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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26479916 No.26479916 [Reply] [Original]

Will Kiki ever incline?
She's super cute, but her general is permanently stuck at around 25 IPs.

>> No.26479930

Probably not.

>> No.26480568

No because she's racist.

>> No.26480611

I have no idea who this is despite frequenting this board for over a year so clearly she won't incline until she does her viral marketing reps

>> No.26481023

the three mayor issues i see are:

-constantly delayed streams, while her regulars might now mind it, for someone who wants to check her out, seeing that there will be a stream in 30minutes only for it then to jump to in 6hours or be perma stuck on "waiting for kiki" is not worth it. they will just close the stream and move on.

-stream mood varies greatly. kiki can be super entertaining if she feels up to it but once she gets moody for one reason or another than the stream tanks a lot and for a none regular it turns into a nonfun stream.

-champyons themselves need to ease up a bit. some of them are so hard into the gosling hole that it can be off putting to most. it also feels hard to have any real talk about her because in their zeal they will bite pretty much any bait of antis and will even at times get super pissy of anything that is not heaps of praise for their oshi

>> No.26481061

Her fanbase is a hard filter, way more than herself could ever be.

>> No.26481093

She doesn't want to.

>> No.26481100

>mayor issues

>> No.26481115

Kinda this. I was pretty turned off by early "based" clips. Its one thing to make jokes along those lines, but that shit wasn't jokes. In b4 champyons tell me I'm a tranny and that's why they love her.

>> No.26481264

Her entire personality is being /here/ and b-b-based. There's just nothing to see unless you're basic enough that this appeals to you.

>> No.26481306


>> No.26481408

Same problem with many other /here/ chuubas. They're often one trick ponies, they mostly pander to individuals who base their entire identiy around 4chan. This is also the reason why /here/ chuubas never make it big, it's just a fucking terrible idea to limit your appeal to 4channers, it actively discourages anyone outside of that circle.

>> No.26481439

Can you explain Mori and Risu then?

>> No.26481457

This, plus her fans are the absolute worst, then again Pippa is pretty much the same and she kind of inclined so there's hope for these faggots yet

Not to mention the fact that a lot of people /here/ don't like that shit in the first place, so they're not even getting everyone here, just a small portion of it

>> No.26481458

>This is also the reason why /here/ chuubas never make it big

>> No.26481483

Pippa is a kiwifag. Only /pcg/ and SEAcreatures tolerate her.

>> No.26481503

they actually have skills and identity outside of being "le ebin one of us"
Risu is an accomplished utaite, Mori is an animator, artist, lyric writer, utaite and vocalist with most extensive nip industry connections out of Myth

>> No.26481527

I don't watch her often because I don't like the gfe stuff but she's not like that anymore. It wasn't even a trying to be based thing, she just used to be really bitter and hateful, she's doing better now.

>> No.26481544

No, because she got clipped saying she hates troons and celebrating the increased suicide rate. The average Twitter and Twitch normie would blast her into the cancelsphere if that got out, which, iirc, already happened and put an end to her Phase Connect collabs if I’m not wrong.

>> No.26481596

1) Pippa doesn't rely excessively on /vt/ pandering, she has qualities that go beyond quoting memes and various /vt/ dog whistles.
2) I'm 100% certain that she will incline if she completely drops the 4channer act.
I get what you mean, but we're talking about different types of chuubas. "/here/ chuubas" refer to those chuubas who only rely on /vt/ to grow a fanbase, which is obviously not Mori and Risu's case, and not even Pippa's. One thing is browsing 4chan and making occasional references about it, one thing is to make it a core part of your appeal.

>> No.26481653

>1) Pippa doesn't rely excessively on /vt/ pandering, she has qualities that go beyond quoting memes and various /vt/ dog whistles.
It just goes to show that you can be /here/ and not retarded about it.

>> No.26481674

/here/ pandering is a quick leg-up out of 1view status, but it locks you into 2view

>> No.26481721

Pippa isn't even /here/. Referencing /vt/ memes doesn't make you a /here/tuber, even Gura does that.

