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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26220335 No.26220335 [Reply] [Original]

This is your complete roster for the Cover Corps fighting game, choose your team.

>> No.26220407

Ky function, Naoto function, Millia function

>> No.26220479

I choose haato, shin haachama, and miko

>> No.26220498

Gura, Shion, Laplus

Then I throw to watch them get raped and impregnated in the game over screen

>> No.26220543

Gura, Shion, Miko

>> No.26220569

Shien, Temma and Aruran.

>> No.26220625

Mori (scythe range
Gura (probably rushdown specials)
Astel (seems like he wouldn't excel at anything (in a fighting game) and therefore wouldn't have a glaring weakness. The token "Honest" character of the team.)

>> No.26220641

I just realized Sana is the only EN member missing in this roster

>> No.26220658

Its been done OP

Just crowdfund the man to get your fighting game

>> No.26220662

Sana is the background

>> No.26220789

>Rushia and Coco
Yeah I don't think we are getting this roster.

>> No.26221213

For me, it's Roberu, Flare and Lui.

>> No.26221397

>enter secret code
>play as eugene

>> No.26221417


You just didn't want popular Holos to play this did you.

>> No.26221548

Enjoy irrelevancy.

>> No.26223963

Roberu Shien Astel

>> No.26224054


>> No.26224868

Kronii IRyS and Moomers

>> No.26226636

Roberu cause he seems like he could be a Cody from SF type of character who uses weapons on the floor and shit, Noel second because she is probably a Potenkin like tank and Shion last because she would play like Cagliostro from Granblue Fantasy.

>> No.26227440

Fuck off you both made me lose a bet, I now have to pay my friend 50 dollars because it was numberfags that got mad at the girls being with guys first and not the unicorn idolfags.

>> No.26229389

Make astel play like naoto

>> No.26230264
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Suisei, Miko, Peko

>> No.26230525

Robocco because I usually play robots
Ollie if she can fight with the rapier
Kiara because Dark Phoenix

>> No.26230579

Irys, Kronii, Miko.

>> No.26230671
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Mix both Naoto's and that's Astel.

>> No.26231470

Subaru and Fuma looks like brother and sister

>> No.26233992

Sana is EN A-Chan.

>> No.26234700

>BA Start
Play as Yagoo.

>> No.26234755

Fuck, 4chan removes the buttons.
>Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
Play as Yagoo.

>> No.26234891

I love playing lame so Luna point, you can't touch the princess, and she basically has an extra assist by calling out Lunaito.
Polka mid, since now you have meter you just continue playing lame as fuck by throwing out every EX item in the bag. Enjoy these fucking hitboxes filling the screen.
Finally, Haato anchor since you just activate Haachama-Install and what the fuck are you gonna do about it?

yeah, its a pure cheese team, but fuck you i like winning.

>> No.26234892

I will now preorder your game

>> No.26238608

Zones with gun, can do cool combos switching between his kick normals and his gun specials
Mid-Mr. Koro
Rushdown boxer character
Whatever the fuck he does

>> No.26239423

Roberu's assist Cocktail Toss gives your active character a buff depending on the drink - like some meter gain, or small damage/life gain, so he's a good anchor. There's also a debuff one when Lamy pops up to throw the drink instead, but it's pretty rare like 1/25 chance and just reverses your controls for a few seconds.

Chanchakadondon Super has 2 versions, the normal one is a pretty basic damage Super for combo enders, but the other version is actually a Super Counter parry that only works against projectiles. Very hard to use since it's situational, but pretty cool in the right match-up. Completely shuts down zoners.

>> No.26240807

Kiara because I'm guessing her moveset would be a combination of

>> No.26243862

StartEnd but I'm really just maining Aqua

>> No.26247462

Ina at Point: Most likely will have crazy pokes and keep away buttons.
Fauna at Mid: No idea what buttons she'd have
Bae at Anchor: She's my oshi and she'd also probably have crazy speed or rushdown.

>> No.26248319

bae super: 50/50 chance to instantly K.O yourself or the opponent

>> No.26248773

I'm thinking Ina would be a little like Zato-1, able to combo at full screen with tentacle meter, and teleports to get away and move around the screen whilst waiting for it to recover. But a weaker reversal/scramble game.

Fauna could be a full puppet/summon or trap character that doesn't like to fight directly, calling out the zoo to lock you down, and/or things like carpeting the floor with grasping vines. Could have some weather control, like that loli vampire in BlazBlue uses wind.

