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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25710685 No.25710685 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25710828

Just out of curiosity. Does anyone takes a day off work after losing a pet? I've never heard of this in any line of work before vtubers made it a thing.

>> No.25710895

Most (normal) people find this as a legitimate excuse.

>> No.25710909

>13 year old dog which is like a 100 year old human

>> No.25711059

Her dog was with her for like half of her life and many time she said she was important for her, the dog was too ill to stay alive and Reimu monthly spent a fuck ton of money keeping it.
You could equate it with losing a sibling.

>> No.25711088

I've never encountered it fucking ever, although I would believe it is a thing. I think it depends on the work culture of the specific place - some cultures kind of nudge people towards using anything as an excuse to take a day off. It's not even necessarily out of wanting the best for the employees but more of going "sorry we make you work like 60 hour weeks and stalk you on your phone/email when you're off work, in return don't feel pressured to not use pto for a break." And of course, some places are in fact lazy and inefficient and like 80% of the people there are looking for ways to sneak in watching random shit on youtube half the day and watch each others' backs.

>> No.25711108

Yeah some guy in my department took a week off and the boomers were roasting him the entire time he was gone lol

>> No.25711137


>> No.25711213

>losing a sibling
it is not her sibling, it is her dog, a pet.
for christ sake

>> No.25711243

It's funny because those boomers are next in line kekw.

>> No.25711283

I live in a communist third world shithole with the most absurd and restrict business and labor laws in the world. Even the government would laugh their asses off if someone working for them asked for a day off if their dog died.
Best they'd do is not give you a warning but still dock the pay.

>> No.25711293

This was bound to happen. Now comes the question of Selen and Ember when he passes away.

>> No.25711294

Found the guy who'll make 4Chan be on national news again.

>> No.25711315

I think it's a women thing anon, my mother was inconsolable for days after our last dog died

>> No.25711342

not were I live

>> No.25711388

They are jelly that he got a week off. Typical soulless boomers.

>> No.25711389

Selen is probably going to have a mental break down when Ember dies

>> No.25711429

You must be from Africa, India, Indonesia, or Laos. Or somewhere else uncivilised.

>> No.25711447

hahahahah based. boomers are such heartless pieces of shit i swear to god. they'll eat literal shit if another boomer tells them it's "professional." boomers are life born wage slaves

>> No.25711507

pets are considered part of the family for most households in the west

>> No.25711567

It was done to honor Sana for her birthday.

>> No.25711605

Why would they laugh? They piss themselves when they stand up too quickly and get cancer.

>> No.25711639

kek, In modern times this shit is considered lgbtshit, literal troons make their dog their child

>> No.25711649 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25711706

You can feel sad as you move heavy things, operate machines and deliver pizzas like the fucking 3rd worlder workforce could be but you can't entertain people if you are feeling emotionally drained and exhausted

>> No.25711731

Apparently it makes foreigners flip when the learn how common it is for Westerners to let the cat or dog sleep in the same bed with them.

>> No.25711754

Most jobs don't give people off for this, or if they do, they take it out of their bereavement time (Which i find hilarious)

>> No.25711798

I probably would. I wouldn't have to, but I'd use it as a reason to.

Also I guess there's more legitimacy for an entertainer to do so, they will tend to do worse at their job in a bad mood, while a regular job you can kind of just do perfectly well even if you're on the verge of killing yourself.

>> No.25711843

She is a worthless spicy latina. Vox had so much momentum and him taking a break is all because of her. Kobo the stupid indog is going to keep climbing. I can't convey how much I hate this spic.

>> No.25711852

cats and small dogs are okay, but fuck you if you think your pitbull or doberman is gonna take up space in my King size

>> No.25711872

Serves her right

>> No.25712314

Have you considered not living in a third world shithole?

>> No.25712429

One of Vox's fujos probably ate it

>> No.25712450

see >>25711706
Creative fields tend to be more permissive about this stuff because the employees are the product and you don't want to fuck up your product by making them work while under emotional turmoil

>> No.25712457

the fujos have gone too far.... vox must condemn

>> No.25712474

Hey, even in my third world shithole some people would give you a day if your pet died. Anon really has to be in the very bottom.

>> No.25712500
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>> No.25712787

>Co-workers giving a shit about who takes off
What kind of hair salon do you work at anon?

