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25939699 No.25939699 [Reply] [Original]

She miss her friend, the bridge isn't burn but it's not the same

>> No.25939756

Opinion discarded no one cares

>> No.25940738

>the bridge isn't burn
Why come?

>> No.25942772

You reap what you sow. Sucks, but that's the way it is.

>> No.25942933
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>gets mad at her for “taking her spot” and goes menhara
>Fauna mends the friendship but knows Shadow wanted in
>Tries to get her hired via Nepotism
>Shondo declines…
Yeah I would slowly distance myself from shondo too, she can’t be satisfied unless Fauna drops everything and goes back to being a indie with her

>> No.25943352

shut up towafrog

>> No.25943535

She only has herself to blame and she knows it. That's why she tries to push the blame off onto everyone else. A true narcissist.

>> No.25943544

her friend is more talented than her

>> No.25943689

>two Shondo bait threads at once
Damn, obsessed

>> No.25943735

At what, sucking dick?

>> No.25943777

That's saying a lot considering Fauna is boring and can't sing for shit.

>> No.25943789

last time I checked, a friend doesn't seethe with anger and jealousy when their friend moved up in their career. I'm glad that friend is setting boundaries.

>> No.25943809

Ohh Shadow and Fauna are friends? That would explain the weird creepy vibes I get from Fauna.

>> No.25943864

Reminder that LL groomed Shondo when she was 16

>> No.25943904
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>> No.25943987

Fauna did the right thing by ditching her.

>> No.25943989

I don't need to know this. I'll never be able to watch Fauna the same again

>> No.25944141


>> No.25944212

that explains everything

>> No.25944270
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They've made up but I don't think they were truly 'close' friends.

>> No.25944497

Poor shondo. It's a doggy dog world out there

>> No.25944502

Quite literally untrue, anyone who was around then, you couldn’t have one without the other. Attached at the hip. Fauna went out of her way and tried incredibly hard to be Shadow’s friend, bear in mind she was a 100 subscriber at the time and Shadow was a 50k+. Whether she really wanted to be Shadow’s friend is always a mystery. But she definitely got there and then switched to Holo once the schizo Shadow got very attached to her to the point of needing her. And clearly Shadow still misses her.

>> No.25944564

shondo is right

>> No.25944668

everything will be fine if Shondo joins EN3

>> No.25944702

Shadow knows what to do then. Join hololive and then hope she can pull off what Kiara did.

>> No.25944709

she declined lmao

>> No.25944749

Hang yourself, frog spamming /v/ immigrant.

>> No.25944859

She doesn’t want in, she’s too big a fangirl and has spent tens of thousands on art of her model she loves it so much. Nothing would make her give it up, she’s made that clear.

>> No.25944907


>> No.25945021

EN3 will be a bunch of whores who hate streaming and don’t stream. Nobody talented will join, and especially nobody talented who loves Hololive

>> No.25945601

She'll just have to be the Suisei of EN then

>> No.25945821

Won’t happen now. That only could because of the time. No way they even give EN control of their models.

>> No.25946222

I wonder if shondo ever masturbated to her or if they ever exchanged nudes or had cybersex.

>> No.25946457

Shondo reluctantly provided since she's asexual but still wanted to make Fauna happy. Fauna then mysteriously stopped asking for content as soon as Shondo turned 18

>> No.25946477

Shondo please get into EN3

>> No.25946479
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just accept the invitation you stupid girls you will be able to
- go crazy for lolis without being cancelled
- have money to support your whole family
- finally be part of an actual unity
- be able to still do gfe and ignore males
you will only lose 400 viewers and a model the exchange is so fucking worth it, just give one ''wink wink'' graduation and even these 400 guys will know where you are going

>> No.25946509

Bridge isn't not burn, but fire hot and ash soon for to piss on.

>> No.25946582

All of this but she already supports her whole family, doesn’t get cancelled for loli even though she’s incredibly open about it and she would sooner die than part with her viewers or model. She said today whilst barely able to talk she was so drunk that she was here forever, and even though she knew nobody else would be there that long she always will be.

>> No.25946615

>I'll never be able to watch Fauna the same again
It's not like she can get any more boring.

>> No.25952730


>> No.25955994
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>Knowing that we'll be able to think back to this moment with bittersweet nostalgia in a few years, despite it being true now, because the heart is a muscle that tires

>> No.25956973

Shondo has her problems but she is a caring person, anyone attacking her in any way is just a shit person

>> No.25957947

You have to understand nothing about this entire chain of events is "unreasonable" besides their refusal to get over the situation after some time, if they still haven't.
It's normal only one of them got hired (seriously what are the odds)
It's normal the one who didn't get hired got jealous of the one who did
It's normal for the one who did get hired to feel bad about the situation and offer to do what they could to get their friend in
It's normal for the one who didn't get hired to refuse out of pride, because regardless of their actual merits you don't want to be "the one who got in with help" when your friend got in on their own

So yeah, no one's perfect, and bad situations happen. I don't think less of either of them for it.

>> No.25958104

There is so much unironical headcanon in this post

>> No.25958162

What they need to do is realize they're actors in a greek fucking play, anybody dealt the same cards in their place would've reacted the same, and it's silly to entertain even the possibility of ill will from either side seeing as they were both pure victims of circumstance.

>> No.25958238

I'm not saying they did feel that way cause I don't even know what this drama is about but it's about the only possible interpretation of events I could see leading to friction between the two and it's a stupid reason cause it all sounds pretty normal and human.

>> No.25958281

Use punctuation much, fucking nigger?

>> No.25958304

Love Shondo
Love Fauna
Love Shondo
Love Shondo
Hate Antis
Simple as

>> No.25958612

Shondo would hate Hololive and would be a terrible fit as well. She's a litteral shut-in that hasn't gone outside the house in over a year.

>> No.25958884

>doggy dog world
Is it ESL hours already

>> No.25959101

For all intensive purposes, he's right. It may be a blessing in the skies but nimrods like you are a diamond dozen.

>> No.25959944

>schizo whore "missing" her "friend" according to the voice in her head
Just stay away from Fauna ok?

>> No.25960669

>you will never be a teenager again
>fauna will never groom you

>> No.25961218

She's only saying that because she can't get in.
Her voice is way too niche for Holo

>> No.25961556

Learn English, Rajesh

>> No.25961747

>not understanding the joke

>> No.25965748

there's no joke

>> No.25968782


>> No.25970365

I thought they made up?

>> No.25970578

Apparently it's newfag tourist hours

>> No.25971865
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>Steamy forbidden love.
>Destroyed by one of them getting into the place they promised they'd join together.
>One of them still misses the other.
It's like all my Mongolian Pictographs.....

>> No.25972137

>grooms a mentally ill girls
>then throw her away
>then ghost her
Fauna is a whore, Baez still openly acknowledge Miori Celesta, Moonjelly and Lily and support their content.
Thats the difference between a nice person and an egocentric cunt

>> No.25972299

Nah. I think Yagoo already learned a lesson. The contract would be more restrictive. And I suspect they will go either Salami route or just debut three.

