did you not notice how she didn't say anything in the text chat like everyone else when we sang?
I don't honestly hold it against anyone, but I do legitimately unironically think it's rude as fuck to come in, drop songs, and not listen to anybody else also participating. Disrespectful little twat that one.

>> No.26857793

The troon that larps "i want a bf :3" accidentally streamed its webcam when sharing their screen


>> No.26857869 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 112x112, c6d328ab-a86e-4da1-89a7-85feb0f0de2e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction needed
of the headpat variety, she's a sweetheart

>> No.26857907

Group karaoke don't seem fun. I would only want to sing with my partner.

>> No.26857924
File: 51 KB, 408x433, 1627158171891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was literally commenting on most of the performances she typed up four pages worth of comments in the text channel

>> No.26857929
File: 51 KB, 542x308, konrad (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably pity views, maybe people actually enjoy me, i don't really mind either. it literally wouldn't change if i have 0 viewers, because i gotta hit go live to get better, even if it's baby steps or sometimes no progress at all. i do know i have dead air problems, and it's a lot of childhood habits i'm trying to correct. it's just how it is. tiktok reps have given me some follows and viewers, so that's nice, i guess. gonna expand to youtube next week, since i can comfortably create content for a game that releases soon and hopefully i can gather an audience that way.

>> No.26857962
File: 283 KB, 410x1216, xia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, she's already got a dedicated schizo anti rrat-maker
i guess she really is gonna WAGMI it

>> No.26858056
File: 366 KB, 507x660, ryt smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOVL reporting in

>> No.26858076

Xia BTFO Ain
So much for aiming for "best singer of /asp/"

>> No.26858094

Oh wow, how fucking strenuous one comment a song must be. Cry me a river bitch.

>> No.26858206

considering she was only around for 20 songs based on the list its closer to 5 comments per song which i think is more than most people actually

>> No.26858225

Sorry but I highly doubt that. Ain is the best singer and that's a fact, some retarded just started that draws in MSpaint online isn't gonna change that.

>> No.26858378

is this place always so bucketcrabby

>> No.26858434

only after big events

>> No.26858530

the only thing I want to be bucketcrabby about is alto singing way too many songs and not giving others a chance and he kept singing kaiji and initial D.

Get a clue already! let others have a chance to sing

>> No.26858619

you're so jealous lol

>> No.26858644

while i get where you're coming from there, he only sang 8 songs which is one more song than the person who sang the second most and there were two other people who sang 6 songs

>> No.26858684

I'm so proud of Xia... she already has her own schizo.
They grow up so fast!

>> No.26859060

I get what you mean but this >>26855955 is what I'm worried of. I'd sooner just have a karaoke stream than have a bunch of schizos dogpile on all the females like they always do

>> No.26859405

What do you fucking expect?\
She commented on every person who sang except me.

Once I can accept as coincidence, but twice? I'm not sure what I did to her to deserve that, I don't think I've even talked to her before.
Don't say she wasn't there either, she was there and active after my first song, and so I know for a fact she saw the other two. Don't bullshit me. Whatever I did to her I'm sorry, but she can go fuck herself if she wants to fuck around like that and be all passive-aggressive. I handle my problems straight up to people's faces and tell them what's what, although I hardly do have problems with people because they don't tend to start this kind of shit with me. This is bullshit. Again, I didn't do anything to her, so why is she like this?

>> No.26859564
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 838a71c8-c254-40dd-8760-e38535d623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26859582

Is this THE karaoke schizo?

>> No.26859634

I missed the karaoke so I guess I'll just do a few songs here to compensate
I could've stood to practice this more or at the very least do more than one take

>> No.26859677

Dude. Meds. NOW.

>> No.26859726

>One person with sincere skill who showed up to flex on everyone
I just like sharing my passion with people, and I think why anyone sings in the first place

literally just cope harder

>> No.26859755

it was pretty bad, at least you can delete a vocaroo, the karaoke on the other hand is permanenty archived by visage

>> No.26859791

oh well, I had fun making it and I got a few more coming down the pipeline, considering its a song I've hardly ever practiced and haven't touched on in months I'm ok with it

>> No.26859842

vocaroos can be saved by other people. it's no different except there's a smaller, known list of people who may have the original copy when it comes to discord karaoke.

>> No.26860010

>sang three songs
>a skinwalker

Who's the karaoke schizo this time? Place your bets!