>> No.26481736

Don't pretend that pippa has any entertainment value that isn't acting schizo, /here/ pandering or just screeching.
She is simply farms trash and has shown it multiple times.

>> No.26481894

>ruining my vtubing career to own the trannies
Yeah, /here/ chuubas are retarded beyond saving.

>> No.26482005

just permanently move in with the retro games crowd
it also hides her from the normies while still helping her incline

>> No.26482060

>she's not like that anymore
Do you guys really expect people to buy that? The only thing that changed is that she started suppressing her opinions but she still holds them.

>> No.26482150

there's a difference between being racist and being a bitter retard

>> No.26482492

Isn't the appeal of a /here/ chuuba that she's not something for the normies to enjoy in the first place?

>> No.26483182

99% of /vt/ users are twitter and reddit refugees

>> No.26483806

The only reason she isn't /here/ is because she got range-banned. Suspiciously right after the board was flooded with Pomu anti posts.

>> No.26484234

hahaha, how wrong you are. not that I discredit her for it, it's fun. recently I think the stats went up and someone told her on stream and she laughed manically. she's better at containing her power now but it leaks out now and again, the rab can't help herself. she won't incline and doesn't want to, she's happy with how things are.

>> No.26484760

She's gotta incline
She recently became a hikiNEET and I don't know how long gibs can last her
Kek, she tries way too hard and it turns into cringe

>> No.26484855

This. I think she's cute and would probably like her otherwise, but who wants to watch someone that panders to and acts like an annoying edgy 13 year old?
I've been on 4chan for over 15 years, but I tolerate those qualities from it, not enjoy them.

>> No.26485151
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>/wvt/ still seething about the bun
Give it a rest guys it's been 5 months now, and stop baiting and timelooping in /pyon/ it's really fucking annoying

>> No.26485323

nah, she filters everyone that's not a schizo with bas taste. It's sad she tried so hard to appeal to /vt/ and ended up being the most disliked /here/chuuba

>> No.26485400

It's mostly the fault of her fanbase. They come off as some sort of weird GFE cult.

>> No.26485554

Case in point >>26485151

>> No.26485663

no because her fanbase is full of schizos who think anything other than constant praise towards their oshi is bait
also the "wife experience" thing she does is really weird

>> No.26485724

No, you know why. Those 25 or so IPs are just the only ones with unshakable cognitive dissonance.

>> No.26485733

her model keeps getting shittier and shittier. The first one was SOVL but this one makes her look like she has fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.26485735

Sounds great, long live the Aryan race

>> No.26486029

It would help greatly if she wasnt such a disgusting freak.
Piss in bottles, overfilled it and pissed on her chair, time to find a "non-moldy" towel so she can just sit in her piss.
Meanwhile her braindead viewers are jerking it.

If she has ONE quality, its making me feel like "Im not as bad as i once tought".
If i were her sister i would bully her too.

>> No.26486042

Yeah, also she's nothing special outside of the heavy gfe, doesn't really have any personality trait or talent other than ''4chan girl'' and maybe throwing some boring animal facts from Wikipedia. If you want a retrogamer chuuba Amiya is a good choice if you want a cute adorable chuuba or Moriko if you want a funny, edgy autist, if you want a /here/ chuuba that's actually entertaining you have Pippa, who has decent views and an active chat plus it's part of a corpo, or Beatani, who's at least very creative and funny.

>> No.26486101

That and her zatsu are mostly retard noise.

Haha i get it, your autistic Kiki. Le funi.

>> No.26486144

Kiki, stop posting ITT, this thread is about you but not for you.

>> No.26486166

Where are you people when the Pippa bait threads about her being a brainless /here/-tuber that only knows how to pander to /vt/ pop up?

>> No.26486216

I've been on 4chan for 17years and she smells like a newfag to me. I just avoid her because she panders to other newfags who thinks 4+ years in this site makes you an oldfag. I'd rather watch some /v/ermin womanchild holo if I want to nostalgiafag about 4chan.

