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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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253532 No.253532 [Reply] [Original]

Do we all agree that russia is the biggest vtuber market in europe?

>> No.253565

yes anon they are the biggest because other eruofags dont even compete

>> No.253734

Well it is 1/6 of the worlds landmass and most of it has internet.

>> No.254022

Looking at anime licensing, France and the UK does the most of that according to the association of Japanese animators, so they should have a decent market too I would think.

>> No.254064

i stand by my words that in the next year or 2 we will see a Hololive Russia

>> No.254101 [DELETED] 

Only if russians actually start sending superchats
For all the russian viewers Botan has she still has the lowest superchats in her gen by a huge margin.

>> No.254188

yes, but you do see a lot of Russian currency superchats all around Hololive streams. Remember Russia is poorer than a lot of countries, and i think a Hololive Russia would still get a ton of foreign superchats just like HoloID.

>> No.254249


>> No.254278

They sure have potential.

>> No.254942

Is it a pun? As in "we plan it"? Pretty mediocre. And stressing the second syllable in the word "planet" is more natural for Russians, which also sounds catchier, but the Russian variation of the word descends from Greek, or Latin, which has an "-a" at the end. If they do end up pronouncing it like that, it will sound pretty retarded, but the westaboo pronunciation would also sound silly. Either way, sounds like some climate activist group. Save the planet, that kinda thing. Could've come up with something catchier, especially for the Russian-speaking audience. I guess they're going for the Earth-chan shtick, they want that girl to be the brand mascot or whatever. I'd drop that shit altogether. Maybe I'm overthinking this. I don't know, it just rubs my ADHD autism the wrong way. I just think it's shit. Mildly hyped for this, they're hinting at other branches, and anime girls with a bona fide Russian accent, and not some americuck klukva shit sounds like a good time.

>> No.254990
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What about Rushia? Do Russians like Rushia?

>> No.255012

Why, is she supposed to be Russian or something?

>> No.255059
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>hach chuubas

>> No.255108

France would be if they were interested

>> No.255115


>> No.255226
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>gopnik-chan chuuba

>> No.255242
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>commieblock sirotka

>> No.255252

Isn't that Mana?

Moona's fishing buddy in Siberia?

>> No.255262

They have Mana, Planya and Lilith

>> No.255281
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>pyaterochka cashier

>> No.255282

>russian vtubers do cute lesbian flirting with each other
>get arrested for gay propaganda

>> No.255296

Market for regular Russian streamers is huge, top Russian streamers get around 50k viewers for regular streams, but there is almost zero demand for vtubers. Russia has no idol culture, unless vtuber plays Heroes 3 on competitive level, there won't be a huge following.

>> No.255313

I've sent a lot of SCs before getting laid off my job a month ago. Even sent an akasupa to Gura, which she promptly ignored.

>> No.255316
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>pyaterochka cashier ASMR

>> No.255328

>unless vtuber plays Heroes 3 on competitive level
Well there we go, an easy path to success.

>> No.255338

based gura

>> No.255345

Why the fuck is the W in their handle spelled as VV? Was the original account name already taken?

>> No.255377
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>krokodil addict

>> No.255381

>no idol culture
It's an asian thing to begin with, west doesn't have it either. But it does not stop HoloEn from being extremely successful.

>> No.255389
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>nasvai addict

>> No.255396

Any chance they are connected to Wargaming?

Moona shills Wargaming and unexpectedly shows up in an unknown Russian Minecraft server?

>> No.255407

>there is almost zero demand for vtubers
Same as in the west, and yet look at HoloEN now

>> No.255428

>a Russian vtuber already exists
>she even collabed with Moona a couple weeks ago
I cringe at the very thought, and I cringe even harder imagining her trying to speak broken English

>> No.255440

See, here's the catch: Russians hate Russians.

>> No.255447

t. russian

>> No.255455

It's anything but easy, getting at least 500 rating in lobby requires years of training. Power level of HoMM3 autists is just too high, they can capture griffin conservatory on 3rd day in their sleep. There are only a couple or so girls streamers who are half-decent in it.
West has e-thot culture. It's not like Russia has no whores streaming, but they are not popular and have no exposure.

>> No.255464

Yeah, obviously. I wasn't even trying to hide it.

>> No.255483

Pretty sure Russia has their e-thots as well.
Source: leaked home vids on pornhub

>> No.255489

Well your loss. Their second collab was really nice.

