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File: 36 KB, 636x157, Annotation 2022-06-24 122410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26738327 No.26738327 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26738397

Why is so stupid - why is she living in japan - every other fuck maybe pays like 30-45%

>> No.26738445


wow that sucks.

>> No.26738501

And this is why she's active on her rm account

>> No.26738550

Stop giving her money so she’ll have to pay less taxes

>> No.26738590
File: 1005 KB, 500x284, deadbeat1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people believe this even though it's proven there's no double taxation when you're an US citizen living in Japan
I can't believe deadbeats are THIS dumb.

>> No.26738613

imagine listening to this chick complaining about making so much money that she has to pay six figures in taxes or more, and then still giving her money lmao.

>> No.26738738

I can believe she's stupid and filing her taxes wrong making her pay her full US taxes instead of the discounted taxes you usually pay when not living in the US.

>> No.26738788

I would not be surprised if she actually does know that and is simply fishing for some free donos.

>> No.26738792

The fact that people fall for this shit is hilarious. Nobody cares about rich people crying about money.

>> No.26738877

read the comments on those clips of her crying about being rich, half of them are doing mental gymnastics trying to convince themselves that she isn't actually rich.

>> No.26738905

I still go with her being retarded because it is Mori after all.

>> No.26738945

Eh, she isn't that rich.

>> No.26738949

>Oh nyo I lost 0.001% of my income
Manipulative bitch

>> No.26738985

You must be stupid to think that she doesn't have a tax accountant.

>> No.26739012

you are delusional. she easily has that kind of money.

>> No.26739109

>top 1 sc in en
>merch/cd album sales like hot cake
>UMG deal

>> No.26739158

Even if she does I would not be surprised if it is some japanese one that is fucking her over.

>> No.26739237


>If you are a U.S. citizen or a resident alien of the United States and you live abroad, you are taxed on your worldwide income. However, you may qualify to exclude your foreign earnings from income up to an amount that is adjusted annually for inflation ($105,900 for 2019, $107,600 for 2020, $108,700 for 2021, and $112,000 for 2022).

She made fucking 112K after all of those cuts and is only double taxed on every dollar past that. You're listening to a fucking millionaire whine about taxes.

>> No.26739405



>> No.26739418

Well she could always be retarded with her money and spending too much on shit.

>> No.26739610
File: 32 KB, 969x672, 1653681455187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not both?
She's has lied to her colleagues faces about listening to their songs "about fifty times". And has lied about beating bloodborne 4 times.
If she lies about mundane shit like that she sure as hell will lie about her tax rate because saying "I get double taxed after the first 121K I make" and complaining about it would make her look like a fucking dipshit.

>> No.26739717

this is the part that really kills me, when people insist that she was some kind of incredibly hard worker when her only real jobs were being a waitress and a half-ass english teacher for what? 2-3 years? Most people work for fucking 40+ years lmao, and at real jobs doing real work.

>> No.26739776

She should come live with me in Dubai, I can sponsor her and she won't have to pay taxes other than 5% VAT.

>> No.26739897

I mean in the end we don't know. I still believe she is being retarded about her money.
I think her being waitress was longer than that.

>> No.26739979

well she's 25 now and has been doing hololive for 2 years, so she was 23 when she started. She went to college, so she didn't start working at 18. that really does not leave more than a few years that she could have possibly worked.

>> No.26740625


>> No.26740758

>she's 25
why does she look 38 then

>> No.26740776

Why don't you believe that she could be just retarded? It is not like it is uncommon with Mori.

>> No.26740819

well she's a giant booze hound so that's probably not helping.

>> No.26740890

26 actually.

>> No.26743072

If we assume she has made 100k in every year since she has been active, that's still 800k off from being a millionaire, anon.

>> No.26743193

~100k is just what is exempt, it's not like the rest of the money just disappears. She paid 0 US tax on that 100k.

