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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25474401 No.25474401 [Reply] [Original]

Holos that don't deserve their success

>> No.25474500
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>> No.25474501
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>> No.25474561
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>> No.25474649

Based gokisei and holox enjoyer

>> No.25474866

kys faggot, Suisei is the most talented singer Hololive has ever witnessed, no cap fr fr

>> No.25475098

>talented singer
>in Hololive

>> No.25475313

lmao even

>> No.25475783
File: 1.71 MB, 1862x952, hololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25476376

Bizzaro thread?

>> No.25476457

>Literally hates her fans
>Doesn't give a fuck about hololive
>Never streams
OP is right

>> No.25476467

Anything after gen 4 + all foreign branches, basically

>> No.25476734


>> No.25477261

>gen 4
Gen 4 did nothing retard

>> No.25477291


>> No.25477990

How does Suisei keep making SEAniggers seethe despite not streaming for nearly a month?

>> No.25478014


>> No.25478322


>> No.25478363

You mean people with facts and logics?

>> No.25478607


>> No.25478620

OPs that deserve the rope.

>> No.25478635

pic NOT related

>> No.25479056
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overrated, and for some alien reason, everyone on /vt/ loves her.

>> No.25479281

Bugman spotted.

>> No.25479303

>Offers the only non-degenerate streamer content for English audience

Nah, they deserve it

>> No.25479383

Everyone after gen 2 because they didn't struggle as much as Sora and the first 2 gens

>> No.25479551
File: 254 KB, 498x498, Mori_Calliope_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right but on the wrong chuuba.

>> No.25479561

>non-degenerate content

Reeeeaally scraping the bottom of the barrel with that one. lmao They're not much better. But I'll take HoloEN over the constant shit storm that is EN indie.

Bunch of horny on main weebs that get courage because their JP waifu (who doesn't understand English or the context of what they're saying) said something LeWd and since they said it it's okay. XD XD XD


>> No.25479648

Cope Suifag
Even Mori deserves her sucess more than her

>> No.25479747

>t. cuckbeat
Seethe forever, your wigger hates her job and only copes with it with copious amounts of alcohol

>> No.25479771

Mori. Bad rapper and singer also just as retarded if not more than her own fanbase.

>> No.25479796

Based, suisei is unironically the mori of JP

>> No.25479815


>> No.25479825

Heresy, Suisei actually likes her job.

>> No.25479905

Cuckbeats really hating on Susie who gives out free concerts. Meanwhile, their fucking oshi fucked off immediately to go on tour as her real self while telling you the vacation lie. You deserve each other LMAO.

>> No.25479916

>Never streams
>Doesn't care about her coworkers
>Openly hates her fans
Yeah, no.

>> No.25480040

she likes being known for singing, theres a difference

>> No.25480159

>Never streams
You don't actually watch her don't you?

>Doesn't care about her coworkers
She is one of the people who cares about Hololive the most. It literally saved her career back when she was a reject and Cover was just a backwater company. If someone was offered millions to betray Hololive it's Suisei who will be the last.
She is often compared to Mori, but that bitch on the other hand literally only applied to Hololive as a joke. It will be her who will betray Hololive on the first chance.

>Openly hates her fans
Just because she doesn't appeal to GFE-addicted unicorns means she hates her fans. Suisei likes the appreciation her fans give her, but she cautions them to never go full gachikoi - and for a good reason.

>> No.25480190

why do you fall for such shitty bait anon

>> No.25480369

Your oshi still doesn't deserve her success

>> No.25480493

>Your oshi still doesn't deserve her success
The perfect description for your oshi Mori. Suisei actually earned her way to the top.

>> No.25480588

Most of them after Gen 3, with Watame, Kiara and Botan being the exceptions and Council being the worst offenders.

>> No.25480599

>Suisei actually earned her way to the top.
There's no way you watch Suisei and think that's true

>> No.25480627

>Putting Kiara there hoping people won't notice

>> No.25480656

I hope you notice you little Cuckbeat faggot.

>> No.25480753

If you actually watched Suisei you'd know how much of a hard worker she is.

>> No.25480816

t. biased delusional hoshiyomi who can't think objectively

>> No.25480861

I’m glad she works hard but she’s a masturbation aid who DMCs her porn and sings samey songs while shitting on the whales she had no problem pandering to before getting to the top.