>> No.25712804

It was a rough couple of days when my cat died and I really couldn't bring myself to do anything. Of course, that also hit a bit harder because we tried treating her and I had to watch her deteriorate in that timespan before finally dying. Had I been employed at the time I probably would have taken a day off just because I'd worry about potentially getting emotional in front of co-workers.

>> No.25712897

bro you are delusional; this is nothing to do with lgbt

>> No.25712926

Arabs used to bury english officers with their dogs, because they saw it as an insult to be buried with something so unclean.
The british saw it as a kind gesture, one of respect.

>> No.25712939

yeah well a lot of foreigners see dogs/cats and start thinking about dinner so, i'm not interested in their opinion

>> No.25712967

No he's got a point, same kind of people just the wrong label.

>> No.25713052


>> No.25713102

My coworker lost her husband in car crash and still had to come to work. It really depends

>> No.25713139

*goes to a designated shitting street to drop a few dukes* *wipes hand with ass* *heads to their shantytown home* *cooks dinner in a torn up fuel jug* *drinks water from the the local shit infested river* *sees an american sleeping with a dog in their bed* "HOW DISGUSTING"

>> No.25713169

Have you considered that death is certain and not being able to endure loss is simply lack of maturity?

>> No.25713197

have you ever considered you're emotionally retarded?

>> No.25713287
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Plot twist: No dog died. It's just an excuse to meet with Vox in person so they can fuck and alleviate all that tension (he's currently on break as well)

>> No.25713308

Emotional intelligence is a buzzword w*men use to discredit anyone calling them out on their bullshit.

>> No.25713326

no you're just a fucking idiot.

>> No.25713366

if you were with the pet for a long time i can absolutely understand taking a few days off, maybe even a week.
however, if you pull a fucking sana chances are you need some god damn emotional help.

>> No.25713368 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25713378

I may be an idiot but at least I don't believe in myths invented by Reddit.

>> No.25713406

I used to work at a pet salon. We took time off because we would get more attached to our pets due to our jobs, and we wouldn't want someone accidentally cutting a dog because they might get emotional during a groom due to being surrounded by constant reminders.

>> No.25713429

emotions/mental health were not invented by reddit. go back to /r9k/ or better yet off yourself

>> No.25713522

In my line of work we're encouraged to take time off for literally anything that might be wearing on you (breakup, mom is sick, had a bad argument, dog died, etc). You can also just say you feel fatigued or that you've been drinking and they won't make you come in and they legally aren't allowed to question it. Being a pilot is awesome

>> No.25713568

No, I'm a fucking mna.

>> No.25713581
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>for christ sake
You rang?

>> No.25713582

>mental health
Literally a Reddit concept. You're either a man or you're a crybaby. If you choose to be the latter, don't blame anyone or anything but yourself for it, especially not an ethereal concept that tells you that you're not responsible for your own actions because that's nothing but a giant cope.

>> No.25713650

do me a favor and put the bullet in your own brain immediately instead of going on a mass shooting spree when the time comes, ok?

>> No.25713653

>Does anyone takes a day off work after losing a pet?
Anyone who has a job that allows them to, yes.
Unless it was something like a goldfish.
But a dog you've had for 13 years, most definitely. Unless they're some sociopath that didn't love their dog and only had it for status.

>> No.25713684
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>> No.25713694

You sound unbelievably brain-damaged
Did your mom drop you as a baby?

>> No.25713700

Could also be Korea.
I'm Korean and I can tell you the majority of Koreans sees dogs as just fashion accessories.
No one has dogs with personalities, just walking dolls.

>> No.25713704

Yes, are you a muslim perhaps?

>> No.25713716

don't a lot of y'all still eat dogs, or was that china

>> No.25713775

>yOu dOn't aGrEe WiTh Me tHeReFoR YoU'Re aN InCeL MaSs sHoOtEr
That's not how it works in the real world, femoid.

>> No.25713781

>took less than a month off for her dog dying
She doesn't really care

>> No.25713800

Korea ate dogs pre-Korea War because they were a poor as fuck farming country. It lingered around for a while as boomers who had a taste for dog meat continued to eat it.
But largely now I wouldn't imagine many people eat dogs.

>> No.25713825

what i can tell about the real world is that you're a loser who probably doesn't have any actual friends

>> No.25713865

ah i was probably thinking about china then. my bad. also yeah i totally get the reasoning for it as you explain it. when you have nothing you have to eat whatever you can

>> No.25713864

The only thing dying is her vtuber career

>> No.25713873

At least one chinese city said they would ban eating dogs and cats shortly after corona. But they also have outlawed making cooking oil from sewage and it still doesn't stop the chinese.