She literally said she was in the highest possible tax bracket, meaning she easily clears 500k a year gross, which is probably not even close to her actual gross considering what they make from endorsements and other revenue streams.

She is easily a multi-millionaire by now.

>> No.26743507

How much is the highest tax bracket in japan?

>> No.26743558

I don't know, but the US bracket is around 540k.

>> No.26743628

This. The only way Japan-US double taxes you is if you have a permanent residence card.

>> No.26743632

Though she is still has that mentality for spending money fast so who knows.

>> No.26743716

Why'd she even lie about Bloodborne anyway. That makes zero sense.

>> No.26743747

fuck taxes

>> No.26743750

But look, if we assume she makes 500k gross and we take off about 50% off that for taxes and if we go by the assumption that she also got that much in her first year, that still only makes her a half millionaire. She would have to be grossing like multiple millions to be a millionaire now.

>> No.26743883

She had a special driver's license before normal age because she had to drive to work, or herself and her sister to school.
A few streams have talked about how it was her grandparents with money and her direct family wasn't getting it (outside of going to a private school they paid for.)

>> No.26743940

>rich wigger whining about how the people she probably votes for made her taxes too high

>> No.26743997

>she had to drive to work, or herself and her sister to school.
literally everyone in the suburban US does this.
>She had a special driver's license before normal age
When? The average age to get a license is like 15-16. No way any state is handing out licenses younger than that.

Sounds like yet more bullshit she cooked up.

>> No.26744015

I don't think Mori has ever voted.

>> No.26744138

She had one of these.

>> No.26744161

Alcoholic mother I think was the reason.
>Sounds like yet more bullshit she cooked up.
Well the problem is that a lot this is also can be be confirmed if you dig deep enough.

>> No.26744188

>Alcoholic mother I think was the reason.
lol pretty ironic

>> No.26744239

Because she's a grifting whore. That's the only reason.

>> No.26744285


>> No.26744330

It's a certain someone's favorite game, she also played a game today that that person likes very much.

>> No.26744337

Mamamori was single at that point and dealing with shit. Having to go to work herself on top of it so it was basically: make kids lunch for school, say good morning, love you, bye.
Mori often had to drive to school or drop her sister off and then go to work.
Anyone thinking she grew up wealthy missed the point, but so did anyone saying she grew up dirt poor (which she never claimed). There were a lot of factors in her childhood which contributed to her being so eager to get the fuck away.

>> No.26744376

Why don't you Google it before talking shit then?
Protip it's 200k USD

>> No.26744387

I mean not really. I have noticed that people with alcoholic parents either don't drink at all or they also become alcoholics no in between.

>> No.26744391

Uhh...theyve had a tax treaty since like 1950. Is she genuinely retarded? Get an accountant ffs

>> No.26744408

Why does it matter at all? Unless it's higher than 540k it's irrelevant.

>> No.26744412

She's lucky she has hundreds of retards who throw her so much money to begin with

>> No.26744430

This is too real anon. Its hate on Mori because she's Mori time right now.. Like every other time. Because people gotta be mad over nothing

>> No.26744450

I think it is because Mori is weird one where she likes games aesthetics and style more than gameplay. She never claimed to be a gamer.

>> No.26744459

Double tax residences are a real pain, especially when the one you don't live in is the USA, but complaining about taxes is cringe rich bitch shit.

>> No.26744461

A fucking Ferrari. She said so onstream nigga.

>> No.26744469

Because you need to get it in your thick skull that you can be taxed at the highest bracket in a country outside the US without being a multi millionaire

>> No.26744482

Most of you sound like salty wagies lmao

>> No.26744496

Can't music be written off as a business expense? According to Watame even humidifying ac can be a business expense, doesn't sound like dropping tax brackets is that hard if you're actively spending money.

>> No.26744507

Anon, Deadbeats don't want facts and logic to get in the way of their fantasies.

>> No.26744515

She is subject to US taxes too, retard. And she said that she's in the highest tax bracket, meaning she is make AT LEAST 540k USD a year.