>> No.25975235

>It's normal only one of them got hired (seriously what are the odds)
Meanwhile in NijiEN land...

>> No.25975352

what's with all the fauna roomie posting right now?

>> No.25975474

She's making new friends lately and its been great to see

>> No.25975645

Shadow got really, and I mean really drunk last night, started talking about how everything is temporary and everyone's going to leave her, specifically mentioned missing a friend who she can still talk to but isn't the same person anymore, and how much she misses that friend. She then went on to call several of her new close friends and tell them how much she loves them.
As for why people post about it here, Shadow seems to have a small very dedicated group of people that comb through everything she does and attempt to connect it to some sort of drama because she is the least dramapilled vtuber outside of Hololive, and because of that one thing that happened a year ago. That's it. Shadow makes a tweet, some schizo makes a thread about it. Shadow talks about her friends in streams, someone makes a thread about it. I'd say it's sad but I'm glad my imouto wife is loved by the schizos so much.

>> No.25975956

They did, but schizos want to milk the issue.

>> No.25976226
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>everything is temporary and everyone's going to leave her
This is true though. Shondo seems mature for her age. When I lost my father around a year ago, I was obviously very sad, but because I've had people die and/or abandon me before, I was better able to cope than my siblings, who are unaccustomed to this kind of loss. It's just part of growing up. You do lose a bit of that childlike optimism and the process can be a painful experience, but it's better in the long run. The trick is to appreciate what you have in the now and try to roll with the punches as they come.

>> No.25976400

so that explain the anti-fauna autist, its probably shondo or another unicornfag

>> No.25976744

if anything it's Fauna being the bitchy one.

>> No.25978006
File: 109 KB, 850x1293, __fallenshadow_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_shiwa_siwaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mature and very wise in some ways, but extremely naïve in others, unironically needs protecting. She seems to have made great friends lately who can take care of her a little, like Nina specifically, who last night was basically acting like a mother when she found out Shadow was drunk which is unironically what she needs. I just hope she can be happy some day.
Shadow is the least likely person to be anyones anti schizo, she is loving. She even had Fauna's song in her music playlist and when it just randomly came on during a stream you could see how happy listening to it made her. Stop being delusional. Not everyone is out to get your oshi, in fact some people love them more than you ever could.

>> No.25978208

yep, each talent can only have 1 anti or schizo at once. the competition for that slot is fierce as fuck.

>> No.25978347

well they made up but they don't have the same relationship anymore regardless. shondo was drunk out of her mind yesterday and talked about how much she misses her still.

>> No.25978376

I laughed

>> No.25978534

So fauna really is the Griffith of holo EN.

>> No.25978616

>She's mature and very wise in some ways, but extremely naïve in others, unironically needs protecting. She seems to have made great friends lately who can take care of her a little, like Nina specifically, who last night was basically acting like a mother when she found out Shadow was drunk which is unironically what she needs. I just hope she can be happy some day.
This makes it extremely frustrating to have her as an oshi imo. I just have this really strong urge to talk to her, protect her and help her - but obviously there's the divide between viewers and talent that can't or at least shouldn't be crossed. All I can do is show up in chat, get my hello, drop a few silly one-liners throughout the stream hoping she'll laugh at them and then thank her for the stream. It's unironically painful, lol. I feel like I should stop watching because I'm gonna menhera out hard one day.

>> No.25978901

Thread theme...

>> No.25979032
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>Not posting the superior version.

>> No.25979071

Fauna didn't really betrayed Shondo, she just "throwed her" away from herself.
Shondo moved on but still hurts her because she cared

>> No.25979077

Source: the voices in your head

>> No.25979171

Damn the girl part fits perfectly for Fauna....
Also im starting to feel bad for doing the same thing to a well mannered friend that turned into a twitch meme spouting retard. Yeah nvm...

>> No.25979246
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>bad fit for Hololive
>because she's a shut-in

>> No.25979251

Yeah but neither of those are hard lolis.
Like gura is a 1000 year old shark and doesn't talk like a complete baby and do GFE, ASMR, etc.

>> No.25979368

I don't think anyone is really at fault in this situation. It seems Fauna is maybe a colder person and had a different idea of their relationship than Shadow did. Shadow's a very clingy person who had trouble making friends and probably really needed one when Fauna came along. Fauna probably cared about her but maybe not to the extent Shadow did. It was easy for Fauna to move on to something better but to Shadow losing a friend caused a great load of pain.
Maybe Fauna was too cold, to just drop her PL friends as soon as she made it big, but we don't really know all of the details. We do know Shadow isn't the only one that feels this way, her other previously close friend and third member of their trio was also terminally online is radioactive hag Vivi, who also tweets often about missing old times and old friends, and was the first person Shadow called when drunk because Vivi is "always there and always has been". She's reliable for Shadow because they went through the same thing, even though I suppose the much older Vivi is handling it better.
When the infamous tweet series was made Shadow has said multiple times a friend encouraged her to talk about her feelings and I wouldn't be surprised if that was Vivi. I bet she was feeling hurt too.
It's a shitty situation for everyone but Fauna, but I hope all of them can find happiness. I think Fauna being incredibly well adjusted and likely seeing all of this as just business and the others genuinely thinking she was a close friend is probably the divide here. To Shadow Fauna approaching her likely seemed like she just wanted to be her friend, especially since she was a child at the time. To Fauna Shadow was an easy target to leech on because she was big and Fauna wasn't, and then once she had an opportunity to move on she could do that. She likely should've been more clear they weren't close friends, because the others seemed to think they were from what I can figure.

>> No.25979464

They dont get the charm in cover turning a shut-in into a idol. They dont get the rush of emotion seeing your shut-in oshi sing on stage and dance for her fans. They just dont get it... Shondo is a perfect candidate for hololive.

>> No.25979488

Meanwhile in anothet Council turf

>> No.25979505

Is there any proof fauna straight up ghosted them and went radio silent?
She very well could have said I auditioned for Holo and got in, and perhaps the others were taken aback.
Regardless all we know is how 2 members of the trio feel. It sucks they feel that way, but we don't know the whole situation. I like to think Fauna broke it respectfully to them. As another anon said it's totally reasonable that they might have been a bit jealous.

>> No.25979518

>I don't think anyone is really at fault in this situation.
Shadow failed to recognize a leech and then got too attached. That's literally all there is to it.

>> No.25979540

I unironically believe she would be huge in Hololive. Maybe not Gura killer but certainly close. Gura would adore her, ENs and JPs would love her to pieces, and Kobo recently has proved that there's a market for baby voice. They have a similar voice.

>> No.25979580

She did ghosted shadow and vivi for some time, just recently they got to mend up but for fauna it really was just business

>> No.25979653

Baez better ask mio to mix her anniversary original song

>> No.25979691

Alright now lets compare Shondo to Milkyqueen and how they handled their friend getting in and not them. Both felt some sort of jealousy but only one of them went menhara because their "friend" got in and not them.

>> No.25979847

Milkyqueen had it way worse too. If she hadn't introduced Mori to Holo she may had gotten in herself. It would be a far better timeline.

