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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26567634 No.26567634 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>26499419

cuddles edition

Interactive map:

- Maps?

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.26567665
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.26567715
File: 516 KB, 778x900, aa498668184881c822df927dea29362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.26567771
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x1192, Muman Eveland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Feel free to suggest and add to it!

>> No.26567846
File: 33 KB, 388x268, 1654694879203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new intern, please no bully to hard if I buggered up

>> No.26568071
File: 114 KB, 379x270, Peaceful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a little bully?

>> No.26568608

VTA stands for Virtual Talent Academy. It's always been marketed as an online course meant to teach people who want to be vtubers but who have little to no experience in actually streaming the skills they need. To be honest, it really shows. They aren't proper vtuber debuts so much as vtubers-in-training who may or may not graduate into Nijisanji or, heck, might realize they don't even actually like streaming all that much. People who sign up for VTA know that, so it's not like Ichikara is accepting people and then surprising them with a battle royale for viewer approval.

>> No.26568665
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, moompout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bully too hard and I'll stop writing for today!

>> No.26568848
File: 385 KB, 1000x1000, you go anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A'ight no bully, gotta focus on ruining mapanon's life anyway :D

>> No.26568855
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posts like that just makes me want to send one over even harder

>> No.26568951
File: 513 KB, 2048x1152, WAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it! It could be the comedic piece we need!

>> No.26569221

wanna do it 2-player style with sharing rentry?

>> No.26569413
File: 96 KB, 900x900, HappyDays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing! Wanted to get a partner to try it out once anyway. You go first, since the main focus would be the onobot?

>> No.26570064

So uh, if there's any other hooman here, what you guys feel about having a more colloquial name for the nation? Like, having The Republic of Owl being the official name while people usually refer to it with something simpler like Olandia or something along those lines?

>> No.26570511
File: 1.76 MB, 1332x850, onobot-worldb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, just gotta figure out how i can have an onobot becomes small like the official design again sicne onobots in vitubia are actually 2.5m high adn what is the official design for them is actually the headpiece for them wich is on like a humanoid robot body, wonder if i should have onobots simply have created an emergency system sicne crashing on vitubia to have their heads run away with all their data since having lost all their data units at teh crash back then was quite the experience or if i should simply have the onobot in question come up with the brilliant idea to have his head taken off and put on a mini body because he thinks he will be stealthy that way.

also would you rather have the officials form the retro reich send a warning beforehand or you just want him to suddenly show up and have the sanalites figure out how to deal with him? it think the later would be funnier.

>> No.26570857
File: 78 KB, 800x488, Schloss_Burgk_Sophienhaus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you missed it, here is Chapter X of Pomerlane, the Noose Tightens.

And Here is Chapter XI: Tea and Intrigue.

>> No.26570858
File: 401 KB, 1500x2319, GLASSES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for the head part, I will leave it all up to you, but for how he should get here, I think it would be the funniest if he just washed ashore on our beaches, before making his way, head and legs, through the cold swamps without clear direction, just going from one interesting thing to another, eventually ending up at Lamington by some stroke of luck. Idk, I would really like it if we went with like a complete WALL-E ripof-ahem, I mean, homage. He don't know how he got here, where he's going, but by golly, he is going!

And so we keep this nice and focused, why not have the onobot and Cass be the only stable characters? Somehow nobody else notices the little guy as he stumbles about. Maybe I can throw in some references to my other characters in passing or something.

>> No.26570901

Whole story can be found here:

>> No.26571033
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26571136

my plan was him wanting to go to /nasa/ because he wanted to see space things since onobots do not remember space anymore since all data of that is gone but some files they still got mention space and that onobots are from space so when this particular one hears abotu people from space he jsut gets eager and wants to see it.

wanted a different onobot smuggle him into the owl republic inside a box and then shug the box over the border and have him bumble around to the station from there

>> No.26571160
File: 640 KB, 2341x4096, Sana cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh, no WARanon, we no bully today, Hooman is writing.

>> No.26571244
File: 722 KB, 1920x1200, 1642782661228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine. He can have a little war, as a treat! :D

>> No.26571276

Ohhh, that's a plan as well! Well, either way, I think we can agree the starting point should be when he is already on the station? That way we get both the characters in at the start, and we can find out why he is there as the piece progresses?

>> No.26571350
File: 1.58 MB, 865x853, 1655421008736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sweaty, dirty, tired, have a headache, can't shower for two hours, and I'm running on four hours of sleep with three cups of coffee... But I'm at my computer and I'm gonna make some lore damn it!

>> No.26571395

Go Rosebutt go!

>> No.26571429

Wish I could have your drive...I have just been fucking around making islands in Inkarnate for the past...holy fuck it's been 4 hours!

>> No.26571689
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(insert feelings here)

>> No.26571760

Great work as always Pomerlane Anon. I absolutely love Emylia, she seems like she is a really intelligent and perception woman. Unironically, a better "strong female character" than nearly ever "strong female characters" that are in movies and on TV. That was also a plot twist I didn't see coming.

Also, curious as to why so many Ryuguards seem to be serving under Pomerlane?

>> No.26571828

Thanks! Glad you like it. Regarding Ryuguards, as has been stated, many do not like the government and Pomerlane also treats those under his command fairly and promotes based on merit because as a mercenary, that's how things were done.

>> No.26571880

GO youre the best writer here by far. I'll take your quality pieces over the many pieces other anons make in the same time. Quality > Quantity.

>> No.26571893

i would probably start the story off by him discovering some sanalites at a lumbercamp and have him follow them to the station and once he arrives at the door of the station and he gets in contact with cass for the first time is when i would give him over to you.

for how much you want other sanalites to notice or interact with him i leave to your discreetion since he is not really gonna be a sneaky guy at all^^ but i do agree that the focus should be on the bot and cass.

any 3 to 4 digit number you like?

>> No.26571943

>>26571893 (me)

oh and yeah how he got hear would be touched upon over the coruse of story too then, it will give the bot something to talk about

>> No.26571995

/risu/friends, I have to ask. Is Jayawan a good representation of how most of Risuners act in general? Also, what's the gender ratio of the ones who arrived on /who/'s shores, roughly speaking? Is it predominantly male, female or kinda evenly split?

>> No.26572062

was it really necessary to include that last sentence?

>> No.26572140
File: 743 KB, 849x1200, fence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been referring to it as "the Republic" for now

>> No.26572154
File: 196 KB, 2480x1884, HoHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yea, we do have that southern settlement. Oh oh, have him jump on a wagon full of lumber set for Lamington! And to touch on his sneakiness, I would love it if we went for just coincidence after coincidence. He's just at the right place at the right time to never get noticed by anyone. Sneak 100 memes and all that jazz.

As for number, ehhh, not really, I'll leave it up to you

>> No.26572168

>was it really necessary to include that last sentence?
I'm sorry if it offended you but Rosebuta is the best writer here and just because one certain writer writes 20 chapters a day doesn't mean that writer is better, especially when his stories fucking suck too.

>> No.26572207

OHHH that's them fighting words!

>> No.26572209
File: 717 KB, 2000x2829, 1653613460063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's still lore! And for four hours! You put yourself down, but that's a lot of good work!
I... Appreciate the compliment, but everyone here puts in a good deal of effort and makes excellent quality work. I wouldn't consider myself the best, I think others here are far better and I encourage you to give other works a read if you haven't done so.

>> No.26572262
File: 92 KB, 364x299, 1655477901093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the one I know you are talking about, just say my damn name instead of being passaive aggressive. If you don't like it, fine. Rosebuta is a good writer too. Heck, if you want to say I fucking suck, go right ahead. But say my damn name instead of tip toeing around it like a passive aggressive bitch.

>> No.26572297

Sure, but I'm not sure how long we'll be able to do that with three(?) republics around now

>> No.26572320

One of the republics will expire soon.

>> No.26572371

dunno, it's not like there's another republic that up far in the north. I'd say that's good enough for us.

>> No.26572381

I'm just sick of you writing bullshit and everyone sucking your fucking cock when there are FAR better writers out there. You came in here and act like you own this thread. Know your place.

>> No.26572494
File: 442 KB, 396x448, FASTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomudachi you fucking suck! You are an absolute trash writer and you should know your place as roseanon's little cum sock!

There. Ya happy now you damn masochistic fairy?!

Pajeet? Pajeet is that you? Oh, how I did not miss your bushy mustache in this thread.

>> No.26572567
File: 111 KB, 768x893, FC8AC8B9-F98D-4BB6-90FC-ADD85F67400A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26572611

I'm actual a sadist, like Pomu... LMAO

>> No.26572670
File: 54 KB, 412x480, 1650590275682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too protective for my own good, I was about to write up a whole essay to defend my Nijibro.

>> No.26572705

Don't worry about it. I really don't care.