Which means she is ridiculously wealthy and more than likely a millionaire.

>> No.26744554

That she didn't own, anon. It was her grandfathers and the point was her to learn not to wreck it while learning to drive.

>> No.26744557

I think you would be pretty justified in being salty from hearing a literal multi-millionaire complain and cry about having to pay tax.

>> No.26744594

Gonna need you to timestamp me the claim of highest bracket in US senpai.

>> No.26744602

I don't know about you anon, but my grandfather didn't own a ferrari.

Sounds sort of like her family actually was rich.

>> No.26744623

I didn't think cuckbeats would defend her for whining about having to pay taxes for every dollar past 121K she makes after cover, youtube and Japan have taken their cut. Yet here we are. I'd like to see what kind of mental gymnastics you fucks will go attempt to defend this.
"She's only slightly rich, not elon musk rich" won't make the average person think she's not being a dipshit.

>> No.26744631

She learned to drive her grandfather's to make her extra careful. In the recent stream she said her car was a 2003 CRV.

>> No.26744656

She literally says it in the clip in the OP you clown.

>> No.26744667

Theres something really beautiful about a rich streamer lying about her taxes so people who likely make less than 10% of what she does will give her more pity donations.

>> No.26744690

again, you are a salty wagie

>> No.26744701

If 100k annual is living in a city is "rich" for you I suggest getting a STEM degree and/or learning to code

>> No.26744721

And? I have zero problems with being upset about a rich person complaining about tax.

>> No.26744750

Either come back to burgerland or become full jap citizen then.

>> No.26744757

Yeah her grandparents were rich who didn't give any of that money to her mother because she married a white trash manwhore. They did put her to private catholic school( which turned out the be bad idea).

>> No.26744771

But are you retarded? They make millions off of their merch alone. Then supas. Then memberships. Then ad revenue. Then a salary. Then sponsorships. Then her music deal with a MAJOR RECORD COMPANY. You're LITERALLY retarded if you don't think she's a millionaire at this point. Like literally retarded.

>> No.26744773

Her grandparents had money but they didn't give it to her mother because they didn't get along. All Mori and her sister got were tuitions paid to a catholic school. Where her mother had to move to a cheap house in the district.
You seem to enamored with her story but miss a lot of the details openly said in stream...almost like you're disingenuous and trying to spread rrats.

>> No.26744776

>Yeah her grandparents were rich who didn't give any of that money to her mother because she married a white trash manwhore.
And you buy that story? lmao

>> No.26744808

I'm wealthier than her, I don't care if you believe me or not. I can't believe you're defending a stream who's lying to your face about this. A simple google search and clicking on the first IRS result proves that she's either being retarded or lying out of her ass. Because she has lied about petty shit like Kiara's king cover and bloodborne, I'm more inclined to believe she's lying.

>> No.26744817

>I didn't think cuckbeats would defend her for whining about having to pay taxes for every dollar past 121K she makes after cover, youtube and Japan have taken their cut
What do you want them to do?

>> No.26744849

How many years? Just highschool could could cost around 100k if its only a decent one. Full private is easily 300-400k minimum

>> No.26744861

Considering she has been consistent every time she's spoke of it, and her mom said more or less the same when she was on stream, yeah. I think will trust Mori speaking about her own life more than some rando trying to turn people against her.

>> No.26744872

>Her grandparents had money but they didn't give it to her mother because they didn't get along
American parents everyone. Even when they die they wont give you anything because "reasons". Not to long ago this dude murdered his elderly parents because they would leave him the deed to the house. Like....you're good as dead. You can't take any of that shit with you. Why leave as a spiteful fucker? I'll never understand.

>> No.26744874

>What do you want them to do?
Nothing, you can't recover from this. This is beyond pathetic.

>> No.26744887

She says she has no idea how US taxes work in that clip though.... She just knows she's double taxed.

I honestly think she goes to an accountant to file her taxes and they skim off the top.

