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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26391388 No.26391388 [Reply] [Original]

Kobo just beat Laplus to 800k

>> No.26391706

what went wrong with gen6?

>> No.26391867

Nothing, just indog botting sub

>> No.26392007

Good for her

>> No.26392079

no one gets growth like this anymore unless you're getting a new market, even more so in jp

>> No.26392084

Numberfags need the rope. Go back to your containment thread.

>> No.26393125

>Water cunny beats used rotten cunny
Every time Anon.. everytime

>> No.26393218

Ogey neck yourself now numberfag

>> No.26393289

this is a numberchad board

>> No.26393358

Kiara buff

>> No.26393371

Wait what happened to Laplus? I only checked up the debuts but Laplus kinda impressed me with her production quality and she seemed to be blowing up the most

>> No.26393412

checked out*

>> No.26393557

>Be Lacunny
>Gets massive coverage and promotions by Cover
>Loses to an Indog
Will 3D save her?

>> No.26393690

keep seethe kek

>> No.26393708

It’s funny how HoloX got so much favoritism by cover and still fail to do anything outstanding.

HoloJP is a joke recently.

>> No.26393779

>the girl who’s channel was banned for bot activity is ahead of _
color me surprised anon, wow

>> No.26393916

No, because JP and EN perpetually fall into the lethargic pathway of streaming
I'm not even a huge fan for ID, but it seems they are always the ones who will stream the most, the most consistently
La+ had every possible buff a talent could ask for, and i'd wager if you gave a literal 2view who the same love and attention, they'd be top 50 within the month and stay there

>> No.26393951
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Excellent cope

>> No.26394020

this is a specifically retarded take. gen6 have a higher average stream time than almost if not all branches. ID is carried by the Hagsmith but second to her is literally Koyori.
the reason is something else, but im leaning more with Kobo being an outlier.

>> No.26394029

She just... Does as she pleases I guess? I mean good for her, she got picked for that holywood interview, chosen as one of the member to be put into an old gacha game, and become the brand ambassador of shadowverse. I think she does well on a lot of metric outside the ones measured by numberfag

>> No.26394040

She ate Susan's stool straight from the source and Susan rewarded her

>> No.26394108

we have this one before

>> No.26394250

I remember at debut when people saw their growth and flooded /vt/ with “GURA KILLER IS REAL”

Months go by and holoX as a whole still haven’t inclined much since debut… happens literally every single time. Honestly kind of sad everyone suffers from this curse.

Especially since I like lap

>> No.26394397

I have a running theory that "gura killer" is some internal demolition op run by chumbuddies to artificially hype up known lame ducks, so they can rag on said GK later

>> No.26394407

Nothing. The Indo bitch makes no money

>> No.26394424


>> No.26394450

>used rotten cunny
What is this?

>> No.26394583

Her 3D is indefinitely delayed until she manages to get the current situation under control but it doesn't seem like she can.

>> No.26394918

good she would kill gura for sure, how we fell indochad?

>> No.26394935


>> No.26395044

My feeling is that you should learn english.

>> No.26395045

She wants to do things hololive won't let her do so she just plays games with streamers off stream instead of making any content.

>> No.26395102


>> No.26395154

why i should? i only watch kobo.

>> No.26395267 [DELETED] 

but you post here
ga usah norak kayak orang2 amrik latin di fb

>> No.26395295

english please

>> No.26395347

but you post here
don't be cancerous nigger faggot who force their shitty language like latin americans on fb

>> No.26395403

i didn't forced indonesian retarded

>> No.26395414

kek, good job anon

>> No.26395434

Refusing to learn it is nigger mindset like those people.

>> No.26395455

you're the one who speak Indonesian /here/ retard
are you Moonfags? only her fans are retarded enough to tell someone to learn English only for him to speak Indo in the next post kek

>> No.26395494

I'm lowering myself so that i can better connect with you disables.

>> No.26395502

tells that to the whole holojp

>> No.26395528

>told someone to speak english
>speak Indonesian

absolute retardation

>> No.26395537

If you want a possible reason to why the OP happened, you can look at daily clip views (as a metric for gauging interest, the same way VoD count or peak CCV does).
Kobo averaged around 700k views per day, while Laplus gets about 459k average (taking data for last week). Calling her the Gura of ID isn't an exaggeration, as the 2nd place there is Ollie at 165k. Not to say Laplus is bad; she ranked 6th last week. Kobo is just an outlier in terms of how much interest she generates.

>> No.26395558

It's literally a jp company.

>> No.26395579

Kobo is nowhere near the ID with the most streaming hours, the three that stream far more than here have like half her subs. Koyori has some of the best streaming hours in Hololive and her subs aren't even the highest in her gen.

>> No.26395673

and im an indochad dont need speak english.
i dont need have good grammar to post here yes?

>> No.26395697


>> No.26395740

bots? bots

>> No.26396047

indo chad...i kneel...


>> No.26396118

Do you mean EN? JP6 doesn't seem to be as lazy, I mean look at Koyori.
But EN especially EN2 are lazy af.

Also, not all IDs are streaming freaks, look at Risu, one of the best voices in Hololive yet she keeps debuffing herself by taking too many breaks and streaming pointless streams.

>> No.26396158

Koyori existing doesn't change the fact that Laplus is lazy as fuck.

>> No.26396207
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based and kobopilled

>> No.26396217

In a few days
>Kobo has passed Shalome

>> No.26396298

cringe fuck , you smells like slum people. please go back to your village , you ruined my beautiful jakarta

>> No.26396336

yes, in fact the only one who watch every vtuber in this world is me and all of my alt account.

>> No.26396366

Wake me up when Kobo passes Gura. Until the I sleep.

>> No.26396377


>> No.26396400

>source: the bear spirit revealed it to me on a vision quest

>> No.26396434

Why hasn't she announced it already like everyone else before her?

>> No.26396544
File: 9 KB, 275x85, Kronkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, indog too poor to bot streams. Keep coping

>> No.26396580

It will be announced tomorrow before Lui's. Screencap this and seethe eternally

>> No.26397073

jakarta? beautiful?

>> No.26397152

Indogs are making dupes to support Kobo. I'm Indog and my indog friend did that.

>> No.26397308

stop larping and falseflagging pignoy

>> No.26398393

Sorry doesn't compute. Come to the cities and towns in central java and you will understand how it feels to have a proper, clean, and well designed Indonesian city.
With people actually obeying the traffic laws and generally orderly society.

>> No.26398477

why indogs like this?

>> No.26398663

its gotten shit because you village fuckers come here for better wage while bringing along your poorfag culture

>> No.26398696

learn english first before making such remarks , indogs

>> No.26398724

top kek

>> No.26398795

That's unfortunate, because Javanese town dwellers are the closest you will have for an orderly society experience like the one you will find in Japan.
But Javanese villagers are just as barbaric as every villagers. Unfortunately for you the ones who went to Jakarta are the latter. Blame Suharto for making every available jobs and developments centered only in Jakarta.

>> No.26399063

oh no! what shall the whore do? maybe she doesn't need management at all and should just go all in being a slut and a liar

>> No.26400174

It's unique only to Laplus because...
1. She has still ton of projects when she debuted.
2. Doesn't have a decent streaming setup or WiFi
3. Extremely fucked and random streaming schedule to a point it's like looking for Rambo in a fucking jungle.
4. Extremely weak streaming stamina compare to other hags.

>> No.26403927

wtf I thought Kobo's debut buff was over already

>> No.26404046
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>> No.26404278

Most populer indie vtuber ID is 600k sub
And kobo has holobox
buff to 900k is possible
