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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25909855 No.25909855 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>25870878

Today's streams

Memes with Sopa

Luna will play THE BACKROOMS 1998

Upcoming streams

Himea next streams:
Playing Lullaby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vr4UKLibciA
Q&A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x27ECRgpyGo
Playing GTA San Andreas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEy22y2zkk4
Free chat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Msg-oYMsUzY


Miu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_z0-X89fg
Lia: She's a free neko, schedules are for pussies.
Suzu: Impending graduation.
Sopa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8y6V-Dn5eg
Pal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW5a0Ggd_4I
Luña: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUJUEGEuaGE
Himari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaPHHAF1K1M
Yue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ8NdW1-0A8
Ito: Mostly Apex, free chat & karaoke (in the same stream)
Himea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJMCT4arC0w
Mireille: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLb-qZckVBA
Mimi: Coming soon!

More info about Wactor:

>> No.25910491 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 1440x789, pixelcanvas.io (1130,9925) 2022-06-11T00_32_22-05_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixelito donations are open this weekend



With Grid

Original res

>> No.25910558
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Pixelito donations are open this weekend



With Grid

Original res

>> No.25910647
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Almost done, gambare!

>> No.25910865

He was the beginning and she will be the end.

>> No.25911846

Stop uoooooing Lunita


>> No.25912504

A ver la concha luna

>> No.25914364
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>> No.25915223

Vote now!


>> No.25917195


>> No.25917249

Bath asmr

>> No.25917357

Psyop to paint gachis in a bad light.
No one except unicorns will answer 'no'

>> No.25917403
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Oh God!
But she can't do it in youtube

>> No.25917541

btw I always found it funny that the Japanese give bath salts as a prize in tournaments.

>> No.25918001


>> No.25918099

Jannies did their job and sent me to forced vacations after the catleya posting. It's good to be back, WACTOR anons.

>> No.25918713


>> No.25918845

Marrying yue

>> No.25918879

Morning thread.

>> No.25919841

Sopa en bili hablando de pantsu y 27cm antes de cantar, vengan a acompañarnos!

>> No.25919928

Pal's JOI

>> No.25921769
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>> No.25921958


>> No.25922502


>> No.25922600

1k watching her, not bad for supposedly being the least popular girl on bilibili

>> No.25924035


>> No.25924172

Empty thread, best thread.

>> No.25924197
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Morning anons

Remember to do your daily kneel to himenito

>> No.25924307


>> No.25924326

This just makes >us look like autists kek

>> No.25924471
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Seriously I don't get why they overreacted so bad.

>> No.25924521

Are we not? I mean look at the pixel thing

>> No.25924523

they are projecting kek

>> No.25924537

Latins don't care about gachikoi

>> No.25924712

nice joke bro, they are using that facade to look cool on this fake ass community ruled by that faggot woke mods and don't want to be pariahs, but on reality is really different.

>> No.25925640
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>> No.25926173

woke mods? I thought all pillow-biter woke fags got the rope long time ago

>> No.25926460

They did, beside becoming a pariah, nothing will happen to you if you speak your mind on twitter.

>> No.25926841
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>> No.25926925

I dont think bilibili shows ccv

>> No.25927059

i think it's really funny that by proxy all of them are insulting sopa too

>> No.25927204

hypocrisy at its maximum exponent

>> No.25927287


>> No.25927783

Don't worry, when these whores see their viewers go down whenever they collab with a male they will know to behave. Isn't that what it's happening to Nyanners after introducing her bf?

>> No.25927939

The evidence is clear, yesterday's Sopa stream had 1100 cvv, it dropped to 800 as soon as she started talking about wboys.

>> No.25928094

I don't think wboys affect only gachis, people are generally scared of change when they feel things are fine the way they are. And even casuals will be upset when they stop getting attention.

>> No.25928412

retards on twitter fail to understand that their fake act pretending to not care about that shit is helping to kill Wactor, people are watching Wactor cause muh HoloES experience.
if the go NijiEN people will abandont the boat, if people wanted that they just stay watching latam twitch whores.