>> No.26860209

my schizo boywife...

>> No.26860279
File: 3.57 MB, 2893x4092, 798206-2.output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok bro hows this sound
nobody cares to listen to karaoke things for any other reason than having fun, its not that complicated

>> No.26860287

>I handle my problems straight up to people's faces and tell them what's what
Why are you posting about this anonymously then?

>> No.26860292

well youre going to have to work on that attitude as well, the intent is 'i didnt do well, but did do well considering the circumstances' but the kicker is always the doublespeak of 'yeah i didnt put any effort into it, but i still did it who cares lol'
if youre going for the former, try to just say it as unambiguously impossible, maybe literally just say the former word for word, i know you didnt intend the latter, nobody technically does, but save yourself the trouble, we have enough targets for schizos
also its a slippery slope to becoming one of these im self aware about my problem people who perpetually never try to grow past their problem and shirk all criticism with the routine
also god forbid you do something this lazy and try to pass it off as lazy while sharing it, if you intend to share something like this put in the effort to make it performance ready, at the very least, even if it isnt performance ready, i hope you can honest to god escape the trappings of self improvement youll make it

she commented on most of those peoples songs except for maybe two

>> No.26860401

also he implied xia missed one of his songs, so im not sure if all these people meet that criteria, that should narrow it down

>> No.26860414
File: 85 KB, 800x716, 1644432808620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep quiet now.

>> No.26860443

This was amazing, thread's being extra crabby. Love your singing and guitar!

>> No.26860539


>> No.26860594

It's probably Ibero, the dude is in denial

>> No.26860644

>Hylus sang well before she came back from her trip
>Also coincidentally sang immediately before/after Xia's songs

Hylusbros I don't feel so good...

>> No.26860697

I'm so glad to hear, thanks for the support anon <3

>> No.26860837


>> No.26860857


>> No.26860937

I thought you were talking about dog's cosplay pictures again, but this instance is even more retarded

>> No.26860954

Ain Love!

>> No.26861225

i’ve heard hylus hav magnum dong ToT

>> No.26861253

yet even that won't make xia look at him...

>> No.26861309

I wonder who made this post!

>> No.26861690
File: 39 KB, 680x383, now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore all the schizos and keep on doing your vocal reps bros, I want to hear more of your singing voices next month.
Remember that karaoke is all about having fun and going wild

>> No.26861734

after lots of rejections and ghosting i have finally found a mama, yay

>> No.26862071
File: 166 KB, 1080x1513, 3b8228820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tune into friend's stream
>they're being passive aggressive and shit talking other streamers
>pretty sure they shit talked me too

>> No.26862118

so they are scared of the thread but not by the discord that is ran by 4channers too?

>> No.26862146

name and shame.

>> No.26862446

There's no nice way to say this, it's just really bad.
That's fair though, nobody starts 'good' and normally I wouldn't comment on something that's 'bad,' but if it's bad then it's not really worth sharing. You need to seriously spend time singing if you want to improve, a lot of time in fact.
There's just nothing constructive to say at this stage, and the only advice is to list a bunch of things you can't possibly work on simultaneously.

The only valuable thing anyone can tell you is, to say it again, that you need to do this a lot. It takes time, take pride in improvement in small amounts over a long period of time. The kind of ego patting you'll find around here isn't going to help you. Improving various things little by little in an intensive (again, long) process is hard but valuable. Consider being taught as well by a vocal teacher, not a coach, especially if you have difficulty looking at your own singing from an outward perspective.

Hope you stay in good spirit and stick with it.

>> No.26862486

There's a chance I could just be mistaken or that it is just some form of joking. Besides calling a witch hunt isn't gonna fix anything.
Most people probably already know who I'm talking about anyway

>> No.26862510
File: 68 KB, 333x333, emotestare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26862578

Does Xia accept Hylus' hand in groomage? Can the damage done be repaired?

>> No.26862593

I want to grab Mashi, place her on a high shelf, and leave her there.

>> No.26862653

Please let me down, I'm going to starve to death soon

>> No.26862679

Don't forget to feed your shelf rabbit anons!

>> No.26862789

Are all the rrats up there not good enough for her? What a fucking absolute brat.

>> No.26862911

Stop, skinwalker, Mashi doesnt behave like that.