>> No.25979872

You can't compare them because Mori did not ghost milky, did not stop talking with her and did a collab too
Did she even auditioned?
>well she was jealous though. Must have been
your headcanon bro

>> No.25979880

Oh man that is kinda shitty.
So it seems like she really did just work with them completely for business? I thought she was a fan of shondo? And she seems like she's legitimately friends with her current gen mates and the other en girls. To be fair though I've hung out with old coworkers outside of work and then when I left I didn't really say much of anything to them, just the way it goes.

>> No.25979917

No proof per say but it's obvious there was little communication given how long it took for the situation to clear up. It was months later, towards the end of last year, that Shadow made a tweet on her alt about "communication :D" and then drew fan art of Fauna, membered her ETC, so it's obvious that's when they talked it out. Since then Shadow has been speaking to her, unsure about Vivi. Picrel is her discord which she accidentally showed on stream about two weeks ago, you can see they've been talking.
But Shadow has said a few times it doesn't feel like speaking with the same person anymore. Fauna has proven it's all basically just business to her, even if she has some lingering attachment to Shadow it's likely not close to how Shadow feels.

There is still absolutely zero evidence pointing towards Shadow applying. She tells chat basically everything going on in her life, she can't even keep shit like songs and art commissions secret. For this to be the case you would have to assume Shadow is some seething 2view mad that her friends are doing well, when she's proven time and time again how much she loves her friends and wants them to be successful. She's one of the most unity indies I've ever seen. She adores Hololive, and also she is actually truly schizo. The tweets weren't out of jealousy, they were out of genuine feelings of betrayal. Shadow and Fauna fell out months before that and Shadow was likely harbouring these feelings and then her debuting under council was likely the cherry on the cake, cementing her feelings that she had been used all along.
The difference in the two situations is also that LL is 7 years older than Shadow, and they became friends when Shadow was underraged. At the time that LL desperately tried to become Shadow's friend, Shadow had 50k+ subscribers and LL had under 100. It's not difficult to figure out why she might have tried so hard to be Shadow's friend, when she was an easy target, young, naive and had none.
All of this is just headcanon, if you know a single thing about Shadow the "she was jealous!" fantasy makes no sense whatsoever. There is feelings other than jealousy.

>> No.25979957 [DELETED] 
File: 747 KB, 1117x643, shondodiscord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel lol

>> No.25979961

Can she rap?
The japs love the rapping gaijin. She's playing big concerts and selling tons of albums under universal. She might be an alcoholic yab machine but her success can not be debated.

>> No.25980036

Milky literally wanted mori to get in.

>> No.25980079

>discord messages
If they ain’t talking it on on phone or hanging out irl it means nothing. Lying and faking it is so much easier via text

>> No.25980101

I mean I think anyone would be jealous in that situation, but it's not necessarily something anyone would say directly. Didn't she have a dream about beating the shit out of Gura right after a Fauna Gura collab?
Sounds like jealousy to me.

>> No.25980110

You didn't groomed your coworkers like fauna did with shadow i ber

>> No.25980158

they'd have no reason to talk at all if they still hated each other. it's not like they have any obligations to each other. stop trying to twist things around to keep the retarded rrat alive you dumb fuck lol

>> No.25980208

Is there any proof she actually """"groomed"""" her? What does that even mean.
Did Fauna know she was 16?
We know Fauna loves lolis she just could have been a big fan and asked to work together.

>> No.25980239

>hanging out
OK boomer

>> No.25980262

She was a fan of Shondo, the whole reason she started making ASMR videos is because a certain someone showed her Shadow's stuff and she decided to do it too. It's not a stretch to say she wouldn't be in Hololive if it weren't for Shadow, for she never would've started making content in the first place.
She was a huge fan of her, tried really hard to be her friend, I remember they were barely interacting and Fauna was drawing her a ton of art and stuff. Shadow was very closed off at the time and had 0 visible friends, so it makes sense that with a little persistence and their age difference and Shadow's naivete it wasn't too hard for Fauna to get close to her and Shadow being the supportive friend she is spammed the shit out of promoting her content and eventually LL made it big too.
They also weren't co-workers, they were just content creators. Fauna wanted to be Shadow's friend and got close to her. Eventually Shadow reciprocated. Fauna got big. Fauna and Shadow had a big fallout over nothing, their friends were schizos and drove them further apart. Shadow started reflecting on their friendship and likely started feeling hurt and used and then Fauna was revealed to be in council.

>> No.25980270

Grooming is a meme word with no meaning whatsoever. She used her to get popular.

>> No.25980294

Fauna knew shondo was underage back in the day she had less than 1k subs, she did tried to get as close as possible to shadow for clout.
But again, just business for the sake of it, no hard feelings whatsoever.
Just that Fauna is likely behind the scene one of the shittiest hololive members

>> No.25980357

Sorry anon, you have autism, and it's terminal.

>> No.25980408

She tried really hard to be Shadow's friend, potentially used Shadow to get popular. Whether she just really idolized Shadow and wanted to be close to her as a friend or really was just a leech, is a mystery. Nobody will ever truly know except Fauna whether she actually cares/cared for Shadow or just wanted to use her for clout.
Shadow talked about her age very frequently and Fauna was a big fan of Shadow. Shadow was 14 when she started making ASMR and would say her age often because lots of people wanted her to do NSFW etc, she would shut them down with this. By the time they got talking Shadow was 15-16.
It is sort of interesting she has done the same thing again though, which is why I lean towards her actually being a leech. Everything is the same in Fauna's friendship with Gura except Gura isn't underage. Become big fan of large content creator, start making the same type of content as them, befriend them, get close to them, collab/talk with them for clout. It's the exact same situation. Really, really weird. She beelined straight for Gura the exact same way she beelined for Shadow back in the day.

>> No.25980446 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>a certain someone?

>> No.25980499

It's actually real weird to think about, hello girlfriend, here's an underage ASMR girl making yandere loli imouto RP. You should do that. Ok boyfriend!

>> No.25980553
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>> No.25980571

This is further proof that I don't think he's real

>> No.25980627

Something's odd about the way some of the poster(s) are framing it
>they've been talking
>Fauna has proven it's all basically just business to her
>even if she has some lingering attachment to Shadow
which feels a lot like trying to lampshade hang a logical inconsistency
who starts by saying
>i don't think anyone is really at fault
and then goes
>Fauna was too cold
and the same phrasing about "just business" and even the
>Fauna probably cared
>but not to the same extent
>just business
same lampshade hanging and framing
and then
>But again, just business for the sake of it, no hard feelings whatsoever.
>Just that Fauna is likely behind the scene one of the shittiest hololive members
same framing.
I dunno. I'm getting weird vibes reading these posts. I don't get the point of trying to dreg up drama that both parties have seemed to put to rest, either.

>> No.25980632

How old is shondo now? I can't believe she started when she was 14 making ASMR, honestly I think that's horribly inappropriate.

>> No.25980639

She went for the most naive, easily influenced big content creator she could find and then ghosted her the moment she could no longer get views off of her. Its clear as daylight she was leeching. The other holos didn't suddenly drop and ghost their pre hololive friends.