>> No.26486361

Do you possess any reading comprehension anonchama? Im esl ffs. Pretty obvious

>> No.26486419

Exactly what I mean, she acts like I did when I was a newfag 15+ years ago, and panders to other newfags. I'm over that shit.

>> No.26486480

You don't have to pretend to be retarded Kiki, just go back to your general.

>> No.26486758

I don't watch her so correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't she that /here/chuuba who openly had a bf? I may be confusing her with someone

>> No.26486777

that's koopa

>> No.26486836

Koopa just fucked a fan.

>> No.26486945
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I'd rather have a chuuba have a bf or even a husband, than fucking some random retard she just found lying around

>> No.26486982

koopa would be based if she stopped streaming after that but she didn't so she is a whore

>> No.26487023

no she would be based if she married that guy and had a child, but it was just casual sex until her hips got destroyed, so she's a whore

>> No.26487190

>but wasn't she that /here/chuuba who openly had a bf?
I can't tell if you're talking about Pippa, Lumi or Kiki.

>> No.26487456

husband>bf(no sex)>bf>casual sex

>> No.26487648

she needs to realize that people on /vt/ are not actually racist and seeing racism IRL is a turn off for most people.

>> No.26487696

>people on /vt/ are not actually racist
yeah im totally not racist...

>> No.26487755

Fuck off >>>/r/eddit

>> No.26487754

don't bother posting in her chat if you're new/grey

>> No.26487826

>Pippa, Lumi or Kiki.
all of them

>> No.26487843


>> No.26487887

lurk for 2 years before posting

>> No.26488168

I don't think you belong on this website

>> No.26488199

Message to pyonfags, your oshi is probably has less than a decade to live.
If she even finishes her veterinary studies she will be yet another female vet that went into the industry for "hurr I lub helbing kyoot fwuffy animawls :3333" and then break down when she realises she has to interact with owners who are cunts, and put down most of the pets because owners can't afford treatment and/or animal is too old/sick to survive.
Add to this her existing mental issues and you have a recipe for disaster.
Her best chance of not suiciding (look at the stats for veterinarians in aus) or exiting the industry after 6 months would be veterinary radiologist work - sit in a dark room, do remote work, and "work with animals" without having to actually interact with people. Pathology and/or working for the govt (eg primary industries) are also OK options.

>> No.26488234

>she needs to realize that people on /vt/ are not actually racist
But still, it's true that you can't incline (or at least, your chances for that are low) as long as you're associated with this website in any way or form.
There's a reason why pink cat immediately threw 4chan under the bus as soon as she started getting any kind of traction.

>> No.26488278
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I am fucking laughing at you about how little you know
did you even try?

>> No.26488320

>Will Kiki ever incline?
slowly over time she is gaining numbers
and she doesn't want to grow fast since it would attract normies who are insufferable

>> No.26488427

She is cute and plays some cool games but her fanbase is filled with some seriously mental turbo fags that spooked me off.

>> No.26488526

she cultivated them that way. know that she has full control over her fan base and is fully responsible for them acting the way they do

>> No.26488560

imagine unironically believing that

>> No.26488564

Most people on /vt/ aren't racist, even 4chan as a whole appears much more racist and edgy than it actually is because it's filled with newfags desperately trying to fit in.

>> No.26488613

go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.26488720

Case in point.

>> No.26488733

funny thing is, if you dig a bit deeper you can see that she's an average dumb apolitical/somewhat left leaning girl, but puts on this "based" persona to appeal to retarded /vt/ dwellers

it's honestly sad to witness

>> No.26488751

Mori literally talked about being in /a/ drawthreads, had people find her art which she confirmed as hers ON STREAM and doesn't really dodge any board-related reference in any game she plays that includes it (NSO, Vallhalla)
also roommate outright admitted her preference for anonymous boards over Twitter/Reddit, which she just finds places where people repeat popular opinions for back pats

