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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26347407 No.26347407 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: vtubers that don't have their nuudes posted on the internet 14 years ago

>> No.26347651

that sounds awfully specific, did I miss something?

>> No.26347733
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>> No.26347790

yeah (you)re oshis nudes resurfaced

>> No.26347814

All egirls have posted nudes at some point in their lives. It's just a matter of when will they get caught and Selen is long overdue for a yab.

>> No.26347818
File: 70 KB, 740x457, SVQDLqo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 years ago
literally Twitter tier behaviour of /vt/

>> No.26347862

>14 years ago
Sounds like I would go to jail if I saw them, why are women like this?

>> No.26347903

Still waiting for 110-chan's then.

>> No.26347953
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>14 years ago
Where do you fucks even find and dig up this stuff. A few months ago, I saw a vshojoschizo post Ironmouse's old forum posts all the way back from the mid 2000's. You guys shouldve just get a degree in archeology instead of wasting your lives watching vtubers because you guys are good at digging up the past

>> No.26347972

>14 years ago
I don't think fauna is older than 32 years old, so I really hope no

>> No.26347984

I can't believe whores have planted their nudes into the internet as ticking time bombs to blow in the future and get us v&.

>> No.26348003

It depends, if it were Botan's nudes from 14 years ago she'll probably be older than you now, that's why hags are the superior choice

>> No.26348065

Inside job

>> No.26348068

>try to do rm reps
>get party vanned
This whores are playing 4d chess

>> No.26348111

Kys 35Piss

>> No.26348114

Feels bad she had to cut off those Diamond Titty Lights.

>> No.26348232

If anything, this yab really makes me disappointed because
>She's not a hag
>She's not fat
>Those nice puffy tits are now gone

>> No.26348336

True. Twitter will harass people for edgy opinions they no longer have. /vt/ will harass Pomu for tits she no longer has..

>> No.26348427

Selen didn't post nudes 14 year ago because back then the cameras didn't have a high enough resolution/4chan didn't have such a high size limit/there was no internet connection fast enough.

>> No.26348492

That's an historian's job, if those tits weren't painted on a piece of ceramic don't bother me.

>> No.26348550
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>She's not a hag

>> No.26348581

If my oshi had her nude photos from 14 years old leaked she would be a baby in those pictures

>> No.26348642


>> No.26348743

any spoonfeeders?

>> No.26348745 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.26348791

>14 years old
My fucking sides

>> No.26348798
File: 53 KB, 176x163, artemis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're acting like this wasn't just an inside job. Had anons been behind this we would've found out months ago. Schizos managed to find out Council's identities in less than an hour, same with the entirety of NijiEN bar Pomu of course. Some rrats are speculating Nina or an ex friend leaked it but I highly doubt it was anyone from here.

>> No.26348866

>From 14 years ago
Perdone my ESLness señor

>> No.26348917

She had a hysterectomy not mastectomy

>> No.26348953


>> No.26348966

No one knows what the fuck is that, anon. Either you explain it shut the fuck up.