>> No.25929189

sorry bros, but I've lived through this with nijiEN. Things will be different but try to have fun. Akira makes good choices with his talents and models. Trust him and just enjoy it.

>> No.25929266

and when I say lived through this, I mean I was there a week before lazulight debuted. The males came many months later. In those days the thread was the same as /here/, saying there will never be males. Then, there they were. Try to have fun

>> No.25930057

Yeah, /wactor/ will be a lot different once males debut. All gachikoiposting will be ridiculized out of existence.

>> No.25930153
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Cute leech.

>> No.25930691

I can't, bro...

>> No.25931138


>> No.25931442

oh my god...

>> No.25932309

apples and oranges

>> No.25933322

To the WACTOR yab NFT storage it goes!

>> No.25934232

Are they males? What kind of fag enjoy watching a couple flirting if is not a romance movie with your girl, or an romcom for the lonely one. Those voyeur shows of mixed groups for bachelorettes are a different audience.

>> No.25934436

instead of bitching here go and tell they.
anons talk big here but they fear saying that to these cucks

>> No.25934543

That’s what fans are at the core, even normal shows can divive their fandom just by broadcasting its second season with a different premise than the first one.

>> No.25935098

twitter trannies are pulling the mafumafu aproach to this Wboys shit when it's waaay diferent, could care less if some girl have a bf or gf since they keep it to themselfs, and if thats ifs leaked i could care less, they are humans after all, BUT the problem is the shit like nijitrash, seeing your oshi flirting with males is a big NOPE.
these fags don't even difference betwen the RM and the mona china thats what fans really care about and not the person behind.

>> No.25935507 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.25935676

aren't you fags overacting a bit don't you think? we don't know what kind of aproach Akira would apply to this shit, maybe even they could be bilibili exclusive for milking chink fujos

>> No.25935863

fuck off loyalcucktomo

>> No.25935919

>it was never announce on bilibili
>no bilibili sponsorship logo
>akira it's a trend hopper who wants an easy buck
i don't know anon

>> No.25936179

geez... instead of crying here go to twitter and politely complaint to Akira, even better if you translate your tweet to jap, if you don't make your point of view visible they will think that is a good idea since they only listen to their discuck faggots an twitter trannies, they don't know what the fans really think about this fiasco.

>> No.25936191

Main issue is the type of recruitment they are doing. You think is possible to get a well-adjusted streamer out of twitter, in the sole place where fans of your talents proliferate?

>> No.25936477

Care to explain this to them in that channel's poll or in that tweet?

>> No.25937289

who would think that Akira would backstab us with this trash, after we were the only ones that supported him against the feminazi witch and her minions.
why midget, why?
i'm legitimately disappointed and sad.

>> No.25937475
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>> No.25937686 [DELETED] 
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Even on Sacro they are not so ok with this retarded idea.

>> No.25937944

Someone post Lunita singing Puto from Molotov

>> No.25937999
File: 112 KB, 419x622, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2M of views on that short in 2 days
>22K subs on 2 days
impressiv- ah it's just TikTok, nevermind.

>> No.25938087

i don't have that, but here, have this instead

>> No.25938244

Sopita mimir

>> No.25938702

That one also make me laugh, thanks anon

>> No.25939545

Maybe deep inside we want them to fail so we can tell them "I told you"

>> No.25939582

Can >we have something like this? >>25937668

>> No.25939644

Ramp up those breeding miu

>> No.25939720

crawler anon doko?

>> No.25939757

nah, anons are groomers too and have face to lose if they say anything.

>> No.25939923



>> No.25940162

I kneel

>> No.25940289

Miles better that poli's memes

>> No.25940302

>1.200 viewers after the bullshit she pulled yesterday
yeah i know that are memes and shit but bros...

