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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26123163 No.26123163 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there holo thread on /v/ front page and why it's full of doxx shit?

>> No.26123264

they don't follow our rules.

>> No.26123502
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>a majority of it are mori doxx
Boring. Show me or post something good next time

>> No.26123553

Newfag, they have other rules

>> No.26123621

>He never seen the horny vtuber threads on other boards
This isn't nothing.

>> No.26123672

>Only Mori doxx
I bet that a certain janny is serthing

>> No.26123722


>> No.26123777
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>> No.26123811

Holo Earth is a video game. Report the off-topic replies and doxx stuff.

>> No.26123814

/vt/ is the only place on the internet that cares about vtuber kayfabe bullshit.

>> No.26123849

meh, it's mostly just the same played out doxshit that's been posted since vtubing was confined to /jp/

>> No.26123850


Why would it be against the rules to post about roommates on that board?

>> No.26123851

Theres a pic with Ame wheres shes at con and a Kiara one. Im surprised theres a Kiara doxx posted where shes at least good looking

>> No.26123854

>why don't other boards follow /vt/'s rules?

>> No.26123909

>OP didn't see the /b/ nsfw thread where a guy was using a face app to put girls faces on top of lewd stuff
That was pretty based btw.

>> No.26123985


>> No.26124044

This was pretty good tho

>> No.26124066

I fucking wish, kayfabe is retarded.
Though off-topic doxxposting just for the sake of it is also retarded.
Both things are faggot-tier obsessions.

>> No.26124122

All view vtuber get come from here lmao

>> No.26124145
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>> No.26124181


>> No.26124267

It's not doxx if it's public profile, it's not rule breaking if it's outside /vt/

>> No.26124280

I will never understand why eggs are so obssessed with nigger cock.
She fucked one nigger and it's a maybe. By comparison she's confirmed fucked a bunch of of euros and at least one Asian.
Why does BBC live rent-free in your head?

>> No.26124353

No one said anything about it but you, we're just laughing at the posts, so maybe it's you my dude.

>> No.26124357

This is the only board where roommate shit is moderated, and even then the jannies only care to delete Hololive ones.

>> No.26124403

Most "doxx" doesn't get removed on vt for being doxx, it gets removed for being off-topic.

>> No.26124476

oh it was meant as a general "you" regarding eggs not specifically meant for the anon I was replying to

>> No.26124648
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>Not being psuedo /b/
The only difference is they can't spam loli porn

I don't like it either but nothing will change

>> No.26124664
File: 35 KB, 497x366, 3E5E01B3-2585-44A8-AE2E-B76498465161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK https://vocaroo.com/1hbnhFriaKJq

>> No.26124750
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This is unironically the only board that cares about talent privacy and that's only rarely.
The only way to stop it on other boards is to GR15 vtubers and all vtuber-related content outside of /vt/, but that won't happen because reasons

>> No.26124770

At least I haven't seen child porn in /b/

>> No.26124788

/jp/ is literally full of doxx every day

>> No.26124792
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>> No.26124862

I fucking hate this place.

>> No.26124876

> full of doxx shit
> it's the three we've always known

>> No.26124878

Kiara and Calli are always posted on jerk off threads on /s/ and /b/ kek.

>> No.26124932
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>Muh rules
I could go on a whole tirade about 4chan moderation but I don't feel like getting banned
I just wish we never became a board

>> No.26124940

Chuubas and especially Hololive makes /v/ seethe and they live in their heads rent free, it's been that way for years now and will probably continue for years to come.

>> No.26124947

Sounds fun

>> No.26124993

Same, but I'm addicted to it.

>> No.26125007
File: 393 KB, 367x635, i believe (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara and Calli
>sexy beautiful women

>> No.26125025

People who hate vtubers think they can scare the fans with doxx

>> No.26125060

deal with it kiwi tranny

>> No.26125078

>This is unironically the only board that cares about talent privacy and that's only rarely.
Only when it comes to Mori

>> No.26125122
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Bro that board doesn't have standards...also lol.

>> No.26125161

no, it stops the board being completely filled with jealous trannies upset they aren't actually men pretending to be women like them.

>> No.26125166

Doxx in this place is like porn on others. The ones for the topic dodn't care, the falseflaggers will falseflag, the tourists will bite, and the few "innocent" ones will be the only ones getting scared. Because it's literally pissing in the ocean of piss. Go eat a ban on the normalfag spaces if you actually want to scare fans.

>> No.26125184

Wait are we talking about models or roommates?

>> No.26125233

Yeah Calli shouldn't be on those threads

>> No.26125236

Rms but I saw that on there and had to post it.

>> No.26125265

>3DPD board
i dunno anon, what do (you) think?

>> No.26125393 [DELETED] 
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>> No.26125647

Are you going to seethe about /jp/ not following the retarded rule next?

>> No.26125652
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T3 of a twitch whore that lives with her boyfriend, don't care, her streams are awesome.

>> No.26125689

>post noel roommate fantia pictures
>get banned
mod there is a faggot.

>> No.26125717

>Hololive makes /v/ seethe and they live in their heads rent free
Such accomplishment, their moms must be proud

>> No.26125757

Its just dox fuckers posting EN dox, you know the usual cunts

>> No.26125769

Damn thread ended already.

>> No.26125848

Calli's boyfriend is kinda ok looking, why did he go after fat bitch?

>> No.26125881

/vt is full of phaggots, there's nothing wrong with talking about the VA

>> No.26125918


>> No.26125938
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>> No.26125998

>It was another /v/ seethe v.s. /vt/ autist shitpost thread
Put a thread on there, you get constant animosity, doxxing, and barely any coherent conversation yet posting threads on here gets 0 traction in general, someone's obviously posting it for shits and giggles and anons there will keep retaliating. I'd rather have it on /vt/ anyways so I don't have to cross boards and deal with shitposters, doxxers, and the like such from both parties, it's mind numbing autism and they don't even post good/new doxx. It's just the same ol >hurr durr mori is a pig, Kiara/Ame are whores *insert generic insult about weebs/simps*
Thread got archived so someone's prayers must've gotten answered kek

>> No.26126052
File: 1.37 MB, 498x290, sakuemon-hololive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horny Sprite art.

>> No.26126120

>No one ever posts the Korone one with booba.

>> No.26126143

Yeah, I used to think anti-roommate posting rules were retarded, but people only spam that shit like morons
There would be no actual discussion of their activities, so it's better off banned.

>> No.26126186

>/v/ deals with antis better than /vt/ does
Maybe its time to switch boards

>> No.26126761

I agree, Im in the middle ground when it comes to this type of stuff. Kayfabe is only valuable when used correctly in a decent manner and I'm no where near a completely delusional weeb who forgets there's an actual woman behind the screen. On the flipside, putting up boundaries is good or else we'd end up worse than the kiwifags. I frankly just like knowing who I'm exactly watching and potentially supporting tho