>> No.25713907
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>But they also have outlawed making cooking oil from sewage and it still doesn't stop the chinese.


>> No.25713929

I'd rather eat the bugs personally.

>> No.25713948

This thread reeks of burgers and other third worlders. Imagine not having state mandated paid sick leave or vacation days. I fucking take days off if I have so much as a shitty migraine. Enjoy sucking your employers dicks, bitches!

>> No.25713974

You know I'm right which is why you attempt to pathologize me. Maybe that works when you're surrounded by your little hugbox circle IRL but online it just makes you look like an asshat with no real argument.

>> No.25714080

>25713974 (You)
Limit it to one sentence responses

>> No.25714182

I don't want any attention so I don't tell anybody, let alone my work, know that something happened to my pets. My work would totally let me take a day off for it though.

>> No.25714184

Some work places are crab buckets. I had a couple coworkers kind of like this but they weren't that bad. My friends place however, he said he got lots of shit from co-workers when he was taking time off/trying to get out of that place.

>> No.25714225

Still not an argument, faggot

>> No.25714235

I think it's something you can get away with if you ask for it but probably not something most people feel the need to do.

>> No.25714334

every workplace has its zombies. they've been there too long to ever dream of a life that doesn't involved being chained to wear they work. they've been working there for 25 years going on 35 and they'll chastise anybody who doesn't have the same gumption (kiss ass nature) as them. it's just how it is. all you can do is figure out who the slaves are and make sure you don't start thinking like them

>> No.25714344

I get annoyed when my boss takes off but he also complains about having no money in his bank account. He regularly loses a days pay to go see a movie or watch the newest season of a TV show.

>> No.25714360 [DELETED] 


>> No.25714365
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Yeah but you just call it a sick day.
Imagine telling your boss about your dead goldfish lmao.

>> No.25714394

>He regularly loses a days pay to go see a movie or watch the newest season of a TV show.

based. fuck work. employers can suck a cock

>> No.25714406

>25714225 (You)
What argument other than than your obvious. Post your pitbull file /anpol/

>> No.25714417

I think it's a thing and I assume countries with citizens that usually place a high importance on pet dog are doing this
But then again it might depend on your line of work and workplace

>> No.25714469

That's fine if you value your free time more. Just don't bitch to me when you have no money.

>> No.25714568

Animals are better than people and deserve at least just as much love.

>> No.25714640

Vtubers are just spoiled. I know of a late night host who still did the show and entertained thousands after his mom died.

>> No.25714678

man you know what's worse? i used to work with someone who would complain all the time about never having any money despite making $19 an hour. i came to find out the only thing she ever ate was food from grubhub/door dash. she got fired for stealing time because she didn't clock out for lunch breaks. i guess she thought nobody would notice. retard mentality

>> No.25714724

>Vtubers are just spoiled. I know of a late night host who still did the show and entertained thousands after his mom died.

that's just insane. no job is worth that, ever. i would genuinely never trust anybody who puts their job before family

>> No.25714737

I'd take a personal day, but I wouldn't tell my boss unless they pressed me about it.

>> No.25714870

(You)'re retarded lol

>> No.25714908

He didn’t put his job above his family at all. He did it a few days after his mom died. But he was still fucked up about it. It was actually quite touching he gave a nice emotional eulogy to his mom and moved on. Vtubers don’t understand the term the show must go on

>> No.25715062

>Vtubers don’t understand the term the show must go on

if they don't have to stream, then why should they? nobody's putting a gun to your head and saying "if you don't get back to work immediately you will die." that's cool your strawman show host went back to work after only a couple of days off; most people would need a LOT more time than that after their mother died. your strawman show host probably needed more time than that but felt pressured by their network executives to get back to work. that's cool you were touched but if anybody in the production office of that show had any spine they would not have let that host go back to work that soon. there's nothing to celebrate about the abuse of workers

>> No.25715316

try harder baitfag
anon society has always cared about their pets from the beginning, thats why the trope of killing a dog is even a thing, its not because killing a dog is bad, its because we as a species care about dogs more then we care about others.
this isnt just a western idea because this pre-dates the west.
honestly i feel like the only reason Muslims hate dogs is one of their prophets had a bad experience with a dog and ingrained the dog ban into the culture.
as for the asians its probably just a lack of food and dogs are better then starving.
nigger, hes an exception, not a rule, he could've taken those days off but he didnt and thats fine but to compare others to him is retard.
its likely he did that as a means of forcing himself to focus on something else other then the grief, since he didnt talking about it past the eulogy
some people cant handle grief so they escape into work to avoid dealing with it.