>> No.25481141
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Reminder that Mori does not see Hololive as anything more than a boost to her long term career path and is not at all grateful for the popularity and platform they gave to her and her shitty music. Before anyone tries to say Suisei is the same, her most popular original is literally a song about being frustrated with how people still won't accept vtubers or give them a chance and she actually struggled as an indie, infinitely more respectable than the brapper who is desperately trying to use her prebuilt corporate provided pretty anime girl persona to establish whatever music connections she can until she's self sufficient enough to escape the company and coworkers she loathes so much and go fuck about with her "real" friends. You SEAnigs can sperg out about Suisei all you want, but never compare her, or any other holo for that matter, to the ungrateful lying leech that is Mori.

>> No.25481185

Mori (she would be a trash tier rapper without hololive), Kiara (keep doing lewd cosplays you whore), Flare+Kanata (talentless hacks, mediocre singers and basically just fillers in their gens), and all of Holo council except Bae maybe.

>> No.25481304

>all of Holo council except Bae maybe.
We're talking about successful holos here

>> No.25481402

the entire thread is bait desu

>> No.25481420

I want Kiara sex tapes

>> No.25481448

Seething gachikoi. Suisei doesn't want you guys so get out. Stop posting in the general too.

>> No.25481452

/vt/ is a bait board with a foot on /h/

>> No.25481989

Gachikoi is literally the one who support her career and she's spitting on them

>> No.25482070


>> No.25482133

Being honest with your fans is not "spitting" on anyone. If she was pulling a Rushia everyone would call her a fake money farming whore. I respect Suisei a lot for saying its ok to fall in love with her but she can never reciprocate. I wish people were honest like that all the time.

>> No.25482203

Your picrel, suisei is a mid-tier singer that hates her fans, doesn't give a fuck about streaming and is a bitch towards her co-workers.
The only time people like her is because "le flat beautiful face chuuba", literally only coombrains which she blatantly told to fuck off btw by striking a DMCA to a porn of hers. Hishiyomi's has got to be one of the saddest and miserable fanbase around for still defending her flagrant antics.

>> No.25482299

I'm typing on a toilet, worthy of suisei's shit-tier vtuber level.

>> No.25482344

literally cannot give an answer except "uhhh sHe cAn't dO thAt, hOLolive litErAlly sAveD hEr"

>> No.25482368

>SEAnigs pretending to be deadbeats and hoshiyomis thread #9001

>> No.25482469

Shut up nigger.

>> No.25482528

>not a single mention of ayame after 60 posts

>> No.25482575

She deserves all the success she's had. Cute is justice.

>> No.25482653

Based, finally someone admit HoloEN are moderate at best.

>> No.25482748

>Wigger rapper
>Rampant LGBT harpies
>Hidden boyfriends
>Lazy nepo hire
>Proud atheists

The only difference between Vshojo and HoloEN, is Vshojo says their stupid shit on stream to HoloEN's off stream

>> No.25483887

ITT seething hoshiyomis

>> No.25483980

Chink BTFO

>> No.25484046

None of what you said is sadly true. But keep making up headcanon.

>> No.25484064
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Wrong pic

>> No.25484114

Damn, I love how Suisei can make brown skin SEAnigs like this so upset.

>> No.25484201


>> No.25484774

Holy shit
>proud atheists
what exactly is your standard for a good vtuber other than just being entertaining? why are you so mentally ill? looks like to be a vtuber you literally have to be a nun. expected from pol schizos that got into a predominantly lefty hobby, expecing everyone to conform to their own mental illness of "being traditional". kill yourself faggot you are a dirty incel that watches anime girls. in what you would call an ideal world, your kind would be executed with no remorse. im right wing and i would kill you people in droves.

>> No.25485306


>> No.25486514

Stop projecting, hoshityomi

>> No.25486561

Everyone who joined after Gen 4.
Everyone whose popularity is mostly thanks to memes/viral moments.
Everyone who takes frequent breaks or uploads mainly shitty shorts.
Everyone who has frequently resorted to milestone endurance streams.
Everyone who has ever used a clickbait thumbnail/title/description.
Everyone who does GFE garbage.
Everyone who has pandered to Reddit and EOPs in general.
Everyone who has been boosted by saviorfaggotry.

>> No.25486686
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>when even your own fans agree all you're good for is your model

>> No.25486690


>> No.25486703


>> No.25486714

nigga you don't deserve oxygen but i aint shitting up the index about it
kill yourself

>> No.25486764
File: 747 KB, 1500x1500, 1651207833418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bae isn't even remotely close to being my oshi, but I thoroughly enjoy her depending on the game in question (which is true for every Holo mem, honestly).

