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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.73 MB, 3074x2105, HoloStats Streaming Hours - Calendar - Streaming Hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26067772 No.26067772 [Reply] [Original]

Don't blast me into the stratosphere for posting /#/ content. Rather, consider these numbers as a metric of Gura's engagement with Hololive over the past two years. I've seen a lot of people claim absolutely crazy stuff and fling shit left and right, so I made an attempt to gather and organize hard data directly from her Youtube channel. I don't have a horse in this race, I'm simply presenting data as it is.

>What methodology did you use to gather this data?
I made a table of all of Gura's archived public streams currently available on her Youtube channel.

>Won't not including unarchived/off-channel/members' content skew these numbers?
Skew them towards what? The goal was to compare how actively she streamed throughout different points of her Hololive career. Public archived streams represent an overwhelming majority of Gura's content, and it's reasonable to expect the stuff I didn't bother looking for to conform to the same general trends.

>Why didn't you include unarchived/off-channel/members' content data?
I'm lazy, dumb, and had no idea where to find it.

>Why didn't you post this on /#/? Fuck off!!!

>Is this an anti thread? A pro-Gura thread?
It's data. However it makes you feel says a lot more about you than it does about the thread.

>What happened in or around November 2021?
No idea.

>> No.26067889

> Consider your audience
>>> #

>> No.26068022

No thanks, I don’t want to entertain entitlement.

>> No.26068260
File: 1.17 MB, 3070x1621, HoloStats Streaming Hours - Calendar - Days Off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another fun chart, which honestly surprised me. It doesn't include members' streams and off-channel appearances, which totally invalidates some of this, but since they're not included at any point throughout the two years, whatever trends can be found should still hold as trends, though their exact magnitude can't be confirmed.
Red bars represent contiguous periods of 3, 4, and 5+ days without public streams.

Whatever the reason, Gura is taking increasingly longer breaks.

>> No.26068285

You seem lost. Here: >>26058556

>> No.26068691

The most surprising thing is to see how many yes men she has on the palm of her hand.

>> No.26069062

go back to numbers

>> No.26069126

Didn't read but I know Gura is a lazy whore

>> No.26069151

Good chart, you should post it on /#/ too

>> No.26069395

So, is this the least in EN?

>> No.26069491

after Sana

>> No.26069696

>Public archived streams represent an overwhelming majority of Gura's content, and it's reasonable to expect the stuff I didn't bother looking for to conform to the same general trends.

No it's not, that's just your assumption.

Entirely possible she started doing more members-only streams to get more memberships.

>> No.26069981

mods ban this guy

>> No.26070598

>Paywall content
OP is right to exclude it

>> No.26071233

Goober I…

>> No.26071533
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>> No.26071678
File: 3.04 MB, 2560x1351, 1655182097304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuckbuds are absolutely seething right now

>> No.26071709

Seethe, globalfag. He's not breaking any rule

>> No.26071881

yes low quality shit and a faggot thats two broken rules

>> No.26072260

>Low quality shit
If a compiled table of relevant data on a chuuba counts as low quality content, what the fuck is high quality content? Just admit you don't like it and move on.

>> No.26072560

It makes the woman I give money to look bad.

>> No.26072622

>two new covers
>BD stuff + brand new original song
>is working with some musician for another original song
>is preparing for 4M celebration
>is preparing for Mori concert
>has to keep up with the quality of the next public karaoke
>is a famer girl in farming season
>OP is faggot who doesn't even bother to check unarchived and members-only streams
>who knows what else she's working on

before you choose to be a faggot by slandering someone on an anonymous board, please take a look at how pathetic you are.

>> No.26072713

Trying too hard to fit in, redditor. Go to /hlgg/ or Reddit

>> No.26072715

>OP is faggot who doesn't even bother to check unarchived and members-only streams
So has there been an uptake in unarchived and members-only content to make up for this?
I'm not a chumbud so I would need someone else to confirm for me.
t. OP

>> No.26072789

The level of globalfags

>> No.26072993
File: 1.27 MB, 320x180, ezgif-4-bf0f7628ba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Disgusting numberfagger poster posing as cultured vtuber poster.

