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25494124 No.25494124 [Reply] [Original]

>Gura literally admitted that she played the rest of Powerwash Simulator in online coop offstream
Are Chumbuds the most cucked fanbase?

>> No.25494261

Nigga nobody cares

>> No.25494454

Shit game and gura runs out of topics to talk about fast. Rather she keep stuff for her mems stream.

>> No.25494490

That would be cuckbeats. At least Gura doesn't advertise the fact that she's a massive normalfag with bf

>> No.25494520

>most cucked fanbase
nah you just lack of reps. this only prove she's a stinky shut-in NEET if true.

>> No.25494586

Yeah, it's not looking good for us. Won't be long until we're laughed off the board at this rate.

>> No.25494597

Cuckbuds are quick to deny it huh without providing backup proof

>> No.25494638

Doesn't change the fact that Chumbuds pretend she's some fucking angel that has never interacted with a man and cry about how much they miss her while she's taking extra days off to play with some random dude

>> No.25494673

The most cucked fanbase are Bomudachis, their oshi fucked a man in an offpako collab in an hotel and they still defend her, at least finaniggers admit that their oshi is a cheap street hooker and love her for being one

>> No.25494709


>> No.25494770

So just like every hololive member?

>> No.25494808

Good. That game is boring shit.

>> No.25494926

Probably with Kronii. That autist loves Powerwash Simulator and not streaming.

>> No.25494941

Here's when they start talking about it
And here's where she implies that she played coop

>> No.25494943

So girl who loves cleaning plays cleaning game she though was in permission hell?
Is that suppose to some big bomb?
This is dumb

>> No.25494946

Not the most but it's up there since there's two named npcs

>> No.25494992

she's obviously working with Farhan, i don't understand what are you talking about you fucking cuck.

>> No.25495043

She would have definitely mention that it had been with Kronii if that was the case
The obvious implication is that she played it with one of HER old friends, all while chumbuds pretend that the chumjoker rrats were bullshit and that she doesn't interact with her male friends anymore

>> No.25495049

Not to mention her saying that her back is blown out and some "thing" yesterday didn't help HAHAHAHAH chumbuds are so cucked it's unreal. At least accept it like the deadbeats and not deny everything

>> No.25495141

the only one who has a bf is you faggot

>> No.25495179

Is this the third time that you are trying to push this shitty rrat? Holy mother of god what a sad faggot.

>> No.25495210

but we aren't talking about you

>> No.25495219

The fact that she played coop offstream isn't even a rrat
The only speculation is who she played with

>> No.25495275
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For delusional freaks out there

>> No.25495375

>only insults
>0 proof
Better don't reply at all instead of that, you just look like you're on massive cope

>> No.25495462

So the idea that she have friends is so alien to you that you can only rationalize it if she is playing with some old fans who are male?

>> No.25495476

Qrd on chumjoker rrats pls

>> No.25495535

Old fans? Maybe I should join since I was there since the thousands

>> No.25495546

An autist who made some screenshots and pretended it was some epic doxx and then admitted it was all a LARP and that he was trying to imitate his idol Chumbat.
Literally shit from 1+ year ago that was debunked already.

>> No.25495635

Quick rundown for any newfags
>Gura mentions playing Valheim early last year
>Valheim is an online coop game
>Some schizo Chumbud finds her personal Discord account
>He also finds the Discord account of a guy she used to stream with
>He stalks their accounts and find that they often go online and launch games within minutes of each other
>several Gura cancelations line up with them going online to play games
>Chumbuds completely memoryhole this and say it's fake
>New evidence that the guy is one of the first 10 followers of her OFFICIAL GAWR GURA TWITCH CHANNEL is posted, confirming that they are still in contact
>She mentions playing Powerwash sim coop online offstream
It's so fucking obvious at this point. Anyone trying to deny it is delusional.

>> No.25495756

Except all the proof was screenshots and nothing else.