>> No.26862932

She's too sweet to consume rrats they will make her ill

>> No.26863043

He is very obviously obsessed with the females, which is enough to concern me

>> No.26863218

He's grooming Ain and Xia.

>> No.26863270

I'm genuinely interesting in hearing you sing now

>> No.26863298

why are people so obsessed with females here? the best chuubas are all males

>> No.26863416

>try watch femchuuba
>get bored or annoyed quickly
>watch malechuuba
>stay there to the end of the stream and have a good time with the bros
females and their chat just don't do it for me

>> No.26863559

I'm going to tell you right now, Ain just isn't groomable. Xia, on the other hand, is. He also sucks up to Hes a ton, which isn't really working out for him so far. She's at least nice about it. Most of his attempts to worm his way into Mashi/Lala's heads have seen no response.

Just watch who he talks to/what he comments on though. His intentions couldn't be more obvious

>> No.26863577

Jeezus, I've always heard about schizos, but this is the first time I've seen one here. What the hell does it matter if she didn't reply to you during some hectic karaoke session? How obsessed are you with the girl? Take your meds before you spew any more dumb shit here.

>> No.26863615

Stay strong during Pride Month, trans bro.

>> No.26863650

Welp. Im gonna continue the game I started yesterday. Mass murdering fish people. Yep. Genocide even.

>> No.26863724

The malepill was the best decision I ever made

>> No.26863810

Why do you think Ain isn't groomable? This makes it sound like you've tried.

>> No.26863814

Mashi and Lala too pure for grooming

>> No.26863852

like it or not but femchuubas viewers are always there for gfe.
it is never about their content because females don't put any effort into it. they always play the same popular games badly and ask others what they should be doing because they have no own interests

males can be very enthusiastic about the games they play and many of them have made original content that requires creative talent and organizing skills

>> No.26863855

>don't trust
that's so goofy. Both Miyu and Odette are asking for feedback, not shilling and this is an appropriate place for it. Miyu is always trying to improve her streams, and Odette just came back a few times asking about her bunny's design and name.

>> No.26863900

If only Mister Woyde were here...

>> No.26864013

Stop using video games as a crutch for your lack of a personality, you figurative zombie.

>> No.26864042

sorry to disappoint, but she's very obviously far too stubborn and headstrong. i'm very familiar with her type of personality because she is unironically just like me

>> No.26864048


>> No.26864107

Post your links.

>> No.26864150

feel free to name one (1) femchuuba that does what kongou, bloom, woozle or jones does. you just don't see that kind of creativity, interest and dedication in them

>> No.26864186

If they're doing what those chuubas do, would that be creativity?

>> No.26864257

callie comes to mind as someone who is always doing cool things on a regular basis

>> No.26864264

sister abigail

>> No.26864599
File: 210 KB, 900x1043, BloomsBloomers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your favorites.

>> No.26864600

leaflit wrote her own TTRPG to play on-stream

>> No.26864624

Nobody cares about how cool your content is, you have to either be entertaining or engaging or you end up being a streamer that gets views out of pity

>> No.26864664

Except males are lazy shits who think that buying an avatar entitles them to an audience and donations.

>> No.26864708

He had a very small audience, so that means that you've basically doxxed yourself.

>> No.26864753

It is me anon... I sometimes like to write differently for comedic effect.. ;_; tomorrow I'm going to stream holocure, I'm really enjoying it! I'm really sorry to the mashimallows who were looking foward for my last stream, my internet was unstable for a few days, it seems better today and I hope it stays that way... I miss streaming

>> No.26864763

Laponkotsu and Pumpiino are pretty good.

>> No.26864806

Taking a quick glance at the rest of this thread, I don't think I have cause to worry anymore

>> No.26864851

>Mashi confirmed skinwalker with many writing styles
How many schizos were our beloved rabbit all along?

>> No.26864932

That's not what I meant! You're a bully!!

>> No.26864956

very odd exception but i agree on that
the game streams were nice but all the dating gfe stuff was too much for me
>partner chuubas
tried to watch some of them but my brain always forced me to close the tab after a while
never seen but that one could be interesting

>> No.26864992

My favorite male hasn't streamed in a month, but I don't want to be a cheater and declare a new oshi in case he comes back.

>> No.26865068

Most of my favorite males had to quit due to work or school.

