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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 14 KB, 598x115, Screenshot_2021-04-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2683992 No.2683992 [Reply] [Original]

Look at what you faggots did!

>> No.2684030

I know, anon. You can thank us later.

>> No.2684045 [DELETED] 

We did it boys

>> No.2684071
File: 262 KB, 601x424, 45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you fucking idiot. It's because of how badly she plays, not because of these numbersfags or be ause she got bullied.

>> No.2684121

If you thought Enma and Jenma were strict before...
>Tell me Mori/Kiara...do you want to end up like Ollie?

>> No.2684129

Would be the first good thing she's done in months.

>> No.2684143

wE dID it LeDDiT!11!11!1

>> No.2684174

Finally she did something right in her life

>> No.2684262

context? did she got tilted to oblivion in apex or what?

>> No.2684267

We have no power. What are you talking about?
/vt/ is just an irrelevant board on an irrelevant website

>> No.2684273

By Apex she means C*nnor right?

>> No.2684284

Her panicking over her dwindling numbers is all on her, if you think this place has any real reach you are mistaken

>> No.2684292


>> No.2684319

only time will tell

>> No.2684334

Fuck you ollie, go back to sucking connor's dick

>> No.2684407

only the chosen one can stream apex
others reclining

>> No.2684425

At least she knows now that behavior like that is unacceptable. I hope the other ID's got the same lecture.

>> No.2684466

Is Apex actually that addictive of a game?

>> No.2684487

If only all the other ones did the same.
Maybe we could have streams actually worth watching

>> No.2684516

She's doing a no apex streaming week challenge or she streams as bald ollie

>> No.2684522

screen cap this

>> No.2684524

If that's right why you here trying to convince us?

>> No.2684527


No. Just people that can't control themselves...

>> No.2684543 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2684588

Reminder to keep sending the Hololive ID media DMs tellin to keep their whores under control!

>> No.2684597


>> No.2684603

an alternate theory is that she was playing so much she couldn't get shit done anymore

>> No.2684629 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2684664


>> No.2684672
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>streaming yourself playing games is work

>> No.2684681
File: 79 KB, 1075x600, waited for this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About time. The apex arc debuffed her like crazy

>> No.2684700

people who don't like apex just barely reach silver or gold, loser

>> No.2684713


>> No.2684741

cannot wait for her to start playing RPG maker games non stop instead

>> No.2684747

No one cares zoombie.

>> No.2684772

Is Idma finally doing something?

>> No.2684773

Imagine judging a person's worth based on their performance in a shitty Titanfall spin-off.

>> No.2684788

>have a job streaming yourself playing games
>playing games offstream disrupts your job

>> No.2684793

It just means that "Ollie" will stop playing Apex. Now she can play with her roommate account with Connor. This way she can't be tracked and Connor can groom her in peace

>> No.2684805

That would be best

>> No.2684822

Try being competitive in things that matter not on a fucking video game you manchild

>> No.2684862

Can't wait to hear about it on trash taste

>> No.2684879

Best possible outcome. Anituber garbage won't infiltrate Hololive, and Ollie's roomate can come out in a few years down the line and accuse him of sekuhara and #WatashiMo him.

>> No.2684889


>> No.2684896

Suddenly Connor will have a girlfriend. That will be a potential yab

>> No.2684949

violated heroine stream when?

>> No.2685045

good. I don't care what that bitch does off stream, I just don't want to hear it

>> No.2685193


>> No.2685228

He's not an anituber so it's fine.
>pronouns in bio
oh nevermind, just nuke holoID already

>> No.2685284

He plays other shit too though, and this is also cut ties with several hololives and stars, I think it's just the management being more firm about her not saturating her channel with just Apex like Yuki Chihiro

>> No.2685298

>ollie will be the first lgtbqia+ ally in hololive

ID chads we can't stop winning

>> No.2685325

That's pure ludo though

>> No.2685329

>Being an lgbtq+ ally in Indonesia
That's one way to get whipped

>> No.2685375

Kiara exists

>> No.2685378

>pronouns in bio
Yeah, now we can weaponize the muzzies!