>> No.25495797


>> No.25495868

I've been asking Chumbuds to post anything debunking those screenshots and I still haven't gotten anything.

>> No.25495889

i'm gonna post it to her twitter account and ask her in the red supachat next. prepare to get BTFOed chumfucks

>> No.25495914

You expect me to take your word for it?
I mean it does track if you ignore the 0 proof you provided

>> No.25495915

If this is all true, then what's with the multiple anons claiming the rratposter himself came clean about all his proof being fake and a larp..?

>> No.25495926

So you're saying that all it takes is my changing my avatar to Gura's, ask a friend to change his name and avatar to Pewdiepie's, type to each other on Discord and voilà Gura is dating Pewdiepie? Amazing kek

>> No.25495938

>proof : screenshots

>> No.25495978

jeses how desparate this nigger subhuman troglodyte, already HAVE been seeing this everywhere, i know you hate gura so much because muh iofi didnt do nothing from a past year ago, PRODUKTIF KONTOL NEGARA UDH MISKIN JUGA, MALU SAMA EMAK ANJING

>> No.25496063

capek juga gw liat kaya beginian terus, gangguan jiwa beneran

>> No.25496176


>> No.25496195

It's all been thoroughly debunked but you don't know how to search a fucking archive because you're been here for 2 weeks max.

It's been debunked so hard at this point it could literally fill an entire Adam Ruins Everything episode.

>> No.25496228

not true
Why are you lying when you can check who he is following so easily?

>> No.25496300

They are referring to these posts
Which could have easily been made by a Chumbud falseflagging as the schizo. That's their entire basis for dismissing all those screenshots.
Also here's the proof of him being one of her first followers on Twitch, back when pretty much no one knew about that account.

>> No.25496371

Wrong guy

>> No.25496452

>Which could have easily been made by a Chumbud falseflagging as the schizo.
And the screenshots must be real instead, right?
My fucking sides

>> No.25496474

So, is Nijisanji paying this guy? Dude keeps going for 8 hours a day with some new angle attacking Gura every time.

>> No.25496528

wtf?? my oshi is a hikki tomboy who never goes outside and unironically she loves playing video games in her free time instead of going outside fucking some chads. definitely ruined my pure girlfriend image. unsubbed.

>> No.25496533

Seeing the massive amounts of cope from Chumbuds about this whole thing, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they did

>> No.25496540

>new angle

>> No.25496565

>SEAnigger envious of Gura mogging his indog shit tranny oshi
>legit schizo
>all of the above
Pic one.

>> No.25496611

Yeah, lol, they are just throwing everything at me and seeing what sticks

>> No.25496624

Please understand, the guy fully believe in his own “proof” so he feels justified to spam it everywhere despite the fact that he is a laughingstock

>> No.25496658

If it was a chumbud LARPing the real schizo would've posted another time with more evidence to prove him wrong. He was an attention whore for posting the """doxx""" to begin with so he would've done that 100% to prove chumbuds wrong and make them seethe.

>> No.25496964

I'm saying all of this as a Chumbud that has been religiously watching and following her since October of 2020. I initially dismissed the Chumjoker rrats as bullshit but her recent behavior and the fact that I realized there isn't any real evidence debunking those screenshots made me really question all of this. Last week she took 5 fucking days off with zero communication. She talked about how badly she wanted to play Powerwash sim on stream several times and now she straight up says that she just played it offstream, most likely with some random dude. Knowing all of those days off she's just playing and chatting with some random dude offstream makes me sick.

>> No.25497030

>back when pretty much no one knew about that account.
You mean back when Cover made a Team account with all the chuubas in there on twitch and everybody noticed?

>> No.25497035

>no new IP

>> No.25497057

let me get this right since I've been doing some reps in the last hour, her PL streamed with some from swedish guy a couple of times, this guys is one of the first followers on her new twich account and is "supposedly" the person she was playing PWS off-stream?