>> No.25980744

She's either 19 or 20. Started way back in 2016. She was a fullon hikkineet and dropped out of school when she was about 12 so I guess she needed a way to pay the bills. I'm glad she seems to be successful with vtubing now.

>> No.25980761

No one ask you to anti fauna bro.
she is a cold person and unlike someone like Mori and Bae she completly cut contacts with her older circle as they are not "usefull" anymore to her, will do the same with Hololive given a better chance in the future

>> No.25980762

If they're still communicating, how are they ghosted? They got into a fight months before debut, and then resolved it months after, and now communicate again.

>> No.25980892

Ok this makes sense.
Maybe Fauna presented she was in. A fight ensued followed by radio silence. Then they made up.
No grooming, and 16 to 23 isn't the biggest age gap for friends, still weird. I mean in my state they could legally be lovers.

>> No.25980893

You can point out someone is a cold person and also not think they are to blame. Fauna objectively was cold in this situation. Literally look at her actions.
They were the actions of someone cold who wanted to move up the ladder. That's just business. She's not at fault for doing that.
She is however at fault in my personal opinion for choosing an underaged mentally ill girl desperate for friends to target to leech on. Gura, fair enough, everyone wants to leech on Gura, they're around the same age and Gura has lots of friends. It's all about context.

>> No.25980938

I wouldn't really say they communicate or are friends again, they are not in conflict and going separate ways thats all it is.
Shondo follows fauna and support her but i am not sure Fauna returns the support

>> No.25981040

I like Fauna but I definitely empathize more with Shondo. A lot of people out there happy yo pretend to be your friend to advance their career

>> No.25981046

It's a little harder for her to publicly support shondo. As Fauna she might not want to openly associate with a barely legal hard loli imouto GFE roleplay ASMR channel. Outside of Fauna we don't see her communications.

>> No.25981098

Also good to know that Shadow is a very supportive person. She's been ghosted by her vtuber model mama for months now. She talked about how she's had to spam her with messages for weeks to get a reply when she promised the work on her model would be done in January, the artist finally replies and apologizes and gives her a new deadline, then ghosts her for weeks again once the deadline passes. Shadow has said this is causing her a lot of anxiety and stress and has even cancelled streams over freaking out over it. She paid for a service months and months back and it was never delivered, but still she keeps making excuses for her artist and when fans were visibly upset on her behalf she said it was ok and she was sure the artist was just busy and even if Shadow is upset, she'll just wait patiently and hope that one day her artist responds and delivers. Now imagine a person like this, who will empathize with someone who is blatantly scamming her, and how she would react to someone using her for success.
Shadow is the most blatant pushover ever. She won't say a word against even the shittiest of chatters. It's even frustrating sometimes that she's so passive.

>> No.25981108

>I wouldn't really say they communicate
You can't just "say" this, >>25979957 factually proves it. Everything else in your post, aside from
>Shondo follows fauna and support her
is quite literally headcanon. Why are you dredging up drama from the realm of speculation?

>> No.25981167

Sounds like she needs a decent manager, unfortunately that's a perfect job for a manipulative scumbag.

>> No.25981195 [DELETED] 

Honestly, do we know she was groomed? Having known how shadow is with female friends I wouldn't be surprised is shadow was the one who pushed it and not lemonleaf who was in a relationship already anyway. Shadow has gotten very gay and clingy with girls even if they didn't return the same feelings

>> No.25981256

They were misusing the word "groomed" for dramatic impact. They meant "leeched".

>> No.25981270

Because LL reached out to her first, and tried very hard to be Shadow's friend visibly and publicly for over a year, citing her as her inspiration, drawing her art etc. She went directly and blatantly for Shadow. This was years ago, Shadow wasn't clingy like she is now then. In fact I would argue the whole reason Shadow is so clingy with her friends likely has a lot to do with this whole situation.

>> No.25981358

Maybe she liked Shondo's content though? It doesn't have to be so cynical

>> No.25981366

LL could have just been a big fan of her content. I mean weve seen LLs content and it's very much in line with hers. Makes sense to try to contact your inspiration and look to them as a mentor.

>> No.25981452
File: 947 KB, 2211x2726, 8db929c9c14e3ecb46c4b6b8aebe965f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like when my chuubas are open on recognizing their old friends....

>> No.25981454

Very true, I agree, and I hope this is the case. But seeing how everything evolved from here between them, how flaky Fauna is etc, how she interacts with Gura, it just makes me feel a little suspicious that she isn't as sweet as she seems. I hope that I'm wrong and she really is the lovely person she seems to be on the surface, and she really did care a lot for Shadow and wanted to be close to her because she admired her. To be honest bros, I miss what they used to have. They were such a great team together and it's tragic seeing how it all went out. Like Shadow, I too miss Lemonleaf. It truly isn't the same.

>> No.25981479


>> No.25981482

impossible to know, there could be many scenarios where had legitimate reason to ghost her, we never got Fauna's point of view.

>> No.25981521

Problem with this is it wasn't just Shadow. Vivi was also very close to Fauna and has made a lot of similar sentiments to Shadow. The two are closer than ever now so that's the only good side of this whole thing I guess.

>> No.25981531

No one's perfect anon. Fauna probably has done some stuff she regrets. Relationships can be complicated. The only ones that know the truth are them and I hope everything is good between them.

>> No.25981571

When she even talk about the past?

>> No.25981621 [DELETED] 

Lemonleaf was also known for being incredibly flaky with her audience too. She would frequently disappear completely for weeks or even months at a time and come back with a cheap excuse. It lead to a lot of her audience leaving her for other content creators, or just not feeling very connected with her. There's a reason not many of her fans are from PL, because a lot of her audience dropped off due to how flaky she was. She would frequently make stream schedules and then just not even cancel streams but not do them with 0 explanation, and I fear that's the future for her in Hololive too given that she just disappears for days at a time like she did at the start of her vtubing history.

>> No.25981641

I mean if we're building the "leech" case off of timeline speculation anyways, it's pretty highly blatantly likely IMO that shondo getting the Hololive recruitment offer pretty much following after they made up was a direct result of Fauna putting in a good word for a nepotism hire. I feel like that kind of goes against the "leech" case and goes more for the "they had a fight but made up but aren't as close as before" case.

>> No.25981663

supef clingy girls are cancer unless that's specifically what you're into

>> No.25981675

It's easy to lie when you yourself don't know what you are saying.

>> No.25981679

The funny part of this is Bae's PL "friends" were just coworkers, people she had no choice to interact with, and still she clearly felt close to them and formed friendships. The people Fauna doesn't interact with were not coworkers, people she CHOSE to befriend. Her just dropping them completely is really weird when she went out of her way to be close to them before.

>> No.25981825

Just because she used her as inspiration and stated so doesn't mean she spoke to her first. I've known about shadow for years and I remember her fangirling over lemonleaf before they even spoke to each other. They were both fans of each other not to mention she had some other female friends she was very clingy with as well. Ultimately no one knows what went on behind the scenes regardless.