>> No.26744888

She literally has ADHD

>> No.26744901

Acknowledge that crying about making so much money that you have to pay more in tax than what the people supporting you make in a year is in pretty poor taste.

>> No.26744909

I think it was middle school and not high school.

>> No.26744917

What does shoe leather taste like? I’m curious

>> No.26744940

what does that have to do with compulsively lying about stuff

>> No.26744975

>She says she has no idea how US taxes work in that clip though.... She just knows she's double taxed.
here come the mental gymnastics

>> No.26744985

Nah, I think she is being retarded. With Mori it isn't that far off.

>> No.26744996

>at least one of the holoens bought a house
>they actually lose about 80% of their 'income' to taxes and fees and the youtube/cover cut
When their 15 minutes of fame are up they're gonna be so fucked.

>> No.26745005

That she's an autist retard
>compulsively lying

>> No.26745013

No it's not and no she doesn't.
Tax when your government isn't a shithole like America actually does have a use in that it helps the less fortunate (who genuinely do exist btw. Yeah people with learning disabilities and brain damage are real. crazy right?) to live an ok-ish life.

>> No.26745026

I remember that pikamee uses "the hometown tax system" to deduct her taxes.

seems mori's friend Ecelebs didn't teach her about tax planning
she needs to know who her true friends are at times like this.

>> No.26745053

80% is probably a very rough and not accurate guess. Mori is not good with numbers. Like the whole 5% time spent streaming thing.

>> No.26745064

She's crying about being taxed twice.
Anyone would cry about being taxed twice. Rich or poor

>> No.26745065

If they invest enough of their earnings they will easily be able to coast off of the interest for the rest of their lives.

>> No.26745082

Hopefully they paid off the house in full by then and just sell it or rent it out while buying another place to live.

>> No.26745100

Oh, that poor sad millionaire.
My heart bleeds.

>> No.26745120

I admit it. So what now?

>> No.26745160

Yeah she's either getting scammed by her accountant, or she desperately needs an accountant.

>> No.26745216

The fact that it's her and knowing what kind of fans/followers she has...I really don't give a shit. Fuck them all.

>> No.26745269

Only Mori gets taxed twice. And only after 112K. That "80%" figure is something she pulled out of her ass. It's more complicated as shown here: >>26739237

>> No.26745272

I'm a Canadian citizen who works in and has permanent residence in the US. Our double taxation treaty is exactly the same as US-Japan. If I get paid US dollars I pay taxes on it at the applicable highest US bracket and then claim that as already taxed income to the CRA. Anything on top of that is taxed by Canada starting at their nearest bracket, meaning my effective rate is slightly higher than if I had paid the full amount as Canadian taxes, but its not even close to being double. Usually around 5%. She's either being scammed by her accountant or flat out lying

>> No.26745341

>or flat out lying
Well she's pretty good at doing that.

>> No.26745365

Yea, and in what city is "100k" annual a rich millionaire? That shit is paycheck to paycheck in San Jose

>> No.26745397

Please tell me you're a troll, I refuse to believe someone would defend this.

>> No.26745399

Scammed isn't that far fetched either. She is pretty stupid.

>> No.26745406

NTA but here's some math.
Since debut, Mori has
$1.4m SCs @ 35% = 490k
323.4m views = roughly $1.3m depending on various factors. = 455k
41 emojis (between 3200-3399 members)
21 months since member opened
Assuming she had half of her members this entire time and they're all tier 1 that's $168k gross before cuts minimum, likely at least double that, I'll guess 200k. = 70k
Merch, not sure how many events there have been, maybe 5 or so. If 3k-5k people bought her set for $50 (made up) each time that's $750k-$1.25m with more going to cover, at least. If she made 40% of $1m its 400k.
Sponsorships, assuming 1 per month, it's about 21 times by now, all of it goes to cover and she likely takes half, something between $210k and $1m here. Assuming $500k she might get 250k there.
At least 3 solo albums and many appearances on other albums, really hard to judge but she did hit #1 on itunes for a while. Likely between 100-200k gross and idk itunes cut so say 50k from this after cover takes theirs too.
UMG contract which I'm assuming comes with support for holding live concerts, maybe they offered cover $100k or so to sign, plus when concerts happen she would likely clear ($70 avg ticket) * 3k seats so about $210k per concert. That hasn't happened yet though. She might get more of the signing bonus, at 60% it's 60k.
There are other streams I might be missing.