>> No.25497137

Imagine doing reps on schizo ramblings.
Unless you're a newfag, then in this case you did reps on an older schizo's ramblings

>> No.25497196

kek, kys troon

>> No.25497230

Pretty much. The main issue is that I've realized that maybe the Chumjoker rrat from last year wasn't fake after all. If it's true it literally confirms that Gura is a cunt who cancelled several streams last minute, made up excuses and streamed less to play with him offstream.

>> No.25497290

Yes, possibly, no way to say really, and that means... we should be mad about it or something?
I don't really know why we need to shitpost about it for a whole day and make multiple threads.

>> No.25497356

Or maybe chumjoke just found a plausible person to form rrats around to shitpost with.

>> No.25497363
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We watch Goombus because she's cute and funny, i could care less about this parasocial crap.

>> No.25497374

The anon that mentioned shilling actually made me realize something

Basically there's been this dude/few dudes who constantly shit up the board with Gura's threads and anti schizo rrat shit posts every day. It was safe to assume it was a schizo but now it really starts to make me wonder if it's an actual paid Niji shill. Weren't Niji shills actually confirmed to be a thing already anyway?

>> No.25497376

What I'm trying to do with this is make any Chumbuds who still have parasocial feelings for her to realize how delusional they are and just how distorted their image of Gura is.

>> No.25497424

He's a fucking "Barb" from the "How are you doing today Barb?" you heard it right the schizo is obsessed with even more nothingburger. Gura is that yab free of a vtuber.

>> No.25497456

I will make it quick for you, gura said that the pws update fixed the coop bug, which means she is spending her break days playing with a swedish guy from the past and kept cancelling streams just to play with him off stream.

>> No.25497487

I mean she could (like any other chuuba) easily have a bf, or even be married and these fags care about some guy from fucking Sweden. Did you know that some Hololive girls are literally married? it's common knowledge among JP fans and they don't give a fuck

>> No.25497534

chumbuds... i'm so sorry...

>> No.25497592

Wow the dumbest shit people to find to bitch about a product they obviously don't enjoy or tune to. Just stay the fuck away if you aren't happy is it that hard? Or does your micro penis starts to ooze smegma of the simple thoughts of shit posting like an autist?

>> No.25497601

There are plenty of streams last year where she was clearly out of it and tired, making almost every Chumbud concernfag and it turns out that she was staying up until 6AM playing Valheim with this dude...

>> No.25497650


>> No.25497682

His ass

>> No.25497785

I wonder how much Cover spends on suppressing the forbidden knowledge for EN and still failing this bad.

>> No.25497898

What forbidden knowledge? meddling in the personal lives of the streamers like an obsessed schizo?

>> No.25497922

It was never debunked, not a single thing. In fact there was even proof from a public discord that was confirmed before it got taken down by the discord owner.

>> No.25497958

99.9% of their viewers couldn't care less about "le forbidden knowledge" so we can assume the amount of time is zero

>> No.25498153

so, where are these screenshots and why aren't you posting them

>> No.25498170 [DELETED] 

As a schizo the evidence clearly points to gura being in a relationship of some sort.
There are a million little details i've posted over the past year+ that show this and every time I just get called a schizo and told to kill myself. You cucks are paying the ultimate price not me, I don't watch this lazy cunt. Enjoy Gura getting touched by her bf on her watchalong member streams and her canceling all of her streams to fuck her bf in a hotel room on her week long vacation to "visit her parents" that don't even live far away from her.

>> No.25498239

kek post it now, also kys its due

>> No.25498310

Bump. Can we get to 300 replies? The longer we keep people who fall for bait busy, the better

>> No.25498425

I honestly wrote a really long and detailed thread with timestamps and explanations a while back to call her out but failed the captcha and lost it all and didn't want to do it again so I've just given up on her completely and moved on, I don't care anymore.

>> No.25498444

i'm trying to anon

>> No.25498472

What even is the problem that she has one? Chumbuds had his name drop in front of their faces on stream and they didn't care in the slightest.
You are the one who thinks every vtuber shouldn't be allowed to find happiness.

