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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25627584 No.25627584 [Reply] [Original]

I can fix her...

>> No.25627644

You can unrape the raped
and you can't unlesbo a rape victim

>> No.25627704

Why did you assume they pronouns?

>> No.25627725

do you think she has breast envy?

>> No.25627744


>> No.25627799

she can fix me...

>> No.25627844

nice fucking udders

>> No.25628218

There was no rape, literally the majority of EN pity baits in their membership streams on bad experiences in the past and defaults to rape for uncomfortable experiences. She got turned down so hard her fragile mind practically got raped though and made her desperate brain that wanted to attain said man break. Now she thinks she's one as well.

>> No.25628456

So what is wrong that needs to be fixed specifically?

>> No.25628521

Her depression

>> No.25628735

>there are kronies in this thread right now
have you supered lately to fund your oshi's HRT?

>> No.25628783

Are you a doctor? She needs a penis implant

>> No.25628924

discordfag femboy kronies are cuter and more sexually attractive than kronii is

>> No.25629296

So can any surgeon with ftm experience.
After that it's just a matter of joining the 59%

>> No.25629610

The only thing that can fix her is ina's giant korean ass

>> No.25629772

I can temporarily implant a penis into her vagina

>> No.25629970

I can fix They/them

>> No.25630624

Are kronii's streams fun to watch?

>> No.25630713

I liked her Frost punk streams.
12 minutes was surprisingly quite good too (the stream, not the game) though it did drag on a bit.

>> No.25630715

She needs to accept her boobs like how a blonde has to accept people will assume she's dumb because she's blonde. Exploit your assets to your advantage.

>> No.25630806

You probably meant 49%

>> No.25633935

Her beginning streams like Frostpunk were pretty good. Some of her other streams are alright.

But a lot of the streams suffer from her already playing the game so her reactions are muted or just fake which makes the stream boring.

Also her member streams could be fun but they have the problem that a lot of people there are weirdos who keep posting a massive amount of superchats in the vein of :"I was depressed because XX and you saved me" or "We Kronies love you and will be there for you always" a lot of the time she wouldn't even be talking about anything leading to this but it defaults to it a lot. Just a massive pity party/cringe trying to force parasocial grooming.

Her kirby and collab streams are pretty good though.

>> No.25634037

>no good streams besides the early ones

>> No.25634237

The most seiso HoloEN

>> No.25634612



>> No.25634633

[citation needed]

>> No.25634723
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>She got turned down so hard her fragile mind practically got raped though and made her desperate brain that wanted to attain said man break. Now she thinks she's one as well.

>> No.25635044
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Lesbian here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men: we needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what we traded for those things (or they just raped us).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And medical science has made procreative sex totally unnecessary; we can just buy the sperm (with our superior earnings) and have it cleanly injected without getting within ten feet of a penis.

Women are naturally more attracted to other women. Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful, soft and smooth and curvy, basically the opposite of hairy oafish ape-like men. And we know how to please each other like no man ever could. Lesbian sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "straight" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of strong men act as our designated studs and the rest of you losers are eunuchs designated for manual labor exclusively. Deal with it.

>> No.25635098

Fix yourself first

>> No.25635166
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Males are obsolete
Think about it. Males are a disposable mutation with the Y chromosome, whereas femaIes are the real compIete humans. Now that there are machines to do labor that males would do, and there's so much sperm in sperm banks, why should we keep males? They are more violent, rapists, and they start all the wars and are the source of most human suffering.
I think we should get rid of males completely, or if we're going to keep them around we should use genetics to make them small and cute, sort of like pets to own. They'd be much better that way and much more safe.
What do you think femanons? Let's build paradise.

>> No.25635196

I still laugh at Kronii's "soup hot" meme. If only she never started playing Minecraft.

>> No.25635455

Qrd in Kronii's "queerness" or is this shit made up? Never watched council but I'm wondering if that is a good choice or not.

>> No.25635623

does kronii really want to castrate men

>> No.25635665

>how to convince people to stop reading two words in.txt

>> No.25635677

Made up, she made some comment about a voiceover she did asking if people could tell her gender from it and someone here took that to mean she is trans or something. As someone who is membered to her, I highly recommend. She can be quite... sweet.

>> No.25635773

Her RM in a youtube comment said she was genderfluid. And all her RM friends are lesbians.

Just look up Kronii Genderfluid on google images and its the one with the youtube comments.

>> No.25635836

This post is a lie. Look at my post it will take you very easily to the snap shot of her talking about it and she straight up says she identifies as genderfluid.

>> No.25636259

Rarely can you fix a tranny. But honestly, do you really want them fixed? Even if they stop being trannies they'd still be insufferable faggots. Kronii would still be a boring depressed bitch, only now she'd understand she's a woman.

>> No.25636452

She privated that vod, kek.

>> No.25636455


>> No.25636474

no proof lmao

>> No.25638335
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I will break her...