>> No.25715370

You have to be 18+ to post here

>> No.25715526

I've been trying to save Reimu for months now, but alas she can't be saved.

>> No.25715532

>some people cant handle grief so they escape into work to avoid dealing with it.

i get that but it's the kind of there where like, sometimes when your bro is hurting you have to tell them they need to take time to rest even if they think they're good. that's the way i see it. i just cannot see how somebody is okay to go back to work after anything less than a week if one of their parents died and they cared about them

>> No.25715633
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Xijinping killed her dog

>> No.25715771

I'm sorry that some of you are incapable of understanding that its only human to want to mourn for the loss of someone close, even if it's a pet that you've had for your entire life. Not everyone can just put it to the side and "do their job" when they're experiencing heavy emotional loss.

>> No.25715852

My company specifically has seperate policies for paid pet bereavement and paid regular bereavement

>> No.25716024

a lot of places have options for unpaid bereavement, as well

>> No.25716155

>Chuuba says her dog died.
Everyone console her!
>Viewer says their dog died.
Jeez, read the room, don't burden the chuuba with your sob stories.

>> No.25716432

>All these anons saying they'd still come into work / wouldn't care
Either you fags have never had a pet or you're sociopaths.

>> No.25716686

>chuuba doesn't want a sad atmosphere during stream
>chat doesn't want a sad atmosphere during stream

>> No.25717304

Anon her boyfriend just died be nice

>> No.25717652


>> No.25717840

She could have just said she was taking the day off for personal reasons. There was no need to go into detail. People do not need to be updated on every event in your life. Vtubers needs to stop acting like bloggers.

>> No.25717865

There are shitty bosses in every country

>> No.25717876

She's a woman anon

>> No.25718059

Some anons in this thread would be that kind of boss.

>> No.25718119
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>> No.25718151
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Nijisanji is so unoriginal they have to copy HololiveEN excuses to not stream.
Next thing will be "my back hort" or "tommy hort"

>> No.25718272


>> No.25718747

yea, especially if they're part of the family for a very long time.

>> No.25718982

Cope nijifaggot retard lmao
Kobo cute

>> No.25718999

and that's why nobody here should be allowed to run a company

>> No.25719044

>Literally a Reddit concept
>Founded: June 23, 2005, Medford, Massachusetts, United States

I can't believe the world was menhera-free before 2005

>> No.25719137

I went to work the next day after my dog of 15 years died back in october of last year. Shed my tears and went on with life. Though he does come to mind every other day now.

>> No.25719317

The only time I ever got off work was to go to the hospital to see my father in the hospital after he had a heart attack, and they let me take a week off to take care of him at home during recovery

>> No.25719747

This anon killed Reimu's dog

>> No.25720752

A normal person with no bonding problems would, yes.
Additionally, a person with non-sociopathic levels of empathy would consider that a valid excuse to take a couple days off.

>> No.25720984

i did not take off work but i did cried myself to sleep for about 3 days or so.

>> No.25721099
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You need an excuse to take a day or two off?

>> No.25721288

I want a "my cock hurts" from Rosemi

>> No.25721316

Not here. A dog I got on my first day of school died after 18 years. Went to work the next day. I imagine my boss would've laughed at me if I asked for a day off for it. Spent the day keeping myself busy and avoiding my colleagues. Thank fuck I don't have to deal with customers.
I'm Australian and Sana's month long break for her dog dying was baffling.

>> No.25721356

I take day off work to visit my relatives. I don't see why people wouldn't take a day off at work when their pet dies

>> No.25723506

Desu that's how it is in some places, where I used to work it made some sense
>Coworker takes a few days off
>We got to cover for his ass
We bitch and moan to make the job go easier but at the end of the day we're still working together so you can't let it get to you
If you're working in an office however, yeah nah that sounds like hell, I work as a researcher now and I'll never step inside some IT or accounting branch ever

>> No.25723780

What shithole doesn't give you a few days bereavement on the death of a spouse?

>> No.25723960

The foreigners have that right, an ex used to have cats and they would claw your face in the morning. Just put them in a different room ffs.

>> No.25723988

I find that people who make statements like this tend not to value human life either.