>> No.25940370

The power of the memes, at least those are better memes than putiglota's

>> No.25940824 [DELETED] 

Y terminó, hoy a la mañana ya estaba un poco mal su garganta y no pudo cantar como queria

>> No.25940831

Diego is a lucky bastard, she gave him deepthroat.

>> No.25940938

Critical info from today's stream:
Sopita se depila (las piernas)

>> No.25940945

Does she even try anymore? What a waste. Can't believe /here/ there are anons having this lazy and unmotivated woman as their oshi.

>> No.25940974

>She only watch like 5 memes and finished the stream...

I don't feel so good misobros..., the end is near..

>> No.25940979

I'm Diego btw

>> No.25941274

HUH?! 28 minutes of lazy, can't even meet the required 1 hour

>> No.25941348
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>> No.25941787

I bet it's just a excuse. It's most likely she must be annoyed after yesterday stream

>> No.25942092

Mizorrita la mas putita.

>> No.25942376
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They are desperate to virtue signal that they are not virgins. Like look at this dude, he has the gall to call someone else virgo while he has fucking shinobu as pfp.

>> No.25942540

they have no arguments so the just parrot retarded shit like , hurrr virgin, incel, pathetic pajero, etc..

>> No.25942545

I'm here, does anyone know what web app is this?

>> No.25942595

Which is pretty ironic because the market for vtubers is 99% lonely losers.

>> No.25942659

Himenito, you are a big virgin and thats the true, the chad pp only confirms that

>> No.25942790

can I marry pirañita?

>> No.25942890
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>> No.25942931



>> No.25943382


>> No.25943984 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.25944086

based lion of fertility

>> No.25944269

Luna playing THE BACKROOMS 1998


>> No.25944353

>tummy piraña

>> No.25944415

Better than Luna's outfit

>> No.25944518

Did your oshi sopa dissapoint you today?. Don't worry anymore, the true queen is here to save you and review quality memes unlike Sopa


>> No.25944527

Not exactly a high bar, to be honest.

>> No.25944717
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>> No.25944882

>the tears look like condoms
putiglota being a puta, what else is new

>> No.25945092

Her cunny must smell like a can of fresh sardines
certainly they look like condoms kekw

>> No.25945128

The head looks plastered on kek

>> No.25945302

it really looks bad...

>> No.25945393

this is the power of ARS funding

>> No.25945708
File: 99 KB, 1200x675, caida-memes-facebook-meta-instagram-whatsapp-twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this...?

>> No.25945949


Can't wait until stuff like this happens when WACTOR boys debuts. /vt/ sisters shall rejoice when Diego aka Ballena-chan aka Chococorade aka Varuntine Choco truly debuts and Misora does a similar jab. The schizo levels will be off the charts!! Omoshiroi!!

>> No.25945963


>> No.25946183


>> No.25946237

so many pauses

>> No.25946464

In case you got bored of Luna:
>>Clarita playing Gartic Phone
>>Yome mixing some music

>> No.25946590

>In case you got bored of Luna:
>here, breathe in some borinanide gas

>> No.25946760

>>Wife material.

>> No.25946835

Finna catch some Z's watching these charismaless shitters

>> No.25946970

>quiero ir al baño
she pissed herself...

>> No.25947247

>Heart rate at 110
I need to go to pee
>Avatar starts moving by itself in a weird way and chats starts to freak out
>Lunita see the comments saying her avatar was possessed meanwhile she was peeing
>Heart rate increases to 125

Lunita I love you. She's truly a ratita who believes any shit the chat says.

>> No.25947328

imagine her heart rate in lovemaking

>> No.25947362

her mom is watching the stream

>> No.25947374

that heart rate thing must be configurated really bad since she was relaxed speaking before starting and it was at 145.

>> No.25947444

I don't care about irl bfs, I just don't want spic groomers in.

>> No.25947626

I'm American but my Spanish isn't remotely good enough to understand what's going on. But this Luna girl is cute.