>> No.25486767

She's cute tho, she deserves everything she has until now

>> No.25486911

gotta be honest i am kind of split in suisei

on one hand you gotta respect that she worked hard to get to the place she is now, used to stream ton, try to do stuff together with other holomems a lot and even went hard on doing fucking great music

but at some point she changed hard and went from awesome to "ehhhh" and i honestly couldn't care less if she graduated right now

it feels like ayame light, where the moment she got what she wanted she kinda lost her drive and now just does the bare minimum for a well paying job

>> No.25487025


>> No.25487236

There's so much misinformation about Suisei in this thread that it's hilarious. Keep seething, niggers

>> No.25487440

right brah? what a schizo, brah...

>> No.25487515

yes i said it

>> No.25487692

This man speaking facts, I have no idea why she hasnt just formally graduated yet since she probablh got the industry exposure/connections she wanted now. She doesn't give a shit about her fans at all, so what does she have to even offer?

>> No.25487912
File: 34 KB, 1200x600, Eh2TtBeUMAA_8IK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Nijisanji

>> No.25488262

She can't graduate, that's the thing. Her music is no different from any completely mid-tier JPop singer who can actually cut it as a meatspace idol. Nor can she boost her roommate's career since she has kept the two completely separate. She'd go back to irrelevancy and she knows it.

>> No.25488391

I never understood why people rate Suisei so highly. Her songs sound the same because her range is very limited. Other than shilling her new song or playing tetris, she barely streams. Her new deeper voice for streaming makes her sound bored, like she's trying to imitate Ado. I get it that she was the pride of CCP back then, but now that she abandoned chinks, she somehow managed to get EOPs to inflate her numbers

>> No.25488643

I will if they can give me something I will enjoy.
Otherwise, I will stay with Hololive.

>> No.25488821

>contract cancer
No thanks, anon.

>> No.25488897

Trying really hard to bait huh?

>> No.25489022

Bare minimum? Not counting birthday lives, she did 7 seven concerts last year, and already had 4 lined up for this year. Everyone that talks about her complements her work ethic.

>> No.25489055


>> No.25489274


considering how making ONE thing right puts you above most undeserving streamers, I wouldn't be hating on suisei.

>> No.25489426

>Everyone who joined after Gen 4.

>Everyone whose popularity is mostly thanks to memes/viral moments.
>Everyone who takes frequent breaks or uploads mainly shitty shorts.
>Everyone who has frequently resorted to milestone endurance streams.
>Everyone who has ever used a clickbait thumbnail/title/description.
>Everyone who does GFE garbage.
>Everyone who has pandered to Reddit and EOPs in general.
>Everyone who has been boosted by saviorfaggotry.
you just described entire gen 4 XD

>> No.25489437

>makes an opinion despite not understanding the language

>> No.25490701

i guess it just feels like that that then since she went away from streaming and is all about music nowadays

sadly her music at this point all sounds the same to me and feels like soulless jpop shit so i do not care for that

>> No.25490871

kek ok ESL enjoy your mori

>> No.25491869

>sadly her music at this point all sounds the same to me and feels like soulless jpop shit so i do not care for that

I notice this too.
I guess she really enjoying the dick of this producer guy( taku inoue ) because there's no over explanation why is she stick so much to him

>> No.25492193

Fuck off.

>> No.25492897

Beg more, nijinigger

>> No.25493037

Found the redditnigger

>> No.25493486

Unlike your oshi, that copes with nigger cock.

>> No.25495472

Hot. Tell us more.

>> No.25496189

Suisei only became this successful because of hololive.

>> No.25497812

>Hoshiyomis think this is impressive

>> No.25497878

they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.25497980

Are Hoshiyomi really this mad that she took a small break??? I hope not, she deserves better.

>> No.25498212

>taku inoue
It's funny how much suiseifags are cooming over this literal who. Literally the only reason anyone has ever heard of him is because of Hololive, but if you'd listen to the most delusional fanbase on /vt/ he is some kind of grand old man whose prestige is supposed to rub off on her.

>> No.25498267

You must hate black cock. I bet you seethe when you see black men dick make white women call them daddy and master. Seethe

>> No.25498497

Stop talking so much and post pics.

>> No.25499166


>> No.25499273

Stop distorting the truth, schizo

>> No.25499376

Hoshityomis status?

>> No.25499647

BTFO'D by the truth

>> No.25499656

Literally take meds, tranny. You are seething so hard, you sound like you're about to rope yourself.

>> No.25501014 [DELETED] 

It's really funny seeing seething suifags in this thread

>> No.25502789

Their success exists as a group not just as a singular entity.

>> No.25503965

I may not know who deserves their success, but I see a lot of seanigging samefags who deserve the rope.

>> No.25504338

op here, pic unrelated.

>> No.25504476


>> No.25507019

>not Mori