>> No.255497


>> No.255507

Russian vtubing is actually based because it has an actual ork as a vtuber, who had been making quality content (and not just streaming) long before Kizuna Ai came into existence

>> No.255518


>> No.255528

where's the link

>> No.255553

Really? I haven't consumed any media in Russian for so long, the though has became alien to me.

>> No.255554

https://www.youtube.com/user/DocWitson Main channel
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDUyKdrKCYagMkUPBmPX59Q Stream archive

>> No.255557

There are a lot of "vtubers" who became "vtubers" before it was a thing. Calling him vtuber is the same as calling vtuber an annoying orange.

>> No.255558

pacлaбcя бpaтaн пpocтa ты гaвнo пидap))

>> No.255578
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>Really? I haven't consumed any media in Russian for so long, the though has became alien to me.

>> No.255589

Please somebody nuke Russia before it's too late.
t. Russian

>> No.255591

>ugly mobage tier art
>clickbait video titles
>featured video is shiling that mobile diablo game
I dunno anon...

>> No.255631

cпoкopaхa, пид

>> No.255658

itt: pidorashkas in full pidor mode

>> No.255692

Why not Hololive Spain?

>> No.255704

Disregarding that, which I'm absolutely agreeing on with you, he was quite entertaining to watch. I haven't been actually checking on him for a while now, but I've seen the Cyberpunk video, and he actually says his honest opinion that accounts for the game's good points instead of just riding the hate train.

>> No.255721

Earth-chan's subbed videos are legitimately the funniest Vtuber shit I have ever seen. Finally, someone who actually tries to make jokes.

Not that I speak pirogi any more than I speak weeb, but still.

>> No.255790

Somebody even subs this cringe? Wow.

>> No.255801

It's probably not that bad. Been meaning to check her out. One day.

>> No.255982
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>Russian localizations of videogames are utter garbage 95% of the time
>Russian movie dubs are the bare minimum quality to be passable, use the same half a dozen actors most of the time, and all wordplay and wording nuance is usually just booted out the window
>Most Russian wiki articles are usually just translations of English ones, and shitty ones at that
>A lot of Russian content creators on youtube cover the same topics you can find much better videos about in English
All of these combined form a preconception that if something is in Russian, then it's poor quality, and if it's in English, then it's good quality. Which makes actual good native Russian content that much harder to find.

>> No.256017

>Russia has no idol culture

>> No.256038

Niji thought India was a big market for similar reasons
Didn't quite work out

>> No.256156

Russian regional prices are half as cheap as EU or US prices for a reason. Steam games are usually about three times cheaper, and joining a youtube membership is the equivalent of slightly over 2 bucks instead of five.

>> No.256199

>Earth-chan's subbed videos are legitimately the funniest Vtuber shit I have ever seen
Are you sure that's not just because of stilted translation?

>> No.256257

I heard WePlanet is 100% chink-backed

>> No.256264
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>@WePlanet with a W is a 10 year old ghost account with 3 tweets and 0 followers

>> No.256291

"Not being absolutely terrible" isn't a good enough pitch.

>> No.256299

Who cares? ID is even worse. If they can ponder to EOPs, they can get donations with real money anyway.

>> No.256315

Is "I heard" your source?

>> No.256333

Should’ve dropped the dumb planet-chan gimmick.

>> No.256357

Well she did.

>> No.256384

The part of Russia that matters is in Europe actually

>> No.256398

Sure they watch but they don't superchat, they are a poor country so its pretty much expected

>> No.256406

Doxxing first irl meeting of russian vtubers.


>> No.256414

Isn't russia market pretty volatile? What would you do if government starts tighten regulation on internet?

>> No.256421

Views can still be monetized.

>> No.256424

That's why it will be made by Japs for Russia

>> No.256445

Pretty much everyone knows how to use VPN here, so it's not really a problem.

>> No.256446

Still not as profitable as expanding to a different country that would also watch + superchat + buy merchandise

>> No.256449

Ok that's pretty fucking good

>> No.256452

Because of those pants on head retarded regulations now everybody and their dog knows how to use a VPN, so it's no issue. Things like that are an open secret.

>> No.256469

Pretty damn good but the audio setup is lacking

>> No.256482

A man can dream. So far, Hololive's scouting/casting was nothing but magic.