>> No.25947658

Lunita is a nervous person

>> No.25947695

now with the moster and shit all it's at 99

>> No.25947700

She is cute and funny!

>> No.25947702
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Ok here you go, from last thread.

>> No.25947752
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reps with me, I'm learning because of Sopita

>> No.25947863


>> No.25947866
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>> No.25948007


>> No.25948015

Fuck off Netto you already know spanish

>> No.25948057

Can you do it with all the threads?
And one for each month or every 2 weeks to see how the topics evolve.
Is this possible?

>> No.25948084


>> No.25948459

I wish, working on it, it's a beautiful language and the girls are pretty. I don't have yellow fever.

>> No.25948631

Just to be clear, I mean one using data from all /WACTOR/ threads, and multiple ones grouping the data by month or biweekly.

>> No.25949028

>We are getting noticed

>> No.25949126


>> No.25949206

that thread reeks of newfag

>> No.25949241

Mommy yandere witch

>> No.25949380


>> No.25949530

I understand. I think I can work on it later tonight on stream.

>> No.25950885

Thank (You) for your work.

>> No.25950962

Eh, it's not really that much work, I think it could be fun.

>> No.25951543

Really slow thread today. Don't tell all you guys are out there socializing and shit lol

>> No.25951706

>t. Newfag
Thread is always dead on weekends, and was specially dead on valentines. KEK.

>> No.25951788

i can confirm, i was here.

>> No.25953335

>Lunita telling creeps sending SC to her to fuck off

She's so based. Also fuck off carete.

>> No.25953405

Sopa mejorando, mañana stream en bili

>> No.25954179

Nateyo published akami fanart. Akami ignores.....Seems like nateyo maybe isnt the bad guy

>> No.25954390
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Checking the archive.... it was fun hahaha

>> No.25954403


>> No.25954446

the dude is being fucking annoying lately

>> No.25954520

>Sopa mejorando
Do you know that the only reason why she stream on bilibili is Netto, right?

>> No.25954575

stop it faggot that nigga really lives rent free in your head

>> No.25954599

I'm Netto btw

>> No.25954603
File: 133 KB, 594x608, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it. I managed to divert the discussion about wactorboys by hoarding 85% of the comments.

>> No.25954656

They all look like ikes....Oh no...Where are the shota? The twinks???? WE NEED TO STOP THE SHIPS

>> No.25954668


>> No.25954743

I would actually like to have a shota avatar tbqh

>> No.25954747

seethe, that guy is Mizorra's favorite sex toy

>> No.25954750

Middle one looks good for a 35yo gentleman.

>> No.25954803


>> No.25954846

This is so tiresome.
A fine English gentleman could be fun.

>> No.25954961

thats the argie-jap girl who makes the holoen translations

>> No.25955017


>> No.25955070

Apex, no ty.

>> No.25955098
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>> No.25955101

I followed akami on twitter just to wait for her to retweet nateyo......Come on Akami...Dont let us Nateyo lovers down..

>> No.25955291

>Bad players
>Complaints a lot
Last collab with Pochi was unwatchable due to Laila attitude

>> No.25955388

The traitor trifecta.....

>> No.25955420


>> No.25955426

the sperg out in the Pico Park collab was worse

>> No.25955475

>All png tubers

>> No.25955905


>> No.25956227

is this The Discord everyone talks about?

>> No.25956252


>> No.25956345



>> No.25956616

they told me she looks like a potato, how come an argie-jap mix is not some S-tier model?

>> No.25957007

Stupid Akira.

>> No.25957116

ok akagiks

>> No.25957155

Backstabbed by Akira...

>> No.25957449


>> No.25957491

Rent free.

>> No.25957671
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/Wactor/ in the frontpage!

>> No.25957881


>> No.25958288

Anons What are you doing now? Pulling the goose? Or seeing any fees?

>> No.25958295

I remember when they were saying Luna was Kyoresu

>> No.25958664

Who sings better?