>> No.26572766


>> No.26572820
File: 144 KB, 1111x1111, You are all so precious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have much to learn young roseanon. Knowing he distinct smell of a pajeet trying to stir shit is essential knowledge of any writer on this board.

>> No.26573308

>We have Pajeet, the Gawr...
>...and the Tourist, the Gura
At last, I truly see.

>> No.26573450

No way I can the next two chapters today. That will require a good amount of map drawing that I just don't have the energy to do.

>> No.26573490
File: 624 KB, 1417x1417, CinnamonRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last your eyes are open. Go forth now, young apprentice, and may your sight grant you wisdom not to bite the foul tasting bait of a pajeet.

>> No.26573583

Meds gave me sleep paralysis until now. So I'm going to have to do yard duties in the evening instead. It'll be on the 100's Fahrenheit in the afternoons until August. Which is bad for electric equipment. /nasa/'s rep will no longer be available in Burgerland evenings.

>> No.26573804
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1536, GGG Archipelago I Guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, round 2 of trying to make Mapanon die of a heart attack!

Went for a more natural looking design this time while still keeping the general shape, and I really like how it turned out! Also gave /ggg/ a bit of mainland, which I am now noticing I forgot to colour. Whoops :P

>> No.26573902
File: 115 KB, 893x1070, Oh hi there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, you take care of yourself mate. Heat ain't no joke. Everyone else as well, remember to always have water next to you!

>> No.26574155

glug glug your water everyone.

>> No.26574369

>Cant write more than TWO in one day
Holy shit bro, I cant write one in a week!

>> No.26574448
File: 2.71 MB, 6000x3000, 1655398831578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as we want to give /ggg/ more water, it will mess up existing climate, biome, and climate. Because we're essentially removing the mountains and landmass, the size of a subcontinent like central europe mind you, responsible for the Holo Gulf next door is gone

>> No.26574572

You could just reserve their land for someone else.,

>> No.26574622
File: 102 KB, 1112x1106, Smile more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A'ight, all I needed to scrap the whole thing.

>> No.26575135

I meant to say not available for a few days.

Heat injuries are no joke, but you can recover from them if they're not heat stroke. Batteries burning out during the Greatest Depression is a different story.

Can give the inner limestone mountains to Ame-Wat.

>> No.26575570
File: 1.00 MB, 1307x1019, 1649552673224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please forgive me, I never get to use this image

>> No.26575893
File: 901 KB, 1161x1064, 1648692567369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Realize how I can get from A to B
>Just building up A is starting to get big enough it might get it's own rentry post, only being halfway done at 600 words

>> No.26575907

alright, got a start going, hope it is to your liking, also please feel free to edit any dialogue of the sanalites or cass to make it fit more with them

edit code is what onobots and sanalites have being in common, singular

>> No.26576757
File: 35 KB, 663x508, FTGTWUzacAIvF8M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quilldren anon abandoned me after a few replies
>Kindred anon abandoned me after a few replies

>> No.26576820

Ocean currents get deflected by the continental shelf, so, submerged continents act to a certain extent like normal continents, as long as they arent too deep so if the ocean isnt too deep then there shouldnt be too much a problem.

>> No.26576897

>no one will ever like your writing as much as risuner likes rosebro's
why even continue

>> No.26577013

shut the fuck up his work is good, and in no way does he act the way you accuse him of acting

>> No.26577128
File: 32 KB, 121x122, 1642352903239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, people liking your writing is a double edged sword. It fills you with satisfaction in the moment, but then you start to feel like you've placed a bar of what's expected of you and it schucks because you feel like a hack

>> No.26577196

> in no way does he act the way you accuse him of acting
This, bro is humble as hell and respects everyone a lot. Don't get that criticism at all.

>> No.26577281
File: 335 KB, 2000x2000, 1646927658658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tonight. /who/ part 2 electric boogaloo.

>> No.26577331

I need to figure out how to entertain Risuners without having sex because disease.

>> No.26577347

sex the risuner

>> No.26577399

That's the trick, you sex them even harder. You have to dom so hard you dom the disease too.

>> No.26577518
File: 501 KB, 900x900, 1654038286415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens sometimes, try to not let it get to you too much. We're still here for you! That being said, I do get sad every time another Niji rep leaves.

>> No.26577544
File: 569 KB, 605x598, 1654441766545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid fucking me forgot to link the rentry... again


>> No.26577610

old zealand...

>> No.26577757

Thanks rosebud. I'm not bothered exactly, just sort of disappointed about not having anyone to talk things over with. Total creative freedom over the area is nice to an extent but it's also daunting. I can't hold all these chuubas... I also keep being worried that at some point after I've written everything for Luxiem, an actual rep for one of them will show up and hate all of it.

>> No.26577916

I mean, you can always talk to me (Pomerlane anon) and others even if we don't entirely know because I have reviewed papers before without knowing shit about the topic before.

>> No.26578272

I definitely have things I'm going to ask for the thread's opinions about! For example I'll need assistance with mineral deposits and such at some point because I know less than nothing about geology, and on a more general level I'm going to ask anons to help me review my docs for coherence/internal logic with the world lore as a whole once they're in a more readable state. But the thing I find most interesting about this project is the implication of worshipping chuubas as gods and how a culture would develop around it. These kinds of ideas are better bounced off people who watch a lot of the respective chuuba's streams.

>> No.26578354

As some who has a degree in cultural anthropology, I can definitely help with cultural development and why they develop a certain way.

>> No.26578750

Incest = wincest.

>> No.26578784

Give them nuts or gems. Or party it up. Risuners are balls of energy.

>> No.26579047

Uhh... I've been way too preoccupied with the mutual funds update I havent even started the shipyard reports of the pinisi being made yet. I'll see if i can get the first one made today, it shouldnt take that long

>> No.26579361
File: 55 KB, 750x750, FSWOZY7aMAAyIwp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm...I want to preface this by saying I probably will ask for your expertise in the future because I am absolutely not an anthropologist, I'm just a nerd who reads a lot of fiction. Thank you for the offer of assistance! However, I think I might be phrasing my problem poorly. As an example of what I mean, I have stargazers down as believing strongly in soulmates. This is because Uki frequently talks about trying to find someone he can form an emotional connection with, about how he wants to settle down with a partner, how if he was going to have a relationship he'd dedicate all of himself to that person, etc. A culture with so many myths about their god's search for true love would naturally place emphasis on romance. This is the "cultural development" bit of the equation, but to get here I would have to know Uki talks about these things in the first place. That's the bit that makes me wish I had people who actually oshi the boys to discuss things with.

>> No.26579475
File: 175 KB, 844x1196, Galaxy flowerbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A'ight so it's most definitely so obvious it might as well be punching me in the face, but I have been awake for almost 2 days by now, and I am drawing a complete blank...what do Onobots ans Sanallitea have in common? Spoonfeed me please!

>> No.26579590

different angle, what are sanalites to vitubia?

>> No.26579722
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1650044792443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A blight? Existential threat? A key for Hoomans to establish total world domination?

>> No.26579800

Cute foreign visitors with bodies made for sex

>> No.26580158
File: 372 KB, 781x782, 1654326005315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Sanalites are good friends that would make for lovely plants!

>> No.26580307
File: 1.46 MB, 1746x1250, ITSTIME[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7ysj0s.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious shortcuts for us to learn how to make jets

>> No.26580317
File: 590 KB, 720x866, UUUUUU.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Rosebutas are also good friends that would make excellent fertilizer!

>> No.26580512
File: 163 KB, 512x512, roseBlush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think so?

>> No.26580526
File: 37 KB, 515x542, 1647423605994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your all good friends who can help us increase population and give us fancy new toys.

>> No.26580720

Hoomans. I need a reminder. Will you allow the other 2 expedition crews to camp at the border for /uuu/ or would you want them to travel by boat?

>> No.26580787
File: 221 KB, 1911x2048, Sanamaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course! Perhaps even the best fertilizer this planet has to offer!

>> No.26580833

I'm pretty sure the plan was to let them travel by land since neither /uuu/ nor /nasa/ really has any sizable port
t. out-of-loop hooman

>> No.26580835
File: 79 KB, 536x682, 1647442872859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is our fucking 3x growth speed not enough for you greedy aussies

>> No.26580886

Haha, that's really cool. By the way, how long can a Risuner last?

>> No.26580954
File: 38 KB, 483x561, TheMightySteed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but really, I am drawing so many blanks you would think I am Picasso. Don't worry, anons here are nice enough to not steal the rentry, I am sure.

Sigh, and you wonder why we don't want to fuck you. It ain't all about speed, squirrel friend. Sometimes what you need is soul. And that is something Rosebutas have in spades.