>> No.26488980
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>> No.26489048

nothing against Kiki herself but I refuse to watch flat vtubers

>> No.26489102

Referencing the odd meme is common for chuubas yeah, but there was period for Pippa last year that felt too on the nose like seemingly reading through threads and live posting about them on Twitter, that weird period where it seemed like Phase management taught them “4chan memes” like Sneed, feeling like a newfag catalog reader the way she brought up Kiara’s past life out of nowhere and half heartedly apologizing for it, and tragically acknowledging the abortion that is the Kiwi Farms and its owner.
It seemed like she got better according to her fans recently at least? At least she doesn’t seem to be like Lumi where I’ve heard nothing but bad from her and her commentating for some 4chan dive grass event.

>> No.26489172

You're right, normies are insufferable. So imagine garnering a fanbase that is somehow even more insufferable than those normies. If she really is doing it on purpose than she is even more retarded than I thought

>> No.26489440

She's been working with animals for years and regularly helps with surgeries, regardless it doesn't matter because she's going the NEET way for the sake of her viewers. I don't know why because I don't really watch her but I'm pretty sure it has to do with her social retardation and the degeneration of it through vtubing

>> No.26489595

>Most people on /vt/ aren't racist
You're not "most people", fuck off

>> No.26489677

>will /here/chuuba ever incline?

>> No.26489793

>NEET way for the sake of her viewers
No one asked her to. People's response to her becoming a neet was either "no" or "it's your decision". I would never encourage someone I don't fully know to make such a drastic lifestyle choice.

>> No.26489831

That's why I didn't say I'm.
I know reading is hard when you're retarded but come on.

>> No.26489903

I obviously meant you have no rights deciding what "most people" want or are. Holy ESL.

>> No.26489958

>Holy ESL.
maybe he is black

>> No.26489999

Anon is a nigger! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!

>> No.26490139

Why are antis so obsessed with her? Easy target?

>> No.26490151

>commentating for some 4chan dive grass event
this is actually fine, Lumi was just being a huge bitch about it
he's not wrong anon, most people on /vt/ don't even use the rest of the site. Almost everyone here is a redditor or a twitterfag.
That's why I think the term /here/tuber is extremely retarded. Most "/here/tubers" don't even browse other boards, even if they do they're usually just redditor /v/tards.

>> No.26490162

ditching this place was probably the smartest decision Nade made

>> No.26490167

I was trying to be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't actually saying that the only way to understand people is by being them.
I guess you're pretty autistic even by 4chan standards.

>> No.26490247

nade was quite literally a tourist, never denied it, came here for advice and fucked off back to LINE or wherever teen girls hangout

>> No.26490252

she's depressed and actually autistic so she's an easy target for shitposters
also she does GFE, she's a loli, racist and transphobic so some people actually hate her.

>> No.26490389

Unrelated but it's really funny seeing corpo tourists describing "/here/"vtubers and acting like they know what the fuck are they talking about.

>> No.26490415

Don't use ugly propaganda terms like that. Unless you want to support them, then lie away, it works.

>> No.26490490

You're giving her too much credit. People dislike her because of (You), her retarded obsessive fans, no one would even know who she was, let alone dislike her, if you faggots could just fuck off

>> No.26490643

anon there's literally constant antiposting in /pyon/, schizos suddenly appear and derail threads with anti-posting whenever she's mentioned in other threads. It's not just people "disliking" her. Obviously it wouldn't be this bad if champyons weren't retarded enough to fall for every bait but she obviously has a few obsessive antis.

>> No.26490722

I don't even watch her faggot I just see schizos like you monitoring the archives and having a meltdown in every single thread she's mentioned. Discordfags like you are way worse then her obsessive fans, they are contained to their thread at least

>> No.26490803

You still don't understand what I'm saying: you shouldn't project your opinions on a group, especially when the group in question is a largel amorphous community of anonymous shitposters. Saying they're only "ironically racist" is a gross miscalculation and probably some coping mechanism on your part. In essence: I'm a racist and offended.