>> No.25724138

Yes. My previous work even let me have 2 days paid leave because of a breakup lol. Just don't work for a shit company.

>> No.25724228


>> No.25724287

Not even surprised

>> No.25724461

The same types of shitholes where a lunch break isn't included in your working hours, as if eating wasn't the most basic human need that needs to be fulfilled to even be able to work somewhat productively

>> No.25724679

Where I'm from my uncle a veterinarian saw how old and weak our dog had gotten when he was visiting and offered to put it out of its misery with a screwdriver. Otoh, some female friends for the same state cried when their dogs died and were bereaved like as if an actual family member died.

>> No.25724779

Nah I value human life more and am disgusted that a fellow human would ever consider a filthy lower being like an animal to ever be equal to a human.

>> No.25725091

I'm disgusted you emotionally stunted filth would consider yourself to be a human as well, but here we are

>> No.25725202

A dog is a dog, you don't call a dog human.
A man is a man, you don't call a man woman.

>> No.25725275

You can call a human a dog, making them a subhuman, and you, anon, are a dog. Now do as you should and kys

>> No.25725296

You will never be a woman.

>> No.25725377

>You can call a human a dog, making them a subhuman
Yea just like how your dad call your mom a bitch when he penetrated her loose vagina with his big black cock and she likes it because she is a bitch. But they forgot to abort you, that's the biggest mistake they made in life and they are regretting it everyday when they watches you surf the web unemployed and doing nothing but fighting with me on the internet everyday.

>> No.25725397

And you just proved his point immediately like a turbo autist
Do you know that having little to no empathy at all towards animals and dying creatures is an unmistakable sign of absolute retardation?
You too should take a week off from 4chan kek

>> No.25725411

>He can't see the humanity in man's best friends
Your human supremacist card is revoked.

>> No.25725510

>Do you know that having little to no empathy at all towards animals and dying creatures is an unmistakable sign of absolute retardation?
And most of Americans are meat eaters so is that why they're all retarded?
Please explain to me how you can arbitrarily value one animal over another when you yourself just said "animals and dying creatures" when clearly you just mean house pets, you and this board don't give a fuck about animals, only pets.

>> No.25725539

>Do you know that having little to no empathy at all towards animals and dying creatures is an unmistakable sign of absolute retardation?
Do you have empathy when you are eating your meat?
Do you cry everytime when the butcher slain that pig in the slaughter house?
If yes, you are retarded.
Oh my god those Fukushima radiated water are killing the fishes maybe you should go protest at Japan and tell them to care about the fishes and the ocean and the birds.

>> No.25725559

Fauna, it's not healthy to be here. Go figure out how to not get fucked by Susan for your ASMR content or something.

>> No.25725604

Human playing gods, everytime, what's next? We should let the animal pay taxes because they are the same as human? Or we should return the forest to the animal and respect their rights and ownership of the earth? I can't believe there are retards in this thread telling me that a fucking dog is their sibling, they don't share your blood, they don't come out from the same sperm like you, come on, wake up you fucking romanticist.

>> No.25725647

I hereby declare that I am a free spirit bisexual dog, and you should refer me as "they".

>> No.25725659

>Human playing gods
Dogs are already basically our creation, so...

>> No.25725675

>What if we bred cows and pigs solely to be killed and eaten
>"yes humans need meat in their diet"
>What if we bred dogs solely to be killed and eaten

>> No.25725699

Wait a minute, Reimu's puppy might be her boyfriend that identify as a transgender dog and he was with her for 13 years oh sorry I mean she is with her and loved her for all those years.

>> No.25725722

big if true and it's pride month

>> No.25725759
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>> No.25725838

You can consider a friend your brother even without blood relations, or an adopted child as your kid, I'm sorry you don't understand that concept.

>> No.25725869

>A creature you bonded with is more important to you than this other creature you weren't involved with whatsoever. You are such a hypocrite.

>> No.25725872

>You can consider a friend your brother
I can consider you my gay brother and we will have anal sex later meet me in the bar right now.

>> No.25725921

And janny I'm trying to let that anon know how stupid his statement is if he reported my post please understand he is butthurt and he is the one who started all this offtopic debate.
Just to clarify! And I am happy that Reimu's dog is dead, he is finally free and doesn't have to suffer being forced to live in a human environment.