>> No.26581057
File: 32 KB, 348x381, png-clipart-fallout-new-vegas-fallout-3-fallout-4-video-game-others-game-video-game-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so that's what they look like. I've just been imagining something like Yes Man from FNV this whole time.

>> No.26581092
File: 136 KB, 1019x1205, 1648393706229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During sex, depends. Naturally risuners are the most sexually experienced species so probably longer than most. I know there is a technique used to hold in your load. I believe pornstars take advantage of this.
We were talking about plants you horny bastard. Go rub one out.

>> No.26581308

Touristbud said the chumbuds lived 5000 meters deep... Sorry sanallite, your work is appreciated, but I think this topography would be a little jarring when put next to the rest of the world.

>> No.26581401
File: 1.39 MB, 1130x1200, Crikey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was also talking about plants. But it's always quick this, quick that with ya cunts, so I can't imagine you are any different at sex.

>> No.26581567
File: 127 KB, 880x902, nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speed is good in plants and combat kek. However Risuners do NOT prioritize speed during sex. We prioritize the size of the nut that is released. It is literally taught during risuner sex education to do whatever your partner seems to enjoy the most to ensure the maximum amount of nut is released. It's all about the NUT

>> No.26581902
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tbf i jus tmade that as a visual represantation of what i mean, they would have boxier bodies for sure but yeah they are oversized terminators basicly

they kinda follwo the gentle giant trope in that they are big and powerful but actaully really nice... unless you manage to trigger them, then all onobots on Vitubia are going to hunt you down with all their might for the rest of their or more likely your existence to slaughter you and everyone who even dares saying somethign nice about you


>> No.26582024
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New chapter for the /morig/ raid story!

>> No.26582039
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Ah yes, of course. We're aliens, aren't we? I forget that sometimes...

>> No.26582207

>5000 meters.
Im not even sure that is possible for sharks.

>> No.26582215

Ah yes. Plant people.

>> No.26582277
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Alright, I think I'll just round it out there for tonight. Can't believe it took me all day to get my thoughts in order to make point A. Point B tomorrow if all goes well, at least I have a rough plan now for Unfeathered, Unfettered!

>> No.26582298

Indeed, the deepest a shark has even been is at 3700 meters. To give a comparison. Mariana’s trench is 12000 meters deep

>> No.26582325

They're shrimp

>> No.26582336

Shark don't tend to live that deep because those depths are usually nutritiously desolate, but physiologically it's not implausible. Some adaptation would be needed, chumbuds living that deep would have difficulty coming up to the surface.

>> No.26582402

Plant people, what will they come up with next, robot people? Sheesh.

>> No.26582412

I know, thats why that number seemed odd.
Shrimp live in coastal waters.

>> No.26582477

There are many crustaceans who live in the deep depths, including species of shrimps.

>> No.26582527

So chumbuds are shrimp and not sharks. Might be tasty boys.

>> No.26582588
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Winardi logs ch 5.

We finally left Gaputan. The luknights are once again curious about another city, this time being Kenkerto. Any holy shit I just realized that I am going to visit all of /risu/ at this point if this keeps up. Well to heck with it it's my job and I get paid in nuts to do it.

The journey to Kenkerto is slow at first but it does get going after some time. Mainly because of the fact that I really did not intend to tour this many areas so that we did have to resupply as well as scavenge off the land. While risuners are adept at this, the luknights really did not want to advance until they were sure supplies would be stocked. I guess risuners are just built different. I mean we can climb trees and Plumdrop has big armor on.
Anyway we are heading off. The days are met with marching, some small talk, and a bit of tree scavenging. Sometimes there would be smaller villages that are not on official maps. I had to tell Plumdrop that these are common and that /risu/ is not a fully unified nation. What holds us together is our religion.

After a few nights I finally got to see something I never thought I would see. Some of the knights took off their armor FINALLY and washed themselves in the sea. I was right, wearing big chunks of metal will make you hot and even smell bad. It definitely smelled a bit better around them. Even Plumdrop took a nice sea bath but he did it while I was asleep. For such a big boy he really can be sneaky.

They asked me about a subject I have yet to talk about. The kronies. The big entrance to our realization of the outer world. And yes it was at Kenkerto that we originally met them if I am not mistaken. In recent days some of the kronies became less active around southern /risu/ but Kenkerto still was the place where most kronies can be seen. Each major risuner city has a specific charm to it and Plumdrop looked so eager as always to explore it. I can't wait to see his face when he realizes the kronies are just as happy to nut as we are. That's why we like them so much after all. They always release such tasty nuts.

We are now halfway to Kenkerto and all I can think about is how funny it will be to me when Plumdrop sees how horny kronies can be. At least in their downtime.

>> No.26582631

Gonna start a shrimp fishing business just outside of /ggg/. Who wants to join?

>> No.26582712

I am a brain dead dummy who needs to air his brain. Forgot to anchor >>26582277

>> No.26582734

>>26582325 https://youtu.be/XOgy-RKEZsQ

>> No.26582799
File: 1.49 MB, 6000x3000, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAHA! It's finally done!
Introducing the newest update for the interactive map: https://vtwbg.github.io/
Changes include:
>added climate map for convenience
>new distance tool
>new tool for measuring areas
Hopefully the new features help for anyone trying to figure out just how big something on the map is supposed to be. Note that you need to set down more points to accurately measure larger spaces. Enjoy, and let me know if you have any thoughts, problems, or requests.

>> No.26582840

Oh, wrong link.

>> No.26582887
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Yeah. I didn't forget about you candy bois. As I said, tonight (about 6 hours from now) will be the who ch 2 electric boogaloo and either tomorrow or possibly tonight if im feeling autistic enough will be the /meat/ conclusion with diana. Also because I think its important, probably a good idea to see where risuner ships will go by design. Risuners have deadbeat guns and /meat/ training. Kind of an interesting mix. Debating to see if I can just ships other than pinisi but it seems more fun to just have either bigger pinisi or slightly modified versions. Risuners think simply after all as anyone whose ever been to the threads can see for themselves desu.

>> No.26582907

This is really helpful, thanks!

>> No.26582914

Do you want to go Shrimping?

>> No.26582942
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>> No.26582999
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not figuring out that code is kidna funny to me but...


>> No.26583075
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You should have asked the fleet earlier while we were there. Sorry but were too busy nutting instead of shrimping.
Do we count as plant people since we love nature? Or are we the caretakers of plant people? And did anyone ever say if cross nutting with plants was ever a thing? I forgot.

>> No.26583106

Question for Pomerlane anon. How do you create such good chatacters and dialogue?

>> No.26583238
File: 183 KB, 1500x1500, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh sorry, I wanted to focus on pushing out my part before I leave for work in like 10 min. It's perfect, sets up the scene nicely, and I only had to change the Cass line to fit into her character. Hopefully I can get my part done today, otherwise it will be like a whole day an a half before you get it˙(probably gonna sleep the entire day tommorow).

>> No.26583243

It's coming... Had to get some traitors out of the way, next chapter is heavy duty cross-cultural pollination.

>> No.26583278

Nice! Looks good, I've wanted a climate map with borders and labels a couple times now.

>> No.26583303
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>> No.26583361

What exactly do you mean? When it comes to characters, you have to think about shining light on them personally in order to develop them into what they should be. I think Opimius is a good example. I gave him a few sentences in VII to drive home what type of man he is. Dialogue is something that needs to work in your head first. I cant explain dialogue that well.

>> No.26583399
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I'd say you're adjacent to plant people, but you are still flesh and blood.
If anything you're just simple caretakers, can't breed with a Rosebuta yet. I'll be elaborating on the "yet" in just a few minutes.
Hell yeah man, I'm excited for it!

>> No.26583482

Do rosebuds have a government at all Rosebro?

>> No.26583519

Tomorrow sumargo log comes out. Pretty much my top priority sticky note. The conclusion of our stay and the introduction of rosebutas in /risu/ which there will be many questions how that shit will work out. Anyway like i said before im heading out but holy shit the part where sumargo was fucking the guy in presumeably the cart was great

>> No.26583647
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They have two. Tunnelhogs, the ones that live below ground, have a religious council of Overseers and one leading Grand Overseer.
The Sunwalkers, the ones that live above ground, have a cabinet of Vice Presidents that each lead their own tribe.
Fuck yeah, I'm happy to answer any questions. Also I'm glad you liked that part! They actually fucked in the cathedral itself, using one of the guest rooms. It was one hell of a clean up afterwards.

