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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2655423 No.2655423 [Reply] [Original]

I miss her so much, bros.

>> No.2655492

She tried to warn us

>> No.2655700

she's streaming right now.

>> No.2655756

chink bitch

>> No.2655801

It's not the same, her gremlin avatar and voice are gone.

>> No.2655907

She is so boring that even her most loyal discordfags don't watch her. Couple days ago she had menhera fit about that and now you are not even allowed to talk about other vtuberes in her discord. Deserved tho for being a judas

>> No.2655981

I enjoy her rambling. She's gotta be unironically autistic right?

>> No.2656261

remember when she wanted to practice her new song? Neither does she.

>> No.2656322

Nah just chinese

>> No.2656427

>tfw when your dick can't satisfy Tia

>> No.2656460

Everyone gets that quote wrong. She clearly said, "do you rele belivet"

>> No.2656533

beleb et

>> No.2656543

That was pretty funny. She's not boring but she's not Artia either

>> No.2656597

I clearly hear a "v" sound

>> No.2656681

That's a big wolf warrior

>> No.2656727

HoloCN getting chucked was based.

>> No.2656819 [DELETED] 

wasn't this bitch a creepy chinese nationalist? why would you miss her?

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.2656845

At one point... she was just a very aggressive gremlin, until she became a creepy chinese nationalist.

>> No.2656853

Retarded Tia finally turned off the sub-only mode for archives.

>> No.2656862

Tia finally fixed the VOD problem... Thank God.....

>> No.2656897

Fuck off, zhang.

>> No.2656926

is coco banned word?

>> No.2656943

Guys think with their dicks.

>> No.2657013

did somebody say mahbels

>> No.2657031

Test it.

>> No.2657106

Rola is a Tia's friend, officially confirmed.

>> No.2657128

And I should care about her political agenda because?

>> No.2657136

B-but muh rrats.

>> No.2657153

she's on the same company as her, obviously joined together.
Unlike Civia/Ciyana...

>> No.2657167

I thought she was friends with everyone except Chowa and Spade, no?

>> No.2657272

Spade was the best holoCN.

>> No.2657280

How much Social Credits I get for watching this backstabbing bitch?

>> No.2657327

Rola, Tia, Ciyana, Kuriri and French Fry Cat are all at least associated with each other. The only one they don't associate with is Doris because she got canceled and isn't coming back anytime soon.

>> No.2657332

I think she shouldn't though?
If she's not going to have sub-only benefits, people would not buy subscriptions.

>> No.2657376

I'm not sure about Ciyana.
They were close before, but not lately.

>> No.2657415

I think many people sub because they want to financially support their oshi more than because they want to get something out of it. Like people don't supachat expecting something.

>> No.2657437

Paywalling VODs is one of the most retarded things you can do, because it denies newcomers of the ability to check what kind of content you do.
Also in Tias case you can get a gifted sub by just siting on stream for like a week

>> No.2657551


>> No.2657572

I really want Ciyana to stream on Twitch

>> No.2657627

Are /pol/tards and Cocosharts just magnetically attracted to Tia threads?

>> No.2657631

>i feel betrayed right now

>> No.2657661

discord dumbies shitting up the board with their corpse of a tuber get shat on

>> No.2657724

Reminder that Moona and Artia are friends.

>> No.2657741

True. I can't see why did she leave her english-speaking audience.
Some people believe that she could be attacked on Youtube, but she could change to Twitch in this case.

>> No.2657755

This isn't a general, so everyone is here, anon... please understand how /vt/ works.

>> No.2657782

Amelia too apparently but I don't know how much shit they read about her to change that.

>> No.2657866

it's actually impressive how far she's fallen

>> No.2657957

is there a way to block twitch ads?

>> No.2657973

Singing when

>> No.2657988

Literally AdBlock

>> No.2658055

Adblock used to work for me on Twitch but now I see ads

>> No.2658062

i don't even desire to mess with her. it's just sad.

>> No.2658082

I've got uBlock origin and I don't get ads on Twitch.

>> No.2658209
File: 275 KB, 810x626, 1597273763533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still get an ad whenever I refresh a stream. Is there a specific element you have to block in ublock?

>> No.2658237


>> No.2658241

I still get ads on Twitch with uBlock Origin

>> No.2658256

Maybe you need to change some settings, block lists or smth?
I use ublock too, and didn't even know that Twitch has ads.

>> No.2658293

>why did she leave her english-speaking audience
Because she knew the jig was up. It doesn't matter if she runs away to twitch, the cum stained stench that comes from fellating Xi's dick will follow her forever.

>> No.2658327
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A little after the Happening, she made a twitlonger saying that 3 holos tried to cheer her up. Moona, another ID (iofi?) and Ame I assume.

Anyways she's getting better... She went through a long sad rant because of the Arknights story, about how while defending your own country is a good thing, conflict is very sad and stupid. That good people fight each other over stupid things or fate.

So now it seems she still values nationalism, but she's very against fueling conflict, which is reasonable. Also some comments about catgirls > any country kek.