>> No.25725959
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What a shithole of a thread. Emotionally stunted absolute subhumans think they have an opinion on what a regular person with a healthy mind should or should not think, and just because they didn't receive love from their mother growing up and have emotional issues, they can't comprehend how someone would bond with their pet as if it were family. You can tell which ones are still functioning humans and which ones should be locked away for mental rehabilitation.

Reimu is fine for taking a day off. Sana's one month is pushing it, maybe 2-3 weeks tops. That's about it.

>> No.25726001

>Emotionally stunted absolute subhumans think they have an opinion on what a regular person with a healthy mind should or should not think,
the irony

>> No.25726040

I will become her new dog and save her

>> No.25726045

people who didn't receive love and attention from their parents are usually the one who bond with their pet as if it were family


>> No.25726094

Considering how much they get triggered and sway the argument to food and eating habits I'd say they're more assblasted than emotionally stunted kek

>> No.25726105

why are you so triggered?

>> No.25726155

shut your whore mouth Sana
stop playing chink gachas and stream for fuck's sake

>> No.25726176

At this point I hope they are just trolling to get a good laugh out of the "lame normies!!", and not that they actually behave and think like this in real life. I know that's not the case, obviously, but it's very sad to think there's people like that out in the world.

>> No.25726207

Let me ask you a very serious question, do you have a pet? If yes, do your pet speak human language? If yes, do your pet tell you they like you or they hate you?

>> No.25726267

Repeat that but replace it with newborn child or baby, also in proper English this time.

>> No.25726295

>still trying to farm pitypoints after all of china wants her dead

Do nijifags really?

>> No.25726296

Not answering the question
I knew it

>> No.25726384

Kys zhang

>> No.25726414

You knew what exactly? Well, doesn't matter. I'm going to sleep now, my dog next to me under the bedsheets, wearing her comfy pajamas. I hope you grow out of this phase before you reach high school otherwise it's going to be very hard talking to girls, you know? They are pretty emotional after all, and as you probably think, emotions are for girly girls.

Obligatory chuuba mention. Sana should take another break for her dog's death's birthday. It's totally fair for her.

>> No.25726451

>Thinking words are needed in master-pet communication
When a dog and its owner look at each other, both sides produce oxytocin, a hormone associated with affection. Meanwhile the wolves they descended from see eye contact as a sign of aggression.
Dogs are also more likely to approach people who are crying because even they can understand when a human is sad and needs comforting, which puts them above your sociopathic ass.

>> No.25726515

Wow, not cool Chinkjos.

>> No.25726542

Where I live, when a dog dies, we make a nice set of sausages from it's corpse and celebrate with whole family.

>> No.25727085 [DELETED] 

Itt: VOX chink fujos prove how disgusting their bug race is by showing complete like of empathy.
It is expected as chinks lack any thing resembling a soul, in this case, they want to shit on reimu, blaming her for their retarded behavior, but they just show they lack a soul

>> No.25727144

Nobody asked, chink.

>> No.25727247

It's just a fucking dog, what's wrong with these people. It's bad enough they are allowed to keep the shit factories at home and in the streets for minuscule amusement but now they want to have me believe that "omg they're a family member". It's a stinking fucking dog. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.25727583
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So uhh... I guess basing her ghost companion on her dog was a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy huh? Feels bad man.

>> No.25727767

Depends on where you work i guess.
If you do a job that requires your full attention or where you work with people directly i imagine it works.
If you do a regular office or factory job where noone gives a shit about you and you go through the same motions every day anyway then tough luck.
But then again if your employer is nice enough you can get away with almost anything.

>> No.25728325

Lets be real here
Dogs are disgusting creature
The real human bestfriend since the dawn of time are horses

>> No.25728995
File: 64 KB, 960x705, c88f4e0f4113a0f0c0698fba424d5ed6512bed30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mongolian, I kneel

>> No.25729125

White woman detected

>> No.25729428

Edgy teen fuck off

>> No.25729501

Kind of stupid to make your vtuber pet as a tribute to your irl pet. Ember the dragon will probably be a constant reminder to selen after the poor doggo passes away.

>> No.25729700

kiara has her cats too

>> No.25730062

This is why the male suicide rate is so high and I hope you keep up this whole "emotions are for pussies" shit up so more men can die faster

>> No.25730332

Thank goodness now she won't crash any totsus with her annoying screeching voice and random bullying. She's an asshole and people who say otherwise don't watch her.

>> No.25730671 [DELETED] 

>Tranny talking about suicide rates
The absolute irony.