>> No.26073040

yeah, here is a link suck my dick faggot....................

>> No.26073141

bro that made me legit say LOL out loud

>> No.26073234
File: 22 KB, 728x430, births by age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26073286

Do Ame OP. I want to see just how rough was the latter half of 2021.

>> No.26073531

I will do all of them if somebody tells me where to find a list of unarchived streams with timestamps and durations. Otherwise people will bitch and discredit whatever data comes up so it's not worth the effort.

>> No.26073586

ignore the fat autists

>> No.26073619

>girl goes missing for 15 minutes
sasuga incel faggots

>> No.26073649

>the absolute delusion

>> No.26073708

>having sex
more like changing diapers amiright

>> No.26073739

>post numbers/data about a hologirl
>"woooooow autist why do you care go back to /#/"
>most likely gets deleted by meidos

>post numbers/data about a niji/vshojo/indie
>204 posts and 27 image replies omitted
>thread gets archived
I sure love spending another day browsing /holo/.

>> No.26074464

I sure as hell enjoy this better than those holo/niji bait threads

>> No.26074525

>gura stopped giving a fuck as soon as 2021 started
>doubled down on not giving a fuck in 2022
Kek. Hope EN3 has an actual gura killer.

>> No.26074607
File: 637 KB, 1800x1200, 1626456585324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a better chart

>> No.26074847

Cute how you give a fuck about rules when it targets your lazy shark.
Don't forget the doxx that gets archived, or my personal favorite, having a post deleted within seconds cause I said something about Ina.

>> No.26075496

i am a chumbud and hate my fellow holofags sometimes though, i secretly root for you guys when it's not against my oshi.

>> No.26075912

What is gura's content these days? I genuinely don't know

>> No.26075953

It does look like her chart is getting Thanos snapped haha

>> No.26076024

Taking break days

>> No.26076042

The ones in white are the days which I had sex with her.

>> No.26076162

>streams turn into a trickle

>> No.26076238

no really, is it minecraft? fotm games? zatsu?

>> No.26076246

>is preparing for 4M celebration
>OP is faggot who doesn't even bother to check unarchived and members-only streams
unarchive hard to track and hardly matters once its over, its basicly a live event.
and members shouldnt be leaking members content even when the memberships happened.
public streams are still a good indicator priorities, but like every numbers shit, its incomplete data, were at most using facts to guess subjective reasons

>> No.26076350

I don't think anyone can beat Sana on this.

>> No.26076357

howd you get that? It looks more like july of 2021 is when shit went wrong to me according to this chart

>> No.26076457

She made those rebounds in august and october then towards the end of the year into 2022 she drops off to nothing. Starts games and doesn't even finish them.

>> No.26076529

You're full of shit.

>> No.26076589

I'm sure holodex keeps a register, check that out.

>> No.26076628


>> No.26076674

Can't stop giving a fuck if you never gave a fuck in the first place.

>> No.26076680


>> No.26076705

july 2021 to november 2021 just looks like "fuck i'm burned out/depressed>oh shit i need to try harder this month" x3

>> No.26076754

i can already tell you - only kiara will look good there and mori by asociation of her work behind the streams.
Imagine - mori likes hololive more than any of the Council members. Bizare shit

>> No.26076780

That seems like a good enough place to start. I'll be back in a few days with more information.

>> No.26076822
File: 315 KB, 1694x2048, D6F68D90-56E1-491C-AE94-76290DCB86BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a serious answer: what is the point of numberfagging? Are you hikis or something?
I already know that you don't watch Gura and just use her streaming hours to shitpost, but I find it ridiculous that if the opposite was true you would spend time complaining about her not streaming all the time instead of doing your reps
I don't know, maybe I think like this because I'm a VOD watcher and I've been busy with life lately as to watch entire streams

>> No.26076896

>I already know that you don't watch Gura
Actually, chumbuds have a whole lot of free time to do stuff like this. Not like they have many streams to watch.