>> No.25958767

Fuck off new fag

>> No.25958820

>Do I fit in yet guys?

>> No.25958902

Fapping to la mas bonita 3d.

>> No.25959120

watching karuna

>> No.25959176

>Akira makes good choices
Nice one anon

>> No.25959339

>Go to twitter and complain to Akira
>Be ignored by him as he ignored Laila and others
Good plan anon, you are genius

>> No.25959402

He's very responsive to insults.
Shit on Lia and he'll reply.

>> No.25959406

Akiras brain burnt out after so many lia blowjobs
We hope you undrstand

>> No.25959575

Why post about it now? Is another purge coming?

>> No.25959841

Based on previous threads, apparently the discord has less activity than /here/ lately

>> No.25959926

So finally Akira admits that the server is dead without the misopitas.

>> No.25960197

As a discorfag i can confirm, all channels are fucking dead even hinas. Lunas channel is the only one active and even that channel is dead at some hours
Oh, and the idiots spamming roses in rose chat

>> No.25960219

>It's a community that was built by us to prevent disorganization, but we leave it to the autonomy of the fans.
I let others do my job cause I ain't professional nor want to pay to professionals.
>We have appointed several moderators from long-time WACTOR fans to manage it.
I gave power to potential groomers cause I don't care abou comunity or the talent well-being.
>Enjoy it please!
Fuck you

>> No.25960246

>Akira wants more activity in the server
>Most active users has been banned from the server
Real state if kek

>> No.25960265


>> No.25960309

We'll see if she can redeem herself fro being stupid.

>> No.25960504

It should be pretty obvious to anyone /here/ why the Discord is inactive lately.

You can speak /here/ freely and have fun with people here however you want, unlike the server, which feels like a prison.

It was always a bad idea to give some fans power and benefits over other fans, and I don't think Akira cares either. He just wants obedient little paypigs to take it in the ass while he and the mods get to do as they please. Fuck that.

>> No.25960551
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>> No.25960601

Pretty neat.

>> No.25961079

If Akira wants really an active server then must remove firstly to Loyalcucktomo of him position.

>> No.25961616

the stream is dead she can't even start one now
all this shit made me a hater

>> No.25961745

Jimena, Take 2

>> No.25961779

Same for me.
That faggot has "IT support" on his description, I have never seen him solve any problems or help the girls with configuration or connectivity issues.

>> No.25961811

Himea is a joke, waste of a model.

>> No.25962001

>I have never seen him solve any problems or help the girls with configuration or connectivity issues
IIRC, he did in their private servers.

>> No.25962381

What would that change? He seems kinda OK and the server is no longer that groomer shitfest that was when meidofag and that akagiks cunt was there (not openly at least), replacing him poses a greater risk than keeping him

>> No.25962672

>pirañita in the chat

>> No.25963038

Fuck off, incel.

>> No.25963405

>Defending Himea
>Calling others incel
Kek, your new is showing, anon.

>> No.25963616

Gn thread.

>> No.25964097

Thanks Himea for making my lonely saturday night better

>> No.25965802

sweet dreams, anons

>> No.25966278

>Himea saying she can only afford a gtx 1030
holy shit man

>> No.25966936


>> No.25968518

what's the point of charla libre? what's the point of himea's charla libre? what the fuck is going on with this membrillo shit

>> No.25968761

I want to fill Himea with my crema if you know what I mean.

>> No.25970281


>> No.25973345
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>> No.25974271

In your dreams Netto/Akagiks/Faka/Meidofag

>> No.25974303

Morning anons!!

>> No.25975651


>> No.25976037

>la valía de Lia
>previamente de Hina

>> No.25976677

Only for me to enjoy

>> No.25978017
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>> No.25978102

Hahahaha so relatable hahahaha is like my childhood hahahaha

>> No.25978783

Sopa bili

>> No.25979402

Nate Yo!

>> No.25980033

wactorfightz when?