>> No.25731426

still not answering the question

>> No.25732460

Dogs are just another dumb animal in this world of dumb animals. There's no difference between a chicken dying and a dog dying.

>> No.25732473

>everyone who points out something I'm insecure about MUST be a tranny!
And you will never have a girlfriend and you will never be loved by a woman. You will never be able to be a provider, and your dick is useless.

>> No.25732530

When my dog died (at 11, old for a working dog) I sat in my truck outside the vet and bawled my eyes out for about 10 mins, then wiped my face and went on with my life.
I still miss her and I haven't needed a working dog since but I sometimes think of getting a pet

>> No.25732547

cope and seethe bug lady

>> No.25732572

I work as a manager in a retail store and I’ve absolutely given my team days off for things like this

>> No.25732594

In the west, we do not dogs as food like you zhangs do. Go back yo your bat soup retarded yellow

>> No.25732665


>> No.25732921

Not a zhang but I like them for their utter disregard for pets and treating dogs and cats as food or pests like they are.

>> No.25733087

>we do not dogs as food
>Go back yo your
Are you sure you're from the west?

>> No.25733104

To all fuckers thinking a dog isn't worth it
Remember: your oshi would be disgusted
Doesn't matter if she's JP or EN, she would think you suck, you're lame, you're an edgy motherfucker and you're a self centred bitch
No matter if holo or niji or indie
That's why you're an insufferable kissless virgin: because you lack entry level empathy
You think some taking time off for a dog is a waste of time
You think the same about learning a language
You think the same about washing your teeth after meals
You think the same about washing your stanky ass
You think the same about investing your free time into anything that is not watching fucking youtube or playing videogames
You're not even a disappointment, you're just what a girl would expect from a mess like you
Get your life in check dudes

Obviously, this only applies to white
Pinoy, seanigs, don't need to apply because women are disgusted by them by default, unfixable shit.
You shouldn't even be in this website, these minerals ain't gonna mine themselves
And yes, dog life > SEAmonkey life

>> No.25733186

Jokes on you, my oshi is chinese.

>> No.25733273

Incorrect: It's not fixable because people like us are like this by default, due to being autistic subhumans. We exist to make society worse, and nothing short of a genocide will do anything to solve the problem. Good luck.

>> No.25733332

then kys nigger like the utter trash you are

>> No.25733347

At my job a guy’s gf broke up with him and he fucked off to another state to “find himself” for a week and it was just considered fine

>> No.25733383


>> No.25733720

Anon, let Yogiri go...

>> No.25733826

Taking one day off is fine.Only lazy whores would take more than that.

>> No.25734022
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>> No.25736098

It's the same case in China though, people ate dog meat out of necessity but it's not common at all for younger generations.

>> No.25736462

Chinese culture is about fucking over everyone around you as much as possible for personal gain, it's no surprise they eat literal shit oil and eat dogs, they probably sold it to the restaurant as top quality sesame oil and the finest pork that just so happened to fall off a truck and cutting them a deal

>> No.25736952

Today I learned pets aren't animals.
>An animal you raised yourself
>Some animals you don't know that become food
I wonder why we care more about one than the other. We've got a real mystery on our hands, gang.

>> No.25737176

doesnt excuse them eating bats and shit though, they fucked the rest of the world with their love to eat literally anything they can get their hands on.

>> No.25737478

My favorite reply in the thread

>> No.25737550


>> No.25738237

let me guess
one of your siblings died, and then your parents then became rich

>> No.25738368

Dangerously based. I've been noticing this on here for ages. Like 50% of people here are mentally ill and have no empathy.

>> No.25738420

>you and this board don't give a fuck about animals, only pets
just like we don't care about you or any random person
only friends and family

>> No.25738896

Lol you people just say shit like this to sound tough. It's glaringly obvious.

>> No.25739513

Ok, who is going around killing chuuba dogs?

Araki is that fucking you?

>> No.25739865

She'll probably retire v-Ember when/if it happens.

It's not uncommon to see athletes perform just after one of their parents died. Cristiano Ronaldo is one example.

>> No.25740106

"Weird" Al Yankovich performed a comedy show literally minutes after being told both his parents died in a gas leak at his family home
Man went on stage and made other people laugh for several hours like 30 minutes after he heard both his parents had died.

>> No.25740140

If you needed to make some time for cremation, cover medical costs, etc, that's pretty normal.