>> No.26865205
File: 31 KB, 640x423, FT0d6x9UYAAxoPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need my weekly dose of mashi

>> No.26865209
File: 7 KB, 394x157, DB5FA80C-6532-4B80-A390-001765EE5DB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love karaoke and singing and will always look for a reason to share it with others. Thanks to everyone who participated this time and last time!

That was so good! Well done, anon. I’d record a vocaroo of me clapping for you but I should probably get to sleep now, but it was very nice to listen to.

>> No.26865219
File: 147 KB, 534x427, 1628155459635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw, have you tried out clip studio paint? I'm no artist but the way it shows off community-made brushes in the in-app browser looks very appealing.

>> No.26865284

why are you doing karaoke in a discord server instead of streaming it to your viewers? do you hate them?

>> No.26865360

Not >>26865209, but I can understand feeling less shy if there is other people singing. Also not the same doing 1 song every 30 mins than singing for at least an hour straight

>> No.26865375

Can’t hate people who don’t exist, anon.

>> No.26865413


>> No.26865419

some people don't have the stamina or confidence to sing a full setlist anon... sometimes just doing one or two songs in a call with your peers can help build thag

>> No.26865465

Meeting the most wholesome Valorant player

>> No.26865518

i don't understand that logic. i would feel way worse doing that in a call than on stream

>> No.26865672

I guess you’re just naturally built to be a streamer to thousands. The more eyes on you, the less you can comprehend being on you and the less you think about them. Not everybody’s brain works that way.

>> No.26865720

i think of it as you having more pressure when you are participating in a event like that. when you are streaming you can do whatever you want and when you want

>> No.26865745

How is it hard to understand that having more people doing the thing you're doing takes the focus away from you hence less pressure?

>> No.26865747

I personally think karaoke is best enjoyed with other people singing too, literally like going to live karaoke and going crazy with your friends.
Streaming your singing alone feels lonely, and you need to conserve stamina for a setlist, which requires proper technique

>> No.26865801

I have tried it, yes. CSP has some features would be very useful to me. Things like, what you mentioned, the community made brushes and other tools. It generally has way more useful features for manipulating and editing images that would certainly make my life easier. However, I prefer paint tool sai 2 as I feel like the brush engine is the best of every art program I've tried. It's very comfortable to draw in, I know how to edit the brush to get any result I want, and the program is very light weight and simple, I've been using it for years so I know every feature. Also, it's the program I see most japanese pros use. To use the special effect brushes from CSP, I just copy paste them to sai2! I would still recommend CSP for anyone getting into digital art, as it's probably better to get used to it first. If I could, I would use it. I actually tried to use it for a recent piece and came out all confused.. I kept messing up. Brain too small.. sorry for the long answer, it's just something I'm invested in
Thank you for waiting! I need my weekly dose of mashimallow to eat

>> No.26865892

it just is. being in a event voice call where you are expected to do something when its your turn and will be judged by all the other random people that are in the call (don't tell me that nonsense you know that everyone does this even if they don't say it to you) is way more demanding than just singing a bit on stream because i wanted to.
it is specifically the part of being in a voice call with other people that makes it harder

>> No.26865907

>another larping karaoke schizo
you people are entertaining as fuck

>> No.26865925

the people in the vc are random strangers, not your friends

>> No.26865935

I agree with you. I don't know what these others are talking about.

>> No.26865979

thats kinda cute

>> No.26866154

Someone recorded the last one, and posted links here. Visage is absolutely right to assume everything posted there is public, because someone will leak it.

>> No.26866300

wish i could have fun singing, i hope everyone had fun tonight

>> No.26866352

Hey, here's a tip from an old /wvt/ veteran: keep Discord on Discord. Better yet, avoid it altogether. It only causes drama, false flagging, and raids.

>> No.26866364

i'm actual glad nobody was SOVL or kino posting during my songs because the ones they did that for were ones i thought were actual earrape. i turned offf my sound for the tool screamming fest

>> No.26866445

hard to do when the discordfags want to steal posters from the threads

>> No.26866451

Allies then? Brother in arms in vtubing? I mean, have you never went to a random karaoke with like minded people like after cons or something? I met my closest friends from a random karaoke event

>> No.26866489

i don't live in korea

>> No.26867809

What's so great about discord?

>> No.26867858

I can pretend to be nice to the other VTubers and when the lying starts to stress me out I can come back to the thread and let it all out on everyone.