>Add it up
$1775k lifetime before taxes. Assuming she only keeps 20% (which is a big fat lie if you ask any tax professional) she made $355k from holo. If she keeps 60% which is far likelier, then she clears $1.065m.

These are my lowest reasonable estimates. She very likely has brought in closer to $1.5m if not much more, and if her concerts start happening she will likely take $80k from each before taxes, let's say she has 10 dates, there's another $800k, keeping 60% gives her $480k for a grand total of $1.545m in the near future.

>> No.26745412

jesus christ how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.26745414

Tell this dumb bitch to stop using TurboTax and to contact a proper CPA. No one in hell should she be getting double taxed for everything.

>> No.26745494

Most people here are seething poorfags and commies that hate the rich. They are no different from leftists who hate on "da white man" just to get on their high horse. Twitter drones lurk these threads.

>> No.26745628

foreigners are the *only* people who should have their income taxed, fight me

>> No.26745643

And also you guys are all discussing Foreign Earned Compensation exclusion when the real thing to discuss is Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit. How fucking dare she paint the IRS in a bad light when we have a FUCKING FORM EXACTLY to avoid being double taxed. These whores should stick to gaming and singing and keep the IRS out of their mouths.

>> No.26745667

Interest rate's around 2% for safe investments and up to 5% for risky stuff that you might lose in the next recession. $100k / year pretax is decent living in Tokyo. The math comes out to $5 million invested.
She would need to have made at least $9 million to have that much left after taxes.

We do have another data point with Anycolor, their revenue is $105 million USD. Assuming 50% revenue split with the talents, the average Nijisanji talent makes $650k after YouTube and the agency cut. The average Hololive talent is making multiples times that and Mori should be near the top.

So yeah, I think it's possible Mori can live off interest alone.

>> No.26745682


>> No.26745724

it's crazy how much the amount of money that the fans gave was lost here.
consider $100 red SC. 30% cut to youtube, 50% cut to hololive after yt cut. that leaves her with $35.
now, after 80% gov tax. that's only $7 into her personal pocket. that's obscene.
the money that the fans gave was supposed to support the streamers. but look at how much of that money went. only 7% went into her pocket lolol.
I honestly hope what you all said about SCs money are true. that it's only a small percentage of their income.
cus I'd hate to think that almost none of the support money from the fans actually goes to them.
and that's after what I thought that there's something wrong with SC business model. it's not right.

>> No.26745757

Nah, evading taxes as a millionaire is based but she shouldn't lie to her fans for pity supas

>> No.26745942

That is strange, because she said herself that she is very well off. The only thing she denied is being a millionaire. But that's not in the manga streaming clip, it's from the second VA-11-HALL-A stream. She also thinks she should be settled for the rest of her life already.

>> No.26746093

It isn't strange at all, they are trying to convince themselves that they aren't retards for handing over half their $1500 paycheck every week to a literal millionaire.

>> No.26746160

I don't know if clipwatchers are the one who are spending money.

>> No.26746517

Anyone who donates to streamers in any capacity is a retard

>> No.26747106

>trying to pull the same shit as that one retarded twitch streamer who said he only earned $30 after his 1 month non-stop streaming
And people defend this shit. Jesus.
Not that I'd blame her. If I could siphon more money from idiots like them I'd do it too.

>> No.26747175

Not really the same thing. She is just ranting because she was retarded and not getting this fixed.