>> No.2685420

Finally some Minecraft streams!

>> No.2685454

>He didn't see gura's monster hunter stream

>> No.2685470

>just nuke holoID
b-but risu hasn't done anything wrong on stream...

>> No.2685492

what did she do

>> No.2685511

better tell her to apply for holoEN gen 2 then

>> No.2685534

Said trans rights while reading superchatter names

>> No.2685574

And Mori

>> No.2685585


>> No.2685587


>> No.2685608

That was Coco and she denied them like the based dragon she is


>> No.2685643

Kek I doubt she will actually dropped it, she probably just notices that people are here for her not connor 24 hours

>> No.2685675
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>> No.2685686

MGQ Paradox when?

>> No.2685706

Do people over 20 really play competitive games? I'm asking seriously, personally I lost all interest I had on PVP games when I was in my early 20s.

>> No.2685720

She'll play Omori on 04/21. I want to see that.

>> No.2685746

She also has no minecraft streams scheduled for next week. She got shut down hard. Enma is giving her the Coco treatment,

>> No.2685756


>> No.2685775

I played a shit ton of ranked lol from 24 to roughly 26
then again, my internet was never good enough for pvp games until that point

>> No.2685793
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2021-04-18-11h01m37s820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie is unintsalling apex to install ark after that blow out yesterday.

>> No.2685803

I spend my free time watching anime girls play video games how smart do you think I can possibly be

>> No.2685852
File: 157 KB, 850x1133, apex punisher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry Orrie-chan

>> No.2685865

Now if we can only get her to graduate....

>> No.2685875

wtf I love the Reddit dragon now

>> No.2685933

seething idolfag

>> No.2686101

he numbers dropped like a rock because she streamed with some anituber asshole and now she's blaming the game instead,

>> No.2686229


>> No.2686248

Addicted to apex and wants to make a meme out of it even though a lot of her senpais play apex exclusively

>> No.2686318

>Now she can play with her roommate account with Connor. This way she can't be tracked and Connor can groom her in peace
fine by me

>> No.2686673

t. RBC

>> No.2686814


>> No.2686815

Couldn't give less than a shit about what she or any Holo does on their roommate account as long as they don't bring it to their Holo account.

>> No.2687188
File: 58 KB, 680x680, 1616529384397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, now she'll stay away from my oshi

>> No.2687361


>> No.2687519

Has she or moona lost any subs for this yet?

>> No.2687676

Its her own stupid challenge u idiot, she won't play apex for a week "ON STREAM" or she streaming with bald ollie.

better yet she is playing it right now, off stream, with certain anitubers again.

>> No.2687966

Did we win?

>> No.2687991

Fucking finally.
Now I can start watching her again.

What a trainwreck of an episode she had with that game.

>> No.2688162

Who? She an indie or something?

>> No.2688247

I fucking hate Apex so goddamn much

>> No.2688490

Here, let me add a fuel to the fire :

>> No.2688539

>can't aim for shit
>playing the same useless fucking legend
>die without hitting any shots

>> No.2688558

Did her boyfriend refuse to finger her ass or eat her out during Apex or something?

>> No.2688567

I can't get it into my mind how people can be so bad at a game and somehow get enough enjoyment out of it to get addicted to it.

>> No.2688606

That would be Kino

>> No.2688620

Because the victory condition, being the last surviving team, often doesn't require you to engage teams until the end.

>> No.2688654

For the love of god, how the fuck you fucks even manage to use twitter. I tried to follow one indie and was already overwhelmed and here we have faggots who reply to every single twit of this yab machine.

>> No.2688752

You need to practice a ton to get good anon.
There entine games subgernes like that.
Your first fps/ rhythme games/shmups/your first platformer etc.

>> No.2688906

Voice acting NTRPG 1 & 2

>> No.2689111
File: 148 KB, 400x333, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chihiro only streams Apex now

>> No.2689689

can we give her title " hololive destroyer"

>> No.2690008

I have a number fetish, how hard did they drop?