>> No.256501

Бpaтeц, ты oпyбликoвaл кyкoж.

>> No.256561

>they don't superchat
Russian weebs are fucking monolingual spergs that won't learn English but will also not support anything not pandering to them.
It's kinda funny how it works. Money does not matter here. You have many Russian e-thots on twitch and other sites that seem to do well.
Also remember that Rusian speakers live outside Russia too. Ukraine, Balkans, Bulgaria hell even Mongolia has many Russian speakers.

>> No.256613

>Russian weebs are fucking monolingual spergs that won't learn English
How does that make them any different from EU weebs?
t. Russian weeb

>> No.256655

>It's kinda funny how it works. Money does not matter here. You have many Russian e-thots on twitch and other sites that seem to do well.
I have no idea what you're trying to articulate.
But from what I know, Russian youtubers and bloggers make most of their buck from native advertising, i.e. ads that are hardcoded into their content instead of being provided by whatever platform they're on.

>> No.256663

What did Mana mean by this?

>> No.256740

EU weebs usually know English and don't care if anyone speaks their language.
Spaniard and maybe French weebs too, are probably the only ones that come close to Russian weebs

>> No.256744

She meant trying to jump the hype train and get free views from YouTube algorithm. Business as usual.

>> No.256769

>I have no idea what you're trying to articulate.
That GDP does not matter here.
Simps be always simping and if they don't have the money then they usually also don't have time to simp.

>> No.256928

Basically, if instead of aiming for Russian market they just hire English and Japanese speaking russians, and market them towards Japanese and international audience, and the lesser part of their revenue will come from actual Russians, that might work.
But OP says that russia is the biggest market, which is laughable. Portuguese and Spanish languages cover both parts of Europe and Latin America, and it is legitemately huge market.

>> No.256942

Bangladesh has a larger population than Russia. Landmass doesn't matter that much

>> No.256987

Are you measuring market size just by landmass?

>> No.257092

but aren't you then basically stuck with appealing only to russians

>> No.257232

Instead of greentext:
Once upon a time I looked at /trash/wvt
Saw post telling something like "omg this russian vtuber is cute she is my daghterwife now"
Went to purple site to see what's that about.
One of the first phrases I hear is "I have a gastritis". Closed the tab.
At least she was trying to appeal to foreigners and not russians, so she understands the market pretty well.

>> No.257527

I can barely understand your ESL drawl. What exactly did you find unappealing?

>> No.257606


>> No.257724

Used to watch her, but not anymore. I dont like woman manipulation and she clearly knows her audience and how to push their buttons.

>> No.257803
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>> No.257860

Not based, just no self-respect and no quality standards.

>> No.257872

Not really.

>> No.257921

wtf i love gura now

>> No.257939

Seems based on first glance, but when you think about it, browsing the boards on stream is too in-your-face.

>> No.258016

She's usually like that. She doesn't act like she's in it for the money at all.

>> No.258074

Anon asked about imageboards during her previous stream and she actually answered. Tl;dr she knows about vtuber threads but too afraid to read them since she cant take unfiltered negativity very well. Sometimes even chat bullies her, but not in malicious way.

>> No.258391
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>Heroes 3
or Tarkov, which seems to have a decent amount of streamers in Korea and Japan, surprisingly. World of Tanks/Warships and WarThunder dedicated vtubers could also get a decent following globally.

>> No.258454

>dedicated vtubers
Not a good idea for obvious reasons

>> No.258662

it's significantly harder to be a generalist content creator and have a decent following than getting a following by having your own niche or being meta, even though your growth might be limited.

>> No.258859

Its a hard limit. Too niche and you get screwed, even if you are good entertainer. Why become a v-tuber just to stream, i dont know, warthunder?

>> No.259071

I heard somewhere it’s best to split content 60-40, 60% niche and 40% variety.

>> No.259246

Is this a company that's launching with vroids?

>> No.259424

Lots of India is just connecting to the internet for the first time. It's like they're starting at the very easiest media to consoom, action movies and dramas. I give it about a decade or so to having a large dedicated audience to 2D entertainment.

>> No.260080

earth-chan real? :O

>> No.260220

is she using kurwa each minute with a vodka shot?

>> No.260718

Not anymore, no.

>> No.260784

why not :(

>> No.261050

She's Mana now.