>> No.26490960

>this is actually fine, Lumi was just being a huge bitch about it
She was funny commenting during the /vt/ league, commenting during a 4chan-wide tournament predictably ended in the commentators bullying her for having to stay politically correct. She's not that dumb though, mostly just new.

>> No.26491179

>You still don't understand what I'm saying
No, I am understanding, like I said I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you meant I was saying I'm "most people" because that's less retarded than what you're actually saying.
>I'm a racist
>you shouldn't project your opinions on a group, especially when the group in question is a largel amorphous community
Not everyone is retarded like you, some people are capable of observing groups of people and identifying common traits shared by a large portion of them (I suggest looking up the definition of the word "most"), instead of just being told what to think about them by random people on the internet.

>> No.26491215

Most people on this site are fucking idiots, and you have to be stupid to be racist to begin with.

>> No.26491245

she chose a dead end strategy for her vtubing and this is where she peaked

>> No.26491273


>> No.26491452

I’ve been to her general you guys are creepy as fuck and that’s saying something for this board and I was under the impression you didn’t want her to grow seeing how hard you used to gatekeep her chat, also she’s kinda boring every stream I used to catch she was silent half the time

>> No.26491495

anon, do you think her viewers made this bait thread?

>> No.26491613

this post reeks of twitter

>> No.26491700

I've never visited /pyon/ so I had no idea, all I know is what I've seen outside their containment thread and the fans were rabid, annoying faggots. It sucks that antis are shitting up their general, no one deserves that, but then again you don't see that happening to non-schizo chuubas, so maybe it is a tiny bit her, or rather her rabid fans' fault, don't you think?

>> No.26491725

no /here/chuba will ever incline because the stigma of 4chan is just too much

>> No.26491864

I've seen generals of vtubers that haven't done anything to deserve it be shitted to hell by antis before, sometimes antis just have a massive hate boner.

>> No.26491920

all the seanigger newfags that are more brown than dirt will disagree with you but you are right, only newfag /pol/tards think ''racism is le good'', whenever a new shooting happens and it's by a /pol/tard they try to deflect by saying ''it's a CIA PSY-OP we dindu nothing'' because even they are ashamed to admit they are a bunch of underage newfag furry troons that are ruining this site.

>> No.26491981

the last time i visited /pyon/ people was talking about eating kiki's shit and drinking her pee. ever since then never again.

>> No.26492050

schizos shitpost because they love shitposting, most of the time it has nothing to do with the vtuber itself. We know for a fact that one of them tries to ruin threads by posting rrats then samefagging and pretending to be a champyon and even posting in multiple threads to start drama between generals because he usually gets banned and all of his posts gets deleted. But yeah as I said, it wouldn't be this bad if champyons just learned to ignore bait.

>> No.26492162

>It sucks that antis are shitting up their general, no one deserves that, but then again you don't see that happening to non-schizo chuubas
/ccu/ entirely unprovoked and now dead due to it, /ggg/ I don't know, maybe you can just blame it on her being the most popular chuuba? /pcg/ all Pippa's fault? I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion, but these are/were my most frequented generals and they are/were constantly ruined by schizos

>> No.26492200

does she earn enough through SC to live on her own? i know the bear had to stop vtubing because it didn't earn her enough money to live

>> No.26492205

first day on /vt/? I see that in literally every general dude

>> No.26492287


Actually, now that you guys mention it, I've seen it happen on every general for a loli vtuber, with a very similar MO.

>> No.26492289

I don't think bear did it because of money but because she doesn't see herself doing it for long enough to be a full time streamer

>> No.26492344

>the twitter whore that attacked gura
oh shit you might have a point

>> No.26492594

yeah it happens on every GFE or loli chuuba general, and Kiki is both

>> No.26492648

Not that I'm doubting you, I can totally see that happening, but could you give an example?