>> No.26076927

what do streaming hours have to do with numbers?

>> No.26076996 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 2407x4096, c99bb9c550fa9607a839d043ce7a31d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Early January 2021 she takes a bunch of days off and has a few short streams due to spending New Years with her boyfriend.
>July 2021 her boyfriend breaks up with her, she's too depressed to stream.
>August 2021 she alternates between depressive and manic phases where she either doesn't stream at all or streams for quite long periods of time.
>September 2021 she finds a new boyfriend or her ex gets back together with her, no time for streams too busy ERPing in discord.
>October 2021 she's happy and motivated due to her boyfriend promising to come visit her in November if she earn him enough money.
>November/December 2021 she's spending all her time getting dicked by her boyfriend, no time for streams
>January 2022 she completely stops caring about Hololive after finding out she's pregnant from the previous 2 months of constant babymaking sex. She's already sent in her plans to graduate as soon as her contract is up in September which coincidentally is also when she'll be giving birth.
Chumpedos please don't kill yourselves you'll find another cunny oshi...

>> No.26077004
File: 2.56 MB, 2208x1242, 54E22143-0919-404D-92A8-6E04C1A4D14C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that chumbuds are the ones shitposting about Gura?
>What do hours have to do with numbers?

>> No.26077059

People who get mad at streamers for not streaming usually do so because they want to watch said streamers.

>> No.26077060

Did you just
>implying hours are numbers

>> No.26077082

numbers are the only "objective" way of proving the thing you like is the best.
but numberfags forget that interpreting numbers isnt objective and is still subjective like any other factor as to why someone likes something.

>> No.26077104

Not really. I don't think that many people watched Ayame, but boy do they talking about how she doesn't stream.

>> No.26077118


>> No.26077148

I enjoy watching this board as a massive ecosystem coming from the most mentally deranged subset of a culture which already sits pretty low on the social totem pole. Providing this community with data for them to use so they can fight their schizo fights is my way to give back.

>> No.26077227

I need a serious answer how can you defend this shit? I mean seriously this is just blatant laziness. Gura was given every advantage in the world and pissed it all away. Are chumbuds really so brainwashed that they’ll defend this and even get angry at it? She doesn’t even know who you are

>> No.26077230

Quality > Quantity

>> No.26077259

"has college"
"considers it a hobby"
physically fucked up
Seems to have reacted poorly to being council's big player and undercut herself
Streamed a lot then realized no one cared, undercut her early numbers with weirdness

EN3 will just have to not be menheras, whores and invalids to be superior to EN2.

>> No.26077280

>a streamer streams less because she's pregnant

>> No.26077330

Yeah good look getting 5 people that are devoid of whores, menheras and invalids.
I just want people that actually stream and love what they do. Can't be to hard there are like 1000s 2views that would love to do that
Also some europeans would be nice - those english speakers are culturally bland as shit

>> No.26077339

You can call someone lazy by not streaming every day like a maniac to the point that their throat got fucked? I'm pretty sure she has more stream time than half of the JP.

>> No.26077532
File: 2.48 MB, 2208x1242, 176325B8-B008-4C9B-A33F-0BAF5A1ED61A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even think she streams that little as shitposters claim. I would understand if it was Ayame or Sana (even if it's still schizophrenic to shitpost about it that long), but Gura still delivers content regularly
Also, schizos would find their own way to shitpost about Gura if she streamed as much as Koyori for example. The moment she would get sick and needed to take a long break, the board would be like "Gura's gonna get mogged by Salami, it's over for her!"
>I need a serious answer how can you defend this shit?
As I said, I do other things aside from watching streams and I'm not obsessive unlike other fans (I don't think I could call myself a true chumbud)
It kind of feels like you're putting Gura on a pedestal, and I get where that would come from but it's still not as bad as you think
>Are chumbuds really so brainwashed that they’ll defend this and even get angry at it? She doesn’t even know who you are
I'm not angry though, I just came to a thread looking for discussion. If I were angry, I would've told you to get a rope

>> No.26077534

>gura used to say she wished she could stream every day
>but all longterm data indicates once she /madeit/ she realized she didn't enjoy streaming -that much-

>> No.26077538

Aside from already mentioned holodex, there is https://holo.poi.cat/vtuber/gura.. It saves data from live streams, so unarchived/privated will be there, with timestamps and duration. I have a simple script to scrape these data, can post if you decide to use this.
You can access autogenerated playlist with all member-only videos of channel, it's quite well-known and should be easy to look up.
Also I suggest making the same graphs for at least one more EN member and couple of HoloJP 5th gen, who debuted a month before.