>> No.25981879

>Her just dropping them completely
But we've already established they're communicating, so this isn't true. Why even enter the realm of speculation beyond what both parties have said?

>> No.25981992


is Milky a full time streamer now?

>> No.25981995

A doxbeat once superchatted the rat asking collab with Miori Celesta when and she responded to it laughing it off that she knows her and that thr doxbeat is a bad boy for bring it up like that lol, the rat is mod in Mio channel on her hololive account even and likely in her members discord on a personal account too.
If that collab hasn't happened yet its on the management and or the scheduling for both.
Elira Pendora, another friend of Mio from before joining Niji commisioned her a mix for a cover.

>> No.25982047

I don't think so

>> No.25982078

waaaaaaah why wont Fauna recognize Shondo when shondo doesnt even recognize fauna by name on her streams either. One is tied to NDA's and the other isnt, so why wont Shondo just specifically say her name??

>> No.25982181

She's mentioned both Lemonleaf and Fauna many times, separately. If you mean why she doesn't name Fauna as Lemonleaf it's because she's not a doxbeat you nigger. Shadow adores Hololive especially JP and cares a lot about idol culture and is a unicorn herself even. If you think she is a doxbeat you are retard.

>> No.25982197

They don't have NDA for calling PL connections on stream retard

>> No.25982268

Has anyone else noticed there's more shadow threads being made when tlombard is active again?

>> No.25982309

>not a doxx beat
>doxx her boyfriend

>> No.25982317

What NDA?

>> No.25982319

This isn't a Shadow thread this is a schizo thread. They keep making generals for her when she's offline too to attempt to cultivate drama. It's ridiculous. We only talk about her in /lig/ now because these niggers won't fuck off.

>> No.25982334

I don't get if the people who keep trying to rekindle this drama are actual shondo fans or just LL antis, because every time you do it seems like all you do is draw in a lot of negative attention towards shondo for a topic that it doesn't seem like she wants any more drama about. The problem with opening the doors to speculative crap like this is that retards on the other side of you will start to speculate too, and their speculations might not be very nice, or very contained to this board. I really don't get what purpose threads like this serve.

>> No.25982338

>unicorn herself
>mods her BF

>> No.25982394

Looks like shondo was blabbing about this yesterday and her fans came to try and farm some sympathy.

>> No.25982423

Shondo had an episode yesterday on the subject

>> No.25982475

He was her mod before he was her boyfriend retard. Like, in 2016. They dated online for a year or so, met up, broke up, guy's gone. She just never unmodded him but he's a ghost. Never see him, doesn't even do modshit.
It's not her fans, it's Shadow antis and maybe LL antis. She has obsessive antis. There were two threads up about her yesterday. Actual Shondo fans just hang out in /lig/ now. The antis even make fake generals when she's not streaming to try and get shit like this talked about. Literally she vaguely talked about Lemonleaf whilst she was drunk yesterday for 1 minute maximum in a 3 hour stream and yet there were two threads up about it an hour later. Obsessed.

>> No.25982506

its purpose is to shit on Fauna, of course Fauna's fans bite back and then the shondo's fans start coping and blaming everything on Fauna. This is how every single one of these threads goes.

>> No.25982510

That's what I mean though. It was pretty quiet when tlombard left for a bit and ive noticed a few more since he's gotten back. He stupidly admitted to going on these threads on his Twitter before deleting said tweets too.

>> No.25982554

Why would he be making anti threads about Shadow to cultivate Shadow hate and drama from seanigs though? I thought he was in love with her or something.

>> No.25982779

Don't know. All I know is it's either current antis or deranged fans making these threads. Shadow has spoken about having a group of antis that have followed her since 2017 but I've seen no proof of this group. I've known about her before she started streaming on twitch and can't remember any group that's continued to bother her until now. Don't doubt she's got antis but she wasn't a big enough vtuber at the time to have garnered a group of them

>> No.25983206

I'm just a fauna fan and want to know more about this situation. I really hope it's a nothingburger that got blown out of proportion.

>> No.25983258

> I really hope it's a nothingburger that got blown out of proportion.
Its more of something that happened and all the parties involved moved on with their life

>> No.25983333

Fauna is kind of greasy. She does intimate roleplay as a business venture; is it hard to believe she could fake friendship for an opportunity?

>> No.25983404

They both do, so do most streamers, ASMRists and chuubas

>> No.25983427

anon.... it's dog eat dog world

>> No.25983442

What do you mean? What did Kiara do?

>> No.25983453

I don't care I just want them to have hot steamy GAY AS FUCK lesbian sex.

>> No.25983471

Anon you dont have to abandon your old channels and such
you just have to spent certain hours doing x like a job
Hence why mori still does stuff on her old channel regularly

>> No.25983483


>> No.25983507

Wait a fucking minute.
How much you wanna bet she's here and she started that fucking meme

>> No.25983533

She's straight up said I miss Lilyyyyy a few times, I wonder if there's a webm

>> No.25983547


>> No.25983569

Use intimate roleplay as business venture.
All those professions are geared toward lonely men looking for female companionship in one degree or another.

>> No.25983613

She's here. Shes posted before.

>> No.25983632

Yes, that’s why I find it easy to believe one of them could have faked friendship for clout. Why are you telling me this?

>> No.25983650

No jokes, how do Saplings defend this? Isn't this the behavior of a genuinely bad person?

>> No.25983675

Fauna is greasy? If you spent more than a few months on this board and did your reps, you could literally say the same about Shondo too. The "ultimate" EN GFE chuuba...that flirts with her mod that was her ex bf in front of the whole chat.
And don't forget the " I don't leave my house" but she went to meet that fucking guy in the past.
I don't believe a thing that she says anymore.

>> No.25983690

>- finally be part of an actual unity

LOL. LMAO even.

>> No.25983721

>none of this is true
Ok threadreader

>> No.25983728

HoloEN is complete garbage and management is so annoying even good streamers lose interest in streaming. Thank God she didn't join.

>> No.25983736

>Isn't this the behavior of a genuinely bad person?
You don't have to be a bad person for be a goal oriented individual, she is cold

>> No.25983773

>if didn’t happen
>if it happened it wasn’t a big deal
>if it was a big deal it’s over now

>> No.25983787

Everyone fucks up anon. People are people. They also had a argument that lead to a falling out. Shondo said they've talked and buried the hatchet.

>> No.25983812

Shadow doesn't brand herself as GFE. The mod she was "flirting" with was the wrong mod, and there's still no timestamps provided of her flirting with any of her mods because it never happened, it was just something some schizo made up.
She met up with him years ago. She never used to claim stuff like never going outside until a year or two ago, when she went to meet him she went with her family even because she doesn't and can't go outside alone. Do you even watch her? No? Okay.