>> No.2658343

Some channels have ads, some channels do not. But amazon updates to make sure you watch the ads sometimes, so I don't like the platform in general.

>> No.2658353

Civia didn't do anything

>> No.2658389

There is nothing wrong with nationalism, but I don't think it is what a vtuber should do unless you are some kind of ww2/military themed vtuber.

>> No.2658390

I just have the default settings on ublock, though I don't have adblock plus on. Also I have a Mac so I'm not sure if that would make a difference because I'm not a /g/ type

>> No.2658427

She doesn't call about it on her streams, and that's enough for me.

>> No.2658461

>There is nothing wrong with nationalism
For a country that has basic human rights, sure.
For a country that genocides its ethnic minorities or spreads propaganda to such a degree the entire population spergs out at the mention of Taiwan, no.

>> No.2658497


>> No.2658524

That's why I said it's reasonable. I never had any problem with her nationalism (though I'd disagree with her on taiwan, government etc), it was the active fanning of the flames that was the issue, and she seems to strongly oppose that shit now.

>> No.2658528


I personally just use streamlink + mpv + chatterino, but there is a lot of options to get rid of ads.

>> No.2658646

>she seems to strongly oppose that shit now
gee only took personally affecting her negatively
kinda sounds like her politics where she doesn't give a shit and will gladly support hurting others until it affects her

>> No.2658730

Some people are a retarded/autistic/immature and only learn not to put a hand on a flame by burning themselves. At least she learned.
Others like Civia gave 0 hints of learning or regret (no meltdowns, commentary, anything)

>> No.2658770

I still find her pronunciation charming.

>> No.2658932

There is nothing wrong with nationalism, but you shouldn’t let that cloud your mind

>> No.2658946

I love her autistic rambling about random shit

>> No.2659000

And she's usually right about it

>> No.2659079

>i'm not a gremlin
sure thing, artia

>> No.2659098

It is very charming. Her vocal quirks are really fun.

>> No.2659103

The others didn't have anything to lose because they never left bilibili/never had any plans to expand beyond china streaming

>> No.2659339

She just said she loves me later nerds.

>> No.2659390

That doesn't excuses her.

>> No.2659599

I choose to belev it...

>> No.2659693

It doesn't, for sure, she took part in the clusterfuck and is partially responsible.

But considering hololive hasnt really been affected long term, besides some remnants of chink schizos still spamming Coco (who are being doxxed by taiwanbros), all I expect from Artia is for her to learn her lesson and reject that kind of shit, so it's ok.

>> No.2660246

you don't really bleb that do you?

>> No.2660268
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I tried watching her again but like all her videos require subs so fuck it.

>> No.2660308 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2660320

Tia would never lie to me, brother.
She just fixed that in today's stream (apparently) but I'm a sub so I can't check.

>> No.2660457

Oh it's true. I guess I'll try her Arknights video.

>> No.2660496 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2660615
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Works on my machine.

>> No.2660623

It's that bad eh?

>> No.2660739

"B-b-but muh Mudslimes"

Go fuck a camel, Achmed

>> No.2660757
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Wow she actually got depressed by AK story? Not really surprised. Shit is grim.

>> No.2660795 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2660863

China and Indonesia don't matter.
Fuck Artia and fuck Ollie.

>> No.2660864 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2661386

oh no no no no no

>> No.2661410

Yeah, for me it feels like the majority of english speaking Vtubers are just regular girls with anime avatars, but for Artia her gremlin persona made her very unique in her own way

>> No.2661521
File: 264 KB, 2000x2000, 232435456565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the one on the bottom right, an indie?

>> No.2661680

i would unironically strongly consider suicide if i were artia
you had ONE job, ONE JOB, and you fucked it up.

you can say 'hurr hindsight 2020 hurr' but that's just fucking stupid -- it's obvious as hell that defending a popular coworker against harassment from people who respect you is the right choice.
hell she may've even been offered to've been moved to holo en or holo jp -- waste of a model to graduate her

>> No.2661995

The only serious philosophical question is suicide, everyone should consider it if they're a serious person. Also Artia Love.

>> No.2664201

fucking no one would be allowed to be offered to move to EN or JP. No one had that offer, even the "clean" ones. I can just as easily say that nothing she could've done or not done would have made a difference considering the company was basically put on China's blacklist the day Coco said Taiwan

>> No.2664226

No. The situation was not like that at all and the 'clean ones' simply did nothing.

>> No.2664478

Remind you
Some fuckers in Artia discord are original Andy and still attack Coco and Hololive members until recently

>> No.2664586

But her mod had done many thing

>> No.2665167

You realize most of hololive said nothing about the drama at all. They didnt all put out videos defending Coco or anything.

>> No.2665432

No shit. They're Japanese. Would've been fuel on the fire. Beyond that their silence and acting like nothing happened spoke volumes compared to what the chinese wanted and what Holo CN did.
Artia should've seen her ship was sinking a mile away. She chose the Chinese. That's her dumb mistake. She could've defended her coworker, but instead blatantly instigated further attacks on her.