>> No.25980991
File: 249 KB, 1440x789, goal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pixelbros, just so you know this is the plan, to let it end the same way it started, and personally I love the fact that it ends right before that pepefrog pixelart

>> No.25981005

I want to show love to Nateyo again, any idea, Stinky?

>> No.25981216


>> No.25981233

I was thinking about making a clip channel.
How the fuck do you all know exactly when I'm browsing the thread?

>> No.25981351

Remember: You are /here/ forever

>> No.25981411
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is this who i think it is on the right?

>> No.25981500

____(you)____ ????

>> No.25981799

Yeah, kek

>> No.25982190

I'm not well versed about groomer lore. Who is this? Is it the clipper who was pretendind to be a girl?

>> No.25982255


>> No.25982582

get1030 is currently at 245 usd in Argentina.
Assuming she gets 30% of what people donates to her after WACTOR + YouTube + Argie insane taxes, she'll need to receive 817 usd in superchats to afford it. or around 100 ARS akasupas

>> No.25982724

in mercadolibre its like half of that price

>> No.25982821

I just saw it and it's 30k ARS or 245 usd at the official exchange rate, which is the only way she will be able to get those dollars in the country.

>> No.25982930

Meant for
Some context, when you get dollars sent, the government keeps the usd and gives you only ARS at the official rate, which is a lot less of what you would get at market rate.

>> No.25982932

Its that good or bad ?

>> No.25983191

Guys Ito is gonna play resident evil is she the only one who can play heavy games ?

>> No.25983263

did akira finally get those permissions?

>> No.25983388

It looks like it and I'm starting to believe that you can actually get better games but the girls don't have the pc

>> No.25983389

WTF we have a Nico cultist within us? Or maybe the faggot is /here/ and may be a jannie as some anon thought long ago

>> No.25983395

My bet is just Ito saying fuck it, why would Luna not play RE if they have perms.

>> No.25983440

luna tried to play resident evil 7 but had to delete the stream because of perms

>> No.25983516

Everybody is /here/, There are some things you can only know if you read /here/ and it is easy to know who when they spread rrats that we know we created.

>> No.25983612

lol no, just fags who didnt know why they were getting warned/banned (probably for speaking in spanish) and ended up blaming wactor mods.

>> No.25983854

No actually the theory comes from how they were so quick to notice sticky videos, since they banned from discord everyone who commented on the video chat minutes after it was released, it was obvious they saw the video reported it and banned everyone.

Also the ex mods acknowledged to look for that kind of stuff.

>> No.25983900

Im talking about them being jannies here, let alone mods. I know they lurk and even posted in the past

>> No.25984046

She explained that the licenses are divided by region so not everyone can play the same game.

>> No.25984201
File: 354 KB, 1638x2048, ameruuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25984205

That and also Lunita tried to play it 8 months ago, maybe Akira finally moved his ass and got the permissions.

>> No.25984262

Why not just create all the accs in one region then. Would that work?

>> No.25984308

but himea is the only latinx

>> No.25984411


>> No.25985900
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Miu schedule: Quiet week

>> No.25985981


>> No.25986249


>> No.25986319

Alcoholic Panchita...

>> No.25986380

So that's why she talks like that...

>> No.25986448

Lunita should play some of the MGS games, it would be fun to see the ratita rage at the controls and not understand the story.

>> No.25987672

No permits, we hope you understand

>> No.25987707

Ito and Himea in the comments

>> No.25987785

Himea doko

>> No.25988484

it's not like this, YT vids are visualized globally, so the need the perms for every single region, meaning you need perms for asia, europe, south/north america, oceania, africa, etc.. yeah jap companies are turbo autists on this shit.

>> No.25988649

so everyone can play them now?

>> No.25988982

What about MGR?

>Idol dreams broken
>Containment was broken
>Purged my roomate from the internet

>I don't know the season
>Or what is the reason
>I maintain a seiso keyfabe

>WACTOR's a disgrace
>/here/ was a mistake
>It's only the numbers I feel

>Anons I spite
>pixeling all night
>The only thing I know for real

...and I ran out of autism

>> No.25989135

dunno i'm not Akira, i don't know on what conditions they gave the perms, also remember that those shit have time, maybe they only gave perms for a week or month.