>> No.25983885

It's = it is
I hope she's here. I love that lil autist
at the same time I hope she's not here, because this place is a shithole

>> No.25984036

Well for her to be the bad guy, this situation needs to be taken 100% truthfully at face value with no grey areas. But that also means you need to trust shadow explicitly as a female to tell the whole truth and not either lie, or fudge the truth a bit or omit like for example an argument they had that was actually important but we never heard about it for example, that type of thing.
So all of this is purely hearsay.
I am not a sapling, but it's kind of like if someone you like was accused of doing a crime but they arent charged for it and so not arrested or punished and for reasons you cant just ask them what happened.
You probably just believe the person you like more

>> No.25984045

Wrong mod, the one she dated doesn't send chats. Shadow doesn't say she's GFE, she calls herself everyone's imouto wife and refuses to stream with guys because she says that makes her uncomfortable as a viewer so she wouldn't do it herself. Nothing you said is true, you can't just state groundless rrats dramaniggers tried to spill when none of it actually happened. When someone claimed she was flirting with her mods for multiple threads we asked for timestamps or even which stream and there was no response. The mod they claimed she was flirting with hasn't even sent a message in chat. It's all lies.

>> No.25984136

There seems to be either sapcucks or nijiniggers obsessed with her, or maybe just the deranged antis she mentioned a few times that have been following her for years, making threads any time she makes a tweet or mentions anyone in stream. I guess they got tired waiting for her to "slip up" and started making up lies or trying to turn stuff like her having a dream about a fictional character she likes into cucking her entire fanbase etc. It's all complete bullshit because Shadow is the most harmless passive vtuber to ever exist and there's nothing to anti her for, but still they try.

>> No.25984224

When she told her fans that she had a bad dream of beating up someone she admires. Someone went around /hlgg/ saying she wanted to beat up Gura. She definitely has some nasty antis and they will take whatever she gives them to shit on her and Fauna and skew the perception people have of her negatively

>> No.25984263

You're not wrong with what you've said but I'm pretty sure she went alone when she met up with her ex

>> No.25984296

I mean considering they were already in the middle of a fight when those tweets were made, and then they made up later, I think it's not very applicable to any discussions about the current state of affairs and the only reason someone would bring them up is to timeloop some of the nastiness of the debut era.

>> No.25984452

When you are a menhera you have to avoid externalizing your mental issues, particularly, lashing out on people who have done nothing to you. Of course they will find you creepy afterwards if you do.

>> No.25984490

Shondo is just emotionally dependant, that's all there is to it

>> No.25984524


>> No.25984573

Shadow does support fauna now though. Shes been a member for months and fangirled her song release. As for ghosting and everything its hard to say we literally have twitter posts to go by and nothing else and likely never will get anything else so its hard to say what happened there. Assuming shadow isnt embellishing its a shitty thing for Fauna to do yeah but some level of understanding was reached since then.

>> No.25984847

It's really naive to try and debate which vtubers and honest and which are greasy
They're lying to men online for their money and attention, they're all greasy

>> No.25985074

if you watch what remains of the archive, they would reference and talk about each other a lot on their streams, it hardly seemed like a fake thing imo
shadow is just a needy and egocentric menhera, she thinks the person in question "user her" to get viewers, when in reality she just got popular faster than she did and then went on get hired because shes good and reliable
I try to not to hate on shadow out of respect for my oshi, but nonetheless I think she seriously reflect on herself

>> No.25985314

who was bridge?

>> No.25985360

she might not realise shes the first sapling before sapling even exist

>> No.25985600


>> No.25985717

I didn’t know saplings were ESL sea

>> No.25985752

Fauna isn't a good person. She's up there with Veibae in terms of vTubers who dont deserve success.

>> No.25986260

everything is temporary everything will be taken from you every day you wake up you and someone else is taken from you one day i will wake up alone and all of you will be gone

>> No.25986490

Everyone is flawed. Even you.

>> No.25986512

to make her audience leave until he's the only one left? who knows what goes in in the mind of a genuine schizo. i don't think it's him though

>> No.25986570

And some flaws are much worse than others.

>> No.25986673

agreed with everything, though she's clearly in contact with her ex still since he keeps joining her new discords and gets the fallen angel role. but yeah in any case it's not done publicly.

>> No.25986792

I feel kinda bad for laughing at these threads but imagining Shondo and Fauna having a yuri romance manga type drama between them is very funny
anyway they should fuck to make up

>> No.25986827

i don't know, how do you defend rushia saying everyone in hololive bullied her? it's because these bitches are insane.

>> No.25986885

Only threadreaders would buy this.

>> No.25987349 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.41 MB, 1440x2048, Sorry but I'm Not Into Yuri - Chapter 3_ Kanou Ruruka - 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is old news, join the Shondo x Nina club.

>> No.25987369

this desu

>> No.25987539
File: 226 KB, 463x453, 1642287941218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are """"""""people"""""""" in this thread who are so brain damaged from dopamine overdose that the only pleasure they can get is trying to start up a 10 month old timeloop again after everyone involved has moved on
>these same """""""people"""""""" call you a faggot for enjoying streams instead of participating in their schizofests
how the fuck do you manage to breathe

>> No.25987906

LL 100% copied what she did when she weaseled her way in to being her friend. She didn’t even know what ASMR was before. You would be pissed too.

>> No.25988674

Shondo x Nina doesn't feel as rich in schizo fantasies though.

>> No.25988679

how can parents let their 14 year old daughter do ASMR?? ... By the way, do you recommend any video of that time to keep me angry?

>> No.25988866
File: 1.30 MB, 2894x4093, FU74JymaIAYzjYF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has Nina, Silvi and Vivi now and made up with LemonLeaf.
I'm glad my imouto wife didn't join Hololive. It's a walled garden and there's too much 'have to ask my manager' going on.

>> No.25989293

>greek fucking play
Where's the fucking

>> No.25989341

God i want shondo and faunas greasy bodies to sandwich me

>> No.25989364

Honestly don't think it matters if LL copied her. Shadow herself was never original. Shadow was inspired by another girl who was bigger in the scene at the time, Capital asmr. Don't know what happened to her though she seemed to drop off the internet years ago.

>> No.25990355

That's a good thing

>> No.25990587
File: 833 KB, 2150x3035, 1654982655252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25990619

kill yourself

>> No.25991592

yes, blame everything on the lemon. your precious retarded loli can do no wrong. why are shondofags so obnoxious?

>> No.25991787

Sorry, I should have specified. I meant lesbian schizo fantasies.

>> No.25991979

I hope she kills herself over this soon

>> No.25992193

i miss shadow. we used to be good friends back when she was a lot smaller, i'd met her through an online voice acting community. i am so sorry for leaving you out of nowhere, shadow. i'm just autistic, you didn't do anything wrong. i'll always be grateful for everything you did for me. thank you

>> No.25992413

mistakes like that are a diamond dozen

>> No.25992420

>asexual bipolar schizo
yeah I'll believe everything she says

>> No.25992497

Dramaniggers. You fucking dramaniggers are looking for validation in my board again.

I'll never stop laighing at you autistic dramaniggers. Most of you have probably stopped communicating with your childhood friends or even school friends. Yet for some reason, you're crying about vtubers who have drifted apart.

