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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26698424 No.26698424 [Reply] [Original]

Do you envy chuubas who just play games and talk and make more money in a month than you make in a year? How do you cope?

>> No.26698476

I'm a security guard. I more or less get paid to watch their streams and eat microwaved buritos.

>> No.26700529

How big is your belly

>> No.26700804

No. I don't envy women. I envy men who get to fuck hot women.
I also envy people with outstanding artistic or academic abilities, who are rarely women

>> No.26700988

I envy their boyfriends

>> No.26701026

For every successful chuuba there are a few dozen of well-spoken and entertaining two-views. I won't envy the former as this would be an insult to the latter.

>> No.26701110

>outstanding artistic abilities
Nothing stopping you from developing those yourself

>> No.26701281

I'm more wealthy than all of them, they only have a couple millions in the bank tops which doesn't even get you that far in life these days. What I'm wondering is how chuubas like Mori can do shit like downing liquor every day and order ubereats 3 times a day.
I can afford that but small things like that quickly add up to thousands of dollars every month. They can only do this vtuber shit for another decade tops and have no future job prospects. They should be saving up every last cent.

>> No.26701353

Do you envy the sysadmins at big companies who earn more than most of hololive doing nothing because they automated away all their duties?

>> No.26701473

I envy being able to enjoy playing video games.

>> No.26701513

How does one get into such a position.

>> No.26701548

Talents are something you are born with, not something you "develop"

>> No.26701553

>developing artistic abilities
>outstanding abilities, even

>> No.26701676

I keep going to work so I can keep giving them money. They are my motivation not to go on welfare and live the tranny/minority life.

>> No.26701744

Man I envy a lot of things/people but I don't beat myself up over it

>> No.26701899

>How do you cope?
Simple since i make more money than chuubas even though i just browse 4chan all day due to trustfunds

>> No.26701931
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Not really. I enjoy doing what I do everyday and I get to watch them, so everyone is happy I guess.

Also, I could never be a chuuba, having to socialize constantly, deal with turbo retards and having to please the public everyday is an insanely hard job, and I don't think most people realize this.

>> No.26702123

I suspect that is more common at small operations than in big corpos

>> No.26702229

NTA. But I can't imagine it being too hard. You don't need education or experience and most people don't like such a job. Just apply when there's a position.

>> No.26702309

Not if they're the ones who successfully automated it, they deserve it
My dream is to be in a similar position and become the spooky "tech guy" who inhabits the server room and glares disdainfully at anyone who dares enter his domain to request help

>> No.26702340
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>Do you envy-
Let me stop you right there I gotta get my daily dose of Nakirium

>> No.26702439

Massive cope.

>> No.26702929

Kek, you are fucking retarded. Coping is when you try to make peace with shitty reality and adjust to negative things. If you lack talent and you keep telling yourself "It's ok, I just need to work really hard" that is literally the perfect example of cope.

>> No.26703099

>more coping

>> No.26703318

they also have crippling mental disabilities

>> No.26703580

no, I don't envy entertainers

>> No.26703592

>suck at something
>say it's impossible for you to be good at it
>don't have to try
How is that not cope?

>> No.26703842
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I certainly envy them and I would love to have their lifestyle. But I can still enjoy their content all the same.

>> No.26703883

>and most people don't like such a job.
>How? All security guards I've ever seen are just on their phone watching something. That seems like the best job

>> No.26703997

I envy everyone because I'm a complete loser neet.

>> No.26704027

NTA but barely using your brain, not doing anything useful, and getting paid minimum wage doesn't sound like a great job to me. A good job is the one that is both suited for your particular talents and pays well.

>> No.26704307

A well paying job is pretty much just a fantasy for most people
The majority end up working a deadend job

>> No.26704449

>Do you envy depressed women who must entertain schizoid fat fucks?


>> No.26706034

You'd be surprised on how many people well above poverty level still get welfare by cheating the system.

>> No.26707460

I could give a flying fuck that someone makes more money than me. I have enough for a decent life and I'm chillin. I'll take my modest life over the stress of streaming + working another job (like most of them do) any day.

>> No.26707549

>How do you cope
I have a cool job and make loads of money having fun because of rich parents and white privledge, I don't need to cope

>> No.26708108

Envy? I mean a little bit, but I wouldn't want to be part of a corpo and I don't have the charisma or money to start indie so I don't bother and just enjoy their content.

>> No.26708162

I cope by not gigving them any money whatsoever.

>> No.26708173

I'm a sysadmin and it's fucking hell because I'm constantly putting out fires from problems by the people before me and I have no fucking time to automate things.
I need to find a new job

>> No.26708386

there are tons of women with outstanding artistic abilities, most jap games were drawn by women

>> No.26708487
File: 277 KB, 1280x1707, bandw_by_alkemanubis_d17j9i3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this a cope by people that don't want to put in the effort, my favorite artist used to draw like this
>inb4 he started young
he started drawing really late and only got really good in his 30's

>> No.26708731

I like the idea of doing the bare minimum and getting money for it but I don’t care for everything else involved around it, I feel like you’d be constantly surrounded by fake people and the community in general would have all of your actions under a microscope and even though it’s not that common imo, the crazy fans that try to get involved with you directly.

>> No.26708877

You really should have provided a more recent example of that guy's work too, for the sake of comparison.
But anyway, by your retarded logic you could run as fast as Usain Bolt if you started training and kept doing it for some years.
You can go from "shit" to "decent" without talent, but you can't go from "decent" to "mindblowingly amazing" without talent.