>> No.26583721

Do they have diplomatic relations with the rest of EN

>> No.26583748
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>> No.26583754

>be /meat/ viking crew
>sailing near /ggg/ waters em route to your reconnaisance island
>got into the wrong tradewind
>ship is now sailing off course from the intended route
>heads towards the western coast instead, right above Chumbud briney metropolis
>Chumbud patrol climbs up your ship from the depths
>a fishman lands on your deck and stabs a fellow viking in the back (doesnt matter he'll regenerate anyways)
>"In the name of the Holy Emperor of the HLG, you are under arrest for piracy and assault HLG vassals!" the walking tuna said
>it's another one of those holier than thou inquisitors it seems
>someone threw a drug gas pot bomb on deck
>reflexively cover your nose and retreats from the psychedelic cloud
>Chumbuds are now lying on the floor, dazed and hallucinating
>most of them are muttering stuffs like 'cunny' and 'shork'
>steers ship back on course
>at least you now have seafood

>> No.26583818

Glad you guys like it! Sometimes I worry that the map isn't that useful, but especially with the new reps coming by, it looks like it's getting some use. Hopefully everyone finds it helpful for their needs.

>> No.26583832
File: 290 KB, 960x1568, 1653770323931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright boys, you want to be a plant? Do you despise that fleshy existence of yours? Crave the rigidity of the green? Or just want to be spared the inevitable genocide? Now's your chance. Come on down to one of the sanctioned /rose/ visitor domes and become a plant. Don't mind the side effects, it's all part of The Blossoming.

>> No.26584002
File: 758 KB, 2354x3296, 1655597854430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not, unless a group in EN tried to reach the Rosebutas. Tunnelhogs and Sunwalkers mainly keep to themselves. While Tunnelhogs have become more active due to newcomers like Risuners, they have yet to actually reunite with those from their own continent and have really only connected with the Sunwalkers so far. The Sunwalkers might know of the rest of EN, but again, they keep to themselves unless visited.

>> No.26584052

>most of them are muttering stuffs like 'cunny' and 'shork'

>> No.26584076
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Also, got my part up. ball in your court, friend. Also, feel free to edit parts if you feel like it.

>> No.26584089

Im still trying to understand your lore compared to the rest of EN, which basically had the other peoples invade after LazuLight

>> No.26584287
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I went for something of a different route, that's all. Since a chunk of Rosebuds are sort of from her PLs, I thought it'd be interesting if I incorporated that into the lore. I know only a few people will really get the references, but I think the general lore works fine even without that knowledge. I'm also going to work in the fact that she was /here/ at one point. That'll be fun to do eventually.

>> No.26584327

with /meat/'s constant raids on /hlgg/ member states you think Deadbeats, Chumbuds, and KFPs wouldve formed a security pact by now?

>> No.26584424

They have, or did at some point in history, it was established the /meat/ navies faced a HoloSea alliance about a hundred years back. Things might be different today though.

>> No.26584442

Rosebro, i need to understand how Rose fits in with the rest of EN because you are their reps and at some point there will be contact. I can understand the underground not interacting much but the above ground will. They would have driven out LazuLight from their lands during Obsydias invasion. I know you like biology and stuff but Politics, army and diplomacy is what I need for my TL.

>> No.26584683

I think the turning point would be /infinity/
>be /hlgg/ vassals in the Gulf
>tirelessly defend the coasts from cannibal vikings and root out their cult
>Kronies made contact with them
>they formed an alliance with them
>they hire /meat/ mercenaries as their own personal varangian guards
>Kronies employ /meat/ to help develop Risuner land, a fellow client the pact swore to protect
>screams eternally as your fellow /hlgg/ "ally" managed to make friends with your century old enemy and broke the status quo

>> No.26584724

Nta but they are basically primative nomads.

>> No.26584790
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Oh THAT'S what you're asking about! Sorry, I misunderstood and thought you were just talking about modern day communications. Hm, well in my lore I stated that /rose/ used to actually be a lovely place. So perhaps the matter is that LazuLight used to live there, but due to the disasters it drove them out of the land and left the Rosebutas behind. The Rosebutas may have hidden from LazuLight up until this point, so they wouldn't have known they existed.
That's my best idea, at least. I didn't realize your lore would end up conflicting with mine.

>> No.26584849

I have read their lore, i understand that. The thing and only thing that troubles me is there is basically no contact between them and their neighbors at all, which i understand from him being the only one here writing but I need to coordinate with him on hammering out relations with the other nations in Ninisani.

>> No.26584926

kek but true. clocks managed to break /meat/'s isolationism and made them switch from raid into trade, which in turn made them spread their cult further

>> No.26584964

I can understand Lazulight just abandoning the land but as of now, lets talk Dragoons, whom as I have made, are a warlike people. What are your relations with them given their tendency to want gold and power? Would you consider Rose territory a tributary of them?

>> No.26585024

Also want to include yeah here too, i unironically made the /scam/ threads back in the day so I can represent that half of Ethyria

>> No.26585085
File: 574 KB, 529x604, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i being stupid or is there no change to the rentry? i see nothing new

>> No.26585090
File: 2.80 MB, 1286x1286, 1655378873957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah fuck that's the good shit, there's something about Rosebud's speculative biology, it really hits the spot.
I imagine the butterfly metamorphosis inspired you in this? I remember reading something interesting about scientists wondering if the butterflies retained memories of their caterpillar days despite having a stage where they were completely dissolved.
Also, do natural rosebutas have mineralized skeletons like animals? Or do they have a sort of hardened plant tissue, like hardwood?
Now I'm wondering how this metamorphosis would interact with the unique Deadbeat biology... The skeleton uses iron oxides instead of calcium oxides as a hardening mineral, so the likely enzymatic process used by the plant to soften and dissolve the bone wouldn't work.
If the rosebuta skeleton is made of a different material, the hardwood skeleton and goethite Deadbeat skeleton would have to compete, either causing in a fatal rejection of the metamorphosis, or resulting in a composite, with the wood skeleton growing around the original, like pic related.
But if the rosebuta skeleton is mineralized like an animal's, the softer tissues and cells (marrow and skeletal nerves mostly) would end up being replaced, and once the bone's "cells" were fully rosebuta, the bone would probably begin growing according to this new genetic blueprint. But since it's re-growing the bones instead of softening and deforming them, the transformation would take much, much longer, weeks, maybe months...
What do you think?

>> No.26585123

Sorry I would have guessed sooner but I was out of town. And my cell provider is range banned.

>> No.26585167

/yeah/ is practically dead lorewise.

>> No.26585222
File: 189 KB, 874x1095, C04F9FBF-9D45-433F-A6C8-71EC7437B03B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, you actually made /scam/?

>> No.26585283

Yes. I did. I took a break from vtubers and /yeah/ was made by the time I came back.

>> No.26585351
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>> No.26585444
File: 68 KB, 1190x649, B2C301B3-AD65-4471-92E2-1F75EB3055CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im an aloupeep, you can write for us like you did everyone else. You do great work, im a fan!

>> No.26585654

Unironically going to make most of the land in NijiEN that isnt occupied by the boys or Pomerania a fucking bandit shitposter kingdom. Full of scum, timeloops and falseflaggers.

>> No.26585682

kek accurate

>> No.26585752
File: 40 KB, 535x568, 1644887655835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A tributary? Not sure why that would be the case, but it's a no. The Rosebutas would have no gold that the Dragoons could see nor power for them to take. On the surface, Rosebutas are just a bunch of wandering tribes that live off of the land. Even if the Dragoons knew of the /rose/ underneath, they wouldn't be able to do much of anything about it. It's far too secure for them to invade. But hey, we could totally be tenuous friends.
I'm glad you like it! I took some inspiration from butterfly and moth metamorphosis, but a lot of it was just stuff I came up with on the spot. The coma pod is loosely based on how actual carnivorous plants consume their prey.
Rosebuta skeletons are shaped very similar to that of an animal's and even vaguely share the color of bone. However the actual tissue is something akin to sporopollenin.
Judging by the difference in the anatomy, it's pretty likely that the situation would be that the pod has to take the bones of the Deadbeat and grow around them. So on the inside you're the same bony boy and it's not like the difference really matters to anyone. Hope that makes sense for you.

>> No.26585770

So that's where all the southern schizo tribes have been coming from.

>> No.26585813

I was actually thinking how it was only the boys and Pomu that had parts of NijiEN but then I saw that nobody controlled part of it. Now that youve said that, thats basically our threads: Pomudachi, the boys and schizos.

>> No.26585819

NTA but in your lore didn't the plague that drove the rosebutas underground occur a long, long time ago? Pomerlane anon's story is taking place only 20 years ago. The simplest solution here might be to just push the timeline for rosebutas way back so that they're actually natives of the land who went underground long before the Lazulight empire was even established, explaining why nobody knows of their existence.

>> No.26585921
File: 266 KB, 2034x2048, 1655473219457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was my thought process too. But Pomerlane anon seems to want Rosebutas to have been a factor in Obsydia's invasion of LazuLight's land, which I assume happened far into the past. Just trying to line that stuff up appropriately.