Bae would for sure be some rushdown insanity. Throw in some "Bruh" parries to steal back her turn, and some dice roll Chaos mechanics. Perhaps certain powerful Specials unlock or certain states are accessed by rolling Die with meter/cooldown, trying to hit Snake Eyes, or other doubles.

>> No.26248982
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Already got my team
1 of them HAS to play like Ky

>> No.26251644
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I mean

>> No.26251893

Roberu summons his harem

>> No.26251971

Your mistake was thinking only unicorn idolfags disliked the Holostars.

>> No.26252015

where the fuck is my nigga ui?

>> No.26252879

Fauna is a mix of +R Testament (heh) and Rachel Alucard.

>> No.26254866

And then, for seemingly no reason, the game inherited the Melty Blood poverty setups. Anyways:

Ina at point for mad tentacle range and Tako stage control
Reine Mid for jump slash assist to bisect fools trying for aerial approaches
Mumei Anchor for Nightmare Mode X-factor hijinks.

>> No.26255347

Human breeder time, gonna go full throttle with the Ky Kiske tactics

>> No.26255462

Noel is a charge character, all her mace attacks are strong, Temma is basically Ky with Dragon install as his Dark Knight version and Flare plays like Hawkeye in MvC3 using trick arrows

>> No.26255541

>Temma is basically Ky with Dragon install as his Dark Knight version
I will now preorder your HoloFG

>> No.26255557

Don't do unicorns go both ways in the idol purity bullshit? I see Fujoshit fans get angry at Holostars members when they do crossover with girls and hate people like Ollie with passion

>> No.26255574

Try that shit on my Choco

>> No.26255754

Honestly they don't, Holostars all collab with females (just not Holos most of the time) except Izuru (who hates fangirls more than anyone else). The unicorns watch Luxiem.

>> No.26255771
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>Has the best speed but the smallest health bar in the game that even Kobo sneezing can takeout 50% of it

>> No.26255854

>High speed glass cannon
Every game's got one

>> No.26255909

Some Stars fans hate the girls because they ignore them (so beggars in disguise), but Ollie in particular is hated because of the whole trying to change Hololive thing. Most Stars fans are more than fine with how things are right now and would rather see them interacting with chuubas outside the Holopro sphere than collabing with the girls because ultimately they don't gain anything out of it other than schizos, and so they don't really like how Ollie tries to push this.

>> No.26256049

True but the aren't unicorns. They don't hate all female chuubas, they just don't like the beggars that come with some female Holos. They love the Animare girls.

>> No.26256199

Holostars audience isn't made of crazy chink fujoshits, I've never seen what you are describing. On this board they definitely don't like Ollie though.

>> No.26256365

Honestly I doubt any of the Stars has a critical mass of unicorns. MaFia probably has the most amount since they're THE pandering gen, but even then it's not enough to be an actual problem.

>> No.26256629

Can't wait to cave Astel's skull in with Ame and her giant magnifying glass super

>> No.26257643

Of course, Sana would be so lazy she would even miss being in a fighting game.

>> No.26258502

MaFia do BFE sometimes but they also collab with females more than some of the others. The general environment in Holostars is not unicorn friendly. I'm ok with that though because I hate schizo teenage girls, and those are the kinds of girls male unifag magnets usually attract. I'm glad there is no Vox type of guy over there.

>> No.26258813

This sounds goofy but actually pretty functional, is Roberu meta? What's the tierlist?

>> No.26260272

Aruran is so insanely broken that he's banned
Top meta characters are Peko, Lui, Iroha, Fubuki, Risu, Kaela, Kiara, Ame, Kronii, Temma, and Oga

>> No.26261353

Kiara, Pekora, moona

Kiara: Tanker with flame sword and shield
Pekora: AD DPS with carrot sword, Bazooka, and a mystery box
Moona: Magician with Void Magic and Food for heal and buff

Special interaction: If pekora HP become 0% while Moona and Kiara HP are below 20%, pekora's mystery box will open and give fusion energy for Kiara and Moona to become Ultimate warrior "Nisshoku Eclair"

Nisshoku Eclair: A magic Sowrman with black flame sword and magic, also can heal overtime.

yeah i know they are not a fighting game character.

>> No.26261657

>Aruran is so insanely broken he is banned
I believe this

>> No.26261837

Temma Point, Kronii Middle, Oga Anchor

>> No.26262431

Iroha is instant SSS tier.