>> No.26077634

Yes, the superior taste usually tramples those underfoot

>> No.26077636

>I already know that you don't watch Gura and just use her streaming hours to shitpost
Well.............this is not quite possible I think. Too much effort for shitposting. I appreciate OP for providing insight with the statistics

>> No.26077777
File: 1.64 MB, 2208x1242, 8AA0E56C-AED1-45F4-A8BE-37C3A3A46CFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I don't think OP did anything wrong, it's still interesting data
However, anywhere were there are numbers, shitposters are gonna latch on to them

>> No.26077953

> Implying shitposters cant do things without materials
Shitposter: You are not very creative, my friend.

>> No.26078031

The reason you would want to include membership content is that its a big part of her content and a weekly thing outside her longer breaks

>> No.26078152

Yeah it bumps up her May hours by a whole ...4 hours.

>> No.26078383

She's a lazy whore and her cucked fanbase will defend it by telling you she's working on a bunch of stuff when she worked on just as much stuff last year and still streamed a lot more.

>> No.26078434

It'll just make her longer streamed months look longer, lol. She's not making up for lack of streams with more member streams, if anything she's doing even less of those now too.

>> No.26078493

When it comes to HoloEN, 4 hours is a life and death matter.

>> No.26078579

>big part of her content and a weekly thing outside her longer breaks
yeah, outside of the last 4 months

>> No.26080254

second to last

>> No.26081389

>>Why didn't you include unarchived/off-channel/members' content data?
>I'm lazy, dumb, and had no idea where to find it.

I would give benefit of the doubt and say just ask /ggg/ nicely. On a good time and a good day they will help anyone do anything really...

>> No.26081565

Thanks for your work anon!

>> No.26081646

>Can't be to hard there are like 1000s 2views that would love to do that
You clearly haven't watched any 2views, because they're just as flaky and menhera as the rest.

>> No.26081649

Whatever she fancies. "Fancy of the Month"

>> No.26081807

fuck me, I wanted to stream because I want to be more like Gura...

>> No.26081821

Jesus go find something to do other than watching vtubers and complaining they don't stream much lmao. But if you can't just kill yourself.

>> No.26081830

and you're tacky as fuck, tourist

>> No.26083795

What do you use to gather and present data? Programs, programming languages, libraries, etc.

>> No.26084149

EN3 is going to be DOA if it’s more let’s try the myth formula a third time and see if it works.

>> No.26085758

the thread is still up, stop the victim complex

>> No.26086264

Holy mother of a lack of self-awareness.

>> No.26086426 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 238x212, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek chumfucks seething
seethe more chumcuck nigger

>> No.26086948

We all know why. It's because of Barb

>> No.26091287


>> No.26093165

>presenting data
OP, what were you hoping to accomplish with this? Conversation? If you were just showing off the data of everyone in hololive than maybe we would think you are objective in showing this. All I am seeing is that you are seething over Gura about something and decided on showing only public stream data on her streams, specifically with her and not anyone else. That's why people aren't going to take you seriously and consider this as a shitpost.

>> No.26094309

>Kronii has streamed more than Gura

>> No.26097902

Why would I care? I'm only here to watch streams, not do data analysis

>> No.26097921 [DELETED] 


>> No.26097927

Don't worry, the super loyal chumbuds will follow her on Tik Tok.

>> No.26099651

Gura too busy playing online games with her friends and getting fucked by her bf too stream as much now. Covid is over we're almost entering summer time and she isn't hurting for cash because chumbies will open their wallets and she always have money to make from shill games.