>> No.25740166

Will the same Nijiniggers who continue to mock Sana for this do the same for Reimu? Of course they will! She interrupted DADDY's stream so therefore this just makes their graduation push for her so much easier. Poor girl, she deserves way better than the world of human garbage that surrounds her.

>> No.25740253

Does this mean the Sana antis were Redditors?

>> No.25740449

>Reimu's dog dies
>takes one day off
>Sana's dog dies
>takes a whole month off
Guess Sana does it because she knows she can be successful without trying too hard since she's in HoloEN while NijiENs who aren't Luxiem have to work their asses off to get a shred of fame and money.

>> No.25741344

just throw it in the trash retard

>> No.25741388

t. Chinese

>> No.25742250

Not him, but the reason why all of you have this negative view about male stoicism is because you are all part of an experiment to emasculate men in order to see if early life sociological influences can have a physical effect on testosterone development.

Now, personally, there's been a few times in my life when I've cried because of loss when I was young, of course it's due to being sheltered and unaccustomed to sudden loss.
However, of the times I've ever cried around a ex, it always had a net negative effect on the relationship.

As a lesson to you young men, tears are not meant to be shown to women, they are a signifier to women that you are incapable of bearing responsibility.
A lot of young men when they hear this, mistake this for,"well, that just means that specific woman is a sociopath! it's her fault!"

No, it is not.
Women have a lot of ingrained, subconscious feelings built into them, things like, how women scream out loud when something scary happens, this is a subconscious action that women cannot control, it happens because women were signalers during raids on encampments during tribal times, they warned the men that other men/animals were attacking and that them and the children are in danger.
Now, women also have a lot of subconscious measurement of men, your actions cause them to value you higher or lower in a hierarchy, which is the main way women determine attraction.
Crying around women is one of the worst things you can ever do if you want a woman to stay attracted to you, it almost always leads women to believing you are "emotionally manipulating them" because you are "acting like a woman," causing them to become increasingly unattracted to you

Now I know most of you have given up on trying to get a girlfriend and that's fine, but as an old man, I'm teaching you young ones why both men and women frown on you being overly emotional, because it signifies all the qualities of an unattractive man who is not in control of himself

If you have to be emotional, do it around the boys over some drinks, and leave it at that, don't overindulge

>> No.25742990

Are you really Izumi Shin'ichi?

>> No.25743485

Mucho texto, i just want to eat Reimu's ass.

>> No.25744918

shes still gonna be a sub 1k corpo without raids no matter how much she pity baits. they need to stop hiring esls for their EN branch

>> No.25746180


>> No.25746343

Why do they feel the need to share everything that happens in their life with a bunch of strangers?

>> No.25746551

I had a cat for over 10 years. Little guy was like my son in a way. He loved people but didn't like other animals. While I dislike people and love animals. So it worked out very well. He was very mild mannered and docile. Even if you hate cats you'd like him.

No, I didn't take any time off when he passed. I could have since my bosses love me for working so hard all the time and let me do whatever but I didn't.

I didn't even take time away from school or a competition I entered when my grandma passed away when I was a kid. All these things hurt me but I never let it stop me from what I was doing. Death is natural thing. Everything that lives WILL die. Accept it.

>> No.25747190

This looks like massive projection.

>> No.25751227

>Will cremation dog OFF stream
Pity point farming on top of laziness.
Could only be.

>> No.25752666

So what you're saying is Kindred killed her dog and threatened to do the same to her if she didn't cancel her stream?

>> No.25752796

Kobo subhuman
Reimu subhuman

>> No.25753080

>day job at office or retail
>go in depressed for a week
>no one cares
>career where you have to be excited by yourself for hours
>stream depressed for a week
>vt melt down threads hourly
Don't know what you expect them to do

>> No.25754377

Vtubers are an entertainment and mood-based line of work. Yes if a family member died, you wouldn't want to bring that energy to a stream. I'd imagine actors are allowed similar things if a recent death is just making their performance shit (although they would have to be a named actor with power in their name, of course)

>> No.25754934

For this line of business it's understandable, as the reality is you don't lose much taking time off, and your personality is part of your work so if you're feeling fucking depressed and are crying then yeah, you might want to take time off rather than stream.

>> No.25755046

If you also have to go have it put it down on that day, then I can see it as a valid reason for taking a day off. But anymore than that and you're pushing it.

>> No.25755083

You wrote like a faggot but dog life is indeed more precious than a seanigger life