>> No.26585939

My whole point is someone will claim to rule over the land, whether or not they do is irrelevant. Its like the amazon or the sahara. Just because there is nothing there worth of value doesnt mean someone wont want a bigger name on the map if you catch my drift. Ill probably make it that the Dragoons claim to rule over that area but dont really. Its inhospitable.

>> No.26585981

Yep. Pomerlane will eradicate those fuckers.

>> No.26586051

Good analogy, not Rosebuta but that makes sense.

>> No.26586070

I mean, Greenland wasn't claimed by anyone for centuries. There were hundreds of years between the viking leaving greenland and Denmark claiming it around 1800.

>> No.26586084
File: 19 KB, 182x171, IMG_1509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just say it's a dangerous and wild territory that people stay away from, containing many threats including the Sunwalkers. Maybe the Dragoons tried to come in and claim it in the past, but were driven out by the tribe's fearsome tactics or something.

>> No.26586113

Difference is Greenland is a remote Island and /rose/ borders nations. Like I said, its just “we have a bigger name on the map” shit

>> No.26586147

There doesn't seem to be an actual conflict here. Neither Dragoons or Rosebutas know about each other's existence. The Rosebutas actually own the land but the Dragoons draw their maps with /rose/ as part of their land. That doesn't make it true.

>> No.26586157

They did, got their asses kicked and to save face said they conquered it so bigger map name.

>> No.26586207

Im going to go with Rosebros theory just because it is funny to assume that.

>> No.26586290
File: 967 KB, 1000x1006, 1654727509177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blech. I don't like those Dragoons doing that, but it makes sense. Just means maps will need to be redrawn once /rose/ comes up from the underground. And maybe I'll give those feathery boys another kick in the behind for claiming my land.

>> No.26586297

The only threat to /rose/ is the schizos from the deadlands, ive heard. Pomerlane doesnt even know Rosebutas exist, he just thinks the area is a giant jungle wasteland. But those Schizos are dangerous..

>> No.26586327
File: 651 KB, 728x768, 1636576719696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, it seems like historically, there wasn't such an aversion to leaving bunch of the map unclaimed if no one wanted it. Picrel is from 1905 for example.

>> No.26586355

So basically, Dragoons draw their map with /rose/ as part of their land but everyone else just has it marked "shit's dangerous"?

>> No.26586375

But Rose really hasnt interacted with their neighbors so how will they claim anything? Dragoons have some nasty weapons in their lore i made too

>> No.26586378

If chumbuds are giant shrimp people then are they the size of hobbits? Hobbits are the size of human children. Chumbud's small child size could give them advantages in the ocean if they're quick swimmers. Also this could give chumbuds an advantage with building small maze-like homes. I like the idea of shrimp hobbits.

>> No.26586423

That looks to be claimed by the french.

>> No.26586428

Anon, map reading reps…

>> No.26586465

>the french
yeah, no one

>> No.26586484
File: 1.14 MB, 2480x2480, 1654270790142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... I guess he's right then.

>> No.26586496

Everyone else doesnt give a shit. They know its worthless so they are like, go ahead.

>> No.26586562

Is all of Rose jungle? What of the north closer to the steppe area? I guess Fierce Schizos live there.

>> No.26586609

It's mostly a subarctic climate, actually.

>> No.26586625

Roseschizo, a fierce warlord, carved out that area after one letter.

>> No.26586697

Temperate north to subarctic south
Like New Zealand and Chile

>> No.26586712

Kek, i like this idea. Rosebro would have to consent, but I cannot wait to kill that fucker

>> No.26586950
File: 561 KB, 750x562, babirusa hole[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr38jn8.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see that, yeah.
That's why I said "once" as in when they do so. Also I haven't seen said weaponry, so I can't verify the lethality, but the Sunwalker Degenerats are /rose/'s expert hunters. I don't know if /NijiEN/'s wars have changed in a span of 20 years, but if they're still using battle formations and such then /rose/'s guerilla tactics in their homeland might just destroy those Dragoons. Plus, I haven't elaborated on /rose/ weaponry either.
Also yeah, There's a Babirusa Warlord that's basically the main Roseschizo. He stalks the northern area fairly often, fighting the tribes whenever he feel like it. They managed to keep him away from the southern half, but it's hard to push him out entirely.
I'm cool with you killing him, could be fun to see Pomerlane go up a bunch of raging Babirusas. His army will probably take a decent beating, though.

>> No.26587219

/nasa/ meets a Rosebuta.


>> No.26587255
File: 82 KB, 800x1000, fly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye that was nice. These short stories of the common person are pretty nice.

>> No.26588170
File: 62 KB, 579x415, 484129d44be337097d54b0c4ede67c79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26588233

>Rumored portrait of Roseschizo, the painter was never seen after he finished this, with the painting barely making it out of the Badlands to safety.

I am dying, that is fucking hilarious.

>> No.26588466

Thanks, I know it's probably not the most exciting thing in the world, but I would hope it gives a little hint of how the average family might live. Sadly I only have the next part in mind as an end to these little stories. Now I've more been wondering how I could do something more fantastical in comparison...
I've had shower thoughts about the thing I suggested last thread about the chuubanite and it's reversal effects, though I'd need like to hear what you other hoomans think.

>> No.26588927
File: 363 KB, 394x541, 7A27B732-A5B9-4BA6-B49F-FAD256DCE1C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26588938
File: 18 KB, 750x750, submarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno man, sounds similar to what /vrt/ has planned for their stuff.

>> No.26589072
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>> No.26589210

Take a break. Thats my advice.

>> No.26589353
File: 68 KB, 446x352, huntermei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like primitive radar? rocks put on a circle and it works as a detection radius since observation is important and owls are good hunters. Again, dunno.

>> No.26589457

Need to discovery Radio first.

>> No.26589509

I have an idea for everyone. Make a Chubanite Chernobyl

>> No.26589840

There was talk once upon a time for Hoomans to use chuubanite in the construction of their steel. Perhaps Chuubanite's ability to absorb kinetic energy would make it excellent for better armor and longer lasting weapons. Though you'll have to find a mechanism to disperse the kinetic energy before it builds up too much.

>> No.26590142

It would fit with the birdwatching in the threads I guess... Another thought would be some level of shapeshifting. Anything from mildly changing facial structure to changing stones to take the form of bricks, just brainstorming

>> No.26590218

That's really useful and cool. Thank you, based interactive map anon.

>> No.26590244

i dunno, civilization makes me think communication, so maybe something from that angle? Like a rudimentary telepathy/radio network.
t. not a hooman

>> No.26590350

Chumbuds have invented torpedos sonar and hydrophones. Why? Why the fuck not?

>> No.26590420
File: 1009 KB, 1080x1080, mumei_grips_exmilitary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to be adding in chuubanite to anything produced at an industrial scale, but I guess it could be done for unique weapons made by blacksmiths to get "sword in the lake" kind of stuffs. Would lend that mountain splitter I had for Anya and Mumei's in-universe legend some extra credibility. Course the actual power of these weapons would be limited to something far more balanced. A self-cleaning knife for example which would just be a very rust resistant piece of steel.
That seems neat, but I wonder if it's too strong.
It'd help me out to get the sieges and the fortress aspect get some more strenght in current lore, since I haven't written much about it nowadays. I'd have to limit the way it works so as to not replace pigeons and current mail systems
>sonar and hydrophones
Have they?

>> No.26590522

Yeah, we made them using Gura’s immense amount of Chuubanite. The sea is ours.

>> No.26590779
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x800, show fet and kuni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whole sea our all other motherfuck die fura numer one
post kuni

>> No.26590939
File: 114 KB, 1500x944, B2DAFA5E-BEFA-4A28-A4B8-0D285B3CA2F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just made this with Chuubanite from Pomu. Looks like we rule the waves now.

>> No.26591006

In all seriousness, gonna try something with Submarines and Finana at some point.

>> No.26591181

The post system is meant for letters and parcel. I had an idea about chuubanite telegraphs before but I don't really know how to apply the science behind chuubanite to make it work so it was in deep storage ( don't have a degree in quantum mechanics sowwy). If it's more like a telegraph and say needs a metric crap load of high quality chuubanite to run it'd be only limited to military and governmental use at the start. Depending on how it works it can also be more limited in the length of messages spent or needing expensive ground wires with chuubanite laid.

>> No.26591305

I would suggest a through study of radar and radio before trying to implement it because its complex as hell.

>> No.26591569
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I'm reading right now, once I understand basic telegraphs I'll get back to ya. But as of now it looks more promising, since it'd be limited to important forts and bunkers inner comunications we wouldn't gain much of an industrial advantage, so I'm more willing to explore that.

>> No.26591825

Speaking of chuubanite quantum mechanics, this reminds me of those experiments done with quantum entanglement that allow particles to transmit information faster than the speed of light. Maybe something like that could be at work?