>> No.2665747

> most of Hololive said nothing?
> Fubuki Kanata Watame Aki Miko Sora Pekora Choco Suisei Flare Roboco Towa support Coco
> Marien make collab for Coco specially
> Noel Korona and Okayu like to collab with Coco
> Lamy will be friend with Coco

Action is louder than word Anon....

And see what Artia's discord done for Artia

> help spammer by cover him
> use Artia as disposable tool for their's nationalist.

>> No.2667507



>> No.2667734

there's actually a lot wrong with nationalism
nationlist Japan was a shit hole
Japan that focuses more on itself than "saving face" is suddenly the best country in the world.
Natioanlism gets you stuck in a "us vs them" attitude that only benefits the people around you that are richer than you.
Why do you think Xi is pushing all this nationalism? It's not "to protect china from falling to the west," falling to the west is a good thing, compared to what happened to those that fell to communism. He's getting read for the famines as a result of China's expansionism, and will make sure the people blame the west for starving instead of Xi for forcing the wests hand.

>> No.2667891

Coco has been effected. Very fucking badly. After 8 months of this shit she's finally maybe not having to have members only on her streams WHEN CHINKS ARE ASLEEP
like god damn, this isn't something small that she unleashed

>> No.2673152

I'd let Tia live with me as a means of escape from her country

>> No.2673439

I know America is terrible but she shouldn't need to escape it.

>> No.2673511

Idk man you know what they say, you can check out anytime you like but you may never leave.

>> No.2674976


>> No.2675030

I am going to miss her dumpling clothes because of china. I feel a little bit bad for nene. Lost 1 of her genmate, lost her original design and debuted 3d later than her fellow genmate. Ceo 3d soon. She is going to catch up with the other.

>> No.2675045

She likes China

>> No.2675193


>> No.2675279

Wolf warrior and highly another spammerd

>> No.2675302

Washed up Wolf Warrior. Karma is a bitch.

>> No.2675311

Same thing. They put it in the cultural identity - it is the secret ingredient to good social credit scores.

>> No.2675669
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I never watched her until after she graduated but her taste in games is good and varied, she streams pretty much daily for hours at a time, she has a cute voice, didn't get involved in the China shit at all, and her French Fry Cat design is cute af (merch when?), so I'd say she still is. I think there are things to like about the others (besides Doris, who will always be a cunt), but as a streamer Echo is definitely the best. Hearing her updates about what new thing her rabbit bit or destroyed are always great too.

>> No.2675729

What the fuck is Hecatia on about in her discord?

>> No.2675774

She has a pretty extreme temper too, which was kind of cute in its own way. I actually liked the fact she'd go all in aggressively when she became pissed since you don't see that from anyone else really.

>> No.2675789

By that she'd snap and threaten management/whatever the target of her disdain was fully which was funny.

>> No.2675814

She just got rid of a bunch of mods and is taking a break from twitch. She has been skipping bili streams and feels bad and stressed out from trying to keep both fanbases happy.

>> No.2675843

At least she said she's going to do a proper debut when she comes back to twitch.

>> No.2675860
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Also spade echo's 2dlive was aggressive sexually too. She truly just didn't have a chance to shine really. The chinks took this away from themselves.

>> No.2675947

She's a pregnant single mom now, so it became hard for her to do a lot of streaming.

>> No.2676300

The fun fact is Artia's mod really can change Artia fate.

They knew about spammer(Andy) in Artia discord around November last year but they decided to protect spammer and not expose him.

If Artia really innocent about this that mean her mod use her as weapon for their's nationalist goal and not care about Artia 's fate at all.

> Yes , Artia was betrayed by her own discord mod.

( spammer confess it by himself)

>> No.2676500

she was deep into twitch normienigger memery every time i tuned in she said po*gers
yeah, i dont
fuck twitch

>> No.2677135

yes yes, right now for sure she loves China :)

>> No.2677138

I cannot believe Hecatia is going to debut for a third time.

>> No.2677147

Christ.. So there's been spammers in Tiacord for all this while, until she found out?

>> No.2677155


>> No.2677887

Seems like she's going to drop streaming in English. What sort of person finds it stresful to be a smelly NEET when that's how they were their whole life. It was probably the lack of views that made her drop twitch. Now she's slowly disappearing on her discord and twitter and trying to come up with an excuse as always.

>> No.2678032

>Ditched Bili streams for a week just to stream on Twitch
Yeah, she definitely wants to drop streaming in English

>> No.2678322

She was thinking of getting partnership on Twitch which requires a bunch of stream hours and days in a few week period. But midway she realized this is shit

>> No.2678479

She said she's full with studies and recording a lot of videos for the chinese audience. Also something about the contract allowing her 4 twitch streams per month or something.

Interesting that one of the mods that are retiring is member of a hololive translation group, he's retiring to focus on translations. The other one has a fubuki profile pic on twitter and korone tweets. So they weren't against hololive.
Apparently they were the only mods left, so the mod who protected the spammer has been expelled a while ago.

>> No.2678594

>Ame is a Chinksect simp
You hate to see it. That's an unsub right there.

>> No.2684075

And still gets less numbers than a washed up youtuber made into vtuber