>> No.2690102

uuuuhhhh 30 speed

>> No.2690185

idol tags are consistently hilarious. Lmao. Lol.
Anyways, apex sucks so good for zoombie

>> No.2690337

It is work
She has to actively try not to doxx and yab herself
It's hard work because she's already failed multiple times

>> No.2690888

ID management doesn’t care or try to control their branch. Iofi, Risu, and Anya are proof of that. Ollie got spanked by upper management, hopefully It was Enma.

>> No.2692151
File: 262 KB, 1080x647, Screenshot_20210418-203051_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She follows him on her old account too
Dear god what is wrong with her?

>> No.2692195

Good fuck Apex

>> No.2692280

This board is irrelevant as fuck. Take your meds if You think you matter kek

>> No.2692310


>> No.2692493

I still like Iofi.

>> No.2692809

literally who

>> No.2693062

Yogiri was liked as well.

>> No.2694688

>Almost Matsuri-tier menhera potential
>Seems like she gets easily influenced by people who are nice to her and give her attention
I actually feel sorry for her if anything, she generally looks like nice girl, but just needs someone to help her sort things out.

>> No.2695556
File: 281 KB, 890x853, anyamush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad part is, it won't happen. Ollie won't lean on anyone in ID or EN because she's afraid of bothering them. Even though she says Moona and Ame are closest to her, she still doesn't consider them truly "friends"
We're forced to watch Ollie descend into true menhera live, despite how easily avoided it could've been.

>> No.2695663

You wish

>> No.2695719

>bitches about apex
>someone decides not to play it
>bitches about person not playing
what in the goddamn FUCK do you niggers even want anymore

>> No.2695785

/vt/ LOVE

>> No.2695841

Her oshi is Matsuri

>> No.2695894

nobody stopping you from going exclusive, but you better be fucking good at it to maintain viewership.

>> No.2695895

Enma isn't upper management and would have fuck all to do with Ollie unless it has to do with her interaction with EN members.

>> No.2695917

god I wish I was grooming ollie

>> No.2695934

She watched him before. Does she actually still tweet with the old account or is it dead?

>> No.2696053

It's dead but not privated, so you can check the more "real" Ollie. They're mostly the same tho

>> No.2696208

Isn't that just most young girls online nowadays?

I do like how she unabashedly follows loli CBT accounts on there, the degen shit isn't just for laughs.

>> No.2696248

She has the mentality of a teenager, are we sure Cover only hires adults for EN and ID?

>> No.2696300

>She has the mentality of a teenager
So do most women

>> No.2696358

19 is both a teenager and legal adult, so it's possible.

>> No.2696359

She is no older than 25 for sure, but most likely not a teenager either

>> No.2696401

>Ollie's gonna get thrown off a rooftop by a gang of muzzies for promoting faggotry

>> No.2696469

>Even though she says Moona and Ame are closest to her, she still doesn't consider them truly "friends"
Why's that I wonder? Probably because they don't initiate collabs I'm guessing, so it leaves her feeling like shes annoying them.

>> No.2696548


>> No.2696586

All jokes aside she really does seem very annoying to deal with. She's pretty much Kiara 2.0 in terms of how hyper and tryhard they are.

>> No.2696638

Yeah especially when Ame has said she has tinnitus

>> No.2696686

Not just them she's annoying everyone

>> No.2696747

Think about what she is like in collabs then remember they have to deal with her before and after, and she self admittedly spams them in messages.
That and you always have to worry her motor mouth is gonna blast some yab.

>> No.2696767


>> No.2696905


Play something else than Apex.

>> No.2697319

>Being wholesome is talking in a nice way with people on twitter

Ollie can't be that dumb....

>> No.2697696

I wonder if ollie is basically the equivalent of a clipfag
has she actually watched the kind of shit vshojo does, or is she sucking up to them because they act funny on twitter?

>> No.2698824

Is this stupid zombie trying to piss people off or what

>> No.2698891

What is difference between ani-tuber and vtuber

>> No.2698950