>> No.261133

I mean it's close enough.

>> No.268030

>Botan and Ars have pretty decent Russian followings

I can see it.

>> No.268079



>> No.268727

>World of Tanks/Warships and WarThunder dedicated vtubers could also get a decent following globally

Probably not a good idea to hitch your wagon to dying games.

>> No.269503
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Explain Botan then

>> No.269909

They ran to Botan, three stripes and COD russian words.

>> No.270051

>I will end her menopause
Not surprised given the amount of russian mature porn.

>> No.270696

Damn, Russkies are pretty funny.

>> No.271922
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Clipped moments from her streams, subbed. That's how majority finds her channel.
Countered by underages and straight outta twitch undesirables.
You saw annoying english speaking fags spamming demands to say thing or play game? Now imagine if it never ends.
Also haha funnies in form of 'lets seize this chat', 'RUSSIANS FORWARD', 'any russians here??' (chat is 70% cyrillic at this moment lmao).
Not counting downright retarded assumption that she understands what you write to her IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE. It bothers me because it gets way out of hand recently, her older rus fanbase is practically fuming at this point.
Yeah sorry for the rant here have some more funnies.

>> No.272410

You’re not alone. It’s a good thing most of them are watching only a couple of vtubers which I don’t like anyway but every time I see these comments they really annoy me. Nothing you can do about it though, translators are just making money and don’t really care about the consequences.

>> No.276614

russians are cool in my book, why the self hate?

>> No.276679

+large population
+very active in anime/weeb/otaku community
+English is not widespread
+largely untapped market

-No colonial footprint, only Russia and a few adjacent areas speak Russian
-poor country
-corrupt and crime-ridden society, safety of someone suddenly coming into a lot of money is questionable
-vulnerable to backlash over geopolitical events in the same way Chinese Vtubers are

>> No.276737

i need a russian vtuber that plays dota 2. that'll be entertaining

>> No.276845

>corrupt and crime-ridden society, safety of someone suddenly coming into a lot of money is questionable
Nobody gives a fuck about your money. Don't act retarded and you will be fine.
>vulnerable to backlash over geopolitical events in the same way Chinese Vtubers are
Nobody gives a fuck as long as you are not openly opposing current government.

>> No.276976

>vulnerable to backlash over geopolitical events
Russia gets antagonized on a regular basis by mostly everyone. The only difference is that China operates on lucrative business and cheap labor which is why corps and hollywood don't try to bring up China unless it's to shine a good light on them, while Russia doesn't have that huge of an influence in business deals.

>> No.277631

What kind of absolute turbofaggot won't like cute nekomancer of desk slamming, banshee screams, go homu and abducting everything that looks cute to her?

>> No.278056

>safety is questionable
Ahahahahahah. Maaan. What an expert you are talking bullshit with such confidence.
>vulnerable to backlash same way Chinese are
Ahahahahahah. Maaan. Why do you even write this when you have no idea what you talking about? Like, you can ask actual russians and get all answers.

>> No.278149

Damn, i read it again and noticed
>large population
when will you retards learn the difference between population size and market size

>> No.278549

bangladesh and india are 3rd world subhuman shitholes where people literally shit on the street anon
russia is the only country that can be considered 1st world which has a top 10 population

>> No.278599

Why do you talk like a faggot? It's not even an ESL thing.

>> No.278739

Someone told me I was overdramatizing in this very thread.

>> No.278749

That was me.

>> No.278859

No particular reason.

>> No.278883

holy shit, the cope
Russia is second-world, and it's an ok place to live, but it's no Europe. Outside of DC 1-2 and other larger cities it's an absolute commie shithole.
Anyway, the first-second-third world doesn't refer to the quality of life, it's about the sides they picked.

>> No.278903

>outside of the cities

>> No.279162

>Anyway, the first-second-third world doesn't refer to the quality of life, it's about the sides they picked.
the definition has changed a very long time ago kid

>> No.279294

try living here and see for yourself
then realise 20-30 years back it was even fucking worse

>> No.279638

Don't twist my words, I said outside of larger cities, faggot. It's very relevant.

>> No.279668

And who changed the definition, pray tell? That's literally what it means, you can't just change it.

>> No.279723

you can look it up in a dictionary underaged esl-kun
while you are at it you should also read up on how a language works
stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.279737

>Implying yt chat is not cancer in any language.