>> No.26747223

Rich people care about rich people complaining about money. And guess what drives most countries policy decisions?

>> No.26747847

Thankfully not ignorant niggers like you

>> No.26748258

Reposting from another thread, in case she is /here/.
She should probably talk to a US-based certified public accountant or tax attorney. There is no way she has to pay in taxes what she says she's paying unless she's not taking advantage of any of the egregious amount of loopholes and deductions that exist in tax law.
The United States has the most complicated tax system in the world and US citizens are expected to voluntarily disclose their income and determine the correct amount of taxes that they owe by themselves. Government audits go out to individuals that are suspected by the IRS of miscalculating their taxes and legal penalties await those that deliberately hide their income for the purpose of evading taxes. Due to this complexity, the wealthier you are, the more avenues you have to avoid what she is currently going through. It may be as simple as setting up the correct type of bank account, changing the method of how she is paid, or raising her maximum deductions or tax credits through some obscure process. She needs to consult a professional if she isn't doing so already.

Japanese taxes are rough with the highest personal income tax bracket being 45% for permanent residents on their worldwide income with an additional 2.1% surtax. When living in Japan, this is combined with a flat 10% tax rate for local governments leading to an overall tax rate of about 56% on all income over a certain amount. However, foreigners have it a bit better than others because they are only taxed on the income they make sourced from Japan. What Mori said lines up correctly with everything I've read about the income tax on a Japanese resident's Japanese-sourced income.

This website is pretty helpful in understanding what she'd be expected to pay:
>In Japan, permanent resident taxpayers are taxed on their worldwide income. Non-resident taxpayers are taxed only on their Japan-sourced income. Non-permanent resident taxpayers are taxed on their income other than foreign-source income (in particular, potentially, on certain capital gains) that are not remitted into Japan plus potentially part of their foreign-sourced income that is paid in or remitted to Japan.

>A non-resident taxpayer’s Japan-source compensation (employment income) is subject to a flat 20.42% national income tax on gross compensation with no deductions available. This rate includes 2.1% of the surtax described above (20% x 102.1% = 20.42%). A non-resident taxpayer may be subject to the local inhabitant’s tax at a rate of 10% if they are registered as a resident as of 1 January of the following year.

So the reason that Mori is taxed twice at the maximum bracket in each country is because she is not paid as a COVER employee, but rather as a contractor. This is combined with the fact that COVER collects her channel's income first and then gives her half of it. If the order were reversed and Mori were to collect her channel's revenue from Google herself and then pay COVER half of that, she'd only be subject to paying US taxes as her income would be classified as overseas-sourced income. Alternatively, if she were to be officially employed by COVER, she would still be subject to both US and Japanese taxes, but the Japanese portion of her income taxes would be lowered to 30.42% instead of her current 56%. At least, that's my understanding.
The US is only one of two countries in the world where taxes are based on citizenship and not residency. However, there are income tax treaties in place to prevent this kind of situation. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/international-businesses/japan-tax-treaty-documents

tl;dr: Mori is in the worst possible situation regarding the way she receives her income and she needs to meet with a US-based CPA or tax attorney that specializes in US citizens working abroad and specifically in Japan. Ideally, a professional could help her work with COVER to find a better method of paying her that would lower her taxes. There's no reason why she should have to pay 70-80% in taxes because she should be receiving US tax credits so that she is not being taxed twice. This goes for IRyS as well.
Foreign tax credit form: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f1116.pdf

>> No.26748359

>in case she is /here/.
for fucks sake lmao

how delusional are you clowns?

>> No.26748493

Highly likely in general but I don't actually know anything about taxes in Japan so I won't pretend I do.

>> No.26748533

She is obviously visiting this board on occasion.

>> No.26748561

obvious to who exactly? deranged freaks who want to believe they are interacting with the object of their obsession? even if only to such a pathetic degree as anonymously on 4chan?

>> No.26748612

It's not really worth talking to you.