>> No.26100042

What kind of man is named barb anyways

>> No.26100766

Barbaro idk beats me

>> No.26100793

OP, I appreciate what you do. You laid out some data and took a step back, just to watch retards argue about an anime shark girl. Well played.

>> No.26100880

EN 3 will be a mistake. Council is lazy Myth is lazy they're setting the example that they don't have to work hard at all.

>> No.26101119

Quality > Quantity. She doesn't have to grind for her growth, the Hololive brand handles that for her. When she does stream, it's like magic, an experience no other vtuber can provide. It's much easier to like her, follow her and enjoy her content when she's not spamming streams on a daily basis. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

>> No.26101424

This is what the average, delusional yesmen sounds like. Her growth slowed down the less she streamed and so did all other metrics. Her streams now are no different than when she streamed more often so she's not making up for higher quality streams with fewer streams. There's nothing unique about her content either, she's just Vshoujo-lite.

>> No.26101435

Except there's neither of those going on. The last quality streams she made were bully and gta 5.

>> No.26101576

And which membered prechat dweller are you. Only those people have this mentality.

>> No.26101668

sounds like you don't watch streams :)

>> No.26101679

Found one of her cucks

>> No.26101793
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1635001025111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about to die in pg 10
>Somebody bump it
>Check who
It becoming more & more apparent that you guys don't actually care about numbers and just finding excuses to hate the little sharky. Try being a bit less pathetic.

>> No.26101907

Meant for >>26099651

>> No.26101915

Sounds like you were unable to refute a single point :)

>> No.26101947

Sounds like you have shit taste if the effortless bullshit gura is putting out is so good as you've deluded yourself to believe.

>> No.26101959

I recommend them, she's streaming in 5 and a half hours.

>> No.26102005

lol guys, try to be less obvious lol

>> No.26102057

this is the same person

>> No.26102099

Still unable to refute a single point, easy dub.

>> No.26102179

You didn't make a point.

>> No.26102216


>> No.26102229

Chumbies are like deadbeats they aren't exactly the most honest fan bases. To them they can't do no wrong.

>> No.26102266

illiterate too. Thanks for sharing, but you didn't have to.

>> No.26102402

Is it normal in the US for young women to buy houses when they're single? When gura tweeted she was out looking for a house to buy those rrats about her having a BF noticeably increased but looking at her streaming schedule can you really blame people for being schizo about it? It's not like she's busy like some JP members who are doing offline promo activities, attending dancing or singing lessons, going to the studio to work on their 3D performances or recording for hologra and so on.

>> No.26102599

Somebody doxxed her eu stuff that's where that rrat came from. I remember some guy posting links in the prechat about it and chumbies were all up on his ass calling him a bot.

>> No.26102613

She was visiting her BF in the EU. That's why she actually was gone for 12 days instead of a week and why she went from "I might do a Twitter space or members post" to completely ghosting her fanbase for the entire 12 days and never explaining why she took an additional 5 days off.

>> No.26102647

Thanks for the data OP, I'd been thinking about this for a while and was gonna ask where I could compile it all around here, but I guess you've got it covered. I work supervising people of these girls age range (I'm guessing early 20s to early 30s) and absenteeism is a huge problem.

>> No.26102716
File: 839 KB, 700x980, flamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what compels a motherfucker to do this?

>> No.26102920

What points? Your personal opinions lol?

>> No.26102932

An obsessive incel who never been touched + have too much free time in his hand.

>> No.26103066

Now compile this info for a controversial niji like Vox or Selen, and watch the opinions immediately change. Instead of being called an "incel with nothing in his life" you'll be called a "based king taking down the nijichinks".

>> No.26105152
File: 207 KB, 2212x724, 18th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am aware. Gura changed a lot, she doesn't feel anything from the attention she gets from chat. Most likely something happened in her private life and honestly I believe the rrats about barbs might be true now.
Girls enter their rebellious stage when they aren't getting enough attention from their dad or her brothers and usually happens in teen years. Gura is 23 so she's above that age but the fact that she is older is exactly why she's seeking more attention elsewhere, we became her "dad" (or brothers) without realizing it.