>> No.25992595

normal =/= correct

>> No.25993047
File: 84 KB, 997x247, 1629802817420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo streamer attract schizo fans

>> No.25993521

based. tell me more

>> No.25993992

what a crazy world

>> No.25994439

All I get from this thread is that Fauna is absolutely based.
But I guess that’s to be expected from someone who listens to Interpol and has a webm folder.

>> No.25994791

This is what shitty people say to each other.

>> No.25994834

I only watched a little of her. She's definitely cute and funny but her paypigs/groomers were beyond obnoxious to the point it affected the streams. Has that changed any?

>> No.25994909

No. I don't think it ever will either since she depends on them to support herself.

>> No.25995016

Nah Its still the same shit, all yes men hoping they are the new bf. As an IRyStocrate they are fucking worse than IRyS chat somehow.

>> No.25995903

The only stream I watched her in was that drawing collab with LL and the voice was like nails on a chalkboard

>> No.25996229


>> No.25996697


>> No.25996704

>dropped out of school when she was about 12
Implying she's not from some 3rd world country, that's actually possible? I thought school until you're 15/16 is actually mandatory in most developed places.

>> No.25996786

She's talked about it before, said that they tried to stop her, there was a court order and stuff, but ultimately she was at a shitty school that wanted her gone anyway (she's told some really terrible stories about the place, rapist teachers being arrested etc) and they just stopped trying. Her mother seems like the nonparent type and she was raised basically by her grandparents who love her to pieces when she wasn't with her mother and her mothers kiddie diddler boyfriends.

>> No.25996846

What the fuck. Sounds like the poor girl really had it rough in her life.

>> No.25996903

That’s part of what makes what LL did so shitty

>> No.25996966

She's also a genetic schizo so she was fucked from the beginning. She said she gets it from her dad who disowned her once her brother was born because he just wanted a son. She talked about it once but said it never phased her because he was a druggie schizophrenic and she had her grandfather as a stand in anyway. There's a clip somewhere of her talking about her biodad being abusive, her earliest memory is him throwing her into a wall. She loved her grandfather a lot but he died from the chink flu late last year very suddenly right before her vtuber debut. Someone once said she was the Guts of vtubing because fucked up shit never stops happening to her. Her mother has stage 4 cancer too and there was a while last year when she was streaming at fucked up times whilst she was in treatment because Shadow was taking care of her kid siblings. It literally never stops for her.

>> No.25997345
File: 320 KB, 556x640, 1637040847161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god. The amount copium she must be ingesting just to deal with all of this shit...

>> No.25997506

>why won't you self destruct with me!!!!
needy bitch

>> No.25998545

>work for years to achieve 100k doing asmr
>take on new girl
>HoloEN comes second time around
>they are clearly missing an asmr girl so you like your chances
>you already have a good sized audience as is
>get mogged by the girl you took under your wing and had less than 5k
>never able to let it go and accuse her of being a Judas to the end of your days and hope you might be able to sabotage her out of sheer envy
Do I have the gist of it?

>> No.25998617

Yes. Never underestimate the pettiness that is being a jealous, entitled woman.

>> No.25998643

Exactly, just completely swap the personalities of both girls involved since they’d need to be completely opposite people for this to be even remotely possible and you have it. Begone sapcuck. Your oshi is cold and manipulative and now she’s switched target.

>> No.25998770

>timeloop resetting literally within the same thread
Yeah I think whoever is doing this is just an anti for both shondo and LL at this point.

>> No.25998773

That's generally what clueless thread-readers say, yes.

>> No.25998925
File: 127 KB, 850x978, 857347261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love LL
Love Shondo
Love Fauna
Hate drama
Simple as

>> No.25998962

>yes, I'll twist it around so I can anti
keep exposing yourself

>> No.25998997

Basically this, jealous girl goes menhara because her friend got in over her. Wonders shy that friend never sees her the same way again when you already showed her your true side
>but my wholesome Shondo
Actions speak louder than words faggots, Fauna already tried getting Shondo into Hololive but she declined. Imagine fauna begging behind the scenes maybe even asking gura for help and then the recruiter gets rejected

>> No.25999101

if you want to push believable rrats you would replace gura with ina

>> No.25999206

None of this makes any sense. You have to make up believable rrats bro. Just watching either one of them would make it obvious this makes no sense, so clearly you don't watch either. This is a an August 2021 era schizo post, you gotta work harder.

>> No.25999211

Nah, there are only a few facts and everything else is literal baseless speculation
>they had a fight months before
>debut happens and tweets drop
>they resolved the fight months after
>shondo shows up in fauna's chat and is a member
>shondo gets a recruitment offer directly from Holo but rejects it
>they have been proven to still be in communication since then
The posts trying to incite drama in this thread are so weirdly written and the language is so overtly charged.

>> No.25999320

>shondo gets a recruitment offer directly from Holo but rejects it
this did not happen

>> No.25999336

This is so senseless that even you contradicted yourself. If Shadow was so desperate to be in Hololive why would she reject them? You schizos make no fucking sense.

>> No.25999456

>it is August 2021
>you are making schizo threads about situations you know nothing about

>> No.25999640

>le cryptic discord user

Say what happened or fuck off then

>> No.25999681

>how flaky Fauna is etc, how she interacts with Gura
I'd like to know what you mean by that. I don't watch enough Fauna to know. Does she mistreat Gura?

>> No.25999720

I just want to say one thing: this schizo clown called shondo has never been even close to joining hololive

>> No.25999773

They're best fucking friends. Hence Shadow having a dream about beating Gura (implied but not directly stated) up out of jealousy and anger. If anyone thinks Fauna mistreats Gura they most likely don't have two braincells to rub together.

>> No.25999810

Not at all, she’s just beelined straight for her with the intention of being her friend. She previously idolized Gura. Clearly she’s been working hard to get to know Gura given how Gura talks about Fauna in members streams etc, she has wormed her way in there. Idolize well known content creator -> start making the same content as them -> get close to them -> make them reliant on you -> gather clout -> drop them and move on to someone more famous
It’s exactly the same pattern as before. Who knows how many times she’s done it until now. Who was she before LL?

>> No.25999898

>best friends
>Hololive EN
>someone as flaky as Fauna

>> No.25999928

Exactly, Shadow applied just like everyone else does nowadays. My guess is that she was told or shown what model/concept she was getting paired with and decided against it. And since applying to hololive would imply she was ready and willing to "leave behind" her community, she phrased it in a way that made it sound like Cover contacted her instead of her contacting them. Otherwise she would be a hypocrite, right? After saying what she did about LL leaving her behind.

>> No.26000119

What the fuck is this post. This is what I mean by weird writing.

>> No.26000222

don't do that to your friend anon, if you're close enough to call him a friend you should talk things over. Lack of communication is the bane of human relationship

>> No.26000317

Yeah I doubt Hololive scouts anyone anymore, but if Hololive’s scouting process is decent someone like Shondo would be exactly what they’re looking for. She’s more Hololive than most of Hololive.
I think it’s possible Fauna could’ve repped her and gotten her to a further point in the process, but nepotism is bullshit in Hololive. Same goes for whatever happened with Sana. Given how committed Shadow is to her model and audience and the fact she said taking that opportunity would’ve killed all of her love for streaming I’m not surprised she rejected what was probably a big titted milf. Look at Fauna and compare her PL.