>> No.26591963

yeah thats way oversimplified and isnt actually how it works

>> No.26592127

I always knew I'd regret not becoming a quantum physicist one day...

>> No.26592250
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I have not recieved my 80 cannons yet nor war elephants in time so the deal is off.

>> No.26592485

One thing I fear about going down that route is that we'd give it an effect that will ultimately be superceeded by what is able to be done by technological advancement. I'd rather it be something it'd be something that doesn't just... lose relevance eventually.

>> No.26592621

Chuubanite Chernobyl incoming

>> No.26592779

Does any one even have Steam Power? Why are we talking about RADAR and Radios.

>> No.26592809
File: 144 KB, 1339x2048, soulful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'm ok with that, but if it's really a worry then we can also go for the "sword-in-the-lake" thing, a damn good spear will always have some relevance be it symbolic or utilitarian or as something to sell off to foreign people.

>> No.26593150

I dont when think an the agricultural revolution has happened or its irl impact considering without it irl, industrial shit would be impossible due to lack of labour

>> No.26593197

There is steam power due to the >1750's technology period even if it's slowly getting pushed up.
We should probably come to a better conclusion on that, but eh.
Some generals are more ahead than others in tech and others are willingly more behind. The idea behind the 1750's period was to have a moment in time where those generals that were behind in technology could still fight off those that were ahead in technology, magic also adds to that, we ended up as a floating history thing due to all the discussions that happened during the first months.

>> No.26593406

Well, my take is RADAR, telegraph and Radio is pushing it a little bit. This is where things get disorganized and confusing because I dont think anyone has even accounted for like anon above posted, agricultural output that allows for early industrialization. Worry less about comms and more about food and population.

>> No.26593664

>Worry more about food and population.
Fuck off, we want to have fun. Agriculture isnt fun. Its boring. I want Sonar.

>> No.26593920

Dear Saplings, if you are around, did you read the part I added to the /nasa/ encounter story yet?

>> No.26593942

Not replying. This is a worldbuilding thread. If we want technological advancement, we need more food and people. You cant skip steps with Chuubanite because its not sustainable.

>> No.26594121

/who/ should have enough agricultural output though we never went into detail regarding it. For /who/'s level we are more concerned about the potential of new technologies improving output than simply industrializing (since it's already been achieved). For the rough tech level telegraph is around the bend anyways if we were to strictly follow the real life path of development. Chuubanite, infrastructure like public education and cultural aspects should accelerate certain aspects of development.

>> No.26594207

Sure, that's an understandable worry, fortunately there's already generals that have written about their own agricultural production and how it'd affect them, it's of course very dependent on the general and how it affects their regional geopolitics.

>> No.26594413

I plan on integrating industrialization into Pomerlane at some point. The reason industrialization doesnt exist right now is solely down to a fractured state. Badlands is a rich farmland but is occupied by bandits for example

>> No.26594485

Probably should go into detail about it then, always good to be thorough.

>> No.26595149

Despite /nasa/'s low population we produce more food we can eat. The food that can't be eaten gets processed into space rations for storage that last up to 30 years in ideal storage. For now excess space rations is a solid source of money. /nasa/ has gotten some livestock in exchange for rations as well. We got chicken and cattle now. By winter time /nasa/ will add eggs and dairy to their menus.

Food is not just eating to survive. Food also represents your country's culture with unique recipes only found there. Every country has their own ways of baking breads and pastries if they can process grain. There are even new recipes Charlie has discovered on his way to /hlgg/. Advancing technology also means advancing agriculture. Transportation is also important for agriculture as well. You gotta get food to market somehow.

>> No.26595862

would /uuu/ and other plant people be treated as second class citizens if they didn't transform into rosebuds, or are they seen as in the same category as rosebuds since they are also plant people? also, what would happen to carnivorous plants? what would happen to the ecosystem if everyone turned into plants?

>> No.26596035

Not Rosebud, but I think there's still animals and insects at least. They're too useful for spreading seeds and pollenation.

>> No.26596213

Pomerlane anon, how does it make sense to divert water to make an island land if it is at the ocean?

>> No.26596329

so the roles between plants and animals reverse. do rosebuds have animal cells, or plant cells? how does it work?

>> No.26596398
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I did! I wrote a draft reply but got carried away and broke some of the sanalite stuff, and after I re-read it I scrapped it cuz it didnt really make sense, so Im gonna have to think of a better next step.
I also had some questions for you but I gotta really decide on where I wanna take this first

>> No.26596586
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Also not rosebud, but from speaking with him last time Id like to think saplings would get along fine with rosebuds

>> No.26596601

Atalanta is not in the ocean. It is located on an island in the middle of the river. Majorianus does not believe it can be cut off completely, but just enough for the water to either be too shallow for ships to operate or dry enough for an assault.

>> No.26597023

>Some generals are more ahead than others in tech and others are willingly more behind. The idea behind the 1750's period was to have a moment in time where those generals that were behind in technology could still fight off those that were ahead in technology, magic also adds to that, we ended up as a floating history thing due to all the discussions that happened during the first months.
he once said that they would see people who transitioned into plants but didn't become rosebuds as secondhand citizens, but idk if that applies to people who were plants from the beginning, nor do i know if it is still held. i am seeing a lot of people who aren't rosebud give me answers, but nothing from him yet. we'll see i suppose.

>> No.26597130

If you have questions then ask away.

>> No.26597350

My answer as not him is simple. Fire > plant.

>> No.26597465

? why did this comment need to exist, and what was it in response to?

>> No.26598326

Fire is not as effective as you think against living plants. You have to have some seriously hot flames to ignite green plants. Even then how the fire spreads depends on how windy and how dry the area is.

Where I live we have dry grass fires. About five years ago we had massive grass fires that spread through four counties and shut down two highways. It also doesn't help that year we had fire fighters used to forest fires trying to "back burn" the fields. Forest fires usually spread across dry brush under the trees. If you burn away the fuel before the fire and douse the area around it then the fire can't spread and will eventually die out.

>> No.26598537

Depends what kind of flammable fuel too. Get something sticky and its not good for well anything

>> No.26599017

I do have a question about your first draft. What Sanalite stuff did you break?

>> No.26599705
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Sorry for the delay, I had to make dinner for myself. Naturally born plant people, like Saplings, aren't second class citizens. They're as good as a Rosebuta in a Rosebuta's book. Equals.
It's just that those who become plants are seen as not as good, since they weren't born as an authentic plant. Not everyone sees them as lesser, but it's a relatively common thought process. A bit more debated is the topic of whether or not a plant person born from a person turned plant would qualify as a natural born or not. You'll get a lot of divisive opinions on that one.
Also the coma pods would be fine. The ones used by Rosebutas are specially treated, but a wild variant does exist above ground in /rose/. These ones don't turn you to plants, they just eat you.

>> No.26599735

Man, this thread has been going fast lately. I'm happy that the community is growing even if it makes keeping up hard.

Incidentally, for the chumbud(s?) here, there's something that I've long been wondering: you guys' thoughts on her /meat/ membership stream?

The archive has a tectonic and geologic overview that might be of help, but to summarise the part most important to your land:
From what I can tell, most of the Luxiem-Noctyx would be either geologic platforms and extended crust (the most obvious exception is part of its western hills, which is likely shields), meaning that the land's most recent geologic history is it emerging from the sea as the tectonic plate moves westward. The surface rocks would likely be sedimentary in origin (both because it was ancient seafloor, and because the monsoon wind and water are really good at weathering down the surface). You can probably expect rocks like limestone, dolomite and maybe gypsum to be abundant in your land. Due to the heavy rainfall, you might see some karst terrain (bumpy, cave-abundant landscape due to the stone melting from all the water) if you're into that sort of thing.

Incidentally, I replied to the /meat/ one. I hope Quenti's idea makes sense.

>> No.26599865
File: 7 KB, 346x339, fauna-nightmare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the buggys

>> No.26600700

How did you break the buggy?

>> No.26600987

but don't saplings turn into plants through meditation? maybe some of them are born plants, but some of them ascended to being saplings through meditation in the same way that some people might ascend to being a rosebud through the coma pods. now that i think of it, wasn't the pig/human part of rosebuds originally supposed to be made up of more animal-like-cells?
how do you differentiate firstgen from born-plants and pure-bloods on sight alone? if there are different ways to become a plant, and all of them are just as valid, what would make your method the prefered method over another? supposedly, you can become a sapling in a few weeks just by meditating in their forests. if that is just as valid to a rosebud as someone being covered in thorns, drowned in mucus, and dissolved into mush only to be reconstructed from the ground up in 2 days? it's not like the advantages of being a rosebud categorically outweigh the advantages of being one of the 4 types of saplings, and the time advantage might not outweigh the pain and fear associated with the coma pods.