>> No.279830

Lack of life experience + abundance of western media. I met people who considered 90's the best time in history of Russia.
Don't get me wrong, its not a paradise by any metric, but some people are too biased or downright malicious towards their own country and that makes me sad.

>> No.279843

suka bliyat

>> No.279871

Nice ad hominem. It takes years before a shift like that occurs, and the fact that a lot of people are confused about the definition of a word does not make it correct, are you retarded? Also, English is the third language I learned, and it's a piece of cake.
It's also pretty funny how you project your personal insecurities into this, we both know there's nothing wrong with being young. I wish I was underage.

>> No.279921

I liked that rus girl which collabed with Moona, she was very cute

>> No.280070

gee maybe there are reasons for that

>> No.280094

Name them, we can discuss.

>> No.280202

how about living in a shithole which is only not some africa country tier irrelevant because it happens to have a big pile of valuable rew materials and some social credit left over from USSR
or average fag being a nature born slave with double digit IQ that only gives a shit about his daily alcohol dose and entertainment and is happy to live in dirt and drag down everyone with him

>> No.280243

English is more widespread amongst those who would enjoy VTubers or weebshit in general.

Corruption stems largely from boomers in high places milking the population. The boomers in question are largely unaware of how tech works, nor do they really understand how modern entertainment is monetized\how it works. A lot of remote\internet-based business operates outside of their competence and reach. Attempts to shut down sites are largely laughable unless it's some heinous shit like CP.

Colonial footprint-wise - the whole former USSR speaks Russian as a common language between one another.

Geopolitical memery-wise - again, younger people won't give two shits about someone slipping up about Crimea or whatever. The older population, troll factories, and room temp IQ cretins, however, are bountiful in the sense of politically provoke-able people. However, older people won't give two shits, troll factories are primarily occupied with completely another set of tasks, and room temp IQ cretins can be met anywhere. Imo, the backlash thing ultimately hangs on two things:

1) Will the mass media and thus boomers\30-40 somethings become aware of the phenomena.
2) How actually popular the VTuber stuff will become. Yes, streamers are very popular here, and anime is quite popular as well. Later may be a counterintuitive thing, but I digress. More audience\less insular audience equals a higher degree of attention from NKVD and a higher density of window-licking crayon munchers.

English is much more widespread than most westerners think. Generally, the more educated\smarter or younger the sample of Russians, the more will know English.

I might have forgot some points, but here, have a take of a Russian.

>> No.280322

Russian weebs are a dedicated bunch, but I doubt Japanese vtuber companies would actually be willing to open branches in Russia.
Didn't the authorities there ban Death Note and some other anime recently? All the authoritarian bullshit could lead to potential YAB for buichuuba.

>> No.280400

Good take. I reckon once a chuuba gains traction in the Motherland, we’ll get some initial silliness like we had in 2007 with traditionalists writing in newspapers no one reads, and some meme-hungry wanker will get a vtuber do an interview on Channel One. But ultimately, not enough people will give a shit and will switch back to hating fags and westerners.

t. Russian that got away

>> No.280512

>Didn't the authorities there ban Death Note and some other anime recently?
fandubbed version on literally one website
yes local authorities are this fucking retarded

>> No.280570

>fandubbed version on literally one website

>> No.280636

don't live in shit
visit africa before you open you mouth pidorakha
>nature born slave
everyone is a slave if he's not sharing your opinion, or what? People work their whole lives. Everywhere.
>double digit iq
not limited to Russia
>daily alcohol dose
not limited to Russia and not as widespread as it was
are you for real
>happy to live in the dirt and drag down everyone
generalizing much?
tl;dr too biased. Are you that one guy who posts pigs with tricolor?

>> No.280713

How’s life in Voronezh?

>> No.280735

>bangladesh and india are 3rd world subhuman shitholes where people literally shit on the street anon
same as USA

>> No.280758

I don't live in Voronezh. I also don't live in DC or DC2, so don't even try.
Is this a personal attack or something lmao

>> No.280901

>vulnerable to backlash over geopolitical events in the same way Chinese Vtubers are
Not even comparable to Chinks
Unlike them Ruskies can hold a private opinion
They just can't actively talk shit about government.
Russians could get salty about some political shit but i find it hard to believe any streamer would just start talking about Crimea or Nawalny and even if they did nobody would start chasing some Jap company over this.