>> No.26708955

>who are rarely women
Women are better at school and art than men tho

>> No.26709294

I want to say it's too late for some of us almost old men but I still remember that one tatsunoko that became incredibly good at it in one year.

>> No.26709717

I don't, only women are jelly with that

>> No.26709949

no I pity them as they are further from enlightenment than I am
may we one day meet again in the pure land

>> No.26709996

Then why are you on /vt/ and not in some monk temple?

>> No.26710049
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>giving a shit about other people's finances
Thousands are born every year to massively wealthy families who'll never work a day in their lives and guess what I don't care.

>> No.26710762

no because in the end their lives are as boring as the average neet's

>> No.26711432

The opposite. Knowing someone in my generation is making it doing what they love and sharing it is very inspiring, and gives me some semblance of hope for the future. Now get off my lawn.

>> No.26711560

I watch Korone

>> No.26711651

No because i actually did stream as a chuuba even got 3views sometimes but people will keep trying to groom you so i quit under the pretext of looking for a job and promising to come back

>> No.26711701

I’ll become a chuuuba in a year and make more than her

>> No.26711702

The trick is to get into a group quick, so then only your seniors are the ones trying to groom you

>> No.26711771

From reading his first paragraph you could tell already that he is a useless waste of skin that will never do shit, his brain is probably liquified from being terminally online.

>> No.26711828

I recognize that name, alkemanubis draws excellent UOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH stuff

>> No.26711980

Only the chuuba superstars make more than me. Most don't get anywhere near my wage. I'm sure they have their own problems at work even if it might look simple and easy

>> No.26712198

Holy mother of cope, do you all think you are shounen protagonists or some shit?

>> No.26712296

>working is for shounen protags only
turbo loser mindset

>> No.26712301

Anon, having a baseline amount of self-esteem is not cringe no matter what others tell you. Please look up when you walk, or at least dont stare at the ground.

>> No.26712340
File: 105 KB, 960x720, 70A25157-961F-4FF5-9FF3-D9B15E18D018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re a faggot.

Usain bolt is in the category of ‘best in the world’. nobody expects to be the absolute best, that indeed takes a combination of effort and genetic/talent luck.

But by working hard you can go from shit to really good. effort can make you better than most people. if not being able to be the best that ever lived is stopping you from trying, then im sorry, but you are very sad.

>> No.26712479

And you think Usain Bolt just spontaneously woke up, realized he had talent for running, and only then decided to start working on it? Or that he was breaking sprinting records right out of the womb?

Talent is a completely meaningless platitude. You can't claim to have or lack talent until you're at the very top and working as hard as possible.

>> No.26712535

And both of you ignored the last part where I said that one can get decently good without talent, just not amazing.
>You can't claim to have or lack talent until you're at the very top and working as hard as possible.
Yes you can, retard-chama

>> No.26712598

Cry yourself to death, whiny nigger.

>> No.26713494

I am talking about people like Dante, Michael Angelo, Beethoven, Galileo, etc. I don't envy every successful artist/scientist.

>> No.26713672

You usually have to get certified by security company in your area, my brother had to take a test and the company just handed him an answer sheet. The job is usually incredibly easy, he just had to walk around an abandoned building every half an hour and document it. Every now and then he had to chase away the drunks or druggies.

>> No.26714224

I only envy ayame

>> No.26715193

I envy people that can be happy

>> No.26715344

>Do you envy chuubas who just play games and talk and make more money in a month than you make in a year?
>How do you cope?
Because becoming a successful vtuber means dedicating your free time to entertaining others for hours and having virtually no privacy anymore. That's the downside of becoming an entertainer and I'm not a people person.

>> No.26715382

No, I'm a mechanical engineer and I work at a company that specializes in HVAC and all I literally do is just make purchases for whatever we need and making sure that said shipments are up to par with what we ordered and I earn 400k a year minimum without any rewards or anything like that
I literally do this 2 days a month, one to check the inventory and the other to actually go and confirm tr shipments, as for the purchases it's also only once a month but it's literally just sending an email, other than that I sit behind my desk in my office and just watch chammers

>> No.26715719

anon, the reason that all famous people back then were men isn't because there were no talented women around

>> No.26717076

Only the ones that don't actually stream, same as envying lotto winners really.
Playing games is easy enough, but I definitely wouldn't be able to talk and be entertaining while doing it. The good ones are also careful about not indulging too much into their favorite games if the audience doesn't find it entertaining. Nobody wants to watch someone playing the same shitty fps or mmo for hundreds of hours.

>> No.26719077

Lol stay poor and worthless, fag.

>> No.26719116

Envying others is a waste of time. I've got my own life to keep in order.

>> No.26719281

Pretending to be busy for 40 hours a week is actually pretty tough. I'd much rather work for 2 hours a week like a certain streamer, especially when half of that is brainless superchat reading.

>> No.26723054

For every chuuba who makes a large income there are 99 of them who barely register on the radar

>> No.26723905

No, because I think streaming is a very difficuly job.

>> No.26724426

Yes, but a lot of first world anons also make more in a month than I make in a year, so it's not particularly hard to cope. I wish I had a bit more money, but not necessarily as much as they do.

>> No.26725047
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i would about 5-7 yrs ago, but not anymore. nowadays vidya feels like a hassle.

>> No.26725864

>does not have academic nor artistic achievements
>wishes he could sleep with hot women
>looks down on women
A timeless classic.