>> No.26601350

Correct me if I'm wrong sapling, but I believe saplingization is unvoluntary and caused by the local chuubanite, not meditation, though entering in communion with the forest might make the process easier or faster. I don't remember whether saplings can give birth to other saplings, I feel like that should be possible though.
Also, I think all Rosebuta cells are plant cells, even if some look a bit like animal cells at a macro level.

>> No.26601428

Can someone become a rosebuta involuntary, like being exposed?

>> No.26601530

I think Rosebud's recent entry explains it pretty well >>26583832
It sounds like you could force it to happen to someone if you had the process begin the person was unconscious.

>> No.26601824
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Well, you have a point there. But I'd imagine Saplings would still be seen as equals because part of their life is becoming a plant. That's a natural process for them.
Also I'm not sure where you're getting the cell part from, but Rosebuds are plants through and through. They also don't tell the difference with sight, they tell the difference with smell. Rosebutas have a much stronger sense of smell than a normal human.
Finally, if I remember correctly, only saplings can become plant people in /uuu/. Those who aren't Saplings will just end up dying. Sure, being a Sapling might be more beneficial than being a Rosebud. But only Saplings can be, well, Saplings. Same for Rosebuds actually, I believe I did clarify in the rentry that the process does NOT turn you into a Rosebuta. It turns you into a plant version of yourself.
It is technically possible to turn someone into a plant against their will. >>26601530 has the right idea. However, normally a Rosebuta wouldn't do this. If you declined the offer, it's far easier to just kill you then and there.

>> No.26601988
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Thanks for the help! I did take a look at those documents but I have a lot of trouble wrapping my head around this stuff for some reason. Would any heavy metals or gemstones be common in the area? I assume the coasts at least would have sandstone and, subsequently, quartz.

>> No.26602195
File: 51 KB, 1521x713, size.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the new measuring tool REALLY puts things into perspective. Like I knew that /who/'s size should be more comparable to Spain and France put together. But I didn't expect it to include the Benelux and Germany too. It's also crazy how vast the Eastern Holo Sea is... Drawing a straight line from /Morig/ to /nasfaqq/'s northern coast is ore comparable to
a line from Busan to Papua New Guinea. Just sailing from /meat/ to /Risu/ you need to travel for around 3900 Nautical miles. Vitubia is crazy big.

>> No.26602220

Actually humans lost in the woods return to monke. They get amnesia where they stop thinking like humans, forget where they came from, and think like monke instead. At least those that don't become Saplings.

>> No.26602469

Mapanon, the measuring tools take into account polar distortion, so they give a pretty good idea either way, but they don't take into account the 15 degree extension at the poles, correct? Since we'll swap to map 3.0 eventually (which goes all the way to the poles) this would make sense, I just want to confirm.
Also, Vitubia is rigorously the same size as the Earth, but our two oceans are kinda close is size, while the atlantic is much smaller than the Pacific, so it feels like the continents are a lot farther apart.

>> No.26602599

Correct, the measurements are accurate to that map, but will change slightly once 3.0 is in place.

>> No.26602635

Gotcha, thank you for your work mapanon.

>> No.26602685
File: 361 KB, 831x924, fauna_tired_glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

essentially it went something like
>Matre was speaking with the party
>Pax went to tell the other saplings about the bread dog
>Other saplings got excited and got closer
This is still kind of what I want to happen; gives good reason for the other saplings to not be as skittish. But then
>Saplings hear about the food
(Btw, one of the questions I meant to ask would be how the Sanalites would go about describing the sammies to us)
>Saplings get too excited
>They try to jump in the buggy
>Guards start pointing guns
>Guardian ents step in to grab the saplings from the buggy, accidentally break the buggy open
But I dont really like how that plays out, and I dont like that sort of characterization for the Guardians

>> No.26602741
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>return to monke
this aint in our lore anon, idk where you got this from

>> No.26602825

Distance tool needs to be adjusted, you might have forgotten that the top and bottom of the map are at 75 degrees.

>> No.26602882

Addressed merely two posts back >>26602469 >>26602599 >>26602635

>> No.26603025

I wanted to have something that would work right out of the box when the new map was plugged in, assuming it won't be long until we make the swap. But if people want to see the pole-corrected measurements, I could look into figuring out how to change the formulas if it doesn't prove too troublesome.

>> No.26603054

This is what I get for replying before reading the rest of the thread.

Still, it means that the tool is underestimating east-west distances significantly when you get to 50 or 60 degrees latitude, so probably worth keeping that in mind.

>> No.26603112
File: 3 KB, 350x308, 1631418528073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saplings metamorphize (correctly) because of their faith and the different rituals.
So yeah
>though entering in communion with the forest might make the process easier or faster
This is correct.
A regular person's DNA would get turned into a plant at best, and trashed completely at worst (you get turned into compost like the SCUM saplings).
If a person has a pre-existing affinity to having plant parts/DNA, then they could weather the change for much longer, but they eventually would still go full plant in time.
As for being born a sapling: yes, assuming they have enough human anatomy left to do so, Saplings have mate and give birth. The new baby will be born looking pretty much completely human and since they dont have the mental capacity for worship yet, they wont begin their plant-ification until they're older.

>> No.26603152

Jones might point a gun. Lieutenant Bear will warn Jones to keep his gun holstered. Matre needs to explain to the guards that Saplings are like curious children. As for breaking the buggy as long as nothing gets bent or stripped then the buggy can be repaired. You'll have to carry the trailer all the way to the settlement if the buggy gets destroyed.

An early idea that got thrown out apparently.

>> No.26603420
File: 62 KB, 193x184, 1652897464176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, I knew I remembered it right! Or right enough, at least. Man I love Saplings. There's a slight bias there since you guys are plants, but the lore is genuinely good.

>> No.26603556

All this weird spec. bio happening, and soon we'll also have crustacean chumbuds...
We need a shrimp to stay in /morig/ for a while to get an iron shell, then go in a coma plant in /rose/ to get plantified, and then stay at /uuu/ to go through giga-growth over there, create the ultimate multi-racial steel-shelled photosyntetic giant floral lobster abomination.

>> No.26603796

At least it's only mental damage, I'm sure he'll pull through, he just needs to lose all those engineers...
Also damn the thread is fast now.

>> No.26603801
File: 401 KB, 706x515, 1648527990265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, Guardians should be more stalwart figures, if anything the ents should be the ones who would normally do something like this

>> No.26603854

I might be on vacation for mintposting, so if there are no Pomerlane posts for a few days, you know why.

>> No.26603858

I don't know enough about geology to be sure about metals and gemstones For metal, due to the lack of progeny (mountain-forming) in the area, most of them would come from whatever deposits forming in the mid-ocean trenches and being pushed upshore. As such, you can probably get things like malachite, chalcopyrite, chalcopyrite, and galena. From them, you should be able to extract metals like copper, iron, lead, and zinc. I don't think they'll be as concentrated compared with mountainous areas (by virtue of the whole continental plate basically being concentrated into a belt through volcanism), but they should still be good enough commercially. The area near the river might be more abundant in metal due to placer deposits (minerals carried downstream by the water).
A side note about galena is that it contains a trace amount of silver, but its value usually outstrips the more abundant lead in it. Of course, smelting galena also produces lead and sulphur fumes, so I hope you don't plan to grow or eat anything within like 500 ft of the smelters.
As for gemstones, I'm still digging my way through my geology books, but you're correct in that you can find quartz among sandstones (which is indeed coastal, but it still can extend very far inland - everything's big when it comes to geology. You might also get things like opal, amethyst, turquoise, agate and topaz. Technically you can also find zircon, but those tend to be powder-sized and thus not very useful as gemstones. They're still fairly useful in other ways, though, so you might want to look into it.
Of course, all of these are based solely on RL geology (or what I know about it). Chuubanite and other supernatural events might lead to different outcomes should you wish so. I hope these will suffice for the time being.

>> No.26603899
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>> No.26604059
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He's gonna be like Phos from Houseki no Kuni, an abhorrent mix of like four chuubanites trying to coexist.

>> No.26604098
File: 108 KB, 264x268, @gannider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, this is a lot more in depth than I was expecting. This is more than enough info for me to start looking into it more myself, thanks again! You've been a ton of help.

>> No.26604528
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>> No.26604579

Get fucked magicanon, the tide is turning, we /sci/ now. You're not allowed to use words with less than ten letters now.

>> No.26604681
File: 8 KB, 225x225, magiciseverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

science is just MAGIC that people think they can explain. EVERYTHING IS MAGIC AND PIC RELATED

>> No.26604859

Magic is my cannons blowing off your head.

>> No.26604908
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>> No.26604966
File: 7 KB, 222x227, risuconcern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck bro. I just wanna do magic bullshit.