>> No.25498494

>failing a captcha
they are right for telling you to kill yourself

>> No.25498582

I think you may be confused anon, or just not ver up to date with current rrats

>> No.25498607

you're just a schizo that does the reps poorly (saying this as a real schizobud). you are not even funny, just repeating the same bullshit over and over and over till you get the attention you crave for.
And even if all of these were true, it would only counter everything you're trying to convey. feel free to waste your time more :) i don't care.

>> No.25498645

Lmao what the fuck is this.

So she's not allowed to have a boyfriend because it makes you seethe with envy? You aren't a friend you're just fan learn your fucking place kek.

>> No.25498736

Why would I watch someone who streams two times a week and cancels one of them to play games with her bf?
Early Gura was good, even with a bf, she tried.
She actually did her job.
She practiced singing and at the very least gave the impression of caring.
Now all of that is gone, so she can fucking rot idc.

>> No.25498807

Then stop watching and fuck off quit your moaning and whining and spare me from the autistic forbidden knowledge lecture.

>> No.25498843

>visit her parents
So is it daddy issues or mommy issues that is causing your anger?
There is nothing wrong with having a good and healthy relationship with your family

>> No.25498869

have you ever searched about helium mask anon?
it's not a messy suicide btw also hanging is nasty
only the winner is using helium mask

>> No.25498872

I don't watch, I just anti her on 4chan.

>> No.25498913

So we're all pretending to be retarded here, right?

>> No.25498954

i'm you fans anon, i'm looking forward for your next breakthrough
we can btfo this chumfucks together
you are the best

>> No.25498960


>> No.25498994

Good job anon, I think they're falling for it. What time are we meeting up in the discord channel, later tonight?

>> No.25499075

anon you are my hero here
please tell me what is next to btfo this chumfucks
also which one is easier? I'm still contemplating my isekai journey

>> No.25499121

That would explain how you don't quite understand how relationships work in the real world.
You addiction to anger will never get you happiness, find something to love instead

>> No.25499193

The absolute state of antis .....

>> No.25499196

if this doesn't work I will give up honestly i'm getting tired

>> No.25499257

if you go i will go too
just tell me when

>> No.25499275
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>> No.25499284

>literally going schizo and talking to himself
you ok anon?

>> No.25499306

I just want Chumbuds to see that she isn't this pure, lonely autist that has never interacted with a man. I remember her crying about how she had to ask her mommy to play games with her when she caught the coof... fucking lying cunt.

>> No.25499353

Ignore him, it's just a Chumbud falseflagging as a schizo

>> No.25499400

Imagine literally thousands of (You) all wanting to know when and where and how Gura does things. I would have killed myself by now. If Gura has fun with her friends I can only be happy for her. She's clearly not being sexually satisfied so hopefully she gets that taken care of soon too.

>> No.25499406

i'm enlightened, no more lies for me
i hope others will follow soon

>> No.25499448
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this you?

>> No.25499451

True that does annoy me as well, why do chumcucks actually picture her as some retarded child? She's a grown ass woman who has been dicked down more than a fair share of women and many friends who she talks to regularly. It feels like they just project their retardedness onto her, which to be fair is easy her model does look fucking retarded.

>> No.25499495

chumcuck bros...

>> No.25499525

Who cares about what Ame does in 2022?

>> No.25499566

He was also confirmed to be literally legless

>> No.25499579

Is there a connection between your obsession about purity and your personal failings?
The fact that you care what /vt/ thinks about her is quite telling of your life outside this, how many anons do you think would notice if you left?

>> No.25499604

I want to lick

>> No.25499708

Do you know only a small minority of her viewers gives a fuck about her private life? They don't give a fuck they are there for the videos and for the stream fuck off with your schizo talking points. Trust me the majority of viewers don't give a fuck about her personal life is just sad morons like you that does.