>> No.26262839

There is a very important thing that people have glossed over, and it's the stage list.
-The live stage
-Miko's Shrine
-Underworld Academy
-Marine's Ship
-Candy Kingdom
-Polka's Circus
-HoloX HQ
-Risu's Tree
-Kaela's Forge
-Watson's Office
-The Council Room
-Forest of Hanasaki
-Bar Robel

>> No.26262933

>Forgetting Astel's space stage

>> No.26263148
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Don't forget about the best stage ever that will be spammed in tournaments

>> No.26263178
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>> No.26263732

Who plays the closest like Rock Howard?

>> No.26263857

> males
I'll grief the match.

>> No.26264264

I'm Gonna Take You For a Ride~

>> No.26264316

I hate the fact that this is true

>> No.26264367
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>literally a weapon
>no in the roster

>> No.26264407

The training stage will be Hololive's/Holostars' office.

>> No.26264450

As a Haachama main of course I pick three of them, if I have to use others, a middle Peko for the memes and tossaway and a solid Kiara pointer. Ezpz git gud scrubs.

>> No.26264591
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What about wherever the fuck this is

>> No.26264598

Gawr because she's basically Orochi Iori mode Gura.
Kurokami because she's basically Orochi Leona mode Fubuki.
and Yoruno Sora because I like using op boss characters.

>> No.26264767

>Hololive office
>Ankimo House outside turns into inside with damage
>Akukin HQ
>KFP quarters then Usual Room if damage is done
>Whichever graveyard or place Ollie is at filled with simp items for other holos
>Aki's shifting dimension thingie
>Watson mines/industries

>> No.26264827

>implying I can't spam with you my Kiara Phoenix flame spam and KFP chicken assist
Get on my level plebeyo.

>> No.26264840

Already there
>Aki's dimension
That's Shallys

>> No.26265002

>forgetting Yoruno Sora has the most iframes in the game
>forgetting she has a fullscreen super

>> No.26265090
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>> No.26265189

Miko, Ame, Polka

>> No.26265987

The DarkStalkers fetus stage.

>> No.26266265

Sorry friend, holostars need to the slot because they need to get shilled 24/7.

>> No.26266684

Well... my Melee main is Luigi.
With my secondaries being Marth and Falco.
So obviously I choose Bae, Iroha and Kurokami Foob, who will obviously be a secret character because evil palette swap

>> No.26266707

I could see Sora being given an exclusive sidestep so she functions similarly to tekken 2 kazuya. a nod towards everyone being Incapable of showing any negative intent towards her.

>> No.26267826

>Nobody made holos for mugen yet at all Except for one really bad smol ame
At least so far there's two Ames and one Same in Aether.

But I wouldn't mind something like this but for holos

>> No.26268343
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>> No.26268509
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Raito 4 Iroha

>> No.26268836

Is this supposed to be KOF rules?

>> No.26268905
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Those still exist in VS games. Anchor Vergil is a thing for a reason

>> No.26269001
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>not having Akai Haato and Haachama as two seperate slots like Adamantium Wolverine and Bone-Claw Wolverine
You're gonna get taken for a ride, OP.

>> No.26269060

Haato/Haachama would be more like a Jin/Devil Jin situation

>> No.26269081

>all those homos
>no Nene, AZKi, Anya etc
shit game

>> No.26269104

Sana is the Apocalypse/Galactus final boss fight for the arcade mode.

>> No.26269745

I feel like those roles don't matter nearly as much in a game with tagging. You only need to decide who you start with, besides that you can adjust on the fly.

>> No.26269800

gamma from holostars

>> No.26269902

Aruran for ranged and Oga for charged attacks.

>> No.26269929


You switch only if you have to or theres a huge payoff for the DHC. You always keep your anchor for X-Factor shenanigans that might win you the game with one opening. Heck even in Marvel 2 it generally followed that pattern even without X-Factor

>> No.26269936

why are sana and anya cut from the game. hell anya is more popular then shes ever been

>> No.26270145

Main team: Okayu, Lui and Suisei
Troll team Botan, Kronii and Shion or Watame

>> No.26270241


>> No.26271899

Gura, shion, laplus easily.

>> No.26273997

Easiest way to make the fgc mad.

>> No.26276084
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Astel better have something to help him fight because the dude is way too skinny that a punch from any of the girls could leave him in the ER

>> No.26276246

Suisei Gura Kobo

>> No.26276292

anya is dlc

>> No.26278183

He can teleport, he does it in his 3D debut.

>> No.26279511

Someone post the Astel hit box image

>> No.26280155
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>> No.26282044

Some madman should send her a supa asking her to say "genocide cutter". Or maybe trick her into saying it.

>> No.26286666


>> No.26292478

You're missing the HoloAlt stages