>> No.26000329
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they did

>> No.26000382

>hobby about watching women pretend to be Chinese cartoon character
>surprised people have nothing better to do than gossiping

>> No.26000394

>Who knows how many times she’s done it until now
I knew Fauna in grade school and she pretended to be my friend then stole my eraser

>> No.26000434

>shadow is a squeeber

>> No.26000545

>They dated online for a year or so, met up, broke up, guy's gone.
So she's not a virgin? Dropped. Stay away from Hololive

>> No.26000593

>virgins in Hololive

>> No.26000643
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Faggot nobody wants in HoloEN now. Nobody. It's a sinking ship and everybody can see it. If EN3 happens it's going to be a bunch of 3rd rate shit streamers who only want the money.

>> No.26000728

I mean they have great onscreen chemistry, talk a lot behind the scenes, and both seem to be fairly big fans of each other's work.

>> No.26000871

No but seriously. What a weird post.
Starts with the factual
>Not at all
which is the only answer that even matters.
Then goes straight into
>she’s just beelined straight for her with the intention of being her friend
She's literally friends with almost everyone in HoloEN. Why are you framing this as if she just joined and homing-missile honed in on Gura, rather than her becoming friends with almost everyone, including Gura. Again, weird language.
>She previously idolized Gura.
And Mori. She was a bonebro.
"Coworkers get along" becomes
>she has wormed her way in there
>Idolize well known content creator
...and Mori. Yeah it really is a rare and unusual occurrence that the Holo with the most fans has fans, at least 4 million...
>start making the same content as them
>make them reliant on you
>drop them and move on to someone more famous
>Who knows how many times she’s done it until now. Who was she before LL?
Seriously what is this shit. Just look at this line. What the fuck.

>> No.26000954

this is a new level of delusional, holy fuck

>> No.26000966

>unrelated loop
fuck off

>> No.26000971

It's just bait. Anons that don't know any better will run with it for a giggle and that's about it.

>> No.26000997

Who's the worse friend? The one who's been out of touch with you for a while because they're busy, or the one who has public meltdowns about you and smears your reputation within your field of work? I'm disappointed in Shondo desu.

>> No.26001022

Fauna is innocent and has no yabs, so of course threadreaders want to create false drama where there is none.

>> No.26001038
File: 928 KB, 1280x720, risusqueeb [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fea09j2.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We grow in strength everyday. Soon all chuubas will squeeb. You can't stop the final squeeblution

>> No.26001052

Fauna fingerblasted Gura so hard that she's become addicted to her touch and can't be satisfied by any other hand anymore. She's completely reliant and undergoes withdrawal if she goes more than a day without "mommy" whispering sweet nothings into her ears while rubbing Gura's hole as she nurses on one of "mommy's" teats.

>> No.26001131

Is that what Fauna did to Shondo first?

>> No.26001162

Me (Kanata).

>> No.26001163

can't imagine kronii having a man

>> No.26001180


>> No.26001188
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x720, freudian slip[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fspg57z.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's hot

>> No.26001195

You are naive

>> No.26001212

Fauna always struck me as the most intelligent and calculating member of Council so all the stuff in this thread makes sense. It also makes the "she made a fake bf because she's a complete psycho" rrat stronger, especially since there's no other indication that he ever existed

>> No.26001226

This, Fauna got in and was busy in her 6-8ths of training and then her debut stuff. Meanwhile Shondo was having a fucking meltdown. Also maybe that’s why Shondo can’t take the offer, if she provides for her family she wouldn’t be able to sustain herself and then for the 6month period on minimum wage.

>> No.26001262

Who knows how many women she's done it to. She's currently working on Kronii and Mumei now too, hence why she keeps having offcollabs with them. She won't rest until every single female VTuber is under her thumb and addicted to her sapphic seduction.

>> No.26001286

She only likes Mori as bonebros, she never liked her as a streamer

>> No.26001300

Damn that's fucking hot.

>> No.26001474

someone tell to shadow to take her meds

>> No.26001554

I wish someone would tell that to the schizos in this thread.

>> No.26001567

Is that what happened at the off-collab? She knew Kronii was a lesbian so she seduced her right then and there in front of Mumei. That's why she specifically cut her nails right before they met up.

>> No.26001827

Pretty sure she’s taking them again actually, very proud of my daughterwife.

>> No.26002105

what baffles me more is lemonleaf did gfe asmr while openly having a boyfriend. Her fans were literal unironic cucks. And why is this thread up meido?
Do I have to say it louder?

>> No.26002152

She fucked Kronii right in front of Mumei and forced her to watch. Mumei had no choice but to keep on looking as Fauna violated every single one of Kronii's holes with her tongue. She made sure that Mumei had unobstructed vision of every single bit of the action, too. At one point she started riding Kronii's face while eating her out, making sure to spread Kronii's legs so that Mumei was forced to see a full frontal view of the clock pussy getting defiled, all while looking her straight in the eyes. I can only imagine the sociopathic smirk she must have made when Mumei started masturbating to the sight.

>> No.26002214

Anti dedicates his life posting on an imageboard to hate on anime women. Sad.

>> No.26002353

what actually happened was personal verbal abuse asmr with fauna and mumei on either side of kronii in bed, there may have been nipple twisting, nothing too yabbai

>> No.26002360

Just say that you're a cuck like the hoomans and be done with it. No need to deny it

>> No.26002407

you make this seem like Mumei was the victim but she's admitting to having voyeuristic tendencies

>> No.26002427

I could totally buy this, actually. Who would have gone for the nipples, though, Mumei or Fauna?

>> No.26002627

All women are victims of Fauna. She knows exactly which buttons to push to get them into her bed. She's just using Kronii to get to Mumei by constantly teasing her with exhibitionist sex play, making her hornier and hornier. One of these days, when it's clear that Mumei is just barely able to contain herself, she's going to make her move and drag Mumei into her degenerate acts.

>> No.26002669

why this became a fanfic thread.

>> No.26002683

nah she just likes to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0W7seMn5U3E

>> No.26002722

I don't know but I ain't complaining.

>> No.26002733

>bait threads turn into an actually good thread
>he doesn't appreciate it
what a fag.

>> No.26002751

It's been a fanfic thread from the very beginning.

>> No.26002818

I... I have an urge to masturbate to this video.

>> No.26002853

Fauna. if you watch her streams with Kronii, you know she'd take great pleasure in teasing kronii to the brink of her sanity until she's begging and moaning for release at which point fauna would simply say "no", and leave Kronii wanting and horny for her and only her until the next time they meet

>> No.26002957

English nigga The fuck is this meme tier English you wrote.

>> No.26002974
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do it faggot she likes to watch

>> No.26004233

I trust specifically shondo over anyone else

>> No.26004322

Then you'll trust her that they made up over whatever they fought over instead of try to rhetoric your way into reviving dead timeloops from August 2021.

>> No.26005255

Do it anon, that's why she uploaded it