>> No.26748638

Are you a newfag? Do you not know what she's done to show she comes here?

>> No.26748658

lol typical

>> No.26748677

she uses platforms to upload her shit, platforms have every right to tax her. if she's not happy she can always fuck off. simple as. it's not theft

>> No.26748700

She literally blamed this place when black twitter made fun of her april fools "joke" videos.

>> No.26748730

The United States and Japan are "platforms"?

lol, yes clearly that means she posts here and is reading this very thread

>> No.26748735

dumbasses she made it obvious she comes here.
i remember that time she tweeted shit using 4ch quote marks

>> No.26748761

>she tweeted shit using 4ch quote marks
You realize that > is not at all unique to 4chan for quoting, yes?

>> No.26748864

retard yes whatever you wanna call it. Countries allow you to eat, drink and sleep under a roof from the day you are born and have a military protect you from muslims who would gut you for no reason. you pay a tax. it's fair. but you're sheltered and think you're entitled to everything

>> No.26748874

True. But cattle will defend it.

>> No.26748912

I literally saw some random ass congressman quote a statement using >, does that mean he's on 4chan? lol

>> No.26748968 [DELETED] 

Please defend the millionaire whining about taxes some more. It's fucking hilarious. I didn't think you retards could sink any lower.

>> No.26749008

Please defend the millionaire whining about taxes some more. It's fucking hilarious. I didn't think you retards could sink any lower.

>> No.26749027

You obviously do not watch streams, or even thread read. Shut the fuck up dumbass

>> No.26749035

What does that have to do with it anything?

>> No.26749071

fuck off. remove the government we still have military. the vast vast vast vast of public service is beaurocratic garbage.

>> No.26749079

lol what a joke

what the fuck happens to a person that results in this mind poison?

>> No.26749101


>> No.26749104

ogey fair enough, but with the amount of chuubas who are here it's not impossible mori's here. also mori is insecure so she probably couldn't stop herself for checking what vt thinks of her. because nobody gives a shit what reddit thinks of you. she's probably here by now

>> No.26749138

doesn't change anything about what i just said. if you're not happy then fuck off or perhaps make a change, which you won't because you can't

>> No.26749158

christ alive the mental knots you tie yourself into just for the tiniest shred of a possibility you interacted with her. Insanity

>> No.26749213

>I made a lot of money but now lost all of it to pay this faggots welfare check
>Dont complain I need more gibs

The US originally threw the British out over a far lower tax rate than this but now they have niggers commies and faggots draining everyone dry and complaining about everyone but thwe tax collectors sticking their dicks up your collective asses

>> No.26749389

We both know that she almost certainly voted for this before becoming rich. So she only has herself to blame.

>> No.26749411

>When their 15 minutes of fame are up
You really think those paypigs who send them hundreds of dollars every stream will just forget about them when they graduate from hololive? There is a reason most of them have an active roommate.

>> No.26749416

speak for yourself deadbeat i don't give a single crying shit about mori but i literally talk with a holo on discord

>> No.26749545

you idolize these people so much you think just talking to them is a sort of miracle or gift from God

>> No.26749609

lol I could give 2 shits about these whores, I just don't delude myself into thinking I'm actually talking to them through 4chan.

>> No.26749651

kek right, right ofc you don't care right

>> No.26749670

you're right, I don't

>> No.26749923

something she's been consistent about since before holo too

>> No.26751616

> "I get double taxed after the first 121K I make" and complaining about it would make her look like a fucking dipshit.
This is what this whole topic boils down to, as a person who grew up in a fairly well situated family taxes hurt even if you are rich, however complaining about it makes you sound like a douchebag

>> No.26752024

In case she is here, and in case she isn't, people will bring it up to her at places shedoes frequent. Last Vallhalla stream, she indicated in no uncertain terms that she egosearches on SNS. If it's Twitter or here, you can always thank the containment breakers.
All we certainly know is that she used to be here and knows about /vt/, true.