Female psychology is simple but we still failed to predict her.

>> No.26105216

Why are there so many faggots defending literal data.
It is fucking proven that she is lowering her hours consistently and taking more breaks consistently, that's a fact. Her working on a fucking song or a 5 minute skit for a "4m celebration" is irrelevant, she's slowing stepping away from hololive to do "other" things. Can't possibly imagine what that is, cucks.

>> No.26105638

Ah right, she'll be spending that day with Barbs

>> No.26106043

>Female psychology is simple
>we became her "dad" (or brothers) without realizing it.
Absolute delusion, you sound like an incel armchair psychologist. Take a look at your post again, what the fuck are you saying?

>> No.26106156

don't use the i word, people will just ignore your message because it triggers them

>> No.26106304

sounds like cope from a teanigger, your oshi that has zero (0) orinigal song is even lazier than gura - fact. also you don't know how complicated it is to make music stuff.

>> No.26106307

I know, I know, but this was a 4channer vtuber fan claiming to be an expert on "female psychology", it was special enough to warrant a call out.

>> No.26106354

I love how my oshi consistently lives rent-free in so many peoples' heads.

>> No.26106408

It simply means that at 23 packed with money she isn't living with her family anymore and she needs to seek attention somewhere else. Chat message can only get her so much wet and that's all she had for almost 2 years now, she's moving on. Also you should listen to the other anon's advice because you sound like a tranny or a 2view thot.

>> No.26106499

thanks for this anon, all these numbers made me rock hard. I'm going to go rub one out looking at this chart

>> No.26107317

There's money at stake all up and down it between both the chuubas and some of the viewers - so, evaluating the actual merit/quality/consistency of their content is just a thing people are gonna do because arguments can and will be made over if someone is actually-worth membering or SC'ing or even watching in the first place.

If all restaurants in town gave their food out for free you wouldn't really care which ones are closed on which days besides "it's closed but I felt like having that tonight, oh well" but when there are different rating systems, different opinions on the menu/prices/quality of service all factoring in. Not to mention even if all food were free, if a restaurant is closed most of the time you kind of just stop checking for it when looking for something to eat. When a chuuba takes a break and makes a big comeback stream announcement it's like a "grand reopening" event for a restaurant that had been closed for a while. Ayame for example leans on grand reopenings as being like half her content to just bait peoples' optimism, and she'll maybe actually stream a bit for like a week to satisfy doubters, but then promptly make up some excuse to fuck off again for another month or two.

>> No.26107466
File: 108 KB, 1428x1106, 1634983932189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lies as she breathes

>> No.26107568

>gura didn't stream for half of the year in 2022 or 2020
holobronies btfo

>> No.26107619

>lazy whore
>tongue my anus
>inveterate transvestite child rapists
All of these are correct, at once.

>> No.26107698

They should livestream their births so I can jerk off to them.

>> No.26107783

We get it, you both are Salome fans.

>> No.26107844

Gura is lazy. Could've told you that without all that data.

>> No.26108208

I think Gura has an issue with being talkative and interesting during her streams. Hence all the "gremlin noises" during her gameplays to fill up the dead air. If you guys remember, like almost a year ago or so, she once said that she has to take a break because she has nothing to talk about during her streams. I honestly think that is the main issue because sitting in front of a PC for 3 hours is not an issue for her.

>> No.26108218

It makes sense why she's reclining so much recently.

>> No.26108906

She should reach out to her chumbies and ask them questions you know bond with them. But she's not. I don't know if she's anti social but someone like her work when she's synched with her viewers get to know them and maybe she'll have things to share and discuss with them. The reason she's struggling at it is because this is just a job to her.

>> No.26109268

Is there any Holo that treats their fans with more contempt than Gura?

>> No.26109439

She loves to talk about the fun she has with members, although it probably sounds like taunting to grays like >>26109268

>> No.26109683
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