>> No.26605015

My evening doing yard work got cancelled tonight. I'm still waiting on getting the weed eater.

I had some suggestions here >>26603152
If we lose a buggy then oh well. There's no reason to start a war over it. As long as the cargo is unharmed /nasa/ will survive.

That said /nasa/ is going to lose two out of three buggies. I think /nasa/ is just going to have to invest in horses and wagons for transportation from now on.

>> No.26605056

I have to ask, is this an actual /holox/ anon? Shall I ready the welcome party?

>> No.26605098

what a ride it is bouncing between /vtwbg/ and /aids/

>> No.26605119

That's the science chuuba from HoloX, probably posted by >a deadbeat

>> No.26605211
File: 3.13 MB, 4000x3824, 1626434550533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do deadbeats have a reputation for posting girls other than Mori?
t. deadbeat who posts girls other than Mori half the time

>> No.26605238

I'm from neither of those, sorry to burst your bubbles. Just thought the scientist was appropriate.

>> No.26605271

Yeah, and my cannons like to do magic too. ;)

>> No.26605276

Looks like I've been proven wrong, so my >a fucking deadbeat detector AKA gaydar is faulty

>> No.26605280

>While the forest affects any human that spends sufficient time in it, without active worship it will never reach the levels of physical change displayed in the average sapling anatomy.
doesn't this imply that any human can reach the levels of physical change displayed in the average sapling anatomy through worship?
>because our metamorphosis isn't directly influenced by reproduction, normal evolutionary traits based upon fecundity and natural selection aren't a driving factor.
doesn't this imply the metamorphosis is not a product of natural selection? i might have misunderstood /uuu/ lore.

>> No.26605420
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She was, Koyori is very cute. I wish I had a version of picrel with her.
I might be responsible for the faultiness, I remember saying "Sorry, I'm not from /X/, I'm just a deadbeat who loves X" at least three times in this thread.

>> No.26605523
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is cannon metaphor for pic related?

>> No.26605598
File: 318 KB, 1200x1200, 1793AE24-12A1-4D5F-9270-0C2EB60578AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it is a metaphor for this.

>> No.26605743
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Risuners like the other one better

>> No.26605809

Well, sometimes if you want to use the flesh cannons, you need the metal cannons. Can't use the flesh cannon if the bad guys have blown you up with their metal cannon.

>> No.26605868

/meat/ would enjoy both at the same time.

>> No.26606079
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Jayawan logs ch 2.

It has been around a week. After the first few days of incidence we have been given a set of regulations to follow which by now we have either abided by or have found ways around it. Most of the crew go have sex back in the pinisi while the rest in the accommodations try to keep as quiet as possible. It usually doesn't work out too well.
Some of the girls have apparently found ways to get around everything and find secrets within the hooman city. I guess there is a bit of corruption within their ranks? Still, I told them to try to keep their mouths shut about it if they are actually telling the truth on the matter to not cause any more suspicions. These guys were really annoying when we first arrived and hell it would have been probably a lot worse if it weren't for the deadbeats.

Right now we are planning to move the other 2 crews along to their locations. The hoomans have recommended to keep the pinisi there and travel by land. Therefore we had to unload all our cargo and make caravans, or buy them for nuts. It will take a bit of time by my estimates but I know from sheer determination and eagerness they will reach the magical forest soon. Supplies depleting won't be a problem either since we are masters at living off the land.
My suspicions regarding gemstones was apparently correct. They really do not seem to have too much available. It seems they have no priority on them. Now that I mention it, they do seem rather simple in their clothes as well as food. But for fuck sake simple can be delicious I LOVE THESE BURGERS!

AND ANOTHER THING MY FUCKING GOD THESE PEOPLE ARE TOO QUIET! This actually bothers the shit out of me because nobody talks to each other in the streets. It seems like a damn ghost town. Back home there are always people trading nuts, exchanging nuts, playing music, talking, drinking, and we don't even fight each other! Here you have a bunch of shells that look like people who fight each other, especially in their bars. I like the nuts and the burgers here but the people in the city are pain.
I really want to get some of them to party it up or at least have some fun but I don't think they know how to have fun anymore. I want to save them so bad but would that even be possible? These hoomans need a revolution. They need freedom and most importantly they need to get fucking laid.

Ok rant over. I should not try to push our culture into theirs. We are guests after all and it would be a bad idea to try and fight with them. Especially since not only are they stuck in their ways but they have a big ass army. Probably would not work out so well. I got to admit I have mixed feelings about /who/ but at least they were kind enough to let us leave our boats here and use their land to travel to /uuu/. For that alone I can be thankful and the fact that they have nuts to trade is also worth it.

>> No.26606141

Thinking about this more, rescaling the latitudes should be easy enough, but then the map would no longer be in 2:1 ratio, so the equirectangular projection would be off. I think we're stuck with some level of inaccuracy no matter what for now.

>> No.26606194

>Here you have a bunch of shells that look like people who fight each other, especially in their bars. I like the nuts and the burgers here but the people in the city are pain.
Risuners are introduced to the abominable horrors of New Yorkers

>> No.26606289

This might be a stupid project for /nasa/ to invest in. And I know it will probably get shut down by the Grand Directive.

One day I would like to invest in building a theme park resort. This will only be viable when /nasa/ gets enough frequent visitors. Which means we need airports, sea ports, roads, and trains before we can build a theme park. I want the theme park to be based on 1950's and 1960's era science fiction. The rides and shows will be based on bread dogs and their many space adventures around Sana. There would be shows, cartoons, comics, and merchandise around the bread dog adventures and their rides. Also the theme park would have bakeries and food stands for refreshments as well. Rides can be horror house, roller coasters, tilt 'n' whirls, ferris wheels, etc. There's also physical and hologram games to play as well. We'll have classic games like ski-ball and bottle toss but also arcade-style hologram games live tournanent fighters. The theme park is a camp corn cheese idea. But I do miss going to a local theme park in my area.

>> No.26606624
File: 107 KB, 900x394, MUTANG[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkpkdy8.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to see some of the culture clashes I expected, I guess having quiet streets ocassionally devolve into public brawls can be a bit of a surprise too.

>> No.26606692

There are circus acts where people shoot themselves out of canons. Human canonballs is what its called.

>> No.26606907

I read your lore like 3 times. I have other plans for the next one as well.

>> No.26606976
File: 119 KB, 224x224, 1635952927956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly Risuners doesn't know how to start a giant argument in /who/

>These hoomans need a revolution
Yeah, an industrial revolution. Surely more production will make the people happy...

Wanted to write about proto theme parks before but oh well. For some more lively occasions, you'd want to wait for a festival (i.e. when Mumei streams) or visit the theater but I guess the latter might not be for the taste of Risuners.

>> No.26607070

At least one benefit about Space Aussies is that we work hard and party harder! We love fist fights. We love drinking. We love dancing. We even have some competitive hologram games from tournament fighting games, to shooting ranges, to sports. And don't get me started on some fackin' zero-g rugby!

>> No.26607685

You should look into festivals and holidays for fun.

>> No.26607840

Thinking about publishing the overview for the Ame general in The Era After in 2 parts simply because of its size. Almost done writing the first part, which is Introduction and religion
Sounds good?

>> No.26607975
File: 104 KB, 938x447, 1649102312579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they are only mentioned in passing in the stuff I wrote. Even with the sheer bulk of our lore a lot of things aren't fleshed out or flat out missing. Though a part of it was waiting for a more detailed map so we can build the rest brick by brick. Rep... More government lore... Onegai...

>> No.26607983

new bread doko?

>> No.26608041

bread is in the oven

>> No.26608102

Fine by me.

>> No.26608126

Sounds good anon, was wondering if this was still a thing. Looking forward to it.
Also, it seems we might have a chumbud rep, if at some point the "current timeline" tickles your fancy.

>> No.26608164
File: 681 KB, 1400x965, HELLO[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ful14e3.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I can start picking away at it, I can do regions later or just retcon stuff if it conflicts with future lore stuff.

>> No.26608458

We only need to do the most important districts for now. The district map would most likely be tweaked after the rivers and topography map came out, so just the names and some description of their economic activity be more than enough at this moment.

>> No.26608836

>hoomans want to make a theme park
>sanalites want to make a theme park

Is this destiny?

>> No.26609289
File: 1.78 MB, 2300x2300, iyrf02-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tycoon type games are one of Mumei's favorite game genre after all. Have sanners mentioned anything about roller coaster tycoon or theme parks in general in her streams before?

Also refer to picrel.

>> No.26609596

I feel like we might be able to muster a 6x6 grid now...

>> No.26609861

Not yet. But having bread dogs gives me ideas for theme parks.

>> No.26610530

New bread. Fresh Bread.
Get 'em while it's warm!