>> No.25638624

so if all sex is rape then...? give vagene.

>> No.25639965

lesbians aren't real, your sexual fetish isn't a lifestyle, and your hedonism is only survivable in the times within a nation that allows for your fantasy to take over your basic needs as luxuries become the norm

when reality comes to hit you like it did "lesbians" in venezuela you will sell yourself on the corner and no longer have your mind diseased from modern bullshit

>> No.25640283

False. I could see why she'd get mind fucked from being rejected since she looks like any average cute asian woman. 100% of anons here would have accepted if the same happened to them. I can only assume she went after some 10/10 gigachad and thought in her woman head that because she had so many beta orbiters in her pl her sense of value was too high and got humbled. Hard.

>> No.25640502

Now that I remember it wasn't a gigachad, just a normal looking white dude. Probably what made the fall even harder and made her brain so shitter-shattered.

>> No.25640706


>> No.25640861
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Daily injections of my gender fluid will help.

>> No.25641349

If she's a lesbian, do I have a chance? I'm a cute girl

>> No.25641536
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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

>> No.25641619

Like almost all of council, Kronii shines best during collabs
On her own she has some moments and can be pretty funny but most of the time you can basically see the gears in her head spinning to find something to say

>> No.25642220

Vocel here tits or GTFO

>> No.25642828

Can you put this into a greentext anon? I'm curious

>> No.25643381 [DELETED] 
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Cope. Why are we saving someone who obviously hates their job again? Kronii hates men, identifies as genderfluid, and still follows male hate accounts in her rommate's twitter so it's obvious she doesn't want to actually do her job.

>identifies as genderfluid
>follows notorious male hate bot accounts
>defensive as fuck when called out
>still follows other male hate accounts
Imagine how much she seethes internally that her literal job is whoring her voice/time out to beg for simps in chat when she secretly hates it. The dysphoria must be insane.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKoU3LIPZKw

>> No.25645226

outed as clip watcher

>> No.25646223

bro they are genderfluid so they are bi not lesbian

>> No.25646667 [DELETED] 
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Not really. She still has the vod up and you can search her comments. It's obvious she doesn't even want to hide it.
I think someone posted this already but I somehow can't find it. Here it is. You can also search for it yourself in this video:

>> No.25647438

You realize this would just lead to a rape revolution, right? A rapevolution?

>> No.25648050


>> No.25648357

>rape victim
I got raped twice, I didn't turn into a fag.

>> No.25648489

Yes you did. Don't lie.

>> No.25648634

Rape correction cures all delusions even yours!

>> No.25648655

>Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to men
I'll bite the bait.

Women have ALWAYS been attracted to men because unlike women, men are driven. Driven to succeed, driven to provide, driven to make a name for themselves. Men can work together under a chain of command. There's a reason why there are a lot of male-only companies, but once female-only companies are made they collapse like a house of cards.

>Woman starts all female company. Quickly implodes due to cliques, crying, and catfighting over handbags

There are no lesbians or feminists in a house fire.

>> No.25648683

Lesbians need rape correction
All of them

>> No.25648711

I actually didn't. Dated 2 women after those incidents. My problem now is fully trusting women, anon.

>> No.25648799

>i know this is bait but i'm gonna be a dumb faggot anyway
wow cool
everyone is so impressed
so many civilizations you built
so many farms you run

>> No.25648813

This thread has been taken over by anti-kronii marxist infiltrators.

>> No.25648879

That's cool, faggot. How many lesbians are willing to work a construction job again?

>> No.25648922
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>> No.25648970
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She's just like me... and that's why I love her.

>> No.25649103

you will never be a woman

>> No.25649139

No and no you aren't

>> No.25649152

Why would I want to fix her? Depressed is best.

>> No.25649210

They're here but they aren't taking over

>> No.25649316

Kronii will become a trad housewife the instant a decent white Christian man comes along. The zogbot groomers she hangs out with don't have as much control as they think.

>> No.25650183

>anti-kronii marxist infiltrators
so you mean Kronii herself is ITT?

>> No.25652514

based fucking call them out anon

>> No.25652593

H-h-hot. Talk shit about me more.

>> No.25652644
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You WILL be castrated.

>> No.25652735
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>lesbian here

>> No.25653087
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>Who wouldn't be? We're beautiful
this is copypasta but women these days are looking worse for wear than ever before seen it's fucking mortifying. If it's not the weight problem it's drug and alcohol use turning these people into fucking hags BEFORE 30. Like picrel of kiara posing with some fucking mutant dalit subhuman and her face looks like it's melting off her skull.

>> No.25653119

Not to mention the fucking vegan diet shit some women put themselves through for the worse.

>> No.25653127

Go away HRT saleman. You can't fix shit.

>> No.25653427

>a 5/10 wouldn't even want to bang you
Either that guy isn't into Asians or Kronii is emotionally damaged goods irl. Either way, it would make sense why she would turn lesbian after that rejection.