>> No.281025

>don't live in shit
You don't get born talented enough to find a better place and leave or born into a rich criminal family - you live in shit the whole life
>visit africa
literally same shit but too hot and nignogs instead of gopniks, no wonder the relationships with them were always going well lmao
>>nature born slave
>everyone is a slave if he's not sharing your opinion, or what?
slave is a mindset which is average russian is - obedient little sheep willing to lick the master's boot for a warm place and bottle of vodka or cheap beer
>not limited to Russia and not as widespread as it was
imagine being this fucking delusional
>generalizing much?
look sounds like i struck a nerve here
>tl;dr too biased. Are you that one guy who posts pigs with tricolor?
No but i should to piss off the faggots like you

>> No.281293
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Botan but crazier

>> No.281336

>West has e-thot culture.
the only russian streamers anyone in the west knows are camgirls

>> No.281543

>They just can't actively talk shit about government.
this is the same as china lol

>> No.281587

>not talented or rich = live not as good as talented or rich
doesn't happen in NORMAL countries lmao
extinct. Bydlo is still bydlo tho
>muh mindset
something something wrong climate something something wrong nation
you are. If you show up drunk you get fired, or punished and warned (exactly once, then you get fired). Even if you smell like alcohol management can and will obliterate your ass.
>struck a neeerve
yeah right literally seething rn
>мoя бopьбa

>> No.281634

English is clearly the largest vtub market in Europe

>> No.281685

You are both wrong actually. You can talk shit anywhere outside of television, as long as you don't try to start mass unrest.
There IS one big no-no and it is, unsurprisingly, nazism. I don't need to explain this one i hope.

>> No.281809

not surprising english are cuck

>> No.281919

>doesn't happen in NORMAL countries lmao
In normal countries you don't have to fucking survive
>extinct. Bydlo is still bydlo tho
same subhumans different name
>If you show up drunk you get fired, or punished and warned (exactly once, then you get fired). Even if you smell like alcohol management can and will obliterate your ass.
literally only in corporate slave sector, you get a big initial salary carrot for a reason
>yeah right literally seething rn
I'm not the one defending a literal shithole being called a shithole. Oink harder piggy maybe your master will notice (he will not you're nobody)

>> No.281961

Rubles are just slightly above ARS tier.

There needs to be about 6 times as many russian weebs as other Euros for the market to be worth it.

>> No.282034


What happens when nip vtubers pull the まじ卍 out?

>> No.282096

>normal countries
sure thing, and everything is free, and you don't even need to work or do anything
not same. Bydlo is just bydlo, lesser criminals are actual subhumans.
>only in corporate slave sector
objectively wrong. I agree with you about some retards not enforcing alcohol-free policy hard enough, i give you that.
>literal shithole
we're not talking about your head brother
>personal attack, implications about being paid

>> No.282180

It's literally free money you fucking retard.

>> No.282201
File: 406 KB, 617x617, 1608094974498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you, russkies.

>> No.282235

Nothing. I don't remember any precedents about other languages containing no-no symbols.

>> No.282264

+richer than india and indonesia
-relatively small population
-still pretty poor overall
-lots of different timezones

>> No.282289


>> No.282297

Why would you pay the opportunity cost to bother setting up a russian vtuber agency when you could target a market with currency that's actually worth something?

Hell, even targetting spics would be better. At least some of their currencies are actually worth something

>> No.282300

not nazi swastika so no one cares

>> No.282383

Retards who can't see the difference care. Which is about 100% of people who care about nazi swastika.

>> No.282444

nobody cares about retards, this is not america so idiots too stupid to know recent and widely covered history get laughed at

>> No.282462

Why bother about anything but USD or EUR by your logic.
On the other hand, JPY is going worse than RUB at this very moment. If you actually want to make a point talk about no disposable income in russian pocket, at least it's the actual truth.

>> No.284239

Can confirm, Planya is pretty terrible

>> No.284242

I don't care about all this faggoty, god damn it, just give me russian loli vampire

>> No.284439

>this is the same as china lol
Except Chinks are do fucked up in the head they believe in the propaganda unironically

>> No.285293

Pick one

>> No.285314

Russia has extraordinary amount of lolis

>> No.286103

>this is what americans actually believe

>> No.288033


>> No.290607