>schizos shitpost because they love shitposting
Sure, but schizos leave once you ignore them, so like you said, just don't bite the bait and they'll lose interest

>/pcg/ all Pippa's fault?
It 100% is. I was a /pcg/ regular until Pippa brought in the lolcow and /pol/ schizos, who shat up thread after thread with non-chuuba discussion. That's why the split happened at one time. Some of the others had a handful of schizos, like Lia harboring coomers, but nothing even remotely comparable to Pippa, who derailed the entire general for months

>> No.26492750

>the bear had to stop vtubing because it didn't earn her enough money
The bear was an active OL from the start and up until her hiatus at least, she went on a break because she knew her company is going down and she needed to hunt for another job. She specifically said she doesn't wanna go full-time chuubing much less corpo.

>> No.26492791

I don't know. On stream, she doesn't make much, though some champs donate off stream. Kiki has money saved up and lives with her parents, so it's not like she'll be on the streets for living the NEET life.

>> No.26492797

>Sure, but schizos leave once you ignore them
Tr*sh wvt has a schizo spamming 12 hours/day for more than a year now and he was ignored most of the time. Even if you ignore them they will just keep samefagging while having a laugh in their discord

>> No.26492830

no. her fans are creepy fucks and she's a psych ward tier menhera. it's probably not good for someone like that to have a big audience, anyway.

>> No.26492861

from my understanding of occasionally watching her, Kiki isn't trying to live off it, she's just taking a gap ~6 months-1 year break after graduating with her Master's, so this thread doesn't really make much sense she's not really trying to incline and is relatively comfortable with her community size

>> No.26492887

>I was a /pcg/ regular until Pippa brought in the lolcow and /pol/ schizos
The threads were even worse back then with all the cuckposting.

>> No.26492928

>Not that I'm doubting you, I can totally see that happening, but could you give an example?
/ccu/, /shondo/, /lily/, /ggg/
>Sure, but schizos leave once you ignore them, so like you said, just don't bite the bait and they'll lose interest
They can be very persistent sometimes, it certainly helps to ignore them but it doesn't outright stop them.

>> No.26493041

>Tr*sh wvt has a schizo spamming 12 hours/day for more than a year now and he was ignored most of the time.
No, they never ignore schizos, they shower them with attention. Those retards love having their own boogeymen.

>> No.26493234

I remember Kana schizos being fucking annoying but I didn't know about Lily and Shadow's thread. I thought they were only after Kana

>> No.26493279

NTA, but Shondo's threads were even worse due to mod drama/rrats

>> No.26493310

Like $2K+ a month, not counting merch/memberships and off-stream donations.

>> No.26493528

she just gets a $100 dono every few stream. Actually not even $100 since it's aussie dollars.
Also I don't think she gets any money from merch, I think she said the daki company scammed her.

>> No.26493549

she got around 2k from memberships but I don't know the timeframe if it was since they opened or some other time period

>> No.26493570
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pic related also

>> No.26493625

pretty good for a 2view if true

>> No.26493714

"here" vtubers usually get an oilbaron or two. I guess that's one of the reasons why most of them stick around even if they are treated like trash

>> No.26493735

Lily threads have had a schizo problem for a very long time, regulars are very good at ignoring them so they samefag pretending to be concerned fans. It's gotten better since maidos started banning the schizos, and the "concerned fan" posts would magically get deleted as well.
Shondo threads weren't as good at ignoring the schizos, but it wasn't that bad until the mod drama happened and schizoposting exploded.
I also noticed this in Lily threads, but it wasn't very effective so they changed their tactics fairly quickly.

>> No.26493798

Well said.

>> No.26493820

Interesting and pretty sad. Maybe having a 4chan eceleb board was a mistake after all

>> No.26493926

>Lily threads have had a schizo problem for a very long time, regulars are very good at ignoring them so they samefag pretending to be concerned fans. It's gotten better since maidos started banning the schizos, and the "concerned fan" posts would magically get deleted as well.
yeah Kiki schizo does this too, it's a common tactic amongst schizos

>> No.26495178

Also, remember that after Kana was kicked out of /ccu/, they continued schizoposting by targeting Shondo and Lily, which was what lead to that general's death.