>> No.25989249

Im waiting for nateyo to be back. It seems shell be back soon. Does anyone know if its only covid stopping her?

>> No.25989939

Nateyo LOVE

>> No.25990051

Lunita la más manolita y la más enamoradita https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjazR5SO7ZI

>> No.25990242


>> No.25991273

So in the end WACTOR is full of menhera and addicted girls, huh? Only Miu, Lunita Himari are wife material.

>> No.25991588

actually you can Yue, and Fantasmita and Babu

>> No.25991694

>Conejo a la cerveza , buen platillo

>> No.25991716
File: 6 KB, 406x166, Capture .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only real genders
umm.. Based?

>> No.25991846


>> No.25991853


>> No.25992007

>Akira knows about Mtf

>> No.25992287

Akira is trans btw

>> No.25992614


>> No.25992781

Holy fuck, I love Akira now.

>> No.25993171

None of the namefags can get in...

>> No.25993323

what the fuck anon that's exactly what I said

>> No.25994003
File: 148 KB, 587x1228, 1653624218205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's streams

Memes with Sopa

Mireille collab w/ Ito playing Genshin

Miu watching her memes

>> No.25994354

Sopa memes now


>> No.25994612

Boringgggg i do not waste time in whores and memes fr

>> No.25994861


>> No.25995150

Nateyo finished the akami fanart..the social experiment begins anons!!! Who is bad..Nateyo, or is akami?

>> No.25995351

>Not even 2k yet with memes
oh no no no no miscuckpitabross not like this

>> No.25995373

la pirañita talks to literally everyone. Is she not responding to Nateyo? Maybe Natamo is the most direct competitor to Amai and that's the reason

>> No.25995509
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>> No.25995599

She likes em big.
I bet at best she can take it only halfway in

>> No.25995771
File: 127 KB, 582x767, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nateyo, she is pretending to be in good terms with amai, but she backstabbed them hard.

>> No.25996121

They shat on her repeatedly. Remember the agency-wide collabs where she got completely ignored.

>> No.25996318

Give more context (Nateyo) I never watched a stream

>> No.25996350

They should have rough lesbian sex.

>> No.25996371

I dont think so, she seems to be a big fan and still likes and comments in a few. She even coments on akami's chat sometimes..just to never be noticed. Akami's reply really speaks for itself. If Nateyo drew her..I dont think she hates Akami..But if Akami just comented a cold gracias..Im not sure..suspicious of her

>> No.25996408

I feel like Amai didnt approach nateyo enough. They had potential yet gave her the ugliest model, ignored her, and probably forced her to play the character..She felt sad

>> No.25996415

It's just that she felt sticking like a sore thumb when doing those "big" collabs, you can go ahead and watch on of them. The argies will mostly talk among themselves while Eri was almost forcing herself into the conversation.

>> No.25996425



>> No.25996454

That collab felt so sad. She tried so hard...She even started learning about argentine. In a collab with Tsukohara she mentiones "My argie friends.." so i think Nateyo still likes them.

>> No.25996498

I like Nateyo, she is the only one who understood the autism needed for the pixels.

>> No.25996541

Nateyo maybe an idiot. But she seems like a delicate kind person. I like her.. She looks like a hard worker.

>> No.25996589
File: 613 KB, 811x1447, 8C75476A-FA2D-4377-9184-95AEB23B045A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Nateyo! I know I made you and Asari quit so I could get all the budget and viewers! But the art is fine ig! Thanks Nateyo!!!

>> No.25996635

Based pirañita. She is a miutomo so I like her.

>> No.25997114

Final message: MIZORRITA HATE

>> No.25997543

final message
anons LOVE
all girls LOVE
AkiraxLia LOVE
